HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-23, Page 7A
Sufferers from rite, EplleW7, St.
Vttns' Vane. Nervous'!roubles or
Ye11lnR Sloku.0 shoud write the
L1k I fu., 1:H lurks/ atreet,Torunto
dor a tr,a1 b •t[1-' ut thelr lit ('urs and
TFeauee. 1Li,clwe Wu tor pwtee a qpd
Send for free catalog,
N. 75.
the Bell Noon(' Orp00 CO., ltd., Guelph, Oat
One packet
has aotually
kilned a bushel
of Alsr
tee. per packet, or 3 packets for 28c.
will last a whole ..aeon.
Home Employment for Ladies
Such as any lady can do and enjoy.
Any lady who wishes, and sons 'h s ad-
dvertisement may, If she entre soon,
secure this epportunay to be indeeendL
ent, earning a good living in a very
rosy manner. Work any lady can do.
For par t.culars address
Correspondence Department,
Windsor, OW.
1.II prices and styles from $12 40 to
$2.4o. Write for free catalogue.
264 Yonge Street, Toronto.
Agents wanted in every town.
IT %1.1 \S (:HE el' LIVING.
fflailie>-1d leibnrrs%hie to Get Menu on
Less Than 810 a Month.
That Italian laborers save mere money
It the sante wages than any other lee
tope'•an xnm grants is a statement maele
in a report of the United States D•part-
mcnt of Commerce, and Labor. The
reas ,n is easily toun•J.
A great majority of the unseated lab-
eler.: in this country are employed in
tailrnad construction and similar un-
dertakings which are usually carried
call wte re there are no accommodations
for board.ng an.I lodging the men. The
boarding camp thus becomes essenttal
to tee contracting company.
In the case of men of all nationalities
except the Talions a fixed charge is
Made for the boarding and lodg.ng of
tech man. The Italians. however, in•
eist on buying and c. .king their own
Investigation of the reords of a con -
trading company employing many lab-
Oreri of var.ous nano ilitie3 in railroad
eenetrintinn stowed that the actual Dost
to the coni any .'t ge cer.es, provisions
ani payment for cooks. wailers, fuel.
tight. .'Ie., at its boarding camps was
1'► cants a meal. or 3.99 a wedk for each
man. Tee men were charged $18 a
month for board nd lodging.
The nal any at the canine of rhe same
company 1 ved mosey on macaroni. sate
Inge, cheese, ear.hres and bread. ntacar-
cn: and bread hxetng the sleeks end
the others nod very sparingly. The
average m Willy expense of each liabor-
er. was ra f !l..wws: Twenty-five one and
en.' -halt bound loaves of bread at eight
cent:, $2: th rty pounds of macaroni, at
eevo1 cent:. $2.10; sausage. :A Wines and
clre ine. $I.5u; L"rf. 911 one:.
M of the Italians. :n addition to
not tort n'. spent an average of $3 a
an,1 1906 gives accurate figures on the►WOMEN AND GIRLS
living and ciet of livg of largo
n bers of Rename under the usual
oemmissary system. Tho average earn-
ings for a representative menet in 1906
fin 89 gangs, numbering 1,530 nun,
were $37.07. The cost of a.1 toed wa.s
$5.3e, and s':anty rant and , un.lries,
$1.49. or a total of $6.79, kay.ng a sur-
plus of $30.28.
These figures furnish one of the most
pe tout explanations of the great amount
.1 stoney bent by post -office orders to
Italy. In 1906 the amount sent to all
countries was $62,435,343. and of this
$36.798.562, or 58.9 per cent., went to
Italy and the Slavic countries.
Tho total amount sent to Italy was
516,239.134, against $20,559,428 to Rus-
sia and Austria-Hungary, which coun-
tries have tw ce as many reprc'entutivea
in the United State as Italy.
illy A. Banker).
P. rhap. on' of the meet sublime and
g• rgeou; spectacles which this beaten
iu' earth of ours affords i:: a sun, se as
v owed from tt:o summit of a. very high
mountain. A sunrise after a storm at
sea, when tee great oio rises from out
the bounlless expanse of the ocean,
tinting the crests of the rolling billows
in glorious hues and illumin ng 1I1e tea -
eery tufts of driven surf in the Sarno
lovely color is magnifloent, but however
grand it may be it is far surpassed in
seri-limey by a mountain stmrse. The
&seine of night have gradually faded
away, the morning star no longer ges-
t• ns in the west, and the auroral glow
c ,ntinues over to increase in brightness.
