HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-16, Page 140c to JAN. '09 NOW Is THE '11ME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE anti get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates Uot Wedding Invitations In ''.. , on f; 1'..` 1'h.• 1 1 \1 t .and 1 i 1 t 1't The Advocate Ofiice,.Exeter TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. 111441114.1111 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1908. SAN DERS & CREECH The Old Reliable AR You Will Travelliug l If you are going away for a few (lays or a few weeks to send your vacation it will pay you to call on us and get equipped with all your Travelling Necessities. We are chowing a handsome variety of Travelling Goods. Trunks, Suit Cases, Hand -Bags, Vacation Clothing, Hats, ... Footwear, .. . Ever; tLing you will need to make your Summer Outing a pleasant one. Come in and look our stock of Travelling goods over. You will surely find things that you will require. We are sure our prices will please you. Highest price paid for produce --Butter 19c. Eggs 17c. CARLING BROS. Long Gloves at Reduced Prices LADIES' SILK GLOVES (18 in.) in Tans, Browns, Cream, White and Black. Superior Quality. Regular $1.00 Glove for 89c. LADIES' LACE (.LOVES (18 in. long) in Cream or White, Fine Quality, will wash and wear well. Regular price 00c -for 40c. LADIES' LISLE GLOVES (1S inch.) in Cream or White; Excellent Wearing Quality. Regular price 00c -for 48c. Ladies' Silk and Leather Belts SILK BELTS in Grey, Brown. Blue and Black. Pretty Styles. Good Qual- ity. Regular price 50c -for 38c. LEATHER BELTS in Brown, Blue, Grey and Black -with Fancy Buckles. Regular price 38c -on sale at 25c. 12 1-2 ct. Bleached Cotton for 10e FINE EVEN THREAD BLEACH COTTON, 30 inches wide. Good Value at 12c. Selling for 10c. Embroideries, reduced 1-3. BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FINE CAMBRIC AND MUSLIN EMBROIDERIES -all widths. One special line we are clearing at 4c per yard. Every piece reduced j in priee. $1.26 Umbrellas on Sale at 98c. Torcli5n and Val. Laces clearing out at Wholesale Price. Muslins, in colored and white, clearing out at Cost Price. SNELL & ROWE Professional Cards. 0. T. ROt'ISTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Member of the R C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor G raduate of Toronto Cnhersity. OTIICE; O. er Dickson A Carling's Law Orli(e, In De. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN. I. D. 8., D. D. 8.. �Ir000r graduate of Toronto Univ units. bothDENTIST, eth eatrect.d without any pain, or any but effects Me over (Redman & Stanbury�'s office, Main street B iota. 0 c Medical DR. T. 1'. MtLAUGHLtN the resumed practice after spending a year (Col- lege) et British and Continental hospitals. General practice with special attention to Eye. (with refrac- tion) Ear, Nose and Throat. Otlh•e: Dashaood, Ont. — Legal. Eit1^[SOH a CARLINO, BARRISTER& SOLICi• tore. Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioner*. ctters for Moleons Bank. etc. Mosey to Loma at lowest rates of Interest. Offt es, Hain street. Exeter, 1. 21 Callum., R A., L H. DMCaio, -- MOW To LOAN. We have a targe amount of private funds to loan • farm and . itl.ge properties at to. rates of inter eft. OLADMAN & STANItURY. Barristers, Solicitots,Maiu st.. Eaetet On B. S. PHILLIPS, Ex1ti'TEIt. Llces*ed Asctioseer. Sales attended parte. Satisfaction guaran- teed or no par Te t reasonable. All orders left at Advo, ate bffi'e wi be promptly attended to. William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal inrorporated Society of Mori- sans, England: Organist of Tri. itt Memorial nue h,F.veter Piano. Organ, harmony and Theory of Moroi•%, Terms cn application. Exeter, Ont. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. House For Sale. la the villasa of Exeter, situated on SImcoe street. a frame dwelling, 1 Morita kitchen and woodshed. stable. good well one fifth acre of land. Alt In good rendition. Will be gold tearonable. Apply at this office. Cottage to Rent. A frame cottage. in good repair. and at reasonable rental. Apply at this office. F CAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. Suceeuor to Da. RA>fast, 'pedal Attention to Dentisty. Nutt sae Left at the home of Mr. Peter Baader) Main street, (opp Trftitt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Office—Dr. Ramsy's old stand, corner of Main and North etrtete, (opp. Pym's Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solkited. House to Rent in Elimville The undersigned is offering to rent his frame dwelling in Elim. ille, with 1.5 acre of land. hard and soft water and a number of fruit trees on the premises. For particular, apply to JOSH VA JOHNS, or the undersigned. WM. SLEMON. Representative Wanted For Exeter and vicinity. Good live hustler can make good money during season selling our line. Apply to TIIE FORD MOTOR co. of Canada, Limit• ed, Walkeryille, Ontario. House and Land for Sale. The undersigned is offering for ,ale his house and land on lluron Street Eaal. The house is of frame and is in good repair. The land consist. of Ili octet) In good condition. Gond water -hard and tort. Good stable. Some good fruit trees, etc. Ponies. tion given now of to the fall. Apply at the home of Abraham Dearing, Jr., Simco. Street. W11. 8. BAKER. For Sale. Good frame dwelling house and stable, Iota Nos. 120, 141 and 122, en is. South Side of the Lake Road, Exeter, Ontario, the proparty of the late William Hoskin. For parti. Wars apply to RICHARD iIOSKiN, Kirkton, MRA JOHN Mel.AUGIILIN, Exeter, MOSES AMY, Stephen Tpt., Executor,, or to OI.ADM.AN ,t sTANBt'RV, Barristers, Exeter COWS FOR SALE. Two new milch cows. Good grade cowl. Apply to F. CONLIN, Centralia. Sexton Wanted. For theTrirttt Memorial ('hur; h. Lube. to com menet at once. State salary. Apply to J. J. KNIGHT THOMAS HAWKINS, Church Warden,. FARM TO LET. l.nt 19. Neth Boundary Township of Stephen, • a -res. For particulars apply to Jas. Atkinson, Exeter Mervin. son of James Collingwood, .•f Hamilton. formerly of town, while in the yard on Saturday fell and broke his arm below the elbow. Mrs. Col- lingwood. who lins been ill. is able to be around again. Mr. Collingwood recently received word that he was en- titled to A lot in Nwaygo for adding a line to a .tante in a Limerick Contest. London Conservatory Exams Baseball. The following are the names of some of the successful candidates who pass- ed the recent examinations of the Lon- don Conservatory. The names are ar- ranged alphabetically and not accord- ing to nr.u•ka: SENIOR ARTISTS P1ANAFORTIs'. Jean Galbraith, A.L.C.M., St. Marys: Vera Thorne, A.L.C.M., Mitchell. INTERMEDIATE PIANOFORTE. R. Hill, Mitchell; A. McLean, M. Pickell, V. Paterson, St. Marys; E. Plumstell, Clinton; N. Robinson, Ailsa Craig; E. Wilts., Clinton; E. White, L. Yungblut, Hensall. All took first class honors. JUNIolt PIANOFORTE. E. Ellwood, Brinsley; L. Green, Bay- field; L. Jervis, Clinton; R. Jarrott, Hensall; B. Leslie, H. Meggs, Parkhill; I. Rennie. Hensall; all took first class honors. Honor's -L. Geiser, Crediton. PRIMARY PIANO. A. Burnett, Lucan; P. Chowen, Mit- chell; M. Crawford, Ailsa Craig; A. Malton. H. Ferguson, Mitchell; J. Hamilton, Seaforth; R. Ilueston, Wy- oming; D. Isaac, L. Isaac, Lucan; N. Julian, Petrolea; C. Lewis, Clande- boye; E. Lobb, Clinton; N. Miller. Hen- sall; N. McMillan, Parkhill; M. Poole, F. Richards, 111. Routley, St. Marys; M. Shanahan. G. Walker, Clinton; all the above got first-class honors. Honors -L. Bawden, Lucan; M. Ca- sey, B. Farrant. Mitchell; R. Hill. Clin- ton; W. Pruter, W. Steffen, E. War- dell, Mitchell; INTERMEDIATE PRACTICAL. HARMONY. First class honors -E. Richardson. St. Marys. Honors -A. Waring, St. Marys. INTERMEDIATE COCNTERPOINT. First class honors -E. Richardson, St. Marys. Honors -A. Waring, St. Marys. MUSICAL FORM. Fit'at chills honors -E. Richardson, St. Marys; V. Thorne, Mitchell; A. Waring, St. Marys. JUNI01t COUNTERPOINT. First class honors -K. Leslie, L. Routley, A, McLean, St. Marys. JUNIOR HISTORY. Honors -S. McLagan, Mitchell. PRIMARY PRA('TICAi. HARMONY. First class honors -E. Rennie, Hen- sall Honors -E. Plumate!), Clinton. PlustARY