HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-07-02, Page 34
Two Thousand Volts Passed Through
Hamilton Carpenters' Bodies.
A despatch from Hamilton, Ont., says:
There was a double electrocute!' on
Wodneslay afternoon at the 13. Greening
Wire Company's plant on Queen Stee'.
Werth. Thi victims wore Gm. Bambr:ck,
107 Canada Street, and Arthur Scottecy
11e Flo:ence Street. They were em-
ployed as carpent rs and had been ca -
gaged all dry in building a frame sh t
adjoining th works. Over the r h• a l'
ran the high tension rower vvir• s which
au4)pl of the factory. The eerie were
srtplwrtr!d in the usual way and held
firm by guy winos running to the
ground. In order to go on with thee
eierk the can ciliate found it n e :ea'y
te, renewvo tee guy wires. as th •y were
in the vvas. In tone( -sling the ►sires they
nagged considerably, ea much so not
they canes in oon'act with Vie power
'fho current under a high v' Lige
was sufficient to kill both men ilk 4Q'.•
!y. George Locke, another car p a'e.',
was ckso by w'hen the ace' tore hap-
pened, and as quickly as he c•wid se.
curol a ladder and pestle] the guy wires
away Irr,n► the power wires. In the'
meantime, however, the currant had
leen discharged into the bodies or the
two unfortunate men. their clothing :ir.d
parts of his flesh being badly burned
The power was turned oft ane' the
works cloeed for Ili; .lay. The police
were notified and the mnbutnnco was
fent, but as it viis sees That the urea
were dead iho patrol wagon was de-
spae lied anti the remains (alien to the
m ,r•ge:o at tho City iIospital.
Vekes of l'.rttle, Greta, (-ices* 81)1
Other Dairy Produce at Home
and Abreact.
Toronte, Juno 30. -Ontario Wheat -
No. 2 %ell tee. red or mixed, 79c to 80c.
Mantes eba \\'I:eat-Market quotations
at Georgian Bay torts, No. 1 northern,
51.07)4; No. 2 'Luellen), $1.0i%; No. 3
rurthcrn, 81.02%,.
Oats -No. 2 white, 41340 outsde; Ni.e
2 mixed, ¢3c.
Cern-No. 3 yellow offered at 130e to
&31c, all rail, and 79„ to 79Sec lake and
Barley -No. 2, 53c to 55e.
Peas -No. 2 quiet, nominally quoted at
Ilyo-No. 2, none offering; quotation
a l' ut 88c.
l;u:kwheat-Nu. 2, nominally quoted
fee to 68e.
Bran --Offend at 815 in bulk outside;
sloes. 819; quotations for delivery in
be e 82 more.
Flour - Manitoba patents, special
"rands, 80; seconds, 85.10; strong bak-
o rs' 85.31,; winter wheat patents, offer -
mg at 83.23. -
Rut'er- Crea►nery prints, 21c 10 23c;
(creamery solids, 20c to 21c; dairy prints,
el.o'ce, 18e 10 Pk; dairy pr.nts, ordin-
ary• le•. to 18c; ,tairy tubs, 17c to 18c;
Inferior, 15c to tilc.
Cho -se -1 ''c to 123,c for large, and
12'/.c for tt i,s.
Eggs --Pr cTs are quoted unchanged at
17c to 1$e per (keen in case lots.
Bern. --Primas, 82 to $2.10; hand -
/eke'. $2.11 t0 32.15.
Ili n••y-Quiet; strained. Ile to 13c per
plume combs, per dozen, 31.50 to 31.-
hotaloes-Ontr.oa, 75c to 80o; mere
85c to 95c in car lots on track
L se.
PRoefere NS.
Loral quotations aro:-
leek-Short cut. 822 to 822.50 per
Larne; mess, 818.5) to $19.
Land -Tierces, 11%c; tubs, 12c; pal's.
smoked and Dry Stilled Meats --Long
nor bnor:n, l0%c to 11c, Ions and cas-
e;; hares, medium and light, 13%c to
14e; hams, large, 113 c to 12e; backs, 16e
!kr 163ye; shoulders, 9%.1 to 10c; rolls,
le • to 10%c; breakfast bacon, 14c to 15c;
green meats, out of pickle, lc las than
11.11' ANI) .S"rLi '.
