Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-25, Page 4Crediton The ladies of the congregation i.f the Methodist clan ch will give a straw- berry social on the church lawn on Friday es ening, 21;th inst. Band in attendance. lee cream and bananas. Addresses by local and other minis- ters. Colne and enjoy a good l The hot weather the past week has made our people hunt up their cool places. We have had several heavy storms of late. The storm on Monday night wits very severe. Hail fell in great quantities. the size of pigeon eggs but fortunately there wits no wind, so that the gal den vegetables Wert' out daurtged to any Elect extent. Lightning struck the house occupied by Win. Winer, completely demolish- ing the chimney and tearing oft some of the roofing.--I'razer Brown, who has been attending the Business Col- lege in Chatham, has returned home for the holiday's. -Jos. Lawson is mak- ing great headway with the cement walks. Ile has a large gang of inen at work and they manage to construct a large piece of work each day. -Wm. Witzel of Khiva has been selling a large quantity of strawberries in the village theast week. The fruit is very plentiful this year and of a good size. -Mrs. August Ewald, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Tel- fer, of London for a few weeks, re- turned home Saturday.- While draw- ing wood for Joseph Heist one day last week Albert Heist unfortunately fell oft the load and striking his bead. Fortunately he is not suffering any serious results. -The Male Chorus of the Evangelical church furnished the program at the Strawberry supper given in Shipka last night. -Our Band has been engaged to play at Centralia on the ftret,-The District meeting of the Orange Lodge was held in the vil- lage Saturday. Quite a number were in attendance. It was decided that the local lodge will go to Sarnia on July 12th. -Mr. and Mre. Rose:of Milverton are visiting Host Hill of the Central Hotel. -W. H. James of the Bank of Commerce was in Goderich a few days last week. -John Mclsaac of Mt. Piers - ant, formerly of the Royal Hotel, gave our town a flying visit Saturday. His many friends were pleased to seeJack. H. Eilber, M.P.P.has installed a sys- tem of water works in his dwelling and now has things quite convenient. -To see an old man 83 years of age handling a sythe like a young man and keeping at it in spite of the boiling rays of the sun, is a sight seldom seen in this neighborhood. We refer to Jacob Heist, who cut his hay on Mon- day and made an excellent job too, in fact, it is a model for neat cutting. We congratulate Mr. Heist upon his work and if present indications are to be considered for the future, he will still be amongst us for some years to come. -The examinations for the con- tinuation, entrance and junior classes are being held in our school this week. Mr. Shore of Dashwood is assisting our Principal, Mr. Bluett, as examiner. School closes on Friday. Three of the teachers Misses Davidson, Girvin and Kienzle are leaving and their. places will have to be filled by a new staff. While teaching here they have given excellent satisfaction and the Trustees and section regret to learn they are leaving. -Thursday evening a pleas- ant gathering assembled at the home of Mrs. B. Brown, Jr., in honor of her birthday. The Ladies'5Aid, of which she is an active and valued member, furnished the program and a very pleasant evening was spent by all. - Rev. 5. M. Hauch of Waterloo spent Tuesday in the village the guest of his uncle John Hauch. -Mr. Benkv and bride (nee Dora Wenzel) spent a few days in the village last week visiting the lattet's parents and relatives. On Saturday- a reception was tendered to there at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel. They left on Tues- day for Detroit where they will stake their future hone. We extend con- gratulations• -Don't forget the Evan- gelical Sunday school picnic will be held at Grand Bend on July 1O, Centralia The many friends of Mts. Edwards, mother of Mrs. C. Duplan, will be in- deed sorry to learn that she continues very ill at Lucan.