HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-09, Page 8Summer
s uitinas
Summer Trade
is ev - r increasing
W- e have the
Goods and do the
Work that must
bring us theTrade
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Bisiness Locals -- Read Them
Big I1u,v'ilts in Muslin reactants.
2 1 to /2 ends. Come quick
Parer for Sale
53i acre ; .rm, situate west of the G.
T. R. and .. tth of the salt$block, Exe-
ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. Bobier.
$:3,00 hue ,1 real nice Black Noreen
Underskirt. tussle silk lined. St, wart.
!re rr, • getting Redpath's Sugar?
Stewart s. no outer—it's best by test.
Merriam.. Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate ()flit••.
Seamless 11'iltan Room Rugs. Reds,
Greens. Browne. Talus.+ all in your
faror. Sera f t's.
Miss .1. J..11lan, eye light specialist
and refract. .g optician, will be at the
Cominerci. I Hotel Saturday, July 11.
Hour;; Oa. ►u. to fl p. m.
1)o you s -./it a lore•ly 108 piece semi -
Pore, Lei)t '',ins Dinner Set—see the
" 1 :; le" set at Stewart's for
$1.3.50. S_d for $16.50 in the city.
('an:uli..,. failures for the first six
wont hs of I.' 1S were 581, or 398 more
than in the ,:tine period last year. The
liabilities ie .•ceased from $5,12l.Itl to
tioe a: 15, 725
Owing 1., much annoyance being
(Aosta! to the general public and also
consider:I1. trouble to the officials of
the deo 111oent, the Government poet
c•tlice .,ut h •i ities have issued special
iustru •tions to the various post
rflices 1hrooghout Oanada. 'I'he rate
el' postage ..f packages of merchandise
r..1,1•e•Ssed to places within Canada
and the t' , ed States is one cent per
ouncefoe limit of size is 3o inches
by • loot. The limit of weight is
ti .e po iu d.. it is recommended that
t he n."oe • i l address of the sender be
indicated on the outside of the pack-
age,s?lint :t for any reason the pack-
age ca„not be delivered it. may he re-
turned to the sender direct. Packages
to rets, tied are subject to a return
postage ch Lige. A package utast not
be sealed Against inspection. Any
paekeg•• nt•,y go forward todestinat ion
in 1'tn ,ill ..r t he United States under
regial,ation ,loon payment of a fee of
t f five cents in addition to the ordi•
i oy p )st age.
'earl) Drowned at Port Stautey
1VesI,•y Garner. of London. son of
Mr. W. 1t Garner, a former resident
e t Ex• te•t, narrowly escaped being
drowned at Port Stanley on \Vednes-
day of last .seek. He was standing on
the pier watching the pranks of a
number of yonng inen and stepping
fell into the lake. Being unable to
'Willi he s.,on sank. A Mr. Holland,
of London. secured a rope and ele-
e.cending to the surface of the water
by means of .t cable succeeded in grab-
bing the boy ns he carne np. The
drowning led then grasped the cable
in a deaf h g ip and was thus saved.
Ile certainlvy world have drowned bad
it not been -for the timely assistance of
$ Summer
+ Goods..,
} 11nIiF: )110R- SH
jfor S,tinmer
h bet; ,n already.
1ST 1STttkF.
Oar (ioods are
the Best.
Style. F,; And Finish
Don't fail to hear the London Harp.
't �.LOCALDOINGS 4 ers at the Garden Patty on Main tit.
a Methodist ('hutch lanai, 17 July. CHANG El) E-1('11 WEDNESDAY
pinto h.&aarallaMarca/kr&���� Favorable report has been received 11'heat
from Lc.ndon regarding Mr. Thomas Barley
The contractors are busy laying the Bissett, Sr.. %vim is undergoing treat -
cement walk from the Station St. to went for his eyes. Ile is promise.' p;11.
the bridge. tial sight at least.
