HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-08-20, Page 135e to JAN. '09
subscribe fur the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take ad.' .otmge of our
Low Club Rates
eft thot
In Newest Types
On Begirt Papers
The Finest `York
And Right Prices
The Advocate Ofiice„Exeter
The Old Reliable
Its an undisputed fact that Carling
Bros. have the Best Groceries
1 in town.
JUST ASK OUR COMPETITORS if we don't have the
best. They can't say no, for they know we have. Our
, Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Fruits, Biscusts, are always
fresh and good. We have a "stand-in” with nearly everyone
because of the superiority of our groceries. We know how
to buy them—that's the way.
Oh Yes! Need Any Crockery ?
in siin3 New Goods. They're Beauties, too.
There's a nicett about them that will appeal to you.
So will tho prices we are asking.
Highest Price Paid for POULTRY , dead or alive,
Highest price paid for produce—Butter 19e, Eggs 18c.
85 Men's Suits
to 44. Regular price of all $10,00, Reduced to clear $7.511
at $2.50 reduction on
each suit, in blue and
black serge, dark and
light tweeds, sizes 30
White Waists at 25 off. ; White Underskits
A few choice styles in fine lawn7 only white underskirts made of
waists. These are sure to go quick at . good material and very prettily trim -
such a big discount. ! med. $2.00 skirt for $1.35, $1..50 skirt
1 for $1.13, $1.25 skirt for 88c.
75 Boys' Tweed Suits at 20 per cent. discount ,
Made of Fine Imported Tweeds. Qaality that will stand good hard wear.
Number of different styles, all sizes 22 to 34 on sale at. 20 per cent. off. Now is
the time to fit your boy with a good suit at Big Saving.
12 1-2 wash goods for 10c Lace Hosiery
Alldainghams, chatnbrays, cashmer-
ett4Jelainetts, muslin and all other { In tan, brown, bltfck and white, all
12ic wash stuffs on sea at 10e. ion sale at exactly wholesale prices.
Men's Strong Wearing Shirts at a Snap Price
Made of rock fast drill in Blues, Blacks and Greys. Small neat patterns and
stripes warranted fast colors and wear guaranteed. On Sale at •15c.
erefeffloaal Cards.
DI 0.7. ROULBTO 4, L. D. 8., D. D. &
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ootario and honor
graduate of Toronto University-.
OFFICE: Over Dickson is Carting's Law Ogee, In
De. Anderson's former Dental Parlor.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1. D. 8., D. D. 8.•
Honor graduate of Toronto Uolverlety.
teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Ogee over Olsdmeo a Stanbury's office, Main street
DR. T. P. McLAt:O)Il.IN
Has resumed practice after sending a year (Cbl.
lege) et British an4 Continental Hospitals. General
practice with medal attention to Eye, (with refrac-
tion) Ear, Noes and Throet.
Ofice: Dashwood, Ont.
r Legal.
tors, Notaries, Cnnveyan ers. Commissioners.
• olldtors for Molsoas Bank, et, .
Moray to Loaf et lowe.t rates of ioterset.
OfS-es, Main street, garter,
�. L 0sv.is6, B A., L H. Dicisoe
We bare a large amount of private funds to loan
a farm awl villag, properties at low rates of later
Rarrirters, Solkltors,Malo et., Exeter
B. 5. PR:L i'S, Rxrcr'sa
Licef- Auctioneer.
Sale. attended In all porta Sslisfatloe •
tee r no par. Terms rea..nsble. All a en lett
at Ad, orate exec,* will be promptly attended to,
William Brown
Prot. Diploma of Royal incorporated Society Of
N osi•+sus. England: orgsni.t of Trivitt Memorial
C o rh.Exeter. Plano, Organ, harmony and theory
of Music. Terve on applkstien. Exeter. Ont,
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company. also Fire 1nsutmice in lead-
ing Canadian and British Crmpanles.
Main -St., Exeter.
