HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-16, Page 7SEVEN KILLED IN COLLISION Two Passenger Trains Met Head-on Near Medicine Hat. A despatkh from Medicine Ilat says: Seven killed and many injured is the te•rbto result of a head-on collision be - tweet the Sp' ken flyer and tho Crows Nest pasi•enger train, which cocurrrd on Thursday morning at the crossing rat fruit(:s brickyard, near herq.• Tho dead Orr: -Jas. Nicholson, engineer; !limited Gray, fireman; At ch ambult, baggageman; Duncan • lcEaehetn, pas- senger from Bow Island; James Shaw, pass tiger from Bow Island. Ser:ou_•ly hurt-ilobert Try they, engineer; Conduc- tor etaltatio, Leouara Black, brakes- Inan. Tho collision occurred when the trains were going at a high rate of speed. The kcal passenger pulled out of the yards at 8 o'clock and the conduct r had or- ders to meet the s'eukano fly r at (See - ridge. 1e - ridge. The passenger was running intra that town. when, without a moment's warring, tho Seokane flyer appeared around an abrupt curve and in an tn- skuil a cloud of steam tulJ tho tato of tho awful collision. The injured wore hurr•iod to the hospital, whc.•e Engin- eer 'I\wolrey died a few hours later. lrakt'sutan iBlack is in a precarious oondit!on and will probably die. The cause of the collision is not definitely known. Pa stingers \I•.Eachern and Black, two well-known Wren, were sit- t'ng together in Iho passenger coach when the •i::ains came together. They were found eying later and only lived a short tine. Baggrgeman Archimhalt was killed when the cars telescoped. Several passengers had miraculous es- capes, THE OtIItY IN1)l:sTI1Y. More of the Product Reim Used at Home -Big Figures. A despatch front Ottawa says: Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Dominion Dairy Comoi..s- s:onor, Fate evidence beforo the Commit- tee on Agriculture on \Vt'clnesday re- garding the progress made by the dairy- ir,g industry of the iknninion. Ile ex- FIa:nod that the reduction in exports of dairy produce was attributable t) the tatee'y increased home consumption. Mr. litxdtl ck gave figures furnished by ilio census department to show that be- tween 1900 and 1907 the vahte of cream- ery butter, chose, milk and condensed milk produced in Canada grew from $29.200.000 to $35.450.000. 7'h,annual value to the country of all Canadian dairy pre:duc's was about $91,000.000. Ten years ag ► (hero was no condensed milk produced in Canada; now there are Several faelori.•s with an output valued at nearly one million dollars. - - 'A CI11\1:-1: 1)11 t .oN AWAKES. Oriental \ferehanls to Eslablhh Big Stcraut'.hip Line. A San Frnneis •o oeseatell says: Tak- ing advantage ( f Iho bey0 At declared h; China again -.t Japan, the represent- Iratives of a syndicate of Chinese capi- Ialist.s are on board the liner Siberia on th) way to San Francesco) to make i►reparations to establish a $12.000,000 steamship line between China and Frisco. Tire syndicate will not only tarn 1!n es hctw(rat ports, but will establish a system of river routes and by ging (small boats will drain all the shipping of the country into transpacific ves=els. Sir Lang Chan Doon, the former Min- ister to Atner:ca. who was Knighted by Queen Victoria, is the leading figure in otvateii ng`:e Chinese dragon. Ile or - rim ,' 1.1 the yndieak, which includes s Iii•• •'f the hi hest officials g of ('ltlna. 11 tllVt.ST IN M.1\- 1'10B t. Chartres Ten to One in Fatetr of a Very Heavy field. .1 t:eApnleh teen Montreal says: At C I'.1), Leadquarteis Irk f,iitowing stal.'