Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-18, Page 8•
Just reef ' ved a number of -
New Browns
Wood Colors
T.',3phant Grey
(.1e,l1+ "t Cling for the Spring
M irchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business locals -- Read Them
i « AIVIIP"IFINFIUri1"0a Dr. Kinsman wishes to announce
I IP1 OC I I)OI N (' ' 4 that hating secured the services of a
t . 4`s al competent operator his office will be
11 LILa.ate�dc,�a3., ksae lk AAA open for business again on Monday.
nd Inst,
Mr. Richard Sande has taken Mr. Miss Dorothy. the little daughter of
Diuney's place at the CommercialMr. and Urs. (Cunz, of town, and who
House. has been suffeting front au abscess in
Don't forget the Annual Garden her bead, has unproved greatly and is
Party on the Rectory Lawn Friday able to be out again.
evening. June 213th. Mr. Frani. 1f. tisveet, bricklayer, is
\\'e notice in the report of the medi• will king With Messrs. Bawden & Isaac,
cal examinations that E. J. Eactett building contractors, of Lncan, and
has been successful in his third year former residents of this place. Ile
work. takes the place of George Bawden, who
Mrs. W. Hatvkshaty has had the ac. recently sustained a severe shaking up
cot n iodation of the Commercial nu -
falling inwards upon the joists off
proved considerably, by putting; in ce- scaffold. an i consequently has been
nasal floors in the cellars. confined to his bed for some time. His
When a wan seeks an office in a many friends here Wish him a quick
church and uses the influence thus recovery•
gained for his own private gain his While Dr. Bright was driving in
religion does not amount to much. town on Saturday evening last his
The promise of a strawberry crop is horse became frightened, at a motor
so bright that we may all expect to bicycle and before he could get the
have a share this year. The fruit is animal under control he was thrown
expected to be a drug on the mai ket. from his rig onto the road, sustaining
our customs and habits are like the a rather painful injury to his shoulder.
ruts in roads. The wheels of life set- We are pleased to note, however, that
tle into them, and we jog along the Doctor is speedily recovering.
through the mire, because it is too In Clinton a quiet wedding took
much trouble to get out of then,. place at Wesley pau•sonage on Wed -
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
Big Beery :ins in Muslin Remnants.
2 1.2 to 12 yd. ends. Come quick!
Farr for Sale
53ii acre to in, situate west of the G.
T. R. and n i th of the saltiblock, Exe-
ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. Bobier.
.•1 re you getting liedpcetles Sugar 1
Stewart sells go other -it's best by test.
Seamless ;3'ilton Room Rugs. Reds,
Greens. lti.urns. Values all in your
faror. S•'e,reirt's.
Doe Lost.
On or al it May 20th, a white bull-
dog. wearinz a leather collar with sil-
ver plate. kindly leave information
at this office or with John Morley,
Metropolitan Hotel.
Do you w int a lorely 108 piece semi-
I'eercelain Edina Dinner Set -see the
1e C'antilly !:..se" set at Stewart's for
$13.50. S •'el for $10.50 in the city.
Eye•Glasscs Lost.
In Exeiel-. on Saturday, a pair of
gold r• .t eyeglasses, with chain
attached. Fender will confer a favor
by leaving; ...ante at Carling s Store.
$2.00 r, e• o real nice Black Morten
1'nderskirt. Russle silk lined. Stewart.
There al-.• ••ne or two then in this
town wb euld like to gobble all the
business ,I1 the lines.
Decoration tray.
It has been decided to hold Decora-
tion day on Thursday, June 25, at 4
o'clock in the afternoon. The differ -
eat lodges of town will take part and
as in former years the citizens gener-
ellv of town and country are invited
to j ran in decorating the graves of de -
poled 1 1...7 hers and friends. The
holt. ha, ' eel fixed at four o'clock to
give the business then a chance of
closing t h-ir places of business at that
hour for the balance of the day, so
that all m ty take part in paying tri-
bute to the departed ones.
Ii1 • t look
ts a p easute o see a man oil nesday, when \\ . Mason and Miss
after his own business, but when he Mary Heideman were married by Rev.
exerts himself to injury the other W. Jolliffe. Both are well known in
fellow who is in another line altogeth• Clinton, and have the gond wishes of
er different from him, he oversteps their many friends. -Clinton News -
the bounds of decency. Record. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. J. W. Hogarth, teacher of S. S. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heideman of
No. 4, Usborne, has tendered to the Exeter,
Trustee Board, his resignation to take The Annual People's picnic held in
effect in midsummer holidays. Mr. Win. Kernick's Grove on Friday last
Hogarth intends going out west in
was a decided success, the day being
July. fine and cool and a good crowd in at -
The farm of Mr. Arch. McCurdy,tendance. Sports of all kinds wereCon. 'l, I'sborne, was on Saturday sold carried on and the races were watched
by Mr. ethos. Cameron, to Mr. William with much interest. The following is
\Vestcott of Con. 3, Osborne. This is a List of the races and the winners: -
a good property and is situated 1 } Boys race under 6 yrs„ G. McFalls H.
