HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-16, Page 3( MRS.FRANK STROEBE A Remarkable Recovery. Mr.s. Frank St.roebe, R. F. D. 1, Apple- ton, Wis., wales: "l began using Poruna u few met'h' sco, when my health and strength were n!1 gone, arid I was no- thing by a n"rtettts wreck, could not sleep, eat cr rest properly. and febt no des.re. to live. Peruna made me look at life in a different light, es 1 began to regan my lest strength. "I cella th nk Peruna t w•ihout a rival as a tonic and strength builder" WILSON'S FLY PADS Every packet will kill more tllesthan 800 sheets of sticky paper — SOLD BY — DRUCCISTS, GROCERS AMC GENERAL STORES tOa per packet, or packets for 25o. will last a whole season. SNAKES 1 NDER THE FLOOR. Little Mountain Girl Spoiled the Salo of a Virginian Cabin. A woman librarian tel:s the tale:— "Last summer I was down in tho mountain of Virginia at one of the many 'sweet spr.ngs; once a (emus wa'ertng place for 'de quality. One rnorrOng io ley rambles 1 found a most delightful log cabin cuzay to ked away on a ledge. with a view that I knew wculd inspire mo to grander, better th nes. There was a big living room, a kit, hen rind two bedrooms, a porch Lung in wild, sweet honeysuckle, a well and even an old-fashioned fire- place that 1 irnmeaiately saw with blaz- ng logs wh n 1 should hold house par- ties in my m ,unta!n home. I enquired and found 1 could buy the cabin for 8,400, and was dcterm:ncd to own it be - Ore the sun set behind the big blue western mountain. 1 went back to prowl around it once more. "As 1 came around to the back door 1 saw a little mountain girl in blue gngham dress and pink sunbonnet sit- ting there. 'Howdy,' she drawled in the nwunta r accent. 'flow de you do, lithe .gti; do you live near here?' '1'essum, wee -ails live up in that air house tip yondah. Do you -all live h •re?' 'No.' 1 said, 'but it is a pretty place. is it not? 'Yessurn, we-nll did leve here onct.' 'Ohl you did, and what made you move?' 1 asked idly. 'Cop- perlieaits,' she said. looking interested. 'There's a nest of copperheads under the stone in that air the place and the taster y• u -all kills 'ern the fleeter they -all ce.mea. I'll bet paw killed 400 snakes that wriggled up oukr that floor.' "The 'For Sale, Cheap sign stilt hangs on my little mountain cabin." $r— TIIE MIGHT OF NATURE. !to the other. And the intnsity of that O.•nvulsrve c•lecir.c:il ene: gy v.brated on rend cn through the ether until it reach- ed our earth, paralyzing that artll' al':y produced currents, and for a chert l.me rendering the telegraphic wires in many diztrieta alt •gether us.•less. And Ihern. th • stylar disturbance subs.d ng, U.e nor- mal condition of the currant here below was rapidly re-established. But how difficult it is to realize that He wtho first called into existence this. nighty and potent force, Who even cre- ated the great fiery orb where, for our solar spt•m, it is generated and evolv- ed, was none other than the Saviour of Lite world, who, in order t; restore us to Divine favor, resigned for a tilno Ifs majesty and g:cry, and by living a kite of penury and suffering her: below, and hon by giving Its life for us, bort, as t.ui Substitute, the punishment due to u:•. And all who Dome to flim for par- Uen and life will be made inheritora of Il:s kingdom. illy A. hanker.) Year atter year the tremendous forces 01Nature are more and more being re, qu stioned and harnessed Ing., our eer- y ce. That 'nighty and potent energy, elec!rldt.v, fe r instance, vhf=h in the curlier days of the present gcnerat:on tv. - i•racReally unapplied, is now, nol- o .1 t• ver ctittitefr-mcthe earth and aro a't rulispensab'c necessity of civilization. It world apir ar that t h . place of a ri- gor wl.en'e tho el.ctri.'ity of ties plan- et and of its titnxcpht re is derived is the Mn. For when n severe electric stone lakes place moo that luminary the e'e.lricity of the earth is more or The finest teen gee n the world is the shine.," of gtiu:,ty u...1 '.n prepar- ini "S:o ., • Tea. Sold only in scaled k...! 1 ,...e .3. less coral • I. ly disorganized. Such a 'storm" road a few years ago; so e.•t.:.