1tev. \Vitt. Mcl)on:tgh preached in-
teresting sermons on Sunday in the
Main street church.
Come and se. The Country Stole
and Post-011ice at the \laic St. Church
Garden Patty, July 17th.
Mr. John Iirainel is greatly improv-
ing the residence on Alain street lately
occupied by the late Mr. Rowe.
Mr. 1Vtu. Bawden betook himself to
Godes ich yesterday and was there
united in marriage to Miss Maggie
Willis of Sarnia. Mt. Itan•den's many
friends will wish hint a happy wedded
The real estate and household effects
with driving horse and rigs of the late
\1-m. Hoskins will be solei lift public
auction on Thursday, July pith, at 1
o'clock at i•:xeter north. J (;ill, 1•:- p.,
Mr. W. H. Levett is rebuilding the
walls of his seed building on the cor-
ner of Main and Sanders streets. The
walls were not heavy enough. \\'lien
the south wall was taken down the The publishers of the "Canadian
front fell out, destroying the plate Pictorial,” 112 St. Peter Street, Mont -
glass. real, have rnadeextraordinary arrange -
Mr. Al. Bissett last week received mente to make the July issue of this
the Provincial appointment for Exeter Popular illustrated monthly as inter -
of County Constable, with special di- esting to the thousands who visit Que-
rection, to look after automobiles. It bec as to those who cannot go. The
is understood that a good salary goes cover is a magnificent portrait of the
with the appointment, which is a wor- Prince of Wales in the uniform of a
thy one. vice -admiral. It is pronounced the
A number of the business men and best yet published in Canada. A spe-
other citizens are discussing the erec-
cial feature is a large map of the city
tion of a skating and curling rink of Quebec and environs, made special-
, showing the
down town. It certainly is very re- Plains of Abr•ahaaor this ntonand indicating the
grettuble that the present rink is so relative positions of the opposing arm -
far away from the centre of the town
ies on this historic battlefield. It is
and the main streets. announced that the August number
An important circular has been ie- will be filled with illustrations from
ngi ee the Railway reme authorities to the actual ti photographs itself,
taken during the S CoIe, Phm1 s
engineers and firemen, regarding the celebration itself, so that the two num-
bers will be worth bindingas a soave- We
lar states that complaints have been nir of an event of national importance.
received from different sources saying Dispensing a Speciality.
that the law regarding sounding EXETER, ONTARIO.
whistles before reaching a crossing is
neglected. The railway commission
have also called the attention of the Irwin Armstrong was in London
neglect of engineers in this matter.
The circular concludes by urging the r
engineers to 1)e watchful and obey the Mr. A. Ilodgert left for the West on SaturdayMrs. W.
S. Cole has returned from a
law by sounding their whistles at least Monday. visit in Lucan.
Dyer Hurdon of Buffalo was home Miss Millie Martin left Wednesday
110 yards from a crossing. In the fu- over Sunday. for a visit in Detroit.
ture an engineer or fireman failing to Mr. John Hyndman of Buffalo is Miss Ena McPherson, teacher, is
do this will be dismissed. here on a visit. home for the holidays.
Reeve Bobier and Alderman Knight Mr. Andy Stewart, of Seaforth, was Miss May Gill, teacher of Fort Erie,
while on aldermanic duties got into a in town Saturday. is home for the holidays.
rather serious mix-up at the depot on Mr. Harold Bissett, of Amherst burg, Miss Edith Sanders, milliner, has te.
