HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-10, Page 3Sold only kr
Singer Sewing Machine Company
312 Manning Chambers 533 Board of Trade Bldg 8G4 Main street
CATARRH OF HEAD TRUE JOURNALISM.il'hich P�-ru•na Fe ,ez ed in a Short It is significant that men who have influenced their fel-
en and wu-
T ime. !lows tuost deeply have spoken Ji
rectly and unhesitatingly out of
their own best natures. Tiles' have
WORTH, 466 Quebec St.,
Pis London, Ontario, writes:
"I began using Peruna last Jan-
uary, when I had such a bad cold,
and I could not get anything to
help me.
"My nose and head were all
stopped up, so that I could hardly
get my breath. I thought at times
that I would smother, espee'ally at
"I have no trouble with that now.
The noise in my he:_d has all dis- One of four beautiful sisters was
appsair, d in conversation with a young gen-
"I know Peruna will do just what tleman who did not seem able to
you say it does. 1 cannot praise concentrate his affection upon any
Perone too highly, as it has done Particular one of them.
s i much for me. I hope my letter "Yea," she said, "I have been
will reach other atmffer rs." working in the kitchen all day.
Mrs. S. J. Kountz, 1015 Scovel Mother thinks it is wonderful how
street, Nashville, Tenn., writes: I have learned to cook. I baked
"I have had a very bad cough bread and pies to -day, and besides
nearly all my life, and I am forty- that I prepared the dinner, as it
five years old. I have taken al. was the cook's day off."
most every kind of cough medicine "Is that so?" said the young
that has ever been made, but none roan. "Miss Gladys," he continu-
did ine much good. I would have ed, while she tried not to look ex -
spells of coughing that I thought 1 pectant, "there is a question I want
would cough myself to death. 1 to ask of you, and on your reply
took Peruna, and last winter and will depend much of my future hap -
this winter I have had no cough, piness."
and I know that Peruna cured me." "And what is it?" she asked, get-
_ ting a little nearer to him.
"I'm thinking of proposing to
KNEW HIS FAILINGS. one of your sisters; will you make
Nan—"That's a beautiful soli- your home with us?"
taire Dick gave you. I wonder •f
you know what a fickle young man
he is?"
Fan—"Indeed, I do; that's why
I made hire give me such an ex During the past four years the
pensive oars." Cobalt Silver amines have been dis-
covered, developed and found to bo
the richest silver mines in A,neri-
lieu One Hand ('arae to be Chosen
A medicine that will keep children For :special Training.
well ib a great boon to every mo -
Fixed in all our militaryand so-
ther. This is just what Baby's
Own Tablets do. An occasional eta( customs and living at the base
'lot waited upon current opiuiou, dose keeps the little stomach and of luuguuge itself urs two facts
moot repeated the current phrases; Low•els right, and presents sickness. t�hich salve the riddle and make
they have not weighed their words During the hot weather months sour whence and haw right bun i
against their prospects of advance• stomach troubles speedily turn to I eduoss arose. In all tribes and
ment, nor fitted their teuchi,i tc• fatal diarrhoea or cholera infari_ cuuutries since man used imple
their prevalent mood. They hay, tum and if a medicine like Baby's uu:uts of utleuse and defence, the
said what they believed, frankly Own Tablets is not at hand the sinistral or cardiac lido was pro -
and courageously. They have net child may die in a few hours. Tho tc.ted by the shield and the sinis
calculated the chances of accept- wise mother will always keep a box tral hand was called the shield
arses; they have spoken what seem- of Tablets in the house and give hand, as the dextral was called the
ed true to them and left the resu't them to her children occasionally
spear baud. Next to lighting and
to God. Atmospheric influences ass to clear nut the stomach and bow- cctKen,p�nary with it was the need
very powerful and persuasive and els and keep thein well. Don't c f barter. Now, the fundamental
only strong natures olerconme wait until the child is sick --the do_
condition of bartering was count
theta; contemporary currents are Say may cost a precious littie life. tag with the low numbers, one to
often swift and wide, only resol ire Get the Tablets now and you may ton. The fingers of the free or dex-
sculs breast and baffle them. Bat feel reasonably safe. Every ma -
hand here, naturally, first
nc one can really speak to men th 1 tl:er who uses these Tablets praises used. Every drill and action of the
words that uplift and invigorat•, them and that is the best evidence soldier, is dextral in every detail.