• r o v•olent that for a brief 1' ; t ' r aptly was wholly thrown it t • ds ide• r. An enormous rift or chaser, ke • e 'p nuts ro pr found that a minter . ' globes cquel in 8.7.0 to that t th s eiU'11 could have hen reheat in- t it, war rent in the brazing photosphere cf the _un. (gatee; flames e f incen- c:escent metallic valers and othc. gases Sege.' era gyrated in fiery hutr.canes of angry Paine. a very whiilprx.1 cot pal - pita! ret weld-fl'e. new vibrnt ng in throtsi ani convulsive puLnte ns from side to adc; now, as though ejected by some tremendous internal eonvubbion, Plat ng vertically upwards a hundred mites Int' space, or now fair a rrwluent F..e .t into comparative quetude. [ e inidet el all this orgasm el fire r: ' b.•wever an unusual condition of r : e e.1 ,inn:ear)•—a flash of light so 1 . y t e).4 and dazzling that it far td the :o'er photosphere in bril- iY rt v and in s; k ndor, pul•ated across t e da•k chawn---da;•k, tr weever, only t y cc lel ar .ecn, far fin appre en ly black oinsi-;1 is really me to tr.1!:ant thin any 1 hht. other than a:ec:r c ly, which we tan prolure— Win) arta s.de cf the ohasm BACHELORS MUST CHOOSE. Annual Marriage Ntart at village of Eraussincs, Belgium. The marriageable spinsters of the vil- lage of E'aussines, Belgium, have com- pleted their arrangements for the an- nual n- nurnl 1.1e-helor party. They held a meeting the other day at which letters were read from the late meniters of the Spinsters' Executive Grmrnitt_e, who have recently rts'gued cn account of their having found hus- bands at the last party. The bacillar guests will Le rece.vcd at the gates of the town by a• reception conunilt o compe•s'd of the f?retliest et the mer. iag •ab'.e sp n -t r.<. The new pees:dent of the associrttun (the late pre - latent having nlarr:o1 two months ago) will deliver an reldre1s of welcome, which will Le r -spoil:led lo by a bathe - Then the bachelors will be esoortcd around the town by the rece,•ticn cone in torte. After the promenade, during h it the visitors will be given a fair ! p rtunity to inspect the charms of !lc spinsters, a concert will he Oren the public park. Tho band will play nothing but nuptial marches and love songs. At sunset a dinner will be "served in the town hall, the bachelors and spin- sters occupying nit•rnate seals. Any b•:cb:olor who w'shes to sit beside a 1 ar- ticular spinster 'nay do so. A ball wail PA ow, and it is expected that the usual number of engagements wilt be an- nounced befnro the evening is over. It has len decided this year to allow young ladles of neighboring villages to cone and make their choice at Ecaus- sines. SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL LITTLE ONES At tine fist signs of unites during the he' %%entire' months give the little ones Baby's Own Tablets, or in a few hours the child may be beyond cure. These Tab'ots will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally to well children, and will promptly cure these troubles if they come unexpectedly. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in every borne where there aro young children. There is no other medicine so effective and the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that the 'I'abletsaro absolutely safe. Mrs. E. Lefurn, Caril- lon, Que., says:— "Baby's Own Tablets ere the best medicine 1 know of for re- gulating the stomach and towels. I think 110 mother should Le without this nledicine." Sold by med:cino dealers or Ly mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. 'i• Tommy—"Pop, a man's wife is his balker --half, isn t she?' Tommy's Pop— "co Wte' are told, my son." "So if a man marries twice there isn t anything lett of hint, is there?" Worms cause fevertshneere moaning and restlessness during sleep. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is pleasant, sure and effectual. 11 your dnrtrg'st has rcne in stock, get him to procure it for you. 4' I II.IICi:D A Russ4111 Revetlietfonary's Marvellous Escape. 