House For Sale.
la the Villare ul Eteter. situated en !time—mistime.
a triune dwelling, 2 stories, kit. hen and woodshed
eteh(e. *mod well, a
ons Mre M land. AR Ie rood
erudition. Will be sold reasonable. Apply at thio
-- —
Cottage to Rent.
A frame cottage, in good repair. and
at reasonable rental. Apply at this
successor to DR RatraAT,
Special Attention to Dentistry.
\night calla left et the home of Mr. Peter Bowdenpro
Maimptln streyeattendet, (op .d to. Trlyitt Memorial Church), will be
Office -Dr. Ramsay's Old stand, corner of Main and
North streets, (opp. Pym', Blacksmith Shop).
Your patronage.ollciId.
House to Rent in Elimville
The undersi;ned is offering to rent his frame
dwelling In Elimville, with 1.5 sore o1 land. Hard
and son water and a number o1 fruit trees on the
premises. For particulars apply to JO811UA JOHNS,
oe the un.?,reigned.
House and Land for Sale.
The under.igne is offering for rale hie house and
land on Huron Street F.ut. The Souse 1. of frame
and is in „o -of tri.air. The land consist.* of a acrd
in goof rondition. Goof water -hard and soft.
Oood stable. Some good frnit trees, et.e. Posses-
sion ei, en now or in the fall. Apply at the home
of Abraham Dearing, Jr, Simeoe Neese,
The re•tra}.-l.rtr.th•' ••• fthe undei'sittn-
ed, l.ot i,Con . r., Ilay, o::r , - ivg. 7th. a year-
liog heifer. Ow ner can has e •an:e by proving prop.
trty erad paying expense••.
Hay 1'. 0.
Excellent Town Property
For Sale.
THF. SOVEREIGN BANK Is offering for sale that
desirable town property Plicated on the corner of
James and Albert Streets, beir•E Lott C4 and 6.5, for-
merly owned by Mr. B. 8. O'Neil. Apply to
Exeter. Out,
Auction Sale
- OF --
Valuable Parra Property.
The andenigned has been instructed to sell by
Public Aoclion at the CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER,
ON FRIDAY. AUGUST 21sT', 1008,
at 6 o'clock p. m. sharp, the following property. els:
Wi of Lot 25, Con. 6, Tp. of Ceborne,
containing No scree of land, in acres good hardwood
bosh. Noir o• :n ro i'here for sowing of Fall wheat 1
This property is well fenced. well drained and well I
located, and will he s^M without reserve. Propos-
ition river, on day of safe,
made knoen on day of sale, or by appti.-,tion to I
TI10&. CAMERON. Auctioneer,
Fanoihar, , •nt
31r. Robt. Sanders. who It f, '..tn•'
weeks ago on a pleasure (1.1. .
camping at Mineral Springs. Itchier. 1 t• ,,,,.1, r;h . • o th day of Arlon* .A.r1 .taus.
National Patk, SVash. r '•• tiffs. od r
Crediton Boy Killed.
Fite Chief Clark, Fireman Wein
(formerly of Crediton) aged 27, and
Sgt. Cockburn were killed 'Tuesday
night in London at a fire in Westin/rife
Hardware, London, by being buried in
fallen debris.
Senior leaving.
The follcwing students have been
successful in the recent examinations
for academie standing as first class
public school teachers or as assistant
teachers in the high schools. This is
what has been known in the past as
the senior teachers' examination.
HURON -E E Anderson, 1; J D
Buchanan, 1 (honors) and 2; J A Cam-
eron, 1; LJ Clark, 2; D M Clark, 1
(honors); O G Currie, 1; J E Currie, 1;
O R Cruickshank, 1; J A Dickson 1; V
M Davidson, 1 (honors); D R Finlay-
son, 1; L 13 Fraser, 2; E II Glenn, 1; A
Goble, 1; G E Goble, 1; 11 Henderson,
1 and 2; A W Johnston, 1 (honors) and
2; M E Johnston, 1 and 2; J T Mustard,
2 (honors); M A MacLeod, 1 and 2; A
11 McBurney, 1; R S Mclearney, 1; P
MacPherson, 1 (honors); T E Robinson,
1; H R Rutherford. 1; J M Strang, 1;
G Troy 1; E C'Crplady, 2; 0 E Wight -
man, 1 and 2; J E Wiley, 1.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Sweet of Exeter, are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Isaac,
of this place, and will also spend a day
or two at Grand Bend. -Mrs. W. J.
