HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-12-02, Page 4IISTAtittaxixv IOU WINfin&I TliES, fl )3. ELLIQTT. PAaLisaza AND PROPINTOt i THE• WINGHAM TIMES t. December z I►d 191 It W..s.Is..e. tra To January 1st 1917 $1.00 THE TIMES will be sent from now until Jan. 1st, 1917, to any subscriber in Canada or Great Brit- ain for $1,00. To United States address for $L50. NOW is a good time to take advantage of this offer, ace' NOW. i BUYER!, Do you want to buy a home in Wingham? If you come to me I will show you some excellent values in proper, ties ranging from $600 to $4,500. I will be pleased to show you around the Town. J. G. STEWART Real estate Agent WINO11AM ONTARIO --The-- ' London Advertiser (THREE EDITIONS) Morning, Noon, Evening Western Ontario's Greatest Daily All the News all the Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $t.00 per year. Circulation Department. London Advertiser OCEAN TICKETS Via all steamship lines, out- ward or prepaid from the Old Couutry. Lowest quotations current for rates or tickets b.y any route. Apply H. B. ELLIOTT Times Office, Wingham 6'ANQTRUNKSYs EM DOUBLE TRACK All THE WAY TORONTO -CHICAGO TORONTO -MONTREAL Unexcelled Train Service Equipment bhe finest on all trains TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left tot later than Monday evening. 'Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week THURSDAY, DEC1 MRER 2. t9i5 Winter Tours to California and all Pacific Coast Points, Florida, Texas, New Orleans, etc. Winter Tours Tickets now on sale. Low Fares, Choice of Routes. Stop- over privileges ailowed. 11. B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W, T. BURGh1AN, Station Agent, Phone O. fast Daily Service TO Winnipeg AND Vancouver Via the TRANS -CANADA Leaving Toronto 6.40 p.m. Through Trainu--No Change. See that your ticket reads CANADIAN PA CIFTC PARTICULARS PROM W. A. SANTASESOF , Town Agent, 'phone 7, J,11. B1tl Ma1t intoner ,Sgent, phone 47, or write M. U. *meshy. D•P.A., Toronto. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. CHURCIA NOTES The vote on Church Union in Knox Church, Teeswater, resulted in 151 in favor and 132 against, a majority of 19 for Church union, Rev, D. Wren, M. A., has accepted an invitation to remain as pastor of Brussels, Methodist Church for the fourth year. Rev. H. IL Bombes, B. A„ from New Zealand, will occupy the pulpit in the Baptist Church Next Sunday. If the municipalities of O\ario would all refrain fromhaving an election this year, and just give their retiring councils another year by electing them by aeclam- ation, it would save a great a- mount of money that could be put to better advantage because of the present war. It is not likely that many of the municipalities in this district will follow the advice contained in the above para- graph which was taken from last week's Wingham Advance. In East Wawanosh we understand that Mr. Peter W. Scott will contest for the Reeveship with Mr. J. N, Campbell, the present Reeve. In Turnberry, we understand there will be a contest and we are told there will be three candidates for the Reeve - ship. Kinloss township there will be a contest for both the Reeveship and the Council. In Wingham —Would twenty-five per cent of the ratepayers be willing to see this year's Cowieil returned by acclam- ation? We have heard it said many times during the year that this year's Coun- cil had not given, satisfaction in many respects. The blame can be largely placed on the shoulders of the ratepay- ers. This year's Council was returned by acclamation throegh the lack of in- terest in municipal matters by our rate- payers and the same thing can happen for next year unless ratepayers do their duty in seeing that men of business ability are persuaded to offer them- selves as candidates for the various municipal offices. We say by all means have a contest in Wingham and let the men who serve have the backing of the votes of the ratepayers. Nomination will take place three weeks from next Monday evening and the municipal pot in Wingham should soon be showing signs of boiling and, a good, set of men selected as candidates both for the Council and the Public School Board. WB ITNCB URGB The vote on church union at Lang - side resulted as follows: For—mem- bers, 92; adherents, 24; elders, 4. Against—members, 146; adherents, 80; elders; 6 Total tor, 120, total against, 182. The vote ir, Whitechurch was 85 for and 106 against and compared with a vote three years ago of 26 for and 119 against, shows a net gain of 46 in favor of union. The returns of the former voting at Langside are not .available but the voting there showed a consider- able gain. The Canadian Army Transport Ser- vice has carried 104,500 