Exeter Advocate, 1908-08-27, Page 5Q$xetex alb borate
•I 00 If paid In &chance,
$*.BO a year If not so paid.
Ills.Te United States Subscrisers 61.80
s Year Strictly la Advance.
SANDERS & CREECII, Publishers.
Baby Carriages
or Go -Carts
and let the Baby grow.
Large and Beautiful.
The price ie not Targe and
the terms are easy.
2 6 octave Organs cheap.
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines, Bicycles,
Children's Wagons, at prices
that will make you smile.
Fine Stationery.
The Bell Telephone Com-
pany of Canada
is about to publish a new issue of the
Official Telephone Directory
District of Western Ontario
including EXETER.
Orders for new connections, changes
of firm names, changes cf street ad-
dressee. or for duplicate entries should
be handed in AT ONCE TO
Local Manager.
If there is any one thing that a
woman dreads more than another it
is a surgical operation.
We can state without fear of a
contradiction that there are hun-
dreds, yes thousands, of operations
performed upon women in our hos-
pitals which are entirely unneces-
sary and many have been avoided by
For proof of this statement read
the following letter.
Mrs. Letitia Blair, Cannifton, Ont.,
writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
"I was sick for five years. One doc-
tor told me it was ulceration, and an-
other told me it was a fibroid tumor,
and advised an operation. No one
knows what I suffered, and the bear-
ing do,cu pains were terrible.
"I wrote to my sister about it, and she
advised me to take Lydia E. Piakham'a
Vegetable Compound.
"It has cured me of all my troubles,
and I did not have to have the opera-
tion after all. The Compound also
helped me to pass safely through
Change of Life."
For thirty years Lydia R. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female itis,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflam matioulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irre rities,
periodic pains and backac e.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health., Address, Lynn, Mass.
MSN, you become disheartened
when you feel the symptoms of
Nervous Debility and decline stealing
upon you. You Iraysa't the nerve or
ambition you used to have. You
feel you are riot the man you ought
to be. You feel like giving up in
despair. You get nervous and weak,
have little ambition, pain In the
back over kidneys, drains at night,
hollow eyes, tined mornings, prefer
to be alone, distrustful, variable
appetite, looseness et hair, poor cir-
culati.'n—you have Nsrvess
Debility. Our New Matb.d
Treatment I+ your refuge. It
will strengthen all weak organs,
vitalize the nervous system, purify
the blood and restore you to a man-
ly condition.
Pay When Cured.
READER Are you a vlctimt have you lost hope/ Are you intending to
,carr) : Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness?
Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What 1t has done for hundreds of
others, it w,II do for y. u. (• .NSCI.TATIol FREE. No matter who has treated
you, write for an hone+t opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. DQOKS
FREE—"The Holden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Nen.
C. O. D. No name. on Loses or savalopee. Everything confidential Question
list and coot of Hems Treatment FREE
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
Western Fair
Greatest Live Stock Exhibition
of Western Ontario
Fut/ Programme of Attractions twi.'e daily, including Kemp's
NIA West Show. !test of Music. Firewotke iS.tch Evening.
('ohne end enjoy yourself at i.rr)dou'v Popular Fair
Prise List., Ent r) For,,•. Programmes and all information
W. J. REID, Presidentgrhrn.,n application to
M. HUNT, Secretary
London, Sept. 11-19
A la1Ji1 SCHOOL.
T . • t rl Ilul..ress Coll `.,
$t,1,1',, t whoa, r.'i-'l appear -.
ahem i i this paper Is undoubtedly o •
o' th' best holiness Irabtl;r; a- o ,..
Ire C.,n.tdn. 'o-dt>. The
cOur Oce Is thoroughness. Its gradu-
• s nr^ holding trading p ,e,a, , -
, inrpc rt.rut co,ioi'rrlal rentrrs cc:
pont 1 4 '. Th roll' Re '"+e lel,t ' a
askant- Ilrust at d catalogue
+ it h, ,n its^-) tn' • to .env p're,
Elliott a Mt Lachlan, Prim te..l.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Simpson, li. A., of
Midland, who has been visiting friendfi
during the past week, returned home
Wednesday last. --Mrs. J. Yates of
Detroit visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Clark last week.—Mr. and
Mrs. Dr. Rivers and daughter of Al-
berta were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Bloomfield on Thursday last.—
Mrs. G. Bloointield of I'ot•t Stanley
payed a plying visit on %Vednesday
last.—Miss Emily Neil of Thorold is
visiting friends here. --Miss Ida Simp-
son is visiting in Detroit, the guest of
Mrs. Yates.—Miss Lizzie Lightfoot is
spending a few days with Mrs. Clarke.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hodgins and fam-
ily of London, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc-
Lean of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Sid.
