HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-08-06, Page 5ezeter Abitiocate
$1 00 if pail in ashen. e,
• 1 60 a) , u if not so paid.
ltt�To tilted States 'Salute r tre t)1 a0
• Year Strutt) is Advent.°
SANDER, . i I:LI:, II, 1•411.1.,ber.
Baby Carriages
or Go -Carts
and lot the Baby grow.
°Large and Beautiful.
The price is not large and
the terms are easy.
2 G octave Organs cheap.
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines,
5 `tBic ycle.
(.9tli ldren s Wagons, at prices
that will slake you smile.
Fine Stationery.
Fall Term OpensSept.1
TIIE SOONER YOU complete a, nurse in this
school the sooner you ma) espe.'t to hold a
position of trust. Our courses are thorough
and practical. Our students Shays succeed.
We assist graduates to positions, We hat three
departments,--;('olmnerclal. Shorthand and Tel-
egraphic. we employ eaperiere ed iro tri, tors.
Catalogue free,
Proof is itte:.11attstible that
I,wlin 1:. I'Inkh:un's Vegetable
Com; 44444 cures female ills surd
ti omen surely through the
CID:riI e of Life.
Mrs. Letitia !Nair Catutifkptt,Olit.,
writes to Mrs. 1'iuklnuu :
I was sick for live years. One doc-
tor told me it was ulceration, 01111 an-
other told me it was a fibroid tumor,
and advised an operation. No one
knows what I suffered, and the bear-
ing down pains were terrible.
I wrote to my sister about it and she
advised rue to take Lydia E. l'iulchaui's
Vegetable Compound.
"It has cured Due of all my troubles,
and I did not .have to have the opera-
tion after all. The Comp 1 also
helped Inc to pass safely through
change of Life."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
hain's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, in fl, un oration, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumor, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-
ing -down feeling, flatulency, indijes-
tion,dizzine ssor nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick
women to write her for advise.
She has guided thousands to
health. kd(Iress, Lynn, Masa.
Cooks Cotton Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonle, and
only sato effectual Monthly
ltegulaturon which women can
depend. Sold In three degrees
of strength—No. 1, 1: No. 4
10 degrees stronger 'i; No. 3,
for special crone., per box.
Sold by an dr g st', or sent
prepaid on roue pt of price.
Free pamphlet. Andra'. : TN``
COOK MtOr1 N t O0.T0[ONT0.l1NT. (formerly I VI ndsur)
iC. h. FOSTER. Dist. has. Att., C,r.l., Toronto
Manitoba, Alberta
Work h, hog for 25,000
n,r n GOO wages.
$10.00 c= l
Free to krts from W pe` to points where farm
)•bo, era are needed, within certain limits
Nrturn I..r Q' 1 8.00 •iter al lest
.ddntIonal , 410 slays well
F XCI'RSI0 S 1,1'::IVF;
AUG. 14&SEPT. 8
from all stations In ter r,tery tet. en lorone.
aarn,a hoe and Tot onto North nay line.
Ask C P.R. Ticket Agent for time of special
train on August 140h II no agent conrsnlenl,
writs to
Growing Time
Is most strongly
Marked by the
Increase of its
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
affords Service with 100,000 Subscribers
Exchange Connection costs X111 Extension Set on Your
only ,. to 10 (,'etas per (ray 1)esk 1-3 Cents per day
for Rural Line connection. Over 300 Rural Sys-
tems now connected.
For Full
'onsul t
The Contract Dept.
A. Marchand, Local Man'r. `
Time to Cry a Hatt Before I.;otnplete
Wreck Results.
There are thousands, both men and
women, who du not take time to eat
properly. They rush through life, and
as a result we have an age of indiges-
tion. nervousness, irritability, sleep-
less nights, and morose disposition.
Our national ctitnger is stomach weak -
11088, due to the strenuous life.
Mi-o•ia tablets, strengthen the walls
of the stomach caul :ti in olat e secretion
of the digestive juiee . They Make
the stomach comfortable and care in-
Sick headaches, palpitation, yellow
skin and coated tongue are a few of
the many distressing results of indi-
gestion that Mi-o-na never fails to
W. S. Colo sells 11Ii•o•na in 51) cent
boxes, and gaurantee to refund the
tnottery if it does not give complete s at
St. Marys: liy-lute No. 11)1), to bor-
row $12,000 fur a period of twenty
years, teeing $'2,500 for constructing an
iron bridge over Trout Creek, and
$1),501) for constructing permanent
granolithic sidewalks, was voted on
Friday by the ratepayers and was de-
feated by a majority of 207. There
being 70 for and 277 against.—It. S.
