Exeter Advocate, 1908-08-27, Page 4e OBleeter Abtiorate .3taudore PrtipB. TRUItl3DAY, A big. 27, 190S NOTE AND COMMENT The geuetal impression new seems to be r hat Oct. 23 will sec a Dominion election. The bravery of Chief Clat k, Fireman %Vein :ld Sergi. Cockburn who lost their lives in a London the last ween:, was conspicuous and ,le•serving of all the praise that has been given theta, but alter all was it necessary that Chief l:iark should lead his oleo into a building of that nature whelp the Opp: t aLot'eys u'r,. r, hhe.tvlly- laden, anti where no live•, but their own were endangered? Of a total of 173 liquor licenses cut off in Ontario during the last three yew's, slightly under one half have been swiped out by the operation of local option by-laws. The exact num- ber extinguished by local option is '1'.37, while 23.S have been cut off by inde- pendent action by various boards of license commissioners. In the year 190.1-6 local option sounded the death knell of 34 licenses and the commis- sioners cut off 113, making a total of 117. In 1906-7 the total number wiped Out was 195. local option being respon- sible for 110 and the cotumissioners for 53. In 11107.3 the figures stand 63 foi local option and 70 for the com- missioners. Greenway Mrs. W. J. Wilson and Mrs. E. Stinson are visiting Mrs. (Rev.) Car- riere at Grand I3end.—F. Steeper and Miss 13. Turner visited Mrs. 1Villiaw Whitt side on Sunday evening.—Misses E. Itehder and 13. Barnes of Parkhill spent a few days the past week with Miss M. Stewa itison.--Aruong those from here who went to the West were C. Gutl,ave, C. Stew:trdson, L. Pollock, R. Carruthers and 3.. 13. Mathers.— Miss Marion Laurie of Rebecca was a guest of her friend Miss Zilia English on Sunday.—Misses Jean Baird and A. Turner of Parkhill called on Miss Carrie 1Vilson on Monday.—Miss A. Milliken of Parkhill spent the past week at W. J. Wilson's.—Mr. and Mrs. Cobbledick of Exeter are visitinfc at Thos. Stewardson's.—Rev. J. E. Holmes of Sarnia called in our burg on Monday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. H. Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webb and family of Michigan visited at A. M. Wilson's on Monday. —A. McIntosh of Port Huron visited Hoist. English. —Sorry to report Mrs. W. England under the doctor's care.—Jas. Brophy was at Port Frank on Tuesday.—Miss- es C. Nilson, A. Milliken and M. Stin- son visited Miss Eva Harvey at "Sun- set Lodge" Grand Bend on Thursday evening.—Mrs. Ed. Gill and Misses Florence and Fern of Grand Bend vis- ited at W. England's on Mon•iav— Miss Mabel Foster spent Sunday with Miss May McLean, Corbett. Shipka The flax mill has commenced opera- tion. --Cider making should soon he booming again. ---Allan Ratz of New Hamburg is assisting Mrs. Wing in the store.—Among these from here who went to the Wiest were: Nelson Sinclair and bride, Simon and Will Sweitzer, Thos. 13aynham, Wm. Mas- on—los. Carruthers, Jahn O'Rourke, John Schroeder, John Mclsaac, Henry P(:et!. John and Peter McPhee. NVEor}cn—Ort Monday of last week a very pretty wedding was celebrated at he house of Wm. Smith, 11th runs Stephen, whet) his daughter, Miss Lily Mae, joined hands and fortune with Nelson Sinclair, an estimable young man of the same township. The bride, who ,was charmingly attired in a dain- ty muslin frock, was assisted by her sister, Miss Christen.' Smith, while Simon Sweitzer supported the groom. The fateful words wereprunot)nt'.'d by Rev. Steadman of Corbett, who tied Crediton Rev. L. K. l:idt of Dashwood Occup• ied the pulpit in the Evangelical chuich last Sunday. Next Sunday lrthut Kellertn,tnu, a student of the North-western College at Naperville, will preach both morning and evening. —The Epworth League of the Metho- dist church had a picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday. All