HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-12-09, Page 2Page 7.
December 9th , I9I 5
dreadTrunk Railway tS*ystemi 6.3IF,$23, Exports of manufactured
dread Trunk 1 I
l>R 1t $ >lt+ I . V 1$1i,�i
We can issua through tickets via'
patellar routes, to a any point in America
- Esar, Wast, Sa+7th, Northwest, Mani-
toba. Pacific Coast, ete.
Baggage checked through to destine
tion and fat information given whereby
travelling will be maize pleasant and
free from annoyance. Tourist and
return tickets t0 *move points a1SO on
retie at lowest figures, and with all
prevailin,: a:lvantages.
sin: le and return tickets to any point
be Ovate:: Your business will be ap-
p:- •1 stat ne your trip a short or a
lo ame
We e• 'irket you through to any
}tech t u-ope nn all leading steamship
loess`. ;, .,taritd orders also issued,
1a' it'4• about travel, we have
firs",irni •tic i and will give it to
Town Agent G.T.R,
Tune- Oance, Wingham, Ont.
- dr 1,1+,0 ni, crit+
44 'pe INtiDA TIMES.
r d el./ewer, PnameavR*so PROrraTo
products totaled $130,848,327, an in-
crease of $65,391,597, or of 100 per cent.
For the firm seven months of the pres-
ent fiscal year the duty collected on im-
ports valued at $147,1n7,321 has been
$52.e19,Stnt. This makes the average
rate of duty on all dutiable imports 35
per cent, For the month of October
the ditty collected on dutiable imports
valued at $22,301,957 was S.8,201,830.
The rate of duty was therefore 36 per
cent., which makes it practically a pro-
hibitive one, so far as legitimate com-
petition from abroad is concerned.
Within the German Empire there are
signs and portents that recall vividly
the first mutterings of the storm that
broke upon France at the Revolution.
We are told that the supply of food in
Germany is abundant, yet that Chan-
cellor un•ier authority given him bas
just fixed the price at which potatoes
may be sold by the producer and by the
marketman. There is enough to spare
of everything, yet the prices of the
eommonest eonimodities are under
Government control. N000dy goes
hungry. but the people have been
warned that they must not catfry their'
clamor for butter and table supplies to
the point of breaking the grocers'
windows, and the severe penalties im-
posed upon rioters have been officially
e called to their attention. The last
issue of Imperial bonds was so success-
ful that there was general jubilation,
but Imperial bonds are paid for in
paper, since the people long ago sur -
i erdered practically all the gold in their
possession to the Imperial Bank. By
this process of bond issue the Govern_
went can be kept in paper funds
indefinitely. but in spite of price reg-
ulation the discount upon the paper
currency will increase. Ore measure
of the discount was the very disquieting
increase in prices of commodities. -
New York Tribune.
Notice of charges must be left at this
siee net later than saturday noon,
rhe copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
tm i era tVe inesiav of each week
The total numerieai superiority of
the male emialtauuu of the allies over
the enemy is overwhelming, points out
Mr. Reginald Ma enna. That being
the ease. and even if other resources
were only equal, there can only be one
ending to the war if all are determined
on a fight to a finish. -Montreal Gaz-
For the Inst nine months in the
present calendar year there was a net
decrease of 6.741 in the total number of
homestead entries silken out in western
Canada The Province of Manitoba
alone shows an increase in homestead-
ing, the total number for the nine
months of this year being 3,036, as
eompared with 2.776 for the corres-
ponding period of last year. In
Saskatchewan enteries this year
totalled 4405, as compared with 7,672
last Bear. In Alberta this year's en-
trie.. totalled. 5,03, as compared with
S,712 lust Bear, and in British Columbia
there were on:y 3S2 entries this year,
as compared with 131 entries last year.
