HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-09, Page 2THE REVENGE OF A FIEND Joseph Liston Tried to Burn a Store Full of Women. A despatch from New York says: When Joseph Liston, alias Janes O'Brien, was sentence! last Se -filmier to nine months on Blackweles Is'and for hurling a stone through Iho plata glass window of the Berlin department stere at Itroadwuy and Willoughby avenue, W iltiamsburg, he swore lie would be revenged. geed. On Tuesday afternoon Liston walked into the stare, his term haling expired aL noon Lime. Ile went 10 the lace cur- tain department. Ile did not look like a man who knew anything about lace curtains. Ile asked one of the saleswo- men to show him some curtains. The eirkewontan turned around to take torn a shelf a box of Curtains when site heard the noise of the striking of a match. It Is against the rules of the storo to smoke, mei thinking the man dad not know this the saleswoman whirled around to tell him lie must put cul his cigar or cigatette. 'L'o her hor- ror, stto saw the roan had thrown a lighted match among a lot of lace cur- tains on the counter. There was a flick- er and the curtains blazed up. Em- ployees, hearing the saleswoman s screams, managed to crush out the blaze, and then they I•ouneed on Liston. '(here was a desperate fight, but they bete hint to the floor. Them were hundreds ot shoppers in the store, mostly women, and on hear- ing the screams they made a dash 'or tl:c stairs and doors. They were head- ed off, however, and a panic averted. When some of the women (earned that Liston had teed to set fire to the store tt:oy tried to reach him, and but for the presence of sew ral policemen he would have Leen toughly htandle.i, A PITCHED It t !TLE. Eighty Men Reported Killed in Fight at Tabriz. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: The fighting which took place at Tab- riz. Persia, on Tuesday, acoording to re - pc ns that have just come to hand via Baku, approached the dirnens:ons of a real battle. Eighty men aro reported killed and many more were wounded. Tire exact casualties, however, are not given. Horsemen under Rachim Khan took part in the fighting. They enteral the town to support the Shah. A de- Rrchmont of 350 revolutionary volun- teer,, which started for Teheran to de- throne the Shah, returned to Tabriz af- ter going forty miles. The initabeants of Tabriz aro panic.stricken. Only few anen venture abroad on the streets. TWO STEEL COMBINES. 'l'hey Will Fight for the World's Mar- kets. A despatch from London says: Ac- cerding lo The Iron and Steel Trade Journal the English and Scottish steel manufacturers have derided. after all, root to join the proposed international tGrnbine, but to ally themselves with the national ainalgaunat'on that is be- ing formed to fight the international trust. This amalgamation, The Journal declare+, will soon be established. 1l will consist of the principal American, German, Russian and French steel com- parn'o;, and fierce competition, both hero and elsewhere, with a slump in prices, may be expected to result from the an- tagonism of the two combines. BONR THROWERS iN INDIA. pronrfnent Persons Arrested In Cohnec- dun With Calcutta Outrage. A despatch from Calcutta says: Seven ateo 's have been trade in connection with the outrage at the Konkara tend l- tend station on June 22, when a bomb was thrown into a compartment of a train, seriously wounding two European passe:sg re. Among th• so nrreatel are a professor at rho Ithatpara Sanscre (:olk•ga and Dr. Brojoral Gosh, a famous Itengal physician. At least ono of flit other prisoners is said also to oceupy en important