Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-18, Page 6• r • • 1 1 1 WIFE 1HJRDER AND SIIIOIBE!CONIICNSEDEIS "t"' Discarded Husband Perpetrator of Double Crime on Farm in New Ontario. A despatch from Cobalt says: The village of Earlier), about 25 miles north of here, was stirred by a double tragedy nn Wednesday afternoon, when Chas. B. Marshall, aged 32 years, shirt and killed his wife, aged 24 years, and then sol himeelf, blowing the top of his head off. Teo tragedy hapferod on the farm of Mrs. Marchall's father, Absalom Gray, *it tel one toile front the town. Marshall first met his wife while ho was attached to a regiment of the U. S. A., stat'oned in Fort N.agora, obau.t favi years ago. They were married at Leoesion, N. Y., nbout a year ago. They canes to this country on a visit from Niagara Falls, and returned on Dec. 17111 last to take up their abode, Marshall getting work on the farm of hie wife's heather, James Gray. About a week ago Marshall went back to Niagara Falis, his wife refusing to live with him any kinger. Shortly after he went away they received a letter shying that he weukl repent if his w,te would come back to him. Ttt' day be- fore he carno buck he wrote and said he would be away for a year. Ito re- turned, however, on the Cobalt *special on Wednesday monling. !notelet of taking the road to the turn he struck off through Ike woods. Marshall's father-in-law saw him cone int and siepecting that se meth ng was wrong he started towards' the. house. When within a few fret of the buikling he heard four shots, and on enter.ng the house found Marshall lying on the din- ing-rcom Ikor dead with the top of his head blown off and ids daughter in the kitchen dying. When he got to his daughter she said. 110 killed me, fa- ther," and expired. Sho was shot through the arm, right thigh, and in the breast. . WARSHIP ALMOST SANK. Narrow Escape of the British Bretl(slup Irresistible. A despatch freta London says: The b:'ttleahlp Irresistible had a narrow es - eve from sinking in Portland harbor on Tuesday. Tho crew were engaged In tcst:ng the Kingston flooding valves, which tiredly refused to close Tho ves- s"i txgan to 1111 rapidly, Using heavily to starboard and it was nccessaiy to call for itssistanac of tugs. Tho guns were quickly trainee to the port side tet order 1.1 t'estere the balance of the warship. Divers and pumps were set to work as speedily es possible, under the sup- erintendency of Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, and finally the leakage was stepped by collision male. The vessel has a heavy list, but the danger of her sinking has been avoided. A TOUGH ALTO TitIP. Prussian Lieutenant, Creaming Africa, Ilas Reached Rhodesia. A despatch from Bulwayo, Rhodesia, says: Lieut. Graetz, of the Prussian army, who started on Aug. 10 last to cross Africa from Dans-.Salaam in a specially built automobile, reached Ser- er.je, Rhodesia. on Slay 26 after a peri- lous pas' age. His route alternated with rocks. swamps and torrents. Ile was (uimpelled to build a track for many 'mike. Ile was marooned for a month do the desert owing to Itis petrol becom- ing exhausted. Ile had to send a na- tive guide to Serenje lo ob'ain a supply. L.eut. Graetzs health is excellent. 