miles south of the purchaser's home Perkins; Boys race under 9 yrs., H.
farm. Kestle, F. Perkins; Girls race under 9
Dr. Hyndtuan has engaged the set.- yrs., I. Ford, E. Fisher; Boys race un -
rices of Dr. McGillicuddy. of London, der 12 yrs., E. Southeott, H. Carling;
to assist in bis medical practice here Girls race under 12 yrs., V. Kerslake,
for a few weeks, having commenced H. Bissett: Boys race under 15 yrs., H.
duties this week. The doctor comes Dayman, E. Southcott; Boys race over
highly reeommended in his profession, 21 yrs.. B. Martin, E. \Vestcott; Girls
having graduated over two years ago race over 21 yrs. and under 40 yrs.,
and bas since been on the medical staff Miss Hepburn, Miss Kerslake; Three-
legged race, H. Kestle and W. War -
at Victoria Hospital.
The Ontario Government has issued ren, G. Westcort and H. Horton;
an order to the local license inspectors Needle race, A. I'enhale and J. Fravne,
to make a special tour of the hotels G. Westcott and Miss Hepburn; Shoe
and see that the fire escapes are all race, E. Westcott, B. Martin.
proved and in good condition. Es- From Mail and Empire's answers to
pecial attention is being paid to hay• legal question: P. S., Clinton.-Qu.-
ing ropes in every room above the se- if a man who is able does not provide
cond story. These are to be used in necessaries to enable his wife to keep
case the stroke should cut off the in- up the home, and refuses to pay any
mate from the hallway and the regu- household accounts she may incur,
lar escapes. what action can she take to force her
instead of taking regular texts on husband to properly provide for het?
Sunday last Rev. Going in the morn- Ans.-The wife cannot take any ,ac-
ing read The Pastoral Address, and in tion. Notwithstanding all the legisla-
the evening spoke of the lessons and tion that has taken place, the hits-
of the late conference to the band is still considered as the head of
members of the conference and the the household; his is the directing
people of Exeter. In the course of mini. Ills wife has no right to buy
his remarks he mentioned that the en -
titles fat' the house against his will,
terteining of the conference was a big unless she is prepared to pay for them
herself. Of course. Where a wife buys
undertaking, but it had been well
done, and with much less friction and "necessaries" for the household, which
difficulty than was usually the case in her husband has neglected or refused
much larger towns. He believed the to purchase, the merchants from
people of Exeter would be well repaid whom she buys such necessaries can
for their trouble and possibly slight sue the husband and cornpel him to
unconyenience in some cases. pay, provided they did not know that
The boys in red went into camp atthe husband had forbidden his wife to
Goderich on Monday for two weeks.
"F" Company is under the command pi•i ncipurchases. But the underlying
,le covering the whole matter is
of Capt. I4. T. Rance, Lieut. W J. that the wife is the agent of her bus..
Heaman and Ser. -Major Fred Hector. band for the purchase of necessaries
The company is over thirty strong and for the use of .the household. The
composed of a fine lot of young sten, husband can put an end to that atg_n•
p c • and can notify the public or mer -
several of whom have attended camp cants, either by advestisement or Tet-
on previous occasions. It is under- ter, that he will not pay for any goods
stood that a composite regiment will be "'chased by Ylis wife. If such notice
picked from the different regiments at be given the merchants must look to
Goderich to be sent to Quebec in Aug- the wife alone for payment.
ust and the boys may yet have an op-
portunity of witnessing the big dela- Got 'cm Again.
onstration at Quebec. H:ittlirg cheap sale at the Exeter
Hicks' Forecasts For Jane. 13ai'gain Store all this week. Two
A Reactionary Storm Period is • hundred and fifty pairs of boots and
tral on the 2211(1, '23rd and 21th. tenThe shoes go for halt price per pais. Very
Moon is at last quarter and on the cel-
big 1r:ugains before alternation of
serial equator on the 'list, and these store. --J. W. Broderick.
facts will cause decided tendency to Support Town Enterprises.
electrical storms at the beginning of The only men of worth to a town or
this period. The acme, or turning community are those who forget their
point, of summer solstice is coincident own selfish ends long enough, and are
The liberal enough in their ideas to en•
with this reactionary period.
