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Exeter Advocate, 1908-09-03, Page 6
CURRENT TOPICS. abhorrence of cremation, and! i especially since they later tuck !,, t 11 their bones and buried than, and VO V NO The universe has many surprises BAYS still later David rc'iuterrecl them in haul's own territory of itenlunuu 11'O\l►ERFI`I. SIETIHOI) OF FOLKS and is perpetually upsetting rho f L. `J e Sam. 21. t2 -tai. theories of the wise men with fresh The Blank Pages in Life's Book Tell of revelations regarding its nature 'I' •""""'v"""""""W�i And treasures. So that the wisest ManyFailures HABITS OF III:1100 SERVANTS' Alirele�: 'Phone 11111 he Int;,luabte �� GIFT AND A GAME. are in a state of habitual readiness Lorraine and Doris ti'estun al - 1I Not 11'atehed trill Sell Ilou�ehotd' in Factories and Hus,nees for novelties and pin nu faith to ways thought it the best of good past and present medics of know- Therefore to him that knoweth to earth's joys grow dim, its glories Mort' and Rent Out Washing. !louse.. news when they heard the Aunt ledge other than that they servo do good, and doeth it not, to hint pass away." 11'e have certainly no Excellent servant as the Lulian Laura was coming for a vii d honesty is not Wireless tele hon is the latest, fur the time being. To do otherwise it is sin.—Junes iv. 17. time to Luse in order to fulfil the is in many respects, P Y even David and Philip, the twins, St. James speaks of the blank Scripture's command: "Let hint la- one of his qualities, and he has to development of science. At Nur- t, hu were nine years old, and small is fatal, as scientific history testi !ages in the book of our lives. They bur, working with his hands the be strictly looked after when either emberg, Germane., Herr Wirth has !1lar,, who was not quite four. knew ► pica again and again. When Mother teach a lesson which is often over -thing which is ge•ud." money or goods are entrusted to 1'r'rtected an invention which he that sutnething pleasant was titre to Shipton predicted instantaneous lucked. 11'heneyer we go over our A Christian should never be gull- him. A mistress cannot gu tofu. cluruis rs capable of accomplishing happen when Aunt Laura armed her kitchen, consult the cook as to the steering of dirgible balloons. by VII her annual visit. communication between continents book of life we are mostly attracted is of that grave sin of killing a irelesa means. 11'ritin in bun her prophecy sounded visionary, by the pages written in gold that time"—that precious time which what the meals should be and what K What do you suppose it will be telt of our good works. But of these God has given him and which is his should be ordered from the she ,s don, The Daily Mail, '1'. Thorne 1" utopian, chimerical. But the in} this time asked David, as they r pages there are but few, and in time of grace. and leave the rest to him. She !taker says:— It is equally within all gathered at the sitting morn t ention of the telegraph made it most cases the "gold" is only brass. Many regard themselves as highly has to give hint out from her lucked the bounds of possibility to equip wiudowto watch fur father, who c ssible for New York and San Most of the pages are full of spots respectable as long as they hay© ,; , stores every spoonful of every- military airships with wireless tele- bad driven down to the depot to P11' phones ; day by day the weight of t' Parisand stains, and written on them arc not come into collision with the tau. thing that is required for the day's Francisco, and London totheapparatus—that vital factor—is. meet Aunt Laura. "Du you sup- ' come into immediate cummunica the works of darkness. There is But that is very little. The priest cooking, else the goods would be bungiminished, and who can tell dose it will be something lovely to scarce a day on which new pages end the Levite did no harm to the sold outside. how soon it will be made sufficient- o, or do you guess it will be pres- tion. When telegraphy was estab- of this kind are not added. victim of thieves, but they The dusters, the name in India sots 1" ly light to render possible telephon- Belied the vision became a reality.for every description of kitchen and P "Both!" declared Doris, hope - ?But in between there are pages 1)11) HIM NO GOOD. P Id navigate communication with those who ! But a wise fora long time was pith nothing written on them, and pantry and stable towel, have to be the sky( fully. That was their sin; so