HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-08-20, Page 4! (�Centralia Zurich land family in their double bereave-
exeter AattoCtlte, The many friends of Mrs. Edwards Ed. Greb of Kal*tnazoo, Mich„ ar- meat. Thu funeral took place on
Sanders ek Greet:4, Props, ate very soil). to Lear that ate is still rived here on Thursday evening far a!
Wednesday of hist week.
- --- - -- -
in x tory low condition, and very little visit -Messrs. Fred `Vttwer, Daniel i
THUKSD_1Y, Attg. 20,190x3 hope is entertained for her recovery. own
Lura Koehler attended the ezcur-
S(rs. Jlc\.uightuu u[ Lundou visited on to Detroit. -Norman Holtzman Dashwood
Mrs. Duplau over Sunday. -Mrs. H, of the Chronicle -Telegraph staff of M. M. t11tuKENeIIII F:, I'.1JHWOoLi CUNVEV'
Mills spout the past week with friends Waterloo, spent last week with his i`i• ENCER. Deed", Mill., Mortgages and al
Conservatives to Select at Woodham. --Miss /,,,,,,.,, McFalls of parents in town, --Chris. Schoch left I (:seat I'oxuweats carefully amt promptly prepared.
'l'uesdA to visit friends in Pigeon, • charge. moderate.
Strathruy visited at T. 1Villi' last Y g
Candidate week. -Mr, Dyer of Detroit ie visiting
Mirh.--Wes,Schoellig, dentist, of De- Arthur Kellerman had charge of the
at 1)r. Urine's. -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas troit visited his parents on the Goshen preaching at Zurich and the loth Con.
Willis visited neat Ilensall Sunday.-Iracene the s and ast tbaseball ltetuZerich bic-
ycle LpIK11Eidt ireturnedton Situ rday even -
The hisses Boyle of London visited
their aunt tern Sund:ty. Labor Dee, Monday, Sept, 7th, -Mr, in(; after a two week's holiday at the
_•____f and Mrs. harry Deichert and son of home of Mrs. Eidt in 1Vaterloo (;oun-
Cre(titou New Haven, Mich., are visiting relit- ty.-Quarterly meeting services will
fives in town. -The cement walks are be held in the Evangelical church on
The Misses Tillie and Millie Bert- about completed and the work is a Sunday next. Rev. A. Y. Heist of
rand, who have been visiting their credit both to the contractor, J. 11 Bet lin will be present and have charge
mother and eisters the past month, re- Schuettler and the overseer, W. (i, of the services.
turned to Detroit last Friday. -Mrs. Hes;.--J. LewisThowas, C. C., of Lon- DEATH -The death occurred on
Harry Dyer and daughter of Detroit don and peeve Lamont were engaged Monday of last week of Miss Lydia
are visiting relatives in one midst.-- last week in locating the new road Goodman. She was never of robust
Our Public School re -opened on Mon- which is to be opened to Lake Huron, constitution and her decline was slow
day, after the summer holidays. The -Harvey %Veber of Edmonton, Alta., but certain until death relieved her of
High Schutt Dept. does nut commence arrived home on Thursday even- her suffering. Tho sincere sympathy
fora few weeks yet. There are three ing lust, after an absence of about five of the community is felt for the be -
new teachers on the stat?: Miss Dun-
yoars.-Nano Schwartzentruber of the reaved family. The funeral took place
lop, lieb Polly of Goderich and Mies Bronson Line took ill quite suddeul • en Thursday last, Rev. Bean of Credi-
Hartlieb of Dashwood. -Quite a num- last week and at present he is in ratter ton having charge in the absence of
her of our people drove to Dashwood serious condition. one of his legs being the Pastor, Rev. L. K. sympathy
F•idt.last y
Mrs. Catwleyyand Mrs. Trellernight, to see hand tam- the Carlisle (Sask.) Herald,omas , wasor of AFFLICTION—Much here for the affliction which has tbbefalleis n
ily returned to their home in Detroit last week. Mr. Jarrott was a teacher the family of George Merner of this
last Saturday, after visiting their par- here about 15 years ago, but bas been village. Several of the little ones be-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Either, for a out West for some years. -The total ing sick with mumps and Mrs. Mettler
few weeks. -The Misses Madeline number of names in the Hay Voters' withdi lhtheria necessitating isolation.