- -A few from this vi• cinity attended the strawberry festi- val at Mooreeville Monday evening. The weather wee very disagreeable, otherwise there would have been a good representative from here. -The baseball club has arranged to play two games et ball on July 1st here, with the Denfield Stars. a fast aggregation. The games commence at 10.311 and 2 o'clock. -Miss II. Andrews has return- ed to S ringfleld after a pleasant visit with friends here. Miss Alla Hicks, atter completing the millinery season at Exeter, has returned to her home in Fairfleld.-Mins Aggie Hepburn has returned from her etay at Mitchell. one of the worst electrical storms that ever passed over this section Wap ex- perienced on Monday evening. Rain fell in torrents accompanied by hail the size of pigeon egge. The storm lasted for several hours. Not much damage was reported.- Haying bas commenced in this vicinity. -The Mes- srs. Oke Brothers, 2nd concession, had a valuable horse killed by lightning on Monday. CKi.Ei1H.tTIoN -The annual Domin- ion I)ay Celebration in Epworth Park on Wednesday next promises to excel even the previous occasions. The Crediton Brass Bend has been engag- ed. Field sports are being arranged to commence at 2 o'clock. An excel- lent tea for which the ladies are fam• ons will be served from 4 to 0. Ad• mission to grounds and tea 25e. A grand concert will be given in the evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Thr following excellent talent has been secured: Misses Hall, Brown and Larche, and Mr. Walker of London, and Miss Hart of Hensall. Tickets 2-1c. Tuesday was the hottest day of the year. The 1hernaontr•ter went up to 92. and the general salute of the riti•' /'ns was. "It's a hot one. - So Mach More interesting, Small daughter (tlr d of plasm,( Alone! -Mnmmv, warn 1 Ret to hear. -i shall dila,.%, play Wil angel,! yi.•th.'r }'es, my darling "Mummy. don't you fink that if I've hen sewy, vewy dorsi all the mornin' ,':cyan' wif page:,, is the afternoon (;..d win Rave ers a Uskls devil I• play Witt" -Ka. exeteL'bliticate Sanders at Creech Props. THURSDAY, June 23 1908 .}'v)TA' .1 .V1 COM MEN S Il is s'ti t th it Robert Holmes of the Clint( 11 New Ern, ••x-M.I'. for West Huron is an applicant for the position of Kings Pinata. at Ottawa, which will become vile uu sb,•a tly on the re tireulent of Mr. Dawson. People %vhu write things which they would like to see pt iuted in a news- paper, should bear in wind that what they write as their personal opinion should be fathered by theism. and when they write stuff that is u..t tit for them to attach their names to it should never be printed. Itememuber the rule of all decent newspapers and you will never have occasion to put on the shoe. This is the rule which we give in all kindness. Never ask a news- paper to do anything you are ashamed to do yourself. One hundred and fifty-nine railroads in Canada and the United States re- ported 413,(00 idle cars on April loth. This is nearly one-fifth of all the car- riers available for service on the lines making report. The figures given in- dicate the extent of the prevailing de- pression in United States business cir- cles on the date in question. Fortun- ately there has been something of a revival since then, but even yetAmer- ican commerce is in a very different condition from that existing( at this date last year. All depends on the coming harvest. If the fields give a bountiful yield, something like old time activity will shortly prevail in the commercial circles of the contin- ent. Biddulph Man Killed. Mr. William Teller, of the townline, North Biddulph, was thrown against the steel frame of a circular saw while cutting rails at the home of James Heenan, two miles west of Granton, on Wednesday, and his head was so badly crushed that he died five hour's after being taken out. Mr. Telfer was 55 years old, and one of the best known farmers in the vic- inity. For many years he had owned a portable sawmill, and was in the habit of going around "buzzing" wood for the farmers. While working at the saw the pile which remained to be cut fell over on him, and before Mr. Heenan and his son could lift the heavy rails off him, he had been terribly crushed. Dr. Lang of Granton was summoned and did everything possible, but Mr. Telfer died about noon. Besides his wife, he is survived by eight children. Heavy Fire Losses. Burke's Falls, Ont.. June 23.