positon in Indian society. COULD NOT GET WORK. Coolish Inunlurrml .Ends .Life N'ilh Laudanum at Fort N'iilirun. A despatch frena Fort William, Ont., snys: !kenondent et Iho non -..u -Gess t a five -weeks' search for work, %Villtam fiebbins, a new -comer (nem England, committed suicide by taking an over- dose of Inudarunt un Thursday mein - me II tit!) 1:S(:U'rs (:.11.LOW'S. !ii- a atee lice Commuted to Intprtson- nteret for Lite. A despatch front Buis.', Idahn, 'nys: The Slate ie and of Pardons on Wednes- day ce,mntlt d the man!e•nca of Harry ltre•htnrel, who was under sentence to tang next Friday for the murder of I'. otter (' vernor Frank Steuuenburg, 1. 1rnpri_onreeat for lee FAMILY DESERTION. Children's Aid. The following is taken from the ex- cellent report of Mr. J. J. Kelso, Super- intendent of Neglected Ch ldren of the Province, and is someth ng which should stir every community to try and have the law bear more heavily on wite de-_ sorters and non -supporters: - "The desertion of wife and children 1:y the resronsible head of the family c armee to be one of the most prolific causes of do; endency. Publi: institu- tions in all parte of tho country are overcrowded wah this class, and in ad- dition to the misery caused by these cruel desertions, the burden of expense thrown unfairly upon the charitable public is simply appalling. No effort is made to bring these men back and com- ret them to do their duty, and even %Oran they remain in town they ate al- lowed an order of separation in the eielice c- ort Brat trees them from re:- spa-risibility. o-spa-risibility. "Many children go astray because their mothers aro widows or deserted w.vis compel:e.l to go out work ng and thus leave the young people to their con devices. This fact is emphasized almost hourly in every office where the problems oonnected with neglected or dependent children aro being studied. Recently a young man called to ask my advice obaut one of his Sunday School scholars, a bright, interesting Ind of eleven. The boys mother and father ..e.paratcd some years ago, with the re- sult that the poor woman has to go out hcusecleaning to earn her living. The hey, although so young, has been en- gage:1 as a messenger and has been thrown into daily temptations beyond his years of moral strength. Twice al- rendy he has been in the hands of the rel ce and is regarded as having a crim- inal record. Just think of it. a little fellow barely out of the kindergarten clans who is known to the police and detective force as a dangerous youth, and this I was assured was the fact! \\'hat is needed for This little fellow 's not a reformatory, but n g od home in s: mo quiet oountry distract where he will be under firm but kindly in(lu- cnce•s." 4. AtIOS KILLED SIXTY-TWO. One Year's Deaths cat Ibe Roads of Masmchusetts. A despatch hem Roston says: Sixty- two persons were killed by nu:onwbiks within the State of •\Inssachusetts dur- ing the year ending Io -day, accenting t the first annum report issued en Tlwredny by the Safe Roods Automeihee As-octat on, an organiznlion torted in June, 1907, to ks.en lee dnngc':s attend- cnt on reddens autonroDiling. Of this number twenty-one were in automobiles and forty- nc were not. In ndd.tion 010 icr.ons were Zeriousty injured. SNEEZED HiS EVE OIT. Peculiar ,trr elnrtt to Cori meal Hart of London. A deseatch from Gu tali says: A very nrculeir a'eident hapienod to C,c•rperal Hart of London, on Thursday. who is in crimp here wl'h the medical corps of that city. While sn ezang the effort c)'s- k.dgel his eye -tail. wh•ch cerno out on his clic k. 