Exeter Advocate, 1908-08-27, Page 2i
Dried Beet
Unlike the ordinary drted
beef --that Sold in bulk—
LibLy's Peerless Dried Beef
conies in a sealed glass jar
in which it is packed the
moment it is sliced into those
delicious th n wafers.
Nene of the rich natural
flavor or goodness escapes
ordiies out. It reaches you
fresh and with all the nutri-
ment retained.
Libby's Peerless Dried
Dee! is only one of a Great
number of high-grade, ready
to serve, pure food products
that are prepared in Libby's
Great While Kitchen.
Just try a package of -ny
of these, such as Ox Tongue,
Sausage, Pickles,
etc., and see how
delightfully dif-
ferent they are
from others
you havneaten.
Libby, McNeill &
Libby, Chicago
He --"If a girl declines an offer
ct Marriage and becomes a spin-
ster, she is apt to regret it."
She—"Yes; and if she marries
she is apt to regret it—so what can
a poor girl del"
vouchsafed to roan is personal van-
'Do the mighty snub us? We
Finite and think that we are better
than they. Are some men richer
than we? 11'hy, we know for some
we could have [Wade twice their
money with half their chance.
"Are we homely 1 We think we
ate handsome. 1Vhy, the men wo
see, old and young, looking in the.
mirrors are proud of their hair,
I•roud of their neckties, proud of
their clothes, proud of thetnselvas
from their heads to their toes.
"They may live narrow lives, and
if they only knew it, with no hope
c•f ever getting out on the broad
road ; Luc they aro satisfied with,
more than that, they aro vain of
themselves. And what a blessing!
"Aro we not content to wear
cheap clothes because in our fond
vanity we th:uk that we ourselves
give to them an air of distinction?
So in many instances.
"And dues not the same hold true
as well to our views of all our be-
longings 1 Don't we think that our
lumbering old clumsy gaited six
minute horse could go in 2.22% if
we dared to give him his head 1
Don't we think that. our yacht or
our power boat could make any-
thing else iu the water look like
thirty, yes, like twenty or oven fif-
teen cents if we were once disposed
to show what it could really do?
"Do we not think that our chick-
ens aro really the very best speci-
mens of their breed, and do wo not
think that ours is the finest lawn 1
And our children! Do we not all
think that our children, whatever
they may bo, are the finest children
that ever were bort?
"It is so of many things, and all
these are cheerful, happy, helpful
notions that even the most timid
and shrinking of men may cherish.
Our vanity is not . my a protector
and a shield, it ie for us a castle
within whose walls we can dwell in
serenity and security, in sweet sat-
isfaction with ourselves; and in a
world so full of things that other-
wise would jar us, is not this a great
blessing? Many a man's lot in lifo
has been softened, has been 'nude
happy, by his harmless personal
Most of rho liquid medicines ad-
vertised to euro stomach and bowel
troubles and summer complaints
contain opiates and are dangerous.
When the mother gives Baby's Own
Tablets to her little ones she has
the guarantee of a government ana-
The World is Full of Pains.—The last that this medicine contains no
aches and pains that afflict human- opiate or narcotic. And she has
the assurance that no other medi-
cine will so speedily euro stomach
and bowel troubles, if they come
unexpectedly. Give the well child
an occasional dose of these tablets
and they will prevent sickness by
clearing the stomach and bowels of
offending [natter. Mrs. Wilbert
Bone, Camille, Ont., says :— "1
have used Baby's Own Tablets for
stomach and bowel troubles and
know of no other medicine so satis-
factory." Sold by medicine dealers
or by mail at 26c a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
N bile Ants of Ceylon and Their
Numerous Natl'ra1 Enemies.
