HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-03, Page 34 BUSINESS GIRLS LOSE STRENGTII They Risk Health Rather Than Lose Employment tind Eventually Break Down. 'I'housaeds of earnest intelligent vola,g•(r; ("ranees leo earn their live• lihooa away from home in public offices, and large business estab- lishments are silent suffering vic- tims of overtaxed nerves and defi- ciency of strength. ‘Peak, breath- less and nervous they work against time, with never a rest when head- aches and backaches make every hour Tike a day. Little wonder their cheeks lose ttie tint of health and grow pale and thin ; their eyes are dull and shrunken and beauty slow- ly but surely fades. Business girls and worsen, because of their work and worry, look older than their years. What they seriously need is the frequent help of a true strengthening remedy to carry thein through the clay. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are like actual food to the starved nerves an' tired brain el the business girl. By making rich, red blood they supply just the kind of help that girls need to pre- serve their health and their good looks. They bring bright eyes, high spirits and thus make the day's duties lighter. Miss Alexandrine Bedard, a sten- ographer residing at 36 Richelieu St., Quebec, says :---"For the past couple of years I felt my constitu- tion being gradually undermined through constant indoor work, and the great tax on my nerves through the long tedious hours over a type- writer. But it was only some six months ago that the climax came when one afternoon I lost consci- ousness through extreme weakness. The real seriousness of my condition was then pathetically apparent, as I was confined to my room, lacking even the strength to walk about. T was attended by a doctor, but af- ter being a month under his care showed no signs of improvement. It was at this stage that one of my relatives rend of the cure of a young girl whose case bore a striking re- semblance to my own, by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I began the use of these Pills the next day, and attribute my complete recov- ery entirely to them. I had not taken more than three boxes when I began to get better, and after tak- ing the pills for about a month I felt as strong and was enjoying as good health as ever in hey life." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. STiNG lid: --+ 'll f: TAIL. "Harry, Iolf, ' said Mrs. Knew the (:rand Trunk passenger depart - t', her husband, when be entered itleut, telling of the beauties of the Lake of Bays district, in the "Highlands of Ontario." A new feature of this district is the new betel—the Wawa --at Norway Point. The hotel itself has a page illustra- tion reflecting the summer glories ( f woodland and Nater, with a brood (of seven weld geese soaring skyward beyond the tower. The concise description embodies the stoy of a charming resort. The very pretty duo torte photo engravings show the beauties of tho now fairy land far more effectively than words can do. A copy can be obtained free on application to J. 1). Mci)onald, 1). P. A., Toronto, Ont. HOW FLOWERS IIIDE IIUNEY. YOUQ SKIN F\ Sl'11�IFat "I NOT IMPRESSED. have— been abroad in the best {I here Sweets are Stored in Lily— Facto for Our Women Folk? e•nd T, sr aline an l a lAress ►n t r.•u will recoirs Concealed Nectar of Monkshood. When you find your skin rough, (;f society, boasted the city youth. a ire• .sa l• of eLu,'l'M'N coktlot hn Its of even uty trunks bear Ute la- .'xutievs. it Tr.A. xr.rt ra"bkr sed wi red and patchy, or dry', b('aley anti eh,,i Ina we It l'.er .aLull. by t►ouaand. Before "the bee 50(•1(5,'' as Ariel bets ,,, ItZIt ain't o! 1MU.a A powerful but harul..e rsretahls coarse, with sore and inflamed '(�(,stl, that 81n't nothing, 6011- pedlctu• for canes peculiar to ',quoit and all jut it, be must find the wonderful spots here and there, remember i •• dl..aa.a a l.lud there rem tic elle for sat• by places where the flowers hide away there is a reason. There are 2,8001d ' y, drawled his rural uncle. "$O t druggist. Lr. •I A. yl,cum, l.lalted, L't 1 ues a box of cheese." 11' T°'""` their honey, tt, be found like the pores on one square inch of that . 1� , priest' tiding holes in ancient Ivan- aline skin of yours, and these con-= Impurities in the Blood.