- .1 nt regarding the western crop was , even out by \Ir. C. M. ib swarth, on NV. 4Ine,(day:-"Advices fr.'m Weln`peg ate that rho chances are ten to one in furor of an except:onaly heavy yield; one of the (4141 -time hnr%e-t, .n Nein tt• ba June is the colic/11 month, and precipitation in June was etervtl:inte that could b.• desired. The lona ! • 1 of cloudy %tenther has hnd the re- e.. . giving except! ,nal toot to tie r end %%hat is new w shtvd for in lh, 3s !rot. dry eeatter during the r• e • n , der of July awl in the month of Ane .-t. A Irl\t: IN THE (:III:ESE. Woman Gets One North SIAM for Isheen Cents. A 0. ze ie -h f• it It•.t nnfi N. 1.. -h 1_t 11 - . . 1: .r.,'I ,•l . e;.'w. 11 e. i:!. t\.:'::: . t ll• • - 1. :l i\ .• 11'(1111 (t►sl0:I;Or• • n '1'11. •d •\. \ tea, h• ars 'Iter the weenie' re a i,•.1 to the se. • .• • :.ked \Ir. NV.•!. r f he had 1 e.1 ring. Ile sae! "No," f..r l.• ' ,•• r owned one. Then the wo- r• , e 1 a ring. set with lhnee 1 - n whish she tad waive et .1 11 1!:e cheese he had oil., be.. '1 • rt wee very happy rim{ bold t!.•• • •.'r her 111141 wonbl ennbk,i her b , meet,' wnentien. 'i•he ring STABBED A JUDGE. Res (tan's Attempt to Assassinate Presi- dent of APpeal Court. A despatch from St. Pekreburg says: \1. Dokracieninkoff, Pi'e klent of the Geist of Appeal at St. I'etcisburg, who was passing through the Petrozavosdss, was the victan of an attempted assas- ;inaton Oar \V.vintsday. Ito was see'l- <mily' 'wounded by a knife stab in the cbest. His assailant is a 'evolutionary workman. Trial of the people accusal of l:kaw:ng up Premier Stolypin's house in A.ptekaskt Ostrof and robbing the State Bank of 400.000 roubles began on Wednestay. Among the forty-four pri- soners were five young girls belonging to familiar and high functiennries, the Princes; Michetzka and Miles, Klirn ff, Alarkoff, Souhinoff and Entiilaroff. '1'l:e trial is exreckd do last ten days. 44 QI EREC'S SURPLUS. S. Treesur er %Vrir s Estimate of a elillion Dollars lvuely Exceeded. A tlespnteh from M tttreal says: come erne ago Zion. W. A. \\'eir. 1'eoericiat Treasurer, pre.lic'od a surplus of $1,- G00,000 for this year. Tho fiscal year ended June 30. After ,paying all ordin- ary coal --'t a u•dinary expenditures for the pee e. including items that are sou; ! • • barged to capital account, end eft• : i , .Ing $50.00 of $100,000 vot- ed for ih • Quebec Ter entenary, the whole of w. i h could k-g:t tentely have loon hell • • ei the foie:wing year. and after s. it :11, up a number of back obligations, 'a1 : 't hats•'wen left In au - s; ensu from pervious years, them still r<mains a sum of several thousands in eyed s of the round million, with some further collections yet to be made. \VIII: IT CROi' .11101T twit t ;E. Report of Condition by the United i).'ates tgrpculturnf Detetelmenl. A deep:.tcti from Washington says: Siring wh.-nt average condition 89.4 ter cont. of normal. 87.2 a year ago, S7.6 ten year, a\crage. NVinter wheat rtt tomeet harvest, 80.6 or Cent, 78.3 a year ago. 80.2 for kn year:, /torn 82.8 Tel cent.. i0J.2 n year ago. 85.6 for len pais. edit cern aceag.• setinti'0J at l .9141.000, an increase of 1'.l per cent. from last year. This Was the Agriculttu•- nl IH•I,arlme,rte pity r••;-ert ntin•;wiced on Weill' sJay. for: •n averag- (41 s5.7 per (eat.. -1 . lr, ten year *sage 87.5. \:: . • : wheat remain- s_ • 11 farms Jt.:y 1 \. •i.5.:3 1 er cent. of ear's crop. (quivaknt t.' 33,797,000 1 i .sso. >i• CBE 1T INION STOCK 1'1 1111),4. 