Exeter Advocate, 1908-07-02, Page 8r
reeui1 ed it 111111)1)'1'
v1 "Burly" Hodgins, the young man4 from l landeboye, who was tried in
LOCAL DOINGS. Goderich ou mouthy aur( 'Tuesday on CHAN EL) EACH WEDNESDAY
4tliAL Asa& Ala � ��� a charge of assault on a young lady of 1Vheat - -
Stephen. was discharged by Judge Batley a� ,
Rev. D. W. Collins took pal t in the, Doyle, after a severe lecture. Oats
strawbei ry ft -tival program at Ilih- ' 11r, ti. Dinney, the new pro- Peas
belt Tutvu 1i .11 on 1hersday last.
The y'ear'e work closed in the schools
this week and the " Hope ot Canada"
is now enjoying a good Tong holiday.
The C.uuiieg Factory commenced
t` be canning of peas today. The crop
Of— is a good une. 1n consequence, the
pack will be large.
New Browns The good people of London will hail
with delight the announcement that
beef in that city is to take a drop of
Wood Colors two cents pound after July 1st.
What say the Exeter butchers
-r-tt _ __ t_ _ -- Grey The pat tial e.•lipse of the sun was
plainly visible through the darkened
Klass on Sunday from 1U to 12 o'clock.
Correct thing for the Spring
1'he shadow passed over the lower and
S. western portion of the sun.
The congregation of the Presbyter-
ian Church was highly delighted on
Sunday morning with the patriotic
sermon by Rev. Martin, and the patri-
otic song, "Oh! Canada'" by the choir.
A most successful year has passed
in the school work of the Institute for
the Deaf at Belleville, where most re-
markable progress has been trade by
the many unfortunate children who
are looked after in the school.
James Scott claims to have caught
the largest black bass ever caught in
this county, at Bayfield recently. It
was 1f► inches long, 11 inches around
and weighed over three pounds. We
are sure we have heard our fishermen
"talk of" bigger fish than that,
The boys returned from camp at
Goderich on Friday at noon, well
pleased with the outing, and well tan-
ned by exposure to the sun and wind.
When asked as to their chances of go-
ing to Quebec they replied that few of
the volunteers were anxious as they
understood that if they went tbey
would receive no pay while on the
Western farmers claim to have
found out that if potatoes, after being
cut for planting, are sprinkled with
sulphur, ten cents worth to a bushel of
potatoes the bugs will desert the field
and cannot be coaxed or hired to feed
as the tops. If the above is true, the
potato bug problem seems to be solved.
It will be well to test it on a small
plot before using it generally.
Marchant Tailor,
Ovalness Locals -- Read Them
Mari lege Licenses issued at the Ad-
VOcate ottice.
Big 1J•uyoins in Muslin Remnants.
21.2 t.. 12 y.l. ends. Coote quick.'
Steu'a rt.
P ard tor Site
53i ace a :arm, situate west of the G.
T. R. auu north of the salljblock, Exe-
ter. Tet iiis easy. Apply A. Q. Bobier.
X2,00 r a roll sir, Black .11ureen
l'tulcrski, t. Russle silk lined, Si.wart.
D r. O%ens consuls.
Dr. 0.. us, Loudon, Eye and Ear
Surgeo.. .. ill be at the Commercial
Hotel, r..eter, on Friday,
July 3rd.
Glasses to „perry fitted anddiseases of
Eye, Eat. :ud Nose treated.
.Ire y.,( vetting 1..11.ritl.'s Suyrr 1
Steuart xellx no other—it's best b., test.
Mara limos in tee West
Mr. Jo_. ph I)agg, of St. Marys.
writes from Edmonton, as follows: "I
have seen no place in the %Vest that
offered :. r inducement to locate in
and •.r.,- ....eh disappointed at what I
liad !e f the country. i also not-
iced :t g. .' many out of work and
that lit _ out west was very high
and 1 h . workingman could save
mute u. . p in St. Marys at $1 a day
than h • aid out here with $3 a day.