'fete lemarknble case cf a man mined Lust, oho was kilt• nc•'d to death for taking part in 1110 r, vett in the Baltic Plovrnt'cs in 1905 crone lrfore the Ape teal Court of 11.0 Senate al et. I'eler8- burg tecent'y. Lu -1 wno taken out for exccut . n. and twelve bullets from the rifles of fho flr- lig !arty leased lhr'e,ugil lis body, Mach was 1e ft lying where it fell. By a miraree the wounds were not m rinl. and Lust crawled away elle' t':e lir leg party hnd left the place of exc- ct,tie.n. Ile found refuge in a but 'n wh ell Bret an old woman. who nursed hen back to henllh. When at last he was ab'e to leave ttie but he had the misfortune to be immedi- ately ree'oy.n'znl and rearrested. The court of justice Lenore which he was Liken sentenced hien to two years' ire. pri.'aontnent, but in view of hs expert- cr.ces deeded to appeal to the Emperor ler n pardon. The S.,nnte Appetit Ccurt, hew. ye r. has refs std to al'ow• the pre- sentation of the pelilien to the Czar. and Lust, who to extremely weak and in a etnte d ncervoug exhaust on. will have t i serve 1he sant• n•.e. TNV ISSUE NO. 28--N. Food Oji Products Libby's Cooked Corned Beef There's a big differ- ence between just corned beef --the kind sold in bulk—and Libby's Cooked Corned Beef. The difference is in the taste, quality of meat and natural flavor. Every fiber of the meat of Libby's Cooked Corned Beet is evenly and mildly cured, cooked scientifically and carefully packed in Libby's Great White Kitchen It forms an appetiz- ing dish, rich in food value and makes a sum- mer meal that satisfies. For Quick Serving:— Libby's Cooked Corn- ed Beef, cut into thin slices. Arrange on a platter and garnish with Libby's Chow Chow: A tempting dish for luncheon,dinner,supper Write for free bookie t–•11oto to M..kr Oeod Moto to Ent." lifts) on Libby's et your dealers. Libby. McNeill i Libby, Chicago NOT QUALIFIED. "Do you want a boy?' asked the small :ad in the doorway of the big oflice. "Yes," mplicd the broker sternly, "i want a boy who is honest to the core.' "To de core! Gee, less, you don't want a bay, you want an apple." Something :More Than a Purgative.— To purge is the only effect of many pills now on the market. Parrnelces Vegetable Pills are more than a purga- tive. They strengthen the stomach, where other pills weaken it. They cknneo the blood by regulating the liver and kidneys, and they stimulate where other pill compounds depress. Nothing of an injurious nature, used for merely purgative powers, enters into their com- position. GREAT EVENT. ley once more pules the household, And bants':es all grief; Al lust that pesky rubber plant Has started a new !earl N a dog bites you don't be +elite. Rathe the wound with water and corer it with .t cl...th on which Weaver's Cerate has been freely epprest. 'fhe cerate relieves the pails caused by tks stint ut ineects. Mr's. '1'e I L—"You should begin early. The only way to train a husband pro- perly is to commence the minute you ale merited." Miss Fitt.—"Wasn't it proly hard breakingJohnin? ile always seems to want his own way." Mrs. Telllt—"Oh, John's different. 1 was al- ways per teeily satisllod w th John." For the Overworked.—Whet are the causes of despondency and melancholy? A disor•tdered liver is one cause and n prime one. A disordered liver means a disordered stomach, and a disordered stomach means dlstltrbanco of the mav- ens system. Th's brings the whole body into subjection and the victim (eels sick all over. Pnrnlelee's Vegetable fills are a recognized remedy in this state and relief will follow their use. lack --"Yee; 1 had a retie balance In the bank, but I tecame engaged lw•o menthe ago. end now—" Tom—"Ah. love makes the noted go round." Jack —"Yes: but 1 didn't think it would go roun ! o fust as to cause me to ktse my baler. A. R. BICKERSTAFF & CO., Stooks, Bonds and Debentures. Cobalt and all Mining and 011 Stooks Of Canada and United States. Ord"re e[er it.+d with pn raptness. Cor»e• pondence eolictte t 121_ ter 211 Traders dank Witting, Toronto. Qat. Phone ?Iain a 9. MADE. HIMSELF SO. Rnekk•tz—"1 caller h sto Braswy last (genitor but 1.e wasn't at home." Subl•ules--"Oh! yes he was." Backlotz—"Oi nee, he wasn't." Subbuta--"Rut i tell )ou he Wee-+ — very much at home. Ile mono1w,l.zed the hammock on our porch all even, ing GETTING EVF.N. "Fxcure nae, sir." remonetratcd the tad terrier. "but Use- are several deep serakt cls in this coin." ',well, we ate even. clef short,' laughed the twanie ful Fallen. "There are els) several deep scratches in my chin." Fiat Physician—"So the written was Just in the nick of time?" Second Phys c nn- "1'cs: In anther twenty-four Lours the patttnt would have recovered without 16" ReD Ci1utoI.%Tr BtTIONS. Coal of. Fraud l'a'ter 't as freer lied N Ith Nourishineeit. A "fast ng-uian." w ho did n..: fast, 1•. s been Pounced upon by the police !n V:erina, and sentenced to a term of ntprsonnient. tog!Iii.r with a "watch- . r." who w as his acoomplico in defraud - .11g the public. 