HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-08-13, Page 402C et a ti Cat C,Iin Exeter North.
Miss l'iggit of Thedf.trd is visiting
Sanders A .;::_ecu, Prope. iu Hrt,:oall.
airs. George Bto.,ks has tetuizi d
TJIU1i:51).11-, .lug. 13,1908; flout a visit with relatives in London.
1 Miss Nellie Russell is visiting Miss
\'inetta Lang at St. Marys.
air. and alis. Charles Livingston of
Milverton are visiting the latter's par-
ents, air. and Mrs. John Ilawkshaw.
Messrs. Alf. and James %Vatter left
Tuesday for Sarnia where they will
take the boat for it trip up the lakes to
the Soo and before returning will lik-
ely continue the passage to Duluth.
Mr. S. J. Latta, a former Exeterite,
but now editor of the Prairie News,
Govan, Sask., has been selected us the
selected as the Liberal standard bear-
er in Last Mountain, Sask., for the
Saskatchewan election which takes
lplace Friday. Sant is a first-class fel-
ow and should make a good M. P. P.
The Ice Cream Social given by the
Epworth League of the James street
church Tuesday evg. was liberally pat-
ronized and much enjoyed by those in
attendance. An excellent program
was rendered after the luncheon was
served. The proceeds amounted to
about $22.
Miss Whiteford returned frotn Elim -
villa Tuesday, where she enjoyed a
pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. W.
31ias Elia O'Brien is visiting relatives
SO T'1:' .1 D COMM 1. 1.-
Hon. J. J. Foy is acting premier
doling the abc+ence of Premier Whit-
ney iu England, whore be and Zion.
Nelson Monteith are looking into the
Immigration question.
It is to be sincerely hu ted that the
big strike of 0,000 C. P. It. wechauics
will be settled and that nu interference
will be made with the movement of
the western crop.
The pest office department has an-
nounced that in cities possessing letter
carriers the postage will in future for
drop letters be one cent for two ounces
instead of two cents for two ounces,
thus giving such cities the bane privi-
lege as possessed by towns and other
places not having letter carriers.
Like everybody else who has to lick
a few stamps semi -occasionally we are
mighty glad that new brand of stamp
of large size, known as the Quebec -
Centenary series. is not a permanent
thing. We like our meals off a plate
rather than ori the back of a postage
Miss Gertie Miller left last week for
a visit with her sister, Mrs. Jos. White
of Ransntnville, N. Y.—Mr. John Mil-
ler of Rochester, N. Y., spent part of
1st week the guest of his brother
David.—Mr. Ed. Clarke of Chicago is
spending his vacation with his patents
bit. and Mrs. Thomas Clarke.—Mrs.
Rich. Foster and daughter, Miss Edith
of Tonawond:t, N. Y., and Mrs. Thos.
Murdock and daughter, Miss Vera,
visited at R. Robinson.
DEATH—Another of Usborne's high-
ly respected residents has passed over
the great divide, the death occurring
on Friday, August 7tb, of Mr. George
ti pahall of this place at the age of 07
years. 2 months and 1 day. Mr. Up -
shall had enjoyed good health until
four or five years ago when he became
afflicted with a partial paralysis of the
brain. He had been able to be around
most of the time since and was able to
do considerable work at times, and
nothing serious was contentptated un-
til Wednesday, Jlily 20th, when he
was paying a friendly visit to his
neighbor, Mr. Samuel Brock, he was
taken suddenly ill and had to be assist-
ed home. His last illness was due to
a second stroke, and his condition was
serious from the beginning, he remain-
ing unconscious the greater part of
the time until his demise. He was a
native of Canada, being born near the
Town of Brampton, Peel County.
At the age of 21 he moved to Hibbert
Township, and from there 23 years ago
he came to Ushorne and settled on the
farm on t he 8th con. on which he died.
