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C e wing
Tobacco It
Nguarantcesthe lughqualityo�
Black Watch
The B,7 black Ping.
Hernia wits Dwcit anent), Years in the
In a wood about thirty miles from
London, Eaaartid, lives an old man w:,o
k r twenty year. has krx-.wn rw titer
roof than un wntre!!a. 'Ttstz►!y year -
pp) I look to the wools,' he :aid. 'Div-
ing the tttCal SIVIWStortn a few tvecks'
Liao I slept soundly, and when I woke
.vp in the a rang 1 was covered with
jbnsw many In�.hts diep. But I am ncv-
er ill, I have not had a day's clines in
My are. 1 havU lived a sanple, single
life, and I have no more worry than
Shat tree h:os. 1 Lave no rates and taxes
Ls pay, I have no w.fe to bother me, and
1 have plenty of friends.
"Hoer do_ 1 live? Weil, all the via
lage 1 o-�ple know me, ani they i iovide
vne with ten and bread. A man does
Slot want much to live on, you know.
I em goiter happy wider my old um-
"1 can sew as well as a tailor, and 1
friend all my clothes. 1 tulve several Nese Changes of clothing. 1 re o'can shirts,
teaks, boots, and other things 'tare. 1
lave my bath in the woods and wash
t►ny tturgs hero. N3 cn' ever int.iffores
wltb are. 1 neVer light a fire, and 1
a:ever ask for money.
"Whoa darkness comes on I put up
my big umbrella, take my boots off, put
by logs into a sack, and cover myself
us with clothing. on top of which I
place lh s mackintosh, and nettle down
foo' th) night."
A. J. Pattison & Co., Toronto, in their
weekly market letter, report as follows:
'fhe Canadian Banka report un in-
crease of over 16,000,000 in deposits of
the Canadian public, and a decrease • 1
loan in Canada of $5.700,000 for the
sw nttr—not an unusual condition for
this time of the year. Mexican Power
te which attention has been called when
selling at 46 as probably going on a
dividend basis, has .adVailced to 57, and
as intimated, a dividend of 1 per cent.
has been declared payable in July. It
Is mot staked that this is a quarterly pay-
ment, but Ihz earnings.w6rr(ult lhs ex-
pectation. Rio will materially reduce
expenses by the completion of the water
power system, coal being. an expensive
fuel in that district. The -net earning.:
should show largo increase within the
next sixty days. The American mar-
kets, which have suffered a reaction ow-
ing to Uao Presidential nominations, of-
fer attractive dividend investments in
such standard issues as Northern Paci-
fic, Great Northern, Pennsylvania and
St. Paul. Industrials have advanced
steadily, but still show large earnings
In prices quoted for standard corpora-
tions. \Ve doubt it the present condition
of trade in United States warrants the
advances, but. certainly no more prom-
ising crop conditions have existed for
many years than are now general
throughout Canada and the United
Cobalt shares have advanced general-
ly. Tho expected dividends on a num-
ber of shipping mined have been rea-
lized. Crown Reserve 4 der cent., Te-
inlskaming 3 per cent and City of Co -
tall 5 per cent. are among the recent
declarations from mines which have not
heretofore been regular dividend payers.
It is stated on apparently good au-
thority that Trethewey will bo place[ on
a dividend basis within the nextmonth.
Iteeent earnings appear to warrant from
1 per cent. to 5 per cent. quarterly. Re-
pertls from the rnine show sufficient de-
velopment to warrant expectation of a
continuation of dividends. McKinley -
Par. is also expected to declare quarter-
ly dividends, beginning in July. Recent
quotations are: Crown Reserve 47-49x
div; Temiakaming 44-46; duty of Cobalt
1.72,Trethewey 82.81, buyers 60 days. 90;
McKinley -Dar. 76, 68. Lancia.. the new
(*.hs1 merger, which was placed in
New York at 34.75, has sold up to 35.13.
Shaping Cobalt mines may be consid-
ered a fair speculative investment. We
think that the other stocks shoul.l be
left alone for the time being until the
propel lies have given evidence of
dll Women Need the Rich, Red
Blood Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
Actually bake,
One little mistake in a drug 4t ire niay
c;:1I e In ire trouble than two Lulls in a,
china sho..
