HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-09, Page 74
Dr. William's Pink Pills ire Bring-
ing Health to Weak, Despondent
There is red a neeek or ct.rner :n Ca-
nada, in the cities, towns, villages and
farms where Dr. Williams' fink !ills
have not been used, and from one end
cf the country to the other they have
brought back to breadwinners, their
eines and families the spte►kdkl tree,
lure of new health and new strength.
,lou have only to ask your neighbors
and they can tell you of sonic nerve•
shattered man, suffering women, ailing
y. u;h, or unhappy anaemic girl who
(4Vt! present health and strength to Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Their wonderful
success is due to the fact that 1)r. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills go right to the root
of the disease in the blood, and by
snaking the vital fluid rich and red,
strengthen every organ and every
nerve, thus driving out disease and
Mr. Joseph Lacombe, Quebec City
says: -"To -day I weigh about forty
he ands more than I did a year ago, and
run in every way in much sounder
health. For upwards of two year 1
had teen studying hard to pass my ex-
intnalions and my health had co►n-
Apktely given way under the strain, I
Joel flesh rapidly, my appetite was gone
and my nerves were greatly weakened.
1 was obliged to abandon my studies
and was in a state of complete exhnus-
tien. I consulted a physician, but as I
was daily growing weaker I decided to
Ivy Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills, w•h ch 1
had often heard very highly spoken of.
Tie beneficial effects wero indeed re-
markable for 1 had not used mom than
a couple of boxes when 1 could feel an
Improvement. and hope returned. 1
continued,using the pills for some weeks
longer, with the result that my strength
Increased daily and I was soon able to
take over my studies and work with as
much energy as I had ever done. To-
day I am in perfect health and 1 attri-
t ate my recovery solely to Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills."
You can get these Pills from any me-
dicine dealer or by mail at 50c. a Cox
r six boxes for 82.50 from Tho Dr.
VJlliams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
re Attention is Now Being Paid to
Prevent Burning of Forests.
Railway construction has too often
cant forest destruction.
Immense as ore the benefits that the
radian Pacific Railway, for example,
as conferred on Canada, it is never -
e less true that during the construction
f that railway trillions of dollars worth
f timber were destroyed through fires
ribinating along lits right of way. And
ear is now felt Haat Die building of the
Grand Trunk Pacific -running, as it does
In many districts, through dense forests,
of valuable timber -may give rise to
imilar destrilt• cin.
The New B aswkck authorities, ac-
cordingly, negotiated with the autior-
ities of the Dominion with a view to the
adoption of a system of efficient patrol
along the lines for the purpose of de-
tecting and putting out incipient fires;
and it is now announced that arrange-
ments have been made to have the line
patrolled this summer. Along the line
of the G.T.P. west of Edmonton, too,
strong patrol has been arranged for
and is already in operation.
Forty years ago them was a solid (or -
est extending from Nipigon, Ont., past
Port Arthur and Fort William and west-
er ward up to a comparatively short dis-
tance from Winnipeg. But when the
troops went through in lo.., on their
way to Fort Garry to put down Iho first
Biel Rebellion, the country was badly
berned; and in 1882-81, while the rail-
way was being constructed, the work of
destruction was finished. Even 1n 1884
It was possible to walk through unburnt
forest for a distance of one hundred utiles
east of Lake Superior.
Through tho Rocky Mountains and
west into British Calumbin a similar work
art destructk,n went on. instances of ex-
tensive destruction can bo instanced
around Cannlore, B.C., and also on the
shores of Kicking Horse bake, where
green foresta were converted by fires
dt ring railway conslrl.ction into barren
wantes; and these are by no means Lso-
latcd Instances.
Of late years more attention has been
rnid to this problem. Mr. John R. Booth,
1 irnself n lumberman of wide experience.
it building the Canada Atlantis placed
such restrictions on his contractors in
regard to burning brush and selling Ores
generally, thnl no fire of any consequence
(lectured during the construction of the
rr,ilwny; and this in spite of the tact Ihnt
ill,. rend ran through what was then one
the meet valuable pineries of the pro -
t ince. in Northern Ontario, nkang the
lines of the Temi<camingiie and Northern
Ontario nniltrny, which also runs in
ninny places through valuable timber,
m- serious fires hove occurred. by reason
4.' conslnnt and vigilant patrolling of the
line. The (' •rnissioners of the National
Tr•anecenf • al ilnilvny have also
adopted :,Minns governing their ern -
p leyeea in 1 s natter and enjoining
-'riet vigilance in the guarding of all
Jant.•s--:\rd hew do you Lke being
morr.ed• J.Ttin?