11t:ST PAY TO FISH. • New fork Stale Will Charge Canadians n Fee. A de.pateh feint Albany, N. 1'., says: State Forest, Fish and Game Commis - skater Whipple on W(dn(sJay (immune- ee that the Sta'e would exact a fee iron alt Canadian lhliernren fishing in New York Mate waters along the border line. T'ti( lax will Le 135 for a single red, and $10 for n family rod. This action is taken as a re -113 of the Canadian Gov - torment l npo•ing a similar fee upon Ain. rican fishermen using Canadian Ave, k rs. 14 IIIG JOR ALMOST OVER. Double-Irarl lnf1 of C. P. It. Freon Win. nlpeo to Lakes. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Ex- cels ill p'.,gr•ees has been made on the (b.uble-tracking; operation.; of 1110 C. 1'. R. and gelating will it finished this week. There aro still seventy miles of Fkel lay, bol UP' olliejala of the a mpany ext eel to be able to open the aecoml track some erne early in Septem- ber b.•r A AIO\ 1'ItE: ti. alooNsIIINER. A \1 hi..kcy Mill Was Found in Ileari of the City. A e1. •I ;deli from \1• ntreel says: An Vie t -LP hag been fund in th" factory of A. 1.. David, Visitation street, this City. I y inlatxl revenue oflic •r5. Two hundred gallons of "moon*', •,••' whis- ky awl a atilt were adze!. tills. id w1•; 14 51. Incl w. 1! te' tr.e'l. the ANCIENT SHIP ON ARCTIC DILLS. Klairil(e Steyr Brings Word of a Strange ('.raft. A despatch fern Seatte, Wash., says: Practical melioration of a weird story grooving rut of the earlier days of the Klondike gold stampede, "of the find- ing of the hull of a ship high upon the hills widen the Arctic circle, Is furnish- ed by N. J. Brown, a welt -known miner, fuse twelve' tet Dawson. Brown located the strange craft, which, he says, is still in a fair state rod preservation, on a hill- s'do overlooking a chain of lakes from 40 to 50 miles frau the head a the Chandelar River and possibly 200 miles from Iho Arctic circle. Brown says the big structure has crude doortl and win - dews in the upper works similar to those of a ship. and bears letters or h.eroplyphics which battle translation by those who have seen it, Russians and natives al.kc. JAPANESE 11O\O11 RUSSIAN DEAD. Monurne'nl Amidst the Graves of Over 14,000 Solegers. A despatch from fort Arthur says: A monument to tt:e Itrrssian dead at Port Arthur was unveiled herr on \Vedne.s- day. The memorial has been erected by Japan. 11 stands at Anlzeshan. in the midst of leaves of more than 14.000 Itusslans. who lost their lives in th" de- fence of the fortress. 1t has taken two' years to erect Bio monument. Detach- ments of Japnr:eee and Russian troops Look part in the dedicnton ceremonies. Thr Jtuss'an detachment came down from Harbin at the invitation of the Japanese rn'lilery auth,ritcs. Thi Em- peror of Russia was reprosenf•d by Gen- eral Gerngras, and the Emperor of Ja- pan by General Nogi. CROPS MW FIAI'itI' llI�G. Trip of C. P. It. land i o li ni..ioyter Through Three Prot lre.. A despatch from Winnipeg '.ay. Mr. J. Doter, Assistant Land c' i, rn!s,soner lar the C. P. 13., has returned from a trip cr:vering almost the entire three Prov- inces, and gives it as his opink•n that t;e has never Fern such magnificent crops nor the promise of such abund- ant yields. Out in Alberta the tali wheat is up from twenty-four to thirty inches. and in some places is in the 11 hot blade. A de-.pnloh from LeUtbr•i'ge says: The benefit to the dots fir,nt the great rain; will more than o int;...asst* for any o's from high wear,. Fall what can now gel Meng without any Mare tial the harvest tante. -t -- -- TAYO LITTLE GIRLS DROWNED. One Fell hlln Alirhel River and Other Attempted n Rescue. A despnk('h from \li. he', It. C., says: Ten little girls. aged 1w• and four tour yenr:a, eh liken of J din l.atr o, Maier, were drowned '41 Tper(Iay 118.01-11. inin the \fiche' River, near here. They were playing n(•ar the water, when the )ouniter one fell Jute the raging tor- rent. onrent. The ekkr one all•'ntpted le save Ver little sister, and Loth lost their Lv. s. ACCUSED OF CAUSING FIRE Chester Buokberough, Tilsonburg smith, Under Arrest. 