Exeter Advocate, 1908-08-27, Page 135c to JAN. '0 NOW IS TUE TIME. to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else tak.' .elv:untage of our Low Club Rates TWENTyeFIRST YEAR. etc bilet F.XETF.R, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27. 1908. Wedding Invitations In Ncttest %'yeas On Best Pa ers The Finest W\'ork And Right Pricey The Advocate Office,:Exeter SANDERS & CItE ECH The Old Reliable Its an undisputed fact that Carling Bros. have the Best Groceries in town. JUST ASr OUR COMPETITORS if we don't have the best. They can't say no, for they know we have. Our Sugars, Teas Coffees, Spices, Fruits, Biscusts, are always fresh and good. We have a "stand-in" with nearly everyone because of the superiority of our groceries, We know how to buy them—that's the way. Oh Yes! Need Any Crockery ? E NEARLY FORGOT TO TELL YOU that we have we � e in u�,a a New Goods. They're Beauties, too. There's a nicety about them that will appeal to you. So will the prices we are asking. Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, dead or alive, Highest price paid for produce—Butter 19c, Eggs 18c. CARLING BROS. 35 Men's Suits to 44. Regular price of all $10.00, reduced to clear $7.50' at $2.50 reduction on each suit, in blue and hlack serge, dark and light tweeds, sizes 80 %White Waists at 25 off. A few choice styles in fine lawn Walks. These are sure to go quick at such a big discount. White Underskirts 7 only white underskirts made of good material and very prettily trim- med. $2.00 skirt for $245, $1.60 skirt for $1.13, $1.25 skirt for 88c. 75 Boys' Tweed Suits at 20 per cent. discount Made of Fine Imported Tweeds. Quality that will et'tnd good hard wear. Number of different styles, all sizes 22 to 31 on sale at 20 per cent. off. Now is the tir,te to fit your boy with a good suit at Big Saving. 12 1-2 wash goods for 10c ILace Hosiery All Ringhams, chalins an , cashmer- i in tan, brown, black and white, all delainetts, nabelins and all other 12}c wash stuffs o sale at lee. I on sale at exactly wholesale prices. Men's Strong Wearing Shirts at a Snap Price Made of rock fast drill in Blues, Blacks and Greys. Small neat patterns and stripes warranted fast colors ,and wear guaranteed. On Sale at 15c. SNELL & ROWE Prefesaleasl Cards. tow 0. F. ROL'LSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST ✓ smber of the ii. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Unitereity. 017105: Over Dickson k r'uling's Law Office, In Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.• Honor graduate of Toronto Univerlst,. I)ENTIST, tom ettrs-ted with mt any pain, or an. had alae@ Mee over Madman S Stant un'i office, Main strut t x.tar. Medica! DR. T. P. Mct.A1.OIH.IN Has resumed practice after spending a year (Col• lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General practice with special attention to Eye, (with refrac- tion) Ear, Nose and Throat. omce: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. IOxsoN a CARLINO, BARRISTERS, 801.10i. tors. Notaries. Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molsons Rank, etc. MOUS, to Loan at lowest weed interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. R. Casting, D.A., L• H. DlCtsos MONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private fonds to loan n farm and tillage properties at low rates of Inter est. OLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors,Main .• . Exeter On B. S. PIi1LLTt'M. ExETF:It, Llcesed Aactloneer. Sales attended in all parte. Satisfa: tion guaran- teed or no pay. Tenni reasonable. All orders left at Advocate Office will be promptly attended to. ! William Brown Prot. Dipinma of Royal Incorporated Society of Mustdans, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial Aoreb.6xeter. Plano, Organ, harmony and Theory of Merle, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assnrance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead - Ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St.., Exeter. House For Sale. in the Village f F.attct •tuattl on ,..,•r e.t►ee t, a frame dwelling, 2 510,1?e. kitchen and woodshed[ *table. good well, one fifth se re M land. All in gon.i condition. Will be sold reasonable. Apply st tide Office. Cottage to Rent. A frame cottage, in good repair, and at reasonable r^ntal. Apply at this since. L' CAIRNS, VETERINARY