'Thi plan adopted was a.mple, yet very ingenious. The allege.' fast`.ng-man wore many striking coats, which he clanged :eteral tuner daily. Bef•:ro Itis -o were intr'odueei into the "hung. r h .uee," they were regularly offered to the speetak rs for examination. but none ever detected anything cd.ble. in, en. or about then, until a baby accidentally get hold of orae, and commenced suck- ing at a button, with every sign of evi- e'ent enjoyment. This led to closer investg'it'on, when it otos discovered that. chocolate. and not brown bone, as had been supi•osed, form. d the material from which the but- ton; in queston were made. Similar frauds are not uncommon at these senseless exh:bifons. One fav- orite device is to drink large draughts of water, in which a quantity of caster sugar has been previously d:ssoh', d. In this way a pound or more of nourishing kotl is talon into the system daily. Another plan was made public ow - mg to a county court case, which was t',eard some time bark in East London. The "fasting -man' in this instance, it transpired, had boon fed from outside the build;ng, by means of a concealed tube, with real turtle soup, beef ex- tract, chicken broth, custard, milk, cream, port wine jelly, and other simi- lar liquid luxuries. NOT NECESSARY. Mrs. Noselgh—Jane, you haven't wash- ed the front windows in over a week. Jane--No'm. 1 didn't think it neces- sary since the neighbors across the street moved away. IiAVE YOU STARTED To compete for the SEVEN HUNDRED CASII PRIZE offered by the ORANGE MEAT people? To those sending in the k rgest numter of carton bottoms before May 31, 1909. they offer FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR DIMING LIFE.or a CASA PRIZE OF SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. Ask your grocer for particulars a t• send postcard to ORANGE atF.AT, Kin-- s'on, and receive full in'ormatfon. '1'I.o only complete and perfect :cod is milk. Token with ORANGE MEAT. which is wade o1 the whole wheat, they produce the most evenly -balanced Icon the hu- man subject can soeure. PARDONABLE. "Please, God, 's -.use me," said a visit, ing tot of four. whose hostess (ailed to prompt her 1n her even'ng hetiton. "1 can't remember my prayers, and Pm slaying with a lady who don't know any." Is there anything more annoying than huv:ng your corn stepped upon? Is there arything more delightful than getting rid of it? Holloway's Corn Cure will do it. Try it and be convinced. FIRE IN WOOL SI111'S. The IAN y of flres on wool -carry- ing ships within the past two years has Ltd to an iuvestigot on by it New Zea- land royal conuuission, whose report, recently published, indicates that spon- teecous cxemburdion is responsible far the nvsehief. Experiment% in an Au- stralian faekiry showed that while the surface) temperature of a heap 01 wool was only 87 degrees, at a depth of 3 feet the temperature was 000 degrees, and the ula,a was chat reel and smolder- ing. The cause of the heat is ascribed to the presence of a great amount of tallow, which readily oxidizes. The ex- periments indicated That wool contain- ing only ordinary wool fat, with ►:o tal- k w from the fat of the animal, is nut sul. jcct to spontaneous combustion. "My coma's oold," sternly announced the gruff old g.nlliman to his fair wait- ress. "Put your hal on," she sweetly suggested. BRUTAL. Mr. Juste:ott—"Why, what aro you crying about, dear?" Mrs. Jus'oott—"Oh, George! Tho mice have got into the pantry and eaten up a beautiful &sherd pie I made myself!" Mr. Justcoll.—"There, there! Don't cry over a few little mice!" When going away from home, or at any change of habitat, he is a wise man who numbers among his belongings a tc4tle of J. D. Kelloftg's Dysentery Cor- d al. Change of food and water insome strange place where there aro no doo- ters may bring on an attack of dysen- tery. Ile then has a standard remedy at hand with which to cope with thedis- order, and forearmed he can sl:cues+fully right the ailment and subdue it. Jerry—iW'e funny (+b•ntt the elephant, isn't it, ma? :Na—What's funny, Jerry?, Je rry—Why. don't you sec. Ile wags 1 his front tail mor'n he docs the other'n. A Quick Recovery from Pever and all slot. nese i• always the ease when "F.