HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-23, Page 1Ste
40c to JAN. '09
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
in N,vvt•st Types
On !hist I'a tet
The Finest WVt 1k
And Richt Prices
The Advocate Ofice,.Exeter
The Old Reliable I Entrance Examinations
Are You Goillg Tra�clli�g
It' you are going away for a few days or a few weeks
to send your vacation it will pay you to call on us and get
equipped with all your
Travelling Necessities.
We are chowing a handsome variety of Travelling Goods,
Trunks, Suit Cases, Hand -Bags,
Vacation Clothing, Hats,
.. Footwear, ..
Ever,, (Lang you will need to make your Summer
Outing a pleasant one.
Come in and look our stock of Travelling goods over.
You will surely find things that you will require. We are
sure our prices will please you.
Highest price paid for produce -Butter 19c, Eggs 17c.
A GREAT BIG Child's Sid Slippers
in Red, Tan and Black, with Strap and
Fancy Silk Bow and Buckle.
$1.35 Slipper for $1.19
$1.25 $1.10
$1.00, " SSc
___ 1 N
Plain and Fancy
Brown, Blue.
Green and Black.
Regular price 50c
All on Sade at
one Price -
Men's Fine Straw pats
at Reduced Prices. Going to sell every hat.
All tbis season's styles.
Sailor shapes.
$2.75 Ilat for $1.90
$2.00 " $1.50
$1.50 " $1.00
$1.00 " 75c
Our stock of Groceries are Fresh. Yon
can depend upon it, we sell only the
Fresh New Fruits, Pure Spices, Vinegars,
Canned Goods, Extracts, Baking Powders,
Cereals, are PURE and GOOD. `Ve also sell
Red Rose Tea,
which everybody likes. Try a package.
Black or Mixed.
30c, 40c, 50c a lb.
Professional Gads.
DIE. 0. F. ROt1LSTOX, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Member of the R C. D. S. of Ontario and honor
Graduate of Toronto University
OTF1Cx: O'er Di kaon A (arfinc's TAW Off e, In
Dr. Anderson'. former Dental Parlor*.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. 8., D D. 8.. 11
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeri,ty.
tau sztra•te.1 without any pain, or any had effects
Olio* over Gla't nan t Stanhury's otfi. e, Main street
iIu resumed practice after spending a year ((oI.
lege) at British and Continental i(ospitals. General
practice with spe ial attention to Eye, (with refrac•
Don) Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Oot.
tors, Notaries, ('onveyancen, Commissioners.
04Itore for Motions (tank. etc.
M1ey to Lean at Iowost rates of Interest.
Offices, Main street. Exeter,
1, t. Osumi's, B A , L H. Dtcssos
Ws hallos large amount of private funds to loan
s farm and village properties at low rater of Inter
Barristers, Solicitors,Main e. . Exeter On
Llceawed Auctioneer.
Sales attended
teed or no pay Ti
at A.lvcc ate Off •e
parts. Satisfaction Imran•
• reaaonahle. All orders left
Ate promptly attended to
William Brown
lerof. Diplom• of Royal Im-orporated Society of
!Mans, Fsrland; Organi.t of Trivitt Memorial
Oboreh,F.xetef. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory
et MoNc. Terms oo application. Exeter, Ont,
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, also Fire insurance in lead.
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -SL, Exeter.
House For Sale.
In the Village of Exeter, situated on Simeoe street,
a frame dwelling. 'totter, kitchen and woodshed
stable, good well, one fifth acre of land. All in good
condition. Will le sold reasonatTe - Apply at this
o'ff •e __
Cottage to Rent.
A frame cot tage. in good repair, and
at reasonable rental. Aptly at this
Successor to Ds. R ,
Special Attention to Dentistry.
Night ails left at the home of Mr. Peter Bowden
Main street, (opp. Trlyitt Memorial Church), will be
promptly attended to.
Office-- Pr. Ramsay's old stand, corner of Main and
North streets, (opp. Pym's Blacksmith Shop)
Your patronage solicited.
House to Rent in Elimville
The undersigned is offering to rent his frame
dwelling in Elimville, with 1.5 acre of land. )lard
seal soft water and a number of fruit trees on the
premises. For particulars apply toJOSH I'AJOHNS,
of the undersigned.
House and Land for Sale.
The nod, r•Igned is offering for sale hooi house and
land on Huron Street East. The house Is of frame
and Is in good repair. The land consists of 1 acres
in good condition. Good water -hard and soft.
Good .table. Some good fnlit trees, etc. Posies -
slim given now or In the fall. Apply at the home
of Abraham (haring, Jr., Simco. Street.