New the domed and pinnad d summits
of the long range of upreared snow -
clad mountains, until now scarce dis-
cernib'.e, approach gradually into view,
and socn a billowy sea of cloud rest-
ing on the mountain a few hundred
feet beneath is plainly glimpsed. Bright-
er and yet over brighter, the eastern
ekes row have thrown off thecae)! tints
et mauve end violet, and are gradually
assuming a rose pink hue, white already
Lee highest of tete mountain sweeties
are glowing in the same lovely hue; the
few wisps of feathery vapor floating
overhead being also tushed with a tent
of cr.imson-pink, mote beautiful than
that of any sardonyx.
And now at length tee orb of day has
tesen above the h..rizon, floating the
sante in a sea of glory, and pro-ont'ng
a sjenaclo of su;urerne grandeur and
sublimity. For the crests of the roll-
ing belows of the cloud -ocean beneath,
now. as from time to time the mountain
wind impels them upwards, are glowing
In tho auroral tires, a lovely snow-white
expanse of curling breakers, here and
there illuminated with a fringe of lus-
trous carmine -lake. And then as the
great hun:nary rises yet higher the rose-
cle hues fade away, the sea of cloud
rolls oft into the far distance, and the
outspeard panorama lereath opens out
to view.
And as the rising of the sun dispels
the darkn es of night and Illumines the
eorth in the brilliance of its rays, revi-
vifying a!1 nature, causing joy and
gladness in all'the antrnate creation,
and revealing beauty and lovoein.-ss
which bed lain lost and hidden in the
darkness, se all spiritual darkness and
Sborn is dispelled by the rising of the
un of Riglee usneas, the Redeemer of
the worId, from all who come unto Him
ter hie. Fcr in order to rescue mankind
front the consequences of lits tranagres-
s.ons. He as mankind's substitute took
upon I1:mseif his nature, and. for all
who will accept His offer, Himself sue
fere' the i.enalt:es whkh were their due.
A \lather's Praise 01 Ztun-Iliik.
Oakwood, Victoria.
Dear Sirs.—i have great pleasure in
staling that Zam-Ruk cured my husband
of barbcrb rash with twice rubbing. It
also cured my litho boy of a dreadfully
tad ann after vaccination. I know of
9 -'venal other cunos it has affected and
1 cannot speak too highly •of it. I am
sure if people ones try it they will al-
ways ue:c it. Yours truly. It. SAVILLE.
Zane -Bilk is healing. soothing and an-
tiseptic. It quickly heals wounds and
skin troubles. Certain cute for piles.
Sold by all druggists and stores, 50c.
a box, 3 for $1.25.
Ikn't cultivate a taste for the affairs
I f your neighbors if you would be po-
Are your corns harder to remove than
those that others have had' Have they
net had the same kind? Have they not
been cured by using Holloway's Corn
Lure? Try a bottle.
Tea_here--"What is an excuse?' Utile
Rill "An excuse is something you
can't think of when you want it."
A man may consider the marriage
tie sacred, but it's deferent with the
bargain counter ties his wife buys for
A fat purse m:ekes a good etia: more
than a slight diff••ren e.
mon't' leer, (-help eignrs and to- •r
ba. ea. t ch with the expense of 81 Stooks, Bends and Debentures.
a n.enth for shanty rent, brought the Cobalt and alt alining and 011 Stooks of
teen cent of living up to about $10 a Canada and United States.
,r,,Mth• sere►•-, et•••ate4 wi'h pr ropiness i •'rr•s-
An exaefiratie:n of the re-ords of Poaden.• "let"
!tire ratinxtd sy.•L•rns in New York.
111 to air Traders Bank assess, Ts,.ats, Sot
j'ennsy'vania and Vie Jersey for 1900 teen. .t•,o e r
Me Nana of
Black Watch
Ona Tag on a Plug of
I3lack ClIewilg Tobacco
Staab ler talk.
Seedy Willie :to bar -keep re "Your re-
fusal. sir. to 'rust mo t.) a pait:y draik
n! whiskey fl'ls tie with ase n shmant
an.l ind gnat: m."
right. sir; you can fill yourself up with
u'onlshmen' and indignation. and 't
' don t cost you a coP1er, but :1 you want
to fill yeursetf with whiskey you will
t,ave ti pay cash.'
"My wife never I sys any atter,t.on to
what 1 gay.""\fine -to c some -Imes.'