Saturn period is still in active force, courage its various public and private
and the Jupiter period will lend its de- enterprises, who are willing with brain
parting influence. Hence We may and Furse to push every project ralcit-
reasonably look for a period of abno r- IMO to build up the lawn and en
mal electrical activity, coveting and hance its importance. The enterprise
next to the '21st, 22nd,'r3rd and 'lith. and push of the town or community is
Some of the grandest, most pannra- the foundation of its permanent suc-
mie scenes of the whole year occur, as cess. A town may as well prepare for
a rule, at the crisis of the June solstice. its funeral as to become indifferent to
Afternoon and evening thunder show• the enterprises sed industries in its
era rna reasonably be counted on midst.
about the 221st, 22nd. 23rd and 21th. 1 0 F. Attend Cbai, h•
Ha makers, and others who might The independent Order Foresters at -
suffer inconvenience and toss, will do tended divine Worship in the Presby•
well to watch conditions and plan terian church on Sunday afternoon
their work accordingly. through all last. Owing to the disagreeable
this solstice period. We reneat our weather the attendance was not so
annual warning against the danger in large as usual, there being about fifty (W • S. HO liW BY Phui. Brtaking shelter unc er green trees dor• in the procession. After forming in i
line at the Lodge room, the brethren
ing the June thunder storms,
SN..er Clothes Cara Be Quickly Made.aricled to the church, where the Chemist and Optician.
Is there nny one who does not need
Pastor, Rev. R'. M. Martin,had charge EXETER
linen skirts and shirtwaist dresses% of the service, taking for his text ito•
McTavish -Taylor.
A pretty home wedding took place
nn Wede.c-d ty at high noon at the
home of Mr. John W. Taylor, Main
Street, Exeter, when his third daugh-
ter, Miss Miaigaret Jean, was united
in ntarrhtge to Mr. Joseph McTavish,
of Shakespeare. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. A. 11. Going in the
presence .1 only a few of the imutedi-
ate relati.1.,.tnd friends of the con-
tracting parties. The bride was beau -
;?!:111y gc'uncd in cream panania. She
was desisted by her sister, Mi -s Maud
Taylor, of London. who was dressed in
flowered muslin. The groan► way as-
sisted by Mr. 1t. N. Taylor, brother of
the bride. After the ceremony and
congratulations al! enjoyed a ,umptu-
ous wedding dinner. The young coo•
pie left nn the evening train for God-
erich, where they take a trill up the
lakes. On their return they will reside
an Shakespeare and will he at home
after August 1st. The best wishes of
their many friends is extended to the
happy couple, in which the Advorate
heartily joins.
-.++++++++++++ lF+�• l+++
TIIF: ,31G lll"SH
/. 1 f •r Spring and ,S
. `rammer Y.
lac begun already.
Our Goods are
the Rest.
Style. Fit and Finish
(la tranteed.
Merchant Tailor - E:aster
t,++++++++4444+1`++++++1444. '
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per start
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Clover 14 00
Timothy 75
tql ;Fa'
50 55
17 4S
75 •
J 00 10 00
1 to 145
el 20
5 '75
25 00
24 00
15 00
3 50
1 f you use
unknown quality?
Your time and money has
been fruitlessly wasted.
If you buy your INSECT KILLER at
Cole's Drug Store
you can depend upon the quality.
PARIS GREEN -Berger's English
always reliab e.
HELLEBORE -Guaranteed pure
and fresh.
INSECT POWDER -Ground from
the unopened buds of the
Persian Chamomile.
We pay for the best and get it and
it will pay you to get the same. Costs
no more than the unreliable.
W. S Cole, PhmB.
Dispensing 'a Speciality.
Dr. A. R. Kineman is recovering
from his recent operation and the
nurse has been allowed to return to
A large brown horned owl furnished
considerable amusement to the juven-
ile element and others on Main street.
Tuesday it having been captured by
Mr. Fred Ilawkshaw in the Commer-
cial House stables. How his owlship
came there seems to be a mystery.
Now that the banana season is on it
is well to remind users of this fruit
who eat it on the streets not to throw
the peelings on the pavement. Many
a pedestrian has received a bad fall and
some have even got broken or sprained
ankles by slipping on one of these
treacherous peelings.
You can't possibly shake
these off.
Come and Try.