Timothy is qurolel at 39 to 810.50 In
ear kits on track here, with No. 2 at
aera►v-Pr.'e's range between 36.50
Aired $$ per tin in car lots fere.
MON'1'lll;.\l, M.\1lKli1'S.
\tnntreal, Juno 30 -Flour -Manitoba
ring wheat patents, 86.10 lo 86.20; tSee-
one patents, 35.50 to 85.70; winter wheat
patents, 85 to 35.50; strnl:Ail, trope!?,
$1.35 to 81.50; in bags, $1.95 to 82.10;
eNt:a. 81.50 to 81.70.
lt.I'rd Oats -82.75 In bags of 90
t. endo.
fasts -No. 2. 49c to 50e; No. 3. 47c to
47';••; No. 4. 46•• t) 46%c; rejected, 45c;
.1110i.loba. mje,:.'d, S7• to 47yc,
1' enmeal--$1.7e to 81.35 p.'r tag.
al1•f.el-Ontario bran, in bees. 8221).•
e•l; to 821.50; shorts, $23 to 814; etnni•
Ube bran, in bags, 822 t) 823; s'rorls.
*24 10 825. Lnra1 acid • t:t,de itrmanel
ter Atanif.•hi f.. i eh.. :t e.el dict. :elf
prices aro unchanged at 71c t, 72c for
No. 1 and at 67c to 67%,c for No. 2 ser
t:ushol, ex -store.
- Eggs -Selected. 18c; No. 1, lege to
17c, end No. 2, 14c per dozen. Local
receipts to -day were 1.281 cas^s, com-
pared with 1,631 for the corresponding
clay of last. year.
!tut ter-Ficexst creamery quoted at
23%o in rowed lots and EV; to gre ers.
Choe'se--\\'eskers quantal at 11%c to
11%c and castrns at 11yc to 11%c.
Pinvisi• ens -Barrels short cut theses,
823.50; half -barrels, $11.50; clear fat
backs. 823; dry salt long clear backs,
Ile; brirrels plate beef, 817.50; half -bar-
rels do., 89; compound laid, 8%c to 9%c;
pure lard, 123lc to 13c; kettle rendered,
13c to 13%,c; hams, 124c to 11c, ac:o:d-
ing to size; breakfast bacon, lLc to 15e;
Windsor bacon, 15c to 16c; fresh kil'etl
abattoir dressed, hogs, 89.25 to 39.50; live
86.60 to 86.75.
Buffalo, June 30. -Wheat - Spring
fusser; No. 1 Northern, 81.07% carloads;
Winter lower; No. 2 red, 93c. Gnat -
Eas:er; No. 2 white, 7734c; No. 2 yel-
low, 76%c. Oats -Steady; No. 2 mix-
ed, 5234e; No. 2 while, 57c. Barley -58
to 65c. Iiye- 86e, No. 1 track. Canal
freights -Wheat, 5c to New York.
Altnnraiolis, Juno 30. -Wheat -No, 1
hard. 31.08%; No. 3 Northern, 51.00%
1.1 $1.02%: July, 81.04}; Sept., 89%e to
8t''/,•'• Fleur -Filet patents, $5.33 to
4.3.15; soon(' pntnls, 85.20 to 85.35; first
clears, $4.20 to 81.30; second clears, $3.-
50 to 83.60. Bran -1n bulk, 318.
Dululh, Juno 30 -Wheat -No. 1 hand,
fi1.08%i No. 1 Northern, 81.05%: No. 2
Northern, 81.01%; July, 81.03%; &Teem -
ler. 90yc.
Al lwauke.', Juno 30. -Wheat -No. 1
loot b'scrn, 81.09 to 81.10'„; No. 2 North-
ern, 81.07 to 31.09; September, 86%c
bid. Rye -No. 1, 7$c. Barley -No. 2.
fele; sample. 55 to 65e. Corn -No. 3
ce,sh, 70 to 71c; Sept, mber, 69%e.