No doubt as the dramatic moments
of the aver develop we shall see, as we
have seen during time Balkan crisis, a
certain nu_nber of people swept off
their feet and their judgment tempor-
arily aa;erpowdered by the shock of it
all. But that has never been the real
mood of the uatiee iteeif; nor, we be -
Here. hue at suer :Meas that of Parlia-
I,aent, despite whir. might appear from
the attitude of some of its more
loquacious members. It has not been
that of the Ministry, and let us hope
that it will never be We want the
Ministry to get on with the war, not to
wring its bands or divert its attention
to the sort cf issses by which Ministries
and Ministers rise aril fall in peace
time, Unity. unity, at/ again unity -
that way victory :les. - Landon Daily
Trade statisti;s ;published by the De-
partment of Trade and t' meter^e show
that fez the twelve menthe, ending
with Catcher:, e',perts cf Ca-adiatn pro -
dace inereasel by C:Cgt"r..a6,1 while im-
parts of sney l.andise increased by Cao
96`,l47: T+=`al eir♦♦i,;.;*`tT fez the L�'lt"P
months at cu 'ted L'3 t.7.!).".:.,,12.42.:2; . while
total imp's to ate... :.im7:1e tU L � r9F 4,u 2 Y,
leaving a balance of trade in fever of
Can. -da of rt.,4. _, =t. Experts of an-
imal praa3tae.e far the twelve mc the
totaled $a3, 74:i,675. an ircrea`e of:,s
4:7,402'. Experts cf age:ea:taran
daze totaledlniean O,Zen, a 3e cease of
tr!5 rilitIC LE —
nq..:4- tt(fed 3artanswer ftF
, c:::., , , •_ ^;ra .. s .*elle ecus Settee Jata
tr areely. if ice, 4444*AI Werra
.' K Law ucald 1S'Js
' • ^
;a:ea. ,,.y held • e pr weT to
r: s „-. - _ i cr to tare be
`sae `w.e ..:?e.raiatio't
• liee.; eat vtry needy
._. , el t,:.s eree :s dead,
art) !AM tw
a ,: a titinxua
:9L,,t4,0 CAM fon
J aide iecem'e ^_s *1st at
tic = ▪ e yea. 'They :At laonesmall
:t Lo e., -y tC tt , "Why, of toaraC, 1
a, .: Iv +t era in my plower t'
L .,
t think
S alarerb 5►ltatt! rat
r. Ll.rt. a c•
3 Ara „ .0 tat Mk4Yaellt. Do
ie t to help poor, tralfrr ng
amore iris% Thee her* isclamor b0
raw your. a►iianerit.1 .
t:t_Ian_tt-ibutitttis to t c .. 't':itltoka Scree Hate
i'i. ee s pt".'te will %e
Gage. >. hairamea
Ire" . ; Spadiart Artrietn,
i -oaths%. $t •y - Tramo air, 340
tioir tract Waal. 100$640.
"There are those among us -the
young hot -bloods -who say: 'If they
(the Conservatives) are bound to break
the truce, let us at them.' The mes-
sage I bring from Sir Wilfrid Laurier is
to ask you to remember that this is no
time to be (coking only for the momen-
tary success of the Liberal party. He
asks you to stand for something higher
than present and iminediate political
success. He has made greater sacri-
fices than we have. He has a bigger
vision than we who are younger. He
asks you, the young men of Liberalism,
and all of us to concern ourselves
wholly with winning victories in
Flanders, in the Balkans and at the
Dardanelles, rather than winning party
victories at the polis "- Hon. George
P. Graham, to the members of the
General Reform Association of Ontario.
"If ever there was a war which com-
manded the consecrated, whole-souled
support of every man who calls himself
a Liberal, that Waris this war. Britain
is fighting for every advance, every
reform, every ideal of free government
and democracy that true Liberalism
holds dear. It is uo to every one of us
to dp his very utmost to aid in destroy-
ing the menace of Prussian militarism
which prevents any guarantee of real
peace and progress in the world." -Mr.
