HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-30, Page 2------ - -- - - - - 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS SCALP CLEANER FAMOUStFAMOUSHOSPITAL. Every Tore Minutes a Serioay Case Esters the Receiving Hall. I• the only Dandruff Cure. Tor ieg it has no equal. Sold by ail Some idea of the enormous amount of money required to sup- port the London Hospital can be gained when it is mentioned that since it was founded over 6,000,000 patients havo been relieved, and during the past five years the wards have contained a daily average of nearly tial. For a century or more the great Receiving Hall, the hos- pital "sieve," through which the constant stream of suffering human- ity is sifted into the various wards, has been open day and night. On an average a serious case enters this hall every three minutes, week in, weck out, and every twenty-four hours forty-eight patient. are put under anaesthetics in the operating theatres. Figures such as these drive home the magnitude of the work. For instance, it is estimated that of catgut, which is used in tying up arteries, an average of one mile per week is used. One trillion five hun- dred thousand pills, a ton of cough lozenges, a hundred miles of stick- ing -plaster, and 3,000 leeches are required every twelve months. Then, again, no fewer than 10,000 codfish are consumed. If the patients of last yoar had been placed side by side they would have formed a line approaching a hundred miles in length. Another little point—one which shows the vest difference that ail druggirtM. soc, or sent postpaid front e Seteee Sutherland Sisters, sly King the Toronto, oo receipt of price. LONDON'S BUSY SPOTS. The Marble Arch, Hyde Park, was oat designed to stand atuid its pres- sat surroundings. It was erected originally at a cost of £80,000 as the Milt entrance gateway to Bucking - tam Palace and was intended to ear an equestrian statue of George IV. by Chantrey. It is situated at sane of the busiest points in London. !71,320 vehicles passed it in one day. On the same day 27,769 vehicles pas- sed ('haring Cross, and 27,523 pas- sed the Bank. AN HoNI:ST DOCTOR ADVISED PE—RU—NA. . MR. SYLV ESTER E. SMITH, Room 218, Granite Block. St. Louth, Mo., Writes: "Perone is the beet friend a Sick man can bay.. "A few months ago I dame here in a wretched condition. Exposure androbust dampness lead ruined my once health. I had catarrhal affections of Use bronchial tubes, and for • time there was a doubt u to my recovery. "My good honest old doctor advised the to take Peruns, which I did and in lb h began to im- pr vert time very wrap rapy idly, g the bronchial trouble gradually disappeared, and is lbree months my health was Stored. "Accept a grateful men's thanks tot bis restoration to perfect health." Pe-131-ne for Ms Patients. A. W. Perrin, M. D. 0., 960 Halsey pt., Brooklyn, N. Y., says t "I am using your Peruna mself,and am recommending it to my patients all cases of catarrh, and flnd It to be more than you represent. reruns e.3 be had now of all druggists in ilea tion. At the time 1 began using 11, it Was unknown." A married woman's idea of a satis- factory compromise is to havo her husband agree to do just what she wishes him to do. troy re- small -hang a entail in so huge a YOUR FRIENDS may help you to win the Cash Prize of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS given by the ORANGE MEAT Com- pany for the largest number of bot- toms of packages sent in. There are a great nutnber of other large cash prizes given in this contest. e place. An extra pat of butter for each nurse increases the expendi- ture by £150 a year. It costs nearly a penny per second to run this great hospital, and it is undoubtedly one of the best conducted and most hen- eficient institutions in the world. SCRAP IN THE MARKET. "But these potatoes have black eyes," prutested the angry house- wife. "Oi can't help that mum," repli- ed the market gardener. "You see, the potatoes got mixed with the squashes, awn got to fightin'." [B&P CHILD ' WELL Libby's Vienna Sausage You've never tasted the best sausage until you've eaten Libby's Yienaa Sausage. Itsasausage product of high food value: Made different Cook- ed different: Tastes different and is different than other sausage: Libby's Vienna Sausage, like all of the Libby Food Products, is carefully prepared and cooked in Libby's Great While Wickes. It can be quickly served for any meal at any time: It is pleas- ing, not over -flavored and has that satisfying taste: Try it: Libby. McNeill & Libby, Chicago. THE " TENTED CITY /I AT QUEBEC. aw-eta eller maps Nee•shler Inas* Nweless* MN, aswrwf Aiwa. Ire ea• Ned l re . /e.1eM. now Tiff MMIMMS OM r.pe• r eeaee•.e i..e eine. AWN. Amos •.a,be *MO. asoma• aft* a isi.l.erwfrs. •Mlle Id.