1 lirre leg Railroads trip 1 uilr :at INin- niIaetJ. 1 •le;nnlch from \\"nniprg • , • lent has been on foot h. • • tone past I., establish a 11112: • , tnt'.I, backed by the lite o_e r ', • re' A,: ociaton. It wise trivet] its (pi slug on Thursday by the un - n :ur•ccnk ;It of Mr. Whyte of tee C. P. 11 to the 4ff4e"t that his company, to ether with Ih.e C. N. R. and G. T. 1'.. were preparing ti bui'tt rind maintain great union yards as so n as the pro- J.cl roulil bo waked out. in \elect' small shirtless; a would have Ih• it int: r- ecf.; fully safeguarded in the matter .,f charges. This is regredcd ns rise la''.8! intpnrt'rn' cin^•11)n'elti•11ts ter. f.• t•ng the 1 w,• I.! ; t' y. JUSTICE IN THE FAR YIIKO 1 Russian Murderer Captured by Mounted ti Police and Convicted in Short Order. A •! 1 h from Ottawa cit s The t'L \ .:heed Mounted i'olee execute e,, justice in the Yukon. On June 8: east word was received in Dawson that a iltio0an name! Elf rs shot mei killed a compeller, named 11. rgman lw.'lte mils 1.'.•w 5.4ktrk, rend also w( un -t..1 are t'. r . • •anion name' An- d. •'- ". I'• •r•i In I', :maim tee raptly s; 1 • .1 11 , nee .n i ursuit of I:'fors. on -erred h m the following day. On 1 \ ('o•: nt••-''er \Vh t•' r•-v'ived n ,e feint • ',; \V. -ls of 1) tt n statute Ilei! Ettore hail tarn n. t e1 and senten(.'d 1•• be hinged eve lh.( bur 6th. The capture of the prix- tier, the la•tal an.l the • nt' tie•' was :hue • ifoctest with n (me rat nth • 1 the c r 111". But. tliotth the \I amidst 1'•-L•0 in the Yukon err e'o.ng rat,'.t effective work. le.rnueosionter \\'.e,(1 write; that in view 4.' Pio influx td hundreds of g'atlthitt-s. d!s• uiu4 %+omen. profesai(4nal labor air - taws and f'reignets of Iho koweAt and n:. 81 igror ant tyt e, from :\1n-k:a an 1 other (tilted Slats peels. ire t. eco• at l:is disposal is atingeth, r 1- o .Mall to 1114' •t the demands made iii, nit. The whole role, tont' of the Yuke,u Terri• tory now consrs of •only 7e. of whom 1 ut 41 are available for actual teethe cork. rHE WORLD'S MARKETS RI:pOIiTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of (rattle, Grain, Cites, *DJ Other Dairy Produce at How* and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. 'reroute, July re -Ontario Wheat - No. ? white, red or mixed, 78o 10 790. Mull tile Wheal-\lurhet quolst•nrs at G.'orgian 13ay. poi le, No. 1 northern, $1.07X; No. 2 northern, $1.01%; No. 3 uvrl.hern, $1.0t%. Corn --No. 2 yellow, higher at 81c to 82c outside. Oats -Ontario, No. 2 white, 42e to 430, outside; No. 2, mixed, 42e; ,Manitoba No. 2, 42c lake loris; rejects, 37c lake putts. Barley --.No. 2, 53c to 55c. 1'ca3--No. 2 quiet, nominally quoted al 9t} . I1ye-Stip. 2. n no offering; quotations aLout tt5C'. Ru" kwheat - No. 2 nominally quoted 65c to 68c. Bran -Quote I at $15 to $IG in bulk outside; shorts. $20 to $21; quotations foe de livery in bags *2 mare. Flour - Manitoba patents, special brands, $6; seconds. $5.40; strong bak- <rs', $5.30; winter wheu4 patent; sling at $3.10. COUN'T'RY I'ItODUCf:. Buller -Creamery, prnts, 23c to 21e; creamery, solids, 22c 4► 23e; dairy prints, choice, 21c to 22c; dairy pr.nts, ordin- ary, 200 to 21c; dairy tubs, 19.: to 20c; interior, 1Gc to 17c. Eggs--New-laid aro quoted at 18c to 20c rear dozen in case Cheese --Local wholesale.dcalc:s' quo- tations aro 13c for large and 13Xc for twins. honey -New strained is 10c per pound. Boons -Primps. $2 to $2.10; handpick- ed, $2.10 to $2.15. Potatces-Okl OntarIos are worth 81.