N. W. Rowell, Leader of Provincial
and six tenths pigs per litter, costing
forty-five cents each, while the ones
fed on corn alone had a record of only
seven and six tenths pigs, and the
Larger litters were heavier pigs.
The pigs fed on protein -bearing sup-
plements were thriftier, had more and
better hair, lived better, and cost less.
Similar results were observed with the
ewes. and probably they hold good with
all farm animals. But the matter is
especially important with swine, as
they are ordinarily more dependent on
the feeder than other live stock.
The new-born animal will never grow
as fast again es be bas been growing
during the period of gestation; and
after he sees the light he will grow
faster for the first month than he will
ever grow again. Growth is a process
that slows up from birth to maturity.
That is why the cheapest meat and
weight we can make on our stock is
made early in the life of the animal
Tea• ,
tats asszames that the yonngling.
iEerives cn this .:.endas s sphere in good
c .-d re , anil ready to strike hisgait•
at. u ad -:f'.ea to barnyard
s ..• _ 3f he 75 f. had eetcait er. he
a runt.
• Can we feel the either se as tel give
leene ec rg tw cgs see east start: And
leen ,a fe-d os ` l :rake the seem g.
lir ese_e, ._.»e:E'_•e,::s,' Jelin M.Evvot8,.
of :e.'a. n,. - ...'ere -^.t $;Yate^:_
fe ,a.
_mad _ ,_ rl e nes, with restlts
tl_:a' ever ` ane of eaglet tJ think
.. taws he fed Q'.'".:r:'ir
pleat:cern eleete, same on car,
a .. a heavy Fifa latrent of oat ,:;e31,
ai :et t .LZ,7!:-..,t 5: F `t ?t 4,r meat
tr-al. stele c,t:..:rn and clever, se-te
.t n
t 't -r
r. i r. , .s _d �.�.ES ...
a: •; _eed•`il *zeal.
The .e so ,3 f[ en Been ace 'ir,3du ed
the lightest seerage Etter, as well as
tit= ..g test eversge a g. All lets fed
cm a <et ca eo the cern 're ,r
•' •'evereee ilea re..
At • a a R°t naerage page as ;It;".. T -.e
*Cb ,, r :',es eeere j .r t :e:3 with a
fe, 1 aieeed of reeat meal to
th;`•r a.erele_.r Car':') seeett • ed Tana -
tet a?.,c �.• c',. et: a'.; t1:e ffsFd!
lite f- 3 A 1V:e, i ",s � a
t✓^7 the
tete "• ' te.ra .._.e ceet mart at
an; tyres tea ..s
terae t
Se is fee en a mined feed ceneiet;n4
a three' parts . ;t=, the a Yarls tra:',
three p* is rridd;ings, and two pi its
*eat l:. s' ..r *�,'' d an average of ten
20 Years Ago
Prom the TIMES of Dec. fi, 1895
Airs. J. McKelvie is in Norwich
visiting her parents.
Mr. Wm. Marlowe arrived home from
Manitoba on Saturday night.
Miss Clarke, of Owen Sound, is visits'
ing her sister, Mrs. Gavin Wilson, of
East Wawanosb.
As we go to press we learn that Mr.
Wm, Kerr, builder, was found lying
dead in his bed with his clothes on, at
his residenee, on Minnie street.
Master Walter Bell, son of Mrs. Bell,
of Edward street, fell on the ice on.
Saturday night. while skating and
broke one of his wrists very badly
The five-year-old son of Mr. Robt.
Scott, of the G. T. R., died on Saturday
last, and the remains were taken to
Palmetston, for interment, on Monday
A new water taok is being erected at
the G. T. R. station. It will be much
larger than the old one in use, and will
be on the opposite side of the track,
Mr. Geo. Lloyd, who left for San.
Francisco, California, on Thursday
morning, was presented with a gold
rine and a kindly -worded address by
the members of the band, on Tues -lay
evening last. George was a valued
member of the hand for some time.