it was with doled out every day or every two "It's l , thought essential. Without this con- most people look at then! without Dices; he had not driven poor Laz days, the soiled ones being counted TESTS BETWEEN BATTLESHIPS Its Lire to be something we meting medium communication any disturbance of conscience. anus away from his dour, but henever thought of before," said Lor - and locked up till they are given One great value of wireless tele -would have been affirmed irnpos- thin quietudeven earofd thmind, ese rt saying: had not an opportunity J ito do f we lgoklbark ,to the dhobi (washerman), who phony lies in the fact that an in- thateshe itcoh uldt le skip wait for which the ant Bible. Now that wireless telegraphy "Thankmust not be allowed to keep the experienced man can talk by tele - God, thereneis a day on into our own book of life we can clothes of the household longer phone, while a trained operator is good time coming. is here, perforce it is accepted ns. which I have done enos evil:" Is find many pages that have remained Maryskipped, possible. Our senses themselves that true? St,. James in our text P g than is absolutely necessary or he required fur any form of telegra happily. a r PP too, and gurgled blank for our neglect of love. will let them out to his friends for phic work. Only recently twenty - When ly'• teem to be progressive, and as they says no. And then he opens our pp small sums—silk handkerchiefs for eight seta of wireless telephone ap- «len Aunt Laura jumped from h However, it is appointed unto advance they interpret the world eyes to the meaning of the blank men once to die, and atter this the feast days, stockings and woollen Paratus were ordered b} the United father's high cart and came run pages in the Then God will judge us. nin into the sitting -room, and anew. They find new forces, eta- judgment. l g undergarments in the cold weather, States Government, and tests were g g' BOOK OF OUR LIVES, firstly accordingto our works; sec- hugged n.arnma and kissed all the 1•c.arte new laws. The fire senses so that holes appear in unaccuatum- carried out between the battleships gg (gree well enough, but the sixth saying: "Therefore to him that ondly according to our words, when ed places Connecticut and Virginia, the dis- children, she ran hack to the porch knoweth to do good, and doeth it we must git'e account of every idle A laces. tgar (table servant) will lances varying between ten and and called to father, "Be careful undoes the work of thein all. It word; lastly He will look at all the he observed to wear a pair of cot -twenty-five miles. Every word of that box; there is breakable stuff g not, Hereto him it ist sin." pages ton socks one clay, silk ones the spoken was distinctly beard, and in it!" looks through walls, views past we must look back and note blank a spin the book of our lives and future, finds forms in empty the many shortcomings and neglects anti say : Why are they blank? next, woollen ones the next, not the trials were eminently satisfac- "Presents !" whispered Ducie;. Didst thou not have an occasion to belonging to his master—detection tory. The enterprise of the United and a little fear that it might be .•• space. through virion writes that we of our lives. The Roman emperor, MI them! Why hast thou not done ttould be too easy in that case States Government was thus as dolls crept into Lorraine's heart, i pass air without an effort, Titus, used to regard a day as lost it 1 For I was hungered and ye gave .but hired from some one else's successful as it was legitimate. for she was sure that she had all •but find iron resisting. on which he had not accomplished me no meat : I was thirsted and ye dhobi at aprice (a farthing)apair. One of the most up-to-date wire- the dolls she wanted. But none of i something good, and oh, how manyP P lost days and hours roust we con- gave me no drink; I was a strangerthe children asked a question. It A► the house servants of course!less stations is at the Technical The fess to our God when we look back and ye took me not in; inasmuch never wear shoes indoors the stuck- High School of Charlottenburg, was happiness enough for a while Our world is unexplored. ent a; ye did it not to one of the least togs suffer considerabh, and experiments were recently ear- lust to tell Aunt Laura all that had r universe is yet unrevealed. We,in the pursuit of foolishness on idle hours and wasted anys d not of them, ye did it not to me." This The