BURGEON. J_ . Successor to Da. RAMSAY, Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls lett at the home of Mr. Peter Bawden Main street. (opp. Trivitt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETF.It, • ONTARIO. Office—Dr. Raman)es old stand, corner o1 Main and North streets, (opp.I'ym's Blacksmith 8hop). Your patronage solicited. House to Rent in Elimville The undersigned is offering to rent his frame dwelling in Elimvllle, with 1.5 acre o1 land. Hard and soft water and a number of fruit trees on the premises. For particulars apply to JOSH CA JOHNS, or the undersigned. wed. SLEMON. House and hand for Sale. The undersigned is cff. ring for sale his house and land on Iluron Street East. The house Is of frame and is fn good repair. The land consists of ( res In goo.! condition. Goal water—hard and asoft. Good stable. Some good fmit , etc. Posses. sion giten now• or in the fall. Apply at the home of Abraham Waring, Jr., Sime* Street. W51. 8. RAKER. ESTRAY HEIFER. There strayed unto the premier -sof the undersign- ed, Lot S,Con. 6, Hay, on or about Aug. 7th, a year- ling heifer. Owner can hat e same by proving prop. erty aryl pa;ingexpenses. JAIIEZ STACEY Hay P. 0. Excellent Town Property For Sale. TIIE SOVEREIGN HANK Is offering for sale that desirable town property situated on the comer of James and Albert Streets, being Lots el and 65, for- merly owned by Mr. D. 8. O'Neil. Apply to TiiE CANADIAN RANK OF COMMERCE, Exeter. Ont, Clearing Auction Sale Horses, Buggies, Wagons, Etc, 1111. TitOS. CAMERON has received Instructions to esu by Public Auction at the CENTRAL iIUTEI., EXETER, on SAT[ ItDAY, At OL'ST 20th, 1008, at one o'clock p. m, sharp, the following pro rty, vii: 1 pair geldings, 3 years old (agricultural)2 gelding 5 and 8 years old ((lyde);1 driving mare s yrsold, At for fanner or lady driver- 2 gond dairy cows the following articles all new --(umber wagon, complete. (Adam. make); 3 sets of lumber wagon springs: 4 top bvggiee; 1 milky w plo; 2 Targe ?furrow plows; 2walking plows; 3-0nun land roller; disc harrow; grinder, 2 wheel- barrows; !i dot. hog troughs; incubator; washing machine; 2 cutter robes: also fnlb,winr articles nearly new- set of singly and set of doable driving harness; 1 lumber wagon; 3 hn,rgvs; wagonette; Gladstone buggy. TERMS -FA and under seen; over that amoue% 12 months credit will ie given on furnishing emoted Joint n.,te. •, Per , ear „8 f•:'r cash on , redo am.•ant• Po.Itiveta no Rc.ervs Is lb* Proprietor en. Rented Hi. Shop. WG. I3is8LTF, TNO.. CAME1:ON Proprietor. Aucti.' .& - Baseball, The Indians of Iieosall drove down on Friday and played a game of ball with our boys. At the finish the score stood 8-3 in favor of Exeter. Not un- til the end of the 8th was the victory decided, as in that inning the boys scored five urns. In the first innin e the visitors got one man over the plate and Exeter did not score until the 4th when three wren got in. In the 8th the visitors got 1 and the homesters 5. The Indians were a decent, quiet lot of boys and off and on the field conduct- ed themselves as gentlemen. They all cannot play hall. however, although three or four of thein know the game pretty well. Pitcher, catcher and fitst base [nen were good workers and play- ed well, the pitcher fanning our boys pretty often and thoother two stop- ping everything that came their way. The features of the playing of Exeter boys were the work of Bawden in the box, Bissett on short and Rendle in the field. Damien handed in some nice fans, Bissett aceepted some beau- tiful chances, and nothing seemed too difficult for Randle. Three Exeter old boys. George !? tcrett, Sandy Bawden and Ike Bissett, who are home on a vacation, were in the garne an 1 their playing was appreciated. The line up Indians:—S. Simon, D. Beeswax, J. Simon, S. Logeon, A. Albert. C. Sim- on, A.Sturgeon, A. Charlow, N. Beach, Exeter:—G. Manns, M. Hoskins, 1. Bissett, G Eacrett, A. Stewart, H. Rend!e, B. Martin, S. Bawden, P. Fleming. Mr. Sani'I Sanders, Sr., is in London visiting his son, Mr. Jas. Sanders, who has just returned from the Sanitarium at Muskoka. Mrs. Wm. Fisher and Mrs. Joshua Heywood (sisters) also spent Saturday with him. AUCTION SALE —OF— BRiCK HOUSE AND LOT IN CENTRALIA —ON— MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1008 p. in., on the premises. ,.articulare apply to Gt.11'MIAN h Sl4NIIURY, JOHN GiLL, Barristers, Exeter. Auct., Exeter. South Huroli Election Abstract Statement of Ex- penses Incurred by Henry Eilber. Printing, advertising, etc $115 90 1 hereby certify that the above is a true statement of the expenses Recert- ified by C. H. Sanders, financial agent for Ilenry Eilber. \VM. CONSIT, Returning OMcer. Auction Sale —OF— VALUABLE OF— VALL'ABLE 50 ACRE FARM IN STEPHEN. 