It is estimated that. two-thirds of
the island of Ceylon is underrnined
by white ants. The number of these
insects is certainly quite incalcu-
lable; but it is fortunate that their
natural enemies are almost as num-
The workers aro preyed upon by
true ants and many other insects;
by spiders, lizards and centipedes;
ht rats, mice, and palm squirrels
But it is the adult winged insects
that are especially victimized. ft
is probable that scarcely 1 per cent.
c•f the mature insects survive the
dangers of the periodic fights.
They run the gauntlet of nearly
every other animal. Birds, bats,
squirrels, rats, toads and lizar1s
all duck to the feast. Dogs and
cats eat the winged ants with avi-
"Even man himself does not dis-
dain to participate," says E. E.
Green. "The Tam:1 coolie looks up -
its are many and constant, arising
from a multilatde of indistinguish-
able causes, hut in tae main owing
to man's negligence in taking care
( f his health. Dr. Thomas' Eelec-
trie Oil was the outcome of a uni-
versal cry for some specific which
would speedily relieve pain, and it
bas filled its mission to a remark-
able degree.
Many a man talks about his be-
neficence being limited by his means
when he means that it is circum-
scribed by his meatiness.
A lady writes: "I was enabled to
remove the corns, root and branch,
by the use of Holloway's Corn
Cure." Others who have tried it
have the sante experience.
"I suppose," said the physician,
after he had sounded the new pa-
tient, "that you exercise judgment
in the matter of smoking 1 You do
not indulge in it to foolish excess?"
"No, indeed !" replied the invet-
erate individual. "1 never smoke
more than one cigar ata time!"
A flatter of Importance to all those who ars
"an down and debilitated is ole flet that
F.nartm" is tho beat foist ewer .• • npouade.t.
It giros strength and builds up tho s1 .te.n.
With an ugly sneer be tossed aside
the bread which she had made with
her own hands. "If I were only an
ostrich," he began. But the young
bride cut him short. "Yes, if you
only were," she snapped, "then 1
might get at last n few decent feath-
ers for that old hat I've worn since
my wedding day."
'Vorms derange the whole system.
Mother Graves' Worm Extermina-
tor deranges worms and gives rest
to the sufferer. It only costs 25
cents to try it and be convinced.
A Personal Blessing Vouchsafed to
When you are going shopping
`tan. Thinks Mr. Maclllink. don't simply- say "A pound of tea, '
"The longer I live." said Mr. ' incense you can secure better tea,
jfacl;link, "the more 1 think that, more delicious tea, if you only ask
the greatest personal blessing for "Salads."
ItASU15 as at -at
on a mess of fried termites as a
great dainty. and I have several Eu-
ropean acquaint.inees who consid-
er that trmites en toast form n dish
worthy of more general inclusion in
the menu. They are said to taste
not ut.like mushrooms."
The following is reported to have
been found on the wall of a deserted
cabin in the heart of Nebraska :
"Fore miles frum a Haber : sixteen
m'les frum a post-oftice ; twenty -fat c
miles frum a ralernad ; forty-one
miles frum a cht.reh : a hundred and
sety frum timber ; half a mile frutn
water ; God bless our home ' H'e're
gone to Br;tt•h Columbia to get a
fresh start."
Pe-ru-na Useful, I.IK1:1.Y.
for Catarrh?
Should a list of the Ingredients of Pe.
runt i.o submitted to any medical ex-
pert, of whatever school or nationality,
he would be obliged to admit without
reserve that the medielnal herbs com-
posing Peruna are of two k iltds. First,
standard and well -tried catarrh reme-
dies. Second, well-known alit gener-
ally acknowledged tout, remedies.
That in one or the other of those uses
they have stood the tet of many years'
experience by (physicians of di 7etent
schools. There eau be no disputa about
this, whatever. Peruna is composed of
some of the most efficacious and uni-
versally used herbal remedies for ca-
tarrhal diseases, and for Knell conditions
of the human system 55 require a tonic.
Each one of the principal ingredients
of Peruna has a reputation of its own
in the euro of some phase of catarrh o:
as a tonin medicine.