New York, June 30 -Wheat -Spot
firm; No. 2 red, 95c, elevator; No, 2 red,
!)::%c. Loeb., afloat; No. 1 northern, Du-
luth, 51.1434,
Toronto. Jun.' 30.-A steady market
obtained for good export cattle. Their
Juices ranged from 86.15 to 36.40 per
cwt. Expert bulls wcro firmer at 83 to
*5.25 per lwt.
A good many of the stock were of light
vveighti. and their %educee ranged from
8( to et 25 per ewe, Tho principal (10 -
man., w•ns t.sr geed butchers' cattle,
which s,W at 85.25 t, $5.60 pie' cwt. A
carload of choice stall -fed eters, 1,150
pounds. was diepesevl of at 85.80 per
cwt. (:hoico but hoe,' 0411110 slid at 35..
iiil to 35.90 ter o‘t. Good loads were
worth 35.15 lo 85.50 per cwt.
Stocker, of SCM) t•) 700 rounds, were
(1101 of oak•. Net) 41y wants them nw•.
Cattle of 81)0 to stir) p..urrds sold a• tied -
ore at 83.50 Li $3.75 per cwt. Stockers,
700 to 900 Nimes, were (pieced at $3.50
to 83.75 per cwt. For light stock, 82.-
51) to 83 to paid.
Ewe, were down 25 to 35c per cwt.
String Landis dropped frnn 5o lo 733
eaeh. Pries ee-r :-Ewes. 84 to $1.25
fer cwt.; Spring Iambs, $3 to 35.25
tIoe;s were eon on retorted ndvance.a
in Ile„ price,/ of bacon tit i.iverpacd. Se-
lects sold at $6.30, and tights and fats
at36.0h3per cwt.
Officl:rlte eeree nerd Thal Ile will Dis-
pose of Ilia Heroes.
A despatch ie ►n Liehion says: lord
Knollys, the King's private Ferretlry, in
replying to a gsksliem. replied that his
etaics'y Were!, to aban•k-n horse rac-
e e.
Attempt to Kill the Archbishop of Turin
Many Persons Injured.
A (!espntch from ire me. Bays: \\'Me
renal Agee' no 11 h ily. Archbahe p
I Turn. ears saying nta..o to the en-
tttetral at neon on Wednesday in h• Wer
tette fe est of St. John. L^.e city's Felton
saint, a retard expto•tel within the
building. making a terrific din. The
e gte•gntie n• which w•n' csemixers]
Mostly ..f women, was thrown :We a
Stale of rant:' and mole n wed rt:ah or
tt v (kora. Many rcrssens were Mown
•'• wn and trampled ftp n. some thus
-.Meg s yore. injuries. Ne'b.dy was
we need by the •xplo;teen. The jotted
0 re s eleJ of n ten box oellaining Rum-
p- wife? and revolter cartr.dgos. The
Oriels of the exp'o`i• •n wee., lessened
by the fact that 'he cartridges dal sol
ex1.1 de. I1 IS 1r1.etN That the author
et the outrage was seeking the life of
tie Cardinal liichelmy, to wheem Neo
Pop. hes telegraphed oongtatulat.ons
tri on h s escape.
There Is Said to be Gold in Abundance
Alteig the Miser.
A d• 'patch Iron Vanc•)uver says:
Great interest wad exc led !wally by
the statement of Mr. If. A. Hayfield of
11n)field & Archibald, angle e:s, that
J:reparuise,ns are being made by Best it
c:+pital sis t deo ige for gold in deo
Fraser. Tho now company les a throe
hr e -
toile base en Woe Fias'r lever. Three
weeks' prospecting yielded such r.oats
that an order for plans for a hundred
thousand dollar dredge has leen ;laced
with Bayfield &.1r:•hib:tld of a capacity
ef 2.50') feet per day. Mr. Clayfield says
thee.) is gold in abundance a'ong the
Fraser trop S xln Cre k c'o.vn t) Yale,
the av'orage running twinty cents a
yard. Ito says in one leach un the L•1-
t eeavhgwer lev,
theIcoeprospfiftyectfhtolebo, sixe feet
h squarate, yl,'Id-
e,1 an average of 43 rants a yard from
tee grass roots down. A sir: Cele of
o ghteen font Meknes was struck giv-
ing 32 a yard.