•rrovitn" the best tnnr le use,' It tntlds 1t strengthen., 11 gives now life. 117 it. 111GHE.S'I' AUTIIOlirtl. Farmer n(nrgily)--'.Say, who gave you permishun t' fish an this p end " Enp'ok--"\Vhy, my wife, of course. What a silly gcoslionl" To Know is to Prevent.—If the miners who work in cold water most of thedag would rub their feet and lege with Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil they woukl escapo earscular rheumntLsrn and render their nether Iimhe proof against the 111 ef- fects of exposure to the cold. These set- ting mit for mining regions would do well to provide themselves with a sup- ply before starling. PRACTICAL iLI.USTRATIOt\. Slutb—"Who is that in the next yard, Martha?' Rhes. Sluhlr--"Why, that is Brown and his young wife beating the carpet in meson." Mr. Stubb—"Ah, i see. Two hearts that beat as one,' ell?" TROUBLE. Non ,.So you like Archie, do you a:w nos thought hint just the !east bit (f( Ill nate. Fan—Welt, he's certainly a good deal were lady eke than yo.i are, Black Watch Chtiving Tobacco m0 A new sensation. A real pieasure. The big black plu g. • 1 Mr. Alred Brown, of Merritoo, Ont. says t—" For sit ,ears 1 have not known what it was to be free fr,en pain. No one ever suffered more from itching bleeding Pies than I di l and 1 tried everything to get cured lout failed. One .!ay a Mend of mine who tad been cured wttb Zang -Dui' gav. m• a part cf a boa to uy, and the relief 1 tot was marv.do.s. I thee° bought a impel y and be'ere 112,3 seed lr oil was completely cured." Wee druggist* and stores, see. AM— = UK P1 !i - a AOENTS WANTED. A reliable man In every olty and town in Canada with waterworks to sell a patent toilet. needed in every' home. lintel and public building. Sells at eight. Hustlers can and are making 45.00 a day. µ'rite at once I •r particulars. Ow. T. Crile, Owen Suuud, Ontario. 1GREY NAIR A DISEASE COLORATOR is Ibis only»parade. t re►lIT restvns army on Pimp MAIR to 1t' orlglul calor. All A:y fiats, S1 n. Contid.lstial advt.e R*,en. Addreea. THE OOLORATOR CORPORATION div King 12. Weal, Tomato. VICTOR - BERLINER GRAMOPNONES All prices and styles from $12 40 to $240. «'rite fur free catalogue. DEPT. D TORONTO GRIMOPNONE COMPANY. 264 Yong. Street, Toronto, Agents wanted in every town. If Every Farmer Knew bow much money he mould Save by timing a yalrback. Morse Jack -of -all- Irides Gasoline En- gine to saw wood. pump water, grind teed, do., w• would nut be able t•' supply USA demaut. CO this ad. out and send to u, to -day, and we will sunt you our free catalogue. Name Address The Canadian Falrbaelks Co., Limited, Toronto, On$ Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. PANCO For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. 5o CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Paiigo Company, Toronto WHor.ESAL.E LYMAN 111105. R CO., Toronto and Montreal; I.Y\t eN KNOX CLAitKSON, Toronto; N.VIIONat, DRUG CO., l.t.ndon. A A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for cash, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. MANUFACTURERS INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FIND Ideal Manufacturing Premises IN TRUTH BUILDING Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RENTALS, IN...LUDINt1 Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance. Most Central Location. Four Large Freight Elevators. S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73•SI Adelaide St., West Ili THE • Larder Ciiy Cold Mines LIMITED (Nn Personal t.tnhlit)) Authorized Capital, - $4,000,000.00 1NRii f 1 fleck Arthur Dinn's, Centre ! r. Pre:ttlent. A. 8.W1itmere.Mgr. Hoare a E'ectr.oand rre.tertten Co.,v:oe-Prc.ldent. prod. Armstreng. G ntratL,r, Soca Trea ur.r. F. H. Ile rtxrt, Ar. h t es. J. C. H•.ltby, G,nteactor. (Norge Duthie, Sr., tont; actor. J. 11. Tighe, Mina'. BANKERS. The Crown Bank, Toron o. AUDITOR. Henry Barber, Toronto. The properly Inns°sty► of 25 lO-acre Claims imrrNl'r.tcly nctjo!n!ng the now lemon.: HARRIS MAXWELL„ and upon U.e same ate. wit of develop- ment should prevo . qua!ly ea good. tf0.tt00 shares ate row off. reel too the publ'0 at 15 cents per share. Do net !os. this (0l.DI;N OPi'OHi UNITY of laved:ng in one of the moat prom - Long eeepert.es In Pae datrl t. Fcr full Fart cuters tri ly to HENRY F. DARRELL, - FISCAL AGENT, No. 8 Colborne Street, Toronto.