HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-06-25, Page 31 (d' TO REFORM CIVIL SERYICETCONDENSED_E1S iTEMS fHE WORLD'S MARKETS ILEPOI TS FRO\I 1II8 LEADING 1II.AUE CENTRES. II.tIPENIN(;S FIIO11 ALL 0\.-.; TUB GLOBE. Competitive Examinations to Replace Ar-' telegraph Briers From Our Own sad fittest Gwrntrlcs of triter bitrary• Nominations. 4111111 A despatch from Ottawa says: Hon. Sydney Fisher en Wednesday morning Jtitruduccd the (:its Servece. bill. He ex- plained that there had been a careful review of Canadian, British and United Slates legislation. The present bill pro - ;resod "a larger measure of civil service The most important innovator is the establishment of an independent civil service commission of two members, who will have the statue and salaries of deputy nrinial.rs. They will control the entrance examinations and will give such certeficates as may be necessary in re,ar,l to promotions and salary increas• ea The cc►nm'asion will have power to ranko regulations and control examin- ations and the arrangements for cure- tte' out their work. Entrance into the civil service, which le now lett "entirely to the judgmtont of th • nominating power," will be by open compelitive examinations. Under this present system, candidates pass quali- t%ing examinations, but are not -neces- sarily uppointed. Hereafter the ap- pointment Is to be made after compoti- ta•e examitiatons, according to merit, by the. commission. BRITLSH SYSTEM. The procedure is to be according to the British sy-sk•m; examinations w.11 bo held as often as neece<ssary, say twice a year. The heads of departments will T.otfy the commission as to vacancies, etc., and the commission will advertLse, stating the offices which are to be con- peted for. The commission will, while making appointment, generally by mor - It, be given latitude in the case of can- diva'ee who excel in one particular branch, and. who may therefore be ap- pointed to offices for which they are specially qualified. The probation period will be six months. In that time a Deputy Minister may reject a new ap- 1x•mtee, giving his ivasens. The cone miss.on may, when advisable, give the probationer another appointment. All departmental services at Ottawa are to be (neludevl in the inside service and brought under the Civil Service net. Any outside service may be brought in from time to time by order - in -Council, and otherwise they remain under the old law. The classification of the service is to be made in three sections, the first in. eluding those qualified for administra- tive, executive, and terhit cul work, the second a class preparatory to the first, and it third will. Include those doing rculine work under direct supervision. Those in the third class miry enter the second only by competitive examination and on an equal footing with outsiders. PROPOSED SALARIES. in the first class the salaries are to be from $2.100 to $2,800 and from $2,- 800 to $4,000. In the second class the salar.es will be troth $800 to $1,600 and frorn 81,600 to $2,100. In the third class tow salaries will be from 8500 to $700 and from $800 to $1,200. Thero watt be a statutory Increase of 850 a year fo • those deserving it, and this may be doubled on certificate of merit from the commission. There are now in the s:ervico "tempor- ary clerks' who have been there in some cases thirty years. In the future a temporary clerk may bo appointed only for six months, through the com- mission. Mr. Fisher, dealing with another ques- tion, dcc:arcd that it was intended by