had a pleas- ant time. —Geo. ll.ittzel is in London this week attending the high Coent of the 1.0.F. Its a delegate of the local court. —Havre Fowler of Seaforth has been added to the stall of the Bank of Commerce as at Junior. --Dan Sweitzer has returned home after a month's vacation in Parr) Sound. He had a splendid titue and has added a few ex- tra pounds to his weight. —The Con- servatives had their convention in Rented! uti 1 ue.day to select a candi- date to represent South Huron in the corning Dominion Elections. A num- ber Iron) here attended. John Sher- ritt, our popular and well-known township resident, was selected as the standard bearer and we have every be- lief that he will be successful when the time conies for the electorate to cast their ballots.—Our bowlers attended the picnic at Mount Carmel on Tues- day, as well as quite a number of peo- ple from this neighborhood.—Andrew Mittleholtz spent last Sundayin Zur- ichP with his family.—Dr. and Mrs. Rivers and son of Raymond, Alberta, spent a few days in our midst last week. While here they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. !wicker. We aro pleased to see that the West is agreeing with the Dr. and his wife.— Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kerr of Winchel- sea spent last Sunday in town visiting friends.—August Kuhn of the Bank of Commerce is having bis holidays.— Miss Nora Siebert and brother Ed., of Dashwood spent a few days here last week the guests of their uncle, Samuel Brown.—Mrs. Dora Link is attending the fall millinery openings in Toronto this week.—Miss Edna Either and Miss Madeline Scott, who have been visit- ing relatives it) our midst for some time, returned to their homes in UIi!y, Mich., and Philadelphia. Penna., re- spectively, on Monday.—Percy Hum- ble of Sarnia was in our town a few days last week.—Miss Alma Hill is visiting friends in Berlin and Ham- burg.—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coughlin of Centralia Sundayed in town with Dr. and Mrs. McCue.—Miss Martha NVind is visiting relatives in Milver- ton,—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morlock were in Port Huron last Friday.—Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Wurtz and Tobias Wurtz returned to their home in Pigeon on Tuesday.—Mrs. Oestreicber has had her dwelling repainted, which has added greatly to its appearance.— Miss Geesky of Cheslea, Mich., is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. (Rev.) Bean.—Miss Bradly of Toronto was the guest of her cousin. Miss Clara Kienzle for a few days the past week. SAD D1tATu—The remains of the late Henry Wein, the brave fireman who lost his life with others in the West - man fire in London on August 18th, were brought to the home of his fath- er, Mathew Wein, Lot 13, Con. 8, Stephen, on the evening of the 19th. The body was accompanied to the Lon- don station by the mayor and city council, the coffin having upon it flor- al offerings in the form of a broken column from the fire department and a wreath from the council. The young man had been en the fire brigade for over four years and was a general fav- orite with the men, as be was also with his many old friends in this neighborhood. It was a sad home coming indeed. This community was shocked at his sudden taking off, while the relatives were stricken with grief at the sudden death of a loved one, arid they have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. The funeral on Friday afternoon to the Crediton cemetery was one of the largest that has ever been held here and betokened the widespread regret at the demise of the young man. Deceased. who was aged 27 years, 2 months and '.3 days, leaves a father and mother, three brothers and five sisters. The broth - ere John, Joseph and Sanrrel at the nuptial k not most securely, Tho- i home. The sisters are Mrs. Ilenry ceremony and eongratnlatiors over, a Pope and \Irs. Haylock of London, splendid wedding repast was served Mrs..John Sweitzer and Mrs. William and a most pleasant social evt•nilig 1'inkheiner of Crediton, and Mrs. Bore spent. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair left the I bind of Wotxletock• ,next morning for Melita. Sask., where Revs. Heist and Litt officiated at they will spend several months. Thew the grave. After the burial service have the best wishes of their friends had taken place the funeral service for tli.aiy yc.tr. .1 happy wedded life. was held in the Evangelical church, 9aintt,t►ury where the Rev. A. Y. Haiet of Berlin preached in the. English language and Bev. .1. G. Litt of Sebringville in the German. Both delivered powerful and very appropriate discourses. Special music, suitable for the mass - Pion, was rendered. Miss Chrissy Brown, cue of the soloists of the choir, sang, and the \tele Octette of the Sun• day V hoof sang "Eternity". The Lon- don City Council was represented by ,tId. Geary and AId. i',trgons end the Fire D.•par t merit by Foreman Janne) Findlater of No. 2 Company and Fire- man Thomas Aitkens of No. 3 Com- pany. The pall•bearer•e were: Fire- man Findlater, Fireman Aitkens; brothers John, Joseph and Samuel and nephew Garnet Sweitzer. The floral offerings were the most handsome seen in this vicinity Lora long time, consist- - ed of wreath-', sheaves and pillows, among nllich we might mention, a wee oh given by the Pity Connell, one he tb,. Poli,.. Force. a broken column by the Foe Department, a spnty by the Chatham Fire Dept., a number of Iwreaths by the members of t he de- ceased's fanrilt. and a miss from Mr. Weitin tn. 1'1»' heartfelt sympathy. 119 exten'led to the he'raved f.,nlily. iOnly two weeks ago the deceased v is. ltrd in; ur midst, spending his wac.ttint) with his parent. and renewing old :w- ept eintanres. and strange to say, when bidding his p cents farewell, horst in- to tears, something unusual. The winners of The Purity contest closing Aug. 22nd were in order: 'T. Biggs, 1t. N. I{ rwt', (i,trvey Atcheson, i.. Heywood, Miss M. Lewis, Mies C.T'ri'll 11'11111311 Elliott, A. F. Bennett t 1'.rk1i11, Miss:1. Heideman. A. Cel- t t, \V. 1'. Down, Wilfred Stewart. While unloading oats at Nathanel Ogden's one dot last geek F. 1. Davis lied +t 1141 row escape. 11e had just ttippcd .e load off he --linos and ,when drawing the bar back the trip rope broke, c..using hint to drop on the barn floor, tract tiring one shoulder and breaking a rv•rd in his kg. Ile is con. tined to the house in eonst'tlett'nr'e•— Miss Jennie dills of 'Toronto visited her c,,,ivin. Nasse 1 1) iv is, for a couple days last week.— Partners around here are about through harvesting. --Mr, i)ougeh of Ottawa, who visited around here, has returned to Lncan before leaving for home. Miss Georgena and 13e11a 1%'aire are visiting at William gaintou's. Shoe Polish Don't be deceived by imita- tions. It means long life to your shoes to be sure of 2 in I Black and all colors, at an dealers, 10c. end Ik- ttas. 1,EsttE woe )•i Took Poi•on Is Mletake. Bona ('ate, daughter of the bete 1't..t.k vise of Seafttrth, came to an untimely death on Tuesday morning by t .1e em( catholic acid in mistake for ,'all and Examine our Goods and Pi ices and be convinced that we D1) ne•.11 ".e. She had been ill thr.•ngh AS %V1•: ADVEI{TISE. rhe .o't,( and had reached fr the 1.••t1 to the' .banal for her medicine and Hay. Mr, Tinney, Sr., of the 5th Conces- aloft, Ilay, wa. the victim of a VIA y unfortunate accident on Tuesday last. He was salting the cattle in the field when one of the brutes turned on him, throwing him down and trampled on him, causing a fracture and dislocation of the thigh. Being an elderly man, it will doubtless be some time before he recovers. Clandeb03'C. Dr. Hodgins and family spent a few days of last week with the Doctor's parents.