Wilson and Mrs. E. Stinson were in
London on Monday. -Miss Esther ,Mc-
Pherson spent a week with friends at
the Bend. -31s. (:lark. of St. Marys,
visited her uncle, Mr. Thos. Bullock. -
Mrs. M. Hayter and \les, Bastard of
Sbipka. spent a few dayswith relatives
in Bayfleld.—Miss Dora East, of Lon-
don, is visiting her friend, Miss Nellie
Hotson.—Miss 'Alla English spent a
few days at Grand Bend. --Miss Flor-
ence Neil, of Lucun, has taken charge
of School. No. 18. -Mr. .Tae. Brophy
was in town on Saturday. -Rev. A. H.
Going. Chairman of Exeter District,
attended the adjourned meeting of
Grand Bend Quarterly Board on Mon-
day evening. The arranging of the
circuit was left in his hands and the
Pastor of Greenway, Rev. T. A. Stead-
man.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. Tho-
mas Bullock was brightened by the
advent of it little baby hoy into the
family nn Sunday, Aug. lltn. All do-
ing well. Congratulations.
Clearing Auction Sale
Horses, Buggies, Wagons, Etc,
MR. THOS. CAMERON hes received instructions
to sell by Public Auction atthe
SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1908,
at one o'clock p. m, sharp,
the following pro rty. ria: 1 pair geldings, 3 years
old (a ricultural)2 gelding, 6 and 6 years old
(Clyde);1 driving mare b yrsold,fit for farmer or lady
driver; 2 good dairy roast the following articles al
new -lumber wagon, complete, (Adams' make): 3
,eta of lumber wagon springs; 4 to►, boggles; 1 sulky
plow: 2 targe : ffurrow Atoms; b walking plows;
3 -drum land roller; disc harrow; grinder, 2 wheel-
barrows; Si dor. hog troughs; incuhster; washing
machine; 2 cutter robes; also followinv articles
nearly new -set of sine' and set of double dri, ins
harness; I lumber wagon; 3 buggies; wagonette;
Gladstone buggy.
TERMS -35 and under cash; over that amount 12
month, credit will be given on furnishing approved
Joint notes. 5 per cent off for earls on credit amounts
Poeltiaela gc•.crre es tho Proprietor
Ise Rented Him Shop.
Proprietor. Auctioneer.
South Huron
• Liberal -Conservative
The Liberal Conservatives of South
I1 iron, as constituted for Dominion
purposes. will hold it convention in
ON Tt'I:SDA i . AUG. 25T11, 1908,
AT 2 O'CLOCK P. 31.,
for the purpose of selecting a candi-
date for the approaching General
'Elections for the House of Commons.
R. Blaine, M. P. of Peel. Henry EiI-
bet, M. P. P. for South Huron, and
others will address the meeting.
Let every part of the hiding be well
re resented.
God Save the King.
Ity order of the Executive.
Judical Sale
of valuable f itt i land in the Tower.
ship of Hay, in the County of Huron.