Sexton Wanted.
For the Tr:, at Memorial chop 11. Duties to corn
mence at on, e. State salary. Apply to
I..1. KNiGHT,
Church Wardens.
Clerk's Notice of First Post-
ing of Voter's List,
Municipality of the Township of
Stephen, County of Huron.
Nooks is hereby given that I have lran.mitted er
delivered to the pervons mentioned in sectioe and
9 of the Ontario Voters' List Ad, e copies required
t v eai.11 actions to be tnnemitted or delivered of
the list, made pursuant to the mad Act, of all persons
appearing by the last re, iced Assessment Roll of the
said municipality to be entitled to vote In the said
municipality at Lie -tions for Members of the Legis-
lative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and the
•x1.1 list was first posted up at my once, at Crediton,
nn the eleventh day of July. A, 0.. 1907, and remains
there for inspection.
Eleetore are called upon to examine the said list
and if any omissions, or any other errors are found
therein, to tale immediate proceedings to have the
said errors corrected se-ording to law.
!sate., At ('muton, July 11th, 19rd
Towne. l • 'e►k
The Misses Hazel and Verna Moore,
of 1Vinghatn, are visiting with friends
in town• guests of Misses lino Sweet
and Eel b Davis.
The following is the list of candi-
dates passed by the board of examin-
ers for West Huron, with the marks
obtained by each candidate. A card
giving the marks is each subject has
been sent to each pupil. The certifi-
cates will be sent to the teachers be-
fore the beginning of the fall term,
The candidates from a number of
schools bad not covered the work pre-
scribed in composition and geography,
hence they considered these papers
too difficult. The arithmetic, being
ruore practical and complex than
usual, required a wider knowledge of
the work than many possessed. These
difficulties are a hint to teachers and
pupils that only thorough preparation
will insure success.
That some knew the work will be
seen from the highest marks obtained
in each subject, which are as follows:
Reading -- Eva Somerville, Mary
Tom, 46.
Writing -Napoleon Gravelle. .13
Spelling -Lillie Rowe, 50.
Literature -Flossie McClure b'9.
Arithmetic - Walter Buchanan,
Napoleon Gravelle, Wm. \Veisntiller
Geography -Win. Weisniiller 83
Grammar -Alto McDonald, Pearl
Treitz 86.
Composition - Lulu Gaiser, Roy
Fair 93.
Total -Walter Buchanan, 522.
Rahe• Woods 450, Margaret Parker
425, K innifred McNeil 300.
Iva Essery 398, Mary Hanlon 415,
Adrian Coughlin 395, Maxwell Bayn-
bam 395, Frank Handford 435.
Lulu Gaiser 513, Pearl Treitz 505,
Alnteada Finkbeiner 495, Emitters'
Fahner 43'0, Alfred Wuerth 395, Rus-
sell Andrews 395, Ernest Appleton 402.
DAs1( woof)
Leslie Goetz 428, Chester Gaiser 390,
Wilbur Graybiel 398, Aldo Hartleib
395, Cora Schroeder 410.
George Case 478, Cora Allen 300,
Melvin Glen 393, Lorne Young 390.
Latimer Grieve 428, Wallace Fuke
399, Wilfred Stewart 451, Minnie Jew-
ell 407, Lillie Rowe 402,' Blanche At-
kinson 409, Lillian Boyle 390, Lily
Frayne 435, Annie Jackson 402, Lloyd
Rivers 414, Harry Fuke 474. Reginald
Knight 390, Harry Sweet 391, Clair
Wood 415, Chester Harvey 302, Ray-
mond Dearing 400, Cecil Pickard 390,
Elmo Howey 456, Earl' aouthcott 390.
Lloyd Steacy 435, Roy Brandt 302,
Albert Cudmore 394, Florin Welsh 417
Will Weismiller 470. Will Glenn 391,
Ben Hoggarth 431, Vercey Geiger 394,
Blanche Beek 393, Bertha Welsh 392,
Pearl Brown 424, Mary Hobkirk 452,
Norma Ferguson 463, Anna Moir 427.
Alfred Bender 390, Norman Truem-
ner 419.
No 1, Kathleen Sutherland 300, Mur-
iel Johnston 390; No. 8, Flossie Mc -
Clare 470, Eva Weston 490, Jessie
Weston 300, Irene Harrison 402,
No. 3, Sophia Farquhar 300, Annie
Cochrane 300, Robin McAllister 390,
No. 12, Nene Schilbie 410.