11 is Replacing the Telegraph In (tail.
may Work.
A despatch from Montreal says: At
the convention of railway telegraph sup-
erintendents it was nnn)unee.t that in
the last six months 6,0I0 miles of phone
\wu•os havo been built to replace the
k:egraplt lines as de' patelt'ng Ins on
railways. This annotu►c(►sr'nt was
made by W. W. Rider of the Chicago
Burlington & Quincy Railway. This
5000 miles includes the 46 nibs of the
C P. le lotween here and Farnham.
The convention was much impressed as
Iho weaker went on to say that the
'pone had without doubt proved its
success, and the operators were very
enthusiastic. It was co: la n to replace
ilio telegraph.
Seventeen \Women Drowned in \Wreck
Oft Spanish lost.
A despatch from Corunna. Spain, says
that the Spanish s!camer Larache w'e'nt
on the rocks in a fog near \luras, where
the cruiser Cardinal.�Cisneros was
wrecked in 1905. Tho Larache sunk rap-
idly. and a panic followed. There were
97 passengers and 54 of a crow, includ-
ing stewards, waiters, et'., alocanl.
These took to the boats, but up to the
filing of the despatch only 47 had land -
of Defective conmunicatione maelo it
impossible to obtain complete details,
but latest reports state that 17 women
wore drowned. It is kn awn that 17 sur-
vivors weal landed at Minos, but that
two of them have since died. Fifteen
others were landed at Lon.
I.ist ren Influential One, Including Sime
A despatch frau Lend -en says. The
i,st of Scolti-h farmers wh') aro going
to the Domineer in Augtest on a sew• n
weeks' tour en roe; onso t, the inv.ta-
t:on of tho Cnnadi.in Governnt. ut
irtluc'nUnl one, including Sir J. S.n-
crair, eclusin of the Scolti.elt Sec:teary.
1)1111 .1T 1.111: AGE 01' 10i.
IRe(1s County ' omae Had Pawed the
Century dark.
:1 des;,at; h from Bro:kville says: At
the litt'o country home of her run, near
11 lford Mills. 1.4013 County. news
comes of the depth of Mrs. 1'. kr Brady,
possibly tho oldest imident of Ontario.
Mrs. Brady's age is given ns 101. She
was a native of Ireland, but spent mo t
of tor Fife In 1hLs seetion. Tho old lady
tetem...Nil her 'motel faculties to Ms iaa,
awl vas ninnrknbly well preserved 1.r
ono of her years.
Five-yew-01i! Windsor Child Burned to
A de•:pakh from Windsor, Ont., says:
The five-year-old (kiugh'er of Thorns
0e1'uh1. 4.r \\•alkerville. 1' d• ad as the
1.sult of being eccidentnlly busiest Iwo
sock.; eget. The child was playing with
nsat•hee and, l.er cletheig Ieooming ig•
niter, Flo was 1. arfully burned about
the trend and shoul leis.
II. Monteith Was %bout to Throw Illm-
sell Over the Falls.
A despatch from Ningnra gale says:
Oifl^er Greenwood on Tu, silay pro►ont-d
n young man rimed R. M•,nteth from
throwing !enlace over the Hone shoe
Falls. Divesting himself et coat and
vest. efont•ith was about to plunge
Over the tin cipice, when th.' nlllcer, who
lad leen • bs. rving his actions, prevent-
ed him. Monteith said he had been out
of work for a long lime. was depressed
and could stand lee strain no longer.
Work was found for him ••n Wednesday.
1lI1M. Pi1Ol'I.N l':1T:11.1.1' RUINED.
Otlnna Woman's teething (:aught
!While She Nes Lighting Fire.
A deep itch from Ottova says: Mrs.