--A dis- astrous etre occurred here yesterday when the east side of the principal business street was swept by flre. The loss is estimated at $1o0,000, with insurance for possibly half of that sum. Three Rivets, Que.-Canada's oldest city, Three Rivers, has been almost completely destroyed by fire in spite of the work of the fire brigades of four cities. The fire started in a livery stable. Some of the buildings des- troyed were, Homan Catholic Cathed- ral, one parish church, Episcopal church, Presbyterian church, Metho- dist church, several convents, several schools, several found ries, several machine shops, four branch hanks, one private hank, one hundred stores, ten sawmills, eight hotels. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. The annual meeting of South Huron Farmers' institute was held in Mc• Donald Hall, Hensall, on Wednesday of last week. There was not as large attendance as on sone former meet- ings, still the members and officers are taking an active interest in institute work. Mr. Jno. Kitchen occupied the chair. Minutes of last meeting were real and adopted, also the' auditors' re- port, showing that the Secretary had dune his work in a very satisfactory manner. The election of Directors for the ensuing year, resulted in all the old Directors being returned to Oflloe. At the close of the the annual meeting a Directors' meeting was held. W. 1). Sanders was again unanimously re- turned as Preeident. 13. S. Phillipe was chosen as Secretary and it. B. Mc- Lean as representative to the Farmers' convention to be held in Toronto this fall. -- + -- Mr. and Mre. Harry Lambrook visit- ed the latter's brother. Mr. John Cor- bett, of the Blind Line. Hay, on Wed- nesday. 41.111=11e>+ My Hair Ran Away Don't have a falling out with your hair. It plight leave you! Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home! Fasten it tightly to your scalp! You can easily do it with Ayer's (lair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress- ing. it is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. The beat kind of a testimonial- " Sold estimonW-- "sold for over sixty years." 1 AMods se: C- Arm Ce , Lowell. New 11, Na Ales eisnnilssterers •t JP sosAPAatuA. PILLS. CURRY PKTISAL. vers Severe Severe Storm 11ie unost severe and prolonged thunder, lightning, rdiu and wind elutrn that has horn oxpot•ieticed iu this section for a long time prevailed Monday evening from t; to !a o'clock. The flashes of lightning and the toll of the thunder were exceedingly sharp and heavy, while the rain fell in tor- rents until the roads and ditches were filled with 1 l,hing %rate's, and the creeks and 1 ivers were very high. Lit- tle damage was dour I,v the rain. al- though it is expected that the root crops will be injured somewhat by be- ing washed out of the ground by the force of the falling water. Some good sized hail stones fell for a few mo- ments, but injured nothing. The elect- ric, telephone and telegraph wires, with their connections, were damaged in some places, and the lightning run- ning into the buildings on the wires frightened many residents. Parts of the townyyvvere in darkness as a result of the st6rm. An electric metre at the Mansion House was destroyed by the lightning, which came in through the roof, makingtwo holes through the ceil- ing, cutting the wires, following down stairs, and going out over the front door. The borne of Mrs. Brooks, Will- iam Street North, was struck, the chimney destroyed, the gable end knocked out, considerable of the paper on the walls scorched, and a number of pictures knocked down before the bolts escaped, one through the roof and another through the floor near the stove. Mrs. Brooks and her daughter were in the house, but es- caped injury, although much fright- ened. Mr. Curt Harness' wood shed was struck and a board broken off. Mr. Chas. Aldswortb of 4th of Hay township lost a steer Monday evening in the barn yard. It is thought the lightning struck the metallic roofing and descending killed the animal. Eich. Scott of Ueborne had his barn struck by lightning and a horse killed. The barn took fire but it was extin- guished. Dashwood Haying