(Give to • )ntario against all other
count ri. live in, The part of Brit-
ish C.,1+, ...t I visited may be a warns
climate, 1..t too notch stet weather to
suit in... a'hy, it rained in the part
whet, I for three weeks without
A let :.; i from all the infoi:nation
could her there are only about
four m 0.,:.5 in the year that are any
S. ,..,;. Wilton Room Rugs. Reds,
.nrna. 1'alucs all in your
%Ii -s J. J Allan, eye light specialist
and r •fr;a • ing optician, will he at the
Cone' er ; .1 llotel Satutd.ty, July 11.
11outu11.1. in. to 9 p. m.
1t, ,/„►t want a !only 10.5 1 ieee semi-
/ ' .r.'. ,in Chinn Dinner Set—see the
ran illy lose” set at Stewart's for
$1.1.5u. S.,ld for $16.50 in the city.
Mr-. R. Dinney entertained a nom -
her of (ri••rt is on Friday evening in
het ref her birthday.
L tette ranter of Double Liability.
'1'1..• 1. !l .wing announcement from
1'oroot.• .t.II be of interest to many
h.•r.: "The comtnittee to whom the
beguid.,ti.•n of the Sovereign Bank was
eotte-reel, Senator Baird, Mr. A. F.
Meisel en. 31. 1'., and Mr. William
Wallace, will present a report at the
shareholde•t s' annual meeting on July
1Ith. At present tbere seems to be
little I,kehhotel that the shareholders
will he called upon for any portion of
their 110111,1.• liability. I.iquidatinn has
reached a stage which makes it cer•
fain that the shareholders have not
lost all that they invested in the de-
funct institution. "Our one object,"
said Mr. Wallace, " has been to save
as much stoney as we can for the
sharehold.•t 4. i do not think there is
the slightest danger of a call on the
double liat•ility. On the contrary, 1
think they may expect a good per
centteege• ot what they had invested."
} Summer
1. g
1 i' iB 131(. Rt'S1,
1 for Spring ,end ,}
+ Summer
+ VI%
• •
hats h.gnn already.
LET t'4 Tuve
lint* ME.. aat'RF.
(► tr Goods are
the Best.
Style. Fit and Finish
Met chant Tailor - Exeter
Rev. Urquhart, of Kippen Presby-
terian Church, and Rev. Going, of
Janes St. Methodist Church, Exeter,
exchanged pulpits on Sunday for both
services. Rev. Urquhart is a very
interesting and pleasing speaker and
his discourses were well received. in
the evening he preached from the text
"Add to Your Faith," and made a
strong and earnest plea for the up -
building of a righteous and God-fear-
ing nation and people.
If some day the newspaper titan
should phut the contents of his waste
basket there would probably be a riot.
There would certainly be trouble in
many homes, .wrests in some direc-
tions, shot guns in others, trouble all
around. But the patron never sees
the waste basket. Ile only glances at
the printed pages, complains if one let-
ter in fifty is upside down, growls his
disappointment if Otto name in flue
hundred has happened to go wrong,
kicks because his communication sign-
ed "Tax -Payer," has been condensed
into respectable i•:nglish, frowns be-
cause the irrlitor didn't take his ;Mice
about p'ablicly wattling his neighbor
against throwing more melon in the
alley, and 1; genet ally disgrunted, not
so touch at what he finds as what he
fails to find. ile knows his spate of
the waste basket, but if he roam hate
one look at the contribution made to
that receptacle by his neighbor and
friends, be would th Ink (sod for tire_
existence of a man with sufficient in•
telligence and courage not to print all
he knots-. and to temper even that
which he doe. print. --Ex.