Pennant to an order of the Hith Court of Jus-
tice made in the matter of the estate of Peter Ilea-
der,on, late in the Township t i Hay. In the County
of Huron, Yeoman. deceased. In an action of "ilen.
demon vs Henderson et. al." there will be offered
for sale by Pivot: Auction, with the approbation of
Bernard Louis Doyle, Esq., the Local Waster at God.
erich,br R. 8 MMaips. Awtioneer, at the Central
llot,' in the tillage of Exeter, at 3 o'clock, p m., ,o
Saturday. the 22nd day of August, A It, 19158, All
and oneness that cr►tate parcel er tract of land and
premises situate, lying and being in the Township
of ilay in the County of i(uron an4 dea rthed as fob
lows,- Reing composed of the Eoolh half M list
number eight (et in the second Conoeseion of the
said township of Ilay
The said land o•ontains So ares and Is well fence
and drained. It is situated about 3 miles flora Ex-
eter, and le within a half a mile of church and echoed
On the said land are erected a frame house and
frame tarn.
The property w ill to offered for sale .object to a
reserved hid. Th. purchaser shalt pay 10 per cent.
of hie
pur has. money at the time of sale to the
Vendors or their Solicitors. and the balsnee In 30
days thereafter tine Court to the credit of this Dec -
non without interest.
The Vendors will only be required to furnish a
ReetstraYs Attract M Title and to produce inch
Deeds, copies thereof Of evidences M title as are la
fakir poseesoion In all other reverts the terms and
o•+mfi ions M sale will be the standing conditions of
tb • , oor.
hal from r'kkin.on A
•. t,. r is. itanrurt, K. C.
• r or from igkkson & Car•
Interesting Matters for
The rural schools opened on August
17th for the year 1908.9. That the
year may be a successful one all the
pupils should be in their places as early
in the terra as possible. The classes
should be organized properly at once.
Definite work and real progressshould
mark every day of the tern). Many
teachers on account of wasting time
and lack of method during the early
part of the year find their pupils below
the standard at the end of the term.
A neat time -table for all classes should
be arranged before September let and
put in a conspicuous place in the class-
room. This time -table should be faith-
fully followed.
Organize your entrance and gradua-
tion classes in September. A bright
pupil who is willing to work although
a little behind other members of the
class may be put in the class. He will
do much better to go iu the class at
the beginning of the year than he can
do later.
The successful teacher prepares
every lesson for each day before at-
tempting to teach it. His blackboard
exercises are neatly and methodically
Put on the board before 1) o'clock.
There is work for every albs, so that
each pupil is busy as soon as the school
is opened. Such teachers soon get the
best positions, while the indolent, care-
less teachers remain in the poorest
Every teacher should take The Can-
adian leacher, which contains infor-
mation, suggestions and exercises that
will assist the teacher in his work and
save much time and worry. It is a
Canadian magazine which our teachers
should read and use every day. It, is
a credit to our Province. It is worth
ten times its price to the teacher who
will use it wisely.
In several schools the results of the
entrance examination were a disap-
pointment to the teacher and pupils.
That next year's work may be satis-
factory avoid last year's mistakes.
The August and September numbers
of The Canadian Teacher will contain
the selections for memorization arid
the literature selections for the en-
trance and graduation classes.
The four books to be read by the en-
trance class should be started at once.
In a number of schools the trustees
buy several copies of each book and
these remain in the school for the use
of the pupils frotn year to veal•. The
following books are recommended:
"Old Testament Stories," "The Her-
oes," (Kingglgy), "Christmas Carol,"
and "PPoems`bn the Love of Country."
There may be obtained at 10c or I5c a
copy. All the books named in the
Inepector'sCircular of September, 1907,
should be in tbe school library for
supplementary reading.
The subjects of examination for pub-
lic school graduation will be those of
the lower school of the High Schools.
For 1000 bookkeeping and business
forms and art. will be required. Seo
Inspector's Circular, 1908, for the other
subjects. This year the geonetery
work was poorly done. Candidates
should use Maker s "Theoretical Geo-
metry for Schools." Students should
do all the excercises from the begin-
With it definite examination for fifth
classes teachers and pupils should find
the fifth form work interesting. Some
pupils .nay cover the course in one
year, but tnosl of them will require
two years to do the work satisfactor-
ily. There are no changes in text -
books for 1908.9.
J. E. Tom, I. P. S.
31i -s Muriel Evans returned Tues-
day to Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Nannan Hern of Nor-
wich are visiting here.