Tin -Don't eke it at all.
Jams -\\'i y. whale the manor with
• her. J• hn?
John --\V.11. first thing in the morn.
Mg it s m. n y; when 1 go i t me to my
dinner its money again, and at sup-
per t:'s the same. Nothing but money
mor:ey. money!
James -Well, t never! What deets
the do with all the money?
John -i demi knew. I haven't given
her any yet.
After a man has !ailed at nlrnest ev-
,e-yth ng el•e he sets up as a phitoso-
3h r.
(Lard luck and work seldom travel to -
Reetoratb•n. of Trade to a Forgotten
After more than four centuries of stag-
nation, Bruges, once the conuuer•c al ca-
pital of Europe, is to regain seine of its
ancient pros}erity. The sea has been
restored to it. A canal has been cut
from the city to the sea, a new port
ccrutruckd, and a way made by which
the quaint old city of the lace -makers
may handle some of the current of trade
which passes between the ocean avid the
In the middle of the flftenth century
B' a os was the busiest and richest city,
if not the largest, in Europe. It was
situated on a canal which had been so
built as to form a branch of the Zwyn
estuary, was a principal Market of the
Hanseatic League, and had at its
wharves shipping from all the world.
When Parts numb/ red ono hundred and
twenty thousand people, Bruges had s
fourth more. Its factories were never
idle, its merchants became princes, its
many canals wero alive with boats
bcund for inland places.
But in the course of tune A was found
that the arm of the sen was filling with
drifting sands. Efforts were made to
stay the process, but without success.
Year by year the waters shoaled, and
ty the middle of the sixteenth century
Bruges was but an inland town, the
empty shell of former greatness.
in the lapsing centuries many efforts
have been made to restore the city s
harbor. A canal to Ostend gave some
relief, but was soon rendered obsolete
by the increase in the size of ve.sseis.
In 1810 Napoleon attempted to solve the
problem, but failed again.
Meanwhile tho population fell away to
Ir,rty thousand. houses and stores
stood idle. Only the lace factories re-
mained busy. They still employed live
thousand of the Bruges women, ani
the ancient city hall, the markets and
churches, built in the days of prosper-
ity, remained the finest examples in
northern Europe of the architecture of
the fifteenth century. •
At last, thirty years ago, a certain
Flemish nobleman proposed a deep ca-
nal to the sea direct. After a dozen
years of deliberation tete government
egreed, and in 1896 the state. province
and city together begun work.
A canal awenty-six feel deep has been
dredged through the sand, about eight
miles in n straight line to the North
Sea. There immense concrete jetties
make a new "fore !:ort" for Bruges,
where passengers rind express freight
can be transferred to rail. heavy g:;ods
will pass through a lock to the canal,
end so to a great new basin at the city
Itself, where all the canals have access
to wharves and quays. A city of Zee-
brugge, or Sea -Bruges, has been estab-
lished at the mouth of the canal. Bruges
itself has already iolt the impetus, and
it is rapidly growing again, the popula-
tion in 1900 being more than fifty thou-
sand. Its pauper,, of which it has the
larkwt proportion of any European
city, are diminishing, and prosperity
seems at hand.
Nothing more picturesque has been
attempted by the engineers in recent
years than this restoration of trade to
a forgotten capital, ties re -introduction
of the sea through the treacherous
dunes to the ancient City of Bridges.
Wild Scenes Enacted at a Reiner) in
Robert Flynn, of Ballinagleragh,
aunty 1,eitrhn, and his bride, w'he were
b ycot(01 because they were married be -
1 re a reg atrar against Rte wishes of the
priest, have leen re -united after a two
motet's' .separation. After the marriage
en March 16, a mob of thirty disgu sed
men brake into Flynn's house and car-
ried away the bride to her father's home.
nee then bride and bridegroom have
been kept apart. armed 'nen niainti.n ng
r. bl• �ckadF of Etynn's house.
On Thursday the rnrish priest, Father
King, called on Flynn and toed 11,m that
the ceremeny would take place the next
clay. The long-separak'd couple ac ord-
ingly met lute on Friday evening and
wero united acenrd'ng to the rules of the
Catholic Church. As Flynn's Lodygl►ard
them came a moiety crowd mounted- on
ntrun'nln penis and armed with every
dWcri ton of rattling implement.