On Monday night, about eight o'clock,
fire was discovered in a back room in
Mr. Thos. Drummond's butcher shop.
The alarm was sounded, and the brigade
turned out promptly, but the fire was
extinguished before they arrived on the
scene of the fire, Only slight damage
was sustained.
On Saturday morning last, one of the
old residents of Wingham, in the
person of Mr. John Cargill. passed
over to the great majority, in his 61st
year. The deceased had resided in
Wingham for upwards of twenty years,
and previous to that had lived in Luck -
now, Teeswater, and Turn'aerry. He
had been ill for upwards of a year,
suffering fromsome kidney disorder.
McDonald In Wingham, on Dec. 1st,
the wife of Mr. A. R. McDonald; a son.
Barrett -In Wingham, on November
29th, the wife of Mr. Barrett; a
To the Editor: -
The public should be warned of the
misrepresentations and falsehoods peb-
blished by the liquor interest for the
purpose of casting doubt upon the
value of prohibition of the liquor traffic.
They are fighting a desperate rear
guard fight in defence of what they
consider their right to make easy mon-
ey by the sale of what'is now acknow-
ledged the world over to be a very harm-
ful drag.
They seem to have a regular organiz-
ation of writers whose business it is to
cast discredit upon prohibition or any
other restraint of their business. Their
principal weapons are misrepresenta-
tion of real facts and the persistent as-
sertion that prohibition is a failure in
some distant place. They give figures
that seem so fair that they deceive
many people who do notknow the facts.
For instance at one time Prince Edward
Island our only Province that has pro-
hibition had more insane than any
other Province. For various reasons
Prince Edward Island had attracted a
number of patients from outside tbe
Island and they hold this up as a proof
that prohibition causes insanity. As
many insane are insane for life, it
takes some years of prohibition before
much reduction is seen but drunkenness
and crime showed a marked reduction
almost immediately.
They are careful not to tell that some
of the wet Provinces have nearly forty
times as much crime as oar only dry
Province yet the last census report
shows that to be the fact. In feet
drunkenness and crime are almost ab-
sent in Prince Edward Island the stat.
istica showing only 1.1 per ten thousand
They used to give figures to show
that certain Cities in the State of Maine
had as much drunkenness as before pro-
hibition but they carefully concealed
the fact that these were cities that
refused to close the saloons, They did
the same thing about ICansas. They
now point to the State of Kansas as
having as many prisoners in, peniten-
tiary as license States have. They do
not tell that in Kansas there is a very
targe Federal penitentiary to which
prisoners are sent from all over the
United States and that there has not
been a Kansan in it for years, There
is a State penitentiary in Kansas the
Governor cf which declares that pro-
wt,vu .,.ate ween u tyles% au:.cca..
Some times they resort to abselate
falsebcods trusting that few will know
the trete. Thus reeetta they wrote
that Nova Scotia, which ie half pro -4
bst,ition had more drunsenness snail
more arrests for drunkenness thaa any 1
other P:'Oviare. The latest statistics',
stew that Nova Seratia had only S.0 per.;
tt asaei pep -elation while British C.al
ea mala had 21.3 and when Nova1 e ;tia
lead :4.8 ecnrletions for -eper tea
t e:tea::d British`;.u'.,3 °s.2.. ; ar,d i
d.•el utbie
l erta 4'3'J.
The feet is that a prcw_titery
even though pnoriy es3ferce;3 is a great'
ble-seing as thewsnls are
4:4,i of the
excese to .',real: sway froze tete rein S3.
trsa' ..g baht.
H.:areett. M. H. M. 47. P. j,
Tree _ cretary of State foe the
Ce: Fz t..3advised Re:a r3 g:,teess
t.;,. Geeereer eienerat teat, *talent
eizeeatiar,8:: British suirj=:.rs Ee',rirrt$'
'!,'7 eater the United Elire.4,d : eeest
ea..,<,(1 moi' r4a eine p eet_s.