1 ''espatch from Tiltsonburg. (ln! . ;. c Lester Beckl.cr..ugh, n man at h :1 fairly tent= of age, and well known ab tel teen. was arrste,1 by Provincial iktect.se M'l'er ahorl'y altar 2 o'clock en Thune! %• -alder on on suspiC4•n cf t• -ad in the burning ef the V .• I ; on \Iny 20 last. when three iarvils teal their lives and five cabers were seriously injure d. Detect '.o Miller and (:Ire[ of 1' .1 e' T lin 'Helton Iton have hen qui••t!y work ng no the c.a..o ever sine•' the lira, an.I b•. leve they have a etrong case ngainal the prisoner. They have established n *'•live an.I pi ssees (v.d•n'.' that pn'i:ls very slnong:v k .earl Bu kber. ugh. Ltd 'Fetniary, atter itickte s:ugh had Igen i .lnccat on the "let as a i cr=-•n to ween Manor must n''t be served." J 101 M re, Stmoprtetor e f the burned hi. I. heel leen `%matted for trtepass. 1t is said that the Black - wen nitre .1 a pnssiona'e define for san- g, ranee. and ons hc.nd by •eland per- asns to resell Ilult Ila w• nrld one day "gel even with \brt.' at the time to lee fatal Iltr Buckbemugh was (he•erv- e+l hanging around th • Iwo! ly alter!. ly after the Marin was lever). TIi ',renter was taken before Ja•li'es of the Peace Ilil13 and Stirlen and r - mamba! ter a week. 110 ons Then re- tie tad 10 \WootLgteck jail, ani will Le 1.41g d It ere until Thm wile. re xi, when he eel 1.. brought back to T'.1'eeiburg he prelim:levy hearing en a delete of arson. n' c'•.h .1 the Int,. of ies str.ed tv w..'1. - n beek'ntilh. tial i- nal need alt. 11•`t•nv,i for any r, wearily of recln'rlun. aid he.teik•ep•ra ear, net nllowe1 to amply ben with lirlu•.r. Ile ss married. bat for some 1 me has been s'pazate l from tits wife. IIAi EG'INGS rltoM ALL Ol..t TUB GLOBE. Telegraph Odell From our Own en0 Othie Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Carleton county jurors will receive $2.50 ter day hereafter. Ferly houses are in quarantine for smallpox at Grandigne, N.B. London has signed the contract for 000 electric horsepower from Niagara. Several thefts horn passengers in sleeping cars are reported from North Bay. American settlers to the number of 16,573 at-iivcd in Winnipeg this year. The Canadian Pacific Railway has opened its new service between Toronto and Sudl ury. Patrice( O'Leary, yard foreman of tho C.P.R. at London, was run over and killed on Thursday. Montreal bricklayers have gono tock t1 work, as there was no support for taern from union funds. The total new arrivals in Canada in April were 29.735, as compared with 44,- 051 in April last year. 