—qtr. and Mrs. George Clap - pane of Hamilton, are visiting Mrs. George R. Career.—Rev. Mr. Kerr is away on his vacation. Geo. A. Stan- ley occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday.—Mervyn Kennedy of George- town, is visiting his cousin, Milton Brown.—F. E. Kestle and wife, of Ilti- erton, called on friends here on Sun- day evening.—S. L. Lamport and wife spent Sunday in Ildetton.--The Sew- ing Circle of W. M. S. are meeting weekly to prepare a bale.—Miss Tillie Yager and mother spent Monday here. —Miss Lizzie Patton is visiting her parents here.—Garnet Amy spent Sun- day in Exeter.—Mrs. Ira Bice, of Lon- don, was in town over Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Case spent Sunday in Godcr- icb.—Mrs Hodgins ne and Mrs,Herbert )art are In London for a few days' visit.— Miss Gertrude Elliott is spending a few days with Mrs. (Dr.) Jones. Dashwood 1J. IIROKENSIIIRE, DASIIWOOD, CONVEt- 124 • ENCER. Deeds, wills, Mortgages and al Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepared. Charges moderate. Mr. and Mrs. John Goodman, who were here attending the funeral of Mr. Goodman's sister, left for their hone in Michigan on Tuesday last.—Mr. Wagner, accompanied by his daugh- ter, to at present visiting his daughter, the Mrs. (Rev.) EidL—Two local rinks of bowlers went to Mt. Carmel and took part in the games there on Tues- day afternoon.—A bus load of young people went to Mount Carmel Tuesday evening.—Mr. Allan Brenner disposed of his one village property last week to his son-iu-law, Mr. Nick Stier.— Harvest is now almost a thing of the past in this community.—Mr. John Graybiel made a business trip to Lon- don on Monday.—Several loads of scrap iron have been taken away from the plaining mill. We have not heard as yet whether it is the intention of the Company to rebuild. Woodham Death of Josc•p t Stephens—There pas - e...1 away at ills Loth. lIl tt-Oo Thant o.. Monday last one of the bee: known nen of this section let the person of Joe. ph Stet -hens, at the age of 7u years 2 mouths and 2 day's. The dceeasA has bC ii lie very pour health for intny n'onths, durl:ig which time he has suf- fered much pain a:td the gator: ut .t i trouble has been, very distressing. The dc -teased has lived lit tate neighborhood 11_..11: all 1.1 llfr. Ile way for Inany yc:.r a engaged la farming atter waich he took up the sale of Implements, and later purchased and conducted lttc hovel titre. Mr. Stephens was a man es:eemcd and respected by every wren', who had the ple,suro of his acqualnt- ance. lie was ktud-hcatted awl '.roc and all will deeply mourn his d..tnise. Ills wife predeceased !tint several }•care. Ile is survived by a grown-up f.t:ally. The fu:.t r..l took place to the litrk:aii cemcter y or: Wednesday and was large- ly attended. l3urondale With the fine weather of the past week the farmers are fast nearing the end of harvest.—Messrs. W. II. and N. G. Keddy, who were attending the Odd - fellows Demonstration at St. Thomas, are visiting with tbrir parents here. The latter was accompanied by his wife and family.—Mrs. Henry Strang has returned from an outing at Hay- field. _+ Grand Bend A drowning accident occurred re- cently south of here when a young lady, Miss Jeanette Germotte, com- mitted suicide by throwing herself in- to the river. Illness seems to have un- balanced her mind and it is said that she previously had attempted to end her life. The sympai.hy of the com- munity is telt for the bereaved family. Farquhar. Mr. Thos. Cameron is in London this week attending the High Court of the Independent Order of Foresters of which he is a delegate.