who does not develop this inward that there is no other medicine for The duminaucy of the right eye is
force, this victorious faith in the children so good. And the mother shown in firing from the right
truth as ho sees it. The more sen- has the guarantee of a government shoulder and sighting with the right
sitive a plan is the more force must analyst that the Tablets contain eye.
be put forth to express what is ori- no opiate or harmful drug. Dea-
ginal in him; but the original words lers sell the Tablets at 25 cents a
are the only ones that count; all box or you can get them by mail
others are echoes. We hide our from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
best selves as if we were ashamed Co., Brockville, Ont.
of them; but when we take courage
and speak of our deepest convic-
tions, our highest aspirations; we HAD MISSED IT.
suddenly find that we have ente ed Stout Lady—"Are you aware,
into sacred companionship with oar sir, that you deliberately stuck
fellows. and that the breath of sat your umbrella in my ear last even -
fervor has stirred the same fire of ing?"
nobleness in them that burns in Little Bifferton—"Very careless
us. Never give less than your best, of me, I'm sure. I wondered what
and your best is always yourself. became of it, and—would it be too
much trouble to ask you to return
A Life Annuity of FiFTY-TWO
DOE! .1RS is offered by the
OIIAN:;E MEAT people to the ono
sending in the largest number of
bottoms of ORANGE k1EAT pack-
ages before May 31, 1909. This
means that the winner will receive
One Dollar EVERY \VIiEK, or
FIFTY-T\VO DOLLARS every year,
as long as ho or she lives, or they
can exchange it for a CASH PRIZE
Besides the above there is a sec-
ond ('ash Prize of ONE Ii1'Ni)IIED
DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes
as follows:—
Ten ('ash Prizes of TWENTY
DOLI.A 115 each.
Ten ('ash Prizes of TEN DOL-
LARS each.
Twenty ('ash Prizes of FIVE
DOLLARS each, and ONE HUN-
DRED t'ash Prizes of ONE DOL-
LAR each.
The only condition attached is
that }.u, reit nut the bottoms of the
°RAN(:' M EAT packages and
send them in to ORANGE MEAT,
Kingston. The bottom of n Jumbo
package counts equal to Three of
the smaller size. You should be
able to win one of the above prizes
it you start immediately and get
, your friends to help you. Send
ityour name and address to
ORANGE M EAT, Kingston, TO-
DAY, and state that you are en-
tering the contest. It is surely
worth trying for.
in 'radii !tome of the bats mea-
sure ti feet across the wings.
There are six Englishmen to one
Fligli-he.iusii in India.
There are mere fragrant white
flow,•rs t, n of any other color.
Dmibths .orae people go around
looking fo? charity because of what
it is supposed to cover.
The typhoid bacillus is so minute,
says a (feeler. that a drop of water
might contain millions.
Men should
look for this
Tag ou
Tobacco. Et
guarantee thehigh quality of
Black Waib
ca. The Cobalt district is reache 1 -
via the Grand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem. Pullman Sleeping Cars bo-
ing available right to the heart of
the camp. The territory is situaied
about 100 miles north of North lily,
or 326 miles north of Toronto
Write for free copy of illustrated
booklet to J. D. SleDonald, D P.
A., Toronto, Ont.
About the only tirne a man is
master in his own house is when his
wife is away on a holiday.