'i'he err wee replaced by a physician, and he is unite the averse to the strange incir!ent. LEAPED OFF NIAGARA BRIDGE Nervy Chippowa Man Accomplishes the Feat in Safety. A dleepatch hem Niagnra Fells, Ont., .'ys: Mere than 2,00n tc.,ple stto herd e .there 1 at Niagnra Falls on \Vedn'sdny a t : -• d n sight n•v.r before seen at N r Thi. wa; Ire pltmge of 11411)- • ulee . 1 •ems h, of Chipp. w•a, Ont.. f:om In. ; , er steel nrrh t rade.' to tt:c surfnre r : the 1. wer ever. it was just 1.10 :• • k that i.erh sprung out from the t... g of the Voter and droppd sw tt- le • words the current 200 feet tel •w. - he fell he epenol it large parachute. n in. h checked hs speed and in lege Mut a hat minute he tied mole the ci ^_col and he sewer the water with a A fres that barfly causal n ►eplash. mei in nee way evrrcerne was t -J • ut kern the fact that he quickly sleek out to swim, and within n few minutes mends in it i4.w• loaf hod p ck.'.l him up and taken hien In the ('.a reelian •hare, where he was greeted with cheers. Lerch is 45 yeare old, and nbnut 10 years age attempted to win fame here by the rapids trip. He has since been anroid. Tho•c who knew•of his rapids ;refer:nonce did not think he would make the flitrht on Wednesday. 1t is said he will repeat 11. if permitted, on the fourth. Vevars ago another party dropped farm the same level, assisted by a rub - ter cable that broke the fall. but no por- tion hag ever made the kap unaided Otte rival. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS PItO\1 ALL OVER TUE GLOBE. 'telegraphic Bawls From Our Oen and Other Countries ot Recant Events. CANADA. A tad: and nail factory is to bo ercct- ce at ee. pence London has paid off $60,000 of its bonded ine'ebteduess. Crouse t block invert -tents will be giv- en a trial in London. A new shoal has been discovered in the St. (:lair River near Sarnia. Bush (fres are deing great damage near Chariton on the '1'. & N. O. In London. in June, there were 100 births, 54 marriages, and 50 deaths. Two White Star stearuers will run to Montreal from Liverpcol next summer. A cable across Niagara is suggested to prevent boats from being carried over the falls. Two young men named Dunn and Mc Denied ran tho Lachine Ilapids in an eighteen -toot skiff. Jaynes White of Delaware township may be fatally injured as the result of an auto scaring his horses. Busin-ss in Neva Scotia, acro:ding to The Hallos Chronicle's reports, is in an exceedingly prosperous condition. Two Canadians were fined $t5 eacti toy United States officers for fishing in Nl.agara liiver without a license. Tho Deiartment of Canals announes that it is expected the Cornwall Canal will be ravened for traffic on July 101h. William Paul will to hanged at Port Arthur on Sept. 18 for the murder of Henry Schilling at Plnewcod in 1906. ' Chief of Police Randall of Guelph has teen condemned to pay six dollars for confiscating some short -weight butter on the market. GREAT BRITAIN. :Dr. Osler will bo a candidate for the le rd Rectorship of Edinburgh Univer- sity. The e':evlight bill, which proposes to moue the use of daylight in Britain, has bee. proved by the select commit- tee ommittee of the Melee of Commons. The new butties!rip Inflexible, on her trial trip on the Clyde, did better than her sista r ship, Leo Indomitable, making just under 27 knots. uNrrED STATES. Schooleraft and some adjacent coun- tk's in Michigan fear a g•asstiopj:er plague. Two hundred persons aro homeless and scorns destitute as a result of the Lorna to in Minnesota. A circus lion escaped at Reading and was captured by a policeman, who clubbed 1t into a corner. Five persons were killed in a head-on collision on the Missouri Pacific