troops, nearly 800 nurses, and about 20,000 homes overseas without a single loss. The Dominion Shell Committee has been superseded by the Ittiperiai Muni- tions Board, and an Advisory Commis- sion has also been formed, with Sir Sam Hughes as the nexus of both, with the Canadian Government and the Im- perial Government. The Presbyterian Chureh of Brussels recorded an adverse vote on the ques- tion of church union. The majority against the suggestion was large, Many members of the church did not pse their ballots. of hie b'ather's Judgment, as in our Person, to suffer for oar Trangression and Inobedinee, by Death to overcome him that was the Author of Death: But, because the only God -head could not suffer Death. neither yet could the only Man•heed overcome the same, he joined both togetherin one Person, that the Imbeeillity of the one should suffer, aril be subject to Death (which he had deserved) and the infinite apd invincible Power of the other, to wit, of the God -head, should triumph,. and purchase to us Life, Liberty and perpetual. Victory; and so we confess, and most undoubtedly believe ' Willis Presbyterian Church, Clinton, shows a majority of 13 against union: Elders for, six, against one; members for, 103, against 112; adherents for, 17, against 26. It is estimated that 85 per cent. of the congregation voted. CHURCH OF ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE, The annual Donation Tea of the Women's Auxiliary will be held at the Rectory, Thursday afternoon, Dee. 2nd. All the women of the eongregation are invited to attend. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew's will meet at the hone of Mr. ert Towle on Friday eve'g, punctual- ly at 8 o'clock. Holy Communion next Sunday at 11 a. m, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sabbath, Dec. 6th at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. The Communion will be commemorated at the morning service and the pastor, Rey. D. Perrie, will preach both morning and evening. The service Preparatory to the Cern• munion will be held en Friday evening, Dec. 3rd, at eight o'clock. St Andrews' Ladies Circle will meet on Thursday evening of this week at eight o'clock, The date has been changed on account of the services on the regular night of meeting. Mission Band on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 4th, at 3.30 o'clock. The entertainment, under the aus- pices of St. Andrews' Ladies Circle, held in the Presbyterian church on Friday, Nov. 26th, provided a most en- joyable evening. The programme was entirely under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Cowell, and much praise is due them for their unstinted efforts result- ing in the splendid manner in which everyone took part. ttIJRN CARTER —I0 Wingham, on Nov. 26th, to Mr and Mrs. Fred Carter; a daughter. EDWARDS In Brussels, on Novem- ber 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Edwards: a 84n. HOGGARD—In Grey township, Huron; Ce., un November ]8th, to Mr. and 1iis. James Haggard, Raymore, Seek.; a daughter. l.ECCH •In Morris, on Nov. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Leech; a son. LINDSAY In Grey, on Nov. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs Robert Lindsay; a dough= ter. --Laura May. 1.isrinT---In Wingham, on Nov. 2lst, to 51r. and Mrs, J. D. Lediet; a son, DYED SCOTT On Thursday, November 25, at his late residence, 7 Shannon street, T„Tonto, George Walker, beloved bus - bend of Jessie Campbell Scott, aged 62 years. ANSLEY--In Lower Wingham. on November 28th, John Ansley. aged 82 years, 3 months, 15 days. OLDER BUT STRONGER To be healthy at severity, prepare at %rt„ is sound advice, because in the sti ength of middle life we too often forgetet th tt neglected colds, or careless treat - in tit of slight aches slid tuns, simply ut:•it•rmine strength and bring chroaie .fiefs for later years. To be stronger when older, keep your Woad pure and rich and active with the atr •n:;tri-building and blood -nourishing properties of Scott's Rmulsion which is trt food, a tonic and a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rhetitnatism and avoid sieknees. At any drug Store. Scott & Boise. Tomato, oat. CONFESSIONS OF FIAITH. WESTMINSTER CONFESSION 1. God from all Eternity did, by the most wise and holy Counsel of his awn Will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever pines to pass: Yet so, as thereby neither is God ,the Author of Sin, nor is Violence offred to the Will Of the Creatures, nor is the Liberty or Contingency of second Causes taken away, but rather established. II. Although God knows whatsoever may, or can come to pass upon ail sup- posed Conditions, yet bath he pot decreed. any Thing, because he fore -saw it as future, or se that which would come to pass upon such Conditions. III. By the decree of God, for the Manifestation of his Glory, some Men and Angels are predestinated unto ever- lasting Life, and others fore -ordained to everlasting Death. IV. These Angels and Men, thus pre- destinated and fore -ordained, are particularly, and unchangeably design- ed, aad their Number is so certain, and definite, that it cannot Ise either increased or diminished. V. Those of .Mankind that are pre- destinated onto Life, God, before the Foundation' of the World was laid, according to his eternal and immutable Purpose, and the secret Counsel and good Pleasure of his Will, hath chosen, in Christ, unto everlasting Glory, out of his mane free Grace and Love, with- out any Fare -sight of Fniih, or good ,Works, or Perseverance in either of them, er any otber Thing in the Creature, as Conditions, or, Causes moving him thereunto, and all to tbe Praise of his glorious Graee. As the subject of Church Union has been agitating the minds of Presby• terians for some time past and in all probability will be for some time to come. We think we need all the light that can be given upon the matter. As these changes are of vast importance and occur only at great intervals of time, they require our most careful, serious consideration, not alone as to the effect our decision may have upon our own lives, but as to the effect it will have upon succeeding generations. As perhaps the most important doctri- nal views upon which we fail to see alike are, Election, Forotdination, and Free Will. For the benefit of our readers we give two extracts dealing with these subjects, one from the Scottish Confession, another from the Westminster Confession, the Canadian Basis of Union, we expect all have. The Scots Confession of A. D. 1560, was drawn up by insruotion of the es- tates of Parliament ivy John Knox, Winram, Hillock, Spotisweod, Douglas, and Rowe, and was approved by ?stela-. ment as hailsome and sound doctrines. In 1648, the Westminster Confession was compiled by one hundred and eight delegates from England, Ireland and Scotland. ten of these were from Scot- land, five ministers, three elders and two clerks. SCOTCH CONFESSION. For that same, eternal God and Father, who of mere Grace elected us in Christ Jesus his Son, before the Foundation of the World was laid, ap- pointed Him to be our Head, our Brother, our Pastor, and great Bishop of our Souls: But because that the Enmity between the Justice of God, and our Sins, was such, that no Flesh by itself could, or might have attained unto God; It behoved, that the Son of God should descend unto us, and take to himself a Body of our Body, Flesh of our Flesh, and Bone of our bone, and so become the Mediator between God and Man; giving Power to so many, as believe in him to be, the Sons of God, as himself doth witness, I pass up to my Father and unto your .r'ather, to my God and your God: By which most holy Fraternity, whatsoever we have lost in Adam, is restored unto us again; and for this Cause, are we not afraid to call God our Father: Not so much because he hath created ns, which we have common with the Reprobates, as p , for that lie hath given to us his only Son, to be our Brother, and given unto I us Grace to aeknowledge and imbrace him for our only Mediator, as before is mild. It behoved further the Mbssias and Redeemer to be very God and very Man, because he was to underly the Punishment due for our Transgressions; , and to present himself in the Presence VI. As God hath appointed the Elect unto Glory, so hath he, by the eternal and most free Purpose of his Will, fore -ordained alt the Means thereunto. Wherefore they who are elected, being fallen in Adam, are redeemed by Christ, are effectually called uhto Faith in Christ. by bis Spirit working in due Season; are justified, adopted, sanctified, and kept by his Power through Faith unto Salvation. Neither are any other redeemed by Christ, effectually called, justified, adopted. sanctified and saved, but the Elect only. VII. The rest of Mankind, God was pleased, according to the unsearchable Counsel of bis own Will, whereby he extendeth, or withholdeth Mercy, as he pleaseth, for tbe Glory of his Sovereign Power over his Creatures, to pass by; and to erdain them to Dishonour and Wrath, for their Sin, to the Praise of his glorious Justice. VIII. The Doctrine of this high Mystery of Predestination, is to be handled with special Prudence and Care, that. 11i;n a' tending. the Vs ill of God revealed in his Word, and 'yielding Obedience thereunto, may, from the Certainity of their effectual Vocation, be assured of their eternal Election, So shall this Doctrine afford Matter of