Scott, Edna lsiltteterarid Ella Link spent List for 1908 is 961, distributed as fol- The eldest child, a bright boy of eight
a few days in Exeter and Zurich last love: -Part 1, 795; part 2, 121; part 3. Years passed away on Thursday even-
Geiser, while cultivating gthe land of lwi h liam Smith and son Earl, who ar. and rrivedrs. Jhere hoacob pe they may all be very and was buried on u shortly We
a disk last week, had the misfortune in their auto. were accompanied from stored to their former good health.
to be thrown oft the seat and was Detroit by Mrs. Koeblzow and daugh- Firs -Our village suffered the loss
dragged a considerable distance before ter Lily, who are visiting Crediton of another business place last Thurs-
the horses could be stopped. He re- friends. -Senator Samuel Merner, day night when the plaining mill was
ceived a severe cut in the leg but is do- brother of Gottlieb Merner of this reduced to ashes, How the fire origin-
ing nicely. -Geo. Holtzmann is ire- place, died at Berlin on Tuesday, in ated is uncertain but it is thought to
proving his home by making a lawn his 86th year. Mr. Merger was born have started in the engine room. Be -
around the side of his house. -Gus. in Switzerland and came to Canada in ing a frame structure it was soon en -
and Tobias Wurtz of Pigeon. Mich., 1837, and was elected a member of the veloped in flames and attention was at
are visiting in our midst. -The rain House of Commons, for South Water- once paid to the saving of the stock
has hindered our farmers a great deal loo in 1878. In 1882 be was appointed and the adjacent buildings, which was
in their crops. A few fine days will to the Senate by the late Sir John A. done with a will. All the other build -
dry the oats sufficiently to place in the MacDonald. -Gottlieb Merner attend- ings were saved, with the exception of
barns. -An umbrella repairer struck ed the funeral of his brother Senator Mr. Hoffman's stable which was a
our town on Tuesday and did a good Merner at Berlin. frame structure arid very close to the
business. They are a necessary evil in wills. Luckily there was no wind, and
this land of storms and squalls. -Lara
DEATH—Mr. and Mrs. John La -
this the recent rains made everything
Friday Lucan came here and played Portes home at the Sauble Line has damp or a more serious conflagration
the return match with our Brownlee. for the eeeond time inside of two would certainly have been ours, as
The game was a fast one throughopt weeks, been visited by the angel of citizens of this quiet little village.
and after the sixth innings had bean death, this time their daughter Ther- The logy to the company is a heavy
played, the score stood 5.1 in our fa ase, a bright girl of nearly sixteen one as they carried no Insurance• The
or. The Brownies are the coming years being called away, after an 111- Exeter fire brigade rendered valuable
senior team and even at their young nese of three weeks, and following an assistance. The flames attracted an
age show some very fine plays, which operation for appendicitis. Sincere immense crowd from many mites
would be a credit to older teams. -The sympathy is expressed for the parents around.
following left here on Tuesday for the
North-west: Rev. E. H. Bean, Eli. Gar-
and Thos.Hin Lawson, -lieJohn Treitz,. Y.
Special ASale
Fred and Milton Haines. -Rev. A. Y.
Heist, Presiding Elder, will preach in
the Evangelical church next Friday
evening, Next Sunda, the pulpit in
the German church will be occupied
by Rev. L. K. Eidt of Dashwood, both
morning and evening.
Bowutvo-On Friday evening the y OU CANNOT POSSIBLY effect as great a saving by buying hither and
Exeter Bowlers arrived here to play thither as you can by confining yourself to the one great bargain centre
our men. We were rather doubtful -TIEMAN & EDI(3HOFFER'S. Bear In mind -for every bargain
as to the outcome. Exeter has been you see or Bear tell of, there is just as many, and just as good.
bowling for years and our boys are IN OUR STORE. Our Bargain Giving is not confined to a line or two
only beginning. Some very fine work but it is spread overallandthe BARGAINS you get in one of our lines are
was done and when the game was call- only representatives of the many others we are giving.
ed on account of darkness, the score
stood a tie. The following is the re- Afew pieces of Fawn and Tan Colored
in Satin Cloth, Henriettae, &c.&c.
regular 50c and 00c, to clear at 26c yd.
Bleached Shirting.. 2 yds wide, for !Sc
Factory Cotton, worth 121c yd, for 10c
Fancy Muslin, 15c to 25c, for 1Oc yard.