cook goes to the bazaar every � ried out there with a portable mill - listen happenedo sincell her thingslast shvisit, and te ► do not know the future that awaits of godliness. Here we thin of neg- 's what the apostle wants us to re- morning to buy meat, fish. glfie tary station fixed thirty kilometres tell them. The winter was near! us. We do not know what will be member in regard to the blank peg- (native butter), vegetables—all the away. Masts were used in each, y leered work as responsible fes many e" in the hook of life when he says: ;ores, and the days were growing food in fact that cannot be stored, station about sixty feet in height, i revealed about ourselves, about evena blank page. Life is but shun:, and "Therefore to his.: that knoweth to g 1 P lc nger, and at tea-tirne Aunt Laura. the world, rho stars, the sea, theand his book is brought for ins sec- and the transmiasiun of s eech was if our years be three score and said : do good, and doeth it not, to him tion every day or else expenses perfect that it was not even nee- { ..I know of a love] invisible powers, the dead, the un- ten, yet it is true what we sing to it is sin.,, P essar to hold the receiver close to; . y thing to do f 4 that beautiful hymn: "Swift to its would increase in a surprising man' the ear. )est before Mary goes to bed." born. Glorious things may be ex- close ebbs out life's little day, REV. ERNEST A. TAPPERT. ner. He, of course, pockets a per- f pected. Theyare. We merely have tentage on all he spends; that is ARC LAMP'S PROPERTIES. !each otherjoyfully.)ori lookgooed at Practicallythe whole of the sec- tuns beginning dastur, the custom of the country, not found them. The coal lay in so promptly. "As 1 him—It was the part of an Eastern and so lung as it does not exceed ens advance made has been founded as David finishes his supper," the basun of the earth ages before THE SUNDAY SCHOOL servant to share the fate of his iper cent., c'ti the discovery of a method of pry-fP it was mined. Steam and electri- an anon in the rupee, it diming veryra iu electrical oast!- cor►linued Aunt !.aura, with her lord whatever it might be. uo one objects. But it is only by g P "I ► city existed long before they were 6. So Saul died—In 2 Sam. 1. long experience that one gets tu, tattoos. The electric arc lamp is pretty smile, and w�tat }i m Ilgorto utilized. The earth itself, the sun, 1-16 there is another account of his know proper prices, and newton- employed for the purpose, and it him kitchen, He must wet give • INTERNATIONAL LESSON, death, told by a messenger who is interesting to note with what ex g' his the noun and stars swung in theirers are woefully imposed upon, 100 ca and coat. What Maggie gives SEPT.6. r•_mes to David expecting a reward or 200 per cent. being often charg- traordinary properties tl,ia"rnudern hie he must take very carefully and ` orbits millions of years before hu- fol the news. The story maybe: illuminant is endowed. Simon dis-. ` man eye either inhabited or shuii- understood as a fabrication t,,the a The conk arran ee his rices to covered that by having a micro talk slowly to the front gate, and K prices t: sit there until we nil join him. ed them. It is not strange that I.ec�on X. haul and Jonathan messenger, or as another case of a1suit the circumstances of his rnas- phone attached in a special way to "I've finished• mysupper:" de- aecond independent record of thethe dynamo whichgenerates the things are now in existence little r P ter, and as soon as promotion with dared David. leaving a round Iain in Batter, Golden historic event. In any case the; iecreased pay comes up goes every - it electricity for running an are lamp 1 dreamed by the drowsy world. sluggish, ispossible-to make the lam sponge -cake untested and hurrying Cert, .1nw. a. 1�. most trustworthy record is the one; thing. so that a Colonel's beef orp' toward the kitchen. 1 encs is short sighted, before us. ;mutton costs more than a Major's. while burning, repeat every word or Aunt Lauraekit nodded, and in a. "creeping slowly point by point." Verse 1. Now the Philistines All his men—This does nut mean a Major's than a Captain's. a Cap sound Spoken into the telephone. minute or two said. "Now, Lor - 1 it cannot recognize what it cannot fought against Israel—This was no every man in the army. but is a twin's than a subaltern's. though ,1. actual "arc lamp concert'' was , t demonstrate. But as the race ad- (•order skirmish but the open clash brief summary of the awful fatale there may he no change at all in the given at Frankfort, at which the arc rains. you go to the then, take• was made to eek and singalmost that Maggie gives y cry care- yances it gathers testimony for of the massed strength of two ns.