'fire shortage of \V. P. F towelling, lalo lk•puty Surveyor -General of New Bruns- wick, runs up to $20,000. It is reportel at Ottawa that tho Gov- ernment will give Manitoba more lerri- key than was originally 'mended. Special pensions will be issued at the instance of Col. IGrghes, .M.1'., by the War Office to needy British veterans in Canada. Chief Jnistioe Muloak has written a let- ter to the Italian court interpreter at IIarnIlL,n advaing the formation of some erganizlUori to carry on a propaganua to eliminato knife -carrying. • GREAT BRITAIN. A great steel conlb"ne, with a capital of $375,000.000. Ls said to have been ef- fected in Britain. UNITED STATES. Stirl rric s are to Le reduced by the U. S. ; a 1 G'rporatlon. Th • ant -race track gambling bills were to .; e1 :it. Albany on Thursday. On Thursday 1,500 firstalass tourists started for Europe team New York. The shortage) of cattle will causo a rise in the price of meat in the United Slates. Seven were drowned by floods in Montano, six being the members of one family. John Ondis, 49 years old, was ground to death In a rotary coal chute in Jersey City. Two men are larder arrest at Pitts- burg, Po., charged with stealing dia- nionds worth $75.000 from a Birming- ham (leen. New York meat packers are complain- ing because the purchasers of meal by housewives have fallen 20 for cent. A lion walked out of an unfastened cage at a circus in Greenwich, Conn., and was led back, more frightened than the people around. Because many people at St. Charles, Mo., wanted to see both a picnic parade and a hanging, William Jeffries was reprieved three and a half hours. GENERAL. A growing slate of anarchy is rerorkd r1'(L1I Paris. levo persons were killed in a railroad wet: -k in Belgium on Thursday. The volcano Mu on Sinai Island, one of the Siunon group, is in eruption. A 1 etrified forest of tvvo miles ;s re- torted from German West Afrien. Mulai ilafld. the insurgent Morrecan Si:llan, has carr. d Fez with 12.000 men. N.ne Malian pilgrims were kited In a railroad wreck in the Province of No- vara. Italy. A Social Democratic deputy was sus•- pendel true the Duma for mocking at religt n, A plot to blow up the members of tho leirtugnrwe royal family hos Well discov- erer! at Liston. The net premeds of the Casino, Mento Carla, exceeded 114`s year ail re- cords by $1.000.000. 1t is believed that eighty Chinese were drowned in the wreak of the British steamier Pow An off Leoniao Islan), During four days the Japanese l(aress in Corea fought 20 engagements with ...c insurgents. 01141 4dok 26,000 priconrr`. Emcrgeticv measures a(IuptOJ Ly the VIee.mgal Cetnic'I in Ind a provele stern prnettles ter ixamb outrages and con- s;.iracies. - --'h- F1tE:E: Tit till; \11111 i►OMINION. road %Iillers al Detroit (:herr the Proposed Policy. A despatch fr-'n1 Detroit. Mich., ant's: 'fhe leo fe tk•rs from all parts of the at are /1110:1 (1:8g Kr! am an - r.,.;., ,.n1. nlion of th • Mll:ers' National Federation in This city applaud. d Ioue- 1' Ih' address made before them on Thu;slay by ex -Congressman Win. C. elnybury. of this city, in which he de- clared for c)'1er trate relaL1ons with 4'bnedn and an obolilien of ltr, duties etween the United Slates and that ro use rs. "Frei' trade is it m an mar,' sad Mr. Maybury. "let's Ranke it fair trade in- stead. and by our achnns have the Can- adians F'in with us in free intercourse teomen Iho coun!ri's in every way, parhrullrly from a c(In.•nercIal sand. (x,inle iIMIREIt.s t%I;tui Iti►Lp. TerriNlerl 3lrs. flelisle and notified Ilnusc -Husband in taar.hil. .