RCDIMENTS. Honors -M. Farrant, Mitchell. Pass -G. Chowen, Clinton; W. Stef- fen, Mitchell. Bray A quiet but very pretty wedding ceremony was celebrated recently, when Miss Agnes Dick. daughter of Thomas Dick of Hay township, and William 11. Thompson. of the 2nd con. of the sante township, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. Urquhart, pastor of St. Andrew's Church. They have now got settled down on their fine farm on the 2nd concession of Hay. Entrance' Examinations, For some reason the resylteof the Entrance Examinations in W. Huron are very slow in corning each year. Nearly every other district has had the reports some days and evert weeks. The following is the list of Entrance candidates successful at Seaforth:- Town scholarship -E. D. Berry, Sea - forth P. S.; rural scholarship, Thomas Melady, St. Columban; honors (girls) J. Govenlock, Seaforth P. S.; E. Ham- mett, Seaforth P. S.; M. Johnson, Sea - forth P. S.; (boys) E. D. Berry, Sea - forth P. y.; .1. C. Bell, Seaforth P. S.; R. Gottschalk, Seaforth P. S.; Thomas Melady, St. Cotumban. Pass -Girls, J. Chesney, M. Flanagan. M. Grumold- by, 1. ingles, M. Lockhart, %V. McIn- tosh, J. McMichael, S. McSpadden, M. Moffat. M. Morris, M. Oke, M. Reilly. C. L. Rose, E. Scott, J. Scott, A. Sproat, G. Thompson, F. Winter; boys, E. Benertnau, R. Carpenter, W. Cleary. T. Dick, It. Forbes, S. Gent - mill, B. Ilart. R. [lays, H. Hunt, J. Morrison, T. Morris. E. McGrath, J. McGrath, C. Oke, D. Reid, W. Rich- ardson, C. Scott, T. Scott, D. M. Shaw, J. Sills, T. Whiteley. Miss Livingstone, milliner, has re- turned to Blyth. -- i Clerk'stNotice of First Post- ing of Voter's List, 1908. Municipality of the Township of Stephen, County ot Huron, Notice is hereby given that 1 ha.t tranain ttrd or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections y and 9 of the OntarioVoters' List Art, the copies required by said eectlone to be transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to the mid Act. of all persons appearing by tbe last revised Aaeee,ment Roll of the ,aid mun rlpality to he entitled to . Me in the said mnnicitit, at Elections for Member* of the Legis. lathe�saeinhly and at Municipal Elections; and the said list was first posted up at n.y (Ake, at Crediton, nn the eleventh day of Judy, A, D., 1901, and remains there tot Inepertion. Electors an called upon to examine the taht list and if any omission*, or any other errors are found therein, to take Immediate p{.romredlnee to have the **Id error sena( led arroreling to law. Dated at (-reditor., July 11th, HENRY El1.RRR. Tortn•i.ip Clerk Thr 1i:.•gulars trimmed the Never - sweats on Thursday night to the tune of 13 6. But for one Lad innings, when the Regular team made S rens, the game was a good one. G. Ander- son umpired. The players were: 13EtiuL.tlts-Fleming, Manns, Law, Ilawkshaw, Hoskins, ltendle, Hart, Palmer, Stewart. NEV ERsrvFATS-Creech, Royle. Hea- man, Statham, Cole, Alger, White, Senior, Bissett. CREDITON 12, ENETEIt 2. The Crediton and Exeter teams came together on the local diamond on Monday evening when the specta- tors were treated to an excellent game, although the score, 1.2 to 2, does not seem to indicate it. In the first in- nings Crediton got away with tbree runs before Exeter got wakened up. but with the exception of this innings and the last one in which the visitors got six and which was played in the dark (to round off the game by nine innings) the scoting was held down pretty well and the game was a good one to watch. Hart, the Exeter pit- cher, is, like Hoskins the catcher, only a bit of a boy but be handed in some beautiful fans to even the strong Crediton batters. and played a heady game all the time, being always on the job and hest when in a tight box. The regret of the boys and those in- terested in the game is that he has re- signed at tbe bank, and that we no sooner get him than we lose him. Hart did not receive the support in the field that he should have. When up against a team like Crediton the boys seem at times to lose their nerve and do not play nearly as well as they show up at