Praise, Reverence, and Admiration. of God, and of Humility, Diligenee, and abundant Consolation to all that sincere- ly obey the Gospel. TENDERS WA!ED. Tenders will be r eived by the undersigned up. to De ember 10th, 1915, for the erection of orse shed at the Anglican Chu Wingham. For particulars as to tans and specifications, apply to C. P. Smith, Secretary, or ltobt, Johnston, W. J. Vanstone, T. K. Powell, David Holmes, T. R, Bennett, Committee. SHORTHORN CATTLE FOR SALE I have for sale at my premises, lot 26, con. 10. West Wawanosh, a number of prize-winning Shorthorn Cows, in calf and with calves at foot, dlso a number of Shorthorn Heifers, under one year, one year old and two year old. Let me hear from you if you want some good stock. WEBSTER J. W. DODD Successor to J. 0. Stewart Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE P. 0. Box 306 'Phone 198 ' WINGHAM ONTARIO e si Apple Butter for Sale We have always on hand a good supply of apple butter which we sell at 6 cents per lb. Shipped in 15, 30 and 60 Ib. tubs, at a low rate of freight, to any part of the Dominion. Guaranteed first-class in every respect. Orders promptly at- tended to. E Merklev & Son 1 'Phone 84 Box 62 i 71,531, enf qw M '•its �•. address It., ;t. 160 pages of valuable building information -•-52 useful plans—complete details on how to make improvements on the farm that are fire -proof, weather-proof, time -proof and economical — besides scores of other interesting facts. It's the standard authority on farm building construction. It has saved thousands of dollars for more than 75,000 Canadian farmers and will save money for you. If you haven't a Dopy, rend in the coupon NOW, The book 1* free. Canada Cement Company Limited, MONTREAL. 4th,';�t�� F1LL'IN coupe* i ''`f. .-0-DAY CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED, timtd 8.fdidt MOtiri tAt.. 67ii C:enttemetit Pisase card Tete s fres copy of "What The harmer CMS Dui With Coaareti". {Name • ........ Street .nc1 Ne. • City 4..44N 00000 `.,iia, •i�,tiMin - .� ilt›.›.›››››››.›.››.),0:‹‹(‹‹‹‹‹‹.‹, vnarrY THOUGHTS FOR XMAS , ¥ .,a Y Special Values in ChxistsnaS Gifts WB HAVE A FINE ASsoni'MENT IN VIE FoLLOR'ING;-- - Ladies' and Gents' Watches, Gold and Silver Bracelet Watches, Diamond and Pearl Rings, Pearl Sun- bursts, Pearl Necklets and Pendants, Cameo Necklets, Cameo Rings and Brooches, Scarf Pins, Fobs, Lockets and, Chains, Bracelets, Cuff Links, Cut Glass, Silverware, Jewel Cases, Sil- ver -handled Flat w are, Clocks, Ladies' and Gents' Umbrel- las, Military Brush Sets Also White, Ivory and Ebony Toilet and Manicure Sets, Christmas Papeteries, Post Cards, Etc. V V V V V V V V v V V V V v V `V Y V V V A. M. KNOX Opposite National Hotel. v V v tit ,V V Phone 65. ±i 1> JY»%>>Y \\\\\<1<<<<\C141* Alma Flarity Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory Examinations. Studio - McDonald Block Wingham Mr. R.T. A.L.f,.M. �• Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Church Teacher of Pianoforte, Singing Violin Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Wingham, - Ont. iirsionmeitimismumumwmar AUCTIONEERS McConnell & Vandrick Anotioneers for the Counties of Huron and Bruce, are prepared to take all kinds of sales. We are certain we can please. You can have either one or bothwithout extra charge. Orders can be left with F. McConnell, or with 0. F. Vandriok at the Merchants' Brokerage Co.'s Store, Wingham, Charges moderate. 1 1 SPRING COAL If you want to secure the lowest price of the year, buy your winter coal now. If you want good service along with the best coal mined, let us fill you bin with genuine D. L. & W. Scranton, which has no equal, Call at our office and ge` our prices for everythi in the fuel line. g J. A. McLEAN DEALER IN LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND SHINGLES. PRONES : Residence 55, Office 64a, Mitt Gob Rubber Season is Here Kant Krack and Bull Deg grand Rubbers We don't want to brag about any man's goods, but • when we find a line of Rubber Goods that have proved their worth we want to tell you about them. Igor many seasons we were dissatisfied with the way some brands of Rubbers were turning out, and changed to the KANT KRAcx and Bum. DOG BRANDS. Every dollar yotinvest in a pair of these Rubbers for Men' Ladies or Children will give you at least 25 per cent, abetter wear than a lot of lii s, ' Prices this year are practically the same as IaSt year's prices, and the goods look, if anything, better finished t'tian last season's. In buying your Rubbers take no chances on any old brand, but be sure and get KANT KR.Acic or 1.3U1.1, DO* BRAND. MILLS A �y �y y t Successor to T. A, Mills PHONE 89. ' W I 'GRAM, ONT OUR MOTTO: More Sales with Less Profits,