He was a consistent member of the
Methodist church, and his actions
throughout life betokenedthe fact that
honesty and uprightnesscbaracterized
his dealings with his fellow man. He
was ',al seed for his gond qualities by
his f'' ily and friends and esteemed
by all who knew him. in politics be
believed in the policy of the Conserva-
tive piety. About 45 years ago he
married Miss Margaret Allen of Lon-
don Township, and she with a number
of children survives. The daughters
are Misses Mary Emma. Sarah and
Barth t at home, Mrs. Enos Cook, Hau•-
gtavt•, Man., Mrs. Wrn. McLellan, Elk•
horn, Man.. Mrs. Norman Jarrett,
Landon Road North, and One son
Charles, on (hehomestead; all of whom
have the sympathy of a wide circle of
frit, ads. The funeral on Sunday to the
Exeter cemetery was a very large one,
Rev. 11. Fair officiating. while at the
grave the service was performed by
the Exeter lodge of Independent For-
esters of which order deceased was an
old member and held $20M10 of insur-
ance. patty. All had
�- ---._
ADDITIONAL LOCALS school will re•operl next Monday, after
the summer holii aye.—The flax -mill
11r..1.E.Tom, (ioderich, Was visiting started the seasons t'meshing on Tees -
here. day. A number of Indians are working
Mrs. Redden is 'this week visiting in the mill. Our farmers hare nearly
all their grain cut and the limn of the
t.hiesbing machine is heard in every
direction. Frank Sims has prchased
rt powerful traction engine furom The
Mi:s Jean T ui of (ioderich is visit- Goodison Engine Co. of Sarnia.—Mrs.
ing her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kuechly and Bliss Annie Either of Cbl -
Jas. Toru. embus, Ohio, returned to their home
Ur. and Mrs. Russell Frayne, after a !in Wednesday, after visiting friends
'rt visit here, have returned to in this village the past three weeks.—
Brantford. Our Bowlers are taking great iutet•est
Mr. Nelson Prior of Glentioro. Mau]., in the game. Last week they went to
is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Dashwood and got trimmed. On Mon -
MIS. Thos. Prior. It is ten year, since day a return match was played here
Nelson left here and in that time he
sees considerable change in Exeter.
"'Mrs. W. Barrows left Tuesday morn•
ing to visit relatives in Detroit, while
Miss Mabel will visit in Detroit for a
\Irs. Roger Crocker of Toronto ar-
rived her. Saturday, and is the guest
of relatives. a Mr. ('rocker. who is at.
tending the i.O.O.F. Grand Lodge at
St. Thornes. will he here the latter;
part of the week.
Mr. Will Moneta. who has been vis•
sting h e and et Grand (tend, has re•
turned to his duties as trateller.
Mr. Gen. Armstrong of London is
visiting his parents, being somewhat
indi:pt'sed. Kili�'il
Miss (antes. Howell has returned to
her home in Oriel after a visit here.
MI. 'has. Knight and wife of St.
Th r • were here this week attend•
ing the funeral of Mrs. Frank J.
Mr. and Mrs. It. G. Seidon were
among the number taking in the J.
cursion to Detroit. Saterdrty.
Mr. E. H. Fish is I'enetifying his
dwelling by the erection of a new ver-
Mrs. V. A. Popleetof.e of Blyth is
visiting here. while Mr. Pnplestone is
attending the Grand Lodge 1.O.O.F•
at St. Thorne..
Mr. %Vin. ('udmore is seriously ill at
his h-•,ii,-
Mr-. vl'aashhurn, wh ' has been very
i. • •ssly improving.
Mr. ,•'.I 1fr . Clarem. Smith of ing-
ers••lI visiting Mr. ad Mrs. John
11: s. f)avey and tw'o hii.Irenof Tor.
Onto ,1 vi.iting et M• Win. Hrick-
wOn.1'- Mahon
Mii. I,•lsie Iiochanan of Aylmer Is It1,a,•tt :.3
visiting visiting her aunt, Mi.-. (leo. Manion. { F:II!er
Mise Nettie Welter- has returned , .1 IMPS
from 0 .sr d Bend. whe e she has been ' ria Cue
eatnpin. a week, impr --ed in health. it:nett skip le
Miss Westland of Wyoming is visit-
ing friends in town.
Mr. Frank Bawden of Toronto is
visiting his house here.
Mr. Offs McPherson is visiting at
his houre here.
Mr. S. Sweet went to Clinton Wed-
nesday to assist in erecting a large
Roman Catholic Church.
Mrs. Ed. Jones is confined to her
bed through illness.
Miss Beatrice Quick, of London, is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing,
Stephen, for a month.
Master Preston. sun of Mr. W. H.
Dearing, of Stephen, is home from
London, where he enjoyed a pleasant
visit of a week with relatives and
A very heavy hail storm passed over
this vicinity on Thursday evening last,
destroying all before it, breaking win-
dow glasses by dozens.—Messrs. Hod-
gins and Raleigh of Winchelsea,
spent Sunday at Mr. J. Carruthers.'
Call and see us next time ypu pass
through, Manse.—Miss Manife Craw-
ford has company from St. Marys this
week.—Mr. Robert Hayter goes west
quite often. 'Wonder what is the at-
traction?—Misses Mart. and Maud
Hodgins are visiting friends in Clande-
hoye.—Miss Edith Taylor is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Thos. Love, this week.
—Misses May and Edith Hodgins
spent last week in London, enjoying
the Old Boys' Reunion.
1Villiatn Anderson is visiting friends
in Sarnia this week.—Thomas B. Law-
son and Geo. Boltzmann have each
constructed cement walks front the
main walks to their residences.—The
Misses Florence and Luella Finkbein-
er, who have been visiting relatives
here for some time, returned to their
home in Sebewaing. Mich,, on Wed-
nesday.—Our Brownies went down to
Lucan last Friday to play the Eileen
Reds and in one of the hottest Kauai'
that the Brownies have ever plays
beat the Reds 1-0. The return game
will be played to -morrow (Friday l lth).
The gauze will be one of the best of
the season so be sure and come and see
it.— August Kuhn has purchased a
Kodak and will be kept busy taking
snap -shots. We have quite a number
of amateur photographers in the vill-
age and they are doing splendid work,
—1W. H. James of the Bank of Com-
merce has returned after a two week's
vacation in Muskoka. and Toronto.—
Miss \Veganast of Aylmer and Miss
Nora Siebert of Dashwood were the
Kuhn on Monday.
entertatin(d it nutu-
Is to an ice -mean
t fine time.—Our
guests of the Miss(
—Miss Clara Haisyy
ber of her frienl
friends in Detroit.
Mr. D. \Vynn and sister, Mrs. Lee
of Toronto spent Monday visiting
friends at \Voodhaut.
and two games were played. Dash-
wood loosing in path case. The score
being 31 11 and 17-12. Gaines are be-
ing arranged far with Exeter and 'bur•
ich. Wine at number of (1,11' townstnen
nl a becoming interested and our rinks
will see some close games before snow
flies.—Rev. E. 11. Bean of the Evangel-
ical church is leaving for 'taskatcbe•
wan on his vacation next week. We
wish bin] a pleasant journey. in the
meantime the pulpit will be supplied
from the neighboring charges.—Mr.
and Mrs. Kelso and Miss Kelso of De.
troit came here in their auto last week
and are visiting friends in our midst.
lnterole.l for I,,t week.
Threshing has begun and farmers
that have threshed repot t good results.
—Miss Christian ilatrit of Mount Car-
mel was visiting her 'sister the pest
week.—Tins Collins was visiting his
sister, Mts. 11. Mulligan of Dublin last
week.—Thomas McCann of Ilensall
viated his parents over Sunday.—Mrs,
Oyer of Milton, N. D., was visiting
Miss Collins last week.—Simon Raft
14 spending it few days in London with
(hu' 014 WWII.
i)Artlihi wood
�s y tIROFEv.nnle, i t-Iiwoop c-oNCRy
tes 6NCP.R )erect.. wli s. Mortgages and al
Least troenrnrat• sr.t.IT tr 1 promptly preparei.
(•banes. moxf.rstr
(in Mondnv a Dashwood rink visited
Crediton and mete defeated in two
game+ of bowling by 2 shuts:
(:rediton D'.ehwood
Felber Duo
Blown siehernlpt
Tient tri skip 12
E ilighuffer skip 1
Miss Reynolds of Toronto is visiting
her home here.—Miss Annie Beek of
Peterboro is home visiting her mother.
—ales. Johnston and children of St.
Louis, Mo., are visiting at the house of
Mrs. Uuut.—Oliver Geiger of the Mol -
sons Bank, Waterloo. is here visiting
his parents. --Misses Nellie and Lilly -
McKay are spending a month in De-
troit.—S. Rennie of Zurich has dispos-
ed of the house and Iot on which Jas.
Priest has resided for the past few
years. to that gentleruati.—Mr. and
Mrs. Yuugblutt were in Blyth last
week attending the funeral of a friend,
Mr. Nellaufer.--.Urs. Jas. Bonthron,
Sr., has gone to fort Huron, owing to
the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Hen.
drick.—Mrs. Hugh McDonald is visit-
ing relatives in Detroit for two weeks.
—Miss Robson of New York and Miss
Stella Robson of Ailsa Craig are guests
of their sister, Mrs. II. t hold.—Gar-
net Cudinore is home relieving A. H.
King,who went to Kincardine to at-
tend he wedding of his sister.—Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Jar'rott of Carlisle,
Sask., who were recently married at
Courtright, Out., are visiting relatives
in Hensen and vicinity for a few weeks.
—A pretty church wedding was solem-
nized in the Church of the Messiah,
Kincardine, on Aug. 5tb, at 10 o'clock,
when Elizabeth King, sister of A. H.
King of town, was united in marriage
with Rev. F. E. Powell of Chesley.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Miles of Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs. Pow-
ell will tour abroad before settling in
their home in Chesley.
ACCIDICNT. —The two sons and a
daughter of Alex. Buchanan stet with
whati night have been aserious accident
on Saturday. They were driving to
Bayfleld in a covered buggy when the
horse took fright of a carryall of flax
pullers, which drove past. The horse
made a sudden curve into the ditch
jerking the top off and hurling the oc-
cupants under the rig. They were
fortunate, however, in getting out
with only a few scratches and bruises.
The rig, which was a new one. was
badly wrecked, the horse cut and
Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson of
Watford, who has been visiting here.
have gone home.- Mr. and Mrs.Jacques
of Winchelsea visited Mr. and Mrs.
Nathanel Ogden, Sunday.—Edgar
Smith has gone to Arthur to attend
the Old Boys reunion this week.—Mr.
and Mrs. James Coutsy visited at Fred
Davis' Sunday.
Mr. and fibs. Innes of Moorefield
ate visiting their son, George. --Mr.
and alts. Jacob Smith of Detroit ate
visiting in town. They made the
trip in au autowobile.—Miss Agnes
Kaercher has returned from Michigan,
after an abscenco of some months.—
Miss Mass has returned home from a
Ppeasant mouth's visit with friends in
reston.—The Children's Day celebra-
tion of the Evangelical Sunday School,
will take place the first Sunday in
September.—Art hue Kellerman of
Dashwood will occupy the pulpit of
the Zurich and l lth Con.. Evangelical
churches on Aug. 16.—William Beck -
or left last week with a car of horses
for the West.—John Gellman of the
14th Con., attended the funeral of his
brother-in-law, Adam \Vettlaufer, at
Blyth last week. Also Mrs. li. Holtz -
and Mrs. Nancy Sararas. —Ed. Morenz
of Detroit is visiting relatives and
friends here.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Ortwein have returned from a visit
with relatives in Colborne.—J. J. Met. -
tier left on Tuesday morning for the
Canadian West, to look after his land
interests there,—Mrs. W. E. Pilcher of
Jonesville, La., and Miss Susie and
Richard Schultz of South Bend, Ind.,
are here.—Rev. and Mrs. Giscbler and
family left L ,-t week for a few weeks'
holidays at Berlin and vicinity.—Mr.
and Mrs. C. Burgess, who have been
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
Johnston of the Dominion House for
some weeks, have returned to their
home in Toronto.—The relatives of
Adam Faust gave him quite a surprise
recently, when a number gathered at
his home to help him celebrate his
50th birthday. He was presented
with a handsome rocker by his broth-
er, D. S. Faust and family, and a fine
watch chain, from his own family.—
The death of Adam NVettlauter of
Blyth came as a great shock to his re-
latives bete, as it was only a few
weeks before that he visited here. He
was 50 years of age and leavesa widow
a daughter of Michael Kaercher of
this town, and 5 children to mourn his
early death.
Ds:tTli—Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte
of Drysdale, mourn the death of their
youngest child, a boy of 10 months old,
which sad event occurred on Tuesday
of last week. Mr. Laporte has a fam-
ily of fourteen children, and this is
the flrst death.
Special August Sale
"Rolling Stones Gather No Moss"
YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY effect as great a saving by buying hither and
thither as you can by confining yourself to the one great bargain centre
—TIEMAN & EDiGHOFFER'S. Bear in mind—for every bargain
you see or hear tell of, there is just as many. and just as good,
iN OUR STORE. Our Bargain Giving is not confined to a line or two
but it is spread over attend the BARGAINS you get in one of our linea are
only representatives of the many othere we are giving.
A pieces of Fawn and Tan Colored
DRESS GOODS, Fancy Gingham, 12ic to 15c, for lOc } ei
n .i Si worth 10c. for 8c yd
in Satin Cloth. Henriettas, &c.&c.
regular 50c and 00c, to clear at 23c yd. American Prints, regular 7c, for 5c yd
Bleached Shirtings, 2 yds wide, for 25c 10 pieces Print, reg. 12i*c, for 10c yin d
Factory Cotton, worth 12kc yd, for 10c Blue and White Checked Shirtings,
Fancy Muslin, ISe to 25c, for IOc yard. worth 1.21e yard, for 10c
See our bleached Table Linens—the best value ever shown in Dashwood
Ladies' Waists, regular Sec to $1, to clear at 25c each
" Flannelette Night Gowns. i.•g. $1.15, for 75c "
" . • .. " $1•00, " 65e "
White Underskirts, " $1.25. " $L00 s.
\Vhie Night (towns " $1.50, " $1.01) "
Embroidery Corset Cover " 50e, " la)c "
Black (lose, 3 pair for 25 cents.
'Gut Ilose, 2 " 25 "
Vests 1Oc each
Bat glains in Embroidery and Laces
A beautiful range of Ladies; Belts, Fancy Collars, Ties, Gloves, &e.,
a We handle the Celebrated D. &;A. Corset.
Gents' Furnishing
The biggest Bargains ever offered, as we wish to lower aur stock in this
department. Also Bargains in our Made -to -Order Tweeds and Worsteds
If in need of a suit be sure and see what we can do for you before yon puts
chase. Collars, Socks, Braces, Ties, flat,, Caps and 1'aderwenr.
See the NEW KNITTED TIE, the very latest, in all shades. w
STRAW 1I ATS, 5 ets. sit t urs, 50 ets. a PAIR SOC]C.l� cni,
Cut Nails talightIv rested all lengths, 2c per Ib.
1 only "Favorite" Churn
1 " " Peerless " Washer at Bargain Prices,
1 " "Leader " Washer
I " Hanrmo-k, regular $..Fii, fur $2.10,
Long handle Hhovele. 50e. " D" handle Spades, slightly rusted, 5)c
Saul Irons, regular 81.2.5. for $1.151, (set of :l irone, 1 stand and 1 handle)
Window Screens, clearing nt 2,►' each.
A full line Scoop Shovels and (train li:t
if you are in need of any Fencing. Ideal woven wire
be sure and buy the
the best Feneirg
We are the agents for the Baine.
All kinds of i'aints, Oils. Var•tlishee, Machine 01, Cylinder Oil. and Sep-
arator Oil on hand. We handle the
Celebrated Sherwin-Williams Prepared! Paints.
They go the farthest and wear• the 1•'nge.t hecao''• 'THEY %Ill', til -:sr,
CII1NA. CROCKERY :and 0T.Ass WA11E DEPT. i+ full with as large raga,..
,f Din e Our pice stilet Sew'. are as low astthe lowest. etts, Fancy China, Fancy (:lass.
wA large strtck of all kinds of School Supplies for School Opening
Grocery Department
is full .'t t,,-; and fre.h goods. We pay special attention to this
department. slur prices are right.
5 lbs. Good GI yen Tea. $I.'1)
Seeded Raisins, 10,: Ib.
Karn Kinks, :.c pkg.
Salmon, lilt• tin.
A full supply of Tickling Spices. Corry P,••..ier, Turmerie Mustard St ed.
Celery Need, (linger Root, Chillies. &c.. &c. All saz••s •'crown" Fruit Jars fu
stock. Fruit Jar Rubbers. 5c and like do Z.
We handle the
Celebrated Red Rose, Salada & Blue Ribbon Teas
In i Ib. and 1 11•. packages. in Green. Hlawit ati d Mixed. Tiy as package.
2lbs, iBeet Green Coffee. 25 eta.
" •' (toast Itib Coffee, :tic
" pleat. Ammonia Powder he
C.. n and I'.'as, 3 tans for 25c
Highest Prices Pa'd for Farm Produce.
C til :.r .l 1.t •u r .. ;,, 4.;...,,t. 1n.1 i'1 i• • - :+r.•i l e• convinced that we Do
AS WE aluVF:i:llsl•
corner Store.
111:.1,1+ 011 ICI:, 1t)KO t 1Y) ESTABLI:,1t11+ 1 rat7
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, Generat Manager
Paid-up Capital, $10.000,0
Reserve Fund, 5,000,0
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and ingliiAd
$5 anti under 3 .ets
Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 .cn1,s
" $i0 " " $30 10 cents
+30 II" $50 15 cent
Ibese Orders are payat,le at par at. every office of a L ,;ert}•rf
(Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking polnts in the Unita
are rie liable at $4.90 to the a(, sterling in Great Britain ant) lectin
ey form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safec1
at small cost, and may be obtained without delay.
Exeter Branch—G, W. Harrison, Manager. Bran( It al at Crediton
Fullerton: One of the few remain
ing pioneers of the Prospect Bili
neighborhood died on Aug. 1st at the
residence of her son-in-law, \\'w. Mit-
chel), Fullerton, in the person of Jane
English, widow of the late John Mor-
combe, and whose first husband :was
the late John Renton. Deceased was
in her 70th year. In 1851 they settled
on lot 31. north boundary. township of
Biddulph. She had made her home
with her youngest daughter, Mrs. W.
Mitchell, of this township.
Wood's Phosphoiliae;
The Gr. ' 1'nut ish Remaly.
- Tones at: i :aerates the whole
nervous ❑, waked neer
Blood in v11 \',:his, ("urea Nerv-
ous Debility. llfental and grain Worry, Des.
p on,li uey, Ststutl Weakness, Emissions, Soper -
•u.atorrhaa, and Effects of Abuse or 1 messes.
►'rico it per box. six for $5. Ono will please slz
will cum. Sold by all ddruggists or muila) ((n
platin pkg. on receipt Of {{trice. Neto puaphidC
mailed free. The YYOoe1 Medicine Co.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont.
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1815
Capital - $3,374,000
Rest Fund - - $3,374,000
Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years.
811081 TAIAT1141411
He was surprised at how the ea
sores healed 1 too; .,ur \.w
ME If 41/ T kr..0 +aa..r for a serious
di -Anse sith + i.;.1. 1 1.a.1 Leen IntIle...i
for twelve year 1 had ennctete.1 a �. • r•
of physician,' lnkon all Muds of Lhi
med•..1110', vi•fted ii"t springs and oth.•1
mineral water w -o.1 .. gut only g.i1 ten
p •rnryy relief. '11.o) emit.' help tar for r.
time, but after d.amnti ' g the medi-
cine., the s; anl.t.,ant would Lreak out
again–runn.'u.• , ,1•:• 11 .t• 11M1. rheuoe
ant. pains Ica.+_•t:• sa ttf the hair. swelling.
of the glands. palms of the hands Along.
itchiness of the sk.tt. ay Tests. a,lnrnatli,
etc. 11141 given tip in .:•.pair when a
&i.• .! mkiae,4 me to.•onsntt you, as you ba.l car• d hits of a slndlae di, :._ • 8 y.zu-s aRe•-
i tool no bore. Lut took irs s:trice. In three w•eckie time the sort.• c..nin..•i.eed 1-.11e.41 up
and 11e •run°• encourage I. I •oaUbnea the saw )i,Tn•.n 'rn,.A resat for t.,+ r iib nll.sat..l
at theend .•f that time every .ymptotn h.d dlsaprr-art• i. i was cured 7 year.. ago told no
sign,{ of any disease sleep )ly boy. three ,.-ars ohl, is sound and tela.thy i e'erraluty
.-.tn re•,nn•nert.l your treatment with all imy heart. You eau refer ass) $.-r..tr, 1 . n:••
privately. but y.,u cavi ..,a.- 1hi+ reatinr•'ri it n+ ce '. nth ' r W. 1! -
BLtu,1t. ♦'NAvid PRIVATE Diseases. UFINARY,BLADUEaand KIDNEY complaints
of Alen and Women
re you a'.i tim, have you M't hole! Are you Intending to marry! Lias
)our IA.,(0 becti dise4t_.•41' flare )uu any wenkraerw! Our NEW M ra,•1,
4 REATM CST will cure you. 55 hat la hay done for others it will do for ) on. Consultation
Free. No 4 harp., r- ae•,n itl.•" 1i Beek. Free,-Y';a .(:oldenMonitor." tm. write tnr an honest
ll'llu (illustrated) vu hl oof easesot Nen.
Question list and cost of Home 'testament FREE.
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Exeter, Ont.