Nothtug Like it fir er,i :t
: a
l`�:land p`er s .,
I+ 3
til i3 , 'wr tE : "Dr. Chase `c " •ra7 of
I '.st-e3 ani Terpertitae laae alta% my
tl.e'.rFri li_.3 . r
.iri,s_.f rf _e a e�e.td_.
We ate re:er without it in he Luse.
Taere is clothing like it foe gilds ural
thr. eat 1reeblP, and it is s . t te...s t and
plre.ant to take, nay wnild
a bat!. if 'Me;, ,es E' ;eet-
>w,,.t• d,"
Caldbick--Smith -In Morris, on Nov.
27th, by Rev. A. K. Grlfia, at the resi-
dence of the bride's palmars, Mr. Ger.
Caldbick to Miss Kate, daughter of
Mr. Joseph Smith. both of Morris.
Cargill -In Wingham, on
John Cargill, aged fit years,
8 days.
Scott -In Wingham, on Nov. 30th,
James H. Scott, son of Mr. Robt. Scott,
aged 5 years, 1- month and 4 days.
Woods -In West Wawanosh, on Nov.
24th, Mrs. Woods, wife of Mr. Thos.
Woods, aged 45 years.
Dec. lst,
Westervelt School
Y . M. t . A. Buelheng
London, Ontario
Col!. -,r a3 Session Sept. 1st to July.
Catalogue Free. Enter any time.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal
If the wall paper is really soiled it
may be cleaned with a paste made of
eight tablespoonfuls of water, four of
ammonia and a scant teaspoonful of
baking soda, made into a stiff batter
with flour. Steam until cooked through,
then let cool and divide into two parts
making a ball of each, Rub over the
paper and fold in the surface as it
becomes dirty. This is the method,
used by professional cleaners in the
city and it will remove smoke, fly
specks and ether disfigurements, so
that if the paper is not torn it win be
almost like new.
As a polish for furniture and as a
cleaning agent, too, the following has
been found most excellent: Put an
ounce of Castile soap. shaved .fine, and
two ounces ef crumbled beeswax in a
tcrpentilie. and Set stand for 12 hours,
or until soap and beeswax are dissolved.
Add to it a half pint of hailing water
two -quart jar containing a pint of
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lass
Ocean Steamships..
and stir or shake until tbe mixture is a
cord. If teo thick, add a little in ere a
turpentine. Apply with soft flannel:
cloth and p.c ieb well. This will leave
no: ;ger nerles and the furniture ae
*gains bright for : Seng time.
The above thinned with a pint of
geso ire makes a ate palish for painted
std pe ish,t3 deers, also for those of
hardwood. All dust should be Washed;
up or wiped up first_ Fcr =lettings, 1
whi.'.b are tat taken up, or matting
rage, sweep after sprinkling with 1 is
of paper soaked in salt water. Mirrors;
and windows will polish beautifully if
tubbed over entb a rag moistened .i ith
spirits of cam -,:nor.
Wean wa•;ins eurini: s. shake r_.1 all
Jest first, ti en at in coil watery l
soak a Short time till all dirt is dissu.t .1
ca. Shake crit tut do not write. emir
put in a suis blade of warm water and
soap with a :ittie ammonia aided, a..d
press and shake around in this until+
�her sudsof the
o:1e ;it in snot
s d whet ri
sable kind cely hotter. When the
water no ionber be:mazes discolored the'-:
eats es ars, 4:earn and may he rinsed
If white, alJ l)::Ling to rine water If
cream or ecrs .add yellow Dere ,3iese ov-
. *d in water aid strained through ,:.erne l
e'otft until the right shade.
Sale dates can by arranged at
TIKES office.