No. 4, (North) Leonard Sparks 3113,
Fred Watson 392, No, 4 (South)Lillian
Stevens 498, Minnie Talbot 390, No. 5,
Maggie Lamont 470, Milton Johnston
390; No 9, Thos J Sherritt 477, Gordon
A Manson 397,Florence H Capling 447,
Mary J G Douglas 414; No. 10, Ethel
Collins 300; No 1:3, Agnes Johnston
405, Florence Clark :390; No. 14, Janet
Logan 416, Herbert Jones 304, John %V
Kehl 398.
No. 1, Gifford Hogarth 410; No. 2,
Pbilomeme Coughlin 424; No. :3, Ada
Willis 418. Gordon Sanders 390, Gladys
Dearing 406, Sherman Willis 300,
Florence Triebner 390; No 4, Beulah
Smith 40S, Herbert Wein 426, Leonard
Schroeder :390: No. 6, Milton Ratz :#MI;
No. 6, (Separate School) Basil Sullivan
439, Jaynes Hall 42.3, Charles Glavin
390, Clare Glavin 390; No. R. Ware
Oliver 406, Lawrence Carriere 405.
t'snoltNE TV.
No. 1, Nellie Rowcliffe 411, Harry
Dougall 4:1, Jennie Strang :3i3: No. 2,
Mary Darch 1:32, Maggie Hunkin 475,
Garnet Passmore 405; No. 5, Zoe Sill-
ery 429, Myrtle Moodie 441, Hazel
Bissett 392; No. 6. Mary Cornish 448,
Nella Heywood 392, Roy Fair 482: No.
7, Ernest Penrice 427: No. 10, Mary
McQueen 407.
Oonsitt 'H P('itLIC BCHOOL.
Marjorie Aitken 454, Allena Clark
397, Fanny Cox 404, Ida Currie 4Rti,
Charlotte Cuff 445, Reta Dinsmore 417,
Clerk's Notice of First
Posting of Voters' List,
Municipality of the Village of
Exeter, County of Huron.
NOTICE is hereby `igen that i have transmitted
or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section• $
and 9 of "The Voter, list Act- the copies required
by the said section tol<.o transmitted or delivered
of the list made purntant to saM act. of all persona
appearing by the last revised Aeseswnent Roll of the
said Municipalit • to be entified to vote in the said
Municipality at Elections for members of the LegieIa
tive Assembly and at Municipal Election•, and that
said list was first posted up at my office at Main
street, Exeter• on the 8th day of )uly of 191e, and
remains there for inspection,
Merton are called upon to examine the said
List, and it any omission or other errors an found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the
said errors corrected s. -cording to law.
Cleft of the said Municipality
Dated this )nth dos ct July, 1906.
Mabel Howard 412. Marjorie Moore
306, Alto Macdonald 476, Hielen Prid-
hant 430, Blanche de Peudry 123, Lillie
Ramsey 428, Mildred Rywau 400, Eva
Somerville 517, Mary Tout 495, Iris
Warnock 430, Beatrice Wells 431, Vel-
ma Willson 411, Sadie Wilson 421,
Clara Young 470, Clarence Armitage
407, Walter Buchanan 522, Harry Col-
borne 441), Edward Cowan 42.0, Eddie
Dietrich 472, Eric Hawkins 421, Hope -
town Mitchell 450, Fred Robertson
4:37, Itoy Sharman -133, Edgar Swartz
451, Ben Shaw 154, Harry Tufford 437.
(.ODEItICII sr:valiant SCHOOL.
Ellis Dodge 417, Napoleon Gravel)
495, Mary Hurley 451, Marjorie Kell
427, Veronica Hood 479.
We give below the names of the suc-
cessful candidates who wrote on the
recent Entrance Examination at Clin-
HON('RF-Ray Cantelon, Edna La -
vis, Marjorie Manning, Elgin Mason,
Dell Miller, Edgar Torrance, Bessie L.
Pass- Ertua Andrews, Violet Barge,
Fern Beacom, Lizzie Bedard, Flossie
Brown, Homer Cantelon, Willie Cart-
er, 1Vellington Cook, Retta Cook,
Fred Cutler, Pearl Finch, Mary L.
Flynn, Mary J. Glauzier. Russel Har-
land, Cyril Hoare. Mary A. Jackson,
Elva Johnson, Elsner Kerr, Leslie
Lawson, Vera Lobb, Win. McGregor,
Geo. McKenzie. Willie Miller, Irene
Miller, Helenas Middleton, Percy Mun-
'tings, Beulah Nesbitt, Clauson O'Neil,
Stuart Paisley, Effie Pickett, Mary
Reynolds, Nellie Robinson, Fred Runt -
ball, James Smillie, Fred Tymjall,
Annie Walker, Ruth Walkinshaw,
IVilmer Wallis, Frank 1Villiams.
