HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-03, Page 51
ezetex Abliorate
aIOO It paid In ad.auce,
•1.80 a,ear it not so paid.
IToraftedStates subscribers$* 80 r, a Year Strict), in Advance
IdANPtati & t'REE, 11. :.,hers
Baby Carriages
or Co -Carts
and let the Baby grow.
Large and Beautiful.
The price is not large and
the terms are easy.
►.... -- —
2 6 octave Organs cheap.
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
Great Reduction.
Sowing Machines, I3icycles,
S. Children's Wagons, at prices
that will make you smile.
Fine Stationery.
Telephon e
The Bell Telephone Com-
pany of Canada
is about to publish a new issue of the
Official Telephone Directory
-FOR T1If{—
District of Western Ontario
including EXETER.
Orders for new connections, changes
of first names, changes et street ad-
dresses, or for duplicate entries should
be handed in AT ONCE TO
Local Manager.
Title woman says she was saved
from an operation byLydia E.
Pink haul's Vegetable oulpound.
Mrs. Frank Etnsle ' 11dsay,
Ontario, writes to Mrs. I�i1Jnkhant :
" When i wrote W you some time
ago, 1 was a very sick woman suffering
from female troubles. I had inflamma-
tion of the feminine organs and could
not stand or walk any distance. At
last I was confined to my bed and the
doctor said 1 would have to go through
an operation, but this I refused to do.
"A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkhant's
Vegetable Compound. After using
three bottles of it, I feel like a new
" I most heartily recommend Lydia E.
I'inkham's Vegetable C,ornpound to all
women who suffer with female
For thirty }ears Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
(lisplaeements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-
ing -down feeling, flat nlency,indiges-
tion, (1 izziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't von try it?
Mrs. Pinlcham invites all sick
wotnen to write her for advice.
She hasuided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
There was no preaching or Sunday
School in the Evangelical church last
Sunday. -Mrs. Ilse, who for the past
few years inede her home at the Coun-
ty House of Refuge, died there on
Monday of last week, having reached
the great age of 100 years and about 2
months. The remains were brought
to town Tuesday morning, the inter-
ment taking place in the Lutheran
Uemetery.-A dance will be held in
Haws Hall on Monday evening, Sept.
7th. Zurich Orchestra will furnish
the music.- The friends of Menno
Schwartzeotruberof the Bronson Line,
will learn with regret that be is not
improv i/lg.
Located Is Our Own Office Building.
Successors to
ETcesnes gni indiacret."lss are the Canso
of more sorrow and sutletmg than all other
diseases combined wo see the victims of
sicious habits cin every stand• the sallow,
fpimpled face dark circled eyes, stooping
orm. stunted development. bashful, metals.
cholic countenance and timer tearing pro.
claim to all the eorkt has folly aid tend to
Might hisezlsteoce. Ilurtreat mcnt positive-
ly cures all *CO men by overcoming pad
removing the effects of former Indiscretions
and ezcrssca It stops all drains and quickly
r cstores the victim to what nature inteoded-
a healthy and happy man w It h physical. men
tal and near funtcr complete
For °sero veers Ors. K. & K, Neve.
Treated won the greatest success all
tli of men and women.
If you have nt.y seen disease that Is a
•rry and a n,. • •• to your health c.'nsult
old established I ` . Adana who do not have to
cx , rimcr.t (Ai) •.
ton Fres. 1f t:r.a' : • t call, e.rae for a
question blank for (tome Treatment.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
aMttsa r
to flaneat fdelfts of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
V'rll-paid work for over 25,000 men.
one-way second class to Winnipeg. Free tickets from
Winnipeg to points where harvesters are needed,
east of Moose Jaw, and west of Moose Jaw to
Alberta at one cent per mile.
Apply to ticket agents for full cord't.ors
AUG. 14, 18
SEPT. 1, 8
Fr vri
Bar r.... we.e .. 6.1 set maid..
Tyres., !lee a rm.
from terr,torr
AUG. 18, 19
SEPT. 1, 9
From asdty, a Taws.-S.r.ia
i.a.. sad ani .4••.i a O.tsrto
AUG. 20, 22, 27
SEPT. 2, 11, 14
F•.- t.t v. F.r d Tomsk..
N ' 1t , i.e. to and isrk.d.a
5.t. t 1 she sad K.se••on
1. kss .cont
w•L�v .••, ,anft 54.er*..s
'.t Mai attest thew
w ."sate.. 1..11 see at h.li-tars et elan...