!bob abilities at the present tinct•
point to a good a ,pie crop in Ontario
this year. It is, howevet, never safe
to rely upon June prospects for a har•
vest to he gathered in October. The
suturnt'r drop and the fall winds may
cause a heavy reduction in the fruit
now formed. In any case wisdom will
be shown by taking care of the orch-
ards by spraying and cultivation and,
where necessary, by thinning. Never,
since the apple became a commercial
commodity, have consumers failed to
pay a fair price for such fruit placed
in their hande. in a year of large
giehls financial returns are sometimes
better than in years of comparative
scarcity. When the trees are full
only the best are, as a rule. gathered:
when the set is thin stuff which should
go to cattle and hogs or the evapora-
tor is barrelled up. Last season affor-
ded a case in point. There is every
reason to believe that moderately pro-
fitable returns will be obtained this
season for good apples which pass
from the producer to consumer with -
nut an tindlie shave on the way: and
the hest means of avoiding such shave
will be found in the extension of the
co-operative principle.—Weekly Sun.
A Worthy Lluk
The Fall Terrn of Canada's Greatest
Chain of Modern, Highgrade, Actual
ilusinpss Schools, located in the towns
• of Goderich, Wingham, Orangeville,
Clinton and Walkerton, and the Pity
of P.•terboro, open Sept. 1st. The Miss Daisy Hodgson. teacher, Brig -
Clinton Ilusines, College is a worth den, returned Saturday evening to
link. and the success of its graduates spend the vacation with her parent',
hag not been excelled. The new adver• r. and Mrs. H. billing. Exeter.
tisement of this school is to he found Mr. and Mre. F. W. (Badman and
on page one. and will be changed children
Thin-Arley y from twoaweekry si
Decoratio■ Day, it in their former eastern homes.
awing to the lateness of the dateMr. and Mts. Janes of Croeswell, Star
this year. and the hues -son
sew. and Mich., are en o ing a stay here with
the a ariingly hot weather of ande relative'', Mr. and Mrs. FA. *Ignite.
early part of the week, and the later rhey crime over in their Automobile. Flour
hour tor the commencement of the Mrs. J. It. inkeeter and little (laugh -
In itch, and the fact that is hand could ter, of Peris. are visiting at Mr. W. J. then you know what you want.
not be secured, the members of the Bissell's for a couple weeks. Mr. ink•
different orders of tower did not seem Amer also spent A couple days here this Do not experiment with flour
to take kindly to the long walk to the week' said to be jU9t All good.
cemetery on Thursday afternoon. and Mrs• Morlock and granddaugghter,
at the hour appointed only A few of Mary, are visiting in ('aset•ille. tichi- iNSi9T ON HAVING
the Oddfellowe had put in an Appear -an, and ('ressline, Ohio. Mrs. Mor- THE OLb RELIABLEan. e, and they rather than march lock's son. John. in ('ageville, recently
alone secured a cab, drove to the Cellos. aeceiv.(1 sevei0 hnlises by falling from No Letter place to get it than
tory, held the nidal service over the a barn. Happily no hones were hro. At the atilt.
graves of the departed brothers and ken•
planted A flower at each grave. A Visitors here dining the holidavt I
were on tgreet ry town and he ground doinglikeservice . Mile r Mars were:
Mack. Danielat
,ten die, Fred
• for departed friends and rslit ;... Ari ' ,'enhale Is d H' F '
prietor of the 3fai sion (louse, took
possession \Vedue,day, while 31r. T.
Cook and family heft the same day for
London. where they Intend soaking
their future hone for at least a time.
The date of the Autumn sittings
Mid winter assizes for lta':t8-(i9 together
with the judges assigned, have been
announced. Autumn sittings ljury1
will be held in (iod,•riu1 before 31►'.
Justice Anglin Sept. 22, and non jury
before Mr. Justice McMahon on Dec-
embet'the first.
At the musical examinations held
last week by the Conservatory of
Musie, London, the following piano ��
pupils of 31rs. Mc'1'urk, A.T.C.3!., Lie
can. and vocal pupils of 31is. John,.
Exeter, were succe,sfel, Primary 1
piano, first-class honors—Ada Hod-
gins, Denfield: Delia Isaac, Alma Bur-
nett, Leedtt Isaac, lateen. Honors—
Lillie Bawden, Lucan. Junior vocal—
Edna Follick, Exeter, honors.