ATION, 1908.
This examination takes the place of
the public school leaving examination
which was discontinued sotne years
ago. The papers for the public school
graduation examination are the sante
as for the entrance to the model
schools examination. The subjects
are elementary science, algebra and
geometry, English composition and
writing, geography, arithmetic and
mensuration, spelling, English litera-
ture, English grammar. history, art
and bookkeeping. ME last two sub-
jects were optional for 1908, but must
be taken in future.
This king the first year of this ex-
aminati the pass mark is 50 per
cent. of the total and 25 per cent. on
each paper. For those taking art and
bookkeeping the pass is 525 marks,
but those making 425 marks on the
other subjects are passed this year.
Thirty-eight candidates wrote. The
following were successful:
Mildred Braun 5:53, Raymond Cough-
lin 588, Ray Hill 671, Edith Hill 725,
Reta Kienzle 027, Howard Meadd 686,
Elvin McMurray 697, Gertie Short 718,
Garnet Sweitzer 791.
Beatrice Gray bei 530, Violet Gray-
beil 720, Leon Kellerman 016, Pearl
Willert 038.
PASS -42.5.
Ethel Case 402, Vera Durnin 531,
Ethel Glenn 014, Pearl McKenzie 514,
Roy Medd 482, Irene Oliver 426, Clara
Sproul 427, Janie Stothers 426, Edith
Treleaven 431, Bert Wiggins 505.
Nortnan Kellerman 420.
Jean Grassick 401, Sara Petty 428,
W. B. Willson 425.
No. 0,-Stephen;E, Butchart 425.
Union No. 1-Leonar.i Mcllwain 445.
No. 4 -Jennie Cluff 494, Minnie
Shackleton 529; No. 16 -Myra Durnin
Exeter Council
Friday, July 17th, Multi.
The Council of the Village of Exeter
met in the Town Hall. Members pre-
sent were Reeve Bobier, Councillors
Johns, Fuke and Knight.
The minutes of the meeting held on
the 3rd of July were read and approv-
Communications were read from
Messrs. Nesbitt, (iauld k Dickson,
Solicitors for the W. A. Gihh Com-
pany Estate, re payment of moneys
voted by this Municipality.
Also a letter from the County Clerk
of the County of Huron, with notice
of the County Rate chargeable against
this Municipality for 194.8 -the same
being $914.95.
Johns -Knight --That the W. A.
Gibb Company's I3y-law, as now being
discussed, and formally carried by the
votes of this Municipality, be taken
as read a second and third time and
was finally paased, the Reeve and
Clerk signing the same and the Seal
of the Corporation fixed thereto; also,
that the Clerk have the same, with
the agreement, properly regietered.-
Ca rried.
The following accounts were read
and approved: --Thos. ilartnnll, part
payment on drain contract, $50,00;
Jno. Ford, labor, $1.50: Silas Hand-
ford, do 57.00; Rd. Davis, do, $4,25;
Wm. Sweet, do, 75c; Geo. Atkinson,
do, fl2c; W. J. Bissett, screw nails, 30c;
Queen City Oil Co'y, gasoline. $17.27;
Jos. Senior, per express, alk; Thos.
White. 2 weeks' et. watering, $28.40:
Measre. Taylor and Sanders. part pay-
ment on contract, $,3i1) OI*; Saxon Fit-
ton, winding and repairs to Town
('lock, for the year. $25.(Nh T. Haw-
kins & Son. ass. cemetery, 52.20; R.
The New Stoi'e
G. Seldon, cement, $3.118; Cheste
Stanlake, labor at cetnett't v. $32.25
Fred Wells. do, $31.:.11; A. 1). Davis
glass and placing the saute, Cemetery
acc., 1i12.0M(; Jin, Cottle, flowers fo
Cemetery, $20.18; H. Spackman, hard
ware ace., amounting to $540.211; pass
ed on motion of Knight and Johns. -
Thos. Ilartnoll was allowed 75 cts
each for five extra connections made
into drain and $1.00 for removal o
cinders in front of W. Kuntz' proper
tyFuke-Knight-That the Reeve and
Treasurer be empowered to borrow
Thousand Dollars. to the credit
of the Municipality for current ex-
penditure. -Can ied.
Knight -Johns --That the Executot
of the Estate of the W. A. Gibb Corn-
pany. Hamilton, be paid $500.00, less
the amount as provided in the Agree-
ment and By -law. -Carried,
Per A. E. Fuke-Adjournment.
t' 7'Avi.ou-HATrsat-At the Trivitt
• Memorial Church Rectory, on July
15th, by Rev. 1). W. Collins, Dir.