Another escort. also tnaunted and
armed, n•rnmpaned L!rc bade, but beth
care. le were ordered leo remain outs de
the chapel whi'e the cerern}ny wa.9 go-
ing on. They leant on their arms, eye-
ing one nnother with no fr'rndly feel-
ings. and • apparently spoiling for a
fight. Th : tenseen was relieved by the
appearance of the nlar•rd d couple. Borne
of the nestle elders dkLverol sreechess
es lei the necessity for a cessation of
1 o4 I til s, as the Church and the p-oplo
c•t the district had now been satisfled
by th) penance imposed on Fl%nn.
Cheers were then given. tete rival lac -
eerie sleek bands. and the glass ad-
jcurnetl to the bridegroom's house ter
the welding fenst.
Abut 2 o'clock in the morn'ng,
when the merrymaking was at els
t.eight, a scorn e.t masked men en'ereri
the Neuse ami indulged in Iho wi'deat
''tet/lay. They k'tsed the bide, drank
deeply, and, hnvine practically clmortd
en! the place and broken up the festi-
vites. 111 a huge benflre outside the
!elute. tearing down 1110 greater part
of the Ihntch of Flynn's house to feed
the fiances.
Flynn accepts all as the natural slate
ISS1.1; NO. 27 -le.
enlisters Rom Pita, Epilioper, 05
1tynee. Nervous Troubles o
falling Oka was should write Lao
1.IR11143 OW.. Irk 411tR mrset,Toxonttqq
Ise a trial bottle of Melt. i it Gore and
Trustless Lodges 16,3 for posts ap
Ono packet
has aotually
tallied a bushed
M Glos.
tOw par pack.t, or $ packets for 217o.
will last a whole season.
ost things, and seems proud of the vic-
tory he has gained over the forces ar-
rayed against turn.
How a Little German Village Hats Be-
come Famous.
Tt.e village of Andraesberg, in the
Harz mountains, is celebrated by ►tea -
eon of the circumstances That it produc-
es a spec: al breed of canary which i.os-
missos a song equaled by no other. In
the breed ng rcorns eh re the bards are
reared nightingales and other song
birds are kept, in order that the little
wafflers, which have remarkable initia-
tive p :users, may acquire their notes.
After an extended period of ties kind
of training, the pupil canaries become
teachers in tJteir turn, and aro employed
to instruct beginners.
It ie wor:h mentl'n'ng incidentally
Mit all of the wirer little wooden cages
re which canaries are shipped --to vari-
ous parts of the world, and in which
they are exposed for sale in the shops
of bird fanciers, aro made in the Ilarz
mounkt ns --oven the very little tots of
four and Ove years helping in the work.
For this labor they receive about I o
crate a crge-certainly very 11111e ,when
it is oensidered how strongly cons'ruct-
ed the articles in question are. each one
tieing provided with two perches, so
that the feathered captive may have
exercise, as web as with a feel box and
water jar. the latter of earthenware.
Bill It should bo explainee that the raw
materials are furnished by fackries, in
the form of long wooden sticks ready -
shaped, which the chiklren cut into pro-
per length and put together, while the
earthen water jars are provided in Me
s•:mo way, bean; turned out by millions
from pottery plants.
They are not Violent in Action.-
Scine persons, when they wish to
cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom
and other purgative salts. These are
speedy in their action, but serve no per-
manent good. Their use produces in-
cip.ient chills, and if persisted in they
Injure the stomach. Nor do they act
upon the intestines in a beneficial way.
l'armetoe's Vegetable Pills answer all
perposes in this respect, and have no
"Have you," asked the judge of a re-
cently -convicted man, "anyth ng to of-
fer the court before sentence is pnsed?'
"No, your honor." replied the prisoner,
"my lawyer took my last cent."
A Great Combination, " rerr,vim " the beat
tonic ie. it .h uld be taken by all in'.tlid., by
all who are run down ur uut ul suds. It builds
up, gives hew life.
\\ 1r.vr Hi:• 0BI)I nF.D.
Guest (in cheap restaurant) -"Seo
here, waiter, 1 thought 1 told you 10
Lemli me a strong cup of coffee."
Waiter -"Well, wol is do matter aid'
drat cup? Youse couldn't break it wki
an axe."
it is an Elixir of Life. --.Since forgotten
time, men have been seeking for the
c:Ixtr of Life, which tradition says once
es.isted. Dr. Thomas' Ecicclric 011 is
an Elixir, before which pain cannot
live. It is made up of six (essential
oils, carefully blended so that their
carative properties are concentrated in
one. It has no equal in the treatment
of lumbago, rheumat'sin, and all bodily
lea -"Cast night young nevem de>
cared he would willingly go to the ends
t the earth for 1n.'