31r. Earl 8 acktnan of Alvineton is
on bis holida y•e.
Miss Ida %Vay, of 'Woodstock, is the
guest of Mies Pearl Kestle.
Mr. 1'. B. Dignan spent a day last
week with his parents here.
Mr. Harley Sanders has purchased a
house in Exeter North from Mr. Thos.
Messrs. John Taylor and Thomas
Sweet returned from a pleasant trip
along the shore of Lake Huron,
Georgian Bay and the North Chan-
nel to the Soo and return. They re-
pot t the trip as being a most delight-
ful one, the scenery along the route
being grand and the weather lovely.
Misses Kathleen Fox and 31ae Cart-
er are holidaying at (fraud
Mrs. J. J. E. Hodgins of London is spend-
ing a week at her home here. -We are
glad to see Rev. Stevenson hack to
town, much improved in health after
his vacation. ---Mrs. J. Byers of Oak-
ville is the guest of her sister-in•law,
Mre. W. D. Ferguson. -Mies Lent and
Mr. A. Stanley are holidaying in Mus-
koka.- Mrs. McPhee of Arnprior is the
guest of Mre. C. Sproule. --Mr. Rob.
:tits of Huron College has conducted
the services of the Anglican church
in the absence of the rector, who is
camping at Kettle Point. --Mies Dulcie
Martin returned Saturday to Ayton to
teatime her duties in the school there.
—Ernest Simpson of Midland visited
in town last week.—Of the fifteen pu-
pils who tried the recent exam. for
First ('lass Certificates only two failed
and two of the number passing took
honors.—We are Forty to hear that
Mr. Sprnnyt will not return to art as
prineptJ .,f the High school here. -
. rs. V. Orme, Misses Daley and Nnr-
ene are visiting fri-nds here. after
which they will leave for Vancouver,
where they intend to reside. -- Ernest
McDougal and Fred Atkinson leave
tr.-day for ‘Vinnipeg.-Both are young
nien who have lived in town almost all
their lives and their manv friende wish
them eucress.-Mies Gertie Hodgins i•
visiting in Detroit.—Mrs. A. Isanc has
warned to St. Marys, after a pleasant
visit with her sister, Mrs. Howard. --
Miss Sadie Hodgins of London is visit-
ing at her home here. -On Sunday
Mrs. Duplan of Centralia and Mre. Mc-
Naughton of London visited the form-
er's mother. Mrs. Edwards, who, by
the way, still continues very ill. --Mr.
A. \Variug has returned to town after
a week's vacation.
ACCIDENT. -What might have been
a very serious accident occurred here
on Saturday. A lady who bad been
visiting Mrs. Ready, together with her
niece, were about tc hike the train for
Bruceffeld. The train was moving out
tvhen the older lady succeeded in get-
ting on, but, seeing her niece could
not catch it, she jumped from the
moving train. She was unconscious
for some time, but beyond some bad
scratches on her face is as well as ever
Mrs. A. Sadlier and family visited
Mrs. J. McFalls on Friday. -The Miss-
es Neil, of Toronto, visited their aunt,
Mrs. Rollins, last week. -Dr. Heber
Hodgins, of Seaforth, is home here. -
Mr. Fred Fox, of Toronto, is spending
a few weeks at bis home nere.-Mr.
Smith, of the Standard Bank, is a-
way on his vacation. -Mr. Dave Stew-
artson, of Thedford, visited friends
here last week, previous to leaving for
the West.
Grand Bend
Mrs. Mebnan and dlrs. Shepard who
have been visiting Their parents re-
turned to their home in Thedford Sun-
day.—Mrs. Page of Toronto is visiting
around here. -H. Gill and family of
Port Franke yjsited here Friday. -The
campers held their Gala Day last Fri-
day and it long list of sports were run
nil'. A big crowd was present and it
good time was spent. -Mrs. McRan-
dalls is visiting at A Tiedeman's.-Mr.
and Mrs. Ezra and Mr. A Tiedenuan
left for the West Friday.