Go Tuesday next the Liberal -Conser-
vatives are to select a candidate for the
Ilr;e:-e of Cuiniiiers at. a meeting to lie
held in liensall. The candidate in the
Jann,ety by-election was !leery Hol-
ton. • . '1'uckcreinith who lout up a good
'1W,% atiaivaa
I. 1.:IeLe.►u, Lot lost.
ale. Murton polled .t larger vote than
the late 13. B. Gunn in tate last general
ell • :. ,tit lent teas uuab;e to Will, toying
to 11.1c facts tliat ti. was a by-election
and r:early every vote was polled. In
a general election Mt. McLean. who
will certainly be the Liberal candidate
again, should be defe.tted by a strong
Conservative candidate. Who is that
candidate to be The chances for a
Cun,ervative win seem to be so good
that there will likely be no lack of good
men willing to run. Mr. Horton is
favorably Mentioned and may again
be the man. Hugh Spackman of Exe-
ter, alt ex -Warden of the county and
an ai,le fellow, well known in every
part of the riding, ie being urged to
become the caudidate, and if chosen
he si:ould win. J. A. Williams of Zur-
ich, Presideut of the association, and
John McNaughton, the strong uteri of
Stanley,are also mentioned as possibil-
ities, while John McDonell of Hensel!,
a popular fellow, is also in the line up
es a good choice. John Sherritt of
Stephen, who represented North Mid-
dlesex when part of Huron was in that
riding, is said to be a favored one. T.
13. Carling of Exeter, treasurer of the
association, is claimed to be the man
for the job. Two Seafortt men, M.
Broderick and Thomas Hays are each
said to be too strong in the north for
M. Y. and it is largely in the north
east where the turnovers are made.
Exeter, Stephen and Csborue, Ilensall
anti Stanley are pretty steady and can
be depended on to give a good Conser-
vative majority, and the man to win
roust be able to offset M. Y. in the
northeast. To the delegates who at-
tend the conventiou trust be left the
choice of who that man is to be.
Every part of the riding should be
well represented so that the proper
man may he chosen. Whoever he is
the people of the riding may be de-
pended upon to back him on election
day. whenever that may be. That
Sir Wilfrid has already been too long
in power is evident in the doings at
Ottawa, and the people of Canada are
fully alive to the fact that an end
must be put to the long reign of politi-
cal corruption. In South Iiuron a
great deal depends on the man to be
chosen at the Liberal -Conservative
Convention. He must be strong, able,
honest, straightforward and without
a sign of "graft" about him.
A provincial Liberal Convention will
likely be held in 'Toronto shortly.
Sir Wilfred Laurier in his tour of
Ontario is expected to visit Clinton on
or about Sept.:.'3rd.
The Ontario Government intends to
exhibit and lecture nn consumption at
sec rat Western Om -trio Fall )Faire.
In the recent election in Centre Hu-
ron Proudfoot's expenses were $251.99
and Porters $167.15. That does not
look as though it costs a sessional in-
demnity to run an election.
The Clinton News-ltecord says that
Mr. Jos. Elliott of Goderich, who was
horn in South Hui on, preached in
East Huron and resides in West Hu-
ron, may be the Conservative candi-
date in the South for the house of
"Rolling Stones Gather No Moss"
Dr. McCue, skip 9
Blnett, skip 16
Dr. McCue, skip 15
Illuett, skip 14
Taman,skip 15
Hurdon, skip 8
Hurdon, skip 16
Tainan, skip 15
Ira D. Sankey of :lanky and Moody. J1 71
evangelists, died in New York Thurs. Arrangements ate being glade for a
day. As a writer of hymns arid es an return match to be• played in Exeter
evangelist be was known throughout son(' night next week. Ont• Bowlers
the work. Favorites are: "The Ninty went to Zurich on Tuesday but at time
and Nine" and "When the Mists Have of writing we c,tonnt state how the
• Rolled Away." succeeded. )'
For $1.270,000 the M'Guigen ('ons- 1)K Tlr - One of our oldest residents
petty has (leen awarded the tender to departed this life on Sunday hast in the
erect the Niagara electrical trans- person of John Philip 1Vhite, who died
mission lines in fifteen months. The at the age of Si) years. Mr. White was
lines will be 1'.113 guiles long. This was born in Cornwall. England, and about
the lowest of 'yi tendeee, the highest 67 years ago emigrated to this country,
being half a million higher. residing in Three Rivers, Quebec, for
some years. From there he went to
Port Hone and a short time After -
worths came to the township of Step-
hen, when' he resided for 52 years.