practice. Confidence is what the boys need in the Held, but the real weak feature is the batting. Fahner is not hard to bit and a good batter would paste him all over the Held, but our fellows (stretching it just a little) couldn't bit a football, and they must get down to more practice with the stick. The material in the team is the best we have had for years but they need what can only be got by continual practice. It is only a repetition to say much about the playing of the Crediton boys. Such old players as Snell, Rau, McCue, Fahner, Bluett and Wurtn have been playing good ball for ten years or more. Fahner is one of the best natured and easiest pitchers we have ever seen in the box, Snell be- hind the home plate gathers every- thing in like a sponge. Rall on short is clean and sure every time, while tbe other fellows play their positions well in the Held and show up strong at the bat. Frank Boyle of Centralia made a satisfactory umpire. The players. positions and score:- Crediton-Wurw 1st 0, Fahner p 2, McCue 2nd 2, Snell c 2, WBrown c f 2. Rau s s 2, Bluett 3rd I, Gower r f 0, F Brown 1 f 1.-12. Exeter -Cole 2nd 0, Law c f 0, Hos- kins c 1, Creech let 1, Hart p O, Hawk- shaw s s 0, Manna r f 0, Stewart 1 f (l, Palmer 3rd 0.-2. MAltltIl•:D vs. SINGLE The married hien of town have chal- lenged the single fellows to a game of ball, the latter have accepted, and the game will be played on the diamond on Thursday night, July 16th, at 0.30 sharp. Come down and see the game. CKNTRALIA vs. EXETER The Exeter team will go to Centralia on Monday afternoon, July 200, to play a return game with the team of that village. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss Belle Gould is visiting Mrs. Young, London. Verne Davis of London is visiting his grand -patents at Exeter North. Mr. and Mrs. B. McKenzie Gunn left last week for their home in Win- nipeg. Mr. Harold Bissett returned to his duties in the Molsons Bank, Atlillet'st- burg, on Tuesday. Miss Stella Gregory left yesterday on a pleasure trip up the lakes, after which she will visit in Chicago. .% Mr, W. J. O'Brien, teacher in the Woodstock Business College, is visit- ing this week with friends in town. Mr. L. C. Fleming, who underwent an operation on his head last week, is doing very nicely, with every prospect of full recovery. Mr. G. W. Harrison of ,London has been appointed manager of the Bank of Commerce here and is expected to take charge next week. Mr. Robert Sanders left Tuesday evening on an extended trip to Chica- go. St. Paul, Seattle. Skagway, Port- land {Oregon), San Francisco, Los An- geles, Salt Lake City, Denver and else- where. D.D.G.M., .1. G. Stanbury and W.J. Heaman went to Clinton Tuesday even- ing, and installed the officers of the i.0. 0. F. lodge in that town. Similar duty was performed at Seaforth Wed- nesday night. A tennis match played Tuesday af- ternoon between Parkh'll and Exeter at Parkhill resulted in a tie. Graham and Senior, Exeter, won from Stewart and Patrick, Parkhill, 0.2. 6.1. Gra- ham beat Stewart 6-0, 4-0, f) 4; Patrick beat Senior 6.1, 6 3, Patrick and Retz beat Senior and Graham 6 :3. 6-4. The return game will he played here on Friday next. Mast Not !boot Partridge. No partridge or grouse may be leg- ally shot in Ontario this year. An or- der -in -council has been panted by the Government prohibiting the shooting or taking of these birds for one year from Sept. 13 next. The action is tak• en because of the increasing scarcity of this species in the province. Miss Dem! Hau.ifotd i; ti.iting it, Detroit. Mrs. Geo. Jewell of London is visit- ing here. Miss 011ie Jones is visiting here from Brantford. Mrs. 1. Armstrong and Miss Ida are visiting in Strathroy. Mr. and Mts. Nelson Case of Clande- boye spent Sunday here. Dr. Geo. Seldon, of Ingersoll, is vis- iting relatives here at present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gill returned Tuesday front a visit in Gibsonburg, Ohio. A number from this district went to Goderich Monday to celebrate the Glorious Twelfth. Lieut. W. J. Ileanran will go to Quebec as one of the officers of (be 33rd. Henry