1 have been instructed by the Administratix of the Estate of the late Jane Ilodeins to offer for sale by Auction, on the minima, on TUESDAY, SEPT. 15th, 1008, at 2 o'clock p. m., the North Half of Lot Number Vire (6), In the Ninth (Oth) Concession of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Iluron, cootafning by admeasure- ment Fifty (.p0) Acres, more or less. On this property is a log dwelling house, frame tram and frame stable, brick milk house, and n never falling well of good water. The land is all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, It is fairly well undo rdraincd and fcr : I. There is about one-half (Si) acre of orchard. At the game time and place a quantity of farm ins. {dements and household furniture will also be offered for sale. TERMS Rest ESTare-Ten (10) per cent. of the purchase mons • on the day of sale, and the balance Iu sixty (60) lays thereafter without Interest. A portion M the purchase money can remain on Ant mortgage at Fine (5) per cent, Interest. If the purchaser .lesires. C111mte—Ten Dollars (Ifo) and under, Cash, Over that amount Thirty (30) Days will be given on furnishing approved Joint notes. .a r F rth r termsant r conditions ndillons will be made known on day of sale, or may 1. had on application to MADMAN .f STANRL'RY, JOHN D11.1., Exeter, Ontario, Atettoneer, 8ollcitore for Administrativ. Exeter, Ontario Court of Revision rept: TIIE. Township of Stephen Notice ie h::ct,y given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Vetere' Ltrts Art. by Ills honor the Judge of the County of Iluron, at the Township Hall, Crediton. on the 9th day of September, 1908, at Ten o'clock In the forenoon. to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions In the Voters' List of the Munl:lpality of the Township of Stephen for 19,)9. Dated at Crediton, this 22nd day of August, 1908. HENRY EILiiEIt, Clerk of the Tp. of Stephen Court of Revision 1 TIIE VILLAGE OF EXETER Notice t s• hereby given that a Court, will be herd, pursuant to Toe Ontario Vo'crs'Llste Art, by 1118 Honour the Judge of the County Court of the Coun- ty of Iluron, at the Town Hall, enter on the 9th day of September. 1909, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. to near and derermine conmplaints of morn and omissions in the Voters' List of the 1 r r i, tlity of the Village of Steer l)at .1 ..t FT . , .tu:u,• - . d. 1908. . 9 - JOS. SENIOR, (1 rk Fte'er. Centralia Mi-., Agnes Ilf•phurn visited friends ..• y,utdey. Liberal -Conservative ling •orne, is attending a committee Mr, Joseph Hawkins, Reeve of et - Convention John Sherritt of Stephen Was The Unanimous Choice. The Liberal -Conservatives of South Huron convened In McDonell's Hall, at Henson, on Tuesday afternoon and chose a candidate to contest the rid- ing In the Interests of the party at the approaching Dominion election. Flom the 11et of candidates nominat- ed 1l Is readily seen that the party considers South Huron can be redeant- ed. Those who were nominated were,- Henry Horton of Tuckeratnith, Hugh Spackman of Exeter, Thomas Hays of Seaforth, Jonathan Dterner of Zurich, John Sherritt of Stephen, John Mt Naughton of Stanley, T. 11, Carling of Exeter, John McDonell of Hensallf M. Broderick of Seaforth, Rev. Joseph Elliott of Goderich, J. A. Williams of Zurich, George Holman of Egmondvllle, and Henry Ellber of Credltdn. Anyone of these men would slake a good can- didate, and all were very optimistic au to the result on election day. The meeting which was very largely attended by delegates and ethers wrested In the party's welfare was op- ened by the president, Mr .J. A. \VII- llams, who explanted tie object of the tneeting,and stated that not so long ago it was difficult to get a candidate In South Iluron, whereas now wnen the Conservative cause was on the rising tide !n this riding [.tete are c.tn-1.d- ates In plenty. No matte' from wase the candidate crane he wanted tea Ira. man—Vat