Iaang & Co., Massey -Harris agents,
and apple exporters, have started a
cooperage at the rear of their Queen
Street premises, and have already ord-
ers in for 10,000 barrels.—The St.
Marys and Western Ontario Railway
Company have acquired from the
Town Council what is generally known
as the lock-up school property, and in-
tend using it for extra switch lines.
The town sold it. for $1,200 to the rail-
way cotnpany.--Mr. N. Kachern, of
Whitby, has been appointed Science
Master in the Collegiate Institute; sal-
ary $1,200.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by 14.41 appiications,aa they cannot reach elle distal.
et portio°, of the ear. There Is only one way to cure
deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies
i' :anemia caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. %vhen this
lube Is inflamed you hare a rumbling sound or 1111 -
perfect hearing,and when it is entirely cloned, Deaf -
Devils the resul, and unless the inflammation can he
taken out and this tube restore! to cls normal condi-
tion, hearing will he destroyed forever; nine cases
out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We mill Ore One Hundred Collars for any case of
Ihalnea,(rauaelby3 catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars free.
I. J. CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
sold 1n Druggists, Mc.
Tal,, 11a11's Family fills for constipation.
Lut 1� 1vy''
Miss Margaret McQueen is spending
a week's vacation with Miss Annie
Ellrington of Guelph.—Quito a num-
ber attended the Bell picnic to Hay-
field on Saturday last and report a
good days outing.—George McEwen
of llensall has quite a number of In-
dians engaged pulling flax on Samuel
Ho: ton's Garel. --Stewart McQueen,
who has been ill for a few days, is able
to ho around again. --Tho oats are be-
ing mostly all cut and are a good crop
with the exception of the late ones,
which aro considerably damaged with
the trust.—Mrs. 'Thompson of Mitchell
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas
Glenn.—Mrs. Hobert McMortlie of Lon-
don is visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
W. N. (Ileum—Fred Kilt ington is do-
ing tan extensive business with his
threshing outfit. it takes Fred to
keep the ball a rolling.—Miss Vera
Glenn is visiting her aunt, Mrt.. Root,
Ross of London.
Catarrh Now Curable.
Kitt never by Medlclno swallowed,
Snuffs, Sprays or Douches.
Catarrh is not ,t blood disease rind
that is why it cannot lie cured by any
medicine taken into the stomach.
Catarrh is it germ trouble contracted
from the gernt•laden .lir you breathe
inward. These genus fasten themsel-
ves in the tissue and air cells of the
breathing organs, multiply by trill-
ions, cause sneezing, coughing, raising
of raucous, discharge from the nose,
tickling ire the throat and other symp-
toms that can only be reached by the
dry air principal of 1lyornei.
It medicates the air you breathe
with the curative properties of the
Australian Eucalyptus Forests where
catarrh is unknown.
The reason you get relief in a min -
lite or two from Ilyontei is because it
destroys every catarrhal germ in the
nir you breathe, and its dry penetrat-
ing aroma will reach the innermost
recesses of the air passages, killing
millions of germs a minute. 'Their de-
struction means freedom for oppressed
respiratory organs. W. S. (:ole sells
llyontei under a guarantee of satisfac-
tion or money back. Price, $I.(M).
The Perfeel Dressing for UAW
1'r...r.er• I . flaat teatime sac
Si v.• a brinlaa/ Polly that wUl ..P
rub of or sell the deletissl gamest•.
Mediator careful of Ili mutative
will M7 anytln1 sI.. la ..s good.
AS sal D.1►1•.*.
10.. .••d !S.. Siam
Art. White left last week for Lind-,
say. --Mr-. Maxwell isrecovoring from
a severe illness,- Miss Agnes Dick of
Michigan is the guest of Miss Jenny
McQueen. ---Miss Peavey Scutt of Tor-
onto is spending a few weeks at her
home.- Dave Cuntelt,n is spending a
couple of weeks among the Lakes of
Northern Ontario.- Rev. J. Hart sup-
plied the pulpit of llensall Methodist
church tiunday.--Jauu•s Bonthron
was in Southampton last %seek attend-
ing the funeral of his brother-in-law,
William Logie.—Mr. and Mrs. Weis -
miller were visited for a few days by
the )}parents of the former who reside
in 'Vellesley, Waterloo Co.—Mr. and
Mrs. Laidlaw of Alberta were guests
of 1'. Hudson and wife on Saturday
last. --Jacob Linder field is erecting u
stable at the rear of his premises, -Mr.