Hodgins of Clandeboye were the
guests of Mr. and Mr's. W. .1. Hodgins
on Sunday last.—Mrs. Hoskins, a form-
er resident of this place, is visiting
Mrs. Jas. Fraser. —Miss Lizzie Carter
of Clandeboye and Miss Etta Carter of
Windsor visited their brother on 3100 -
day last.—Mrs. Win. Smith visited
friends here on Sunday last.—Miss
Della Whiteford is visiting in Bryans-
ton.—Miss Carrie Belton of Ailsa
Craig, who has spent this last month
with her grandmother, returned home
on Sunday last.—Miss Barry of Lon-
don is the guest of Miss Maggie Kelly.
—B. Simpson and lady friend of Lon-
don spent Sunday with friends here.—
Dr. and Mrs. Armitage of Kincardine
visited friends here the past week.—
Anthony O'Dwyer has rented hie farm
to Mr. Hudson.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Simpson entertained a few friends on
Monday last.—Miss Ida Mara of Lucan
is visiting friends here.
Catarrh Now Curable.
But never by Medicine swallowed,
Snuffs, Sprays or Douches.
Catarrh is not a blood disease and
that is why it cannot be cured by any
medicine taken into the stomach.
Catarrh is a germ trouble contracted
from the gear -laden air you breathe
inward. These germs fasten themsel-
ves in the tissue and air cells of the
breathing organs, multiply by mill-
ions, cause sneezing, coughing raising
of mucous, discharge from the nose,
tickling in the throat and other symp-
toms that can only hereachedby the
dry air principal of Hyomei.
It medicates the air you breathe
with the curative properties of the
Australian Eucalyptus Forests where
catarrh is unknown.
The reason you get, relief in a mine
ute or two from Hyomei is because it
destroys every catarrhal germ in the
air you breathe, and its dry penetrat-
ing aroma wilt reach the innermost
recesses of the air passages, killing
millions of germs a minute. Their de-
struction means freedom for oppressed
respiratory organs. W. S. Cole sells
Hyomei under a guarantee of satisfac-
tion or money back. Price, $1.00.
Ed. Moritz has gone to Walhalla.
North Dakota.—Edmund Sipple of
North Lansing, Mich., is visiting in
town.—P. Capping of Blake received
word that his aunt, Mrs. Weicker had
died at Tavistock. The funeral took
place on Saturday.- Mrs. J. Preeter
and family are visiting friends in Ber-
lin.—Rev. A. D. (3ischler and family
have returned home from their vaca-
tion.—Mr. and Mrs. C. Sticklee of De-
troit are visiting the latter's mother,
Mrs. H. Oreb.—Williarn Koehler, Her-
man Bender, Jr., and John Geiger
were among those who left for the
West.—Miss Clara Welker, graduate
nurse of Buffalo, is visiting here.—C.
0. J. Mass, pastor of the Lutheran
congregation bas been ill.—Mrs. J. D.
Merner of Elmira arrived in town on
Saturday evening to visit friends.—
Elmore Klopp had a yield of 210 bush-
els of wheat from 44 acres. This is an
average of over 40 bushels to the acre
and is the b;ggest yield we have heard
of this season.—Fifty-eight lots con-
taining one-fifth of an acre each, one
block containing 27 acres, and one
block of Big acres are advertised to be
Bold for taxes in this Township.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applieattons, as they cannot reach the diseas-
ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by eonetit•ttion..4 remedies
Deafnes.1. caused by art inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tu).e. When this
nitwits is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or inn•
perfect hearing, awl when it ii entirely thorned, Deaf -
nes, is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken mut and this tube restored to its normal condi•
lion, hearing will be destroyer forever; nine rases
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, whb•h is nothing
but an inflamed uowtition of the mucous surfaees
We will she One hundred i'ollars for any ease of
De►fn,•s.(, all•wthy catarrh) that cannot be cured
by 11111'4 Catarrh Curt fiend for circulars free.
r. J. CIIEN EY A Cu., Toledo, O.