- 10 1:10 to $1.20 per bag. and new Americans 31 in car lots un track here. PROV (SONS. Pork -Short cut, $23 to $23.50 per bar- rel; mess, $18.50 to $19. Lard Tierces, 12e; tubs, 12Xc; pails, 12%c. Smoked anti Dry Salted Moats -Long clear bacon, 11c to llXe, tons and cas- es; tants, mediwn and light. 14%c to 15c; hams, large, 12Xe to 13c; Lacks, 170 to 17%c; shou'ders, 10c to 10Xc; ro1Ls, 10: to 10%e; breakfast bacon, 15c to 15%c; green meats, out of pickle, lc less than mauled. MONTREAL MARKETS, M nitrcal, July 14. -Flour -Manitoba s .ring wheat patents, 86.10 to 36.20; sec- ond patents, 35.50 to 85.70: winter what patents, 35 to 35.50; straight rol- lers, 34.25 to $4.50: in bags, 31.95 to 82.10; extra, 31.50 to $1.70. Itolkd Oats -$2.75 ire bam of 90 pounds. Oats -No. 2, 49c to 50e; No. 3. 46c to 463,41; No. 4, 45c to 4534c; rejected, 44c, Manitoba rejected, 46o to 4634c. Cornmeal -,,41.7:, to 31.85 per bag. Millfoed. -Ontario brn, in bags, 820.- 50 to $21.50; shorts. $2:3 lo $21; Mande - ha bran, in bags, $22 lel $23; shorts, $24 te, $25. Provis"ons-phis short cul moss pork, 323.50; half bai rts, $11.50; clear hit backs, $23; dry salt long clear backs. Ile; b::rrels plate beet, 317.50; half tenets do., 89; ccanl'ound lard. 8?,c to 9Xc; pure lard, 12%e to 13'; kettle rend•r.d, 13.. to 13340; hams, 12%e to 14e, aceerd- Ina lo s•ze: breakfast leucon. Il: to 15e; \Vn'ds►r bricon, 15e t, Ire; fresh killed alntlol-dressed hogs, 89.75; live, $7 to 87.25. Ch e.se-\Veeterns qn' 1•d at 11, c to 124, and enseons at 11';•: to 1t%e. Rutter-lenest creamery, 23c to 23%c in round tots and 24c to grocers. I;ggw-.`;niers of selected stock were tnai•lc al 22c; No. 1 at 19e. and No. 2 at I6:: per dozen. UNITED STATESM. MARKETS. ihdfulo. July 14 - \Vheat - Spring st: onger; No. 1 Not thorn carloads. • ..re, $1.15X; \Winter firm; No. 2. red, Corn -weak; No. 3. yel'ow, 7831e; \ e 3. corn, 76 to 76%e; No. 3, white, ',••',•'. Oats -easier; No. 2. white, 58c; • 3. while, 56340. Barley --Feed to ►noel( ng, 68 to 72•:. flye-N•,. 2 on track, kik'; Cana: freight', wheat 5c to Nevt YO: k. \I men p4,1 s, Jul;: If -Wheat -July, $1.141%; Soieenit,ri•. 92Xe; No. 1 hard, 81.11%; No. 1 Northern. $1.12%; No. 2 Nor tl:ern. $1.10;4; N ,. 3 Northern, *le (WOO Four -Firer patents, $5.40 to 85.- er), second patent:, 35.30 to $5.45; Aral • war, $4.35 t. 31.45; sc en41 cleats. 83.- te 33.641. Bran -In Bulk. 318.50. \I \Vis., July l4. -Wheal-- \•.. 1 \ :rte n. $1.15 '0 $1.16: N. 2 \•.. t ,.: n. SI I:' t•) $1.11; September, 1 1. .1. I lye,_ -No. 1. 75 to 7'1, . \.). 2. 86c; sample, 55 1.7 . 1 • rr \o. 3 cash. 71 to 72'; hid. f, . u J t 1 i \\•! , nf_--N,,. I her 1. .• i.;',. \ . 1 \ r rtt. $1.124,: No. 2 e :••eee 81.40, Jar y. 31.00; September, \•• Y. ek, July 14. --Shot firm: No. 2 1, '07. to 9,'i•+ r'erator: No. 2 net, 99e L' ;Ire e. f.o.b. all.at; No. 1 nrthern. Ila 11'h. 81.19% 1r1.h. itflonl; N. 2 hard \w nt••r. 81.013. f.o.b. afloat. (:1TTI.!•; MARKET. Teo -mire J•:'•, 11. --There is .Mill it ►r.• d floosie' 1 1 n ..1 butcher Cnn is a' price,•- .1ezire ni $1.75 to $5.3.5. (h e •. r. t I. high til 83.75 1.) fee,. 1 e • •111114 n, , 4V. ane straw and \ 1 inane .1•.o2kert an. on the t rad the range of prig's 's wide. fr.oti 5_.:':• !• r light up to as (nigh as 3:1.75 1• ; 1.. ,•• V. She11, 4111.1 lambs are steady. Calves are 1 erh:ips n Mlle firmer. 