Burnham and wife left last week for
London, where the former has a posi-
tion.--ltev. E. Mel, Smith, wife and
children, drove to Lucan last week to
enjoy a month's holidays. --Iter. S.
Toll and wife left last 'Tuesday for
Overy, Essex Co., where the father of
the former resides,- The (l, T. R.
painting staff are here painting ttte
station, which is a gentle hint. that we
are not, going to get a new station this
year.—About 180 Indians from the re-
serve passed through to Kippen last
week, to pull flax for Mcl'.wen and
Geiger. -1V. Bonthron and wife are
here from Grand Forks, B. 0. He
left here 13 years ago for the coast
where he worked at carpentering.—
Miss Tena Shirray returned on Thurs-
day, after spending a month visiting
friends in Detroit and Saginaw. Mrs.
0. Moorehouse of Saginaw rtcconlpan-
her home and is a guest at Mrs. Shit--
ray's.—The following will supply the
pulpit of Carmel church: Aug. Oth
Rev. J. Wells, 'Toronto; Aug. 16th
Rev. S. Carrier, Grand Bend; Aug.
23rd Rev. W. Martin. Exeter.—The
following are the newly elected officers
for the Zurich Lodge A. F. & A. M.:
John 13. McArthur W.M., Rev. W. J.
Doherty S.W., Jas. McDortnid J.W.,
Robert Drysdale Chap., C. A. McDon-
elt Treasurer, Jas. Bonthron Secretary,
(leo. T. Wren S.D., John Shepherd
J.D., Alex. Brandt 1.G., Frank Sellory
D. of C., Fred Manns S.S., John Weis -
miller J.S., Jas. Priest Tyler. H. J. D.
Cooke and W. E. Hoggarth Auditors.
An interesting game of baseball
was played hero Monday evening be-
tween a team of Indians who are here
pulling flax and the Hensall boys.
The game which was well contested
was won by the Indians, the score be-
ing 11 to 6.
Arthur Well of Saginaw is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Well.—
Mrs. Chapman of Listowel visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz.—
J. H. Schuettler has a gang of men at
the cement walks and the work is pro-
gressing rapidly.—Erwin Greg is learn-
ing photography and is in charge of
Mr. Schlender's studio. --Miss Mabel
Jacohe of the 11th Con., while driving
into town recently, had her collar bone
broken by the rig upsetting, in which
she and her brother and sister were
The buggy was completely overturned
but the other occupants escaped in-
jury. --Miss Alice Iloedding of Berlin
is visiting relatives in town. --Conrad
Seine of New Hamburg is visiting with
his son, Edward.—Ed. Moritz is on a
visit with friends at Berlin and Guelph.
-J. E. Burns and two children of
Ilrigden are the gee»t» of Mrs. John
l'reeter.---Miss Enema Heideman of
Exeter visited relatives in town Iasi
week. --Mrs. John Fried of Toronto is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fritz. ---Joe Eisenhofer, who worked
the past few months in Michigan, re-
turned to town.—F. C. Kalbfleisch
started his sawmill hist week.—Mrs.
A. O. Mules is visiting relatives and
friends at Sarnia and Port Huron. ---
Miss Ella Moser of Myth is 1-isiting at
the home of ,Mr. and 511s. J. F. Itick-
Iieil.---Josiah Geiger has taken a posi-
tion in Schrag'n bakery. ---Miss Lizzie
Truemner of Detroit i» home for her
holidays. ---John Kibler of New Elope,
Sask., is renewing acquaintances, and
looking up the churns of his boyhood.
Ile bas leen out West for quite it few
years tool thinks a lot of Western
Wlcnulcu.—A very pretty wedding
took place in ltrandon, Man., recently,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11.
Merner, formerly of Hay Township,
when their eldest daughter, Miss Idella
Maud, was Married to Thomas Leach.
The bride was !assisted by Miss M.
Trail' of Hamilton, Ont., while the
groom Was assisted by the bride's
brother, Sanford A. Merner. The
bride's little sister Hazel, carried the
ring on a silver tray.