Saturday last about noon. They were is holidaying at his home here. turned from Kincardine.
driving in Mr. Knight's rig, when one Mr. Wes. Stone, of Messrs. Jones & Mr. Geo. Holman, of F.gmondville,
of the lines broke and the horse made Clark's, is holidaving this week. visited here part of last week.
a dash for liberty. Both occupants Mrs. Harris aria Miss Annie Easter-
jau)l,ed froth the rig, Mr. Knight en- brook are spending a week in Credi-
dearortng to stop the horse with the ton,•1.+•1••1••1•+•l••i•+•i••f•+•1••i••t••1••k•i••i•f•++•h+a
one line. but did not succeed in doing Mr. Wm. White, of Lucknow, is 'h 4.
so until the buggy had been turned holidaying with parents at Roger- + OO &wio&e:epern.
wrong side up several times and the vane. stenographer,' and
top and other parts of the rig badly Mr.Telegraphers
A. Bowie of i ondon spent a +
demoralized. Mr. Bobier escaped in- couple days at his hone here last trained ty our management('
jury, while Mr. Knight did not fare so week. tut year. Experiencewell, having sustained a badly bruised Miss Janet Brown is holidaying this counts.
shoulder. The harness was somewhat week with Mts. Frank Durdle, of ':raaaatcsmost successtul. Special Cour .}.
td ()ken and it will cost considerable to I;russets. for Teacher,. !tall Courses. Send pa,tal +
pat the damaged parts in shape again. S. Martin attended the funeral of his for particulars. .i-
\Ve frequently hear people wonder aunt, Mrs. Simmons, at Port hope
how a debt could be collected from a this week. Fall Term Opens Sept 1st.
;Dien, supposing the council refused to Rev. It. Redmond, of Antbersthurg,
tpay it. Some, of the newspapers of visited at the home of Mrs. Jahn Dig -
.ast week told us how it was done in nen last week. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE
Dundas. The town owed n debt of Dr. Ramsay, meat inspector. of In- I (:co. Spotton. cru: ;pl.
$:;.Y:,(!which the council refused to pay, gersol, spent Sunday and Monday at
Then the sheriff's bailiff came along. his home here.
arrested the chief of police. seized the Miss Minnie Sanders, after .pending
town hall. put the keys in his po diet, the millinery season in London, return -
and then served notices to the mayor ed home Friday,
and other members of the coitnril that \1r. John Norry, who has beenw•olk-
the town Wag under seizure, and that ing in Fairground, retnr ned here Sat -
they had nothing more to do with it. matey to remain. tin.340
Then the council held.' hurry -up meet- Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of London
ing. .tn,l in two minutes passed a visited last week with the latter's `
A Drngerorn
motion to pay the money. mother. Mrs. Smith. Taking
,' Peat. Mrs. Wm. Ilawkshaw and Mies Jean 1
The Toronto News calls attention to left Tuesday to spend it couple months
the danger caused by the common in Brandon. Man.
housefly, and says: --"The alarming Mr. Alonzo Ford left last 1Vednes• Him
disease spreading capabilities of the day for Lethbridge, Alta., where he HII
ordinary housefly require attention will remain for some time.
at this season. This pest lives it's ler. Mrs. Livingstone with her child of
vat life almost exclusively in animal Milverton is the guest of her parents,
excrement, and conveys germs from Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkshaw. on run
the dejecta of the sick to the food of Miss Mary Elston left Monday for the jun
the well. it carries cholera, typhoid, Edmonton, Alta., where she will re -
dysentery and tuberculosis germs. main with her brother for a time. YOU
Of these. typhoid fever is the most Mr. and Mrs. Frank (sill left Mon•
commonly tly•borne of the four. The day for Gibsonburg, Ohio, where they can (10 that too with
flies get their feet and months coyered will spend a week with Dr. L. T. Gill.
with the germ -laden material, and Miss Louise Eacrett and Miss Lillian
Our Kolois
thus carry it to the food which they Moyle left last week for Marlette,
may visit. From laboratory experi- Mich., to visit Mrs. John Willis for a
inents it seems probable that a fly month.
once contaminated with the typhoid R. Haft, of the Molsons Bank, has
germ may retain this germ in a living returned frons London, where he spent
condition for at least three weeks. last week, owing to the illness of his A big assortment,
The insect eats the sputum of coin mother.
sumptives, and fly•spots are often Mrs. , Dr., Antos and family left Cat alouge free.
disease -laden. During the warm wea- Monday for Raymond. Alberta, to join
they. kitchen, pantry and dining-roomthe doctor. They will visit in McGilli•W• S. HOMEY Phme B.
should be screened carefully, andndno o vray and Brantford on the way.
should be Paten.'
food exposed for sale in the street Mrs. McAvoy and sister, Miss Annie Sanders, left Tuesday for the West
Aids' Forecs.to For July. where they will visit at Crystal ('ity, Chemist and Optician.