the new uct to do away with the practice of making salary appropriations in the estimates "notwithstun.ling anything in the Civil Service Act,' The bill was given its first reading. NEW STEEL ni:1.1.1•:T PROOF. Unknown Man Reported to Have Made Great Discovery. A despateeh from New York says: A 'new inocess of making steel hank be- yond th a break ng point, and which has made the pcor Inventor wealthy, is the report being spread about by Mr. Jas. A. Wilson, a patent attorney. Mr. \Vit• Foe will not name the discoverer, but *aye he has worked in poverty all- his Ie unt.I now, and Uiat he is sixty years lei. '"i'he inventor," said Wil -.on, "is now in Englund. Ile left ten days ago, in response to a cable summons front A group of English capitalists. They t�ge about to purchase the exclu-ive British rights to the patent for half a million (toilers in cash and 40 per cent. int (he sto eat the company to he organ- izedwall a capital of 850,000,000. My Client sr t Over fifteen years perfect- ing his process. 11e wus aided by the Cni1.d Stals Government. Metal plates tirattd by the new process were used as targets al the testing grounds of Georgetown. Mi.. and the result ns'on• sheet nrrny ani navy exeerle. The pro- jectiles fired at the plates bora them, Ina lett no other mark. The process takes the brittleness out ef the steel.' Mr. Wilson said that the U. S. patents hod leen grunted. and that this steel might soon bo adupkxl in armor plates kr the navy. MOVE Tills IT Alt's (:ROP. Thr Grand Trunk Pacific ee ill be n Parlor. A despatch from M- i:tr.eal says: Mr. F. W. Morse, \'Ice -frees Jent and Gen. eral Manager of the G. T. P., has left rat the west to look over tho new road as far as completed and de.ede' as 10 opening a 1ortlnn of the line for lr•iflle. tt :x pretty certain that the line will be srgng-d in carrying n share of this ant i+ harvest from Saskatoon to Win- .ti;eeg, but it is guile likely that before he rniti►mn Is far advanced it will be n operate n Ir..in Edmonton east. There .s he tvever, no prospect of G. T. 1'. V sins gait ng into Port Arthur the fall. Nr. Morse will be away a few weeks •,, (Sin z ng and preparing. f3ef••ro Ieav- :ng for the west \Ir. \1•erse had it c.rn- Terence with n delegnlion from St. John, N. It.. with regent te. the Atlantic ler. mined of the new Transcontinental road. The ocean terminus the company is de- termine' lo have under its own jureedic• TWO WERE MURDERED. Terrible Tragedy on n Yukon River float Near Selkirk. A de .;'atch from White -horse, Yukon, says: Major Snyder of the Mounted Police has received news of a murder on the river, a .short distance below .Sel- kirk. The telegraph line from Dawson to \\'hilo Ilorse is out of ..order, and lite news carie via Valdez and Uni'e'J States ciable, Tho message is as f •1- lows:- "Ned Elfost arrived in Dawson in h •at No. 113 alone. Hei had been seen oe the river with ttvo ethers cn the way d•.wn. Tee sound of shreitmg was heard by other small -boat Irus,engers on the river bank below Selkirk.' Inquiry by Major \Vcod as lir who left here in boat No. 113 sh %ee.l tl!,rt Ned Elfost, Emil Andersen an I lie .1 11•'rg- nu:n IefL in the teat on \I •)• I•i. The murder pn)bahly occurred tee or six days latter. as that tine. ',v. iild be re- quired to run front hero to .-..!kirk. thor the nnurJer was for the purl ewe of n,bb ry or tee r. salt of a quarrel is not known. The names tn,i c.►'.t that alt were Seortd net via us, elite r Net wegiaits or Swede.