near Knobnoster, Mo., on Thursday. Sturgeons weighing from fifty-eight to eighty-five pounds were trapped et the dam in Stevenson, Mich., last week. At Elkton, Md., a two-year-old boy found a box of strychnine pills, swal- lowed several, and died in thirty min- utes. The United States Treasury's excess of expenditure over receipts for the fiscal year just ending will approximate $60,- 0(K'.000. The lienith Department reports that more than GO rer cent. of the children 11 Chicago public schools are physically defective. George elamagona, an Indian boy, has finished five years in the Elk RapiJs lhgh School without missing a day or being late. James Gilman, a rancher, near San Jose, mentnily unbalunad for seven y' nes, rcc )verel his ;natty after being beton by n snake. Joseph 1.ifllo, held by the New York relice on a charge of murdering Albert •N well of Tor nt,, Is said to have ad- nliticd assaulting deceived. GF.NEitAL. The Shah of Persiaa has proclaimed rr gancral amnesty. Cholera is spreading at an alarni.ng rate in the Philippine Islands. Qucen Amalie of Portugal is suffering fee to a mild attack of diphther a. Thousands of lemma are homeless rend starving as the result of floods in S. uth Chinn. The (tzar has expressed his pleasure a' the work of the Duma during the pre- sent 'c --'Ion. Sone English insurnn'e firms ether te pay 50 per co nt. of claims resulting horn the earthquake fire in Kingston. Jnnuntca. Two hundred French Bold ers were taken suddenly ill in (Oaten China, as lite result, it is bo:ieted. of an attempt nt who:esti':o poi/ening. .l. A1.1.1'IIING ADtt'E:IITIsE:NE:\'IBJ. elan Whig Offered Situations al Winne pro Has I)ie&Plreare•d. A despatch from \\'innifeg say's: Re- cently it roan came here and started to publish advertisements offering ril- 1 ng stringers here. Letters Legan food the snails, and the auth'eritks had the"r attentk'n attracted to it. Tie Postal Depnrtn:ent nt once he'd up then mail, and nt present have six thennsand letters hem all parts et Carmen, the United States and the elel country co• railed. but. the rules i 1 sir has d:sappear- el. Ile will be prosecuted if caught. .% DI%ER KILLED. (:dorir' ':. Pike teentrited to Turn n Double Somersault. A despatch lr' m St. John, N.R.. say.;: (Dee. E. Pike. aged 18. of St. John west. lost hie: life on Wcdneeday at the mouth c: Sl. Je hn flarb r. Leaping from the breakwater in an effect to turn a 41011. b!e aomcrr-ttult into the water, he shnt fifteen feet thr iigh the air and stru-k fiat on his .temach, it was seen from shore that he was hurt, and his bn:thor Harry and another man swam to him and brought him to land. He extereel a few minutes later. Internal hemorrhage was the cause. THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPOIITS f it011 111E LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Graln, t eeesa col Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BI;EADS1'UFFS. Toronto, July 7. -Ontario white oats wcre ski to -day at 42c, outside, and c ther lots are offered at 430 on the same bus's. Ontario Wheal --No. 2 white, red or mixo.l, 79c. Mrur*Veba Wheat - Market quotations at Georgian Say ports, No. 1 northern, 81.07X; No. 2 northern, $1.043.; No. 3 eel theta, $l.t2X. Corn -No. 3 yellow offered at 78e to 79c, all rail. Barley -No. 2, 53c to 55c. Peas -No. 2 quiet., nominally quoted a. 92c. Rye --No. 2, none offering; quotation afoul 880. Buckwheat - No. 2, nominally quoted CSe. to 68c. Bran - Offered at $15 in bulk out- side; shorts, $19; quotations for deliv- ery in bags, 82 more. Flour - Manitoba relents, special brands, $6; seconds, $5.40; strong bak- ers', $5.30; w.ntcr