HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-03, Page 135c to JANI'09 NOW IS THE TIMi: to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else tat.. advantage of out Low Club Rates TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. te ilbat I Wedd!ng Invitations In Newest Types On I3est Papers The Finest `Work And Right Pries, The Advocate Othce,;Exeter EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1908. SANDERS & ('REECH The Old Reliable School has started. again and the Boys and Girls will need Clothing, =Shoes, &c. Does your boy need a Now Suit? " ho u" Shoes? " is it " Knee Pants ? ,. " a New Felt •l " tt Anything in Wearing Apparel? If he does, it will pay you to bring him to us. We are headquarters for GOOD WEARING duds for boyo -the kind th t will stand the hard skuffing any strong, healthy boy will subject them to -Me kind that you will not have to buy often. Does your girl need a New Dress ? she It " Shoes ? u a u ,e HOSicry ? " " ua New Hat ? u u u Anything in Wearing Apparel? If she does, it will pay you to bring her to us. We have the kind of dresses, shoes, hosiery, hats, &c.. a robust girl needs -the kind that wears well and ALWAYS lasts well -if you bring your boys and girls here for their "duds" you can keep them well clothed. Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, dead or alive. Highest price paid for produce—Butter 19c, Eggs 18c. CARLING BROS. 35 Men's Suits A0 44. Regular price of all $I0.00, reduced to clear $7.50 White Waists at 25 off. A few choice styles in fine lawn I Waists. These are sure to go quick at such a big discount. • at $2.50 reduction on each suit, in blue and black serge, dark and light tweeds, sizes 30 White Underskirts 7 only white underskirts made of good material and very prettily trim- med. $2.00 skirt for $1.35, $1.00 skirt for $1.13, $1.25 skirt for 88c. 75 Boys' Tweed Suits at 20 per cent. discount Made of Fine Imported Tweeds. Quality that will st and good hard wear. Number of different styles, all sizes 22 to 34 on sale at 20 per cent. off. Now is the time to fit your boy witb a good suit at Big Saving. 121-2 wash goods for 10c All ginghams, cl1igabrays. cashmer- etts, delainetts, ns s1 ns nod all other 12Ijc wash stuffs on sale at lee. Lace Hosiery In tan, brown, black and white, all on sale at exactly wholesale prices. Men's Strong Wearing Shirts at a Snap Price Made of rock fast drill in Blues, Blacks and Greys. Small neat patterns and stripe warranted fast colors and wear guaranteed. On Sale at 45s. SNELL & ROWE ° Proferulraattl Cards. DR. 0. F. ROUi ETON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Member ;1 the R. 0. D. 8. of Ontario and donor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling s Law Office, In Dr, Anderson's former Dental Parlors isiDR. A. R. KINSMAN. i. D. 8., D. D.8.• Honor graduate of Toronto Uolreestr. DENTIST, teeth extracted without any pain, Or +n bad effects Office clef Madman & Stanbury's omec, Malo street t xeter. Medical 1)R, T. 1'. Md.AU .1ii,IN Ilaa resumed practice alterpending a year (Col- lege) at British and Continental patals. General practice with special attention to Eye, (alth refrar Mon) Eu, Nose and Throat. °Mee: Dash,cond, Ont. Legal. DICKSON10RSON A CARINO, BARRiSTERS, SOLICi• ton, 'rotaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, S olicitors for Molsons !tank, eta. Mao, to Lona at lowest rates of Interest. Offices, Hain street, Rioter, k E. Oaiuso, RA., L. h. Damson MONET TO LOAN. We hive a Targe amount of private funds to loan e farm and village properties at low rates of Inter Mk. OLADMAN A STANBURY, Barristers, Solleitors,Maln st., Exeter On B.S. P11 .LiPS, ExETt:It. Licata', Auctioneer. Sales attended In all parts. Satiefa, tion gnarae. teed or no pay. Terms reasonable. All orders left Advocate Y M will attended to William Brown Prof. nfpinnu of Royal in-'rroreN.1 society of N„slclxns, England; Organist of TrivOt memorial Cbur•h,Rseter. Piano. organ, harmony and Theory Of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assnran re Company. also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. House For Sale. in the t illtge of Exeter, situated on Simone street. • Iran daeRing.2 stories, kitchen and woodshed, Stable, g.",.t wel, one fifth acre of land. All in good nen.,it,on Will to sold reasonable. Apply at this Cottage to Rent A frame cottage, in K.