Sold to Druggists, ::✓.
Take Hall's Family I'illsfor constipation.
Her. S. Toll resumed his regular
work Sunday.—Miss Blatchford ac-
companied her brother, Nelson, to
Dakota,—C. A. Mef)onell is visiting in
Forest.—Mrs. 1Valkenheituer of Pitts-
burg. Penn.. is here visiting her sister,
Mrs. O. F. Yungblut.--Mr. Johnston
and daughter of St. Louis are gueate
of Mrs. Bunt.—Miss Emma Johnston
has returned after visiting friends and
relatives in the west. --Thr' itev. Mr.
Mai tin of Exeter occupied the pulpit
of Carmel church Sunday.—Mrs. (leo.
Brown and (laughter, Pearl. are camp-
ing with her brother, Rev. T. Blatch•
ford at Kincardine.—The following
left for the west last Tuesday, ,lames
Ross, %V. Dougall, %V. McLaren and
Nelson Itlatr•hfotd.--Bert Whiteman
is horse from London where he tens
been working in Strong's drug estxh-
lishtnent. Ile attt'nde college this fall
and winter.- Miss Hunter left for Tor-
onto on Sat utility morning with Wm.
14uiitllie'a little child, for The Sick
Children's Hospital. --M iss Maggie
Murray, formerly of itenaall but now
night Superintendent of New 1•otk
hospital, who is visiting her hotne in
Clinton, is a guest of Mrs. i. Slither
land. --Robert Hunt, wife and children
of II r -ton, West Missouri, who have
been guests of his mother, Mrs. [font.
returned house lest week. -Mrs. .1.
1Veiamiller and children. accompanied
tiv her mother, Mrs. Blair. left Last
vie k for Miehiq.ln to n isit relatives.—
'1r. and Sir-. \l•. 11 g,f,rrh and child•
n are visiting in Goderich.
Everyone needs something
to create and maintain
strength for the daily
round of duties.
There is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter, the
pu I ity and merit of which
has been attested by
chemists, physicians and
experts at the great exhib.
bit ions.
The k'orest City Business & Short-
hand College, Y. M. C. A., London,
whose ad. appears In thla paper re-
questing proepective students to write
for free catalogue, is considered one,
of the best equipped and beat officer-
ed Colleges in Canada, There are sev-
en regular teachers, four to the Com-
mercial Dept., and three in the Short-
hand. The principal of the Bookkecp.
lug work is a Chartered Accountant,
with our years auditing experience
and beveral years college teaching to
his credit. The principal and first as-
sistant of the shorthand dept., are
graduates of the author of the system
taught in the College—Gregg. A rGOld
Medal each year is awarded frorn
both the Business and Shorthand De-
partments to the students Braking the
highest percentage through the year On
the Ilualliess Educators Exams.
Mr. Alex. Telfer and Miss Ida Ewald
visited at Mr. August Ewalde last
Patkhlll.—A happy event transpired at
th•r honer of Mr. and bfrs.,P. Nicol, on
Tu,,aduy of last week, when their
daughter, Miss Annie, was united In
;HAI u lege with Mr. Norman K. YdeCl:n-
ri,o t of Blind River.
Nt:te hell.—Tho Lutheran church was
the scene of a pretty wedding on Wed -
lion Aug. ltlth, when Mise Marry
,hind daughter of Nfr. and Mrs. Louie
\tiller, was united in marriage to Mr.
Edgar it. Ream -r. of Waterloo, Rev.
DR ode) °frit bating
Egrnondvlllc.—William Burgard, sec-
ond eon of Mr. F. Burgard, died at his
futhrr's home, Egntondvllie, on Friday
winning. atter a long and very pain-
ful Illness. The deceased Young Mall
was a machinist by trade ,and had been
richt; In Calgary for some time.