Groat 'Things From Little Causes
Crow -1: takes very little to derange the
ete.maeh. The cause may le slight. a
cold, something eaten or drunk, anxi-
ety, worry, or same other simple cause.
flat it precautions ie not taken, this
ample cause niay have moat serious
fonstglten es. Many a chronically de-
bliilahxl constitution t4 -4Jay awes as de-
ftruction to sample causes not dealt with
in tine. K(ep the digestive apparatus
1i healthy ronditi:•n and all will be
well. Parmelee's Vegetable ('ills are
better than any other kr the purpose.
Town' --"You look rather weary. old
man." itrnwne—"}•es: i've hod a trying
tante this past weak." 'Towne—"111?'
Rrcwne—" So; on n jt.ry."
Why g1 limping and whining about
your corns w!:en n 25 cent bottle of
fl,$', ways ('ern Cure will remove Them?
(ave it a trial and you will nut regret
\lies Gush -"And Ethel, dear, what Is
the baby's name?" Mrs. Newmallter—
"I've named him Ethelbert Algernon."
Miss bush --"But 1 always thought the
father named the toysr' Mrs. New -
mother -"If you conal hear what his fa-
ther calls him schen he is walking the
the floor with him in the catty it n you
wniadn't winder 1 teak mania- - .at my
own ands."
, 11 Has
Canna a :s ail the t me ti tc ,vert g le:- Mr. R. J. Arlrss, 401 City Hall Ave.,
t e *districts o' IiJrf:ked extant whell tt Montrei1, Quobee, is an old gentleman
j calls paten tapd•Ls. 'Cho Canadair sC: oa l of wide acquaintance, having served
POunwy I the March Wsetttard; PRODUCES DEAFNESS
and Is now In British Columbia. 1
geographies of twenty year4 ago ga.
tliut name to the Annatol s Valley 'n thirty-eight yeara in tho General Post -
,Nova Sautia, where the apples grow.,mee ot ake for Mo lLeal, a r ing his reeord hieh
so of
says the 1'•w fork Stn. pe
ftv w• stern Ontar.o got into the frust Peruna, sew letter given below.
ra s_ne game and carntd lhs uneflicia!
tile. I1 di in't keep it very 1 ng, for t'.-
caay it is the Okanagan \'al.ey of Bra-
irt, Columb.a that n.oves the patriots
I en' dan into hyperholo of speech.
Tho Okanagan is a del ression in Ito
Mountains, running north and saint fc r
ra aro thin 150 mile,. It holds a lake of
the sam-nanre which is eighty milesmileslonct
g and -of an average width of Ouse
miles. The area from this lake to tr.e
ftothills is'faat filling up with orchard-.
—The et mate there is something to w. n -
0r at. F-r-gtit trees btcs=om in March.
The m:ldn.e s and dry'ne s of tae a r
Make it' poasiblo to rase fruits tvh cls
could sot he raised elsewhere in the
Ovine latitude.
' Of course,hcre are apples, as there
ore almo$t everywhere in Canada, but
peaches, apr:c 's, nectarines, grapes and
-Oven figs flout' sh in tho southern part
f the valley. ?One enthus.astic writer
:has spoken of this region as the Italy
a+f 'Canada.
Th.) rainfall is less than ten inches a
year, so irrigation has to Lo resorted to.
'he soil is amuz:ngly fence, an orchard
elarn:ng its keep in a few seasons. it
is. a ,prosperous community.
Tie names of Ile towns have a pros-
pesous :sound. There F, a Summerland
anti a.Ueachla.nd. Presumably it is all
Ilappy lend.
Tho valley Is filling up rapidly with
a high class of setters. Sir Thomas
Shaughnessy, president ()Sallie Canadian
Pacific Railroad, which skirts the upper
end of the„i?kanagan. has a place at
Swnme$nnd; The Earl of Aberdeen
has a ran h et Vernon.'
Some tapir -Ott will show how well this
di,tr:ct deserves the l tie of garden spot.
A nsalertt ot•-eeschland sold the crop
;of.r'eaches 9q�n his five-year-old too -s for
-5365 an nee. Thr purct:esers sacking
nndf•_paek ng the fruit. A Sumner:and
rr:an:.gio'. $300 -for the fruit of 110 reach
bassi. atshe rate of 11,200 en acre. Still
ano her S rnTrr^rland man got 11,935 an
acre for las t..atvberry output.