% 411spalch Proal \lon!reul - 1. B. !Hoke a resident .;f SI. Ar.etlia, has rel>• erte.1 to th" Provincial 'olio. that 0.1 Morelay [eget white hr mos oiling .11 Ir, }:amen two masked robtrrs en- le:e.l 11 s her-.' and securcl $3.300 w hi. h ho heel '.n hand to pal the eeugh a b.ev n.'4 e'4',t1 the next day. Mrs. Be- tel.. was I11 R►' I nit'c. hal wn.; threat. teed with death ;1 she raise, an out- er*. Tee PIN vine:n1 detectives have A c n sent to look for the sten. HIE WORLD'S MARKETS GOOD CROPS AND EOONO1Y ill:pol irS FROM 711E LEADING TRADE CENTRES. aminwo Prices el Csllk, Grata (.tees* sal Other Dairy Produce at Roan and Abroad. BiPEADSfUFF S. Toronto, June 16. -Ontario Wheat - N.. 2, white and rod ut rather free sup- ply, between 86c and 87c outs.de; No. 2 mesal, a Iil'le lower on same bays. Manitoba Wheal -Dull market; quota- tions at Getirgiall Bay porta, No. 1 nor- thern, $1.00; No. 2 northern, 81.06; No. 3 northern, $1.033,. Oafs - No. 2 whilo, comparative' steady, between 48c and 47c outsid No 2 mixed, 446. Corm -N'>. 3 ,ollow, offering lower at 7tre to 80c, but still above the Snarket; no business. Flour - .Manitoba patents special Lianas, $6; seconds, $5.40; strong bak- ers'. $5.30; winter wheat patents, easier, off, ring now at $3.30. Burley -No. 2, fairly pkntaul at 55c to 58c. Peas --No. 2, practically all • gam; n:mir:al price 92c. Rye -.No. 2, some inquiry, but node offering; quotation about 88c. Buckwheat -No. 2, market pretty well cleaned up; nominally quoted ateic to 65a. [Iran -Pries begin to dreliro; (Iteyed outside at $18.50 to $19; about 120.50 bark te're. Shouts -$21 outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Wiillcsa a quotations are:- Egga•-New-laid, 17c to 17%c. Honey -Strained steady at Ile to 12c per Lound for 60 -pound pails, and 12c t' 13c for 5 to 10-potmd pails. Combs at $1.75 to $2.50 per damn. Butter -The market s study, but pric- es are not yet down to a storage or ex- port level. Creamery, prints .... .... .. 2tc to22c do solids .. .... .... 19c. to 20c Dairy prints, ct:oico .... ..... 18c to 19c do pr:nts, ordinary .... .... 160 toil8c do tub .... .... .... ...... 17c to l8c Infcttor .... .... .... .... .. 15c to 16c Potatoes Prices of Ontartas fern about 10c• •• J - 'Sty few Delawireobet •e¢ell 'r� }1' w; Ontark, 8fraii: 4 tyro 95c in cars :.alt fripc :A trh Icor Bcfp rtat e $2 for primes, and $2 Io;a$2t �, p Two Things Mr. Byron E. walker Says Canada Needs. A despatch from Toronto says: "What Canada needs is a good crop and a year clot roonorny. That will br.ng us back tunnel.' This was tho statement Mr. Byron E. Walker, Pees -Went of tile. Rank of Com- merce, made on Wednesday, regarding Y the outlook this year. The bank has re - e; ceived crop reports from all over the west, and the outlook is said to be par- tkularly hopeful. "A good crop would not alone be suf- flc�ent," continued Mr. Walker. "and perhaps tt Is because we have trot been eadty enough punished that ave do not fully realize that. The \\'est nine think that tho depression was caused by a bad crop. As n matter ef fact the bad crop was only an incident. The depres- sion eptrs sion would have coal • without 1t. In the States they had goad crops, got mote fo:• their cereals, and th'ir colon than before, but .they had w..zs' trouble fin- ancially then Canada had. "The reel anise of depto--ion was the tendenc • and the practice ef people in Living ahead of themaehes. if there 1s a splendid crop and Canadiars have not learnoa their lessee they will start cut- ting the same sleds swath of overex- penditure. Then there wit be the same inevitable trouble following. The coun- try