Potatoes, Pt. t. hag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cwt
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
43 48
44 13
73 ts0
t35 75
750 8 00
1 40 1 45
17 Its
2' 00
0'1 (N)
Hick' Forecasts For July.
A Reactionary Storrs Period is cen-
tral on the 401, bah and Oth. The
storm period central on June ''20th will
last into the 1st and 2nd of July;
storms of that period, however, will
have worked past the central parts of
the country by July 1st, followed from
the west by rising barometer and
change to somewhat cooler. Or and
touching the 4th, 5th and Oth, look
for reaction to falling barometer and
change to much warmer. Cloudiness,
rain and thunder storms will visit
many localities on and next to the 3th
and 0th, as low harotnetric areal pass
eastwardly over the country,The
crisis of electric excitation will fall on
and touching the 0th. As these storms
pass off to the east, rising barometer
and change to cooler will follow clos-
ely from the west. A somewhat re-
markable conjunction of astronomic
phenomena falls within this period,
namely, the inferior conjunctions of
both Venus and Mercury—Mercuryon
the 4th and Venus on the 3th. Added
to these, Earth is in conjunction with
Neptune and the Sun on the Otb, and
within a few hours falls the opposition
of Uranus, or the passing of Earth be-
tween Uranus and the Sun. See "Sun
and Planets for July" for illustration
and explanation. We believe that
phenomenal barometric fluctuations,
with great magnetic and electric un-
rest, will result at this period. If the
Moon were in either conjunction or
opposition, earthquakes would be .t
certainty on and about the Cth.
IP I SOOsee.WIasaeesawart1e
Hobt.5illery ryas in London this
Miss Lida Oke of Toronto is home
on a visit.
311s. NV. 11, Levett spent the holiday
in Parkhill.
Why use a second duality
when you can get the best
? ? ?
Berger's English
at IOc a pound,
securely wrapped in full weight
Fresh Hellebore,.
Pure Insect Powder,
Bug Finish,
Bug Death,
London Purple,
Etc., Etc., Etc,,
always in stock.
W. S Cole, Phm.B.
Dispensing a Speciality.
The Western Canadian, Manito u
Man., says: "John Ching's new house
ise,eing rapidly built. When cont-
pl ed he' will have a house, large,
commodious and up-to-date in every
▪ +++++++++++++++++++ +++J
'} Book-keepers.
4, Stenographers and •i-
} O O Telegraphers
trained (_v our management }
last year. Experience
'> counts. ,
} err, cr.nttrn. i'rir,ripat.
''rd..t 1 .l l :••d•-1• I. J'-I-•1..t..t..t..t..t .t..t .t. i i t
t.raduates most Fnccetufut. Special Cour.•
:Miss 1 -ossa Sweet is visiting in i i for Teachers. Mail Courses. ``end po.ta',
Shcritsbury. ' forpartkularr.
31r. L. C. Fleming has returned-------
ft•ont Cohourg.
3liss Louisa Eacrett is visiting in
Marlette, Mieh.
Garnet Craig is home front Detroit
on a vacation.
3liss Annie Cobhledick of Toronto
is visiting here.
Mrs. Samuel Sanders, Main at., is
visiting in London.
311.. and Mrs. A. Walter are in
I3rantfor .1 visiting,
Geo. Ai mstrong has returned to his
duties in 1.•ndon.
Mr. i:.•g. Elliot of Norwich is spend-
ing a few (lays het P.
Mts. Thos. Elli..tt has returned from
a visit to Marlette, 3licb.
Will Moncur of Guelph was here
over Saturday' and Sunday.
31r. Geo. Knight, of Ildetton, spent
Sunday at his home here.
Mr. and 3liss Sehlon of Inggersoll are
guests of their brother, R. G.
Mrs. Samuel Bradt has gone to
Cleveland to visit for a time.
Misses Mal and Lida Quance and
Miss Lizzie Frayne are sisitingein Lon-
L. H. Dickson was in Goderich this
week as prosecuting attorney in the
Hodgins case.
Masters Fred and Glenn Flintofl of
Stratford are visiting their sister, Mrs.