Lail fn ib Ot anaran Owls now up
to 31,000 tui acre. Imagine that price)
f it a tvorkol nilt.'farm' in the East! It
roots frorraaj6100 td'' 200 an acre for ir-
r; atlon. man ea make a rofl'able
ling out of five acres of v r,. n ground,
p'lid he dcsn't have to wall k ng for re-
From g'rihood to middy lite U.e l`
and happiness of every wrir:. n ' ,er,nLl
or. her blrxxl. It her 1 ' • :! : t
watery she becarn s tt, .••. lan'guuJ
pale and nervous. If ! ,`1 t,.• col vttpB.R'
u irregular she &utter:• liea,s•
and baU, backaches and c una ak.tbc
distress which only worgin know. 11
every stage of a w'oman'st•life Dr. Wil-
liams' fink (tills are.her.bcast friend,'iae-
ca1»e they actually make the rich.;.11ed
Hood which gives •health and str.tlglh
and tone to every' organ c.f the body,:
They help a woman just w'Len nature
notices the greatest demand:tam her.
blood supply. Airs. 11. Gagnon, ?s'ho for
twenty years tuts- been one .d ja►e best
kr:own residents 'ref St. Hoofs Que.,
says:—"Dr. Williams' Pink t'j haver
been a blessing to, ine. 1 was weak,,
worn out and scarcely able to drag My-
self about. I sufferedfrom headaches'
and dizziness, my appetite -was Kati' Orli
t� attempt housework left me utterly
worn out. I slept badly ul night and
what sleep I got did not reficsh me.
For nearly three years 1 was in this
cls ndition and was constantly taking
medicine, but found no benefit from it.
One of my neighbors who.'tiad used Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills with' much benefit,
advised me to try thetii. 1 did so, and
the whole story Is told in the words '1
an. well again.' Theho are Limas yet
when 1 take the pills ',for they seem to
me a guarantee against the troubles
which fo many women. Sutter."
Dr. Williams' ink falls do not act
cn the bowels. They Contain just the
elements :that actually make new bloc('
end strengthen the nerves.' -Chat's whg•
they cure anaemia, indigestion, rhea=
matism, lumbago, headaches. ba^_kaches,
heart palpitation and skin diseases like
pimples and eczema. That is why thee -
are the greatest help in the world for
growing girls who need new blood and
for women who are troubled with irre-
gular health. Sold by all Medicine
dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for 12.50 from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
'1- • -
Mrs. Milhap's new girl, who never
had gone out to service before, and had
had scarcely any experience as a cook.-
ook:appeared to to wiling and industrious,
enc was quid: to learn. In view of her
inexl:eriense, she had rend ly agreed la
work for throe dollars and fifty cents a
week. Mrs. Milisap, who was an ex-
pert cook, had taken much pains with
her educaLon in that line, and at the
end of five or six weeks Jemima was
equal to any demands upon her in •the
line of kitchen work. The mistress was
greatly suiprized, therefore, when the
maid one morning gave her a week's
not els.
"What does this mean, Jemima?' she
asked. "Haven't 1 treated you fairly?'
"Yes. ma'am," answered the girl, "but
1 ve learned haw to cook now, and I've
fund a place where i can get five dol-
lars a week right at the start.''
"You didn't ask me to rase your
wages. Do you think you are acting
fairly with me?'
"Oh, I'm going to do the square Thing
with you, Mrs. Mill -sap," said Jemima.
"I've got a sister about a year younger
'than 1 am, and she's perfectly wiling
to come here and work kr three dollars
and a halt a week—till she learns cook-
ing, anyhow.'.
"A lazy man." said Uncle Eben, "is
slats good-natured, doh de simple ren-
w,n dat he's got to be to git friends to
livid up his respuis,bilitei."
Have you tried a package of "TIIE
NEW FOOD"? It is made of tie Choic-
est White Wheat, then steam coked and
flakes. No kitchen can produce a bet-
ter made or cleaner article for human
oonsWnpt!on. In order to Introduce
a prize has ixen placed in every pack-
age. Already T11111TY-SIX itlue Cards
calling for LADIES' 601.1) \VAT(IIhaa
ha'.e been redeemed, and SEVENTY-
EVINIY•FI\'l: Bid Cards. Each ono (d thea
Carle has been f',und in a package of
The Red Cards g ve the finder this
Choice of the follow ng arLC'es:
Boys' Nickle Wag h.