111 :y►ik est the large rim 4,1 h••gs, the price' of them was up to 86.5. fed and entered off (ori. Toronto, lino in in- slati•r,, higier prices than then' +were pad for sots of extra choice q'ani ty. The men ah.) nag like a millionaire 11 n bluffer, for a milUnna le r ever acla that way. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS Flt011 ALL OVER TIIE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Ott n and Other (:ouneies of Recent Events. CANADA. New streets in Thteo Rivers aro to bo 66 foot wide. Land on Yonge street, Toronto, sold for more than 35,000 per !cot. H. Chautlx'rs was drowned at Port Sanditold by his canoe upsetting. Tito C. P. 13. will establish Y. M. C. A. branches at divisional points. Twenty new freight cars aro being turned out daily for the G. T. 1'. The G. T. P will carry grain from Ed- rucnton to \Vinnipeg this fall. The C. P. It. are beginning their cam- paign for 25,010 harvesters fur the west. It is said British capitalists aro ii go- •tiating for the purchaso of the 'Tilbury oil fields. There is an enormous growth in the number of students at the University of Toronto. Tho Hudson's Bay Railway will be .l.uitt without delay, says Hon. G. P. Graham. A four -roomed addition is to bo built at Orillia Collegiate Institute as a cost of $10.000. Port Arthur Board of 'Trade has pro- senkd a flag to lite new C. P. R. lake Ener Assinahoia, Chas. M. tiny, will increase the facili- ties of the G. 1'. R. for handling rnitk in Montreal, Wards 3 and 4 of London show an inccaso of 1,181 population, and an in- crease of $456,665 in assossrnent• \\'indsor keeps up its reputation ns the Gretna Green of Canada by 672 mar- riages for the first half of the year. impeder Duncan, Met of tho City Detective Department, Toronto, is to be enc of tee personal guards of the Prince of Wales at Quebec. Senator G. \\'. floss wants the law to compel boys with tobacco to d:scloso where they purchased it in order tel prosecute the seller. A 'Montreal merchant is suing the city far ids fire loser, alleging that ilio bri- gade was inefficient and did not take the proper stops in fighting Ilse fire. The immigration Department. is ac - lively engaged in turning hack undesir- able immigrants from the United States who aro driven to seek work in the Do- minion. Evidence given before the special committee at Ottawa showed that hall a million more would have completed 11x' Quebec bridge had the disaster not token place. A militia order has been issued per- mitting civil .servants 10 attend the military camps of instruction without any deduction of limo from their regu- Icer holidays. GREAT BRiTAIN.���. Tho third reading of the old-nge pen- sion bill passed the British Commons. Tiio lersitenia, on her first day out from Queenstown, sai'oJ 613 miles, breaking all previous reoords. The second reading of the bill giving an eight-hour day to miners within five years has passed rho Brltsh Commons. The June statement of the British fc•ard of Trade shrove decrease; of £8,- 316.000 8;316.000 in imports and .020,789,500 in ex- perte. The rico and fall of the British tuner` ick craze is shown by the fact that from July to December, 1907, 10,881.000 six - Fenny postal orders were issued, while This year the number is wider halt a million. UNITED STATES. James Hart was arrested at Shreps- le ad Bay for betting a dinner on a re suit of a race. Jaynes Hayes, a \1'estlnghouso em- ploye at Stamford, Con., is alive after a shock of 11.000 volts. Pour children and the father of two of teem were kilted rear i.os Angeles by on eleclr:c car striking their wag- gon. Judge Gary of the United Slates Steed Corporation says that the Iron and sleet 1419inela has been bettor the Inst fort- night. One hundri d wealthy lumbermen In Slates of rho south and middle west rare planning to form a merger with a cape lel of 8300.000.000. Nathan Levine, n youth of twenty. cr•nfosscd to the N.