No Alcohol in It.—Alcohol or
any other volatile matter which
would impair strength by evapora-
tion does not in any shape enter
into the manufacture of 1)r. Tho-
mas' Eclectric Oil. Nor du clinma-
tit, changes affect it It is as ser-
viceable in the Arctic Circle as in
the Torrid Zone, perhaps more
useful in the higher latitudes,
where man is more subject to colds
from exposure to the elements.
Lawn -tennis is, in the opinion of
n prominent doctor, the most
healthful form of recreation.
Much distress and sickness in
children is caused by worms. Mo-
ther Graves' Worm Exterminator
gives relief by removing the cause.
Give it a trial and be convinced.
The chance of two finger -prints
being alike is very remote — leas
than one in 64,000,000,000.
Satisfaction means "that which
satisfies." Use "Salado" Tea and
)ou will appreciate this definition.
Sold by all grocera in sealed lead
packets only.
A German named Louis Kauffeld
is the inventor of a new kind of
glass which will neither crack nor
bleak. it may bo chilled in ice-
cold water and then placed on a
blazing lamp without any resulting
injury. A lamp glass made of this
remarkable material mar, in cases
of emergency, be used fn place of
a hammer to drive in nails or put
ecwn oilcloth, or break coals, or
e1 en as a life preserver --it makes
no difference to the lamp glass,
which remains uninjured. Water
placed to • vessel made of this glass
sae be quickly brought to boil.
Don't waste other people's time
cable you are wasting your own.
Alcroon---"You say she has only
S?Shea In a place of amusement."
A. J. Pattison & Co., Toronto,
state that the recent failure of A.
O. Brown & Co., of New York will'
not affect Canadian investors, all
their business was carried on in
Canada through Canadian brokers,
and if the firm do not nay in full
the brokers will be the Losers. The
New York market has been active
and prices advanced beyond any
immediate warrant—with recent re-
eessions. However, every ono
knows that Wall Street anticipates
events. and there is certainly
marked improvement in trade con,
ditions, which promises to not only
MOTHERS1 increase, but to be permanent. The
will -established dividend paying
Give the Children a Chance stocks are undoubtedly a safe in-
vestment and at present prices will
pay a good rate of interest. They
Spanking does not cure children will sell higher after the Presiden-
e.•f bed-wetting. There is a consti-• tial election—if not before. In thetutional cause for this trouble, Toronto market the advance ;n
Mrs. M. Summers, Box 100, Winch.Mexican Power which we recoil).
ser, Ont., will sand free to any mended to our clients at 50 to 71
mother her successful home treat- and San Paulo to 150 are the
meat, with full instructions. Sonac� tures. The buying at these pricey
no money, but write her to -day if is probably foreign. Tho Englistj
your children trouble you in this and French investor are more fay-
avway. Don't blame the child, the orable to South and Central Am -
chances aro it can't help it. This erican investments than the Cana.
treatment also cures adults and dian. The 'settlement of Dominion
aged people troubled with urine Coal -Steel differences will not now
difficulties by day or night. be long postponed, and we look for
a substantial advance in the price
BACK TALK. of this stock.
The raining market has been ex -
"Let me see," began Mr. Hen- ceedingly active, largo numbers of
peck, "the wooden wedding is the shares changing hands. Prices have
fifth anniversary, isn't it?" advanced slightly, but dividend
"No," snapped his wife, "when payers are still selling under their
one marries a blockhead it's the market value from the standard of
ceremony itself." earning.
The American investors are pur-
Sure Regulators.—Mandrake and chasing heavily. Our reports from
Dandelion aro known to exert a the Larder Lake Gold fields are
powerful influence on the livor and highly encouraging the permanence
kidneys, restoring thein to health- of the Camp is stated to be assured
cul action, inducing a regular flow and the extent of the gold -bearing
r 1 the secretions and imparting to belt if confirmed will make this
the organs complete power to per- camn the ercatest gold field in the
form, their functions. Those valu- world. Why not. Cobalt is now
able ingredients enter into the com- In its partially developed state, the
position of Parmelee's Vegetable greatest Silver Camp—and they are
Pills, and serve to render them the only a short distance apart. -
agreeable and salutary medicine
they are. There are few pills so
effective as they in their action.