The deceased was one of our most pro-
gressive farmers and was well liked by
all who had the pleasure of his acquain-
tance. He leaves surviving a brother.
It is reported that the frost in the Thomas in Manitoba and a sister, Mrs.
West suet week did considerxhle dram- M y :. of I%teter, one stilt and daughter,
aq, to the wheat re'' in the low lyingwhet rteside with bins on the hobon, orlorni.mesIntead
lands, but the frost was not the only litugidpnlhte was a Ron AnifC,atbnlic and in
cause of damage: the drought and hot
winds did at least as mutat darting,• as
the frost. and it is now estimated that
the wheat crop for the entire country
will not average over twenty bushels.
The Saskatchewan election on Fri- Brucefield: Mrs. Risebury, our Vitt -
day returns Hon, 1Valter Scott, Liber- age Artist, sent six nil painting. to
al, ss premier of the province, although Winnipeg ',Hely: She is 72 vents of age,
two of his cabinet ministers. J. A. but is still AMB to paint. Two of the
('al,ter, minister of eel leetiem, Ams W. paint logs were copies of old masters,
R, Motherwell. mini -ter of Agri,•nitlire two Engli-h scenes, one a ;Willing of
are among the slain. The result ep Venire, another a Scotch and two
pears to be''2.i to 15 with one consti- Canadian scenes.
tuency d.•ferretl. Mr. S. J. i.atte, a
former Exeter boy. was defeated by -
Anderson, Conservative, in Last OUR NATIONAL DANCER.
Mountain by lief,
111 the death of i Leben Fax Canada
loses one of her hest play -actors. He
starred as Posty in "The Bonnie Brier
Bush" ter Many yeers He was born
in Oxford County. The tete "Vim"
Fax, comedian, wes,1 hro!her and Jim
Fax, well known in Western Ontario,
is a brother.
politics ;a staunch 1'on,ervetire. The
sympathy of the community is extend-
ed to the bereaved family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tleenpson itf Log•
an spent sand ty with R. R. (:lenn.—
Qui!e• A nniuber ,attended the S. O. S.
rel•'hrstion in Seaforlh on Wednesday
an,l rep 1 t +t Lug.- ' i,:wd, cnn.ide0 ing
the went her. -Mee .1. Reck of London
is visiting hersister. M John Glenn.
--Vaster J.uues iirosdfuot hail return -
ell unto spend:ng ,t r., TIP (of n, ck+ in
Si• iforth. -J. M. Glenn and J. W.
Stewart left for Region, 5..sk.. on
Tei lay. --Jetties Horton And brother.
ltihn, ere expert•`tt hone front the
%Vest .h'rtly,-Mise Vera Glenn left
'4i1'Irti ty f''r Dundalk to resume
L -r duties as teacher.—Mr. and Mrs.
1',t,,n1ts ilicka,en n( Seaforth spent
in.tay with frietefs here. --The tar.
is mei! v rou- t' ovor and thresh
tri.; is the ureter of the day,
fir. and Mrs. S. Martin are visiting
sed 't. Mat )
Time to Cry a Halt Before Complete
Wreck Results.
There are thousands, both peen and
ta,•snen. who do not take time to rat
pr"perly. They rush threnuh life, and
, result wP hire an age of indigos -
nervousness, irritability, sleep-
less night.•, and molest. di•positien.
n•ttimial danger is stt'mieh weak-
ness. due to the strenuous life.
Nit -ons tablets, strengthen the walla
tf i he storll'teh And Ptiiniilate .eorrti in
•.f the digestive juices. They melte
iso stomach e,rmforteble ane! cute M-
Fancy Gingham, 121c to 15c, for 10c yd
14 •• worth 10e, for Se yd
American Prints, regular 7c, for 5c yd
10 pieces Print, reg. 121c, for Ilk yard
Blue and White Checked Shirtings,
worth 121c yard, for 10c
See our bleached Table Linens -the best value ever shown in Dashwood
Iadiesi Waists, regular 50c to $1, to clear at 2.5c each
" Flannelette Night Gowns, reg. $1,15, for 75c "
11 •. 11 1. 111 $1.00, ,. I15.- ..