We are pleased to hear that Foster
Bray, who has been confined to his
bed at the house of his uncle, John
Bell of Exeter, as a result of an accid-
ent while wheeling to town some two
weeks ago, is able to be un again. -
Miss Maggie Campbell of New York
has been visiting friends on Thamee
Road also Rev. John Turnbull of Toe.-
onto who preached very eloquentl
the Presbyterain church on Su
morning and to the Foresters ass,
ton in tbe evening. -Mrs. La
Listowel is visiting her sisters,
Vance and Mr -s. W. Ward.—.
Mrs. Cecil Russel are at
Ing their home with Mrs.;
John W. Stewart and John
on Tuesday for Regina.
irk -
t of
re. J.
r. and
t rnak•
n left ,
Moin—At Latchford, New Ontario, on
Friday, Aug. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Moir, a daughter.
STltRrtiu-In McGillivray, on Aug, 10,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Steeper, ason.
GRIEVE -In McGalivrt•y, un Aug. Otb,
to Mr. and Mrs. George Grieve, a
Pot.LOCK—In McGillivray, on Aug'. 11,
to Mr. and Mrs. Tbs.. Pulloch, a
600. •
Bh:LLOCK---At G•and Bend, On Sun-
day, Aug. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Tho-
mas Bullock, a soft.
ELLaON-ln McGillivray, on Aug. 8tb,
to Mr. and Mt e. D. Elleuo, a sou,
CREERY-In Usborne on Aug. 11, to
Jos. E. Creery and wife, a daughter.
RUSSELL -In Hay, on Wednesday.
Aug. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alil!on
Russell, a son.
SMITH -JIASON-At Parkhill, on the
5th inst., by the Rev. W. Godwin,
John W. Smith, of the Township of
Stephen. to Miss Tilly Mason, of the
Town of Parkhill.
JORDAN - MURRAY - In Exeter. on
Aug. 10th, Mr. J. East Jordat+ of
Goderich, to Miss Mary. daughter of
Mr. James Murree, of Exeter.
Box -In Stephen, 4th con., on August
13th, Janes Box, in his 07th year.
II1NDE-In Bayfield, on Aug. Oth. Mrs.
(Rev.) William Ilinde, aged 71 years
and 0 months.
LAPORTE-At the Saubin Line. on
Aug. 10th, Theresa, daughter el Mr.
and Mrs. John Laporte, in her 10th
\VitlTis—At Crediton, on Aug. 10th,
John Philip White, aged 80 years.
iia13..A. .AI.,L'a it- Mk arkAA A.
Have a Guess.
2 5 c
is all we ask f. r 1bp swelle,t
aloum r . e
Srnooth, non•gritty powder,
sweetly per and most last-
� 3 guesses
on the great
contest with
each can.
L;rateb Window, Can.A:xp.B:dg,
��7Vr3ilir lUrwel R
The New Store
Boots &Shoes E HAVE A Special Lii,c of
Patent Shoes which are
going fast, Come in and
see them. Styles and prices are right. They will suit you.
A full line of other shoes that are suitable for any wear. You
will be pleased with them,
often and kept fresh and new
all the time. We be
pleased to see you try them. Breakfast Foods, Can
Goods, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent line of
Confectionery, also.
Butter and Eggs.
BUTTER ANL) EGOS. Wewill pay youthe Highest
Market Price in trade for
I3ring them in.
T. J. Wilson
Two doors north of Pot Office
Leather Belting
Lace Leather
Gauge Glasses
Rubber Packing
Cylinder Oil
(,Robe Valves
Rubber Belting -
Buffalo Belt Fasts
Babbitt Metal
Spend Packing
Machine Oil
Cup Grease
Stop Cocks
Threshers Will Find Prices Right!
avetronghing and Plumbing.
Tin and Galvanized iron Work r,f every desc'rir+tion.