Pointe. a wexnan of 9r► )e era, decd on
Wednesday morning in the City H•epi•
tot es a result ef burns '.'ea:ved w•tr.le
lighting n fire wit's 0 dal o.1 on Tuesday
n reit. Her clothing caught fire. and bis
for: passersby on the _street who heard
her scream, cxou'd smother the fames
otic rev.vtd fatal burns.
Cntsade .Inaugurated to Extermlthate
the Rats.
A .le-41)8kb fi ern Kingston, Jamaica,
ea):a: Two Cron' fatal case:, of petiole
t ave been reported at Inn dad. 'I he
Government of Jamaica has stared a
crusade to exterminate tho rata in King-
ston as a precaution Spinet the dna•
II.lI PENINGS moil ALL Ol e.t T118
telegraph Delete From Our Own Ina
Other Countries of Recent
Fruit prospects in the Niagara district
are very
Fir:o crop pr,speces aro retorted in
Essex and Kent oormties.
Kngston penitentiary has now 513
prieeners, the largest niunber in five
1i:\IIeltael Aronmo was sente.ncod at Ilam -
o11 to five years in trio l.enitenliary
i ahonting at street car oeteuclors.
Donald Johnston of Ilarwich died
room blood-poisentog, having .Crat_hed
1r:3 hand on u thorn bush some lune ago.
Ser Sandford Fleming will give Hale
fax a purk of 80 users if a t.)etnortul
tower 100 Get high, ousting 520,000 ss
Excetent prices were seal.zd for tim-
ber berths sold at Ottawa on the Indian
reservo betvvoinn French Raver and Luke
Sir Mackenz a Rowel distributed
ruses in the Senate from a rascbush
which ho brought from the Yukon three
years ago.
George Swaddling of St. Thomas, who
gavo a boy ten cents to steal a valise
from a hate!, was sentenced to one year
in the Control.
Frank Jeffersen. arrested at Guelph on
a. charge of Focketepicking, has been
identified as a notorious thief from the
United Stats.
Vito Antonio Massie, an Italian, ar-
restod in Toronto on a charge of mur-
der In Newark. N. J., told the police
how he had killed his man.
Over five thousand case, of Walker s
Canadian Club whiskey have been seized
at Detroit because it was not labelled
'a compound" in accordance with the
United States pure toed law.
The King's birthday honors include
knighthoods for Chief Juslioe Fulton -
bridge of tho Ontario King's Bench, and
Chief Justice Taschereau of the Quebec
King's Bench.
President Plummer roportcd the works
in excellent shapo at the annual meet -
Mg of the Dominion Steel Company in
Montreal. Ile said they would bo pay-
ing dividends now, only for the suit
%vith the Coal Company.
Mr. Ilenry !Legato, C.C., Chairman of
the Quebec Bridge Comm s'ion, proposes
that the Gevernntont robui.d the bridge,
employing the services of throe of the
most expert engineers that can be ye-
o-cured to control the work.
Winton Churchill has won h'o libel
suit aga nst the .\taneheskr Courier, and
was awarded 31,500 damages. Ho was
accused of cowardice during the Boer
A Pittsburg firm will make heads!one8
of glass.
Heat on \Wednesday caused six deaths
in N. w leak.
Five. persons were killed in nn explo'
son which wrecked a Chicago boarding-
Seven negroes Kern taken from the
jail at Hemphill, Texas, Sunday night
and lynched.
Th•'•,Joro itooeevelt, Jr., will work
this summer for the U. S. Steel Cor-
A million dollars is M be spent in
r4 -claiming for settlers, 100,000 acres in
Weer)) enlr.
A baseball player, almost blind, had
►ea sight res'orod in New Yory white in
a hysterical (IL
Ter village of 7.iril. near inntsbruck,
Austria, was destr'owod by fire and L-
eer aro hroneleoe.
E. II. !elite, of Woodbury, N. J.. sold
20 !korai of hay for $600, which it nearly
388 per acre.
'rht'oe Ira Wenn were kllleJ by the ex-
plosion of n loc)nxetive on the I'ennyl-
vsnta Ral•r d at Stotton, N. J.
Twenlydour oonvpanies minu-aeturing
manilla paper etre flied 32,8o0 ca'h at
New York for maintaining an illegal
combine lion.