—When \\'HA"1' HE 'S11':A\'C. andsiona, by to keepear,ay ghtsort of all intruderstor, `idedn e`'o clear ls ty ectaw y hamnful and ro- the action • of the kidneys becontce Housewife %Vhy don't you get a In the recesses of the crown im- waste excretions, but which get out impaucd, 'putt in the blood f, and keepit serial lily at the centre can be seen of (order when the skin is unhalthy. are ad eost sure to follow, and gen- • 1�"Hobo—I'm like de little bird dat l seal derangement of the system six Targe honey pits, one on every The value of Zain-Buk lies in the ent ucs. Purmelee's Vegetable Pills keeps flyin' from limb to limb. floral leaf, and each is brimming fact that its healing essences and 'till regulate the kidneys. so that Housewife—G'w•au, you're only a over with a big drop of honey and juices can bo absorbed by these tfic. • Neil ma►ntaut hlthtLulu! How could you fly from glistening like a tear drop. Shake miniature "Skin Mouths." limb to limb? the flower and it "weeps" as the Applied to a rough or ieav acion rprevent the nflamed t(hich certainly come when Hobo -1 mean de limbs o' de law, big drops fall from it, soon to be patch, cut, bruise, heat sore. (or (Ieral(g(.meut of these delicate or- mum! replaced by other tears in the rap- chafed place, Zam-Buk first lubri- ' idly secreting flower. 'I'he :Ample cotes, cools, and soothes the hob guff's' As a restorative these Pills folk call the flower "Job's tears." surface, then heals. That is why ale in the first rank. The snowdrop is literally flowing children like Zam-Buk. It stops A poor little fellow called Vaughan with honey, for in swollen veins pain so quickly. Applied to eczema,. Wax playing one day on the laug- tiavorsing its fragile whiteness are ulcers, and festering sores, Zalnban, rivers of nectar. The petals of the Buk first kills the disease germs When a whirlwind came nigh, columbine are ingeniously and era- which cause suppuration and in- flammation. Then it builds up fresh tissue. In this way an eczema patch, ul- cer, abscess, ringworm or open sore Concerts are to be given each is removed completely by 'Lain-Buk, and a cut or burn healed. morning and afternoon in the Dairy For insect stings, sore feet, bruin Building at the Exhibition. This is an innovation that visitors from the country will appreciate. FLY IN THE OINTMENT. First Bride—"Does your husband ever say anything about his mo- ther's cooking ?" Second Bride—"Sometimes; but I never pay any attention to it. It's what he says about my cooking that makes me angry." A Cure for Rheumatism. — The intrusion of uric acid into the blood vessels is a fruitful cause of rheu- matic pains. This irregularity is owing to a deranged and unhealthy condition of the liver. Anyone sub- ject to this painful affection will find a remedy in Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. Their action upon the kidneys is pronounced and most beneficial, and by restoring healthv action, they correct impurities ..e the blood. borately designed with a view to providing good places of hiding for the honey. Each is circular, hol- low, shaped like a horn. In each the honey is secreted in a round knob at what would be tho mouth- piece end of the horn, and the five are arranged in a ring side by side wits► the honey knobs aloft. Though the honey store is obvious from without, yet the insects who would sip it intuit creep into the flower and penetrate with a long nose up the curving horn to the knob. Sometimes the petals are joined together into a tube and the sweet nectar -simply exudes from the in- ner side of the wall and collects at the bottom. This is the case in the dead nettle, the tube of which forms so toothsome a morsel that some children call it. "suckles." The honeysuckle is similarly planned, and its sweetness is so striking as t( have furnished its name. Tho monkshood has quaint nec- taries. If the hood be drawn back there suddenly springs into sight two objects on long stalks which are sometimes like a French horn, semetimes like a cowl, or, looked at sideways, not unlike a pair of doves. Their presence within the hood has provided the nicknames "Adam and Eve" and "Noah's Ark." Thus the honey bags are carefully tucked away and protect- ed. + A FOREGONE CONCLUSION. "And then, mind you," exclaimed Miss Passay, indignantly, "she ask- ed me if 1 wouldn't marry the first man that came along." "Tho idea!" exclaimed Miss Cut- ting. "Don't those obviously un- necessary questions make you tired ?" THE "1..1KE OF BAPS" CO t' NTR Y. A handsome brochure, artistical- ly illustrated, has been issued by his home a few evenings ago, "I've been dreadfully insulted." "Insulted?" repeated Mr. Knew, indignantly. "By whom?" "By your mother." "My mother. 