•w York Police that he had robbed nearly every Aral -class hotel in the city. \Villiam Roiman, a Now ibrk jewel- ler. has ordered a house to be built at long Island that will revolve like it railway turntable. New England ninnute-turrrs have pro - 10041 again=( Ihe n -e of khaki rLt't of British manufacture for lite un forms of United States se,l.liers, GFNEIIAI.. A revolution has broken out in Bo republic of Iloieluras. (;ennnn ()Wets on nctive service to wear sworrla. Niearnllun is teeru ling nn army 1n•l tiendurna in her light against revolt'. 1 otter . Wily a themon 1 /'• rean.e have Iron murdered by (. r• .n In.siirgents In the last keit' months. The Ituss'an \I n -t r of F nonce %will preemie% float another loan of $230.000. - Ore in the autumn. esteem one hundred nn41 one hue- dtrJ and fifty iero•ons were killed .n tee Pnr•auihtynn rex .I itt. Ii. 'I't•e Seita refeieedunt to proh let the til:rnufnctum mil .rale of absinthe ear - real by 811.000 m.aj, rity. Fu,'nch taxpayers toed not diseloee their private nea,unts when income tax tis asmrrtts am weight. Ten workmen were killed in fit. Pel- er•sburu on 'I'hurolay to the (ottefss., of the roof of a build.ne in course uf con. ..triell an. Three Annnmile orncerl have bon he. hen•I('d al Hanoi. (loch n Cline, for n,rnpliCil% 111 a plot to fro son Iho French garrison. are 4, .•.• am P...pke 85424' n lot of valuable time in foo'ish argunucnta. GREAT FIRE IN EAST BOSTON Loss a Million and a Half, Mostly Upon Boston and Albany Railroad. A despatch from Boston, Mass., says: Fanned by a brisk north wind, a (ire, lol'.oved to have been caused by spate tnneotrs combust:an or a locomotive spark, swept nearly a quarter of a nae of the harbor front of East Boston late or. \Vednesday, causing a properly loss estimated at nearly 81.500,000. i11u1h of the lees (ails upon dho Boston & At- bany Railroad. Daniel Sullivan, a watchman at the Cunard Liner pier, 1s missing. and it is feared that he per- kohed in the flames, • Wednesday's fire was the most ele- st.ructive) that has occurred along the harbor front In many years. The flames spread with remarkable rapidity, and by the time the 11:st. firo•1Zghting ap- paratus arrived the flee was beyond ciitrol and leaping from pier 4.o pier. Witten a half-hour after tho first burst of llamas was discovered four veers, three warel:ousis, a gran elevator con- (atn ng 30,000 bushels of grain and many loaded freight cars, had horn do- stt oyod. Srv:rat t•.ssels and lighters narrowly escaped destruction. Tho big Leyland I.ine steamer Devonian was moored al one of the piers which was destroyed, but the craft was warped out into the tslr•eun wat:out susta ring any damage. Les fortunate was the l arquo Belmont of Yarmouth, N. S. The Ikhnont wus moored by the pier where the tiro Wart- ed. and by the time the vessel was moved to a place of safety her super- structure uperstructure and riggin • had been preen - catty destroyed. The fire -masted schoon- er Paul Patriot and the four-n)asltd - schoener 0. 