-, people not given to quietly obeying orders. The supp',sit'orr le that tie close intimacy of travelling for sev- erni days in n shall h tit engendered strife am( bad blood, wh h culmi►nrkd in nntirdor. PAY AS 1'011 E\71at (:IlllRill. Cash Registers Pepe :11 Entrances of R. C. Cburrh at Wer -ester. A devpalch from N. tt Y. : k says: The per sh'oners of St. Caen] is Church .1 Woe eater, Meet., on 'Tuasdny learned lhr..ugh the new perish priest that their opphcaltmt to have an auditing commit- tee has been refused by Bishop ik'a- ter, and that, lacteal, cash registers will le put in the rhutvh. The congre- gation must pay their dunes at the doer amt can see their nronev registered. The bishop hopes by this means to straight- en nut the finnneinl and other tangles in which the church has bo orno In- vclved. SHOT dillF71ti :it. Fort Willicun 110) 1'o1111ed Rine al iter and II Went 011. A despnkkh from Vert William. Ont.. saye: Two children e 1 Jnmee ilarrison. seclk.n foreman, ogee' 5 and 9, teem playing neural the r'e.undhottse on Tues- day, when the boy got Bold of a rifle. 'rhe bey in play reined the ora;•an at Iron, and °mart cy Ilay fs deeignat•d as Li. ''s'. r. and it visa, .!aehnrged neat• It* Wilt en. 11.1113:1Y. falally''IlRuun : n.' Ih. lilt'.• one. with died stee fly me i STEAMER ABERDEEN BURNED The Stewardess Was Compelled to Jump Froin the Upper Deck. A .teepatch from SI. 3 ehn, N. B., says: ilii Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock the Weenier :\tierteezn was 1 urned to the water .- a etre at Coles Island, In the St. ,e hn 1t tt•r. n few yards tram where the el -islet steamer went up in flames last nth. The lirine ves o1 the our men were burnel .i' Ile .\brrileen, nine souls In all, were rarest nlmeat by 8 miracle, and. as it was. Mrs. MJ e. e1, the st wardesa, hid le jump tram the upper deck Into the arm: of lames Hutchinson. the eng?n• 1cr, -;landing on the guard below, and I eel Warr• .• ly escnp.ed being ',hinged tr,to the reel. The fire was dusa,vend by tootle on the ahem returning from a (fance. and their cries awoke the mein. !era of the crew. In an been the steam- er weas a baro hue en the bctt.m of the river. and practically nothing was coved from her. Great diMetilty was also experie.lceJ In saving ttheet'nnwr A Sinceni;es, lying not fifteen yards away, and Alio Fred \Vest's Atom ant the cheerte tac'o-y citrated a few feet away. The Alordeen was valued et 810.000 by her owners anal insured for about $3.000. Tl:e c:tu o of the the is a myMer'y, Events. C.1N.e1).1. Tho electric railway is to 10 extend- ed 10 Puslinch Lake from Ileepeter. The complete aintrol of Manil.,ba's tbltepbono systenh is now vested in the ccninession. As a teetilt of the Banque St. Jean failure a slate audit of all banks may be pro;osod. Ingersoll will contract with the fly- dio-Ekctric Commission fur 50) horse ;ewer. SL Vin^ent de Paul' Penitentiary Ls ovcsRrrwdal, and prisoners aro being sent to Kingston. A young son of Mr. Joseph \\'atts of Belleville was drowned in the Moira River while bathing on Thursday. Joseph Hutchinson. an minute of the Fesex House of Itelugo. has inherited u million dollars in elanchaster. W. G. Smith, brakeman, was killed by his head &!riking a girder ut the Rainy Biter bridge on the C. N. 1i. Serious forest fires are reported near Dawson, Fifteen miles of the Yukon ie:egraph lino has been destroyed. Bowinanvilte has baht left a large legacy by the late James II. McGill of Washington, a native of the town. The All erla Government has granted $1000 to the Quebec Ba•tIleflekIs fund, and Mr. 