man to win. The nominations then took plaee with the result as above stated. Each nomi- nee was given five minutes to address the meeting, at the conclusion of wnich all had retired wit:n the exception of Thomas !lays, Jonathan blether and John Sherrie. On a vote being taken it was found that Mr. Sherritt sad re- cclved more votes than the other two, and on motion of Mr. Hays and Mr. Dlerner he was tendered the unani- mous choice of the convention. In their addresses the nominees ex- pressed themselves :to b3ing certain of the election of the party candidate if good work was done. Mr. Horton who contested tine bye -election in January was retiring owing to pressure 01 other bootlaces. Mr. Spackman, Mr. I3roder- Ick, Mr. Carling and Mr. Holman made good fighting speeches, but withdrew. as did alio Mr. Williams and Mr. Mc- Naughton. • Rev, Joseph Elliott said he Was born and raised Ir. Stanley and Hayfield and the interests were largc- y In the riding, but he declined to stand. The flagrant violation of the pledges and promises of t)io Laurier Government, he aaid, was cresting a totting that it was tine for a change. At some other time he would like to b_ a candidate In this riding. "!la's a Jolly good Fellow" was sung heartily on Mr. Sherritt's being declar- d the candidate, and tie made an ex - client speech dealing particularly with the extravagance of t.lu Liberals who had claimed to be the party of economy. it he were not eletced it would riot be because he had not work - d. Mr. Ellber spoke only for a few n,o- nents, thanking the electors for their ul.port of him In the recent election. lo had always found them good then and true, and he trusted they would be quail, cattiest and successful In the oming struggle. Mr. Later, M. H. for Italdiman gave fine address. 110 belloved the gov- rnment was golrg to make a detertntn- d effort to capture the three Iturone ut the Conservative party was grow - i; stronger wader the able leadersnip t Mr. Morden, who will give the coun- ry honest government when he becomes rcmlrr. Ile then launched into a crit-, ism of the extravagance of a govern - lent that would increase tie exp^n- l:ure so much In twelve years, so that was becoming alarming for a country t the population of only six millions e Ilethought It w the du' 1 pcoplwas Y t every good Canadian to call a lilt. Mr. Spotton of Wingharn also deity - red a speech full Of fight In the In - rest of good government. nesclurionrr of co.afblence In Mr. liar - en and Sir James Whitney were ad and adopted. 1 c c tr c a e b it 0 p is 11 tt It O O 0 e tc d re ADDITIONAL LOCALS Hiss Bit ref London is visiting Miss Lela Gould. r9 0. \, 1). Hnrdon is visiting in Mount (%armee. J1 r. Palmer of the Molsons Bank is holidaying in 1{idgetown. Mr. Alger of the Bank of Commerce is holidaying iti Detroit. Mies Ethel Quick, of London, is the guest. of Miss Gladys Dearing. Messrs. Alf. and James Wallen; re- turned from the Soo Saturday. ,Hiss Mabel Mara of Lucan is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. S. Cole. Mrs. Aquilla Sheere returned to her home in Lansing, Mich., on Tuesday. M. Y. McLean, M.I'., of Seaforth, WAS in town yesterday, shaking hands with friends. -- Mr. ilorace Marwood of Lansing, is here visiting his mother, Mrs. James Pickard. Mr. John Mitchell has commenced the building of a residence on the mar- ket Square, Main street. Mr. Robert Sanders is now taking a trip up the Columbia River, camping and trout fishing, for two weeks. Mr. Fred Sanders, of Lecknow, is spending a c. hple. weeks here, prior to attending the School of Pharmacy at Toronto. The Anniversary Services of the Trivitt Memo; ial Church, Exeter, will he held on Sunday, Sept. 13th, when the popular rector. Rev. i{. J. M. Perk- ins. i3. A., of Ingersoll, will ('4 n+lu, t the services. erich this week. Miss Rose Finkbeiner, of Berlin, ar- rived here to -day and will visit for some length of time with her sister, Mrs. Esli Heywood, Mr, Sant'' Crawford and his daugh- ters, Mrs. Matice and Miss Clara, and his son, Wm., of Duluth, visited at Mr. T. M. Kay's this week. Manufacturing Boxes. The Ross -Taylor Company, which has had a steady and healthy growth since its establishment here, has added another important branch to the busi- ness, namely: the manufacture of box- es. The firm has already secured a number of large