•wnnes a sin am Visitors to the great Tercentenary Celebration will end at the "Tented City" every convenience to ba had at a good hotel, oornbtned with the delight of sleeping under caritas. On the top of the 0Utf—oommartding a insignia tint view of the St. Lawrence, with. the Naval Review of the Pageants on the Plains of Abraham,_ and o� pfd Quebec --a city of tents is being erected to pro- vtde accommodation for thousands of guests. Three bus Dining Tents will seat 1.500 at once, an& under the manageeseot of an efficient caterer, meals will be served bens to guests at 60o each. In another tent meals will be weed at 160. Five perfectly equipped Lavatory Tents, connected Lwith the adies in atseparatte part of the Sunda. one for IslesM4N.Ma Class " A," holding 11 oomtortablr. Costs for rrnthe whole celebration -1f days. with 1 day baf slew d 1 afterward if desired—UN. Separate b•di day. Class " B," holding 6, or 6 comfortably. Tor fug term. $T5. Separate bode $l per der. Claw "C," holding R 1 oomfortably. M0 for full tars!. Separates Sleds $1 per day. A Claw " A tent ust suit• a large party, and a "Pi" or "0" a em party or family. The cost is considerably reduced y taking thew ole tent. Si teas, Hagg a and Poet -offices. Safety Depod$ Vaults. Electric ht, Police Protection and Attenndd•' ants are provided. Writs to-do for Programme of l ivents and llcatlon Blan and reserve your t coornmodatt Or on your sr rtval go dtreat to the Tented C1$ Sleeping Tsnts are of three slsos, with your baggage. • Lots of accommodation in the "Tented City." Electric car lino passes the main entrance; ., distance from Grand Stand five minutes walk. Plenty of police and fire protection. First- class caterer front Boston furnishing meals from twenty-five cents upwards. One of the finest views in the world, showing the harbor and battleships and landing of Champlain. Address W. A. N. MOOS. Vice -President Tented City Co., Quebec, P.Q. ADVANTAGE O1' PROVING SUP- ERIORITY. "'Pa," hoo-hooed the chastised son, "if I had let Willie Simmonds IRA me, instead of the licking hitt, would your've whipped the just the same 4" "Yea; but remember that in such 1 a case you would be getting two lickings in place of one!" I Always a Good Friend—In health and happiness we need no ouf trends, but when painP come we look for friendly aid from syuipathetie hands. These hands can serve OR no better than in rub- bing in Dr. Thomas' F.clectrie Oil, for when the Oil is in the pain is out. It has brought relief to thou - Bends who without it would be in- deed friendless. The tieing M. P. dru=m'. try to cure Sty; sweetrettrt of .nfatuati-m. ANIMALS IN COURT. The Irish terrier which exhibited Dump fl0! WBA�HBy at the Weet- ° its l'olice Court tricks the other is by no means Every mother knows how fatal the first animal which has relieved the summer months are to small the tedium of au English court of children. Cholera infantuni, diar- law by its antics. In a Manchester rhoea, dysentery and stomach troll- police -court a baboon, which ap- bles are alarmingly frequent at this Peared in the dock with its owner on ,. f breaking into a fowl - life is lost after a few i - nese. The mother who keeps Baby's Court by stealing and chewing up Own Tablets in the house feels peas under the very nose of the safe. The occasional lige of Baby's magistrate. At a London court 109 ,ere produced in evidence; in Commence saving the ORANGE time and toe" rerterr a precious little a (large o r g MEAT Corton Bottoms and send f hours ill house, showed its contempt of the your name and address to __ _J___ QRANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO- DAY, stating that you wish to en- ter and you will be sent full infor Own Tablets prevent stomach and froK•• conditions. ORANGE MEAT to a nlation regarding all the prizes and bowel troubles, or if the trouble another case a porcupine was exhib- comes suddenly—as it generally ited on the witness-tahle of a county flesh and blood producer and be- dues the Tablets will bring the court to show whether or not the little one through safely. Mrs. animal was worth the money claim - George Howell, Sandy Beach, Que., ed for it ; while among ether animals says :—"My baby was suffering with which have made similar uuconven- colic, vomiting and diarrhoea, but