11. Brown were considarab. ly damaged. The fire started at 1.L5 p.m. in a watt Itottse on phr No. 1 filled with combust- tb:e material such as Egyptian cotton and oil. A hundred Ialorers were at work on the pier at the ante, and with all of thein it was a race for lite. SIIIPPING OF MONTREAL. The fort Makes a New Tonnage Record This Year. A despatch from Montreal says: Mont- real harbor has merle a new record in tho tonnage of seagoing vessels. The number which have atrl•id in port up to July 1 Is 246, representing a tonnage ce 655,155, or an inereasia of twenty- eight ccs -els and 79.467 ten; over 1907. This beats all records exc„pting in 1905, when the total number of vessels up to July 1 tens 253, representing a tonnage of 602,185. this being only an increesc of :oven vessels, hut a decrease of 52.- 970 in tonnage. Since the o,ening of navigation for tl:o present seas)n the revenue reoeivcd by the harbor commis- sioners of alontrorl has amounted to 390.710, as aguinst. $76.697 for last. year, or an increase of 314,013. In the past throw years the harbor has been deep- ened five feel. This improvement has helped to being larger vessels to the port. 4e -- BIG CO.1i. PROPERTY SALE. . Netdtiations for Purchase of British eolunrbia Areas. A despatch from Victoria, i1. C., says: I. is learned on exoollent aulhor.ty that r.egotiations for one of Ito larges) (I as ever put through on \'uncouvcr Island are now in progress, the o;inplotion of which will mean the Ipass'lfg of Ott ex- tensive ooal inky .'s controlled by Hon. Jane; Di'.n-rnn+r :til) the i diets of John Arbuthnot, ox -\l i., i• of \\ : t, peg, and a number of :sew York (reit noires, of wham Luke Wishart is one. The amount involved Is upward of 35.000,- 000. 5.000:000. Mr. Dunsmuir has a gnifled his willingness to sell and only the questlen M tome remains to be Fettled. The Wellington oollierie.s, which Dunsmulr °entrels. embrace large sltipp ng mines near Ladysmith and Cumberland, where the majority of vessels plying on the cast f111 their bunkers. PUSHING NORTII11''.110 FAST. The People's 11aidaay Will Soon be Finished. A despnt•h frau '1. 'onto says: The steel has been laid across tee DriftW.x:d River on the 'i'em'skaming & Northern Ontario Railway to a 'point within tterty miloa 41 the juneton with the National Trartscont n. ntol linilway. The bridge across the Driftwood, one of rho most difficult pieces of work In connect:on With the extension of the railway, tuns completed on the •lIh of July. Tho lay- ing of the steel. which is now down to a point 218 voiles north of .North Bray, en I.Iw Ins' s• clion of the road, will be a:rnmeno d on the 1311) of next month. KILLED (:1111.1) \\ 1111 SCISSORS. N.ailross In \Ions. Jaw Hotel Commies Crime While Insane. A despatch from Meets! Jaw, Snsk., says: 111 a t(nllornry fit ot.•insnn:tv, on Tteelay nflein'nn, \Ivry Galbraith, a waitress in the Genniercial Hetet, look the lite of her new hewn chili with a 1511011 pair of embmklery fc as es. The y4 ung woman is it daughter of .\r drew Gitibinilh. a (Rotor of this.Iistrict, ark) formerly of Seafurlh, Ontario. Mise Gaabra.lh is Low In the hospital. and has ben formally pin a1 undo: arrest. \\'E.11'ONS WERE ISI POLNDED. italiain Laborers in Nett Itrrrnswick UFs- termed of (runs and Kutwes. A despatch front St. John, N. I3., says( In consequence of recent murders, Now Brunswick authorities dreidol to disarm all Italians coming to work on the Grand Trunk Pacific. On Tuesday a party of sixty were searched and tho ocnstabks secured enough knives and revolvers to equip an infantry company. The Italians serenuousty