'WV 41Prler MP' 4111111"111'r
ikis. A6'16'411'4\1 ilk A/ALA' Alk
Clinton: Mr. T. H. Rance has leen
appointed Division Court Clerk here,
as successor to Mr. W. W. Farrar'.
whom illness has eotnpelled to retire.
Ile held the office for dJ years, rind
gave entire satisfaction to all who had
anything to do in connection with this
Seaforth: On July 2.4, Hugh ilun-
ter an employe of the hngine h
Thresher Company, received a rather
nasty wound. Ile was working in
front of the lathe and was filling a
dire. One end of the file happened 0'
catch in the lathe, and the other end,
which tail no handle on. was thrust
with considerable violence into his
si le, inflicting an ugly wound.
Clinton: Atny floss (conn, third
daughter of 1)r. (conn, died at mid-
night Tuesday of last week. She was
attacked by appendicitis and an olwr-
atinn had to tat rear): ted to. Thin wan
successfully performed and the patient
was doing eo well, 1)r. Minn respond-
ed to an urgent professional call from
Seaforth. lint about midnight her
weakness developed and before Mrs.
Gunn could reach the bedside her
daughter's spirit had fled. Mho was a
bright and amiable girl, and greatly !
beloved by all, and was only in her
ixteenth year. The sympathy of the
,.ommtin ity goes oat to the bereaved.
"Miss Slildrt41 Brown. of Bathurst
street, city, has returned house after
spending a month's vacation with
friends and relatives in Exeter, ('recti•
ton and (irand fiend." - -Free Press. i
India Pale Ale
1)rewed from se-
lecte.l hops, choice
barley malt an,l
pure spring water,
With the utmost
rate. Bottled at
the brewery depots
to emure proper
handling. That i
why l.ab.ttt - 1'.•
is equal to '
est, surpassed by
none, though it
Costs cotrsumer..,nly about lc,:( a. much a• itnn. t, ,I goods.
411/Maaisrsev7I n^.,inRJ..!.-„
The Farmers Bank of Canada
CAP'I'TAL $1,000,0111) TOTA1. ASSETS $1,51N1,00rr
38 Branches throughout Canada.
Special Attention (liven to Farmers' Business.
Sulo Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current elates.
Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received. Interest paid or
added to principal -1 times a year.
Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where
burglars, thieves or fire may take it from you, or to invest 111
risky speculations or with doubtful institutions that so often iu
the past have robbed sten of their hard earned wealth.
When sending money to any part of Canada or the world,
remember our drafts and money orders are available here, rind
sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders aro payable
at par at any point in Canada and principal points in the United
States and Great Britain.
Oun Morro—Courteous Treatment. No Iced Taps.
Office --One Block North of Siebert & Co.'s Store.
Am!. 29 EXHIBITION Sept.
Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the
Every Province
Its Products
$ 100,000.00
in Prizes and Attractions
Massed 1; •i11
Grand Art Loan Collection
From the Parts Salon and oth.r ()Id•H'orld Galleries.
International Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle
The Siede of SebastoW
Wells 900 P.rformers.
International Doo Show International Cat `h(1ty
8,000 Live Stock on Vie :v
1., Trigs I.ist•, [spry Blasts ad all 1el.rmilio• oaten J. 0. OiL, M•uler, City Ball, Lnn•lo
oney to Loan
on Mortgages of Real Estate at Current Rates
All Business Strictly Confidential
Liberal Terms of Repayment
Loans Completed Quickly
Expenses Moderate
Full information gladly given
Loan and Saving! Co., London, Ont.
., .
CATAL,1 que
!P t at,
t«� srfo C(►I„• o,,,,
It 1e Im •n•elp tmporteat Inst
pea •bound t« •11 ►A. iafsrwstlon
•bout s college before roe •moll
s• a student. Your •nee.• d••
panda upset your •MA•.
Osr rr..q.MIid
.. t•II• all •b....
w M.tA,.d. a T•.e Int-- .I, • Ise.
M 11.404••,•• .I..,. Ovine4 ...•).
k .•pl.te• 0,• Ce...rai.l •. .S6•w1.
•1t8, O••rmsrshi.H. •N•.•M0.. •
D$pl.... Aed d4I•r•a, 402.5.1
111s•erat•A (. h .til • MM Is le. TR et
rM•.. f .all /w MN •.
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,td••t..j•A►.4 sol e
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116•48•••{�M�tl•�••t••s• ••a mie
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l.osrtitr, 0$1 0
W. w .on, t. W. w , c,