August li',hn, ef \Volt Meal. Pn., has
b en paid fe r sheep kCled by dow1 dur-
ing the pest fifteen months the stun o'
.1154. Dumb for two yenta. Hewini Robots,
nge:d 28, of Turner, Mo.. had the pow-
er of speech restored by the shock of
h s brother's sucide.
ethyl Hogarth, formerly of Stratford.
woo erre,ted in 1)0troit .,n a chary,•, of
/stealing engine tells end attempted W
ocmmit sieckle in les cell.
Mad dogs have cost 51• nro' town-
ship, Gbts ser county. Pa, uv •r *101)
for treatment of vieeme at Pastier in-
elilu'o an•I for vete that were bitten.
Sarah Williams. (ho oldest and larg-
o=!. woman in New \L'xieu, is deal (.1
I ro•l poisoning. caused by se'e;)ptng on
a nail a u«k ago. Her weight was
415 mounds.
At Gorg,town, D'1.. when Mrs. This
mere Coulter {cullet some • teens from
the family truck bol recently. ;rho found
a go•td ring, sol w•!Ih rubies, tightly en-
circling the roots of ono of thy vege.
hero . The ring was lust by her hive
bar.d three year., ago.
Sir Wiliam Wi►ilewny, formerly
Premier or Nowfoun•Iland. is dead.
Tho Shah of 1'eritut has ordered that
one h"use belonging to his en• mire
shall be betel netted melt day.
A criminal al fiord ,va s nem e.I In
he ha ngod was pardoned by King •11-
Poiso, on the birth of another heir to
tee throne.
FRENCH 1W 11141111'!4 CONING.
Two WM Reach the City of Quebec on
July the 21st.
A despatch iromn Burnt says. rhe
French warships 14011 Gamb••1t:1 And
Am rat Aube leave Brest ter Camila en
July 7th• They will .'p. ted sex •Ines nt
Sydriey, C. i3., repa:ntsng And wit ar-
rive a1 Qstet••c en July Ilse. A lari;e
number of Canadian an I Brit Ali nog.;
have been token on toned fer dr ttsing
the ships.
Work on the New Intercolonial Chops Is
Also Going Ahead Rapidly.
A despatch from Moncton, N. 13., says:
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway has
enlereJ Mc.nct)n quietly. Tho rails of
the new Transcont nental Railway were
run into Moncton on \Vednesday, and
now stretch within a few hundred yards
the I. C. R. depot. Several surveys
havo re.•enlly been made by the G. T.
P etigui, ens, but no one except the eiel-
way contractors knew exactly wh. ra
the ne•►v l ne was to be located. In a
s:rg',o day the rails were lad, and new
a steam shovel has been installed and
is rapidly excavating the grade, Tho
rail; run almost up to tho I. C. R.
track, and from then: will parallel the
1. C. R. depot.
Work en this divis on of the Trans
c ,ntelental has been gong ahead ra;)-
i.:ly. Close by the place where :ho
steam shovel is tearing up the ground,
in i ' :diness for the permanent rats of
the trars:ont•inental, work WI line 1. C.
11. new chops is rapidly going forward,
and the Maritime Provinces- fen -day pro-
bably present no bus er locality than
the were end of this city.
1115 LUCK LEFT 11151.
Ilow a Paris (:ambler Won and Lost a
M. Lambert, a gentleman of independ-
ent neons living in the Rue Quincam-
pcix, in Paris. France, has had an un-
pleasant advcn'ure In ll:o elle town ut
I:nghien, in the suburbs, in which there
aro a casino and a club where gambling
is carried on.
The other evening M. Lambert went
down to Engh urs, and after dinner spent
a pleasant half hour at the "little
horse's' table, where he won abiut 8100.
Pleased with his winnings, ho went to
the door of the club, which is in a room
situated on the first floor of the sane
building, and asked for admission. The
man at the door told him that, although
Le was not a nteml'or, he could probab-
ly be admitted in a 'very short time.
ef. Lambert said That he was willing
to pay any necessary entrance ke, and
after for•rnalities-which lasted exactly
ten minutes -he became a member of
the club. -There, instead of "little
horses," baccarat was icing played.