Shur -On
�� C
Right - I.l:.sl.•
I'm going to tell you shout some at• mans XIV and 7 verse, "For none of
restive ones that can be started on ca us liveth to himself, and no man dieth
cool day and finished before then a is a to himself '. The text was an appro.
change in the to mperatule, says Ileien priate one and Pram it the Rev. gen-
Berkeiey•Lnyd, in the July Defies:. denten preached an excellent dis-
tTutt. The (:ihsnn waist with a few course to which the brethren listened
half-inch tucks. and the blouse with with deep interest. :\t the conclusion
the open throat[ and soft tnrn•ctown of the sermon the brethren reformed
collar. And the skirts? Well,if 1 and marched to the hall, where a
were sewing for speed. 1 would choose hearty vote of thanks was passed to
one of the new gored circular skirts Rev. , tartan for the very able and ex -
with its few gores as possible, tnless celtent discourse delivered by him.
toy avoirdupois absolutely detnanded Death of William Cook.
the slender lines of the many -gored The life of one of Exeter's young
skirt. The five and six gored circular men of promise and ability was cut
skirts are always good, but there is a
new threegored skirt that is very
smart. It has a very wide front panel
that rati lemon from waist to hent.
{ Then there is another good skirt that
is quite new and ,mart. 1t has it tine
plait at the front and another at the
back and the ane -piece sides are circu-
lar. if yon are looking for an ador-
able jumper waist for a soft silk or
voile dress. let me tell you about one
that can be fashioned very quickly.
It is matte from it perfectly straight
piece of material doubled over at the
shoulder line. ('ut out a round neck.
hem the side edges for armholes and
join it shott seam under each arm, run
a few rows of shiring at the shoulders,
gather it in at the waist and when
t•u n b:,ve rent a bit nt rit.hon or em-
broidere around the n•-e•k eta1 arms
' you will have a rhern.ing httle j
short on Seturda evening by the fell
band of (tenth. �Ve refer to William - None Better
A. Cook, who passed away at the home
of Mr. William Ilawden et the age of
Mt years, 2 months, y days. Mr. Cook
halt rut(ered for several months of
Inng trouble. About a }•earago be re -
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
hardware stock is Complete
1ViE keep con-
stantly in
stock a full
line of furniture,
and it pays to
furnish your
home from our
91114•0 0402 tIgiffk,
Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
Easy Chairs Odd Chairs
Music Cabinets Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
Dining Chairs
and all Bedroom Furnitute
004034 J333,0931i3tD3ti/3�3tD3s9.3 0CCCOCADCC CCOCCCC413“CC OMt IICEre
A Unanimous Verdict 4
Star Plonr';
turned here from Winnipeg in failing
health and his decline was gradual
from that time until a few weeks ago
when he was forced to remain in the
house and the end name rapidly. i)e-
ceased was a bright young roan and
popular with hie former companions. s.
}''or snore time he and Mr. S. Battier)
conducted it store in llensetll. Laterly
he had been living in the west, partic•
iilarly at Winnipeg. The funeral took
pia^e Monday;afternoon to the Exeter
eemsterr. the burial being conducted'
ender the anspiees of the ('anadien r
Order of Foresters. of which order he 1
was a member.
Few as Good
You cannot :afford to be with-
out it. Orders left at th•• mall
will be promptly attended to.
Man ()fa, t Area by -
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
25 SCP cent diooiiiitale
New White Waists
For the next two weeks we are giving } off all
our White waists. Every waist in the store will be
cleared out at this sale. You cannot afford to miss this.
Now is the time to get a good supply for the summer
at small cost. We want to "Repeat " last year's selling
as we sold out every waist. and are going to do the
same this season.
Do Not Miss This Sale
.$1.00 Waist for 75c
1.25 - 95c
2.00 1.50
Sizes 32 to 40.
$2.50 Waists for 81.90
3.00 - 2.25
4.00 „ 3.00
4.50 3.35
20 different styles.
Parasols and Sunshades
'Ibis will be a big season for there. Yon will find there hero in
abundance in Plain or Fancy.
Nice Fancy Parasols for $1.0a $l.:,e1 $2.es'
lintel Black " $1.no eons) $3.00
We have the lnog looked for
" Ile;atherhloom " now on our count-
ers. it is one of the finest goods
mmade. Just as good and rustles like
silk and is taking the place of silk for
petticoats and lining.
50 cts per yard, 36 in.
Boys, Look Here !
Have yon heard of nor NEW NECK \YEAR% Just .arrived
the swagger stun, Hight from New York. The New Leather Tie is
all our awn. We have the NEW INV (SIDLE S1'$lt'ENDERM in
Right From The Old Country.
Just arrived. 2 crates of DINNER SETS and TOILET SETS.
We are now in position to offer you the best assortment in this line
shown in Exeter for long time. Come in and see them. ft will do
you good.
Dinner Sets from $6 to $15.00
Toilet Sets from $2 to $5.00
Kelk AB Lk Ake& Ai elk eat A A * Iles
Headquarters for the celebrated fit•'. E. Sanford (_'1t thing