William Taylor, of Centralia, to Miss
r Mary Hatter, of Exeter.
1 'ORKMAN--M(•1ILi..tN-At the rec.
- , tory, Clinton, on July 15th, Eliza-
beth Georgina McMillan, of Godes-
• icb. formerly of Colborne, to George
Ralph Edwin Wm kilted, of Trenton,
formerly of Stanley township.
CAMERON -1U Hayfield, ou July 11th,
Harry. son of Mr. Alex. Cameron,
aged 18 years.
' BItAI'ND-In Brantford on July 17th,
the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L.
• Braind, Aged 10 months.
Vt NlcoL-In Hibbert, on July 15, Jas.
E. McNicol, aged 30 years, 4 months
and 15 days.
KELLAND-In Blanchard, COIL 1, on
July 10th, Mary Elva, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelland, aged 0
years, 5 months, and 6 days.
SADDENED IioatE.-The home (tf
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelland, of the 1st
Concession of Blansbard, has been
saddened by that unwelcome visitor --
Death -removing front its midst their
youngest daughter, Mary Elva, wh-r
passed away on Sunday last, at the
age of 9 years, 5 months and 0 days.
Scarcely 3 weeks ago the little Clower
of the family was stricken down with
a severe type of typhoid fever and
despite all the loving care and medical
attendance she succumbed to its dead-
ly grip. Of a gentle and most amiable
disposition, this bright little girl en-
deared herself to young and old and
was a general favorite with all. She
will he tnost missed by the sadly be-
reaved household, of which she was
the pet. The funeral took place to
the Kirkton Cemetery Tuesday. The
parents and fancily have the profound
sympathy of all.
LINDEIR-in Clinton. on July 15th, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. Linder, a son,
HOGAN-In McGillivray, on Friday,
July 10th, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Hogan. a son.
Bu/ETT-On Sunday, July 19tb, at
Crediton, the wife of C. K. Bluett,
of a daughter.
FOSTER -At the Babylon Line. ilav,
on the 11th inst., to Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Foster, a son.
DIHJARDiNR-At Grand Bend on July
0th, to Mr, and Mrs.Max. Disjardine
a 80n.
COOKBON-In Exeter, on July 12th, to
Mr. and Mrs. T. Cookson, a son.
EYLE8-JACQI EST -At the Baptist
Parsonage, on July Oth, by Rev. Jos.
Janes, William H. Eyles. to Eliza-
beth Jacquest, both of St. Marys.
WIN(, -In Shipka,on July 15th,Henry
Wing, aged 16 years:
Nt1 KLEs-At Grand Bend, on July
Sth, Susie, daughter of Mr. and Mre.
Walter Nickles, aged 4 years, 2
months, 12 days.
HAnAN-In Varna, on Saturday, July
11tb, 1908, Arthur Hagan, aged 30
ANDERSON -In St. Matvs, on Friday,
July 10th, Elizabeth Anderson.
ROBERTS-Lt St. Marys, on July 10tb,
Elizabeth Loucb, relict of the late
Thomas G. Roberts, aged 50 years, 7
months, 10 (lays.
r...Jaaa41.AsArk &
Quince and Almond Cream
Removes Tan,Sunburn,Itednes,
and Makes the Skin as Soft as
Silk. Just the article to take
with you on your vacation.
Large Bottles 25 cents.
Talcum Powders, Perfumes, etc.
Phonographs, Records, etc.
3 DAYS LEFT to guess on the
Grapbphone and other prizes
shown in the window.
4 See Our New Cards This Week l k
L Wntch Window. Can.Exp.Bld
Groceries and
Boots & Shoes
Having leased the premises two doors north of the
Post Office, Exeter, and put in a complete stock of up -to date
Boots and Shoes and a choice line of Groceries, I desire to in-
form the Public of the same and to solicit a shale of the
business of' the people of Exeter and vicinity.
I aim to keep nothing but the best of goods and you
may feel assured that you will be pleased with the way you
will be treated when in this store.
Call and give us a trial, and be convinced thatt what
we say we do.
T. J. Wilson - Exeter
Two doors north of Post Office
Clean, Sweet Milk !
The easy way to get it is to use
Wyandotte Dairyman's Cleaner
and Cleaners on your Separator, Tina,
Churn, Floors. Cans, Etc.
All Creameries and Dairymen Use It !
A 5 lb. Package for 25c.
Gold Medal, 650 feet to lb., 14c
Silver Sheaf, 600 66
Ply. Special, 500 6 6 9 1-2c
It pays to use Plymouth Twines
Owen Sound and Portland Cement
for walls, silos, etc.