'E. 13. Osler has -given 81AW. Robinson Leach of Chippewa antotuhc- ee his intention of jumping off the tel arch bridge into the Niagara River on i)een:nt i.n Day. Mr. Theodore Bei'ringhnni of Palgrave was kicked in the head by ire horse at the Ontario Agricultural College al Guelph and very seriously injured. Montreal Cty feauncil wants the Street •Railway. Company to water the sheets and clear off the snow in return for .ire privilege of carrying freight '.blit t the city limits. GREAT BiIITAIN. The second reading of the old age pension bill was passed in rho British Flimsee of Commons. The question of Bei unit•wm(ty of pat- ent laws .in the empire was discussed in the 13ritslt House of Commons on Thwsday. UNITED STATES. A 25 -month-old baby of the East Side, New York city, weighs 110 pounds. Thousand.; of foreigners are leaving New York for Europe owing to the low Steerage rates. Some unknown penitent front $8,000 in the Government conscience fund at \Vnshingteon. t).(;. A New York doctor ennounccs a new cure fur rah os, effected by direct injec- tton.s of anti -toxin Silo the brain. A Chicago woman, aged 76, did as the result of a burnt beating adminis- tered by it burglar in her home. \VUlinm 11. 'raft tuns nominated for the Presidency of the United Setts by the Ilepubl:cnns In convention at Chicago. An organization of Jews, numbering :.5.000. arc planning to erect n Jewish hospital in Second street. Ncw fork. A gold welch, a pair of valuable doe n and earrings and $499.110 wero fowid e;•: a wentrrn teggar in a New York p,l!ce court, Healon E. Crosby. rigid 14. who was seer-ously injured In a "bargain dny rush' in Newark, N. J.. has been awarded 82.000 damages. An aged than, C. J. L. Meyer, once the wealthiest citizen of Fond du Lac, Wit., was snved from the poor -house ty the aid of friends. Two women, n man end a child were drowned in NOW Y•,rk when an auto- mobile in wtech they were riding plung- ed inte the lletdsem River. D. 11. Fnweetl, Preeldevnt of the Alter- (lcerl flanking Ge. at Aberdeen, Ohbo, steel himself as the police were trying to enter his house to arrest hint on ThAur;ebay. AI \\'nlertnen, N. Y., C. B. Me(:or- mtek, an nt'orney. jurnt eel front a five - stormy orrice buckling and .lied from his injuries. He was arrested recently in connection with frai: Ls in the c'nims department of the New Y irk Genirol !leilway, and released on 1. el. GF:NErt \L. Throe hundred and fifty fishermen have Leen drowned on She coast of Ja- pan. United States eonrrnlsesi finers will si►- f(•tviso (ho PreeifenUal elections in the le:public of Pennine. Over 10/100 murders have eceurred in \ftwedo ua in Ilse last four years. and s:au}thtor Le everywhere. Lula Vendee, a wltik child, was kill - e 1 In Culen by a band of negro wizards who wetted the child's bloel to cute an let neon sis of consumption. i 1111: '00'Mt RR: lent -Any. Prices of Cattle, Grain, l.eeew 011ier Dairy Produce at Howe lard Abroad. apt BREADSTUFFS. Toronto. June 23. -Ontario Wheat - No. 2. white and teed, 83c to 81c; No. 2 mixed, the same. elanit be Wheal -Markel qr:otn•inns al Georgian Bay port,, No. 1 northern, 61.11%; No. 2 northern, $1.08X; No. 3 northern, $1.06%. Oats -No. 2 white, 45%c to 46c out- side; No. 2 nixed, 44c. Corn -Ne. 3 yellow, offered at 78%c a'l raIl, and 713c lake and rail. Flour - Manitoba patents, special brands. 86; seconds, 85.40; string bak- ers', $5.30; winter wheat patents, offer- ing now at 83.30. Barley -No. 2. 