has commence in this neighborhood and the crop promises to be a bumper. -The storm oMonday was a severe one here, the lightning, thunder and rain being yery heavy. Little damage was done. -See Tiernan and Edighoffer'e change of adv. this week. A meeting of the pastors and Super- intendents of Zurich, Dashwood and Crediton Evangelical Sunday Schools, was held at the Evangelical Parsonage, Dashwood, June loth to consider the matter of holding a union picnic of alt the Schools. Rev. L. K. Eldt was ap- pointed chairman, and E. H. Bean Secy, 1t was unanimously agreed to hold a union picnic at Grand Bend Friday, July 10th next, and that bad- ges be procured and worn by all those connected with the Schools. The col- ors chosen were, Zurich and 14th Con- cession, Red, Dashwood, White, Ored- iton, Blue. These badges are to bear date of the picnic, and also the motto, "Keep Thyself Pure" 1 Tim. 5, 2'2. Rev. A. D.Giscbter was intrusted with the badge contract. Geo. Keller- man is to make necessary arrange- ments for the grounde, and the super- intendents are to arrange a program of sports etc., for the afternoon and attend to all minor details. E. H. Bean was appointed master of cere- monies. At 10.30 a game of base ball will take place, Crediton vs Dashwood and Zurich Schools. Immediately- after mmediately after lunch will be served followed by n short program of music, addresses and general sports. Seaforth: The heaviest rainstorm of the season occurred here Monday night, and did considerable damage to crops, especially in low lands. During the storm, the lightning struck the house of Mr. George Chesney of God- erich street, destroying the chimney, damatrino the roof and parts of the walls. No fire occurred. Shortly af- ter the storm fire was discovered in the large brick residence occupied by Mrs. McCxrnmonti, on Goderich street east. The fire had made considerable progress before it was noticed, but the brigade answered the call promptly, an succeeded in saving part of the building, although their task was a difficult and dangerous one. Farquhar. ricNic, - The picnic held in Mr. Thoe. lduukin's hush last Friday was largely attended. The collection amounted to upwards of $13.00, and was given in 4sizes to the scholars. Following is ;► list of the races: Ht•NNINi; 1t.►Clt- (1) Boys -E. Jett'. ell-, Nelson nankin, C. Cottle. Girls --Roberta Monteith, Violet Stewart, Millin Pollen. i21 Boys --C. Monteith, Jas. Hodg.•it, O. 'Turnbull; Girls - Gladys Duncan, Elaine Stewart, Hazel Hankin. i3) Boys II. Jeffery, J. Cot- tle, Eddie Pollen: Girls A. 'Turnbull, 'Viola Hankin, Jean Allison. ii) Boy's -L. Stewart, G. !frown, 1l. Turnbull. Girls -Ethel Hunkin, N. Stone. (5) Boys ---Milt. Hodgert, odgert, Courcey Brown, Garnet Passmore; Girls -May Darch, Jessie Hodgert. ilii Boys -C'. Coward, W. Jeffery. Charlie Allison; (iirls- Teresslt Coward, Meryl Snell. LK.%I' Falx; Race -1st Milt Hodgert and U. Allison: 2nd, C. Coward and C, Brown; 3rd, W. Jeffery and G. Pass- more. Eno RACK -let, Ethel Hunkin; 2nd, Annie Turnbull; 3rd, Nellie Stone, WIIEKL-Batotow RACE - (Larger Boys) C. Allison and Milt Hodgert, C. Brown and C. Coward; (Smaller Boys) L. Stewart and J. Hodgert, H. Turn- bull and G. Brown, GIRIA'3- Lent) RD -RACE -Nellie Stone and E. Hunkin, J. Hodgert and M. Snell, A. Turnbull and J, Allieon. DONKEY RACE -C. Allison and M. Hodgert, W. Jeffery and G. Passmore, C. Brown and C. Coward. Bots' 3-LKOOED-RACK-C. Allison and M. Hodgert, C. Brown and G. Passmore, L. Stewart and J. Hodgert; (Smaller Boys) J. Hodgert and J. Cot- tle, C. Monteith and Ed. Pollen. COUPLE RACE—C. Coward and Jean Allison, W. Jeffery and E. Hunkin, C. Allison and J. Monteith. BROOM RACE—(Girls) Ethel Hunkin, Ma Darch, Nellie Stone, NAIL RACE —(Boys) G. Passmore, Milt Hodgert, C. Brown. (Girls)—E. Hunkin, Teresaa Coward, MayDarch. Hoe, STEP AND JUMP—Milt Hodg- ert, Garnet Passmore, W. Jeffery, tJ. Brown. SKIP RACK - Ethel Hunkin, May Darch. POTATO RACE -Ethel Hunkin, May Darch, BOOK RACK -(Girls) -Ethel Hunkin, Nellie Stone; (Boye)-G, Passmore, C. Brown. BOOT RACE—(Girls)— Meryl Snell, Jessie Hodgert; (Boys)—M, Hodgert, 0. Crown, G. Pasamere. NEEDLE RACE — Garnet Passmore and Ethel Hunkin, C. Brown and Nel- lie Stone, W. Jeffery and Viola Hun - kin. BASE-BALL—The base -ball game be- tween Wincheleea and Farquhar was just going full speed when a heavy rain -storm came on; the score stood - Winchelsea, 8 runs; Farquhar batting. with 7 runs and 2 men out, RAIN—The rain spoiled the picnic badly as the supper was not over, so the people took their baskete, some to Mr. Hunkin'e barn and some home. During the storm the house of Mr. Jos. Vance was struck by lightning and slightly damaged. Luckily no one was home at the time or mutters might have been worse. STORM.