wheat patents, sold a: $3.15. GAUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter -Creamery prints, 22o to 23c; creamery solids, 21c to 22c; dairy prints, choice, 19c to 20c; dairy prints, ordin- ary, 183 to 19e; dairy tubs, 18c to 19c; inferior, l6a to 17c. Che -12Xc to 12%c for large, and 13e for twins. Eggs -Quotations aro 17c to 18c per dozen in case lots. Beans -Primes, $2 to $2.10; hand- picked, $2.10 to $2.15. Honey --Strained, 11c to 130 per pc•und; cumin, Ter dozen, $1.50 t) S1.75. Potatoes-Onter.os, 75c to 80c; Dela- wares, 85o to 95c In car lots on track here. PROVISIONS. Pork -Short cut, $22 to $22.50 per bar- rce1; mess, $18.50 to $19. Lard-Tieten, 11'/,c, tubs, 12c; pails, •12%,c. Snicked and Dry Sallee Meats -Long clear bacon, 10Xc to 11c, kens and cas- e• hams, medium and light, 13%c to 1 t.:; hunts, largo, 1131,c to 12e; backs, 1Gc 1: 16 ;o; shoulders, 9%c to 10c; rolls, lea to 10Xc; bretktasL bacon, 14c to 15c; green meats, out of pickle, le leas than aenoked. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, July 7.-Flour--Maneoba spring wheal patents, $6.10 to $6.20; scoond patents, $5.50 'o 85.70; winter sheat patents, $5 to $5.50; straight rot - era, $4.25 to $t.50; in bags, $1.95 to $.'.10; extra, $1.50 to $1.70; rolled oats, $2.75 in bags of 90 pounds; eats, No. 2. 49c to 50c; e'\o. 3, 47c to 47%.c; No. 4 46c to 46%c; rejected, 45c; Manitoba ro• lecicd, 47c to 47,1c. Cornmeal, $1.75 to .1.145 Ter bag; rnillkod, Ontario bran in bags, $20.50 to $21.50; shorts, $23 to $21; Manitoba bran, in bags, $22 to $23; shorts, $24 to $25. Prov:sie ns -Barrels short cut mays, 812.50; huh -Lands, $11.50; clear fat tacks, $3.2; dry oohed long clear backs, Itc; barn le plate beef, $17.50; half -bon rels do.. $9; compound lard, 8'/.c to 9Xc; pure lard, 12%c to 13c; kettle ren- dered. 13c to 13%,c; hams, 123fe tet 14c, according to size; breakfast bac ,n, 14c to 15c; Window bacon, 15e to 16e; fresh killed ebatto r dressed hogs, $9.25; fresh k lied abattoir dressed hogs, $9.50; live, 36.75 to $6.85. Ch_ese-Easterners are quoted at 12c and west•rrers 123 c to 12%r, with a h w cables fr-m across tee water. Eggs -Selected, 19e to 20c; No. 1, 17%c l0 18e; No. 2, 14c per dozen. Butter -Finast creamery quoted nt 230 to 233;c in rotutd lots and 24e to gm - cera. Reales for the week amounted to 23.510 packages, cornlu►re1 with 17,- 9'tt packages for the corresponding week of last year. UNITED STATES MAitKETS. Minneapolis, July 7. -Wheat - July, $Lof: Sept/tuber, Oteec; No. 1 hard, SLOW: No. 1 Northern, $I.07%; No. 2 ,N4.rthern nominal; No. 3 Northern, 81.013;. i :our -First patent+, $5.30 to $5.45; ace nd patents, $5.20 to $5.35; first clear:. $4.15 le $1.25; second clears, 33..50 fn $3.eo. 11inn-in bulk, 318. Buffnke July 7. \\'Mat - Si r ng lino settled; N. I N. r11:• rn carloads, store $1o11%; Winter steady; No. 2 red 93c; No. 2 white, i)4c; No. 2 mixed, 93c, rill (rack. Cern-Higher; No. 3 yellow, 76c; No. 4 velem, 74c; No. 3 corn. 72X to ;;t'. nit track; No. 3 white, 76 Xe, Oats -Higher; No. 2 while, 563yc; No. 3 wh le, 54,Yc. all track. fleecy -Feed to malting, 58 to 63c. itye-N ). 2 on track, 81c. Canal freights, wheat, 5c to Nev Ycrk. M•lwn,rkce, July 7-Whoal-Nn. 1 N•.•rthern, $1.11 1., $1.12; No. 2 North- ern, $1.09 to $1.10; Seplemt-or, $75 c asketl. itye•--No. 1. 74X, to 75c. barley -No. 2. 