"Hots do you rran:lge it'" "1 talk in
my s:ea:pr
It takes a lawyer to draw a w 'l so
that he can gi something out of the ee :1 •
fight otct it lakr. is lee.;.
(Inlet!' the Blood is Made Rich and
Red Health Cannot be Restored.
Throughout Canada there are thou-
sands of growing girls and women hekt
:n the deadly clutches of anaemia. Slow-
ly but surely a deathly pallor settles on
their cheeks; their eyes grow dull; their
nine -lite tickle; their steps languid.
Daily they are being robbed of all vi-
tality and brightness. 'Their sufferings
grow more acute if neglected, until the
signs of early oonsuniption become ap-
parent. It your wife or daughter or
sister complains of weakness, pains in
tt.e side, headaches or backaches; it her
appetite and temper are unoertain and
she is often low spirited anaemia has
her in its deadly hold. What she needs
is new, rich. rod blood. Give her Dr.
\Villiems' Pink Pills for Pale People
without. Loss of time, for they actually
make new. red blood. They make girls
and women well and happy, impart an
appetite and steadily bring lack the
aerie and brightness of perfect, regu-
lar health.
Miss Carrie McGrath, 26 Fenwl.:.k St.,
Halifax, N. S., says:-- "1 believe Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills saved my lee.
Throe years ago 1 suffered from anae-
mia in a severe form. I was all run
down and as pale ns a sheet. I could
scarcely eat anything, and what 1 did
take did not seem to nourish pre. My
hands and feet were much swollen and
the least exertion would leave mo
treeathleass and my heart boating vio-
lently. I seemed to have pains and
aches all over. I was so weak 1 Could
not even sweep a floor. At different
limes 1 was under the care of lhreee (tee-
ters, but did not get any better. Ono
doctor sald i had dropsy and that my
blood had all turned to water. My
friends thought 1 was In a decline and
that 1 had but a short time te live. I
was completely disoouraged myself,
when one day a lady friend called to
see me, and told me Dr. Williams' Pink
(ills had cured her daughter of anae-
mia and urged me ea try them. 1 de-
cided to try them, and in tho course of
a few weeks felt somewhat better. i
!net the doctor one day and he remark -
e' how much better 1 was looking. I
[old him It was not his medicine but
Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pi s that were help-
ing 100, and he told me 1 had hotter
keep on taking them. I continued to
do .so until 1 had taken another half
dozen boxes, when my health was per-
fectly restored. I am more than grate -
tel for what these pills have done for
me and strongly recommend them to
tel weak girls.'
Thousands of men and women, now
well and strong, praise Dr. Williams'
Pink l'ills for having cured anaemia,
general weakness. indigestion, rhewna-
tts.in, neuralgia, nervous disorders, para-
lysis and the ailments of girlhood and
vegeta nhood. 'These Pills do this by
making new, reef blood, which feeds the
starved nerves#, drives out disease and
strengthens every organ In the body.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50
front Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Grao'r—"Have you seen 13erta's latest
Lou e --"Yes, it's simply lovely. I hid
to ask her who it was."
.\ Tonic for the Debilitated.—Parnlo-
ice's Vegetable Pills by acting rnIld y
but thoroughly on the secretions of the
body are a valuable tonic, stimulating
the lagging organs to a healthful ac-
tion and restoring them '0 full vigor.
They can be token in graduated dosis
and se used that they Can to dlsoon-
tinucel at any time without return of
the ailments which they were used to
How it jolts a man's wolf -conceit in
after years when he happens to come
ncrose a love :eller ho once wrote to
h nae!
There Is no were obstinate Plan trouble than
Salt Itheum. It sometimes linters for years. bat
w•es••r's fiesta make. *tort work of It. Also,
tae" We a Syrup to insure permanent curve
Ilewkins--"H •w's henpeck gett ne on
entice Ise merrier'? Ile used to v.,w
that no woman could ever get ahead of
time Hagg—"Oh, he's still leading, 1
It Ila.$ Many Om(hoes.—Before the Ger-
tr.an soldier starts on a long march ho
rubs his feet with tallow, for his first
care is to keep his feet in good oondi-
t:an. if he knew that Dr. Thomas' I c-
kclrk Oil would be of much bettor ser-
ene he would throw away his tallow
end pack a few bottles of the Oil in his
knapsack. There is nothing :Ike 11.
A .vonian seldom real z•s that LShe
has a good tiger, until her friends bo-
gi:n to (Ind fault yetis it.