tional appearances in recent years after giving hint Baby's Own Tab- have been cats, monkeys, and a baby lets the trouble disappeared. I lion. would advise all mothers to keep a --- bee of Tablets always at hand." Never call an aggressive man a field by medicine dealers or by trail liar to his face. Use a long-distance at 25e. a box from The Dr. Willi- phone and break the news to him ams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont• gently. rause of its thorough cooking and maltinn, it is easily assimilated. BL4)ODHOUND TRACKING. The Itloedhound does not neces- sarily follow blood. He, hunts what is t °ctmieally termed 'the clean beet." That is, the hound follows the trts.l of the hunted person with - put an adventitious aid, and it is the per'ession and gradual develop- ment of this particular quality sti-hick makes hint so interesting a possession to the sportsman. and rend ivs bloodhound tracking a p sport Ill whit h large parties can en- gage with all the pleasure of the chase Ladies in Poor Health Everywhere, especially those dis- couraged by failure of previous treatment are invited t 1 to write for In writing a love letter a man Useful at all Time- In winter or should remember that it may come in summer Parmelee's Vegetable borne to roost. Pills will cope with and overcome' — any irregularities of the digestive; Jute W.td ol'eeot1ot: where itb• •5I / organs which change of diet, ` !•etrered b7 Duras or •seed• app T Gras.ies•diatea th eeuooartee atter. change of residrnrc, or variation of temperature may bring about. Don't give a dollar with one hand They should be always kept at and take back two with the other. hand, and once their beneficial ac-; tion becomes known, no one will be, Biliousness Burdens Life -- The without therm. Thorn is nothing bilious man is Clever a companion- nauseating in their structure, and able man because his ailment ren- the most delicate can use thein cc dere him morose and gloomy. The confidently. • free trial of my house treatment, complaint is not so dangerous as 't A mans good reputation may be is disagreeable. Yet no one need with interesting booklet, all post- suffer from it who can procure Par- duo to the fact that people are not paid ill plain w rappers, with the tnelee's Vegetable Pills. By regu- on to his curves. most reliable reference, and proofs dating the liver and obviating the eassetas ase tee sourish. -- effects of bile in the stomach they Tb. Orestes. ole "For e"a it ie dis- ,. i'. . ii�riS'( :Yi.IIFiI f. id " (. r NT1$ PTIC 1 PANOO For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. so CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto wMO1.R•AL1 LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and Montreal; LYMAN KNOX a CLABKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG CO., London. FLY PADS every pac1et will Mill ewers Oleo thaw S00 sheets •f *year pe* r -- sots SW -- 01o00111T11, OSOCERI ass CHIRAL Mate 10s. per posk•t, r s pae1tete for 1•e. will last a whots eeasew. which will encourage the most is- restore melt to checrtu:.iess and P1•n1 lstresate{tde pautiesthatar• need. MOTOR -BERLINER heartened You can :hue quickly full vigor of action. ed by those who are w'tay rare how much this treatment is what you (song I•.ver notice how many things A vrman hate sought. I will reply promptly there are in the shop windows that money her husband earns; it is what you hate no earthly use for 1 be gets that interests her. One cheer is better than a dozen There are a number of varieties howls. of corns. Holloway's Corn lure will remove any of thein. ('all on your druggi-t and get a bottle at once. e nti�efy yenr`elf, without cost that - doesn't n to all who write Address, MRS. M. SUMMERS, Windsor. Ont. WORLD'S BIGGEST IIOTi:L t l ie ago is planning to build the higae t hotel in the world. This is the new IA Salle Hotel, to be erec- ted at La Salle and Madison streets. W1 oh the furnishings. the hostel will represent an investment of approxi mately $3,000,000, and with the land, which was leased on the basis of n %alert of $2,500,000, the total CHEAP 1.1�'I\G. will run up to Se,000,t.,0. The build- Ina w ill be twenty-two storeys high, Ott ing to the abundance and cheapness of meat in Australia. res- taurant keepers have ha years been ,1 able to give astonishingly liberal meals fur 12 cents. But they are not satisfied pith the margin of pro - tit, and they hate decided in confer- ence to raise the price to 14 cents. One of the reasons assigned for this step is the "abnormal