- ties of the day. style of living or in the number of P t„I1) and stand beside atnd at the tions. The mastery of Palestine like a human being. It was due verifying the visions of the seers. was at stake. —This could tmeanidactusshESdrae 1 thInttheieivil service the same thing t' 1)tiildell, three years later, hon and coat." sure and put on your hat The psychic element which appearsever, that the present system was alount Gilboa—:1 mountain peak, ton to on the west. or Ta happens. The pay of every lust inOne by one the children were Beat. __ increasinglyand also the range of adjoining bon on the Carmel •est. or across the the various services iepublished in inaugurated, for he discovered that'the kitchen, even little in modern researchMary nmone unexplained phenomena was hills. It formed the eastern 6oun valley- of Jezreel northward among the official lists. and the servants the a transformrc ancouldordinbe electric emed tor- tossing oft quite by herself. Then i- a.vined by the ancient philosophers. dary of the large lain of Esdra- the hills of Issachar. Zebulun. and know to a halfpenny what their rent into one which supplied else- Aunt Laura went down the path Flammarion finds that besides "the dun, and thougmentioned in the Naphtali. From any of these points; master gets. Some ladies to to do' rent oscillations of many thousand t., the gate. And there twinkled Old Testament only in connection the inhabitants might have been their own marketing, but things are Ter second, such as were thousand fife tiny lights from five tiny Ian- earth—theto successful ancients admitted a tired in much of the military- his- eutcome of the battle. Gilboa jut- for the natives in the bazaar. so,sten of speech. Yuulress the Dan -;toward her as if asking what joy e fifth. belonging to the material or- tory of Palestine. Along its ridge ied out into the plain in ouch a that there is no advantage in it. wr,uld come next. and it is, besides. extremely dis i'h physicist, made extraordinary The shadows were not very deep dor, which they named animus. the the Philistines fought and pursued ray that the happenings on its ridge;agreeable. for the less one sees of Progress with the system. and mak) 1f;aul'e forces. c••uld be seen for miles in almost tog the arc burn in an atmosphere now at six o'clock, but the tiny 1 soul of the world, the animatingthe stalls there, particularly the, principle, ether.'' 2. Sons of Saul—One son Ish- every direction. All the neighbor -v. hydrogen. and using apeeially+lights looked like dancing fireflies. boshetb (or Esh-baali was either ing cities, as far as the Jordan. meat stalls, the better. found it pow-: "Now." said :Aunt Laura. "we cooled elements. he f will hunt for the daylight. Mary not on the Geld, or ea;aped police, were left unprotected by the fall of sihle to generate a current of els.- 1 shall Ru ahead, then Doris and Cicero wr.•te of Aristotle that af- for he lived to claim Saul's throne this stronghold. P tricity sending r,ff waves half a rail-, ter having mentioned the four for a time. Three suns are said to When the Philistines came to It must make the owner of a !S, Lon to the second. Lorraine next, and the boys can aye paid the price of their prom -strip the slain—The unconcern with Oily automobile feel cheap when SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION. `walk right behind me." So the lit - which kends of material elements. "be be -i this custom is mentioned chased by a yellow cur that The simplest explanation of theltle precession filed down the %ha• lieves that we ought to admit a i5ence in the line f battle. g upony wouldn't brio 34centsat a sauna a dewy country road. Little flickers g 3. The battle went sore against throws light the inhumanity of g g method of tranemitt►ng speech is as bfth kind !rem which the soulpro- Saul—'The Latin version translates ancient warfare. Compare David's foundry. fr.11uwa:—These exceedingly rapid; of light could be 6ren here and there from the houses of neighbors, cceds. for, since the soul and the this."The whole weight nt the bat -treatment of the Philistine giant. wt:vea are sent off by means of an _ ,y tewaves and at the t Mary would wave her intellectual faculties cannot reside tit was directed against Saul." 9off hisey tarmoroff - h Theead aanoint nd d sl p hod. Hischnttonshare for ever ed s so station nspeiaking are sounut !zed sorm, lantern and say, happily. 