55c to 57c. Peas -,No. 2, quiet. nominally quoted at 92c. Bye -No. 2, none offering; quotation about 88e. Buckwheat -No. 2, nominally quoted 64%c to 63c. Bran -Offered outside at $17.50 to $18; about 820.30 track here. Shorts -$20.50. lt, ..emir (teen Hearth. Itl.i mr and Rail Ndl.. Hese neeipened. :. spatch from Sault Ste \f.er.e. Ont.. says: 'rhe t1 -pression wilee hes leen all loo apparent in the (email -an :en is drawing to a close, as the fle'st- tu'ne'r open hearth, bloom and rail milks of the Enke Superior corperet:on re- °lA,neJ em \kmetny with a Mil .staff of men. Since 4he plant closed Blown Iwo months ago business tees been exceed- ingly slack. many travelling men not calling et the Soo on their regular lr.ps through the north. Tho blast furnacas will not be started just now, ns the plant tar a large accumulation of ing iron on hand. The Soo i; again haply. Since the mill cke riel the management his been flgtlring on half a dozen contrails that wero then hanging fire. and has uoed every effort to secure work, so that th mill might re' n. Many of the meat who were (Creed mit when tete mill closed have been employed in ether ways. wtrtch 11 certainly a credit to the Inanagcm<nt. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter -Creamery, prints, 2tc to 23c; creamery solids, 20c to 21c; dairy prints, choice, 18c to 19c; dairy prints, ordin- ary, 16c to 18c; dairy tubs, 17c to 18c; inferior, 151 to 16c. Eggs -Prices rule easy at 17c to 18c. Choese-New cheese, 12c to 12%o for large, and 1230 for twins. Beaus-Prinos, $: to 82.10; hand. pie831.10 l0 82.15. Honey -Strained, 11c to 13c per pCund; combs, per dozen, 81.50 to $1.75. Potatoes-Ontar.os, 75c to 80c; Dela- wares, 85c to 960 In car lots on track here. Baled Hay -Timothy is quoted at 89.50 tr, 810.50 per ton in car lots on track her.'. No. 2, $7 to 88. Baled Straw -Good straw is quoted at about 87.50 per ton, or a little higher. Inferior stock has beer. offered at 86.50. These quotations aro for car lots on track here. PROVISIONS. Pork -Short cut, 822 to 822.50 per bar- rel, mess, 818.50 to 819. Lard -Tierces, 1I%c; tubs, 11%c; rails, 12c. Smokes} and Dry Salted Meats - Long clear bacon, 10%c to llc, Ions and cas- es; hams, medium and light, 133: to 14c; hams, large, 11%c to 12c; backs, 16c to 163 c; shoulders, 9'/,c to 1Oc; roll*, 10c to 10%ee breakfast bacon, 14c to 15e; green meats, out of pickle, lc less than smoked. MONTREAL \i:\BKETS. Montreal, June 23. -Flour - Menito- tut spring patents, $6.10 to 86.20; second patents, $5.50 to $5.70; winter wheat patents, $5 to 85.50; straight rollers, ;.25 to 81.50; in bags, 81.95 to $2.10; extra. 21.50 Li 81.75. noted Oats -82.75 in bags of 90 pounds. Outs -No. 2, 50c to 51c; No. 3. 47%c to 48••; No. 4, 46c to 4ryec; rejected. 45c; \Inrr.lcba rejected, 47%e. Cornmeal -$1.75 to 81.85 per bag. Millfesl-Ontario bran, in bags, 820.- 50 to 821.50; shorts, 823 to 824; Mani- toba !sin, in bags, 822 to 823; shorts. $21 to $25. Pr.,v sions--Barrels short cut mels. 822.50; half barrels. 811.50; clear fat backs, 823; dry salt king clear backs, 11c; barrels plate beef. 817.50; half tar- ries do.. $9: compound lord. 8c leo 9 ;c; pure land. 12%e to 130; kettle rendered. ole: to 13%e; hung. 12%c to Ile, accord- ing M size; breakfast bacon, 14c to ISc; Windsor bacon, 15c to 16 fresh k.l'od al:altoir dressed hogs, 89.25 to 89.50; the, 86.75. Buyer -Finest creamery, 22%c; in n and lots. 23: to grocers. Chce"o-The market is quiet; n.l a shade ((tiler. Westerns, 11%c tier; end a asterns 11* to t l 3j•:. Eggs -Selected, 17%c le 18c; No. 1, 163% to 17c. UNITED STATES MAIIKFerS, Mettle, June 23. - Wheat - Spring firmer; No. 1 northern. $1.119%. carloads; Winter steady; No. 2 red, 95: Cern- !Uglier; No. 2 w•h:l','76c; No. 2 yellow. 