"Our Pride" Goll N h Fountain Pen.
Bureau Cover, Duct.esa Paikrn, Foul
Table Cover, One Pard Square, Dar
Baby Ring. Sold Geld.
S:detoard Covera, Two Yards Long.
Open Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling
Silver Tap.
Cold \fe:at Fcrk, Silver-plated, Roger!
Lest Make.
Neck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place fat
Ladle: Back Comb, Tortoise Shell, Sel
1Wtth Brilliants.
S gnet ling, 10k Gold, i':a.:e for fwe
A new lot of prizes have ben 1 laced
In the packages.
Ask your grocer b r a f acicage Of
A CLEAN -l'1',
"Gee whiz. Jones! Where'd you get
that rolls of money:"
"1 met a fellow who had a sure tip on
the third race yesterday."
"And the lip won?"
"No—this is that fellow's money."
Rabies are nee,: as ta.t ty crocodlle-
t,unters in Ceylon. The ,ntants are, of
Crouse, rover put an peal of their alias.
A Mex can furter can carry a 1. ad el
4011 pu:inds with ease.
T' ere are 40,00 ke'otal so:dlora :n the
Er tsh Army.
The hit weather months aro an anxi-
cus time for all mothers, but particu-
larly for y'ot,usg mothers. 7'ltey are the
most latest months to the year for
babies and young children, because et
the great prev'alance of stomach and
towel troubles. These come almost
without warning, and often before the
mother realizes that there is danger tho
lilllo one may be beyond aid. 1t is the
duty of every mother to use all reason-
able precautions to ward off summer
complaints. For lhls purpose no other
medicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets.
An occasional dose will keep the stom-
ach and bowels free from offending
matter, and will ensure the little ones
rood health. If the trouble comes un-
expectedly the Tablets will speedily cure
it Every home, therefore, should keep
the Tablets on hand always; they may
to tho means.of saving your child's life.
'they are guaranteed free from opiate.s
and narcotics, and may be given with
perfect. safety to a new born hate. Sold
to medicine dealers or by mall at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams
hlodicino Co., Brockville, Ont.
The locusts are one of the greatest
peals the South African farmers hate
to deal with.
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is
Pleasant to take; sure and effectual in
destroying worms. Many have tried it
with best results.
Will be Effective in Urgent Case., Says
the Discoverer.
Dr. Auguste Marc, ehl:l nt the int.•
oratory of the Pasteur Institute, Pars.
Franca, has been experimenting for
several 'years with the nto(I feat treat-
ment far adsan^el erose. ed ral,.(s.
With the i'uateur treatment, as used
s nco its discovery in J$$5 unl I now,
fail. immunity Is not reached unit rear
ly five wicks rifler the Iirst fisjeelion '6
giv . n, Ih' treatment last ng a min mum
est c'ghteen days now. In cases at se-
vere bit's (Tl the face the el cvt-. s nate
&velap in th ce weeks (r even ita,.
Dr. Mvrie hos slicase('Cd in eb a rang
it m 'h -ea which had teen immunized
ara:mt. r:abks a t.enim wh'ch. when
r.. xed in certain propo:liorts with fresh
virus of rab.o-, renders ttxa latter an -
rt .ctxlt>9 when Inject, d into animals and
human beings. This mixture of virus
and seru•n le mih tt.e teglnning of the
Pa s'cur treatment with a mit rail which
secures immun ty much quaker than
when the ordinary me:hoct is used. It
hr:cL ely what hes been needed for
s..v.re cases and the results obtained
within the !a.-1 two years have amply
fulfilled Dr. Mark's hopes.
Furtherin.;re the view form (1 treat-
ment w 11 to (,f great rrac!°cal valt). in
immunizing clogs, inasmuch as two in-
ject ons rapidly immunize a deg against
rt,b:.s, and this immun ty lasts for a
year Or more.
"13e you Dr. X?" asked a tall. lean
man. walking into the (fitce of a prat-
pner. "1 a,' replied the doctor.'
"Well, look a -here, old teller," remarked
tho visitor, "I'm glad to find yer at last. 1
1) ye raliamabor liew yer set a fajklr't
arm and didn't charge hliii for it!