Hogarth, of Battle Creek, Mich., is the guest of Messrs. Hogarth, Stephen. Miss Lulu Martin has returned from a visit of a month in Dorchester and London. Miss Daisy Hodgson left last week to visit her sister, Mrs. S. Mills, of Nissouri. Mrs. Matice and daughter of Detroit are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. D. Breland. Mrs. (Dr.) Browning, who has been visiting in Whitby, returned home Monday. W. W. Taman left Tuesday evening for Niagara Falls, to attend the Ma- sonic Grand Lodge. Miss Jessie Catneron left last week for to visit at Niagara Falls, Toronto and the Thousand Islands, Miss Anna Dow, who bas been visit- ing at the home of Mr. John Colwill, bas returned to St. Thomas. Miss Zimmerman of Toronto, who has been the guest of Miss Hazel Browning, returned home Monday. Little Miss Vera Sweet is nursing a rather sore eye these days, the result ot a bee sting while in the berry patch. Getting alright again. Mrs. Thomas Sweet, London Road South, recently disposed of a number of ducks, which speaks well of her ability as a poultry raiser, and for which she secured the top price. The first lot was about 7 weeks old and averaged 4i lbs; the second lot being about 5 weeks old and averaging 4 lbs. In all there were 44 ducks,totalling 100 Itis, or 4t lbs a piece. A good showing and demonstrating the fact that there is much in poultry -when raised right. The Stephen Voters' List. which has been completed, gives the number of voters as 1,251. Those entitled to vote at both Legislative and Municipal Electio6s, 071; at Municipal Elections only, 198; and at Legislative Elections only, 82. Persons entitled to act as jurors. 535. Mai late Elston has gone to Ed - 11. .!lion a,r a visit. • BIRTHS HODGINS—ln McGillivray, on July 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hodgins, a daughter. Co'rrl.E-In Usborne, on July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Cottle, a son and daughter. MARRIAOIIS. MOitLEY—AICIIENH.2IIT—At Mandate - min, Ont., on June 30th. Miss Gertie Aichenhart to Wesley Morley of Mc- Gillivray. HAY-Lo'E-At the residence of John Love, father of the bride, on July 1st, by Rev. N. Shaw, B. A., William Hay to Miss Lizzie Ann Love, both of Tnckersnlitb. DEATHS McGREOolt-In Brucefleld, on July 8, Peter McGregor, aged (3.2 years. Bnirs irTTE-In Goderich township. on June 29th, Richard Bridgette, aged 78 years. WAT.-In Tucketsmith, on July 9th, Alexander Watt, Sr., aged 79 years and 9 mouths. MURPHY -In St. Marys, on Monday. July Oth, Christopher Murphy, aged 72 ars. DouoLAs-yeIn St. Marys, on Thursday, July 2nd, John Douglas, aged 75 years, 5 months and 19 days. FRITz-At Grand Bend`on July lltb, Wm. Fritz, aged 47 years, 1 month, 8 days. CORNISH. -At Holmesville, on July 15, John Cornish, formerly of Ushorne, aged 92 years. Ica& aeues..alkalkiacalueraesalig etch our.1 this week and you will see we are Giving Away a Graphophone and Nine other prizes absolutely free.' Take a look in. 1THE PURITY I Watch Window. Can.Exp.Bldg, Ilk 1111rAir 'WA" N. VI IV liriVriiiSt NV Ni1r4 . The New Store Groceries and Boots & Shoes Having leased the premises two doors north of the Poet (voce, Exeter, and put in a complete stock of up-to-date Boots and Shoes and a choice line of Groceries, I desire to in- form the Public of the same and to solicit a shale of the business of the people of Exeter and vicinity. I aim to keep nothing but the best of goods and you may feel assured that you will be pleased with the way you will be treated when in this store. Call and give us a trial, and he convinced that what we say we do. T. 3. Wilson - Exeter Two doors north of Post Ofliee Clean, Sweet Milk ! The easy way to get it is to use Wyandotte Dairyman's Cleaner and Cleaners on your Separator, 'I`ins. ('horn, Floors. Cans, Ete. All Creameries and Dairymen Use It ! A 5 lb. Package for 25o. BINDER TWINES Gold Medal, 650 feet to lb., 14e Silver Sheaf, 600 46 Ply. Special, 500 9 1-2c It pays to use Plymouth Twines Owen Sound and Portland cement for walls, silos, etc. 9@ASIAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE 1 1 ( 4