6G:; sampk, 52 to 64e. Corn-- Ner. 3 cash, 70 to 71c; September, 70Xc naked. New York. July 7. -Wheat -Spot firm; No. 2 nd, 96%c to 97c, elevator; No, 2 reel. 9G e. Leh. relent; N. 1 northern. Menth, $1.14'; f.o.b., gloat; No.. hard winter. $1.01% f.o.b. nfleat, LIVE STOCK MIAftli T. Te:rnn.'o. July 7. -The few good ex - paters wen' scald nt 86 to $6.25 per cowl. Export bulls brought $1.75 to $5.10 ler ce t. For itrkeel butchers' cn1Ue the de tunnel was active at $5.60 t o $5.75 per cwt.: gvxad lends were unchanged nt $5.25 to 85.1.5 per cwt. eh-dirtnt butch- ers' cattle. $4.25 to $4.75; ch ohes enws, 34.10 lo $5: cernrnon cows, $2.50 to $3.60; bulls, $3 to 81.25; canners, 81.50 10 $2 ler cwl. There was an enquiry for fee !ere, 1/00 1.) 9(0 jound.e. nt $3.75 to $1 per' cwt. Other grades were quiet. ('a:ves were weaker, wh le sheep and lambs were unchnnge,t. Hogs were firm nt $6.44 f• r satiate, fed and wale:col, and $6.15 ler cwt.. for lights and tots. BANK CLERK SANK TO DEATH Was Steering Yacht Near Ottawa When He Was Swept Overboard. A despatch from Ottawa says: W. A. Green, aged 21, of Dartmouth, Nova Scolia, who has leen a teller in the Union Bank here for the past year, was the. victim of a pathetic yachting acci- (lent cut Lake Ik•schenes, 9 n►ite> from Ottawa, on Wednesday afternoon. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw, their two sons, and Miss Brewder made up a merry party wh ch left Ayl- mer in a yacht Lt the morreng and sailed across the lake to Shirley Bay. On the return trip in rho afternoon the yacht w as running free Lefair•e a heavy breeze, and Green was stand:ug cat tt.O e:cck handling the tiller. Suddenly the nuties-ill jibed and Green was swept in- to the lake h the boom. A life preserver was thrown to hint, but he failed to get It and before the yacht could be brought about, he had sunk. Miss Brewder, who was Green's fian- cee, became hy-lericaI and subsequently une.insclons, aid was revived with die ficully after tate arrival of the yacht at Ayl►ner. Green's body has not been recovered. HEIR OF THE HOWARDS THE BABY ABOUT 'WHOM ALL ENG- LAND IS TALKING. First Earl of Arundel to be Born in the Historic Castle of the Sante Name. Tha ncent birth of a ,on and heir to the Duko of Norfolk was treated as an event of almost national importance. The Di.ko of Norfolk is a man of maik in many ways. He is the most import- la mport- ant. buy member' of the Boman Church Li Gtcat Britain. Ifo is a.bo the pre- mier peer of Great Britain, and the birth et a s n insures the continuance in the ducal male line of the ancient !amity ct Howard or lterevard, which steals next lo the blood royal at the head of the English ro.r:ega and 11 acus its des- cent back to Saxon times. Arundel Castle, the Duke's stately Su-! ex home, dales from the tune of King Alfred, who mentoned it in hie will. The eleventh Duko spent 33,001,- 00e 3,001-(t(r(. in rebuilding and in:p:oving it, and the present Duke, ttic fifteenth, has spent at least $5,000,000 more. The south side rued grand entrance, as wee a., the old keep, ate of Saxon nrchitec- turo, but the chief entrance is a mag.u- •ficent deep Norman doorway. It seems strange That, with ho long and continuous a family history, the child that was born on Saturday shou:d b) the first heir 10 the dukedom that has been born IN THE iIISfORIC CASTLE. The titles to whkh he will succeed ore more numerous than those held by a1 - most any other peer. Ile will be Duke cit Norfolk, Earl of Arundel, of Surrey and of Norfolk, Baron Filzalan, Clun and Oswaldwtre, and Baton Mallravers. Ile will also be Earl Marshal and Here- ditary •Marshal of England. an ofrtce, together with that of Chief Butler, con- ferred upon h:s predocessor in the fif- teenth century, with the magnificent emolument of £20 a year suitably to maintain its dignity. Tho pre..