—The fifty -acre fat•in belonging to the Moir Estate in t e township of Usborne, was dispos- of by auction by Thos. Cameron on M )nday to John Cann of Lumley, the pr ce being $'2250. There are no build - in s on the property of any value con- sequently the price was fair. By the addition to Mr. Oann's farm be will have one of the best properties in Us - borne. pecial August Sale "Rolling Stones Gather No Moss" YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY effect as great a saving by buying hither and thither as you can by confining yourself to the one great bargain centre —TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER'S. Bear in mind—for every bargain you see or hear tell of, there is just as many, and just as good, IN OUR STORE. Our Bargain Giving is not confined to a line or two hut itisepreadover alland the BARGAINS you get in one of our lines are only representatives of the many others we are giving. Afew pieces of Fawn and Tan Colored DRESS GOODS, .. " worth 10c, for 8c yd in Satin Cloth, Henrietta,, &c.8sc. regular 50c and 00c, to clear at `lac yd. American Prints, regular 7c, fur 5c yd Bleached Shirting), 2 yds wide, for 25c 10 pieces Print, reg. 12c, for 1Oc yard Blue and White Checked Shirtings, worth 121c yard, for 10c Fancy Gingham, 12ic to 15c, for 10c yd Factory Cotton, worth 12ic yd, for 10c Fancy Muslin, 15c to 25c, for 10c yard. See our bleached Table Linens—the best value ever shown in Dashwood Ladies' Waists, regular 50c to $1, to clear at 2.5c each " Flannelette Night (towns, reg. $1.15, for 75c " $1.00, " 05c White Underskirts, " $1.25, " $1.00 " Whie Night Gowns " $1.50, " $1.00 Embroidery Corset Cover " Slic, " 40c " Black Hose, 3 pair for 25 cents. Tau Hose, 2 " "i " Vests 10c each Bargains in Embroidery and Laces. A beautiful range of Ladies' Belts, Fancy Collars, Ties, (cloves, tic., kc. We handle the 11 .. 16 di 66 Celebrated D. & A. Corset. Gents' Furnishing SLASHING PRICES IN MEN'S AND BOY'S READY-TO-WEAR SUITS The biggest Bargains ever offered, as we wish to lower our stock its this department. Also Bargains in our Made -to -Order Tweeds and Worsteds if in need of a suit be sure and see what we can do for you before you pur- chase. Collars, Socks, Braces, Ties, Hats, Caps and Underwear. See the NEW KNITTED 'I'iE, the very latest, in all shades. STRAW HATS, 5 cts. SHIRTS, bit cts, 3 PAiR SOCKS, 25 rte, Hardware Cut Nails (slightly rusted) all lengths, 2c per lb. 1 only "Favorite " ('burn 1 " " Peerless" Washer at Bargain Prices, 1 " " Leader " Washer 1 " Iian)mn'k, regular $2.50, for *2.110, i.orig handle Shovels, :ole. " i)" handle Spades, slightly rusted, Stec Sad irons, regular $1.2.1. fat' $LtWI. (set of :3 irons, 1 stand and 1 handlei Window Screens, clearing at :J)c each. A full line Scoop Shovels and Grain Bags. it , ^u are in need of any Fencing, the best Fencing be sure and buy the Ideal Woren Wiremade. We are the agents for the same. All kinds of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil. and Sep- arator 011 on h end. We. ,•nhdle the Celebrated Sherwin-Williams Prepared. Paints. They go the farthest and wear the longest because 'fiiEY ARE BEST. CHiNA, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE DEPT. is full with a large range of Dinner Setts, Toilet Setts. Lemonade Setts, Fancy China, Farley (ilass- ware. Our prices are as iow es the lowest. A large stock of all kinds of School Supplies for School Opening Grocery Department is full of new and fresh good,. We pay special attention to this department. tial pr lees ale tight. 5 lbs. I;and Gr'e'en Tea, ttl.tel 2 lbs. Best Green Ci,ffce. 2':, eta. Seeded Rni&ihs, Ph! I1.. " " Roost Rib Toffee, 25c Kot n k inks, 5c pkg. " pkg. Aninte'nia Powder Sc Salmon, like tin. Corn and Peas. .i pans for 25e A full supply of Pickling Spices. Curry Powder, "Nutlet is \lustard St sill Celery Seed, (linger Root, Chillies, IQs'.. kc. All sizes "Crown" Fruit Jars in PIMA. Fruit lir Rubbers. :re and tut .1 ,. We handle the. . .. Celebrated Red Rose, Salada & Blue Ribbon Teas in ill,. and 1 Ib. packages. In Green. 