The fact is, chronlo catarrh is a dis-
ease whish is very prevalent. Many
thousand iteople know they have
chronic cataerh. They have visited doc-
tors over and over again, and been told
that their case is one of chronic catarrh.
It may be of the nos*, throat, lungs,
stomach or some other internal organ.
There Is no doubt us to the nature of
the disease. The only trouble is the
remedy. This doctor has tried to cure
them. That doctor has tried to pre-
scribefir them.
No other household remedy so uni-
versally advertised carries upon the
label the principal active constituents,
showing that Torun, invites the full
tiapectiou of the critics.
Prices Paid In Great llritain for
Bringing Down a Few Birds.
The large prices that aro being
paid this year for moors promise
to make the luxury of grouse shoot-
ing more costly than usual --and
a: its lowest it is sufficiently ex-
pensive, says the Westminster Ga-
- According to Mr. Teasdale-Buc-
kell L1 is a fair average cost of a
brace of grouse, although the cost
may in a bad year run as high as
five times this sutL. To illustrate
the range of costliness Mr. Buckell
says that ho has known £600 paid
kr 20,000 acres in Perthshire, the
bag amounting to 150 brace, which
took four guns a month to get, while
Li60 has secured a moor of 2,000
acres, on which 100 brace could
easily have been killed by ono good
gun in a day.
It is interesting to note that
grouse driving in the north of Eng-
land is much cheaper than grouse
shooting north of the Tweed. In
Yorkshire and Durham los. a brace
is near the mark—roughly, half tho
cost of birds in Scotland—and 7s.
Bd. a brace is by no means uncom-
"Kings reign, .don't they, pal"
"Yes, son."
"Is that why the papers say the
people receive them with thunder-
ing applause?"
Dysentery corrodes the intestines
and speedily eats away the lining,
bringing about dangerous condi-
tions that may cause death. Dr. J.
D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
clears the intestinal canals of the
gcrnm that cause the inflammation,
and by protecting the lining from
further ravages restores them to
healthy condition. Those subject to
dysentery should not he without
this simple yet powerful remed.•.
Lite Insurance Agent --"My dear
sir, have you made any provision
for those who "come after you?"
Harduppo--"Yes ; I put the dog at
the door, and told the servant to
say I'm out of town."
They are a Powerful Nervine.—
Dyspepsia causes derangement of
the nervous system and nervous
debility once engendered is difficult
to deal with. There are many testi-
monials as to the efficacy of Par-
melee'e Vegetable Pills in treating
this disorder, showing th4 they
never fail to produee good results.
By giving proper tone to the diges-
t;ve organ-. they restore equili-
brium to Ow nerve centres.
"That's Miss Robinson, who ju: t
left your house, isn't it t" asked the
"That's nay Aunt Carrie Robin
son." replied the little girl.
"Your aunt, eh 1 On your nt,.-
ther's side l"
"No; she stands up for I'a etery
The poorest hypocrite in this
world is the man who thinks to be
a saint by spying on the sine of
et hers.
able for
flavor. The big black
plug chewing tobacco.
"Now," said the teacher, who
had Leen discussing the habits of
hears, "what is the fiercest anunal
in the Pular regions, Johnnie 1"
-Why er - - er," stammered
"Conce, don't you remember 1
The pal--.. •
"011, sure ! The pole eat.
A Life :Annuity of FIFTY-TWO
DOLLARS is offered by the
ORANGE MEAT people to the ono
sending in the largest number of
bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack-
ages before May 31, 1909. This
means that the winner will receive
Ono Dollar EVERY WEEK, o'1 -
FIFTY -TWO DOLLARS every year,
as. long as he or she lives, or they
can exchange it for a CASH PRIZE
Besides the above there is a sec-
ond Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes
ns follows:—
Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY 1
Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL-
LARS each.
Twenty Cash Prizes of FIVE
DOLLARS each, and ONE HUN-
DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL-
LAR each.