-ont holder of all these dig- nit:cs and title> is probably ono of the ►::ost unassuming men in the British Isles. Ile succ•eeted les father as W. leenth Duko in 1860, when only 13, and sevcn'een years eller married a duugi:- ler of Lord l) nirg'on. 'flare was only ene child el this marring a sal, wh( se mental and physical weaknoes was the tragedy of his paroles' 1 f,'. In 1887 Iho Duchess decal, and the Duke, always a deeply rel gious man. wL4tcd to retire from the world end spend the rest of his life in elate rel.!. gloms order, but the urgent tcpre?se•n a- eons of h.'s friends, including Quern V•cloria. Lord Salsbury and Cardinal Newman, prevented hint from taking Hes dx urse. Instead he devoted hintse 1 to the caro of h:s invalid ,'on, and the performance of any publie duly that cane his w':ey. Ile was twice Marl' of Sheffield, a sewn than wh.ch he derives some .E100,- COI !~100;00(I a year, and from 1895 to 1900 was • rot (he to st active to stmnster-Ge crabs tho General Pcstollco ever had. Ile r signed to servo in the South Af- r.can war. IN 1902 IIIS SON DIED, and two years Inter the Duke married ora n, !Ws flee the daugh cr rine heir - e s of baron !terries; h s cousin. She is heirdsa Le the ancient Scotch barony et Ilorr)e., created in 1489. one of the few peerages inh,riiab'e by daughter+ as well as s moa of the h•,use, so that Ile child burr eat Saturday will, in the ordinary court d wen's, add this Lille 1c' the ting list ho w ill inherit from hes frith r. A recut ar fact in connecton with tt.o hereto rn e t Anatole], created in 1139, is that Mull f Castle ib the only ancient feudal (stale 1h' pn:s"sin et whi h ten) facto a nfera a title, If it were so:el to any nt:ll onaire to -morrow lie would at on• s Ice 'nt•z Earl of Arundel. In spite of his toot wealth and h gh T. ss ti• n, Ili pee. nt Duke of N, r(olk scorns delights. Ile pro:e:s eel gar. n.ents 10 Wiwi and can b -nst Ile proud distinction of being Iho w••.r.;t dressc,l roan in en 11..u•c of boort-. which bus teen called the worst dree'scd nes.. in- Llage in Eurule. Vo ry short, with it 1i -intense reline gal. it ling, dal k, un'rirnreI Leine dos ed in old, uufa•hionnble, con `enbby. doting, he certainly de es n•.t suggest externally the veneer Duke and Earl effustnrl of Errgtnnd. Once, it is said, ho went into a '-h y) in Ports mouth. end lee proprietor, thinking he !:nd more in nnseer t) an wheal eo- ment for an ass.stent, told him the placed was fil!e.l and offered him six- pence to cover h"o disappointment. The Duke. who is not wilheeut humor, teak et with thanks, and went. On another occasion, when the b'nu- t.fully kept grounds of Arundel were thrown open for a 'school children's treat, the Duke was Cit0.SSING ONi? OF 1IIS LAWNS well a leacher folleer d him, about ng. "Come oft the grass! it's people like you get these places shut to the pub- lic." On the day that Glrndstone was bur- ied in Westminster Abbey, the writer was standing with a small body of prc's representatives in King William Rufus Hall, where the first part of the funeral ceremony was 10 take place. A little man in an old-fashioned frock coat, the very short .sleeves of which revealed 113 sign of shirt cuffs, bu'st!cd up to hien and asked: "Have you, gentlemen, got everyhng you want?" then bustle) off to gel a few more printed forms of the proceedings. A woman reporter next to the writer, touched tum on the arm and said: "Was that the chief under- taker wlro &poke to you?' '\No,' was the reply, "that was the Dolce of Nor- folk. the Earl Marshal of Eng and, who superintends a function of tin's sort as one of his duties." The woman reporter evidently did not believe it, and looked around for : ome one she