Pure Bred Stock Sales a Specialty
sales conducted:anywhere in Ontario
Write or Ph me 81, Wingham
1 (.1 tt t1 D1REOTO1t'
BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services
at 11 a, m, and 7 p. m. Sunday School
at 2;30 p. m. General prayer meeting
and al. Y. P. U. every Wednesday at
$ Gtor.
epo..nPocock,CS. RS,ileSeIJr,nAte.ndePnats.
vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p, m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p. m, Epworth League
every Monday evening, General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
J. W, Ribbert, pastor. F, Buchanan,
8, S. Superintendent.
PRzzBYTBRIAN Canna --Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday
School at 2.30 p. m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesdayevenings. Rev.
D. Perrie, pastor. rank Lewis, S.
S. Superintendent.
bath services services at 11 a, m. and i, p. m.
Sunday School at 2:30 p. m, Rev,
E. G. Dymond Rector. Alex. Al-
deron, S. S. Superintendent.
at 11 a.m., 3 p.m, and 7 p.m. on Sunday.
At 8 o'clock on Thursday evening,
There will be special music provided in
the Sunday evening service from 7 to
POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a. M.
to 6;30 p. m. Open to box holders from
7 a. m. to 9 p. re. C, N Griffin, post-
PUBt.IC LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in the Town Hall, will be
open every afternoon fe an 2 to 5:30
o'clock, and every evening from 7 to
9;30 o'clock, Miss M. McTavish, lib-
TowN COUNCIL --Dr. A. J Irwin,
Mayor; S. Mitchell, Reeve; L. F,
Hinkley, A. M. Crawford, W. A. Currie,
V. R. Vattnorman, W G. Patterson and
D. Bell. Councillors; John F Gloves,
Clerk; and J. G. Stewart, Treasurer,
Board meet • first Monday evening in
each month at 8 o'clock.
Wm. Robertson W. A. Campbell, Dud-
leyHolmes, A, Tipling, A. E Lloyd,
Robt. Allen, L. A. Bisbee, John F. Groves
Secretary Treasurer, Board meets in
Council Chamber on the second Tues-
day of each month.
Ricker, M. A., Principal and Specialist
in Science; G. R. Smith, B. A., Special-
ist in Matben1atics; Mr. C. M. Ewing,
M. A., Classics; Miss M. 1 Whyte,
B. A., Specialist in Moderns and His-
tory; Miss E. C. Garrett, Art
and Mathametics; Miss B. Kettlewell,
Commercial Work and History.
Poosiiff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss
Reynolds, Miss Farquharson. Miss Ans-
ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley.
BOARD OF HEALTH. -Dr. A. J. Irwin,
(chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter,
John F. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C.
Redmond, Medical Health officer.
Having an up-to-date Creamery in
fullopkretion, we solicit our cream
We are prepared to pay the highest
market prices for good cream sun -•ivy
you an honest business, '$ricking,
sampling and testthg eanccan of cream
received carefully and teturni g a
fall statement of same to each patron.
Wnbanish two cans to ra,h patron
pay an express charges and pay every
two weeks
Write for further particulars or
send for cans and give us a trial.
SeaFORT11, oNT.:
Children Ory
Here is a good story about Arthur
Roberts, the actor, just now in Lon-
Once while he was acting in a certain
theatre the scenery caught fire, and it
looked as though there would he a
general stampede among the audience.
"Ladies and gentlemen," said Mr.
Roberts. "there is really no danger.
Compose yourselves!"
But the audiez ee had got thoroughly
frightened, and began to move more
hurriedly towards the exits, Mr. Rob-
erts saw that unless something was
done to reassure them, there would be
a panic and perhaps loss of life.
But he was equal to the occasion.
stepping to the footlights be said in his
blandest tones:
"Confound it, isdiee and gentlemen!
Do you think if there was any danger
I'd be here?"
In the general laugh tbat followed
the audience resumed their seat:.