needs a year of economy. "The natural result of a good crop oil' be that 'money will be eas'.er. Muni- cipalities will find themselves able to sell their fonds. Solite of theme, per - or hand- icked. Cheese -Per 'hound, 1 t% to 12c. 13afed Straw -At $7.50 to $8.50. Bakd stay -Timothy is quoted at 811 to $12 per ton in car lots on track here. PROVISIONS. Park -Short cut, $22 to 822.50 per bar- rel; iiu'ss,'$18.50 to $19. Lard -Tierces, 11%c; tubs, 12e; pails, 12Xc. Snicked and Dry Salted Meats -Long c'ear bacon, 10%c to l Ic, tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 13%c to 14c; hems, large, 1l%e to 12c; barks, 16c to 16%e; shoulders. 9'/,c bs 10c; rolls, 10c t . 103%; breakfast bacon, 14c to 15c; green meats, out of pick:o, lc leas their Mne4ced. AION'TREAi. MARKETS. M•ntreal, June 16. -Flour -Manitoba ageing wl.ent talents, $6.10 to $6.20; SC0(nd 'intents, $5.50 to $5.70; winter wt.enl patents, $5.25 to $5.75; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.50; in bags, $2 to 82.15; extra, 81.50 to $1.75. Rolled Oats -$2.75 in bags of 90 pounds. Oat•;. -No. 2. 52c to 53c; No. 3, 49c to 50 No. 4. 48c to 48%c; rejccled, 463ec to 47e; Manitu: a rejected, 48c to 48Xc. Coronal -$1.75 to $1.83 per bag. efiIHeed-Ontario bran in bags, $21 to $22; shorts, $23 to $24; Manitoba bran In hags. 823; shone, 824 to 825. Butter -is quoted at a wele•sange, 20c 1.1 22X* per lomat. Eggs -Selected. 18c; No. 1, 16Xc to 17e. and No. 2, 14c per dozen. Flour--(:hoice spring wheat paten's, 0.10; Fecends. $5.50; winter wheat pot. cols. $5; straight rollers, $4.50 t0 $4.75; In L•ag,, $2.12 to $2.25; extra, $1.70 to $1.80. Provisions -Barrels short cut mess, E2.50; half barrels. $11.50; c:ear fat backs. $23; dry call long clear backs, 11e; tnrre t plate beef, $17.40; holt bar- rel .t am; compound Iasi, 8yc to 93;e; pure lard. 12%c to 13c; kettle ren- der.d, 13.: Io I13ec; hates 123lc to 14c, re 1 cr+ding 'o size; breakfast bacon. 14e le tea; \Vindrs .r bacon, 15c to 16o; fresh- ); a et abateer-dressed hlgs, 8:1.25 to S:. :✓ ; live, $6 75. UNrrl:D STATES MABKi--TS. \f,lwnekee, June 16. -\\'hint. --Quiet; N.. 1 Norther.. 81.09 to $1.11; No. 2 Velem. ern. $1.07 to $1.083;; July, troy to ler', •. Rye --No. I. 79:. Harley -Dull, Ne. 1. 57r; sample, 47 to 58,2. Corn - 3. 713X; July, 67%c asked. Moana fo'-s, June 16.-WheoI,-No. 1 hard. $l.67',/. !o $1.08X;No. 1 N-'rthcrn, S1 -(fl to $I.06 ;; No. 2 Northern, 81.03% to 111.00i; No. 3 Northern. 119X t 1 $1.023'.; July, $1.02; Sept., 8734 to 873(,•'. Bran -In bulk, 819.75 10 820.00. Flour -Inst patents, $5.45 to 85.60: se.!. reel 101411ts. 85.30 Lo $5.45; first c:enrs. $4.25 lv $1.35; : econd clear s, $3.:a5 t. 8'.65. Buffalo. N. Y.. June 16. - Wheat - Sl•ring. easy; No. 1 Northern, 81.(17 in cater -Ade; Walter, steady; No. 2 teel. no •. Cern-Cash. hewer: No. 2 yet'. ... ;r, N•.. 2 whi'e. 77c. O,aLs---SL ad> : N whit'. 55 to 55X": No. 2 neve!. "'1'•, ital•'ey--60c. Ih• fee.: No. 1 u t .,. (:anal fro:eebbe Wt: t a. 1 \' 1 k • w 1'„rk. Jai, 16. \\ . I .1,..! easy; N. 2 rel. e• .. e at, I : N . 2 r.l. 99a spot f.o.b. iafi'•ilt; v. 1 mo) !hero Duluth, $1.15'„ Lo.tt. aft -one N , 2 hard wife*, $1.04X f.o.b. 4.11,.'•1 I.IVI: STO(:K Toronlo. June 16.