1' lora ? Nonsense, dear. She's the kindest woman in the world. And how could she in- sult your Slie isn't here; she's miles away." "itut, Harry, she did insult me," rrersisted Flora, "and it was done in a letter." "Show it to me." "I'll tell you about it. A letter mine for you this morning, address - e I in your mother's handwriting, arid 5o, of course, I opened it." "(►f course," said Mr. Knew, dryly. "It was written to you all the ylny through, you understand 1" "Yes, I understand that, but The transition from winter's cold lc summer's heat frequently puts a strain upon the system that pro - Took him up to the skigh, And none could tell where he had gaughan. es, chafed places, for eczema, ulcer- ations, blood poison, chronic sores, and for piles Zam-Buk is withoufti equal. Fifty cents a box at alL stores and druggists, or from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Three boxes for dollar twenty-five., Th:s offer is for family use. CHECKMATE. A man went into a hotel and left sir umbrella in the stand, with a card bearing this inscription at- tached to it: "This umbrella belongs to a man who can deal a blow of 250 pounds' weight. I will be back in ten min- utes." On returning to seek his proper- ty, he found in its place a card thus inscribed: "This card was left by a man who can run 'twelve'tnileg an hour. I shall not return." .t. PILES CURED AT HOME By New Absorption Method, MATRIMONIAL AMENITIES. Mrs. Henpeck—Before our mar- riage you told ale you were well off. Mr. Henpeck—So 1 was—only I didn't know it ! If you suffer from bleed- "What caused the big explo- ing, itching, blind or protruding sion ?" "Riley wuz carryin' a case Piles, send me your address, and try dynamite whin the whistle blew I will tell you how to euro your- fer knocking off wurruk."• The Mild Climate of Virginia self at home by the absorption treatment; and will also send some M0NTttEAI. •tN1) (1l'FBE('. offers splendid opportunftles roc stock raising, — fruit growing, 'titling and general farming. Of this biline treatment free for Winters are short. Climate healthful. laud trial, with references front your A veritable edition de luxe `nod and selling below Its •slue but increasing amongst railroad pamphlets has a eatu• each Tear. litany ('auariialn are 11•Iog own locality if requested. Lnrnodi- >a vlrg+o+a. Writ• for (nfo,matiou to ate relief and permanent cure as- just been Issued y the Grand o. w. eoirehit, ; Commissioner s .--tr l� cured. Send no money, but tell Trunk to proclaim amongst tour -1 others of this offer. Write to -day ists the glories of the cities of Mont to Mrs. M. Summers, Box 102 real and Quebec The brochure is! Windsor, Ont. WONDERFUL+ "NUGGET./' One of the most remarkable dis- coveries 011 record will again be shown in toe Process Building at the Toronto Exhibition. Last year eeople wondered at seeing a shot polished with the "Nugget.' Polish and immediately afterward washed, without the water destroying the shine, or causing the polish itself to rub off and soil the clean white towel, with which the shoe was wiped. Tho "Nugget" Shoe Po!ish is on sale at the usual price, 1Oc., at all dealers and is now the popular ar- ticle, as in addition to being water- proof the shine lasts longer, and the polish keeps the leather soft and pliable, which prevents the shoe from cracking. `then at the Exhibition we invite you to have your shoe shined freo of charge in the Process Building. PRACTICAL POINTS. The meek inherit the earth, but the mortgage is held by the other fellow. Don't hide your light under a bushel—use a reflector and make the most of it. Success is the ability to forget failure. You can't play hooky from the School of Experience. eleM.vt. A. R. BICKERSTAFF & CO., Stooks, Soma, Debentures and Real Estate. Cobalt and all Mining and 011 Stooks oY Canada and United States. Orders execute -1 watt promptness. ('•,rrsr portico, a .lf.-'t, 1. 811 to 827 Traders Sank 8ulldirg, Torcnto, Ont A PIERCING MOTIVE. "That farmer's wife certainly does stick- her boarders." "Very likely; it's her pin non - eye„ It is Good for Man and Beast.