G we ---"And what (11(1 you sny?"
i.01a--"1 finally got hien to make a
start for home, and Id it go at tha.1.'
There can be a difference of opinion
cn most reelects, tut there is only one
opinion ns to the reliability of Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator. 11 is safe,
sure and effectual. '
'The best cure i know of for a head-
ache is to wash your face." sad a bright
looking man. "Yes, f believe le sudden-
ly cleanse your faoe with cold water will
open up Ito pores and probably sled
the bkeel in c:rcuiaLon. and I knew it
will relieve you of a headache in a jiffy.
I have Tried it myself a great many
timers and have always been successful.
There La something in IM nature of a
st mutant in the teed water treatment
t' at braces me right up. \Iv head when
:t riches gets hot and throie, and the
wa'cr make's it cool and fresh. 1 have
n theory, too. Hurt rec►ple don t wash
their fates nearly enough anytew,"
Mrs. Rkrimer-"It's shameful- Mr.
&.lent', who Is deaf and dtunh, ie going
to marry Miss Quiets. and she's deer
and dump.' Mr. n. -"What of it?'
"Why. just think! -their children ma)•
to deaf and dumb. trot." 'Thais ail
right. We'll watch where They setae,
and move in next door to 'em."
Not a Sate Man for Occidental Girls to
A disillus`oned Parisienne torn mar-
arried a Chinamen is now sung b.'f•_re the
Parts courts for a divorce.
The respondent is a certain Ming-
ling, whose father sc the years ago was
Chinese Minister in Paris. The s -in, who
was an attache at the Legation, was re-
ceived in good society. Ile made the ac-
quaintance of the lady elm is now pe-
titioning for a divorce and sought her
hand in marriage. Her fain ly objected,
hal ultinately their scruples were over-
vencomp', and the pair were married in the
autumn of 1902.
While in Europe llsingling was a
model husband, but a year or so after
the marriage he was r called to Pekin.
his wife accompanying h rn. Mme tlsing-
lung found life there net at all to her
hk:ng. Her husband, immediately he set
hoot in China, became metamorphosed.
five shed his European manners, so to
speak, and, according to his wife's ac-
count, from a courtly dignified gentle-
man he became a brutal Oriental. Ac-
centing to her statements, she suffered
unspeakable indignit es. She was locked
u1' in a room and kept prisoner. Ul-
timately after some months of confine-
ment, she cantrivcd to communicate
with the French Legation, and after a
period of lengthy negotiations her re-
lease was obtained.
As it was feared an attempt would
be made to kidnap her, she left pekin
under an escort provided by the Lege -
Con. and this guard saw her safely on
board a steamer at Shanghai. There
1= n baby in the case. and the wife Ls
seeking the custody of the child.
Judgment was reserved.
Have you mode a start collecting bot-
toms of ORANGE MEAT packages? The
ORANGE MEAT people are offering
LIFE, besides several other largo cash
prizes, to winners In ttio'r comgotition.
If you wish to compete send in your ,
name and address to ORANGE MEAT,
Kingston, at once. They will forward
full particulars and enkr your nano on
the list of competitors.
Commence saving the bottoms of pack-
ages and write for particulars TO -DAY.
ORANGE MEAT is made of the whole
wheat, thoroughly ste am -cooked, ad-
ding Mall, Sugar anti Salt, then flaked
and toasted.
"Barney's wooden leg has been pein-
Ine triol of late,' said Scholes to his
v.1 '.
"How can that be?" said Mrs. Scholes
"Mrs. Barney has been thrashing hdm
with it,'' was the explanation.
An End to Bilious Ileadache..-Rilious-
ness, which Is caused by excessive bile
in the stomach, has a marked effect up -
en the nerves, and often manifests it-
self by severe headache. This is the
irost distressing headache ono can have.
There are headaches from cold, from
fever, and from other causes, but the
most excruciating of all is Iho bilious
headache. Parrrie".ee's Vegetable Pills
will euro it -eine it almost immediately.
It will disappear as noon as the Pills
operate. There is nothing surer in the
treatment of bilious headache.
"I used to knew Mr. Sneeker, who
was with your firm. 1 understand he
is n tried and trusted employe—" "Ilo
was tr u• to 1, yes, and he'll be tried, too,
if we're ei fortunate to catch him."
Many Thanks ars due from the prlprietnn or
Wearer's ('erste to friends who have written t
tell of the Cerate'sg,xxl word in curing tcr.fulcus
humors, soald head and other skin diseases.
ll:cks-"'!That girl that Jenkin has
married is very economical.' Wicks -
"les, Mrs. Wicks says That she had all
th., rice that was thrown at her after
the wedding swept up and saved to
woke a rico pudding of when she got
bark from her honeythoon."