would trust. Seeing Julian l'alph, she went and asked hien, but he was not suro, and it was not until the Duke, this time carrying his Marahalrs Lakin, led in the distinguish -id proces- sion of clergy and pall-beares' that she would believe that the rusty-lackng lit- tle man with a kind face, but shock- ing clothes, was the important person - ago he had been declared to Lo. KNG EDWARD'S RA(EIIORSES. Only Two Have Been Winners in Great Mellish Turf Events. Probably no owner ever had : uch a persistent run of bad luck as hes Ma- jesty during the early years of his rac- ing career. At his first modest appear- ance on n rnceoourse, thirty-seven years ago. hi sJtorse Champion had the nes- lot tune to fall eru'ly in the ra:e, and al- though he made a genre effort to ree ever lest ground ho could only finish second. S:x years tater--at his s:amd appear- ance -at the Newmarket July meeting, his horse Atep was badly tan by Lord Slrattmairn's Avowal. a it was not anti( 1880 that Leonidas 1 , ridden by (:apt. Wentworth 1Iope-Johnstone, scor- ed his first victry in the Aldershot cup. Six years more elapsed, making fif- teen years in all front his racing d:but, before the royal colors were carried to victory for the first time in flat racing, who n, erred a :c.no of great enthusiasm, Counterpane, ridden by Archer, wain a maiden plate at Sundown. .l. C. P. R. STATION ROBBED. Dynamite Used nn Safe and Building Damaged at East Selkirk. A despatch from East Selkirk, Man., 811)s: The (:. 1'. 11. station liar.' was roe - hal on \\'edneslay night, and the sato ►vas blown with dynamite, which Corn- plctely wrecked it. and also damaged the building coneol.•rably. The burglars secured about $tin, most of which ho- k nged to the agent. The tatter does not live in the station house, his dwel- 1 ng Icing about halt a olio away; con- sequently the safe-crackers hail no one to disturb their operntons. The is the second time within a month that Iho solion was broken Info, although the prewinus at:cn►pl win fruitless. The bt:ralar•s. how•e o r, dr 1'ed n h.ele in the torfe at that tome, showing their Mien - 2 200 5II:N 111.1t1 -1I IN VINE. Tragedy In Russia N'as Caused by Ex- plosion of Gas. A despatch f•om Yieovo. Fou op 1,n Russia, says: A terrable expleson •,f gas occurred in Ile. Itekovsky mine on \Veel- r.c,rloy evening, in which n !urge nem - 14.t• of miners were nt work. One hun- dre,l and fifty -sewn Lo l ei have 1 ern r. a ovcred, all 4 f whom neo !ally I ro n- • 4i. but it 1a tel awed that th' drnth roll w h roach at Ien •! 200. Twenty-'h,•e a of the rn• n were resew d alive on Thursday, tel tunny of thorn nre Icing taken 4.nt ..f th • shaft. There is great ex flee eel Lore, Duel troops have tern c led le prow nl (1 8 Toler. , Af)Ol'r1ON OF CHILDREN. " i too great nim of our Ch kir. n's Ald See"c'le•s." snys 1. J. Kels.e. "is to get homeless and frien.Ires; ehilJr•en int a the rural tome( et Ili' !'rev nce wheto therm is enough reel 1•, spare. :r4 wee an example in right living That will d vel. p II:e lest che: a •t•rist 04 of citiz- enship. 11 your child were left nl•.n' in the weerkt would you desire it In leo brought up in an almshe,use -e7 a ratan asylum? No. you would i.ke to gat int a real he,rne where genu.n•• 14ivc fee children cxasteol, and where it would naturally' expand w.ttw ul the !ant of reality. Anti this is why we ane con- stantly asking good pe epte to older a Larne to on' of these forsak n little erne. (:1 td:e:r have a happy kna k of driving away k,nl re -s and fleed.ng a browse wish :unsh ne, ro that the benefit is rutatual. \\'by not Loy this sevo.eign remedy for the blues "