Was Ali Choked Up
Could Hardly Breathe.,
Was Tire Cause; The Cure Was
Norway Flue Syrup,
Mre. Ga :tet Burns, North Augusta,
Get., write:: "1 caaght a dreadful cold,
eking t3 towo, az 3 ab0°it a Week after
1 became alt cno>zed np, and could hardly
esatke, mad eouki sear,1y sleep at
tight for ceelaiig. I :vent to the
dotter, ated he tad are that. 1 was getting
l.ra;..:'aiti= My leaehan3 went to the
4lregelete, a 'aikel Cera if they had a
t . be, e 3 ci asy kind that they
• 'r reI. Tiredruggist brought
ter;* a tette of Dr. Woods Norway Pine
f yrep. 1 started teeing it, and it com-
elstaly caml _e s my clad. I cannot
xt"I ,y re i sr, ti a;Jdt.l 1 %v: ,',o ret rid of
that a n tri : a ty ce ld 1 siaaiil always
li.e_pa-Lot of D. ie J 'o Norwee Piee
oaly be text
it to aria others."
't' o>.1 ray ,'i•:e Syrap is a
?c: 4..na Lae let n or., the market for
Ca; a , t • , y :ass, anal we can
oat s tt r,_ibt, as being
t .• • -t -,:? ..r c:.: z hs and colds that
ye::ea lv. aStyproeare.
Tleire ..?t
let et bi, a -o t tan
aye go to your these ct
deel,e s e that ye_i get "Dr. Wood's;"
Y t ,1 •a a yJlluw wr pper; three pine
tr t t tea_ ; :L; file 1;rice', '.' i. and
nnea eenaieet. 1... .ttraauttd by The
T. _ I: 1r t Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Wingham General Hospital
The Winohar Tiles
The Times Office Stone Rioek,
'Venus or SuBialt1Yr ' t:-3100 per enema
in advance, *1,t0 it not pard. bio paper thsou-
tinued. tilt alt arrear4 are paid, excoot• at the
option of the pabliahrr.
One Year $515 (8o each luserfonl
Kix Months 1160 t10) •
Three Months 1.40 (13a " "
One Month .64 (ilk " "
oae,Weelc ' 1.20
Legal and other similar advertisements, l00
per line for first inaertioa and 4e per line for
each subsequent insertion. measured by a
nonparioi soole, twelve lines to on holt.
Business cards of six:lines and ander, $5.04
per rear,
IAdvertisements of 8ituetiole Vacant,Sltua
tions Wanted Houses for Sale or to real
Articles for dale, eta , n•at ea'eeiing eight
linea, &so each insertion; 41 for first mon*.
50o for each subsequent tallith. Larger ad-
vertisements in proportion.
Business notices (news type% Se per counted.
line; as local or news matter. 30c par line each
(Under Government Inspection)
Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur-
nished. Open to all regularly licensed
physicians. RATES FonPArIBNTs--which
include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15.
per week according to location of
room. For further information, ad-
Miss L. Matthews.
Box 2233, Wingham Ont.
Railway Time Table
Loudon .-, ... 6.35 mai. 3.22 p.m.
Toronto and East 6.45 a.m. 3.15 p.m.
Iiineardiue ... _. 11.59 p.m. 9.15 fern.
Kincardine 6.30 a.m. 3.15 p.111.
London11.54 a.m. 7.40 pan.
Toronto and East 11.45 a.m. 9.15 p.m.
W.F. B13RG-J4AI . Station Agent, W inem-it
H B ELLIOTT, Town .Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East 6.25 a.m. 3.05 p.m.
Teeswd'ter 12.59 pan. 10.32 p.m.
Teeswater. 6.20a.m. 8.05 p.m.
Toronto and East 12.47p.m. 1(1.20 p.in,
e. H. BRE3tER, Agent, Wingham
A Rewresentative Wanted
TRICT for the
Old Reliable bl Eonthill
•Faraners! \Vin7• remain idle all
Winter when yon eau take up allaying
Choice list of varieties for Sewing
Planting. Liberal Terme. Handsome
tree Outfit. Exclusive Territory-
*'rt'itoi'y.Write neav for paltie•ulatrs.