The only condition attached is
that you cut out the bottoms of the
ORANGE MEAT packages and
seed them in to ORANGE MEAT,
Kingston. Tho bottom of a Jumbo
package counts equal to Three of
the smaller size. You should bo
able to win one of the above prizes
if you start immediately and get
your friends to help yon. Sand
your name and address to
ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO-
DAY, and state that you aro en-
tering the contest. It is surely
worth trying for.
"You here, James!" exclaimed
the slu:nworker, visiting the jail.
"Yes'tn," replied the new pris-
oner, who was in for burglary.
"Well, well, I certainly am sur-
"So was I, ma'am, or I tvoul 'n't
he here."
Ladies in Poor Health
Everywhere, especially those dis-
couraged by failure of previous
treatment are invited to write for
a free trial of my Home treatment,
with interesting booklet, all post-
t.aid in plain wrappers, with the
most reliable references and proofs
which will encourage the most dis-
heartened. You can thus quickly
satiety yourself, without cost that
this treatment is what you long
have sought. I will reply promptly
to all who write. Address,
Windsor. Ont.
"Do you ever talk back to your
wife?" asked the solicitous friend.
"Sometimes," answered Mr. Meek -
ton. "A very little ; just to show her
that I have not gone to sleep."
gild in Their Action.—Parme-
lee's Vegetable Pills are very mild
in their action. They do not cause
griping in the stomach or cause
disturbances there as so many pills
do. Therefore, the most delicate
can take them without fear of un-
pleasant results. They can, too, be
administered to children without
imposing the penalties which follow
the use of pills not so carefully pre-
Even if a woman has naturally
curly hair she can alttays find some-
thing else to worry about.
Like little vatceneets of thee.... the eruption.
ei errems p •qtr gut dieeh tors. ictd bi ant Gauss,
th. trouble. 1ha meal r•muty is Wearer's verses
sot Wearer's Syrup will driro the poises fru. the
BniTerere from Vita F,Icl• h -y . St
Vit .r' L.,nce, Verrone 1•n,ut,les or
F,liiutt Slukn Pe ehuuld wr.t • the
1.1E.dlt: Ed.. 11(1 IC otree:,Tor•onto
kira tr.al t.oU1e of their Pit lure anal
1Yt•atl,e. la .chine trie ter poota(ge and
pox kleg.
AUENTS WANTED. A r.liabie Wean In creel
011) suit l.•wn 1113 eanadt with walloy w.,,tt to suit
a potent ,,tie!. ute,tu.1 in ere,yy frau. h tel and
public buil htlu •1k at sight ncst'ers can
and are +making 15.00 a day. Write at once f•,t
particulars. Gee. T. Cole, Ow ou Sound, Ontario.
K111 them all.
No dead fllos
lying shout
when used as
lac. per packet, or 3 packets for 28c.
will last a whole season.
SII piano
The Mild Climate of Virginia
oilers •pleadid oppottut,ittito for st...t eai.' g,
boat gr..wine, dalryin sod g,neral farming.
Wt:.tars aro •battl'fltuwle ira..lt6(ut 1 ad
f/ and **thug below it. sa`ue buthn•rea...ag
"urrlu• ami. or or !laul Canadians are lidos
le Virginia w,+te for lufurmatiuu to
U. W. K tSElI.
Commissioner of Agriculture,
Richmond, Va.
(Stabl d
( - - --- I{orty Years
t Ss�d fa, t'/.r1:.3ue
tux X-104,
Atm, LAt lir ST.,
Do net fail to visit our exhibit of Billiard
uad Pool "rabies in the IIanut:.cturerd
Building of the Canadian National Gahibi•
tion, To,on:o 1Ve build Regulat$ON
Bowling Alleys. tt rite for our terms and
price list just i.sued.
how much money he snub! sere by using a
Fairbanks -Mors) :tck-*vett-1radesU*...Nue Itl+i
glue bt stw woo,(. pomp water. grin,! geed, Sa,
ws w.t lid not be abet, sopuly the demand.