White Underskirts,
Whir Night (.owns
Embroidery Corset Cover
Black Elose, 3 pair for 25 cents.
Tan Hose, 2 ” 25 "
Vests loc each
$1.25, " $1.(X1 "
$1.50, " $1.(8) "
50c, " 40c "
Bargains in Embroidery and Laces.
A beautiful range of [Attics' Belts, Fancy Collars, Ties, Gloves, &c., &c.
We handle the Celebrated D. & A. Corset.
Gents' Furnishing
The biggest Bargains ever offered, as we wish to lower our stock in this
department.. Also Bargains in our Made•te•Order Tweed, and Worsteds
if in need of a suit be sure and see what we can do for you before you pur-
chase. Collars, Socks, Braces, Ties, Hats, Caps and Underwear.
See the NEW KNITTED TiE, the very latest, in all shades.
STRAW HATS, 5 cts. SI1IRTS, 5() cts. 3 PAIR SOCKS, 25 cte,
Cut Nail. (slightly rusted) all lengths, 2c per lb.
1 only "Favorite" Churn
1 " "Peerless" Wartber } at Bargain Prices.
1 " "Leader" Washer
1 " Hammock, regular $1.,50, for $2.00,
Long handle Shovels, tisk. " I)" handle riptides. slightly rusted, 50c
Sad Irons, regular $1.26, for $1.(10. (set of 3 irons, 1 stand and 1 handle)
Window Screens. clearing at 20c each.
A full line Scoop Shovels and Grain Rage. w j
If you are in need of any Fencing, Ideal Worm Wire the hest Fencing
be sure and hu the .
We are the agents for the same.
All kinds of Paints, Oils, Varnisbee, Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil. and .Sep-
arator Oil on hand. 1Ve handle the
Celebrated Sherwin- Williams Prepared, Paints.
They go he farthest and wear the longest because THEY AltE (BEST.
CHINA. ('ROCKERY And GLASSWARE. DEPT. is full with a large range
of Dinner Setts, Toilet Setts, Lemonade Setts, Fancy Chine, Fancy Glee. -
ware. Our prices are as low as the lowest.
A large stock of all kinds of School Supplies for School Opening
Grocery Department
Is full of new and fresh geed-. We pay special attention to this
department. Our prices are right.
51hs. G.,od (assn Tea, $i.(e)
Seeded 13 ti•i11o. 10c lb.
Korn Kinks, Sc pkg.
Salmon, lib' tin.
flee Wm Gr. en ('ofTee, 25 rte.
" " (toast Rib Coffee, 'l'x!
" pkg. Ammonia Pon del
('ern and Pen., 3 rang for Zit
A full aupply of Pickling Spires. Carty Powder. Turmeric Mustard Seed,
Celery Seed, Ginger Root. Chillies, 1k,•.. Arc. All sizes •'Crown' Fruit Jars in
stock. Fruit Jar Rubbers. Ste ams 11►,'
We handle the. .
Celebrated Red Rose, Salada & Blue Ribbon Teas
in I Ih. and 1 iie packages. Lt Green. Ill -ick and Mixed. Try a package.
Sick headaches, pslpitstien, )•show
-kin and coated tongue are a few of
thy• many di'.tre.eing result• of indi.
•;tion that Mi-" ria never fail. te, let
W. S. Cole sells Mi•orna in ;ft r,•r t
boxes, Anil gaurentee to refute! rhes
Illeeler 1f it •1 les not Rive -•1:;‘!• . i•
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce.
and I'.—/nine our Goods and Pi ice.
and i,e ronrinced that WP 1)0
I)a�l I
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX LAIRD, General Manager
IPaid-up Capital, $10,000,
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,
1 141
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign counttiee,
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United Stay,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. irs
Exeter Branch -G. %V. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Mrs. Gibb and her daughter, Miss
Loretta of Detroit were he guests of
'Wilbert Revington last week. -A
number of our leading farmers have
disposed of their farms at good prices.
Joseph Kelly of Biddulph has sold his
farm of 125 acres for $10,000; William
Colfads, William Caves and Archie
McCurdy of Usborne and Mr. Colwell
of Centralia, all sold heir farms at
fair prices).
A new directory for the Telephone
Company has been issued. -Rev. D.
Turnbull of Toronto preached an ex-
cellent sermon to the LOX. in the
Methodist church on Sunday evening.