Clinton.—A very quiet wedding to)k
place a• I)etrott recently %nen Mimi. An-
nie Abbott of Cillrto;t was united In
marriage to Mr. Fred. Parker of Na-
pihka, Man.. and Mr. l'arker left tor the
\west to lank after his Interests there
but Niro. barker will remain here for
at re.. months.
Corbett,—A young son of Mr. Ed. Ryan
of the towrul:ne, Stephen. near Corbett
was severely klckr-d in the face by a
horse on Ntonday of last week and has
since been under the care of the doctor.
Ills face Is badly cut and disfigured
but with carr tiro doctor expects to
have hire around again shortly.
Any etude ret from Exeter wishing to
attend the ClIntun ita.tetness College,
nt.ty do so at a very low cost, by pur-
1 basing a ntonti.ly tickrt, thereby saw -
Ing board bill. Such students will miss
two hours each Morning, but will be
given fete tuition at the end of 0.1:1
tnocth to recompense for sante. The
graduates of this college are filling t he
best positions avallabie In Canada and
the United States. All are placed Im-
mediately after graduation. During the
last year six graduates were » i t,;cd
is t=each^re by other Business College4.
Tu kcraniltit.—:11th. Kennedy of the
7tti concession of Tuckcramith, happcn-
e i with an unfortunate accident a few
days ago at ttie toile of Nfr. Reynolds
whu resides near Clinton. While tak-
inc off a load of grain the trip rope on
the slings broke and let him fall back -
+:.ads off the load to the barn floor.
Nir Kennedy sustained eet'ioua injuries
is a result of the accident. Ire 1s at
pit at rat fu a precarious condition.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Utorir;e Toni•., and
only .•.rfu effectual Dl.l,thly
ltegulatur on which von:t n can
depend. Sold iu three dcgrnea
of .,rtu gth—\o. 1. 11 ; to. 2,
10dtgrtcdbtrvhber lt; No. 3,
Sold pedal crit•s, p• r bolt.
by all dru eta. or +out
pprepaid on recta p t of price.
.4 Fre. tsun rhlet. Addrts s
COS..TOIONTO.ONT. (former I('ut�la„r)
The Siege of Sebastop
Aud. 29 EXHIBITION Sept. 14
Greatest and Best .lttend .1 Annual Exhibition in all the Wor!:!
Every Province
lis Products
in Prizes and Attractions
Massed !laud
Grand Art Loan Collection
From the Paris Salon and other (ltd -World Galleries.
International Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle
With 900 Performers.
International Dog Show International Cat Shove
8,000 Live Stock on View
For ?rise LWa, 1.tr, Blanks aid all latta..tke &Year J. 0. 081. ■Hada. City 8.11. Torcuto
Let us show you
how easy It Is to shake the
"Hecla" Furnace I
The "Hecla" has four
grate bars. Each one
can he shaken separ-
ately. This means
that you can shake
down just the part of
the fire where the
ashes are, without disturbing the rest of the coals.
With "Hecla" Triangular Grate Bars, you can
get rid of all the ashes—save coal—keep the
fire bright and clean—and do away with sifting
ashes, because no fresh coal or half -burnt
clinkers come down in the ashpan.
We would be pleased to talk over the furnace question wjth you
and show you, part by part, just why the " necla " Furnace is
the best for you to bby. Come in any time.
Made by Me 'sabers of "'eerleso Peninsular" taages. es
Money to Loan
on Mortgages of Real Estate at Current Rates
All Business Strictly Confidential
Liberal Terms of Repayment
Loans Completed Quickly
Expenses Moderate
Full information gladly given
Loan and Savings Co., London, Ont.
ERR Pr(e
1t�r f l r
' :SCHOOL* `lill111i
t• t(f t• �,l �ti, 1
t� R
696 ! 1 .yy> L �t
r� 1N1
inalsluPi. ! it r' .irr/k/11 s hilt
.rr_l 1 •' itit . _,,
TEACHER—Johnnie, what does this represent?
JoitNNIE—Perrin'' School Biscuits.
TEACHER—What do you know about them ?
JoHNNIE—They are good to eat. Mother says they are the best biscuits
Blade for hungry boys and girls.
TEACIIER—Correct, Johnnie, your Mother is right. I also use them
and find them exceedingly good.