1t'.:1'5T 14. 18 sad 20 Arelr ti saes CPR Oast Was
I e Wan arnea .adient. nes Sara ea • ce wise
C 8. FOSTER. Alma Pauses Ages TORONTO
Sf.t• %Irs. A....., \t F ew•o to 1.1•'•.71'-'-vtr Trbhu•• .,' Js
has ' - sonic time bee:, arti't; as T' `+•t 7. \1 ti:' a •1 ro , . had t .r •n •'n tt
houscle . p• r for Mr. and Mrs. S. Plum- tu•te to h av•• s i-: ':-► i i t , :: I : t
mer. we. united in naarrlafa to %tr.' Teel ' i ,
Chas. S -•lit ; of Seaforth at t ., 1':..h.. i : at r. . ,. , , . •
tartan manse. at that dace Tuesday. portion of some of his fingers.
Mt. Carinel,
The people of this cli,triet and sur-
roundingcountry were in gala attire
here on uesdayy of last week, the oc-
casiou being the annual social and
bowling tournament. Rinks wet e pre-
sent from Exeter, Creditor), Dashwood
and Parkhill. A great number of
spectators enjoyed the play as well as
the social features of the gathering.
The 11t. C.tinuel ladies wire tolled to
the occasion of providing good things
for all to eat, and the concert in the
evening as well as the dance to the
music of the London harpers Wits
most entertaining. The two Exeter
rinks defeated their opponents at the
game of bowls and in the floats Ilea-
mau's rink won front Gladmau's rink
17-S, getting the gold headed cane
which It is said will be carried by the
boys in turn.
The suit of John Ward, stall carrier
between here and Clandeboye, against
the Township of 13lddulph to recover
sixty dollars, the price of a horse he
lost through detective roads on the
Saublc hill last winter, came up Thurs-
day. The decision was given In favor
of the defendants, -Miss Caroline Rowe.
who l.as made her home at Dr. Itos-
sack's for the past five years, left on
Friday for Montreal, where she was
married on August 29th to Wm. Mathe-,
son. Mise Rowe was a valued member
of the Presbyterian Church choir here
and on the eve ot her departure was
presented by the Rev. Mr. Stephenson
behalf of the congregation, with a hand
some silver bake dish and spoon. She
also carried away numerous other gifts.,
from her many friends in Inc village,
and surrounding country. -Jae. Sad!
ler, who has been representing Alanson
& Campbell of Chatham for the past
year, has moved with his family t o For-
est. -John Ward has sold his evapor-
ator to the Caledonia Evaporating &
Canning Co.,who intend improving the
property and carrying on a more e:-.
tenelve business. -The parties who leas-
ed several farms in this victntty Igat
fall for the purpose of boring for oil
and gas have arrtitd In town to begin
\-area,-II. Cook appeared before Pol-
ice Magistrate Andrews and was fin-
ed $20 and costs under the Ontario
Liquor Act. Varna 1s In the local op-
tion Township of Stanley, and Inspec-
tor Torrance's visit was unexpected. It
looked as though Cook had just unload-
ed a case of beer when the Inspector
dropped In.
Everyone needs something
to create and maintain
strength for the daily
round of duties.
There is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter, the
pu 1 ity and merit of which
1 has been attested by
chemists, physicians and
experts at the great exhih-
('ronarty-Andrew Park died at his
home in Dakota recently at t le age of
81 years. Deceased was an early set -
tier of Logan Townsklp. itis widow
who Is a sister of John McDougall of
•he south boundary ot lubber: survives
n and also one daughter and five
sone. Messrs. Donald and Malcolm
Park, of Cromarty. are brothers. and
M -s. Dineen McKellar is a stst3r.
-- eine- -
Many people are now counting the
boors when they ran leave for some
lake fpr river for an outing, where they
can fight mosquitoes and huge for a
(ow Jaye, and perhaps get drowned.
ft is is great thing and many of our
arrestors lived and diets not knowing
what a vacation or an outing meant,
There has been 'exhibited In this
• ountry from time to time. ani that
'a' too often. a maudlin and uncalle.l
'o- sympathy 10- criminals of certale
lase. If a man tom -lilts so r1± eo n -
non crime, like larceny o- burglary,
Me 111110 notice is taKen 0t the affair.