A very pretty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Marshall, Peel St., St. Marys, on Tues-
day, Aug. 11, when their daughter,
Irene M., was united in marriage to
Dr. W. D. Ferguson of Valetta. The
wedding march was played by Miss
Gladys Shier, cousin of the bride.
The bride, gowned in white silk trim-
med with valencinnee lace and inser-
tion and carrying a shower bouquet of
bridal rosea and maidenhair fern, was
given away by her father. She was
attended by her sister, Miss Carrie
Marshall. who was gowned in white
organdie trimmed with lace and inser-
tion, and also Miss Ethel Ferguson,
sister of the groom, who was gowned
in white organdie trimmed with valen-
clones lace and insertion. The groom
was supported by his brother Clarence,
and Ira Marshall, brother of the bride.
Little Mise Annie Ferguson and Miss
Pearl Marshall made pretty little flow-
er girls. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. D. N. McCamus, assisted
by Rev. J. Veale of Kirkton and Rev.
S. Anderson of London.
McGillivray: Recently. as Zechar-
iah Lockhart, of the Town -Line, Mc-
Gillivray, was cutting oats, his team
of.young spirited horses ran away.
breaking his binder badly. Shortly
after the capture of the team, his son,
Bruce, received a severe kick above
the knee, although very painful he
will soon be around again.
Western Call for Men
Preparations have commenced
earnest for the handling of the Nn:t.-
west's big wheat crop, the only dif-
fe ulty cxper:enccd by farm( re b 1 ,s
the gramlty of labor 1n Cie barn• -t
fields. It to to Induce then to go to ih•
Went that the C. P. it. ties made the re-
markable low rate of ten dollars
none Ontario. Tills fare carries t!
ticket holder to any point on the com-
pany's lines east of \too.cjaw; Ir,a1 :s
are run direct to Winnipeg, and th
glen are re -ticketed t'eer.! for tier' [Win' 14
where they wish to work. Aft..r n
leas: one month's work In the fields
labortre ate Issued tickets hark 1,
Ontario starting rolut at *is.11.,. Le.ty_
Ing dates of Canadian Pacific eccur.-
Ions are A ug. 14, 19, .Sept. 1, 9. fro
stitlons northwtet of Toronto, tug
19, 19, Sspt. 1, 9, front stations slut
wtet of Toronto, and Au;. 21, 222
Sept. 2, 11,. 11 front stations east or
Toronto. Thu must Import 1111 cr ur-
Pions are Aur. 14, 19 ant 31. on'
teen each distrl, 1, and on these slat, s
spec las trams will be run. :rant all C.
1'. H. •tat Ions, dot's of which agent',
w:ifu nlah. Tris C. P. It .ss : t r on •
C:.o.sdlatt rou:e to the West, gni •
only One carrying F'ar.II Labs).•
through without change. Apply ,o
tit Ret agents, or C. fl. Foster 1)Is-
111u1 I'a••enger Agent, Toronto, fo:
t l Info nv.tie'!.
Wood's Phosphodini
The Great English Rented&
Tones aria i r, t i;;urotes tee whom
nervous rt .,• i i, makes new
Blood in o:.l Cures Ner.-
r,r.s Debr7ity, Mental and Isatin Worry, lara-
nonrl.'fury. S&steal )Veaknexa, Emissions. Byer.
+,,,lurrhaa, end .Effeets of Abuse or Excesses.
1 , ie;o it per box. stator i. Orta w1I1 please,sig
:.'l1 euro. (?old by and druggists or mailed In
plain pkg. on receipt of Nice. ?t m pautyhla
Mailed free. The Wood Medicino Co. r
(formerly )Vin.lsorl Toronto. Ont.
Mt. Carnl('l,
Mr. Timothy Coughlin is having up-
to-date fixtures put in his residence,
including bath, hot and cold water,
steam heating fixtures, etc. -Mr. Hall
had the chimney torn tiff his house
during the recent storm, which did
considerable other damage in this vi-
Fall Term Opens Septi
THE SOONER YOU complete a course 111 this
school the sooner you may expect to hold a
posttioa of trust. Our coOrses are thorough
and practical. Our students always succeed
We assist graduates to po,itione, We ha, a three
•iepartmeute,—)Commercial. Shorthand and Tel
agraphic. We employ experienced instructors.