—One of the worst storms of lightning, rain and bail see here for years papered over this section on Mon- day eveaibg. The fields and ditches were flooded, and the hail fell quite thick and larger than marbles. Ellfmvllle Quite a number from the village and vicinity attended the picnic at WVhal- en on Tuesday. -Several of the Farm- ers have started haying and report a fair crop. -Lightning struck the Karn of Richard Hunter on Monday even- ing. The lightning rods conducted the charge to the ground and conse- quently no damage was done. -Mrs. NValter Hern returned home last week after spending a couple of weeks visit- ing in (ioderich.-Several from the vicinity attended the Seaforth races last week. -Miss Keys of Varna visit- ed her brother, Rev. Keys on Sunday last. --The First of July Celebration at Eliniville will he equal to those of the past. The St. Marys Band expect to be present to enliven the sports of the day. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westcott of Exeter spent Sunday the guest of (leo. Andrew. CLEARING SALE OF SUMMER GOODS Our Bargain Counter is loaded with Summer Goods, They must be sold as we do not want to carry a piece over if a price will sell them. 'h) pieces of Muslims in all the new- est shades ;and patterns, regular 15c, 20c. 25c and 30c a yard, your choice for 10c the yard. A few pieces of Dress (foods, regular 50c, to clear at 25c the yard. See our Prints at 7c the yard, guar- anteed feet colors. Shirts 12ic the yard for IOc. CHINA, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE Just to hand the finest line of Toilet Setts, Dinner Setts, Water Setts, ever shown in Dashwood, and at prices that will suit you. We purchased a large 1 line of those goods ata special price and we are giving you the benefit of the same. Call early. y3HOES! SHOES! SHOES! Bargnine in Ladies' Blouses, Corset All the latest styles in Footwear in ('overs, Night Gowns, Skirts, Vests, Patent Leather, Tans, Gho ernere, L+tdiPs' ilk a pair. Blucher Cote and Oxfordq. Hemern- her that these are not the cheap kind Men's Dress Shirts at half price. ; that will not wear, but these shoes are Boy's White Shirts at 25c each. Men's the good kind at cheap prices and andBoys' Ready-to•Weitr' Suits atguaranteed to wear. Our prices are bargain prices. Job line of Men's and lower than the lowest. Boys' Fine Straw Hata at Ilk each. HARDWARE GROCER! E9 .Our Grocery Department is full of A full supply of Forks, Rakes, Scy- ew and Fresh Goods. 5 lbs. good reen Tea $1, d -Purethes. s. FolkScreen Pulleys or., Jlatch s large abox li►e,►�3P('anst('orn }Window Screens, Hantn►orks, ('nil '2 —. 3 Cans Peas 2.1', 1 Ib. Seeded Wire, Barb }Wire, Ideal Woven Wire )taisIns lac, Korn Kinks Sc pkg., 3 lea. Fencing. h'anr y rakes 2:4e. Buy yoiir Binder Twine from us, we M11.i.iNK){}' are sole ;agents for Plymouth Binder All Millinery to be cleared out re - Twines, gnatnnteed the hest. gardless of .-.,sr. 10,000 pounds of \VooI Wanted in the next two seeks trade. Bring along yOilr Butter. Eggs and Wool and get game of these bargains and don't forget that by helping us vtiii ale helping yourself. Market Prices for Farm TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER, for which we will pav highest market price. eltsh or Corner State. i)A&HW(OD India Pale Ale Brewed from se- lected hot'., choice barley malt and pure spring water. w.th the utnx''t care. Bottled at the hre.very depots 40 (•nova proper h.tudlin That is shy batt'. :\!e is equal to die fin- est, surpassed ht none, %lion , 1 it costs con's::. about half as much as imported goods Seaforth: Tho following persons left for the west Tuesday: Mrs. Calder Andrew and Douglas Calder, Mee. Jas, Beattie, Rev. and Mrs. Buggin, D. Mc- Lennan and wife, A. Mustard, F. L. Willis and 11. Foley. WOOt1's Tos The arms EaotLsA Rewtsiy� Tones and invigorates the whole nervous r . ,; c n, makes new in old veins. OurcaNerp. oua Debility, Msat91 and Bruin Worm Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Bper - nntorrhaa, and Afeets of Abuse or Excesses. Price 11 per box, six foals. One will pl will cure. Ikea br all arnggiste or male a plain pkg. on receipt of price. Neto pam mailed free. TM Weed Mediate, Ow. (formerly Wimisor) Wallet,. Oast is the leading business training school in Western Ontario. We glee a thorough, practical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitmans Shorthand. Touch Typewriting, and in Commercial and Railroad Operatine. Each department is in the hands of experienced instructors. We assist students to positions. Our graduates always succeed, for our courses ars the best. Get our free catalogue and learn more about us. von may enter now. ELLIOTT & McLAOHLAN, Prinlipals THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1866) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over $3,372,500 3,372,500 33,000,000 SIXTY-FOUR BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA — EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p, m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m, to 1 g. na, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department, Until further notice Interest on SI%ingBe accounts will be credited Quarterly Instead of half year! as formerly. Deposits of 51 and upwards receir Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY succtssops To Drs. Kennedy &Kerman NERVOUS DEBAI.ITY SPECIAL 11OT10E. Owing to Dr. Ker. san being deceased, Dr. J. D. Kennedy, Medical Director, has associated with him Dr.KennedyJr. who has been with the firm for several years, so hereafter business will con- ducted under the name of DRS. KENNEDY • KENNEDY Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through BARMY INDISCR$TIONS, EXCESSES £ND BLOOD DISEASES. If you have ass of the following symptoms consult us before it is too tate, are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irrita- ble. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sedi- iment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks careworn expression, poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack energy andetreagtb, tired mornings. restless nights, change- ■ble moods• weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose. sore throat etc. prey' a•d most serioPOISONS h Mood Poisons are the most p y sap the very life blood of the victim, and unless entire!y eradicated from the system may affect the future generation. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the symptoms -OUR NSW MKTI[OD cares them. OW N[W METHOD TR[ATMENT alone can tare you, and make maim o you. Under its influence the bran becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches, and ulcers disappear, the become strong as steel, so that ner- vossneas, bashfulness and despondency vaish, the eye becomes bright the face full and clear. energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical. and vital systems are invig- orated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system. Dont let quacks amt fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. Ws will ears gots or R* /*y. READER Na matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Pree of Charge. BoolS NRK$ -"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) Qwo*tl*w LIN he Mont* Tr*atrwost Sant ea Railuo*t. DR5.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ars. and Griswold St, DETROIT) MICH. Has Il Ever Oednrred wine TO EXAMINE OUR NEW STOCK OF Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Sets, Etc., Etc., toYoaj I! Toilet We have undoubtedly the finest lines of goods that have ever been shown in this district. We can suit you in quality and price every time. Wedding Presents Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big season is now approaching. We are ready for it with the finest rings & best presents. Call and Examine Early Al MARCHAND, Exeter, Ont.