When going away from home, or at
any change of habitat, he is a wise man
who /Hunters among his belongings s
bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial. Change of food and water in
seine strange place where there are no
doctors niay bring on an attack of dy-
sentery. ile Then has n standard rem-
edy of hand with which to el. -o with
the disorder. and forearmed he can suc-
cessfully fight the ailment and subdue
Th' giia monster, the largest lizard
et North America, is found in the sandy
deserts of MAY Mexico, and the soultl-
err. of the United States. It belongs to
the only s{,ec:es of venomous lizard
known. The Indians and Mexicans
dread the little hard -biting !elute.
eh so bee is, however seld' m fated
to man. it has a shad thick tail, wh !:
to of assistance 10 it In jumping.. \\'h
friehteno I or angry, itse movements • r.
very rnp .l. Some 'nen who land care i t
(t+e of ileac monsters lied it typo tt
a string nal commenced leasing U. Pie-
s, ntly the creature tecame tiiriol:s. The
sp.—deters knew nething about de abil-
ity to speng until it sudd niy.lcapl ful-
ly two feet cif the groimd end bit a
man's hand. Apar t flan i'a venorn'us
qualIy, the bite itself was a very sevcte
an I i a'nful one.
Men should
look for this
Tag on
gtytantecsthehigh quabty of
Black Watch
The 14 Black Phlge
For Neuralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
The Pango Company, Toronto
L1'MAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and Montreal; I.YMAN KNOX •
CLAiRKSON, Toronto; le tTI0NAL DRUG CO., Loddon.
33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 3311
Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges
for cash or margin.
Cobalt orders executed for cash.
Ideal Manufacturing Premises
Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each
Stearn Power, Heat, Electric Light
Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance.
Most Central Location. Four Large
Freight Elevators.
S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73.81 Adelaide St., West
Horses Gel Tirod Same as Human Beings
\VILy use the hard -worked horse to ride to town for the mail or few
graxri• s, when the chore toy w'ouk' like noting better than to cycle?
Have you ever cons'dered haw much time and horse flesh you could
save by using a. Cushion Fi•ame Bicycle?
It's the Cushion Frame that Absorbs the Shook, Not the Rider
Consider thew teeeti•av runlets: Massey Silver Ribbon, Cleveland, Per-
fect :ani Brarttfuril made in 11'.janic and rigid frames.
131:11:1 BY THE
Gyer-"Isn't it queer that the blimp
of benevolence is located exactly al the
kip of n man's bead "
Myer-' %Vtiat s geeer resell it?"
Gyer-"Why, it's as far fr. ru lh, pock-
etb ek as poss.ble."
Are you a sufferer with corns? 1f you
qre, get a bottle of Ilo!olwnys Corn
Cure. it has never been known to tail.
"Look here," said the indignant lady; Every
"this foun'ain pen 1 bought from you
went %NT 10 a stoke." "1 nm nary for
that," sad the shoprnan; "just let me
see it. Perhaps," he ndded, atter exam- farmer
inaton. "it would write if you were to
put some ink in it." "Oh." saki the
lady, "I debet know these new -fashioned Knew
pens needed any ink.'
Three to Ten Dollars Per Day
You can make '1hr.•e to 1\n dollars
per day in the mail order bustness.
Certs one dollar to learn. Parlicu:ars
CEV 1 It 1. M MI. ORDER CO.,
433 Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo. N. Y•
Young Ileseand-"My dear Jemima, I
must say That this pudding Inslets very
Lad." Wiee-"Ail your ,mag nailer],
dear. The cookery -book says that it
Ias'cc excel'onll"
how mn.h money he could save by using a
Yalrhanks Morse Jack I'radea I:aenllne Sus
Sine to saw woodump water. grind lee.!. 40.,
we would not be able to supply the demand.
(•nt this aduut and send to s• today, and will
will send you our free catalogue.
Stooks, Bonds and Debentures.Yee Oanadlanralrban4.Co.,Limited, Toronto, One
Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stooks 0?
Montreal, was 'l,cg w,,:. •,. e.
Canada and United States.
Orders executed with promptness. Cerro.•
p .ndence s .1I fled.
641 to 627 Traders Sank Building, Toronto, Ont.
.'lain V.J.
All price. an 1 style. from 113 SO to t'.(0 Writ*
Tor free catalogue Inept. 1►
264 Vonga Street, Toronto.
Agents wanted IY .'try 'owl.
Gives Perfect