131-o•k and Miit'el. Ti y a package. Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce. got the wrong bottle. When t,'iied TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER, she Ives nnr•'nscinus and lived en Iv it sln•'r t time.C owner `ti•-• T).1" !T \1'OO1) THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTADLIS11FJ.) 1687 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Paid-up Capital, $10.000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5„000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. la Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton ;• „ ,e. , a1: DON'T GO TO BUSINESS COLLEGE UNTIL YOU'VE READ THIS rte` CATALAI. a rho • via.M. 4,4 sGt, Load..(.11_4�1:ljye j . 40114.0. FREE BOOK It te immensely important that you should get all the information about s college before you enroll ea • student. Your sucrose* da% panda upon your choice. oar r,.. Catalog.. tall• all ghost was M.tiod• of Teeehlo.—eby ere ter* set gradnwe .t.o ss. always In d.m.ad: It explains t1,. Cce.arotal and Shgis bend co.r..a t. detail. Sho.at6..aJele of di. de•tn•a.Educator .Aa•ocl.ttoa • Diplo.._ And t).la large. hendaow•��Ip�y illustrated b.oh wilt. be a.nt to you ir111 by return .f so ti os ells haeawwwddd ss your MM end s4drnL St, d.nta •d.t•d sane. Speoi,1 Op.nag S•ptIt•.b•r.n, and Jgsugry Tl. raciest Car 5..i..., ..d Sh.rtha.d College LOSOOrt. ONTARIO A w. w 1, W. W.aerreh, _ Mr. Fred Gidley has returned to De- troit. Clinton: William Wallace Ferran, long closely identified with the busi- ness life of Clinton, died on August 17th. He was 74 years of age and was Division Court Clerk for over 40 years. He followed many different lines of business during his life and made a success of all of them, and Clinton in many ways mourns the death of one of its first citizens. !� Wood's �ho111 The Orrut lt'Yiglit Tone. and Invigoratestb. whoa rlerw•oua 9y.. elir, makes new load in old Veins. q,��,, Nere- aer.t Debilityy,� Mental and Brain. iVorry, Dea- ..nndenrv. Se runt ii eaknr.a Emiseio,i q, Spey -galore/um. and Areas of 4 buze orxces•es. . 'r leo d l per box. st x for $S. One will Wane. ne six will cure. Sold b all druggists or rnaIbet (n plain pkg. on recels,� of price. Nr re pampraet mailed free. TM Wa,esld MardlatM Co. (formerly WVintlsor) Tsvrnto.Ont Fall Term Opens Sept.i THE SOONER VOL' complete a course io this school the sooner you may espe.-t to hold a position of trust. Our courses are thorough and practical. our students always succeed. We meet graduate, to position.. we have three •Iepartntents, !commercial. Shorthand and Tel• egraphie. We employ experienced instructors. Catalogue free, ELLIOTT & McIhI1LAN, Principals. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1`455 Capital Rest Fund - $3,374,000 $3,374,000 Has 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World, A GENERAL BAMBINO BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINCS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current tate. - EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKflos it CARI.ING, Solicitors. N. D. IIURDO.N, Manager, ALL : COME : IN AND EXAMINE OUR NEW s'fock OF' Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet Sets, Etc., Etc., We have undoubtedly the finest lines of goods that have ever been shown in this district. We can suit you in quality and price every time. Wedding Presents Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big season is now approaching. We are ready for it with the finest rings & best presents. Call and Examine Early A. MARCHAND, Exeter, Ont. 1