You don't have to go to a rink
to see a lot of cheap skates.
Ito not give up In despair, yon who Puffer.
from obstinate disfigurements of the skin. Annoint
Pie ',we a et.' with Ltea,er', Corate and purity
Pao blood with Weaver's Syrup. All druggists
Leap thou,.
Visitor—"And you escaped frorn
the wreck?" Longshoreman—"Yes
mum." Visitor—"How did you feel
when the waves broke over you t"
Longshoreman—"Wet, mum ; wer-
ry wet."
In the treat,n nt of summer com-
plaints, the most effective remedy
that can be used is 1)r. J. D. Kel-
log's Dysentery Cordial. It is a
standard preparation, and many
people employ it is preference to
other preparations. It is a highly
concentrated medicine and its seda-
tive and curative qualities are be-
yond question. It has been a po-
pular medicine for many years and
thousands can attest its superior
qualities in overconming dysentery
and kindred complaints.
Dr. Price-Price—"You aro very
prompt and I thank you, but, really
I don't expect you to pay the bill
all at once if it's going to embar-
rass you."
The Patient—"Take it and let me
go! I'm grateful to you for spar-
ing my life."
NO. *6—O6.
1. The Difference in Smind Machines
9 It is a mistaken idea that sewing machines
arc pretty mush alike, when as a Matter
of fact there is a vast difference.
Ej There is but on.; machine that sews better
than any other—and that one is the Singer.
c This is because tho Singer idea is disc
tinctive— every year shows irprove_uent
in that idea.
9 This is because the Singer factorie: are not
only equipped with tools and machinery
better calculated to make good sewing ma-
chines than any other, but this equipment
is unique and not to be found elsewhere.
9 This is because a half century has been
devoted to training and specializing men,
each to do one thing best in sewing machine
construction. The Singer's superiority—
its lifetime -lasting value—does not appear,
on the surface.
(7 One machine does scw better than any
other—and that one is the Singer.
Bonds and Stocks Bought
and Sold on all -all Exchanges
Correspondents — Chas. mead dt Co., flembers
New York and Boston Stock Exctu n;es.
ANG0For Neuralgia, He zdache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
LYM.AN BROS. A CO.. Toronto and t!ontre:d; 3.S111N KNOX a
t1.ARKSON, Turr,nlu; NATIONAI. DRUG CO., Lotld,rn,
A lovely magnifying glass MORE THAN EQUAL. �1 y- A, ate.n'a••ra of yta ad t1d
.. ��{.rrJ,.iril rt.,.:: and linin`
A mirror is to every lass. Lady—"You look robust. Are I xclrs age,
Her charms are magnified in it; you equal to the task of sawing Lockw3od .8 Ad. Lei E..
It duea not show her faults a bit. wood?" Toronto,
Tramp—"Equal isn't tho word, BRIM IAN
They Wake the Torpid Energies. mum. I'm superior to it. Good I
t V�nt.COBALT STOCKS 1.1a..no Naln 7(GS
—Machinery not properly super- mornin'1" y�ous(
vised and left to run itself, very
soon shows fault in its working. It Holloway's Corn Cure destroys
is the same with the digestive or- all kinds of corns and warts, root L U N G SICKNESS
gans. Unregulated from time to and branch. Who, then would en-
FAH, t:;, :, ;.:.� S. ;t,,,• DANN..
tido they are likely to became tor- dare them with such a cheap and Nr mous 7 ruublea, Eto., 1, a tire!)
pid and throw the whole system out effectual remedy within reach?
cure.( lay U!nits Wel
FIT !nmel
of gear. Parmelee's Vegetable bottles fit iron on septieaR'on. Write
Pills were made to meet such cases. "This," remarked Jt r. Softs, "i, as t.ifa:IG CO . I'h .obi St., Toronto.