— Not only is 1)r. Thomas' Ecicctric Oil of incomparable value in the household, but the farmer and stockman will find it very service- able in the farm yard and on the cattle range, often saving the ser- vices of a veterinary surgeon. In He—Artists say that five feet injuries to stock and in cases of four is the divine height for wo- cough tied pairs it can be used men. beautifully printed, and generally ?she arranged in the artistic style of ear -1 lier (lays, when the ornamentation of a volume was regarded as an im- portant incident to its presentation of reading matter. It is also very veil written. and gives an interest- ing description of the most inter- esting cities in Canada, with many illustrations from photographs that have not hitherto been published. Sent to any address on receipt of a two -cent stamp. Apply to J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont. OVERDUE ON PL'RI'OSE. with good a ect. She --"Is it the amount of talk- ing a man dons that makes him a divine, my Gear. bore 1" He—"No ; it's the amount he doesn't say while he talks." Comfort by day and sound sl••p try eight fol• kw the we o 1' .4 Comte. for skin ti„ubl•s, „ painful es Internal er soften nercomplications, %'A always f A I f ism TheCanadian n}adianar will ties aP% eche Hr an matter how lnrm•utfog they a. This .iso a here clues the insult to you comechicppl III""'” and dean Co in 1 mon form of disorder is dysentery, strong in Hackneys, Clydesdales' ' In the postscript. WhenI read to which many are prone in the and ponies. Saddle horses, hunters along to that it said. 'Dear flora, Don't and summer. The eery best and harness horses will also he well! - on't fail to give this letter to medicine to 050 in subduing this up to the average. A noticable fen - Harry; I want him to have it.' Now sug tell rhe, wasn't that an insult 1” His Darling (crossly)—You know I am file feet nine. He (quickly)—You are more than A CONTEST WORTii ENTERING. \ f,ife Annuity of FIFTY-TWO or II.1.A itS i% offered sty the 11RAN 1E MEAT people to the ono mending in the largest number of bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack- ages before May 31, 1009. This mean% that the winner will receive One i)ollar EVERY WFEK, or FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS every year, a.' long as he or she lives, or they can r xehattga it for a ('AS11 PRIZE of SEVI.:N 11T'Nilltl;l) DOLLARS. Besides the alone there is a sec- ond ('ash Prize of ON E 11I'S i +ICED I)Oi,L:\ BS, frtlso other Cash Prizes as follows Ten Cit Prizes of TWENTY DIILLARS each. Ten (ash Prizes of TEN DOL - LA RS each fr Twenty ('ash Prize% of FiVE DOLLARS each, and ONE IIt'N• D1REi) ('ash l'rizes of ONE DOL- LAR OL•I.1ii each. 'he only condition attached is that y;rn cut nut the bottoms of the ()RANGE MEAT packages and send them in to ORANGE Mi'.AT, Kingston. The bottom of a Jumho package counts equal to Three of the smaller size. You should be able to win one of the above prizes If you start immediately and get your friends to help you. Send your name end address to ORANGE MEAT. Kingston, TO- DAY, and state that you ars en- tering the contest. it is surely port!' trrin% sot. painful ailment is Dr. J. D. KPI• c.gg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a standard o Better a cheerful failure tthanr a morbid suCCPss. Tae Wretched Condltl..r sf simpanda a dee Most men attend to that ,Art of Inc to the tact thM the. off•,•ct SiIh• slmp:est care of f their he (AA 1(ttenI• t�},•elnditi.n"►.rrortme job during their lifetime. feu build yon, up seal give you strength. ture of the horse department will he the number of animals especi- ally imported for show. TRUE! A Montreal man whn recently (lied left hie fortune to a bartender.! How we hate people eh() catch us i•i the act of doing things we ought to be ashamed of. One of the greatest blessings to parents is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It effectually expels worms and gives health in a mar- vellous manner to the little one. 01d Bullion (the millionaire) — "\\'hat, you wish to marry my (laughter 1 She is a mere school- pirl vet." Gussio Ardent, — "Yee, sir, I canto early to avoid the rush."---__----- Bleck Watch Chewing Tobseoema Rich and satisfying. The big black p1 1 "For goodness sake," for the sake of the satisfaction you get from using it, buy "Salads" Tea. it pays to pay for quality. 