Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-18, Page 3INDIGESTION
Dr. William's Pink Pills Succeed
After Other Remedies pail.
'Than are t>,tcnty drugs to help your
digestion fur a time, but there is only
cm: inedleioe that can positively cure
yew indr lam for good. To any one
with indigestion a ball dozen boxes of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro worth all
the purgatives and mixtures in the
Country. Atter all these things have
tailed Dr. \Villianis Pink fills have
cured the worst cases of indigestion by
going StrniT.ht to the root of the trou-
blr• in the blood.
You can lake a purgative to tear
through your towels and (hake a clean
sweep of your food, whether it is digest -
el or not. You can take aton.ach bit-
` tees to create a false appetite—if you
don't care what happens after you swal-
low your meal. You can drug your
stomach with tablets and syrups to di-
gest your food for you—if you don't care
brew soon you ruin your system alto-
`lether. You can do all these things—
but don't call it "caring your indiges-
ticn." There is only one way to cum
tLdlgestkn, and that is to give your
system so muchfid, pure, red blood
that your stomach and liver will have
strength enough to do their natural
work hu a healthy and vigorous way.
Toliat iv why Dr. Williams' Pink l'ills
,dare indigestion—they actually make
new blood. Here is the proof. Mr. R.
McCorkell, St. l'honlas, Ont., says:—
'About a year ago my system became
generally wree'ked. My stomach was
always In a slate of nausea. Tee sight
of any kind of food often turned my
atontach and I would arise from the
(able without eating. Doctors advised
different medicines which i took with -
:out benefit. Finally I becan.e so run
down that I had to quit work. For
two months 1 tried to build myself up
with the ad of doctors, but ns time
Went on and my condition did not im-
prove I became much discouraged. Then
,a friend told me he thought Dr. W11 -
;Items' Pink Pills would help me, and 1
began their use. In three weks time
was :o improved that 1 went hack to
my work, but I continued using the
pills until 1 had taken twelve boxes,
end now my stomach is strong, and I
ani ready for a good meal three times a
day, and life now really seems worth
1t is because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
make new, red blood that they cure
such common ailments as anaemia, with
alt its headaches and backaches, rheu-
matism. neuralgia, St. Vitus dance,pa1'-
tial paralysis and Iho secret ailments
fi-om which women and young girls suf-
fer so much. You can get the pills from
any medicine dealer or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from
the Dr. \\'illterns' Medicine Co., BrocJc-
ville, Ont.
"1 am sorry for you," said a tender-
hearted old lady, visiting a convict pris-
en, to one of the prisoners. "i suppose
ycu'II be thankful when the time comes
fer you to leave this drendful place?"
A "No," returned the man, "I'd a sight
rather stop wjlitre 1 am."
"How strange," said the visitor to the
waster, as she turned away. "l had n.:
idea the prisoners were so contented.
What was the poor mans offence?" she
"E was a bit too absent-minded, niarm,"
replied the warder with n grin.
"Absent-minded," exclaimed the aston-
ished lady.
"Yes. marm," explained the officer. "G
kep forgettin' as 'ow 'e were a married
plan. And 'es got five wives awaiting
for 'tin outside."
No sy'lnplom that indicates any of the
ailments of childhood should Le allowed
to pass without prompt alkntion. The
little ailment may soon become a seri-
ous one, end perhaps a little life pass -
ea out. If Baby's Own Tablets are kept
In the house minor troubles ern be
promptly cured and serious ailments
thus averted. And ttte Tablets can be
Riven with equal safety 10 the new
torn babe or the well grown child.
Mre. 11. (iendren, Martinville, Que.,
6:;ys:---"1 have used Ruby's Own Tab-
lets and have. hand them in every way
bhtlsfaetory. 1 always feel safe when I
trove Ih in al luted." Seld by medicine
dealers o.r by mail at 25c a box from
The Ur. Williams' .Medicate Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
The Cynical Rachektr rises to remark
that monied life Is frequently one grand,
Sweet tong. but with the husband play -
Ing the accompaniment.
The Demon, Dyspepsia. --In olden
times it was a popular belief that ilei•
frons moved invisibly through the am-
bient air. seeking to enter into sten
end trouble them. At the present dao
the demon, dyspepsia. Ls at large in the
game way. seeking habitation in Boise
who by careless or tinosae living invite
hire. And once he enters a elan it is
difiicutt to dislodge him. Ile that finds
hirnself eft possessed should know that a
valiant fleelld to do Wile for h.rn with
the unset,foe is I'arnmelees \'egetnble
Pills, which are ever ready for the trial.
"Wrenn. k that young man out in the
kitchen your first lw'.,ir?"
"Fur the laml'.s Eakr, no. mum! I'm
his first sweetheart. though; that's why
1 find 'ten interealin', mum."