M. 1.amlert was lucky. Ile at first
lost half the money that he had won
downstairs at tate 'little horses" table.
tut then he began to win and won
throughout the evening, finishing by
laking the bank, and rising a winner
cf a little over 335.000.
Ho went off with this money in he
rocket, Wit the club and casino lei : l-
ing, and we7:ed down the road t w .!
the railway station. Two When G, . •1
lam. M. Lambert remembered to have
scan them in tee room, but paid no par-
ticular atlenlien to them.
Suddenly the nnen rushed forward -
ene on ether side of him -tripped him
up, and rnclhod.cally went through his
pockets. They took his money, hie
watch and chain, his scarf pin, and the
rings on his lingers. Then they inn•
dressed him. ani, with the c'e:il>erat:o:
which had c•har:t :!er:ze.1 all than move-
ovements, threw him into the lake near-
ll Is not n particularly well -smelling
lake. but fortuna'ely it is not very deer.
and M. Lombcrt, who can swim a lit-
tle, made his way to shore.
1'aseeneer on C. P. it. Express iNovs
011t Ilia (trains.
A de. Stat h from 'Sonora, Ont., says!
As :N e. 96 through expresso aopronche!
O,t'rstind Thur-d.sy. a passenger nam-
e" John eiroo►mell en mute from Wash-
ington Territory to 1),v,'r, NOW Ilamp-
h.ree, sud•lt-lely relit -el to the dressing
r • an and see( hem=elf through Ili(
Lead. Upon hoeing the r•e ort l nsrcn
goes pushed th • doer op: n, but tier un
fortunate' roan was breathing hie las.f.
1" •oneor•ati• n with foil we °ss'.i ger•
he hid complained of 111 -health, expre.-
ir, Iho+ •.pinion that ho could nit Irv,
1011'h longer. The doco:►•ed wee about
la years of agie. A daughter living in
5' nniptg is the only relative of wham
any Iraco cm le foemd.
11 \'l'l IING 1)ONT•S.
Dent p'ug the ears w.th onl'on. Col-
lor' does not keep out the w -t, snco it
at once beeomea seturalcd. Further -
mer.', n) water can find its way to the
drum of a hernial err.
Din 1 go in the water r)1,1. It le lest
Le go in waren. even sl ghtly per.-piring.
(1'' who begins his baUi perspiring gels
the test rencl.cn.
Don't have a set duration for the hath.
P. is best always to come out at the
elsgh''est pietnonition of oold.
Den t enter the water it you have eaten
within an hour.
The wol.1,ng J:resen's yell give are
usually worth more than those you re-
lion Sheathed Warehouses Made Neces-
sary by the Ever Present !)anger
o1 fire.
Fire is one of the terrors that dodger at
the elbow of the Japanese householder ell
the e because lives in a nal h-
e, lhn ,and be u e he r c
ee.od dwelling Sakure-san has to take a
urious precaution against the sudden
•..is of all this household goods. Chis
recaution is the godown.
The stranger lin Tokio or Yokohama
who sees from his rickshaw a strange
iron plated building with doors like turret
,l t:tiers and painted roof heavily lncrust-
rd with tiles is led to believe that here
perhaps is some feudal fort of the old
time, ready to house fighting men aga.nst
the attacks of a street mob. But vh'n
the tourist finds one of these black sh'se
el buildings on every other block be
learns from the country dweller that
(hese things are godowns or storehouses
for household goods.
When a fire gels well started 'n the
crowded blocks of dolls' houses in a Jae-
anese city it is rarely stopped until f 4 rn
len to fitly houses have been consumed
and a black scar has been drawn across
the whole few of the district. Because
th.. houses are so flimsy and crowded so
closely together that the Japanese fire-
men even at their best can do little with
a well developed blaze certain astute
citizens erect these iron sheathed and
shuttered two storied storehouses, where-
in the householders of the neighborhood
and the storekeepers of the district can
store away their valuables.