Cut this *.I. out anal Bond to us br•d.iy, and we
will .w,.1 you our true catalugus.
The Canadian Fatrb..nke Oa, Limited. Toronto, OM
Riunipeg, 1•ancubrer.
8011 Organa aro
also world tamed -
Sun.i for Free Catalog ,
No. it to
dhe Bell POaiiii Oi9on Co., old., Guelph, Onl
"Riches, my friend," said the
plutocrat, "do not bring happi-
ness." "Maybe not," said the so-
clallst ; 'but it must be a heap of i
satisfaction to have a lot of money ;
and he able to talk like that to a
chap that hasn't got any."
Stooks ton('s. Debentures
and Real Estate.
Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stooks of
Canada and United States.
0111,. •t.., ,;• t st-.t6 p' n,pi t,•a. <' •+r.)1
p•.ndenc.• • t,..l
511 to 127 Traders lank Coming, Totento, OM
> ruaaeony Crreo o�
e+rat'hr,neh+.mita.-t Agee, r•rnin•nt
C,t.-, eat en'., tetrp•, %ry r.il•f. for y•r.o u
dl•-a•+s, G,,,•p.,, sputa,. st. V cos Iha v
D•bail•.l. P.te1wueo. r..uedr 1 1C1'
H. N. to ILINII, Ltd,
q t &lees .L. 1M111alitdkla:
The oldest, the most mom `nt.ttls
associations oftentimes attach thein•
selves to the most trilling things.
Thus at dinner the hostess sari t
a sour -faced man on her left:
"May i help you to some of the
boiled rice, Mr. Smith t"
"[(Ice i No, thank you, no rice
for me," Smith answered vehement,
i ly "it is associated with the worst'
mistake of goy life."
All prices and styles from SI 2 40 10
.2.44. Write for free catalogue.
264 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Agents wanted in every town.
Hotel Cu Ib;Friantl
is w� �.� �>.►
E t: f Bic:,dway
at .54te St ,
way an &Ira Street
Ctata!ed titattun.
Ideal Location
Naar Theaters
Shops and
Central Park,
New, Modern
and Absolutely
Fire Prof
'Framing'. It : t .: .1.50 with (Laths and up,
I :11! Uutsi.. , t , nut. Saud fur Itnoktet.
Under th.- Msn:ement of
HARRY P. $TIM5011 A. J. amnesia
rally of hotel lm(rrerial F m ly of Iluta Woodward
The Pang o
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pan, Etc.
Company, Toronto
LYMAN Itftnc. & C/1., Toronto and Montreal; L 'd%N KNOX
1,1\1110,0N, l ornnto; NATIONAL DRUG CO., Loddon.
Bonds and Stocks Bought
and Sold on all all Exchanges
Correspondents - Chas. 'teed & Co., Members
New York and Roston Stock Fitchcozes.
(No Personal Liability)
Authorized Capital,
• $1,000,000.00
Directors—President, Arthur Dinnis, contractor, Toronto ;
Vice -President, A. S. Wigmore, Manager Holmes Eleyrs. bt
Protection Co., Toronto; Secretary -Treasurer, Fred Armstrong,
eontractor, Toronto; F. H. Herbert. architect and engineer,
Toronto; J. C. Holtby, contractor, Toronto; George Duthie,
manager Roofers' Supply Co., Toronto; J. H. Tighe, miner,
Larder City.
Bankers—The Crown Bank. Toronto.
Auditor—Henry Barber, Toronto.
The property consists of A 40 -acre claims Immediately ad-
joining the now famous Har ria Maxwell and upon the same
amount of development should prove equally as good.
10.00o share' are now offered to the public at 15 cents per
share Do not lose this golden opportunity of investing in one
of the most promising properties in the district. For full par-
ticulars apply to
No. 9 Cothor ne Street, Toronto.