"'s s." said 1he Jester. with the pros -
pert et a big fee rising tea re him. "I'm
that feller, un' I :e broke the either ann.
so 1 ve come lc have it set on the same
Wins." T 111 U
"I have been afllio!ei with nasal
catarrh to such a degree that it affected
a,y hearing.
"This was contracted some twenty
years og) by being expos^d to draughe
and sudden changes of temperature.
1 have been under .the treatment of
specialists and have used many drugs
roxommended as specifies for catarrh
in the head and throat—all to no pur-
"About three years ago 1 was induced
by a oonfrero In nnioo to try Peruna.
"After tonne hesitation, as 1 had
&lib's as to results after so many
failures, 1kve Iteruna a trial, and am
happy to &a lbai after using eight or
ten bottle- of eoun;t 1 ant much im-
proved M. hcarlag, and In Lratb.ng
through the nostrtisa" •
Manufactured by Perth linitn %tams --
u n Company, ry 40' zebus Uhio
fact rl g G 1 V - , tui , ,
U S. A.
Miss Chellus—"Did ho 1.ke the duels
we tan
Miss yrd-1 can't dcc.do fr•_m what
!:e said."
Miss Chellus—"Oh, 1 suppose you
think he liked your voice best?'
Miss Byrd—"Welt, really, 1 don't
know exactly what he meant. Ile said
I sang well, but that yuu were better
Through indiscretion In eating green
fruit in summer many children beeoipe
subject to cholera morbus causal by ft
ritating acids that act violently on the
lining of tho inkstincs. i'etns and
dangerous purgings ensue and the deli-
cate system of the child stiffens tinter
the drain. In such cases the safest, and
si:rast medicine is Dr. J. D. Kelk,gg's
Dysentery Cordial. It will check tho in-
flatnmation and save the (inlets life.
Loss of Flesh, Cough, and pain on the chess
may not mt`an consumption, hut are ba 1 signs.
.tllea'a Lung Balsam loosens and hells the
vougb: Nut a grain of opium to it
Bobby lo ked askance at the p'ece of
Cake given diad at supper.
"Wtwl is it, sin?" asked his father.
"'fain't fair." said Bobby, "for grand-
ma to cut my slice, 'cause everything
looks bigger through her spectacles.'
A Pleasant Medicine.—There aro some
pills which have no other purpose evi-
dently than to teget painful internal
disturbances in the patient, ad-
ding to his doubles and perplexities ra-
ther than diminishing them. One might
as well swallow sonic corrosive ma-
terial. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have
not this disagreeable and injurious pro.
perly. They are easy to take, are not
unpleasant to the taste, and their action
is mild and soothing. A trial of thein
will prove this. They offer peace to the
Ono day last winter little Eloise was'
looking at a fall of unusually large
yw wflakcas ' O itraninna!" shs ex -
clamed, vl ,a- the popped rain earth
ing down!''
It Will Prolong Life.—Do Solis, the
S; aniard, last his life in the wilds of
Florida, whither he went for the pur-
ppse of discovering the legendary
"Fountain of Perpetual youth," said to
exist in that 1:nknown ooun'ry. Whtjo
Dr Thomas' Eclectric Oil will not;pQeer.
petunia youth, it will remove the bod&ty'
pains which make the young old before
their time and harass the aged into un-
timely graves.
The telephone has a tendency to ren-
der the girl of erators lel!-eared.
As a general rule, man's har turns
grey the years sooner than woman's.
3P0 OR.OM", Sgt) pd= 1
Fair finance is it not? Wild sad Improved farm
land from 112 to eta an acre, war good market
and to the '-Bread Basket" of the N.W., "Barkatehewan." Saskatchewan Settlers Land £5e1107
Wauchups, ask.
AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man 1• every
illy and town in (canaria with waterworks to sell
a patent article needed In ever'' home, hotel and
ubllo building. Sells at sf¢vttte at trustless
ones a
.1 are making 15.00 a day. ``
partioulars. Oso. T. Cols, Owen Souud, Outsrio4
Nan—",Co you like Arch'.4,• do you?• it
always thought him • just the: least bit
Fan—"Well, he's cerin my a goad dela
more ladylike than yuu area
The heat of lb. Tropias fades re y caress.