••.1 t' at reasonable rental. Apply etflce. air, end at this F CAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. Successor to Da. RutsAT, Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter Rawden Main street, (opit. Trivia Memorial Church), a ill be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Office -Dr. Ramsay 's old stand, corner of Main and North streets, (opp. l'yni s Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited. House to Rent in Elimville The undersigned Is offering to rent his frame dwelling In Eliunv ille, with 1.5 acre of land. (lard and soft water and a number of fruit trees on the premises_ For particulars apply toJOSIICAJOHNS, or the undersigned, WM. Si.EMON. House and Land for Sale. the undersigned is offering for sale his house and land on Huron Street Esat. The house is of frame and is In good repair. The land consists of 1 it acres. in good condition. Good water -hart and soft. Good stable. Some good fruit trees, etc. Posses. den gie en now or in the fall. Aply at the home of Abraham bearing, Jr., Simco, Street.N. 8. BAKER. ESTRAY HEIFER. There strayed unto the premise of the undersign• ed, Lot S, Con. 6, !lay, on or about Aug. 7th, • year- ling heifer. (honer can hate same by proving prop- erty and paying expenses JAi1F.7. irrare.l-, Hay P. 0. STRAYED HEIFER There strayed onto the premises of the undersign• ed, lot 5, con. 2, Riddulph, on or about July 2nd, a two-year-old heifer. Owner can have same by pro... tog property and paying expenses JOHN McFA1.1 a, Centralia, P. 0. AUCTION SALE 0P— BRiCK I101'SE AND LOT iN CENTRALiA ---ON--- MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1lth, 19009 at 2 o.le k p. m., nn the premises For particular apply to 01 -ADMAN k ST-UNBURY, .011N e:1LL. Barristers. Exeter. ' t'v ter South Huron Election Abstract Statement of Ex- penses Incurred by Henry Eilbr,r, Piloting, advertising, etc =145 DO I hereby certify that the above is a true stet emeet Of the expense cert- ified by C. I1. Sanders. flnancial agent for Hem y 1: Ihrr. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Toronto's Big Hippodrome. The stage eel formance in front of the Grand Stand at the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, this year will be of especial merit. Some of the highest class and most expens- ive acts seen in the larger cities of Europe and America have been en- gaged. Elephants, horses, donkeys and monkeys will cut a figure in the programme. Half a dozen mammoth elephants that have been creating a sensation in Europe have been engag- ed at the cost of $1,500 a week. A complete circus is another feature. Altogether. the Grand Stand perform- ance at the Toronto Exhibition this year will be equal to that given itt the fnrnous hippodromes given in New York and London. Hicks' Forecasts For September. A Regular Storm Period is central on the tltb, extending from the 4th so the 8th. This period is at the culmin- ating crisis of the Mercury period and promises to brine eotnedecided storms. Storms which may have been sighted off the gulf regions prior to this per- iod will gain new life and energy dur- ing the 4th to 8th, causing severe and perhaps destructive visitations along the south coasts and inland toward and over the great lakes. As early as the 4th to 5th, the barometer will in- dicate growing storm conditions in western and southern extremes. Dur- ing Sunday tbethh to Tuesday the 8th, and possibly over the Oth and 10th, these conditions will bring decided September storms progressively to most parts of the country. A Business Enterprise. • Said a well known business roan to us the other day: "It would not hurt yon to occasionally mention our busi- ness in your paper. It would help to fill up, you know." Yes, we might do it. \Ve haven't the least idea on earth that it would hurt us, and it would, as he suggests, help to fill up. It would not hurt hint, either, to conte aroand and say: "Give ale •t column or a half column of space for nn :advertisement, and here is the money for it." By do. ing this he would become a deserter to that grand array of deadheads who ex• pect the newspapers to continually note the improvements they make, by giving thein free puffs, and for which they never pay a a:+:nt. It. is high time for all classes to learn that a news- paper is a business enterprise, the same as a dry goods store or a grocery. run for a living for its owner." Sale Registers. Tilt'RSDAY, S. pt. l•. -Farm Stock aol Imple• menta, the property