Very ninny pen,ons die annually from
o!era and kIndred summer cum-
p.atnta. who ,night have been saved if
prier remedied had been u-s.d. I1 at-
tacked cin not delay in getting a bot-
tle of Dr. 1. D. Kelt•ogg's Dysentery Cos
eial. the rnelidne that never tall■ 10
effect a cum. Those who have used it
3by It acts promptly, and thoroughly
subdues the pain and disease.
How a woman dislikes t e have poo -
plc tell her are is gest ng fat!
"1 don't undersb+nd why women want
to vote." "I do. It:: Lecau;e they
ran t1"
Nothing else is quite ,o pathotic as
the g rl who in an effort to take on a
beautiful tan overworked it the first day
end got her arms reel the en•1 ct her
nose bl_.tered,
!rte. f .^.e.
id. 1;4 acid lam. Ms
I :1:et notal,
-swede" Tel
Waste no tune to when -per when you ace
th:rngs going wrung:
For that., tine time that warhead should
to corning good and strong.
And it's n',t wise to bo sesbb'.ng it your
plans cease going r.ght—
Thata the time to roll your sleeves up
and proceed stra ghtway to fight.
Lvrryth.ng thins worth t:o w•.nning fs
worth fighting for to get,
And if you will keep on fighting, you'll
be happy yet, you bet.
Every somler cloud that hovers has
its silver lining bright,
Se just keep a gaing, brother, c nilent
that all is right.
Rainy days may cause you trouble, but
dont waste your time in sighs,
Just recall the Low of promise God !tae
set uron the skies.
Meet reveres in your teatime with a
strong man's ch-erful laugh,
And you'll find then shrink before you
till they measu:e less than half.
Only cowards sit repining when thee
Mil to win the game;
Only cowards try to slwuider on the
word the weight of blame.
Roll your serves up to the elbows, then
pitch in with all your might.
With determination :steady that you'll
win out yet, ell right.
D.:•n't you try to trouble trouble 1111 old
trouble troubles you,
Tison just face it fairly, squarely, and
to trouble say adieu!
Don't fret over opposition -16%s niuwt
fly against the w:nd—
You will win out if on justice all your
hopes are safely termed.
no the duty lying nearest, and be surd
you do your test.
Yours is but to do your duty, God will
take car, of the rust.
You may think success lei often hidden
tar away from sight.
But the doing brings the winning—ev-
erything will Donne out right.
Not as an answer - to its critics, or
with the hope of satisfying th; constant
persenent demand for lower rates, but
Just as a mater of news, the interest-
ing fact has loan given out that the
Grand Trunk has, within the past few
years expended $15,000,000. in double
tracking Oho main line from Montreal
to Chicago, that they have now over a
thousand mike of double line—Ahs
longest continuous double track undor
one ,management in the world.
At the seine tine they have been lay-
ing down 80 pound steel where in for
mer days there was 65 end 72 pound
rails. And now, having set a new and
hearer standard, they are replacing
the 80 pound steel with new rails weigh-
ing 100 pounds .to the yeard. In •other
way they are bringing the system up
to a standard which will make it, in all
respects. a first-class railway. Every
new bridge put in is made to carry the
hen load.
All this money, or the most of it,
flride Its way back !r1 the pockets of the
peopl., for the work IA done largely in
Canada. arid the material, entering In.
to the work, are largely the products of
Canad.an milts. and Canadian hands.
And all over the vast system, from
Niagara on the south, North Bay at the
ninth ---from Portland to Chicago, they
are hui'ding new shops, round houses.
staltnns and other buildings. In the
dr•ub!e track alone the company have
pptuveied additional safety that no mere
dodo system could secure. No doubt
a� business juatifles other lines will be •
double tracked, especially the lines
ksding down from the Greet Lakes, the
cutlet for the wheat of the Northwest.
ileg on—"t saw your sister at a wed-
ding a me time ago.'
Miss Nipper—"In.teoll But 1 don't re-
member Iter having menlienod that sto
saw you."
Hugson—"Probably not. i waa only
the groom."
of Fie-TyTWO penile ILS n year as long
as yon live, or SEVEN IIt1NDIIED DOL-
LARS (;ASH, Is the Finn Prizes in the
carton conteit now teeing adve•rt:sed by
the ORANGE MEAT couple. There ore
a great number of other large Cash
Prow and a!1 that is required of you
te enter this Conkist is to send your
name and address to ORANGE MEAT,
Kingston, and continence saving the
bottoms of packaged of ORANGE MEAT.
Make a start TO -DAY.