The godowns are so heavily sheathed
with iron plate and so weighted with
mud tiles that they rarely burn. All day
lon'ret call their
h 3are springing her -
Y Y heavy swinging
ters That look like the doors of a safe.
When a fire Domes to a certain district
'Re first thing is to close the doors of
she godown and put it in shape to weath-
r • the fames.
To these ptablic fireproof safes the
'tctrseholders bring their best furniture,
'heir porcelain and their delicate prints.
The wives keep locked up there their
rest kimonos and their odds and ends
•t jewelry. Merchants have. Iheir excess
•lock stowed away within them.
Whenever there is a fete in eny Japan-
-se home or preparations are being made
'or the entertainment of some special
%moils the servant:► nee sent to the nenrby
irodown to bring home all the valuables.
Pictures are again hung on the wall, tho
Navy bronze vase is restored for the day
to Ito special tab)uret, and the wardrobe
of Madame is replenished.
Then with the passing of the special
occasion passes else the household gran-
deur. M1 the fleeting prettiness of print
and flowered kimono is swallowed up in
the black maw of the g•xlown.
Frightful stet -Went to lirockville Foundry
1 de'q ateh from Br. ckv.11e, OnL,
s•1ys: \\'h'n the cast we; Ir. n•, petrel
in Iho moulding department of iho
Junes Smart Company, a di..ire-s ng ac -
client oeuvre.). Jelin I'ask was hurry-
ing foal the copal•) with a ladle full of
melt n iron. wheat he Ir Not. The iron
ran ever tee ground, and into it went
l'ac'key out,trel^.Ixd nrms in the fall.
1I s hands, particularly the retie. went
'• reedy burned to the b.,ne, a:ao a per-
t'•►n of his Lady.
• The natives of Portuguese Guinea are
n revolt.
Work moy ire good for men, but few
teen are good for work.
Wnsont-"Newer jsilge a roan by the
me sett he carries." Iteckly-":No; it
edit} net le tis!"
Enormous Mass Sank and Rose, Turned and
Stopped at Will of Operator.
A deapa'Ch !roto rrtedrt hshnfen.
Germany, says: A :;e- on•l as cat eons
mole 00 Wein-'slay even ng le Count
Zi feel n in h.s new a.rsh p with a view
►o t sting an ire; r .vel s de -s'• o' i• g
gear. el i• h fa, just M n neat •'.t. Ors
t' a first a ent (:. nl Z. p 4'!rn ,1• c ar ,1
tea' he ea, e e ,'i .l •. •:e everylh ng
eta e,i►t the . J -s'e• : i ti r. anke:nent.
which ha 1 n ,• , oe•• r,p t • Isis • xpe^ta-
t.ors. Th ., s ••.v has leen al • r •'. .end
the c!rans;.- his given ex ell -• ;t +a'L4.
The eel ,,n Wednesday night taste 1 :►
little over two helm. during wt:i•h ,• re
the most difflOult mi.ner'ivr'4 %,rr • , a -
r,esl • ul without 1 Wee. Th weal
terse +p firs' ceded arou141 the Tow.t (,f
Fre dee! omen tov, n times. IL then
14; parted et fu I sleet towards Lange n•
ar g • i. wi.e:e it cursed 'o the Swi-s axle+,
LeIke. (ims:nnce against n I:ght
. breeze. Prone 4 ne back ace as rte I sko
!o 1ineiau, the (lint urdert.s k at a
h gh' of from throe bunted 10 a x
hundred feel nhnv.' Ili • surface .,f the
eat r r► •e.'''; • 1 m eeru%r s. it>rlu 11^g
s nk:nyr and risme. tarn ng and eerie
pine t •winch'} es' ng Ito rew nr•
r ! ., ••t of Beth the ase' ns one :•n•1
sed• ! g ap,,nrntua, veli ch arming -
4' • ,1 nam'• _t ren Lsfarto: y tnin-
1.er. '1 y e .' h w h ch n c!tan;,e
e' .1'.re , ••r•nr;n 114 arras ink
m d• sir
ea, Ae ••asp: s e l deeply nn -
1 •oe el the a;e.tlt•ors.