Catalogue free,
The abutments on the Sauble are
completed and the iron for the bridge
is on the ground, -Thomas Quinton
and Percil Cave have gone to the West
on the harvest excursion.—Lenei
Hodgins visited in dean this weel1/4
The Rev. Wm. Lo 'rand Chaplain
of the Orange Order, will preach a
harvest Thanksgiving service in St.
Patrick's church on Sunday, Sept. 13,
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
McGillivray Council
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment. on Aup.:3rd, present J. Robin-
son Reeve, W. T. Ulens Deputy Reeve,
E. E. Murdy and J. Mutgau, Council-
lors. Minutes of last meeting read
and signed. Clens putrefy -that the
accounts amounting to2.5.3.i be paid.
-Carried. Mundy b -lens --that By
law No. 3 of Mei authorizing thi
Reeve and Treasurer to harrow cer-
tain sums to meet the current expen-
diture for the year iIsis as read a flrat
and second time tw read a third time
and passed. -Carried. elm dy-Mor-
gan—that I3y-law No. 4 of 1908 ap-
pointing J. H. Amps to engineer under
the D. & W. C. Act as read a first and
second time be read a third time and
peeved. -Carried. Clens - ?lnrgan-
that the Falkirk Telephone Co. be
permitted to erect Telephone poles on
road allowance from Ailsa ('raig to
west McGillivray or elsewhere in the
Township provided the regulations for
the erection of the telephone poles are
completed with. -Carried, 'I'tse Coun-
cil then adjourned to I!.eet in the
Town Hall on the (bat Monday in
September at 1 o'clock p. rn,
J. D. i)rumnu,nd. Clerk
Drs. Kennedy & Kerdan
Owing to Dr. Ke--
gan beirg eecea'.e,l.
Dr. I. D. Kennedy,
Medica( D.rectnr,
has associated w,eh
hien Dr. Kennedy Jr.
who has been ...all
the firm for seve.al
years. •o hereat:er
bushes• w::l con-
ducted under the
name of
7:tot.an.'s..1•...4;•:;4041:..I.!.7a-•de,r:,a carnna:ly swept
t , a fremature gr...e thr :g 1 rtAkl,Y 1 V1,iXShTL"'9,
ECCEffsES AND I L',Oh 0I' I'.A' ES, If y ;et ha.e any of the
f ,i lowing'muttons consult u. tr!..re ft 1.1)3. te, Arc lou
nervous and weak. despondent at d avluom , 11:. • ksb-r • the
eses, with mark circles and, r 1l:• ',elk bac:, 1 i :n•. •nla•
lily palpitation 01 (1,8 heart. 1 ..'.fill.dear. ar•1 1 N •e•li-
intent is urns. pimples on the face eyes suntren. holtpw . he, ks
careworn esuressio•. pone memory. lade... distrustful, lack
enemy ►e.:...: ngth, tired r:orninel re.ttes nights. charge-
shle rs-r'•!sweak manhood, premature decay, bone pants, /sir
loose. sore throat etc.
[:food Po i.100
are Its m,.t
president sly , at set io.S.!•.-,
•.e. 1 •. .spthe very Ole
brood of the v:.trm, sod un:c', sure;•: .• 1.•stet from the
sy.terntrayaffect th•future generation. Beware of Mercury. )t..nly,uppressecthe
symptoms—OUR NE.W 1iliTROD cure. thea.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT atone nn mire yr'n, and mates
Man or you• Co In i.• enf!ut a.e the 1 ra::: 1»c .u.,s active, the Woad pie:hed so that alt
pimples, 1-lotches, . 1o .r. disappear, the nerves become strong as eeel, sr+ that ger-
voasnH.• bashfully...and rt. srr.n.!•nev vs^`.c. Ise ere t -comes heir' t 1`• face full and
clear. energy return. to the /rale, and the moral j•hrsiral, and sv.rem. are inv g-
oraled: *11 ,1 -sins rrg.r—n., wire. v'1a1 wasp.fro' - 11-1. •1 •tie•-. Tont let results and faiths
tot, you of your hard d dol:ar s, WS will suns you or no pay.
READERTatter who?Oha. tr••ted ► xt, writs Mr an l nneM oytn'on )'tee
0: Charge. OKS I'RY.6- The ,,Iden Montor" pllastrateA)
Qaasesen ll., for Hams Trsstmarst Sant •• Rsquoet.
Cor. Michigan Ara. and Griswold it, - DETROIT, MICH A