'Not day - in any of the material elements, we The archers—The Israelites do pedlight.' must admit a fifth kind, which had 1 et Seem to have been pre-eminent of Jehovah fares no better than the coming off." Mrs.. Geode (severely) modify them that they carry the Down by the n;esd�.w para two l the use of the bow. The Philia- uncircumcised Goliath now that - •"Perhaps they are not eP1n ..n sound impression with them. The not yet received a narse and which tine archers advancingrapidly in Cod has forsaken him." The head properly.' Mrs. Gaddie—"•That-s eaves the sent off by means of an pheasants rose n ,tally and fled pcru�% the toad ; and when they he styles entelechy- : that is. sten- i their war chariots and sin lin out of a foe and his armor wereproud- lust it. Be."H.awfully careless aerial. or mast. and thus speech g g about his Sewing." j is transmitted in the form of else_ reached the deep ►hallow of the big n+l and continued mutement.'' .the leaders tvr their aim caused a ly displayed as trophies.e,ak. then. indeed. the hunt for dal- 1')thagrras and Plate a few thou- �l`anic of fear. 10. The home of the Aahtaroth— trust waves tc, anyone who is wait- ing to receive it. TFie receiving eek. really bees.. It was quite sand years ago declared that the' H'' was greatly dietres'ed — "In Or. the "temple of Astarte." of Mrs Neslysed- "Before we were g dark reale tom, the big tree, and great •traits." Whether this term which there was one at .1skelon. married yon Said that my slight'- t station is fitted with an aerial. Aunt Laura atonal all in line and world of ideas was the real and theimeans s condition of inward sgita- Beth-shan—A fortified town on wish should be your law." Mr. which collect% the wave%, and these told them to look toward the moil - Aunt of materialities the illusions, tion or of personal danger is hard the eastern point of the plain of Newlywed—''Exactly. my l.;ye: but are made to actuate the earpiece of d,,w fence, and walked in that di - you have ae, many ri oroua and n te,nghane. Both sending and ro-; a conclusion reached through ma- le tell. There is some weight in ladraelen. near Gilboa. It looked well-developedavfishes that I am as ceiling atatren% can be 'toned i. i rection. favor of the Septuagint shish out over the deep Jordan valleycoon-ins could not keep from t} erratical cslculatian by Reg nv)d• reads, `'he was assns wour+.ded. ' and g ardod western Palestine' yet •unable to decide •as tom, which is the manner already adopted in; kipping and afar-, whn alfrom of England. and along a different story the s1i Meat.'' i wi►eters telegraphy. %v that only According to the of 2 Sam. against an inraSir•n firm the east. g I the person to whom the message is. •vant.d to do what Lorraine did. arpamelit Sug¢estcd by Sir Oliver, 1 6 he "was leaning upon his 11 Jahe•h-ahead—:A 'irr.ng town addressed can receive it ?his is. `s}_iPPed. •fess,. and the small lanterns 1,c dge. Want of proof does .et dis s.^sear." centrally located cast of the Jvr- Towne—'There was s Spelling- ! et coutse, a matter of sital irnpos•.- tw inkl•d brightly. �� e•tablieh fact. F.tnerson de cubed 4 Armor -bearer — An office of (tan When it was in danger by an bee d,.+ern a our church the others ante i i warfare. and at prearnt the "•Aunt Laura had s package. the law .•t eyn!uti��n in his poetry; protec and involving the the duties of Nahattask of t},• .lgonert o i under `ode. D hd yea hear about tit ! m°st likely app!icatiun of speech saider Philip Lau rathe�n fdavliac : e." )sans C. {.•re Darwin had form„tat- ` protection to the king s person. Na ash. Saul had gone to itis help i without wires will be to natal and , 1.• nrrcemciscd —As circureci.e.n ,r1 sem. 11). and nos its inhabitants Brewne—"No : was it interesting''' ; &rmy s.,rk and s};i1 ping. he :ter than snrthinR''` der.ared rel his cteletierary hypothesis. And had beth a national and re!igieus :r, grateful remembrenee rescue the Tewne—•-Rather. The first three: USF:F'CL FOR )leer IAL WORK ltatid. as the third cloud of saes the inet-itahte c: r,dit: 'n that science s,gnifi-ane'. this term would held. h••.rly of their king and his Sr ns. 'ords he gave eu t,sere 'increase,' ; Aed:ed as to the likelihood o/ re lare'rl 'int'• ,flan• spot toward the • s;l the meaning cif our vtord• 11•hen David became king one of his •paste•r.' 'salary. ' wireled% tele h•,ny br ing ado ,ted Ii *kc, followed by Heinen tai le•• and 1 is net )et estshliehed the demon P F y t••aL n ter r.. ieh tttat is Seen noso s' en" and -infidel '- first sets was to .end a nes city or ��• ; the lose tefito. a preing ads (Arial thr, red light%. �'+s!e me—"slake Sport of rrc ":h1P�'in¢ t. the men of this cite sot; "Why are they called pyramids, te,ld ire thst it was sure to be used "Ar'''ray• it was !tot' s *AA • r (less by the poet, the prophet. c�.. .rue thinking. net :1 the menti their brave deer! t3 Sam. 2 5). grandpa 7" queried little Emerson. at some future time far special Lorraine. with a le,rig br'at'1 of 4At t' , s-•��. c• n.• argument :hat the iatinn of his body- of:cr death. but ' 12. Valiant men—Amtem who was looking at a picture o1 w..rk. though for the ordinary tJ•te ;•facti�,n The^ ill the tiny lanterns S• ens• l'4! parts, and the prophets of i::! indigttitie•e surf to be heaped for ''men r f army ” i those Eavotien wonder'. ' •They 14i,,r,ie business it c•,uid neer ►, -se-re %wun% Imo'. sad *11Fthe Phil- tre m error. upon him as a prisoner. Recall the' Vent all night—The distance by! are sailed pratnida. my bey." re- Lla�r the present system. in *bleb ellen torn ,twat happily t4sard C tele read 1t was n' ' Parr tr, travel. lied the id man. shameie'r•';r ,late•! Dern ) . n P Y',uth.' f••.mpank'n. Case el Samson. p ^.. torr, wires are tlbel. L%e -� 't' - �' gr it sore afraid—A mingling being a -•mewhat 'ver ten miles. ; • heran!e they appear amid the ger.- , Cee seethes. Bo; more than r,n• - �' of loyalty to his general and never- ,melt of it thr ;ngh territory now ! eral desolation r,f the de•err 1, stable viseie.s telephone is o. t TOO NEAR. (lar idea • f a roriantic girl .• este , wh., sends out £ntttatiens t., her cr.ee f•'r the per''n of "Cadalheld by the Philistine'4. A:herenpr•n the hall do -k tried to tic' Pyr est intr•eleiCtir,n, which sill e?ulclrent- sr,•iote 1 ' From the wall --Thi; fact of VA- hide its face with its handy t prove invaluable in factories ho,- Ham—"The c10�P► a roan Ret► to The'ref:-re Sall teek his sword •ger dean the belies and Psrapin[, I intala and large business )scusea, nature the happier he is " ItttR';el (to iaw)er s!a� is mak- aril lel: a , it—N •thintt but the t.n:•hser d evvld he accc.an ,;i•h•d 1f Ts:. Irishmen were one day- w.,rk- • where s ee:h ran be transmitted fib.—' That's not +bat rim sr.+d 'tali o*.11 his s ith--' f vent to leaf et'rer••ity of rle•l+.air weu}d lead a ! —as was probable the case -- thee! init on a farm. Just shoat dinner- 4 with the utmett readiness ever a when you slipper( en a plc-. of ;,a- cacit.!erk fire th••u.arid ei.•!'ar• d..t 1' '- •.*r te' take his r.�tn life: hie were hung fr-m the gate. of an nut -time they wore railed t'. din off a, distance of fire h'indred Yards or Lana peel yesterelaY " has r'+ -n in ray cmi•I''Y twrnty . ,s of the next lite as s shadows. `er stall shish enc!.:sed the market-II/knee ha•in of brr•t4 The farmer's mere Even in this compact little lr,,,n[ia sou "1'4, ee• 1 had t.'$►7 (.wryer --"Wt*. that's . e•oi-tits ,peiateree far away place just outside the city wall it- wife . nily had es , 'r -•,n. se •-e. eeparatus the. sp�esker has the pr,w- t• a 'iheral. Mr intake!." Minkel :•:.•i, (:.d. made him cling to thio 14.1f re Pat ,t fr•rk '' +',tt -•z• e. t- rr tr, runt his c!Priri^al resits f'rtplon*he•d t�,at ter;were ie:d ' said • "Ah. rt• t s it N ntc .ef i ni hat, ',ft There are but four e'tarrr`^s Rnrnt them there—By A Sti[I►t tine net'•in7. wk•' sr w-' -n:- put !articular pereen. so that while f`tthe first farmer. ' No: I ( my said i J. `1 .+:t 0:0 tins r.+. t.+%-• tint) rt , f (OK;de In all the Scriptures, (2 Avant• thee, weeds w-,,ld read, hum When it -ae 0 ' • •'' •-(` P• arrr,n, is rea'I' to, rM►i•.e a 'hire-1was thinking about ploughing it," re l `� a �1rd fr••P ad..•rt: evne' t S*rn 1� is 1 Kings le. 1': Matt ^ Adm lsm'nt*t;n. 1, •t them etnnt' Pa• ••:•l - ' ' - • r .... order fr„rn the "head.' thetsald the second farmer ' Oh. J a+ei f. - e:y t;-,1 - 1C3 i rn dead. d•ai d, 3 _ i) tkpr^ �' ?hie k thought nee•essarr Mike Yee d e a 1.::. a• .1 I'll letter individual will just speak i you se 'beret”. .truest 9 over 1n :- t" i 5 His street. bearer ...died with 1 b: s.•me beesuee of the $ebte+r's shovel i" aitA wheen he pleases. ;our mind :'' PHONE WITHOUT WIRES