75%c. Oats -f leeteer: No. 2 mixed. 5?%e; Neo, 2 white. 56e. Barley - 55 to Ms Bye -$6e", No. 1 en !reek. Ca- r,nl freeghte-Wheat 5c to New 1'eerk. Minneapolis, June 23.--N'trent--N.e. 1 hard. old, $1.11%; new, 81.10,'.,;: No. 1 Neither re old. $1.0'1%: new. MANX; Neo. 2 N• rthrrn. all. (tI1r7%; new. 8eeee;i,; . 3 \ r:h'rn. 81.43% to $1.05%; July. el 06%; September. 91%e. Fleur -First patents, $5.3e) le $5.41; serond patents. f•5.?0 to 45.35; first /ears. $4.20 to 81.30; serene clears. x:1.50 to 83.60. Bran -In l silk, $18 to 418.50. Ne•x Yn•k. Jtmat 23. -\\'hent - Spot firm: N r, ? r, ,i, 99c in elevator and Inn • f.o.b. nf).e el: No. 1 northern Duluth $1.15% f.o.b. :Al- at; No. 2 haat winter. 3106 f 'e.b. • BUCKBOROUGH CONFESSED. Bailiff's Startling Evidence at the Tilison- burg Fire Enquiry. A despatch from TilLsenburg says: "1 Ilene it. 1 told hon 1 would get even with hint." Th's is the statement winch may convict Cheesier Buckloiougtt of setting tin: to the Queen's WW1 on \lay 201h, causing the death of throe waits a►:d injuring muny more. The eonfes- si to was repeated by the last witnees called for the Crown at the preleninaiy hearing before Police Magistrate Hare cu Thurxkay, and it was aprwig upon cromiod court nwrn with driunalic suddonnoss. Up :o that point the hear- ing hod proceeded without anything more deftatite being adduced agalust !lt.' accused than that he had been heard lit say on more than one occasion Drat he would got even with J' hn Mew, the proprio'or of the Queen's Hotel, and that Mero states( ho saw the aocuwod in the hall of the hotel after the alarm o' the had been given. That ev Bence was probably enough to necessitate the com- mitment of the prisoner for trial, but when Chas. Crossitt, bai}iff of the dis- trict Division Count, made his dramatic statement them could Lo no doubt as to what action the Magistrate would he c,mpeiled to take. Crossitt in his evidenced told how he happened to pass along the street tt h ie i.IVE sTO(:K \I \I110ET. Ton n+ .. 1 ire 23. -Coo c.' expert /leers aid teem *11.15 In $6.15, w th nulls at 114.75 L. $5. Lott e,1 ch. ice stall -'el bnteher ralt!e sped trent 85.5o 10 $5 '4i, with pick. •) steers rluote•l up In $6. Geed Heads reed (rem $1.15 1 • $5.50; r►rediunt cattle, 44.25 ter $1.75: tnee.um r.n l fair graee-feet ral- t!r. $3.75 to *1.2Ir. Choice cows weld trent $1 to $5; common cows, $2.50 to 83.50. S'ockers ef atenut tr00 pounds were qi:..led lower at $i .fS i to $1. Geo.) fodons aro wmrth $i.:0 to ?4.73. Trude to milkers was quirt Lot fairly steady. Calves were quoted at 3c to 5* per pound. Ewe's were quoted at 84.25 to $1.60 per cwt., aro! bucks rind culls at $3.50 le $$4. eemeng latnhs were kwer at 85.50 to 86. There wis no change in Moa peeve. Woes= al'li gieeeil at fiei.l.5, earl and' w•aLer d, and lights and hits at 8x.90. the hotel was still burning. Naturally he was int••res:od and stopped to watch a but was doing. Chance placed loot t►.•xt t r Buektxorough, row a prisoner, charged with a crime. which, it he ctont- 'niece 11, is one of the most dastardly in the dark history of crime. Ceostsntt related his brief conversation with finekb orough. fee said: "1 said to Buck- Iorough, 'It's a prtitty saaf thing,' and he said, '1 done it. I told hen (this with a., uatte. 