Stone & Wellington
( 1
ro, ,
civf {i CG V1 Atts'
C,.IitiR iMrertam ear 0i•&.a.:,on Ispmbab:Ft+stal
tons atrleu ic'aadentlal. NAnrati eetadiaK a Mr Melt arid deartiett%Letri tMnaay
oo w r,r an
ec:a irtemitten e nnrFfo
trateitMice,wtitoa:a�PatenµtAiebntbrow h�au4atttrae %eeFCb
glitifit leer tat
r aril ala lllwtt ata d aryl, a iM, °for'.
ru u,aa n enF•eetleatt
%'surto,,aa ataaht n'patbi%iitkl. voider
.tt xatr.dFraere.
MRNN,, e lam'Newyank
ig•�•^ p'lk,t1'1'taptnt<toa,11A.
°evloes--Corner Patrick and Centre tits.
Offices 43
Residence, Dr. Eennedy i4$
Residence, D . Calder I11
Dr. /Comedy specializes to %Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Die
eases of the Spa, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. glasses.
properly fitted.
R. BL. OBTS.O.O. .EP.JsLondDMO1',Don, M, 1 .C.1.. tKnyr,
Office, 'with i3r, Chaatola,
W. R. Hambiy, B.Sc., M.D.,17.1_.
Wingham, Ontario.
Special attention paid to diseases of women
and children, having taken post gradaater
work in Surgery, Barteriotogy and Scientific
Office in the Herr residence, between the
Queen's hotel and the Baptist Church.
All business given carefal attention.
Phone 54. P. O. Box 118.
Ostegpathic Physicians
Oculists, Neurologists
Diseases Treated by Drugless Methods
Osteopathy cures or benefits when
other systems fail.
Wingham office over Z:hristie's Store
Tuesday, 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Wed-
nesday, 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday, 4 to
9.00 p.m. Friday, 9.05 to 9.00 a. m.
or by appointment.
hi ropractic
J. A. FOX, D. C.
Chiropractic removes the cause
of practically all diseases. It
natters not what part of the
body is affected, it cau be reached
thru the centres in the spinal
column by adjustment of sublax-
ated vertebra, Consultation free.
Member of Drugless Physicians'
Association of Canada.
Wingham, • Ont.
ARTBDR J. IRWIN, D. D. b., L.11 o.
Doctor of Dental Strgerytfthe i'atuicylearce
Dental College and Lioentiater of the auuF.l
college of Dental Snrgeona of Cnterlo. Oftice
in:Macdonald BIock. Veinrtham.
OMHoe closed every Wednesday afternoon
from May tat to Oct. 1st.
a H. ROBS, D. D. S., L. D. 6.
lienor graduate
of the University of Toronto, 'amity of
Office over H. E. Icard . Co's., store, Wing-
Offce elosed every Wednesday afternoon
from May 1st to Oct. let.
Private and Conlppny funds to loan at lowest
rate Of tnkerest. gorta#ages, town and Aria
property bought and sold.
Ottio,, Beaver 'Sloe*. Wiegham
BARRISTlt t, sic.
Wingham, tem.
Barrister, Solicitor! Etc.
Office: Meyer 13Iook,Wingharu.
Orderetor theinarrtfoti of Advert
h lab teaehrrt, wanted, btlatitteae chance*,
meahaule>e *Anted, Article* for ease, or to tial
M��i� *hid of �o•f An Advt. to any of the Toronto or
altla%nWdifworkWilllreeceeiv ppI�oy be lettatai 1*f
and Will %Are 1 pi a kroubler of faultily"
for and forwarding
tai* wilt be 40btrd, sa A Wm. testa
"liisasr orsitml. i[lsl�ale>k.r