appetites" of their customers. it is the hospit- able custom in Australian popular restaurants not to charge for a sec- ond helping of anything, and you can have as many cups of tea as you please after having paid fon the first one. It is the freedom with which this privilege le exercised that cuts down the profits of proprietors of e"nt rc,tauranta. A girl may threaten to scram if a man attempts to kiss her, but she Count the cups and count the seldom does it. if there is a chance scat. Much is saved by wing "qa of any one's hearing her dada" 'fea. Sold only in sealed lead packets, never by prddl^rs or in bulk. with tw-n basements, and will lin%c 1.17'' rooms. Black Watch "Slgga t and Nut" Plug ()bowing Tobacco A grouch always hurts grouchy person most of all. the ?OU tesU1 r0. W49 A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for cash. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. SENSITIVE PLANTS. There are plants so sensitive that if when standing by them, you should suddenly put up your um- brella or sunshade, it would be quite sufficient to cause them in- stantly to close together their leaf- lets and turn down their leaf -stalks, just as if they were startled and A. R. BICKERSTAFF & CO., alarmed by the movement_ Indeed, Stooks, bonds and D.bantvns. t on a sunny day, when the tempera- Cobalt and all Mining and 111 Stooks titre is sufficiently high, you gleed Canada and Valtsd Stade.. I not make even( ail deride( a move- orders executed with proa$D•u. Cease. mein ; merely your shadow corning in contact with their leaves will of- ten c•ausn them to fall slightly. AQFNT5 WANTSD. A x.11.1,1• sae 1n .ter� Attacks of cholera and dysentery elty sad town Is Cao►da wile waterworks H sen come quickly, there seldom being l • patent article ae.l.d is •,er hums. hotel aol pet Ho hall4iai a•l1e at • bt. Haetlsn •ae any wattling of the visit. ileum- •od at• asking IS.Qo a der. grit• at ogee °tug dial action must be taken just as particulars. O•o.1' Cot•, Owe■so>sl,ost►rtw quickly if the patient is to be spared -- - — g:eat suffering and permanent in- jury to the lining membrane!, eef the owels. Tlio readiest preparation for the purpose is Dr. J. D. Kel log's Dysentery Cordial. It can be got at small cost at any drug store r r general dealer's, and it will ,tf Lord relief before a doctor eau be of equipment for a Public called Library is a subject that should be carefullly con- Blueheard's wives are not the sidered. Drily women who have lost their For planning the Stack heads uu account of an unworthy i Ronrn, g g man. Probably from the viewpoint of the man in the moon a balloon doesn't como up to his expectations. He is a eise man who knows what n woman wants him to do without being told. All prices and styles from Sr s ao to $2.40. Write for Tree catalogue. DEPT. D 10ROM10 GR1MOPNONE GOMP�Ny. 264 Yong* Street, Toronto. Agents wanted in every town. If Every Farmer Knew roudenr• soli, ;ted. 825 to 82? Trader* sane aulldlag. Turnouts, 1a♦ Phone 14a1a esu The Question Itew mase sons Its ,eo•11 sate he usinga aatit• None Jae5 nt 01 I ra4.s QMe11s• an. to w wood pimp water, ,rind teed, au., �ywneld set be abbe 10 .upple the demand u this al oat end soli to ■s today, sad we its we les ear tree cnaloge . a� The Do not delay in getting relief for i= the little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is a pleasant' end sure cure. If you love vasor child why do you let it antler when a rr tnedy is so near at hand When it mines to the scratch the, fka is e1.:r•where. arranging the Charging Counter and C'lassifyinb Books for ('ata - logs, Library Bureau is re- cognized the world over as the authority. Write for Booklet. Library Bureau of Canada tomato. ;a nAr MTut:ar, 'DAUNT% ONT. I ackawanna I Railfoad BEST EVENT OF THE SEASON Mike yonr arran;;cments now and join the happy crowd on the hest touting of the year. TWO IA I:.KS l)f' SUPREME ENJOYMENT People's Popular Mid -Summer Excursion to NEW YORK Going July etst, good returning to Augu.t ,4th in iusive•. grind trip rates 3 Boat FFrom rom iamilton -$111.33 ; Rom Bilflhlo•Sand Hall $ 00 Coney Island and other Sea Shore Resorts ev;tle 'e -.o. T i kt to end Pullman reservativne may he •.cunei at ail CI'. It, r. R. .And N,agart Navigation Cd. Offices, or at the I1A('KAWANA ('iT1' OFIi''ICg, 13 long(' 4t., TIIP1ii:)N , O Telephone Miin 3547. or Write d. J. Q AWN, a. D. P. A., Buffalo, N Y. A. IX kOLAY, Cy, A. Ssaa•Isaht+kaaM6• , Limited. TKMts, MI *..lust Winatp.t. Tsscov.er.1111111.111.1111111111115 4 1 1