They restore to the full the flag- my photograph with my two French •' - - -
ging faculties, and bring into or- poodles. You recognize roe, eh?"
clot all parts of the mechanism. "I think so," said Miss Caine. The Mild Climate of Virginia
"You aro the one with the hat on,
are you not?"
Puts Von en Your feet and keepsyr.0 there
That's what '• r.rr..vim" d..e, for all th ow re
e•,'ering fr .m wa.tinz .Ii•e.s•.•. 1t is the be.t
I nl.• an e•i.tno. a It •tiauulates, uuuri,lrea and
builds up the system.
And sometimes a man gets mar-
ried in order to have someone be-
lieve his talk.
It will be noticed in the Singer
Sewing Machine Company's adver-
tisement that there are three ad-
(Itesses at the bottom of the an- EASY.
nouncement. Any one writing will Willard --"Papa, niay 1 go swim -
please address them at the nearest ming ?"
the of the three places to his post Papa—"Why, Willard. only an
office. h• ur ago you cu:nplaincd ..f a pain
'n v»ur stomach."
SHE \VAS EXPEiRIENCEI). Willard—"That's all rig'.t, papa.
"Neter mind, dear," she said, 1 can swim on my back."
reassuringly, as she raised her r-sses
sweet face from his shoulder, and R BICKERSTAfF &
they both saw the white blur on co.,
his coat ; "it will all brush off."
"Oh, Charlie," she burst mut,
sobbing, hiding her face again upon
his whitey shoulder : "how do yon
know 1"
If you are fond of fishing, canoe-
ing, camping or the study of wile
animals look up the .Algonquin Na
tional Park of Ontario for your
summer outing. A fish and gain
preserve of 2,000 acres interspers•d
with 1,200 lakes and risers is await-
ing you, offering all the attractions
that Nature can bestow. Magnifi-
cent canoe trips. Altitude 2,06,1
f: et above sea level. Pure and ex-
hilarating atmosphere. Just Vie
place for a young man to put in hie
Rummer holidays. Hotel accommo-
dation. An interesting and pro-
fusely illustrated descriptive pub-
lication telling you all about. 't re•ti
Hee on application to J. D. Mc•
Donald, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont
Stooks, songs, Debenture,
and Peal Estate.
Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stocks oU
Can•mda and united States.
Orden arc,-at••d with pr•,rnptu.a+. (',rre,-
ponden-e .-,lir.ta I.
811 to 857 Traders Bank tutidtrg, Toronto, lint
F LY livery packet
v.•atl k111
More nln. than
P*00AS @heats
of sticky paper
10o. par packet, or 3 packets for 211a
will lent a wht.10 Mason.
offer. splendid '.tq. rinnitie+ f..r at .,k r..i•Ing,
fruit gr.winz, 1(,:: sirs,t .arid farming.
Winter, are •hart. 1 Iitn.ate 1 -and
•s ...1 and selling bel..w it• ,aids but Increaang
is rains eachear. Many Canadians are (Using
Is Virginia. Write for information to
U. W. I(01Y1:11.
Commissioner of Agriculture,
Alta Is um
bel! Organs ars
a130 world famed
nen-1 for ria C'atal..g
No. 73 to
the Bell Plano and Non ii Co., lid., WO, 0i11
haw mneh revAteyhs enald gars by using a
ralrhsnk, N•.rae Jark-nf at:- 1 ra.fes (Ia..•I10e Pa -
eine t.a saw wood.ump water, grind feed, to.,
we w..uld m,t he able 1 ..,apply the .demand.
('ut tht. ad out and se:rd In es 19-4ay, and we
will send you our free catalogs*.
I'M SoMdiN,ia5*s*ises., Limited, To•ont@, (`.e
U.a$rsal, Atsslpeg, Vane ,nor,