- 4)11 L• a niminter of very select ; xiortcr4 weie on IM mar- ket. and ler lli'•se Fenno *6 to $6.400 ens pn!d. A few, v' r•y choice buL•her:s' '; a! over N;. (,cud r'18s war. r.,I bar.' 1 , get. avid wire in 4'r ng In ease ease's no high ns ae.25 was 1 a'1 for specially e0o:1 4)1(0.4. Tie J r grades, however, were we ale, I u.1' haps, will take advantage of thas to p:wige into improvements on the (+14 largo scale. This w:tl not be justitk>,i, fo • the country needs caution as well as crop." A despatch from Montreal says: In ata intervsw Sir George Drummond. Prost. dent of the Bank of Montreal, spoko in generally favorable terms es to the out, lock of busines, .throughout the coon. try. Sir George sad that ho did na expect to see u complete recovery o1 trate oonditon.- in a very near future, but with good coatis the Dom ru)n would surely expe(•ien:•e a comple'c re. newel cd its trade activities. "A great deal,' continued Sir George '•nese=sarily deltoids on tho success of cur next harvest. and from present in. die -aeons (hero is every reason to ox. pert bountiful crops. 'l Late s as much money in Canada to -day as ever; but one sees a certain lack of present con. fidence, which, however, will gradually disappear. In some quarters people are asking for cheaper money, but 1 do nol% expect to see 'ower rates in Can•+da, at least fee the present. "1 (tin of 11te opinion that speculation in stocks or busluess generally Mould be discouraged, as present business con- ditions do not warrant it. However, I fai' to set emy reason for unea5'neea, 113 all aigns Indicate that there will be steady and certain recovery in all Puled ei products :,n.1 eidcstr THE EV1L OF IMPORE 1r1ILK Ceruses the Death of 15,000 Children in Canada Yearly. A d.c'pat: h frotn Ottawa says: A num- ber of valuable papers on subjects re- lating kr the medical protes.sion were given at Wednesday's sessions of tho Canadian .Medical Assoc'ation. Dr. C. J 0. 1IostineN of Toronto, in a paper on the importance of pure milk, read before the archon on public health, de- clared that Impure !milk was primarily responsible for the loss of 15,000 of *o 30.000 children who elle annually fly (armada. He strongly urged a more stringent inspection of the milk supply in every municipality, and he emphesire ed tho paramount impirtaoc: of tho proper pnsteurizing of milk in all dair. les. Al the conclusion of the paper a C mlmittee was appoin(od to milt on the Gcvcr•nment with a view to se'euring more stringent regu'ations gcv.rntng municipal inspection. down to $2.50 for old gram" rows. There is st:11 a go ddernand forstock- crs. They bring from $3.25 to $4.50. Milk cows are not wanted quite so much, but good ones can always de- mand a good price. Although there was a pretty liberal run of calves the market was (iern at 85 1.t $5.50. Sheep were steady, but the trade in them i3 quiet at present. There has been a acal•city of good quality lamis this spr:ng, which makes a wide range in the prices. All the tv'gbs were taken for the local Irado at unchanged prices, nam.!ly, $6, fed and watered off cars Toronto, and 85.75 f.o.b. MAY' RI11.D NEW AAEI.LAND CANAL. Important Statement by the Mhitstcr in the (louse. A despatch from Ottawa says: In the House <d Commons on Thursday morn- ing 11• n. \Ir. Graham intimated that It was th. intention of the Government to procure eat mates of the cost of deepen- ing the Welland Canal to a draught of 25 feet, and also of the cost of an an- t rely new canal. H.' had Leen told by engineer.; it would Le cheaper Io build it new canal. In reply to Mr. l.nncee- ier, Mr. Graham said he was