ORANGE MEAT and Milk sul pl es the
rroet perfect and evenly balanced food
the human subje t can secure,
Amy—".So you have a brother at a
boarding school? \fay l ask what he
is tak ng up
Mamie--"tdrpenb ring."
To Prevent is Better Than fe Repent.
—A little medicine in the shape of the
wonderful pellets which are known as-
Parmeleec's Vegetable Pills, administer-
ed at the proper time and with the di-
rections adhered to often prevent a seri-
Gus attack of sickness and have nx fley
which would go to the doctor. In all
Irregularities of the digestive organs
they are an invaluable carrectivo and
by ckeans ng the blood they ckear the
akin of imlerfectinna.
The Monter of men in the active Ser -
vi e of the Rrittsh neavy at the prevent
tm•e is apr.reximately 147.443; of thee,
(9.14 are .-,erving In fully -manned mea•
go ng warships. and 16.659 are in nun
le us crew ships. There rue 11,650 owett-
-ng draft. , n leave, et•. The reynaind•-r
are under training end in home eeteb-
I.shments. except 3,730 m the Gee
guard. There ere 2,949 officers "•I
exec itive branch .f sub -lieutenant's
rank. and abs:ve I;Ow nerving in his
Majesty's navy, cel whom 1,¢45 are
een.'tng in fully-mannedd seagoing war-
st, ps.
A two-faced woman is more danger-
ous !Jinn a bare -faced W.
When a man mixes busin•'aa with
pleasure the pHrr:lpal ingredient in the
tmtalure * pleasure.
Ideal Manufacturing Premises
Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each
Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light
Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance.
Most Central Location. Four Large
Freight Elevators,
S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73.81 Adelaide St., West
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
LYMAN BROS. & CO., Termite and Montreal; LYMAN KNOX a
('.LARKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DREG CO., Loudon.
33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311
Stocks bought and solei on all exchanges
for cash or margin.
Cobalt orders executed for cash.
Larder City Cold Mines'
(No Personal liability)
Authorized Capital, - $4,000,000.00
Arthur D:nn's, C•ntrr:ct•,r, Pretvl-!cnt.
A.S. Wigne,roe M;,:. Holm -•s E'eclr o and Protection Co., V oe•Presldent.
Fred. Annstreng, G ntri:ter, Sec. -Treasurer,
F. H. Herbert, Arch t ct. 1. C. H•rltby, Contractor.
Grorge Duthie, Sr., Contrao'or. J. H. Tighe, Miner.
The Cre.wn B ink, Toronto.
Henry Barter. Toronto.
The property consists of 28 lo -acre Claims imrr.od ately ng the
new famous HARRLS MAXWF.I,L, and upon tee same amount of develop-
m-•nt should prove equally r,s foal.
100.000 shares are now off- reel le the public at 15 cents per share. Do
not lose this GOLDEN OPleiii'l I.N111' e:1 invenbig to (nee! t:.e retort yrtan-
btng properties In the distri 4. Fier fee larl.culars apply to
No. S Colborne Street, Toronto.
Tens--"S"e's the apple of my eye.'
Jack—"She must be a pcaeh."
Tho healthy glow disappearing from
the cheek and moaning end restlesseess
at night are sure symptoms of worsts
in children. De not fail to get a bet -
die of Mother Graves' \Worm Extennin-
tutor; it is an effectual medicine.
When deaf -mutts marry they should
he unspeakably happy.
Success ion!' Is dependent upon sand health.
r.•u are oat of eerie, 111 of nines, lake
• Terto•im " It's the beet tonin St bottle..
114 medicine d•atera
During the term of her engagement
a g rl thenks life s a continuous mat-
Anyway. a man isn't in a reisiton to
get stack up over the taffy
A Hien wtio has no eympathy 14?
e.t'.e s s net a man.
haw rna,h money Se weld save hr .stn a
retinue. time* Ja'k of all Trades (es..rte• le
Stns t. saw wood pimp .■ter, gated feet, ae,
•e /veil,' 0 .t be able to ,apply the d•mau I
Cut Ms ad out and stead 10 us to -day, and wi
will send you oar tree catalogue.
A ldress
in his obi- TM eanadlas+Ialrfa.k•So., Uewlt..et, Toronto, 01.1
Montreal, Winnipeg, t-encuu••r.
The little a men wants hem b.1nw he
u+uatly wants above the ordinary.
None t.ut the brave deserve the fair,
for it takes a here to pay their bills.
(lives Perfect
7 N L Incl -L Nu, ;'s 's-