Let a man. however, cotnm't a murd'r
t t wht-ta a woman is In some gray !•-.-
volved, or any matter of a eeasa-
to al na•ur• b reran± t'i th ro+•t'h,
t' on^e a wave of unreasoning sym-
pathy 'weeps over th• land. Tile pa-
p•s are t111e I with It: The criminal
*, represented as th± yl^tam of me --
11 insanity. hie Is more slnee*d
Against than sinning. 11e is undes-
crving of punlshrn nt. he becomes a
hero In his own estimation and a
•nartyr In the eyes of 9. msuil -. •y -
pathtzers. Courts and juries are 'on-
ternn'I he•aus- •hey have 10 int
eU 1•y. and the mintst'r of justt't 1s
wee It he will no'coTtnu'e his
• tenet or pardon ham entirely•
Reports received a! tr.e Ontario
F. ult Hure•u from 12 apple ;rowers'
•s.oclatlo'ts indlcat• that th' aopl
crop 1s rtot 1.1 as ;roil a cond.tto
as It was • month s;). a-ai t•t t
a-esti•ct, now at. lo- a yield not se
goc<! As {est year with only a f•ir
• s nap y
IHeitmanFrank Noxou, sou of the Hev. Mr.
toxon, Georgetown, is the gout of
Ivan Ferguson. -George Case is mov-
ing to town and has rented Mrs. John
Illatchford's residence. -Miss Francis
Uoxwortb, who has been visiting her
uncle in Winnipeg, has returned. -
John Dick, wife and children, who
have been visiting relatives here, re-
turned to their home in Clarksburg.
Hensall Evaporator has started. Mr.
Joynt has enlarged the building suffi-
ciently to handle the entire output of
this section. -Rev. McKinley, who 10
years ago was junior pastor on Hen-
sall circuit, has been visiting in this
section for the past few days. He is
now in Toronto Conference and sta-
tioned at Holton. -The following went
West on Tuesday: Albert Harvey and
wits of Kippeu, James Logan and wife
of Hensall and W. Douglas and wife
of Blake. -Miss McEwen, daughter of
Wm. McEwen. attended the wedding
of her cousin, Neil McEwen in London
on Wednesday last. He was married
to a Miss Stewart of that city, They
now reside in the state of Arizona.
He is a son of Peter McEwen who
formerly owned the farm on which the
part of Hensall south of King street is
built. -On Wednesday of last week
John Buchanan, Lecturer on Field
Agricultural College, son of W. Buch-
anan. Hensall, was married at Roches-
ter, N. Y., to Mabel, daughter of S. J.
Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete
Wreck Results.
There are thousands, both men and
woven, who do not take time to eat
properly. They rush through life, and
as a result we have an age of indiges-
tion, nervousness, irritability, sleep-
less nights, and morose disposition,
Our national danger is stomach weak-
ness, due to the strenuous life.
Mi-o-na tablets, strengthen the walls
of the stomach and stimulate secretion
of the digestive juices. They make
the stomach comfortable and cure in-
Sick headaches, palpitation, yellww
skin and coated tongue are a few o
the many distressing results of indi-
gestion that Mi-o-na never fails to
W. S. Cole sells Mi-o-na in 50 cent
boxes, and gaurantee to refund the
money if it does not give complete sat-
Western Fair, Sept. 11-19.
The Western Fair from the standpoint
of an ag.ieultural exhibition is growing
in favor year by year. The management
are doing their utmost to make it suc-
eessful along these lines. A large amount
of stoney has been expended tele year
.,tt horse barns, a glow one having been
hulit, thus making plenty of accommod-
ation for ail. Encouraged by the splen-
did exhibit of pontes last year t he prize
tial has been adjusted in this depart-
ment and a tine exhibit Is looked for
Otis year. Int the cattle department a
milking contest has been added wncn
$51.u1) will be given In three prizes
and also silver medal for the winners
in this class. The Prize Llut In the
other live stock departments has been
carefully revised. single entries have
have been given In the pigeon class.
.and a study ot the list taroughout will
prove that the interest of live stock ex-
hibitors have been well attended to. In
;Ile dairy department a new section has
been added for best colletclon of cheese
The butter making competition will
again be a centre of attraction. while
ream separators will be In actual oper-
ation In the dairy building.
This year's exhibition should be well
attended by the Agriculturalists
:htoughout the country. All Informa-
tion on application to the secretary.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the exon
try than all other diseases put together, and until
the last few years was supposed to he incurable For
a great many years doctors pronounced it • local dis-
ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constant-
ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced
1t incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be A
constitutional disease and therefore requires const)•
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, mantes*.
tured by F. J. Cheney a Co., Toledo. Ohio. Is the
only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to • teaspoonful.