prepare,' to soy lint if w•c were to carry our own traffic as well as Amerirnn traffic the Welland Canal would have to be deepen- ed. As to the new canal, the scheme would reduce the number of locks 75 per cent., and though he could not say definitely. he Thought the Cost would ap- prox:mata $25.0(4.000 or $30,000,000. There were advantage+ in the new canal owing to the shorter distances and f:'vv- e- lode,. PRESIDENT ROY ARRESTED. Latest Move to the flank of St. John failure. A do:patch from \font`s: says: Are important move was mad.' in th • Bank of it. John affairs on Thursday night when Icon. Philippe (toy, former Peest- dent of the honk, was anrsted on a charge of making false returns to tho Government. 11 1s allege! that in the current loan columns of the reterus'eat to the Government were found promis- sory nobs long since outlawed, and which are without any value whaareer. The arrest was made through Grown Prosecutor Hibbard, who acted under irstauctione frim the Attorney-Ger:era]. Mr. Rey was allowed out on ball of 82,000. and will be Wed as soon as the necessary atep4. can be taken. 1t is said That the liabilllles of the hank amount M over 8500,000. and the noels to nal more than $200.)0). Mr Roy is personally very wealthy, be:ng the own - e • of the St. Johres w•aterworks and cleclefc light plant, and other indue- trled tet the town and Province. lb was Steaker of tt.o last Provinc:at.Lege Jointure, and ran for Mayor of Montreal last February, being defeated by Mr. Lau s Payette. TOO SWIiT Fon M,4. Stubb-"Gracteus, John! We nev- er will get through with this house -clean - Ing \\'hy, you have early moved live pictures in 111e last fifteen minutes." Mr. Stubb-"Well, great Pluto, Maria, I'm no proving picture machine." The best thing you can do Ls lo do your tit. HEY ARE PHYSICALLY DNFIT Immigration From the Factory Towns of Great Britain. a, -t.atr•h from reeiwa eays: Esi- d.-r. • • 1. riling on 11(' medical regn!a- 1 . 114 Ia verninll iremig•ot on ea8 glean Le Dr. P. 11. Itrye , Chef \laical 0111• cer of Ih • Inunigratl n D-pnrtm eat, `e- fi re hie Agricultural (..nunitlee on W..l. slay. Ile slat •) that the (,'realest manlier of physically def. -Clive ! eople (amen from 1M' foolery towns r f Great Detain. nnl mere particulnr'y Eng- land. Th` pie",til sy$lem of motile! in-p.•ctien ons, in his opinion. rs Ihor• tenth as Ilse pre c a c .cal teams e arrant - 441. Mr. Blain augg •ste 1 That Doe Gov- . 'orient Rhr.u1.1 hnvo n physician (.n I std (very c. tial for the purrs, 4' a( ng Ile la. HU of the amu gr:(nta. 1• Wee 'lrorele That 11 Ile strnnrh p ( ;In 4' •ttpv d.r1 .1 phy1'ci;-fl I reach -' • 1- n. ' i. • paid nn extra 51111) to a f •r t'1•• . inment. Dr. M-intyre ('11.11h• '11)11) wd- (epp(,'ed to llti' SII)pt•Q• 1 un. 11 would t• a cls• of Hoe d( (let' u•rv.11 'w • masters, and Thal would not 1 e 'f 'tae t ry. Qi a -ti• n•' I "'Pi regard 10 trnc',mml, Dr. (try, • .a'1 there were In,1 ea many people In reroute auff. env fr.rn that 411* t4.e' ns 1111• - I'.pr•..e'. In 1htt r'e- s;"'rl there hot 1- et a greed iniprove- in. • t u e' 11 . \t ark rug. g• -t -I ' •• . t. i.1-. •h u.1 b• mettl- caey • . f to they 1.1t for (:an- ada. It,, li) • -1 1 e ha 1 (ions 114(.11 that phnse r ( 1. .1 .• -1 ••n. Ih w 1. of 1144 eptnien toe it ettl:see hF,re i1f•.:tive C•u!d be dime to That dir,-elhln than oils 41 rte' at pre,• n: at the parts of ek par- hoe. artar:e. i1