J. C. Snell, t'sborne,
Mrs. Rich. i'enhale and children of
Toronto are visiting the formet'e
mother. Mrs. John Sanders.
Mr. Rolf. Frayne and daughter, Liz-
zie, are visiting the former's daugh-
ter, Mrs. Thor. Nark at Poplar Hill.
Mr. and Mrr. Fred Hill who have
been visiting relatives here for some
time, left for Toronto last week to re-
Airs. i)trnn of Detroit and Mrs. At-
kin of Inwood spent a couple days this
week with their aunt. Mrs. Mary San-
Mr. Jas. Northcott, operator, has re-
turned to town after spending a cou-
ple of months on the G. T. R. staff at
Mr. Fred G, Sweet, teacher, of Kin-
cardine, rrtorned home for the holi-
days on Wednesday. He is visiting
friends 1» Stratford this week,
▪ Fall Term Opens Sept. Isl.
on the run
can do that too with
or Kolas
A big assortment.
C'atalouge free.
x.5.9088➢, Phni.B.
Chemist and Optician.
Fer 'lr IVIIr Warr IF WWI
-- 3fanofarttired by --
rnitlry press-med an improved mar, of I► ger...): Cote Foams Heide- I, EXETER ()NTAltitl ffeadtlllai'ters for the enleh1'ated W. E. �'
P `` gt Howard And .it,ftlrrl ('1(;t}.lnR
.1444+4+++++++4444++6t '; .' lrary 'e at the' (dose r.f theday. I E,ul Spaeknt an. , f St. Thomas. �t�Adllai�aall,�
Call and
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
be con-
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Hardware slocl is CoffiDleIe
WE stantlkeepy con -
stock a full
line of furniture,
and it pays to
furnish your
home from our
Istock. : . : •
• Jet\ `'N
a. 4
WIWIWWII tIill4tD"MD ClO00CCtq(I41:14“CC-CC-C-¢ Ctt:(t;
Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
Easy Chairs Odd Chairs
Music Cabinets Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
Dining Chairs
and all Bedroom Furnitute
i,V4311i4110E INIVI31114+0 1{HIMBVCreCre 40/14rtG!`r CCICSZtFCC-4711NIIiiAiee
The Leading Home Furnishers and Fureral Directors,
1 a
-- off means a big cut---
4 but our loss is your gain !
We have .unit' very nice Manning. (fats left. Just a. g.,,,d .t4 the
beginning of the season.
Now is Your Chance for a Cheap Hat !
They are all to be cleaned ort in the next two weeks, so cotne
along early and have first choice.
Remember —One Quarter Off is a Big Saving !
KEEP this hot weather !!!
White Waists
Our 1 OFF SALE is still on
and is clearing them out. Bot
still lots left.
This wtrn, weather will make
you think. We have everything
you may need.
Ladies' and Children's nice tine
knit underwear. Short sleeves
or no sleeves. From IOc to 35c.
This is the Place to do it
Some very dainty designs in
colored unislin., ,also white taus.
line of all kinds. 10c to 40c a yd.
In alt the different colored
checks, Weide and stripes.
At 12;c per yard.
Black, White. 'fan, fink, Blue
—these colors are all being worn
this summer in Cotton or I.isle.
Colored Muslins All To Be Cleared Out
tint nor pie• r M to left. they all must he sold this waeon, What will do .t? •' bfiF.P
('-form." This we are going to do W. MOP some t.ry t'hoire Muslins left at prices 'hat you
e annot do without a dres. when you see them. The are Ali wood. new stork, at very low prices.
Nice Colored Muslins at 8c per yard.
Very Dainty " 120 "
Our Best " lire to 25c "
until 8 o'clock, " No LAT PM" of this week:
Ducks, weighing at least 3i lbs, 14c per
Chicks, • " 2i - Mc " a j
Hens, 6c 1b, live. Turkeys, 12c 1h, dressed,
Will also pay In trade 5e per quart for (iooseherriPs: are per lb. for
Red or White Currants, Oc per lb. for Black Cot rant,. S• per ll.. for