size orders and every- thing gives promise to an extensive trade in this line. The Company de- serves credit for their push and enter- prise. They have from time to time enlarged their premises, increased their capacity and output, until they now enjoy one of the best manufactur- ing trades in Western Ontario. Exeter Council Regular session of the Council was held in the Town Hall on Friday, Aug. 21st. Absent Councillor Knight. The minutes of the meeting held Aug. 7th were read and approved. A letter from the Secretary of the School Board requesting that $2500 be levied for school purposes for the en- suing year. Also a card regards the annual meeting of the Ontario Muni- cipal Association to be held in Toron- to on the 2nd and 3rd of September. Both of which were ordered to he tiled. James Creech, Sr., asked that the Council re -open a ditch on Mill street. Fake— He:unau—tha t the Commission- er look into the same and if necessary have it repaired,—Oarried. A petition signed by J. H, Scott, W. Bagshaw, A. Gidley and others asking for a light at. the corner of Wellington and William .streets. Referred to a committee of the Reeve and Councillor Fuke to report at the next meeting on motion of Hemmen and Johns.—Car- viol. Iieaman—Fuke—Owing to the sev- eral complaints re -street watering, the commissioner is hereby authorized to notify Mr. White that the Council demands it better service or in future a reduction will be wade in weekly payments.—Carried. The committee appointed to look in- to the condition of the lower drain along Ann street reported that the two drains connecting therein are both blocked at the mouth and they recommend the same to be cleaned at once. They also find that the creek is badly choked through the fields of Carling and Gidley estates, also east of Main street through to Albert street by trees, grass, coarse weeds, etc., which is allowed to grow. Would ask that some action be taken to have s corrd The foliecteo win.g accounts were real thi and ordered to h.• paid; -The Queen City Oil Co., gasoline $7.77; Thomas Ifar•tnoll, hal. due on drain contract $125.02; Thos. White, 2 weeks street watering $28.11'. P.ts ed on motion of Johns and Fuke.—Carried. W. J. Heitman adjournment. JOSEPH SirNlott, Clerk. McNtcoi.—At Ilensall, nn Aug. 17th, to Mrs. McNicol, a son, geld.—.\t 1.1. ury, on the 19th ins'. to \tr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid, a eon. 11)08.—Ili McGillivray, 011 the 18t11 Inst., to Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Aides, 12 concession, a son. MARRIAGES, Withcrepoot:—Craven—At .Ulan Craig 0., Friday, Auguut 14tn, 190S, by Rev. Mr. Kennedy, Jane E., daughter of John Craven, to James .Witherspoon Loll. of Maclil:vray. DEATHS \VRIN—In London, on Aug. 18th, lI(nry Wein, aged 27 ye,.ts, 2 mos. and 23 days. IIANDEORn—in Tnllesville, Sask., on Aug. 13th, Caleb Handford, formerly of Exeter, aged 54 years, STEI'HENB—In \Voodhatu on Aug. 24th Joseph Stephens, aged 70 years, 7 months,2 days. En\v.\itus—In Lucan, at the residence of her son-in-law, Alex. Reith, on Ang. 21th, Miley, widow of the late John Edwards of Denfield, aged 00 years. � R alek allkadc,eraAc,6k.afic,t3c..41.ek N 41 THE PIIRITY 6 Soaps Soaps Soaps all kinds all prices lir'urVatch Window. Can. Exp. Bldg. The New Store Boots &ShoesWE HAVE A Special Line of Patent Shoes which are going fast. Come in and sec them. Styles and prices aro right. They will suit you. A full line of other shoes that are suitable for any wear. You will be pleased with them, GROCERIES OUR G ROUE!? 1 ES ARE ordered often and kept fresh and now all the tis'. We will nbe pleased to see you try then. Breakfast Foods, Can Goods, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent line of Confectionery, also. WANTED Butter ;Ind Eggs. BUTTER AND EGGS. We will ay you the Highest p Market Price in trade for Bring them in. T. J. Wilson - Exeter Two doors north of Post Office HE R M A N SUPPLIEi3 EVERYTHING Leather Belting Lace Leather Gauge Glasses Rubber Packing Cylinder Oil Artie Cup Globe Valves Threshers' Rubber Belting l3uflalo 13e1 t Fasts Babbitt Metal Spend Packing Machine Oil Grease Mitts Stop Cocks Threshers Will Find Prices Right! ing lulu P1tlnlbing. d ( v. .fEavet,()ngh Galvanized 1 Tin and Iron Work of every de.scription. HERMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE