HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-08-13, Page 3•
`not at rest but up and around
amona folks 1
"That's the way these words used
to strike me when 1 was younger,
but now, after considerable experi-
Products enco of life, I look at them differ-
Libby's Sweet
Mixed Pickles
That firm, crisp quality and
delicious Lavor is what you get
when ewe insist on Libby's
Mixed Pickles at your dealers.
They are always the finest and
never disappoint. It's the same
with Libby's Sweet Gherkins and
Sweet Midgets. Ask for them.
Libby's Olives
The cultivation of ceeturies
marks the olive groves of Spain
as the world's best.
Libby's Olives are imported
from the oldest and most famous
of theseroves. The result is a
rare product, delightfully appetiz
Ing. Try one bottle and you'll
buy more and never be without
Libby's Preserves
Pure ripe fruit and pure sugar
in equal parts, cooked Just right
and timed to the second, in
Libby's Great While Kitch-
en, is the secret of the extreme
superiority of Libby's Preserves.
There a none as good at. any price.
Grocers and delicatessen stores
carry all of Libby's Food Pro-
ducts. They are war-
ranted the bestto both
and the dealer
Write for flier
book(vt --Thor r to
Make Vend t+nlr
to tat. • :
Iaslsl se
Lltar'e 11
year dealer's.
Libby. McNeill
11 Libby,
Have fitted up Libraries at
Ottawa, Toronto, Belle-
ville, Brampton, Chatham
and Sarnia, and aro the
only Canadian Company
that can furnish full infor-
mation in regard to Card
Catalogs, Charging Sys-
teme, Furniture and Book
Information sent free of
charge on application.
Library Deau of Canada
One packel
has aelually
killed a bushel
ef Also
toe. per packet. er a paoksts for ilea
will last a whole season.
Plying Mallet and Chisel Ile Phil-
osophizes on a Familiar
"ilo you know," said the totnh-
ptorie cutter as he chipped away nt
the last letter of the last word of the
familiar in rapt ton, At Hest,"
that he was can ing in the granite,
"do you know that when I tirst be-
gan (erring these words on tomb-
stones a good tunny yCRre ago, when
1 was younger anil the world deem-
ed telt hoperiliness• it used to
Sometimes seem t„ inc as if people
had 'em put on. as you might Say,
nn general principles, because they
cermet] soca arid appropriate there.
while really the Icceased might not
Lave had rich a terrible hard time
in life• is pi would much rather be
?4 U
ISSUE N O. 113-49.
ently. Now I realize that they may
truly mean what they say, and be
not merely an appropriate form;
that the one over whose grave they
are seen may in truth be glad to lie
there under the atone, at last at
"Because, you see --as we are like-
ly to discover when we grow older
— this life is not a road strewn with
roses for all of us ; and besides those
who have been worn out in life's
struggles or in its simple work we
find those who have been disap-
pointed, or misunderstood, or unap-
preciated, or those who have been
broken by some great sorrow.
"So, while in many cases, indeed,
that 'At Rest' carved on the tomb-
stone may be but a form, or have
been prompted simply bT love or af-
fection, and yet, in many cases,
placed there most lovingly, it tells
a true story, and always, now, from
my present point of view, I look at
it not lightly, but with a sympathe-
tic heart. IiIany a gentle soul, nev-
er shunning, may be glad to lay
down life's burdens.
"But, happily, as to most of us
life adjusts its burdens to our aging
shoulders and deadens us to mental
ills, with increasing years we grow
cold, not only in our blood but in
our power of apprehension of life's
troubles, or it may be that, blessed
Still with the possession of all our
faculties, we are now endowed with
a kind philosophy that snakes us at
once less exacting of others and
more considerate, and gives to us a
full measure of enjoyment. In short,
nature may be very kind to us, keep-
ing us to the very end through
years that may seem to us never de-
clining hut ever happy and hopeful.
"As, for all my years, and despite
my calling, the world seems to me
this morning."
Dick—"I didn't get much encour-
agement when I proposed to that
haughty- beauty."
Jack—"Well, faint heart never
won fair lady, old man. Maybe she
thought you had cold feet."
Dick---"H'm ' She must have
thought I had cold hands she gave
me the mitten.'
Give the Children a
great held nn them, they seem for i ALL RUN DOWN
the nest part innately lazy, work-
ing only for short spells at a time doss Della Stroebe, who had (..am.
and then resting until the simple plelely Lost Iter Health, Found
necessaries of life give out ; their
ideal of hal•viness, apparently, be -
Mg to work as little as possible.
They again take to toil solely to
earn fresh supplies, and, even so,
common report has it that it re- miss DELLA STROP,IBF, 710 Rich -
quires many adult Soudanese lab- jY1 mond St., Appleton, Wis., Writes:
orers to du the work accomplished "For several years I was in a run -
Ly one Egyptian peasant. Women clown condition, and I could find no re -
labor as well as mon, and nue of- lief from doctors and med:cines. 1
tern hears them singing, chattering could nut enjoy my heal+, and could
and laughing while at their tasks. not sleep at night. I bad hesvy, dark
The material condition of the poo- circles about the eyes.
Ile is improving; indeed, it is al- "My friends were much married. I
r Carly prosperous. For the tirst was advised to give I'er.tna a trial, and
tithe in their history the Soudan- to my Joy I began to improco with Cho
eie are an absolutely free people, Brat twills, Atter taLtng six Lcttlrs I
living under a Government aim- felt completely cured. I cannot say too
oars to protect them from injustice priu'h for Peruna as a medicine fur
and to promote their welfare. It women iPe-n err:. nan-downDld coudltionWenders. ."
is hard for stay-at-home Britishers
"Salt is a most necessary article
of food," says a well-known scien-
tist. ":111 races of mankind, either
cit ilized or in a Eat age state, have
Relit/from Pc-ru-Haat Once. the sante regard fur salt. In parts
of Central Africa the natives re
Read li' hat She Says: gard salt as a luxury, and will wil
lingly do much to obtain it. So
much do they like the taste of salt
that the ashes of the burnt veldt
grass are used to season their meat.
These ashes contain saltpetre,
which imparts the coveted flavor to
food. Animals, too, are fond of
salt. In a wild state they will read-
ily go to a spring, the water of
which has been salted. Sportsmen
know this, and use it as a bait.
Salt exists in all parts of the beds.
So omnipresent is it. that even the
tears taste of it—hence the ''salt,
salt tears' of the poet."
She—"Have you ever made love
to anyone before 1" He—"No, nev-
er, dearest—on my honor. don't you
know !" She --"Well, run away, if
there's a good fellow, and get some
practice, as you don't shape at all
well at present."
to realize adequately how far-reach-
ing is this change in the land
"where slavery in one form or an- came run down, could neither eat nor
other has been for thou'-ands'•f i plyepwell, and lost flesh and spirit. Pe -
years a permanent and universal runadid wonders for her, and :I,othank/
Mrs. Judge J. F. Royer, 1421 Sherman
Ave., Evanston, I11., says that she be -
More little lives are lost during
the hot weather thein at any other
time of the year, diarrhoea, dysen-
try, cholera, infantunt and stomach
troubles come without warning, and
when a medicine is not at hand to
give promptly the short delay too
frequently means that the child has
passed beyond aid. During the hot
weather months Baby's Own Tab-
lets should bo kept in every home
where there are small children. An
occasional dose of the Tablets will
prevent stomach and bowel trou-
bles. Or if the trouble comes un-
awares the prompt use of this me-
dicine will bring the child through
safely. Mrs. J. Renard, New Glas-
gow, Quo., says :--"One of my chil-
dren had a severe attack of diar-
rhoea which Baby's Own Tablets
promptly cured. I know of no me-
dicine so good for stomach and
bowel troubles." Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 23 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
"Be sure you're right an' den go
ahead," quoted Uncle Eben ; "but
lefo' gc.in' ahead remember dat it
takes a mighty smart pian to he ab-
selute!y sure he's right dese days."
Perana rnr new life and strength.
"Alfred, have you got every-
thing?" tenderly enquired Baron
Southmont's wife, as ho started off
on a journey.
The billionaire burst into tears.
''There you go !" he exclaimed ;
"always saying things to give ale
pain. You know very well, in spite
of all my efforts, I haven't yet suc-
ceeded in getting everything."
A Life Annuity of FIFTY-TWO
DOLLARS is offered by the
ORANGE MEAT people to the one
sending in the largest number of
bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack-
ages before May 31. 1909. This
means that the winner will receive
One Dollar EVERY WEEK, or
FIFTY-'rWO DOLLAPS every year,
us long as he or she lives, or thee
can exchange it for a ('ASH PRI:
Besides the above there is a sec-
ond Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes
as follows:—
Ten ('ash Prizes of TWENTY
L .11.L.1) 13B !3
Coad r.•ar ease sed address Atli yea VIII to •eira
• tree sample t BLO(I'M1'd COMPtr('ND
PINNYI:or Al TEA. Every n. ,tbc s.e1 lady
Awed ase itVied successfully by Aou.►nde
Of 'alter. A po-ertul but htrmltes vegetable'
Medicine for sickaeae peculiar to *omen and all
disosees arising th•ref rout LW slue far sale bp
all druggist. Dr T. A. trroeaw, Lla,ithl, 17
11Lhe tai W., Turonte.
Beed for fro* catalog,
No. 7e.
Me Bell Plano all Oran CO.,119., Gil I tl, Oal
AGENTS WANTED. A retlahle sen 1a every
oily and town in e•.ar,ada with waterworks to sell
a patent aim le needed in every h.me, li tel and
Rapublic building. `elle at sight. Hustlers San
d are makingg a.5,uO a day. `r rite at once fog
particulars. Oho. T. Cole, Owen Buuud, Ontario.
The Mild Climate of Virginia
offers splendid opportunities for stock raising,
fruit gr..wiva, dairyingg and sancta, farming.
Winters are short. Clirnste healthful. 1...ud
good and selling below its value but Increasing
fn value each year. Many Cana.lians are living
in Virginia. Write For information to
O. W. 11.01Nl;rt,
Commissioner of Agriculture, ' !tame
Richmon, Vs.
Dow much money be oou11 sere by using a
Fairbanks -Moe ack of•all-Trades Gasoline En.
gine to saw wood. pinup water grind feed, aro..
we would :,art be able to supply the dotnaud.
Cut this adout and ce , l to us to -day, and wi
will gond you our free catalogue.
Peranel'llly Meg ti
Beat tar+ngb: aoadia, Agency Penusnes%
(`uta, not nilly temporary nitaf, for 5•,.o
dis.a.es, £p, •ply, hpuma, nt. Wog' Len'S
Debility, E.ea,uuon. Pounded 1171'
CR. N. S. KLiNE, Ltd,
1131 Arch Sty Philadelphia:
DOLLARS each. All prices and styles from Si 2.4o to
Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL- 52.40. Write for free catalogue.
LABS each.
Twenty Cash Prizes of FIVE DFPT. D
i)()LLARS each, and ONE HUN-
DRI''.1) Cash Prizes of ONE DOL-
LAR each.
The in the Back — "One The only condition attached is
tough of nature makes the whale that you cut out the bottoms of the
O11ANGE MEAT packages and
1 world kin," sings the pact. Balt I send them in to ORANGEMEAT•
1 Spanking docs not cure children what about the touch of rheumatism Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo
td bed-wetting. There is a consti-
tutional cause for this trouble,
Mrs. M. Summers, Box 100, Wind-
sor, Ont., will send frco to any
mother her successful home treat-
ment, with full instructions. Send
no money, but write her to -day if
your children trouble you in this
way. Dont blank tho child, the
chances are it can't help it. This
treatment also cures adults and
sited people troubled with uriutt
difficulties by day or night.
Dell --''So you actually answered
your fiance's propusel by telegraph!
Are you so fickle that you feared you
would change your mind by waiting
to write is letter 1" Nell --"No; I
was afraid he'd change tris."
They Advertise Themselves.---Im-
metiiately they were offered to the
public, 1'armelee's Vegetable Wills
became popular because of the good
report they made for themselves.
That reputation has grown, and
they nos- rank among the first me -
1 dicines for use in attacks of dye -
pi pia and biliousness, complaints
u1 the liver and kidneys, rheuma-
tism, fever Hud ague and the in-
numerable complications to which
these ailments give rise.
Mrs Dobson "Bridget told me
she saw Mr. and Mrs. Hobson going
to church this morning. I wonder
what's the matter?" Mr. Dobson--
"WWhy. either Mrs. Hobson has had
another attack of heart trouble sir
Mrs. Hobson has a new hat."
The final Inxury of tea drinking,
the quality- which distinguishes it as Regarded as one of the most po-
the world's hest. is assured users tent compound, ever introduced
of "Salida" Tea. Ask your with which to combat all summer
grocer. complaints and inflammation of the
bowels, fir. J. D. Keling's t)ysen- Boy "('ow in a noun, feminine
K11.1RT0I'M .A11'.1KES. tery Cordial has won for itself a Render. third person situ alar, and
reputation that no other cordial for stands for Mary." 'Stands for
Ual• a Population of 100.00) and 1a the purpose can aspire to. For Mary l" asked the master in aston-
Rapidly' .ldtaneing, young or old suffering from these ishment. "Yes, sir," responded the
Probably the new Khart.nrr- of complaints it is the best medicine urchin, with a grin, "for if the cow
day, with Omdurman and the that can he precured. didn't and for Mary, how contd
11ntn• ,'•' the• r,.... '
rear tillage:+, totals nearly 100,000 �WI1.1,1\(:, HOWEVER.
souls. and. considering that its
geographical situation so admiral). The bnche!or clergyman was shnw-
ly adapts itself to fostering the ex- ing is woman yislter through his
pension of trade. I ventnte to pre- church.
di, t that in another fifty years "Now, madam," he said. "you
KLarealm will contain half a mil- have seen the organ. the font and
lion inhabitants, declares Sir Wal the nave With your permission, I
ter F. Mievitle in The Nineteenth will now conduct you to the altar."
Century The Soudanese, especial. "Oh," she exclaimed after the
lv- the Shillenks, the Ihnkas, and manner of her kind, "this is so slid -
the warlike Baggaraa, are a Ane den !"
beds of men, often standing more
than six feet inhci-' but
and lumbago, which is So common
now 1 'There is no poetry in that
touch, for it renders life miserable.
Yet how delighted is the sense of
relief when an application of Dr.
Thomas' I:clectrie Oil drives pain
away. There is nothing equals it.
"My wife made an engagement
for me to dine at the flings'. I for-
got and went fishing."
"Catch anything?"
"Not until I got home."
They Cleanse the System Thor-
oughly. -- Parnlelee's Vegetable
fills clear the stomach and bow-
els of bilious matter, cause the ex-
cretory vessels to throw off impuri-
ties from the blood into the bowels
and expel the deleterious mass
from the body. They do this with-
out pain or inconvenience to the
patient, who speedily realizes their
gond offices as soot1 as they begin
to take effect. They have strong
recommendations from all kinds of
He (at the ball)—"I wish you
wouldn't flutter your fan continu-
she -"Why not, pray?"
He ---"It produces a coolness be-
tween us."
packege counts equal to Three of
the steelier size. You ehnuld he
able to win one of the above prizes
if you start immediately and get
your friends to help you. Send
your name and address to
ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO-
DAY, and state that vou are en-
tering the contest. it is surely
werth trying for.