ut Wm. J. Care, Lot 1, Con. 4, Osborne. Sale at 1 o'clock. Jas. Stanley. Auct SATURDAY, Sept. 5. -household effects, the pro- perty of Mrs Thos. Rowe. Main street, Exeter. Sale at 1:30 o'clock. is 8. Phillips, AucL Farm for Sale or Rent. The undersigned is offering for sale or rent the es- tate of the late James Cronyn, consisting of 175 acres, and situated on the 20th and 21st concessions of the Township of Stephen, two miles from (fond (lend. The land is In first -clam condition, well drained and been well cultivated. Good brick hon',, large bank barn with powermill. Good water, good orchard on each place, seven acres hardwood buaki. Convenient to school and church. For tern/ and particulars appy to MRS. ELLEN CRONYN Centralia Is. O. Auction Sale - Or -- VALUABLE 50 A('ItE FARM IN STEPHEN. 1 have been Instructed by the Adminlslntlxnf the Estate of the late Jane llodgins to oder for sale by Auctlnn, on the (rani•,., e0 TUESDAY, SEPT. 15th. 1008, at 2 o'clock p. m.. the North Half of Lot Number Fire (5). in the Ninth (nth) Concession of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, rnr.tsining by admeasure- ment Fifty (5e) Acres, more or leas. On thte property is • log dwelling house, frame tarn slid frame stable, brb k milk house, ands never failing well of good water. The land is art eleare.t ami In • gnat state of cultivation. It Is fairly well underdraine.l and fenced. There Is about one -hall NI lore of orchard. At the same time and place • quantity of !arm im• dements and household furniture will also be offered for We. TERMS Rent EST - 'Ten (In) per cent. of the purchase money on the day of ale, and the balance In slaty (0) days thereafter aithout interest. A portion of the purchase money ran remain on first mortgage at Five (5) per cent, interest, 11 the purchaser desires roan/is--Ten I"!'as. alto) and under ('2,h, Over that amount Thirty (s0) Days will be riven on furnishing approved Joint notes. Farther terns and conditions will be made known on day ,.1 rale. or may be had en application to OLADMAN .t STANiIORY, JOHN GILL. Eyster, Ontario, Auctioneer, Solicitors for Administt•li%. Exeter, Ontario WV.I. CONMIT, /►e'ttlt1t:eis a/iu._.1. • Court of Revision - Volt The: - Township of Stephen Notice 1s hereby given that a Court will no held. pursuant to the Ontario Voters' list. Act, by Iils honor the Judge of the County of Huron, at the Tows -telly, Halt. Crediton, on the Sth day of Septentlx:r. 1908, at Ten o'clo••k In the forenoon. to hear and determine complaints of rrrore and omissions In the voters' List of Cie %tunirlpality of the Township of Stephen tor t1108. Hated at Crediton. this 22nd day of August, 1909. HENRY EiLt)ER, • Cl_ rk of the Tp. of Stephen Court of Revision r“It 1 n1 VILLAGE OF EXETER Notre. '1':.. hj gtv.';i tadt .t Curt, will be t. ' t pnrect"nt to T ue nat•trio Voters'LI„tn Art. by Ills honour the Judge of the Cou'sty Court of the Cou i- ty of Truro's, at the Town Hall. Exeter o., the 9th (lay of .:p'ember. 19:19, at tea os 13 k is et- for; :,Don, to gear and drer1rn';:e complaints of errors and .' Voter,' List of t ,r • Tinge of Exeter .)at 1 1 l:x•'c• Aurust 22nd. 1909. Jac. SP Moll Cl rk. Elver. Baseball, Centralia and Exeter teams played a spirited flve•innings game of ball here Friday evening with a scorn of 4.2 in favor of the home team. But for a little ragged work on the part of Centralia in the fourth the game would have been 2-2, as it was Exeter made four runs in that innings when they should have had but two. Mar- tin and Bawden pitched for Exeter and Boyle for Centralia and they all did good work. The fielding of Itendle in centre was again conspicuous. He accepts every chance. Skillful play characterized the whole gaine and the spectators were delighted with it and are veru anxious for a game or two on Labor Day. The players were: - Centralia, -F. Blooutf)eld, F. Kerr, M. Mitchell, 0. Duplan, F. Boyle, D. Coughlin, H. Hanlon, R. Bloomfield, H. Bloomfield. Exeter, -W. S. Cole. M. Hoskins, R. N. Creech, 5. G. Bawden, G. Manns, B. Martin, 11. Itendle. W. Knight, B. Piper. Bowling Three rinks of Crediton bowlers were here Thursday and played several games with the Exeter bowlers with the following results. Exeter Crediton 1st Gauges Mr Harrison Dr Bright Jos Davis Rev Collins, skip 22 W Barrows Rr D Clarke Ed Christie Carling, skip 9 Dr Sweet D Mclnnes J (.4 Stanhury Rev Martin, skip 14 Kuhn Clark S Brown C Bluett, skip 10 