It takes away the enerry. "Nerrwnn' is the
best tonic 1.. hrace you upp. it the
asters. It makes the wts.ek strong. It is pleas-
ant W lake. All druggists sou it
"Well,'' said the cast err r, ns he paid
thy. tarber and moved I wird the door,
"1 feel like congratulating myself on
getting safely out of a mighty bad
By placing himself promptly on the
outside of the barber shop tr_ avoided
gett.ng himself into- a mighty bad
Iceland holds the rcc:rd for long+ vity.
We :iv, rage .lurat.on of human Uf. there
lxing 61.8 years.
XIII Wows all.
No deal flees
(ring about
whim weed Y
II rooted.
--GOLD SY - ••
1Oo. per Parket, ore pack.ts far alta
will last a whole eeaeen.
1581.E NO. u-Ia.I
Sufferers frog), F1'•, F: lops}•, a1.
Vit .s' Dance, Nervous 1ruu•iiee of
i' ckn•sa shout l write the
Llitl�t: CO., 1:9 Kane atraet,Toroutq
fur a trial Pottle of their kit ('aro an
TTastlse. b. luso 1Jr fur pue:aju az
'The PIok of the Okanagan Lake"
5 to 10 acre fruit lots Ire* fromstouts under.
brash, at IPSO A" acre un easy terms. 1I r
tag tbrou h nits you save land sp*eulall
of at leas) d0%, Write tae for fere• Monteath,*
about any part of 11. U. as to fruit land or t'tsring
echards. James BrooksLB, a 4, p*acbtasd, U.iL
" His MA.TIR'e Vo1CL"
All prices and style. (rota .14.50 to.!. 40. write
Cor frets catalogue. Dept, D.
204 Vonge Street, Toronto.
Agents wanted in every town.
Te KKom•oe, the Nub of the Swanhameen
Valley, In Southern British Irktsh Columbia
—A Ohanno• to eels k•etenay'• Boundary
and Okanagan Valleys
The ,milha,ueen is Canada's roost favored
spot, whole Olive,altnand, peach, winn grape%
nectarines, melon, sweet potato, Wbac:o and
and subtropical, attain perfection in tke open
air, without us• of glass.. and all northern
fruits grow perfectly. No light crop rears.
Pour crops clover %year. Corn rip•us,u Joty,
strawberries cherries, sprieots, June 1. Ear-
arhest fruit district in orinnioa. No rued,
of oes or health sndt pests.
jest openair ed by
building of ureal Northern allway. C1o1a4
to coos` and prairie markets. open prairjs
hada. Ire* of stur!ps, stone and brash, read,'
for plow. Iandr `ow priced on easy terlps.
See the rlimitkareesn its the •goal of the
best parte of the nit"rld in growing, stock openings
for e.ustn•a.,
mined farming, mining, Indun rtrial 'opening*.
homemaking, pleasure and plass to rest.
oot a solitary to
to nth*ala—tested 40 v jeers.
nt or plower but
Spend/oar egealion estighere where fish-
ic'nmg 1syneepar
me among the lofty Ca:wades.voperl}
epeeist low rats ea*uNtoas twice a month
from sasWf• sad western points. Juno 10,
July 10 and Ci. Address, •. -
100 Colony St., Winnipeg, 5150.s 71141
or Kereumoe, B.C.
The crusts and Guarantee Company
feeis'fiereby given that a half yearly dividend for the
,*e'ya . • ail( months ending June 3o, 1908, :..• •
At the Rate of SIX PER GENT. Per Anifu
has this day been declared npon the pald-sp Capital Mock est the Company, and the lame
w111 be pumas at the offices of the Company, on and after July 2, 19(19, and the 1'rauster
Books will be closed from June 2uth to June 30th, both days inclusive.
Toronto, ]ane 12, 190&JAMES Jo WARREN, Managing Dlreotor.
The Paingo
For Neuralgia, Headache,
.Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
Cornpany, Toronto
tri BR014. & CO., Toronto and Montreal: LYMAN KNOX &
'1011 ale a fanner, you cultivate the un, y'au grow fruit. vegetab.cs,
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y.0 are master of all you survey. Farmers are the most pro{serous class
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Far the odd measa`go in'o lawn, la the post -office, tt, ' o store, for a
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A Horse eats oats --a b,cy'c!o wont.
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ton France made's.
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33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311
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