1'd get erten with Iilm.' W. E. Kelly, Seimoat, who. with W. C. Brown, Tillsonburg, appeared for tho prisoner, submittal Cross tt to a severe cross-examination. "Wiry,' asked 3ttr. hefty, "do you ask us 10 believe that you heard this and IoM nobody?" "1 told .the Chief of Police," re,pltod the tvitno. s. "When " was the qucwt.ton rapped back, and as quick canto the reply: "That rncrning, when rho hotel was still burning.' Tho case for the Crown was in the hands of Mr. R. A. Ball, Crown Attor- ney of \\'oodstook. At tho outset Mr. Kelly stated that it was nob the Inten- tion to call evidence at that stage of the case, and claimed, therefore, that it was unneciesary for hes c) ent to plead. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS DY MAIL FROM IRELAND'S SHORES. Happenings In the Emerald Isle of Interest to Irish- men. Irish loaders say that lre)and will ob- tain home rule by peaceful means. A railway employee named George \Valker was killed on lite line near Guildford. Reduction of 9 cents in the dollar have i,cen granted to tenants on rho Logan (rstutt nt Drumelilte, near Slip. Dr. Flanagan, of Sligo, has torn elect- ed upopposed, a nodical officer of 5u - go Union, at a salary of $500 dict• year. James Philipps, an employee, was crushed 10 death in a factory at 1.isbel- law. His clothing caught in the machin- ery. Magee Collage, Londonderry, will be- come what Is for all practical purposes, a constituent college of Belfast Univer- sity. • A man named Barry was killed by poisonous gases when he descended inlet the pit of a sewerage farin al Stone- bridge. Excited over a football game, near \\'hitenbbey, County Antrim, a young man named Joseph Murray droPped dead on the field. At Ballaghtdereen six women were charged with having assaulted a postman and stolen !nom his bag four registered letters. Mr. Charles Labbett Mahnn tuns recent - Iv ehot at and wounded when visiting one of hie farms at Dysart, a few miles irnnn Ennis. The .'cath of Dennis Cunnnghnm oC curret at It., residence North st., Skib- berecn, itsently at the advanced ago of 10:3 y. ats. A Belfast man, who ran in front of a tramway car waving his hands lir stop I(, mei who was knocked down, died a short time atter. Annie nail Margaret Ann [Lindley, mother and daughter. were killed at Alazebro ok Station, near Warrington, Ly a passing (rain. Ton taheible sheep teeing ng to lean. c M• Go .ern, of Ne wtonhan►ilte.n, went ttnr'rfed and killed by dugs on his farm a! C.uml. yinacullagh. Mr. Patrick Watters, of Messrs. Waf- ter; & tiniyth, drapers. Keady. has been Appointed a Ju°lice of the Peace for the County of Armagh. 'fits year's emigration from ireland to the United Slates will, it Is said, be the lowed in many years, and eerily reach half that of last yenr. The S •e i tary of Dundalk Harbor 'ilorr•1. Mr. Ferrell. has been granted an itemise of salary o! $125, biingng his total salary up In 11 375. Mr. Fitzpatrick, for 19 years porter of Trim (:non. has tern grnnteel nn inercnsa of salary el 835 per year, mak- ing tee total eatery 8135 per year. Mr. Jiewph Devlin, M. P,. has yivcn a l:andsnrn+ a.ntriteulk,n to tee' John Cation ►cam triol fund. 1:r m ,led by the Ancient Order of Ilrb'rninns, Belfast. eines 1)- •h.