A Regular Storm Period reaches Killarney. Lone Tree and other points. EXETER
from the ttth to the 13th, embracing Mr. Middleniost and Miss Johnston
the full Moon at greatest south declin• of Se•afarth visited at Mrs. Wm. Hawk-
ation on the 1.911. Illy the loth deck!. shaw's over Sunday. Mr. Middlemost
ed fall of the barometer will be noted sang a pleasing solo at the Trivitt
in western sections• attended by a Memorial church in the evening.
warm Lotitwavof marked intensity. Mr. and Mrs. Rt. tripS. efot a dayssnto ECOND TO NONE
From about Friday the 111th, to M. Saturday front a of ten to
day the lath, coming to a crisis on and Detroit, Buffalo (by way of lake Erie)
toaching the Lath• look for black, and Toronto. They are now spending �tf
threatening storm clouds, with rain, a few days at (.rand Bend. aaa
thunder and high winds. We fear The exodus to Grand I3°n,1 has set
that the rainfall at this and other July in. and many of our residents are IF Y01 HAVE EVER t•
N( SEi) 4
periods will not be in proportion to camping at the lake side. Among
the severity and threatening appear- them are: Mrs. 1'. 11. ('seting and fan -
antes of the storrns. "Waterspouts ily and Miss Louise Carling: H. Hits- Harvey's
and cloudbursts" will visit some local- ton and family: Eli Snell, wife and eon, Star
ities, bat other and much wider see. Arthur. �l
tions will silITer for want of rain. We Mr. 11•m. (irigg, of St. Thomas, was
believe that the world-wide predispos- here visiting relative. diming the week Flour
Ilion to earthquakes will have greatly end. 11n Monday he left for ('algary
subsided by the summer of 1941ti, hut to join his eon, who is reporter on The
such things must occasionally happen News. Mrs. Grigg will probahly fol- then you know what you want.
during any and all years. Taking a low in it short time. Do not experiment with flour
period of five to six' days. with July Mr. Frank H. Sweet left the begin- said to be just As good.
1:1th is the centre, seismic disturbances ning of 'set week for Clinton. and will
are more than probable in many Einar- work with Mr. Prior on the new INSIST ON HAVINGtern of the globe, especially in regions ('acholic church being erected there. THE 1)i1) RABLE
on aril south of the equator. Brief Mrs. Sweet visited with \1r. H. N. i
(hane to somewhat cooler will he Sweet and family in Clintoninton for a few ik No better place to get it than
natural from About the l:1th to 13th. davit.
p;at the mill.
MU. Will. I'olleri of Farquhar got
one wrist badly sprained and a HUM -
bee of bruises Monday at Exetet North
by being thrown from the rig, owing
to his horse becoming frightened at an
•adutomobile. The rig was .lightly
aurtged but the horse.was uninjured.
The farmer i.-, having a hold time
getting in his hay, owing to the fre-
quent rain storm:. \ most excellent
crop is in the ground, but doubtless
much of it is being damaged in the
harvesting. The wet weather is also
much i.gainst the getting in of tie pea
clop for the Canning Factory.
••The Oddfellows of Brantford on
Sunday conducted their decoration
services. Which are an annual event.
'\'hey watched in line, headed by the
city band, to local cemeteries, where
graves of one hundred deceased breth-
ren were decorated with flowers." it
would be wise for the local lodge of
Oddfellows to adopt Sunday as their
Day for Decoration.