objected, but were oven., e. el' 01111.11 CRIMINALS. An :Alarming Increase in the Number In New fork. A despa'ch from N• w York says: A0s cording to the rop.mt issued by Pollee Ceinmis,ioncr Bingham, the increase in crimo among 1he children of the great- er city is alarming. So far this year 2,860 children under slxlo.'n pens of age have been arrested, ngu nsl 1,725 last year. The number of boys and girls from sixteen Flu twenty years reached the tial last yoar of 2.319, while so far Iles year 6,133 have boon arrested. e4 K11.1.1:11 I1 ' HAYFORK. Little .son .ol \1r. Oliver Burton of Vaughan Stabbed in Breast. A dtspat:1i from Woodbridge rays: A fatal ace:dont occurred en Thursday on the farm of Mr. Oliver Burton. tenth ounce -son. l o1 No. 1, Vaug'ian tu\wnship. \Ville loading hay his li'tt son, six, years 01,1, was on the ween:►. '1'110 horse started suddenly, (overbalancing the hared titan. As It f A the f rk plerc- e'•! tho child's breast. Ile deed shortly after. t 51041117 FOIA 111)1.1) 1.1' TOWN. Pest so Rad In New Westintn th•r That Mills Close herrn. . A despatch, from Vano,uver. R. C., says: A dense cloud of mosquit -.'.•• has swept. into New Westminster and taken p•ss--ssl•,n of the town. So serous a matter ha; the lost lemma flint the men at some of the lumber trills on tho Fraser (fiver were driven out by the stinging husk, and the milli have been obl'ge.l to shut down tent f.orartly. At Cloverdale a baby was se badly bitten that its life is so:•ieusly endangered. 111101' LEITER 1:It It VIE. Will Probably tyro Into I:Ilect on First of Next Month. A 414s;utt h from Ottawa mays: The drop teller rate of one cent an ounce wilt probably go fat, eft of in the cities of Canada on August first. LACOR SAVI.\(I DEVICE:3. "Do you know, Sam, that :t tnan day not have to do as much work now as h: did ton years ago?' "Yes. soh. 1 know it. sate; wh}•. 1's teen married nearly eight years, soh! NEEDS NERVE. "\\'gull advise me to go into pol:lees?' "Young man.' answered Senator Soo ghum. "the mere fact Ih:tl you ate so 111 dO.t as 4) es'1 adeSte abet°. it proves that y.,u aro unlit for the professi•,o.'' A WELL -DIGGER'S ESCAPE Cooped in Narrow Space by Suspended Horse --Climbed Out Just in Time. :1 despatch Iran Saskalsan, Sask., way's: Ifarol l Brae:o'. of \lo'o'n, had a en=tllonn1 coolie from eppa...MI:, in- evitalble detlh at the 1r,lton, • 1 n 15 -foot \tell. \teeth he one digin_. ort Need - nes 'ay. eed-nes'ay. 11:s hr :herr Jim w•1: k 0 'in lee! surface, and Breve the horse whleh tire \V top 1 h h111 k• Is .,1 earth. Teel h r e 1'r.,..44 beret 10 manage. :,rad en- Inngl•vl Re If n t',(' ronin n t r ear, wh••ro uplift it b- ck, I tet are:, th • n 011th 1 the %vett. en wen ng f• ur fog 111 411• ;meats. Jim ^Juni: 'o Or. nremat'. hole, Intl 11 alfpred over• the I r nk 1 r luatf is length, wirer.. It hung su pen d0.1 by p,r,r• Irma of the hnrncs+ a• •1 rune ng gear. Hearing hs ins Ih. is rh•.uts above, :.nd %tor:le l by lite amid. n 01141ruct on 01 the light. the loon at the toyer1 •'1 the w. II t0 .kr 1 lip qu ckly. It••n tz n1 h 3 p; r 1. le• tion; e l lits pick 011 eti) .amt cr..u• I1•1 1111.,lr ,t. tl0;entst to war.( •'1 the h,ILne lee -0. 11 • lben manag .1 (Atoll I!'e I':' k• 1. t%1-01) \t .n7 rat (• cele 1141 '11. •:11 111 a ,t% ell 1. ' m C.;1111"1 up Ih • to e. rat 'her • • cr itehel by n aueden try t 1 1 ,r. 11•' 1 ;( a::►e•I the t., • • !h• leenes- art tear h.'A•ng the sa+e ttnw. r►r, 1 fee ininral (e'1 t 1 • 'taken of 11). wed. 1