•rty. a well-to-do farmer, aged 47. ' t ng nt Gib'. near Cuat'a nock, suffering from Ill -health, cut his throat with a razor, dying instantly. Mr. James Dempster, one of the dire cetera of Dunville & Co., (Limited), dis- tillers. died of apoplexy at a charity cup football match at Belfast on tho 25111 ult. In a cattle) drive, which took place at Brierleld, County Galway, 46 head of cattle, 6 horses, 84 sheep and a largo number of lambs were driven nearly 20 miles, Ter_ contract for the manufacture of clothing for the Royal Irish Constabu- lary, numbering about 11.000 rein, has been given to the Athlone wo Alan mitis. A verdict of accidental drownng was returned at an inquest ut Wh►tolown, Cool (stone, on the Lody of hese Rich- nrd-on. whose body was found in a lake near her hone. • At a recent meeting of the Longford Branih of the U. 1. 1.. members refused to acceet an apology from Michael (Ross, butcher, for supplying meat ut a boy- cotted wc-nian. 1n tete quaintly named County Dublin lt.rying ground "Bully's Acre," at Kit- mainham, the most ancient legible tomb- sk,ne is to "Corporal William I'roby, who died 281(► July, 1700." Longford Guard an -s are hav pg s,mo 'difficulty in finding a man will ng to accept a position as wardman In the un•on at n salary . f 8100 per year with talons end al:arty:ends. Mr. J. J. Clarke, Kill ncarrig, has been nppo nted e'erk of works to superintend the erection el the new scheme of tabor- et -it' cotlag,s and the new Caincgie lib- rary at Gr'ystones. W:th a v ew to pr.omating the sale of Irish mr;:tufa••turiss in Athlone, a copu- lation Lias leen appointed by the local branch of the United Irish League to center with tie trade rt. At Killenure, Shillelagh, n farmer reamed Michael Kirwan was seriously in- jured by falling from a chair on which he was standing, when jagged piece o: wood penetrated his stomach. The fre slt,m of Belfast was recently oenferreal upon the Earl df Shafln'.bury. Mr. Henry Ilarrison, proprietor of the Commercial lintel. Porhnadoc, was drowned in the l'ortmndoc estuary. At Barry. Judge Owen awarded Mrs. Mitchell, of Bridgewater $975.; Her hus- band. n barman, was murdered by a fliieaian sentient. whnni he ejected front a hotel at the request of the manager. The local Government Beard inns sane- ticneel n aopph mental I, an of 837 500 lir wards the eenrplelion e 1 Bo P. r'tad .wn and Ihnbridge water weeks. whirl► are being ero••tad el a total cost of $384.771). The Inwlessness in the west of Ireland ccnllnue:s, notwithslnnding the nssur• e,! es given by Minister:s and their Nn- tie.nallst allies that the stale of the ct.unly is eminently peaceable and satis- factory. -Ad ARE: DYI\4; LIKE ELIE..S. Chinese Province of Haitian DevaslalcA h) Plague. A el'wtalch fr.•rn Ming Kang eny.s: A in eetenary arrived from lee Prov,ni e of Hainan slats that people ere alyimQ of plague Ike flies. leo souurge .s abal- ng in H'rug Kong. MISS MARY TWEEDIE ELOPES Daughter of the Lieutenant -Governor New Brunswick Marries Coachman. of A desteatch fr. at 1 ' N. 1:' :t •. -. arid' lee i.. utenant-('r.v'rn•sr Hun. 1.. J. Tee . I • .1 n-ree... r- t 'It .I;eleu;. , The man in It►•' 11 nd moot u yee.•r nor of VW 1 netti•.ck, and re' eeeeeeed ort tee - levee die. %vie, wi i' in the c.ly an \\ • J- n r •i ie. ,e e ,;• Ile nee -•lav h• .,Iteixl 111•' mid', ng of the i (t Pin. and d o_? 1 r • 1 II n. F. E. IIe•ker, Creel .•r.r:ni' 1. \t • 1 4e•11 Jt..:i •e of the Province. mei e e o a ,1 s- �.r th . . are e ui r � n f vt . n •i bl. s � •et the Atm h. widen the teenier) inl-re.ve err.or learned! by lel pion Ih it li delight. r. 11 r- Maiy It• T»s- ,'1 mete a runnw•iy match al s'. N. 13.. eloping with Dive' tIch• Mrs. Tweedie was utterly prostrate o 1,y io_ 1, e n .- • 1 \t^IC • •,tet er .1 I, d 1 1.• \t • .1 her '0 lint eiee. . I 1 v t ter \1 mit•• •1 t r " t t r 'tr •II e ..,Int �!. I • er, .1 n;, ten ! • ...n, t,. t!;, .e