It arts directly on the blood and ntitrous surfaces of
the system. They otter one hundred dollen tor an
case 1t fails to cure. Send for circulars and biti-
mon fat..
Ad.lrea: 1'. J. CIiRNEY h ('O., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, :5 cents,
Take !fall's family pills for constipation.
Many people are embarrassed by u .-
constr•tnabie tits of sneestng bs pu''t i.
places, which make them very conepLu-
ous. It can be easily stopped. Just
press firmly upon the middle ut the up-
per Hp with the finger, and the tickling
sensation in the nose will disappear. It
rarely falls. The theory 1s that a nerve
which plays an important par; in tare
snentng. Ise's under to elle, ant 1s w-
altzed by the pressure on tie 11p.
Chartered to act as:
A e min _ atos
oar at} of Infants' Estates
o wttfee for the Insane
anc!al Agent for Individuals
and Corporations
Aecelvet, etc., and as
gent for any person holding any
of these offices.
Life is Perpetual
Cannot become Insane
Never becomes Sick
Never takes a Iluliday
Docs not Speculate
Financially Responsible
Years of Experience
Conservative and Efficient
Charges no Greater, often Less,
than allowed Individuals.
T. O.`MEREDITH,K.c f$re 1deppt. J. W. LITTLE, Vice -President.
tiII_Cit0*YN, Managing Director.
Seaforth: We regret to have to an-
nounce in this Issue the death of Mrs.
W. N. Cresswell, which occurred at
her late residence near here on August
23rd, after a short illness of three or
four weeks. She was born in London,
Eng., in 1835 and cattle to this country
when 10 years of age. She lived with
ler parents on the Thompson farm in
Hullett township, until her marriage
to W. N. Oresswell, the celebrated
Canadian artist, when she removed to
her bite home in Tuckersmith, near
Seaforth. Her husband predeceased
her about 20 years.
This Is a contemporary's way of com-
paring women's fashions of yo aterday
and to -day. "In the olden (1orsw.nten
wore one button gloves and gowns
buttoned up to the neck. Nowadays
they wear one button gowns and
gloves buttoned up to the ne•k.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonic, and
only sato effectual Monthly
Regulator on w'hk h women oats
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength -No. 1, $1; No. 2.
10 degrees stronger, jt; 3; No. 3,
for special cases. 9•' per box.
Bold by all drugggiota, er sent
prepaid on receipt of prico.
Fn.e pamphlet. Addre•• : 75,
Coo McrnoiNE CO..ToioNTO. ONT. Uormerit( It tndaor)
The Farmers Bank of Canada
CAPITAL $1,000,000 TOTAL ASSETS $1,500,000
38 Branches throughout Canada.
Special Attention (liven to Farmers Business.
Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rater.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Interest paid or
added to principal 4 times a year.
Your money is too valuable to leave in the house w Iter e
burglars, thieves or fire may take it from you, or to invest in
risky speculations or with doubtful institutions that so often in
the past have robbed men of their bard earned wealth.
When sending money to any part of Canada or the world,
remember our drafts and money orders are available here, end
sold at the lowest possible rates. Our mo} ey orders are pa' aldt'
at par at any point in Canada and princilfal points in the United
States and Great Britain.
Ouit Morro—Courteous Treatment. No Red Taps.
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager, DASHWOrT)
Office -One Block North of Siebert & Co.'s Store.
We want you to see
the Steel -Ribbed Firepot In the
The Firepot of a
furnace being in direct
contact with the fire,
contains its most effect-
ive heating surface.
Any increase in this
surface therefore,
greatly increases the
efficiency of the furnace.
touch radiating surface as any
pot, enable the "1II;CLA" Furnace
IOX to 15% of your fuel bill.
This is only one of the many exclusive features of
tb. "Recta" Furnace. We want to explain them all to
you—and prove, by actual tests, that the "heels" is the
best and moat economical furnace you can buy. Stop
in any time fora "llecla" tali and demonstration.
is why STEF.I.
three times as
style of fire -
to save from
R - -_ � .. • — Sys,.
TEACHER—J011 Die, what docs this represent?
JO11NNIE—Ferris's School Biscuits.
TF:.1 irER—What do you know about them ?
JouNtiIE—They are good to eat. Mother says they
made for hungry lxiys and girls.
TEACHER—Correct, Johnnie, your Mother is right.
and find them exceedingly good.
are the best biscuits
I also use thele