Mrs Pinchers (indignantly) —
"Why are yuu moving those um-
brellas 1 Do you think the guests
would steal them 1" Mr. Pinchers--
"No. But they might recognize
Help your children to growl
strong and robust by counteract-
ing anything that. Causes ill -health.
One groat cause of disease in chil-
dren is worms. Remove them with
Mother Graves' Worrn Extermina-
tor. It never fails.
"Does your son profit by your ex-
ample 1 Does he imitate your suc-
cesses and avoid your mistakes?"
"No. He wants to get married."
Ssratchlne N foolish ; it only maks, a had
patter w"ree. Wearer's Cerate allays the pain,
alma.alaa the akin of eruptions and other sores;
why sot wry a bottle to -day 1
One summer evening a miller was
leaning over his garden gate, facing
the road, enjoying his pipe, when a
Weak and Pale women footle/0y keep %Lia conceited young farmer happened to
way wben by We ow of "Yerrovim. " the NO he passing. Tho miller, in a friend -
ionic, they could very guiokly roeorer their bealta
and strength. Try tl ly tone, spaid:—"Oevening,noevening,George." "I didn't speak," said
George, gratis'. "Oh, said the
[Hiller, "1 thoughet you did : but it
must have been your ears flapping.
You cannot he happy while you
have corns. Then d" not delay in
getting a bottle of Holloway's ('urn
Cure- it removes all kinds of
corns without. pain. Failure with
it is unknown.
"Willie," said the infant's moth-
er, agitated by the sudden appear-
ance of a rich relative, "Willie,
dear, kiss your Uncle John, and
then go and wash your face at
,one, owing E;, tee men are so convitrced they
tri eltmatic reasons and to the fact 1 are going to wake up some morn -
that the greed of money for `ing and tied themselves famous
wealth's sake
tial not yet taken that they can't Bleep.
Get acquainted with
Black Watch
the big black plug
chewing tobacco. A
trementtdou.., favorite
eve(yW11efe, because of
its richnw and pleasing
264 Yonge 8treot, Toronto.
Agents wanted in every town.
TM Canadian Pal rbsake Co., Limited, Toronto, eel
Aivatreal, WIunipea, Vancouver.
Hotel Curie land
$.W tor. aroadway
at este at.,
Nesr Seth etrs't
way an tihd Street
kiss mad ataboa
Ideal location
Near Theaters,
Shops and
Central Park
New, Modern
and Absolutely
Fire Proft
Transient Hetes: y2.0 with filth' Lc 1 ep,
All Outside rooms. soul 1 .r Booklet
Coder the Maosaemeut art
C in•ly of Hotel for portal P mly of tfot-I Woodward
Bonds and Stocks Bought
and Sold on all all Exchanges
Correspondents — Chea. Head d8 Co., f lembtra
New York end Boston Stock Eactisnees.
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pail, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
LYAAN BROS. a CO., Toronto net lltontrealt LYMAN KNOX &
CI.ARKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DR('G CO., London.
(No Personal Liability)
Authorized Capital, - $4,000,000,00
Directors—President. Arthur T)innis, contractor. Toronto;
Vice -President, A. S. LVignlore, Manager Relines Electric cis
Protection Co., Toronto; Secretary Treasurer, Fred Armstrong,
contractor, Toronto; F. H. Herbert, architect and engineer,
Toronto; J. C. Holtby, contractor, Toronto; George Duthie,
manager Roofers' Supply Co , Toronto; J. II. Tighe, miner,
Larder City.
Bankers The (.'rowel Rank, Toronto.
Audltc,r—Herlry Ilarber, Toronto.
The property consists of ^A 40 -acre claims immediately ad•
joining the now famous Har tee Maxwell and upon the •laine
amount of dovelepment should prove equally as good.
10(1.0e0 shares are now offered to the public at 16 cents per
share Do not lose this golden opportunity of investing le one
of t¢e most promising properties In the district. For full par-
ticulars apply to
HENRI• F. DARREi+i. - - i iscty, AfI'd?IT.
No. R Colbor ne Street. Toronto.