o Zwicker Clark James ll Eilber, skip 15 G Mot -lock H K Eilher Ed Mahon McCue, skip 8 2nd Games J Broderick J Grieves C 13 Snell Jas Taylor, skip 10 .1 Knight B Martin %V Blatchford 1V Tartan, skip 14 T Acheson W I.evett L Dickson W ileilman, skip 15 Badly injured in a Pall. Mr. Rich. Delhridge suet with an un- fortunate accident on Friday last which may yet be attended with ser- ious results. Ile was assisting his son in the township of Osborne in doing some carpenter work at the barn when a joist which he was standing on gave away and he was precipitated to the basement below, about 10ft., from which he received a bad shaking up. Besides internal injuries bis body was badly bruised and he sustained a sev- ere scalp wound inflicted by falling on an axe or the axe falling on hitn, and it took several stitches to close the wound. Ile was removed to his home here where his injuries were dressed but he is still in a precarious condition and it is hard to say what the result will be, Kuhn Clark Brown Bluett, skip 10 G Morlock H K Etlber Ed Mahon McCue, skip 10 O Zwicker Clarke Jatnes II Eilher, skip 9 PERSONAL. 11111111886111 Mr. Frank Dennis of Toronto is vie- iting his (Parents here. Mrs. AN ut. Barrows returned last week from a three weeks' yisit in De- troit. Mrs. A. J. Ford left Saturday for Paris, where she will spend a week with friends. Mrs. John Salter left Saturday for Toronto where she will spend a week or o. Msr. and Mts. I. R. Bissett and little daughter returned to Stralhroy Thurs- day, after it pleasant visit with friends here. Miss Bertha Mack, Miss i.oisilirney, Miss Bella Hawkins and Wesley Day - man heft Monday morning for ('hat - ham where they will take at course at the business college. Mr. Fred !hooks of ltidgctown is holidaying with friends in town. Miss Charlott Dearing is spending the week in Toronto. Mr. Clarence Easte'rhrook of Thnmes- for i is spending a few days with his patents here. Mr. Geo. Armstrong, after spending holidays at his home here. reterned to London Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Saut'I Sanders, Huron street. returned Monday from a visit with their son in London. Master Tommy Sanders has returned from a two weeks' visit with his broth- er, Rey. C. W. Sanders at Lucknow. Mrs. 1'. Fisher and daughter Levin*, left Tuesday to visit with relatives in Hamilton for a couple weeks. Mrs. Sarni Sweet, who wag visiting at Clinton, returned home Thursday, accotnnanied by her daughter (rho, why : is been visiting in Wingharn for it nn. th. Miss Ethel ilissett left Thursday for Owen Sound to spend it few days prior to leaving for Itossland, B. C., where she has accepted a position as tnilliner in it large departmental store. Mr. John McIntyre, who left here about two years ago to accept a poli• tion at itrigde'n and who for some time hes been residing with his daughter at the American Soo, returned to town on Thursday end has resumed his ens• ition with Mr. A. Walters. "Mac' is n genial and wholesonled fellow and his return to town will be learned with pleasure by his many friends. Miss Vera Cam !hell is visiting re- latives at Bornhokn. Mise Terry of London is visiting Mrs. Geo. Brooks. Mrs. Fred Hawkshaw and little son left Tuesday to visit with relatives in Toronto. Miss J. S. Dow has returned from a visit with relatives in Toronto and Orillia. Miss Myrtle Madge of I'shorne left Tues -lay to visit friends in Manito- waning. Mrs. Collins, Miss Bonthron and Miss Cathlene Stewart left Tuesday to spend a few days in Toronto. Rev. J. A. Anderson of Goderich visited his son, Mr. Anderson of the Bank of Commerce staff, this week. The Misses Jackson and Sharp, who have been conducting a dressmaking establishment here for some time, have decided to discontinue the busi- ness, and left Tnesday evening for Lon- don, where they will spend a short titne prior to leaving for the West. Mr. and Mrs. WVnl. Coultis, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hind, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Klye and Mr. A. S. Devitt attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Zeta Lankin, of Blansberd, to Mr. Ira Marshal, of Kirkton, on Tues- day. Ait•. Rich. Snell, having severed his connection with the firm of Snell st Rowe, left last week for Winnipeg, where he has taken a position in a Targe dry•good store. Mr. Woe. Snell of Chicago, son of the late Wm. Snell, is spending a week ,among friends and relatives in town. Wes. is not the youthful look- ing chap he was when he left us, but bas developed into a fine, well deve- loped six-footer. BIRTHS THIEL. -At Zurich, on Aug. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Thiel, a son. GIL-itEttT-In McGillivray, on Aug. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert, a son. LITTnRtt-At Brewster, on Aug. 21st, to ,Mr, and Mrs. John Luther, a son. STELCK-At Hillsgreen, on Aug. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arne Stelck, a daughter. RRINKiE-In Tuckersiuith, on Aug. 25. to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reinkie, a son. DIXON-In Seaforth, on Aug. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Dixon, a daugh- ter. BnoADPOOT-in Seafortb, on Aug. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Broadfoot, x daughter. IN►voo»-In London, on August 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Inwood, a daughter. JONES -In Exeter, on Sept. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jones, a son. MURPHY -In Exeter, on Aug. 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Murphy, a daughter. I3Roweee:1:-In Tucketantitb, on Aug 21, to Mr and flee. Robert Brownlee a son. MARRIAORM. Small -lk•Pn1:1'-At Egtnondville, on Aug. 2-lth, by Rev. N. Shaw, Saw- uel Smith to Mr s Margaret McPhee, all of Seaforth. CONNEYIIEARR-KEItI-At the resi- dence of the bl ;lest sister, Mre. T. O. IlaCclui:.; .., .-..t,,, aIcG.siviity, on Aug. 20th, .'liss Clara Itsrr of London, formerly of Ailsa Craig, to P. Conneyheare of Ailsa Craig. MAUUSUUALL-LANK[N-In Blanchard, 10th Con., on Sept. 1st, by the Rev. 0 It. Wells, Mu. li a Marshall of Kirkton, to Miss Zeta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lankin. WEsr:AAwA►y-Gttoon--In Brantford, on Sept.. 1.A, by Rev. AV. E. Mat- thews of Chat haul, Atr, ('ha les Westaway of Toronto, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Jessie, Naught •t' of Mr. Franklin Gt'oob, Brantford. DEATHS WICKERT--irt McGillivray, on Aug. 23rd, Henry Wickert, aged 73 years and 1 month. CAST. -In Exeter, on Aug. 20th. Mary Ann Stinson. beloved wife of Thos. Case, aged 63 years. Joses-In Exeter, on Sept. 1st, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jones, Si ON PYS3l`tOG.iil- k S 1111: most wonderful thing about the Edison Pbonogaaph is its versatility. It Isegnally good itt entertaining a crowd of friends or in helping you pass a few hours 1.3 y;turself. Hie jllst as many moods as you have. It is just as good in rendering a plaintive ballad as it. is in rendering a lively waltz. The new model with the big horn 154 now at our store. You should see and hear it. T.,�da>se --For Snte by- jek,e, THE PURITY Watch NVindoty. Oan.Exp.Bidg. dishsacs&Air AP NT lir The New Store Boots & Shoes WE HAVE A Speeial Line of Patent Shoes which are going fast, Come in and see them, Styles and prices are right. They will suit you. A full line of other shoes that are suitable for any wear. You will be pleased with them. GROCERIES Crystal ('ity i Man.) Courier: -"Mrs. N. MeAvoy and Miss Anne Sanders who have been ,pending the petit ten days here, left on Saturday to visit friends *t 1,.t Riviere. They will also mend a few days at Milton, North Dakota. While in this neighborhood they nave made many friend, who re- gret very much their departure. - OUR GROCERIES ARE ordered often and kept fresh and DOW all the time. We win bo pleased to see you try them. Breakfast Foods, Can Goods, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent ling' of Confectionery, also. WANTED Butter and Eggs, BUTTER AND EGGS. We will pay you the Highest Market Price in trade loi' 13ring thein in. T. J. Wilson - }beter Two doors north o1 Post (Mice Ieau Oul Prices [or 1 werk Dilly We Want the Money lull the Ito( int. Genuine Bargains. 1 2 -burner Puritan Oil Stove, reg. 1 2 -hole Oven, for either stove. " 1 2 -burner I3oss Gasolene Stove, a 3 burner Gas Stove (slightly used) " 2 swell Hammocks, complete 4 I) Screen Windows, " 25c to 4;,c, Chicago Flexible Horse Clipper, reg. 5 Step -Ladders (Georgia Pine) " 2 12 4 -gal. Pomp Gasolene Cans womanised No Leakage) le u 10 1 -gal. cans, Cow Ease ''(°per fixes. P.tr., Off Wive. and Cattle) " S?.50 for S5.50 2.50 " 1.90 4.00 3.00 13.00 " 7.70 3.00 " 2.20 15c and! 30c $10.00 for $7.9c 1,00 " 750 1.20 95c 2.00 " 1.50 1.00 " 80e, IHEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE P.S.—Agency for Dairyman's Cleaner Cit; uiisiui'.