'fHI;Y \ OCI,f)N'T HARMONIZE. ' My ,leer, don't you intend to invite Mr. and Mrs. (been to your party?" asked Mr. hiller. "Certainly not !" "Why not, my dear? They are good friends of ours." "What if they are? 1 am going to invite Mr and 'Sirs Bri,tvn "Well, can't you invite the Green• aF wo111" "Why. John hiller. you shock inr with your taste ' drown and Green in my drawing -room to- gether ' Why, next you'll be ask - Ing me to wear blue and yellow I declare, you men have no idea whatever of harmony." "Do yeti consider it unlucky to walk under a ladder I" "Not so eslao4 M to fall off one." AGitl.ED. "1 assure you. sir, that I can't live without your daughter." Her Rich Father—"1 telieve you. With your salary it's quite impos- sible!" Only those who have had experi- ence can tell the torture corns cause. Pain with your boots on, pain with thern off—pain night and (lay; but relief is sure to those who 1150 Holloway's Corn Cure. "My dear, you grow prettier every day !" "And shabbier, ,John. Compliments are all very well, but I'd like to see a little ready cash occasionally." A boy of twelve, having been ask- ed to describe the method of im- parting instruction in the schools, replied : "They ax you once and then they hits you." TNt; lbSIE N0. 11fs--09. cli uino Is CANADA'S REST AND IS USW THE W3RLD OVER --- Ball Organs ars also world famed i s.ad for Free Catalog No. 73 to tae Bell P1800 011 Olga Co., la, Gueion, Om Ar WILSON'S FLY PADS One packet Peas actually ktlied a bushel N Alttta. — aOLD Er D110OCIITs, C1OCU3 Las CIMMRAI $T019 610s. pee packet, or a packets ler 260. will fart a whole season. • Unique Exhibit at Toronto Fair Altogether different thatt any cream separator exhibit you've ever seen t Our exhibit will be one of the most novel, in- teresting a n d practical "sights" of the Fair. To see it will be alone worth the trip to Toronto. Certainly if you are going to attend the Fair it will never do to miss it. We are the makers of the world - famous frictionless Empire, the Empire Star, the Empire Disc -- three distinct types of cream Separators and each one the leader of its type. The complete Empire Line will be shown at Fair. Al our exhibit will also be shown a line of ' Rmyir•" (lanoline E:nglnes that will be worth looting o,er. EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR Company of Cauada, Limited, Toronto, Out. 1 LADDERS for fruit picking and all other uses. Light and strong. :steel wiring W psi out side swaying. Simple cleric* for raising and lowering with rope. !Satisfaction guarauteen. Circular and prices on application to IIERLIN WOODENWARE COAPANY HKIt1.IN, ONT. 1 8 Periaueolil Cured DB DR. KLINE'S CREAT NERVE RESTORER 1112 TRIAL t OTTLE /RIR Rent through ( suai.ai Apar? Permanent (hire. not only temporary relief. for berroua disease,. r:pi.ery,npbuns. ret. rani l,.nr• n.blI(ty. rthauauou. rounded 1371. Oa. IL R. KLINK, Ltd, 531 A -eh 51., Philadelphia: SAMUEL MAY&CA BILLIARD TABLE' MANUFACTURERS. Established Forty Ware Send Ca/s/ogue 102 &I04, ADELAIDE ST. W.. TORONTO. Do net fail to visit our exhibit of Billiard and Pool Tables in the 111anufacturertl Building of the Canadian National Exhibi- tion, Tot onto. We build RegulatIofl Bowling Alleys. Write for our terms and price list just issued. If Every Farmer Knew how much m•,n.y 5. could sae• by usl ` a Faith unk.-\lw,e J.. .•1 all• 1 rales (:ao,lln4 tt• gine to raw wood. slop water. grilui feed. R•., we w ,111.1 mit be abi• t . supply the demand_ cut this ad. out and send 10 us to -day, rad we w111 .end you our Ire. catalogue. "awe Addie.. tfheMnsdlanfaith .n SCs.,Umlted,Toants, Outs Montreal, 111011 9 5 1'a11 user. QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE OP IL Gives Perfect Light. fi FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE, PANGO For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Eto. go CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto WIIOLtSAlt LYMAN i1110S. & (:fl., Toronto nue elontresJ; I.1' I%1 K\UX tt CLARKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG C0., Ii,t.Jt,n. A.J. PATTISON & CO 83.35 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold on all all Exchanges Corrc'rnseests -- Chas. Heed & Co., fletobeta New York And Boston Stock ?IchsRges.