7.) 75
15 48
Oats 11 15
Yeas 75 80
Potatoes, per bag 115 75
HIay, per ton 7 50 8 00
Flour, per cwt., family 1W)
Flour, low grade per cwt. 1 10 1 1.)
Butter 17 1'
Eggs 10
Dried apples 5
Livehogs, per cwt 0 (K)
Shorts per ton 25 00
Bran per ton 20 00
SoM elhing
When you are in need of medicine
or sick -room supplies, or anything us-
ually found in the stock of a first-class
drugstore, remember that in our store
a large stock, scientific equipment
and ample experience give us marked
When you have prescriptions to
be put up remember these advantages
for they mean health and money to
AVIV WV' APrillt "Wr IV 'IP"
A reactionary storm period is central Mr. Barn. of the Gibb, Evaporator
on the 16th And 17th. This period is, Co., wits here on Friday in the inter-'
also within the hriee of the Mercury est s of the Company, with A special 1 - Man,f*rimre•el by ---
W. A r period. shown in the engraved storm view to finding out the prospects of '
YY . JOHNS chart for .arty. (luring this period the apple crop this fall. Ile believes,
Merchant Tn:'ar - F;wcter k for a ren -tion t•) mull warmer, with the present outlook at tenet. that ; EXETER ONTARIO Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
with fuelling barometer ar.d return of revo 111 ,re kilns will have to be Added'
'o .d;ne_• and scattering, light rains. the )resent five in the evaporator.
444-144-14+44.4 4-14-1-144-1++++44 t 1 A,A,��,k�sALAk`wAa
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shell and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds, Etc.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Hardware stock is Complete
WE keep con-
stantly in
stock a full
line of furniture,
and it pays to
furnish your
home from our
stock • • • •
1,11021WiliCt11•030fl1�D liN4114H
t11NO OrtallearD )114 Nt34
Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
Easy Chairs Odd Chairs
Music Cabinets Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
Dining Chairs
and all Bedroom Furnitute
6234 IIKIRCHltDNIKIKIIMf11D24,30'.f2Ve-CO COCCetre- 'rC- rest 4C -C411•11
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Our �
July Bargain Sale
of Summer Goods!
This i8 just the time to make a big slash at all
our Summer Goods. We are going to let them all go
at BARGAIN PRICE-, I)o not fail to take advantage
of this Sale. Here are a few of the malty Bargains.
lYLillinery 25 Per Cent. Discount
on all our Millinery and
some very nice ones to choose from. 3
Colored Muslins
All 10c and 121c Muslins for Sc
1,1c ., IOc
'",c " " 15_
Some of the best left.
Fancy Pasasols
Only a few left, but each one a
$1.25 Parasols for l►Oc
$1.50 Parasols for $1
Netts and Laces
of every description.
This is now your chance to
buy them at greatly reduced
Crash and Straw
All crash and straw hats at
reduced prices. They must be
sold. This is just the tirne for
them. A good choice.
White Muslins
in Plain, Fancy, Swiss Dots
or Embroidered. All to be sold.
We want none left over.
BARGAINS will do it !
White Waists
The 25 Per Cent Discount Sale
is still running. Do not miss it.
The rheapeat waista you have
bought this season.
White Night (;owns, tiOc, 75c, $1
White Skirts for 75e, $1, $1.25
White Corset ('overs, 21ic,30c,l0'
All to go.
White Vests and
Fancy Socks
Just a few of each left now.
But they are Borne of the hest
and you will get a Heal Bargain.
until f' o'clock, " No L.tTRfr," of this week:
Ducks. weighing at least 3,i lbs., 10c per lb. live,
Chicks. " 2i - 15c -
Old Fowl, 6c per lb, live.
Will also pay in trade 5- per quart for gooseberries; 3c per lb. for
Red or White Currants, lot per qt. for Black Currants, Se per lb. for
rasphet ries.