To:(t OF iROY eonsume•1 each year In mild,.
tine. en ••m.' the heaf tunic, it 14 se
cleverly maniputete.l thtt the weak sad sickly
set all possible soeriabment and beads from it
IIER itr.wirrs.
Mr. Tirnmid—"1 don't suppose it would
be pamper for me to kiss you on such
Albert acquaintance?"
%t a Innit—"No. 1 Suppose not; but
tan t It loo bed we haven't been acquaint -
'I it knger?"
'11r(Me are tinges when the truth is about
Ala 1lepiring Gs a Cold fried egg.
S;uccr*'fUl Outcome of Esperiuwnls by
Ceratin tacienlial.
Mr. Nathan Straus, of New York, who
recently establisher) at Heidelberg a la-
teratory for the purpose of demonstrat-
ing to 1ernten ineli t,1 science and health
reformers that his method of pasteuriz-
ing milk is an effectual way of preventing
consumption, has just obtained Grin
Professor freer, of Heidelberg University,
s istrikink testimonial. Professor Feer
inoculated ten guinea pigs with milk ob-
tai od front cows known to be suffering
from ttibercolosis. In the erase of five
guinea pigs, the milk, after having been
el twined from tut•eroolous cows, was pas-
teurized by the Straus method. In the
case of the other five tire milk was ino-
culated ink, the guinea pigs in its raw
The result of the experiment has been
remarkable. The five guinea pigs which
were inoculated with pasteurized milk
me thriving on it. and remain in excel-
lent health. The five guinea pigs inocul-
ated with raw milk are all suffering from
tubercolosis in its most virulent form,
end are certain to die. The experiment
reveals the grave danger incurred by the
use of raw milk taken from diseased
cows, and, at the same lime, proves that
toe pasteurization of milk, as advocated
ty Mr. Nathan Straus, effectively purifies
milk and renders it fit for consumption.
Do you ever stop to think of how many
friends you have? No? Well, it's a good
idea to do so now and then. The art of
making friends Ls well worth acquiring.
lust sit down and count up how many
friends you have gained during the last
year, and how many you have lost. The
result may be astonishing. People drift
apart so quickly in these days. Absorp-
tion in business is one reason for this;
another Ls the modern dislike of writing
letters; and a third a tendency—particu-
larly with the passing of years—to be-
come too self-centred. All these things
prevent us making new friends, as well
as helping us to lose old ones. Deter-
mine to prevent this. it is easy. Look
for likable qualities in those you meet,
and you will find them. Don't be too
cautious about your acquaintances, thlrs
shutting out much pleasure in life. Fin-
ally, when you sleet someone who is
inclined to be friendly to you, be ready
to do your part, and it will be plain sail-
The fly was crawling over the butler.
"Faughl" exclaimed the insect, hasltly
flying down on the tablecloth and trying
le clean its legs by wiping Them on its
wings; "that stuff's butterine! it's got so
nowadays that you can't be sure of any-
thing you rat. It's all adulterated:"
Looking around for something more to
its liking. it found a sheet of genuine
sticky flypaper and soon became desper-
ately stuck on that.
and the forerunner of bsignea. EVERT
ONC WE K with r utberla.d Sitter's
Heir a Scalp 0...., 1t kills the dandruff
prat. LesariAor and urererhens the hal:.
A11 draggles sec or patpai1 from
Ssven Sutherland Sisters
Sample sent for Inc. tN King St. W., Teeento
"Pa, can 1 have some money to go to
the circus?" asked little Johnny Whit -
"Hey?" sni(1 lir. Whittaker.
Johnny preferred his request for the
ascend time with faltering voice and In-
dications of rain on his part.
''Want to go to the circus, heyl Don't
you know that circuses are w'ickek?
I never wanted lo go to the circus when
was a boy. And what do you want to
see al the circus?'
"1 -1—w -o ant to see the w•wlld a-ant-
mtnI ," said Johnny, beginning to blubber
in enrnest.
"Want to see the wild animals hey?
ik,n't you twist the cat's tail often
.rough? Where did you get the hove for
wild nnlmals? 1 never cared for theme."
"I—I—I inherited i1."
"Inherited ill Well, i never' And who
"F -from N -Noah," sobbed the despair-
ing hopeful. The promptness of Johnny's
reply was leo mach for the old gentle-
man, and he came down at once with
the necessary coin.
Corns cause intolerable pain. ilollo-
wny's Corn Cure removes the trouble.
Try it, and see what amount of pain is
"She Ire n horrid girl!" exelnimed cight-
year-cid Elsie, .he's forever wishing that
sti. was a boy'."
"\\'ell," replied Kitty, also eight, "I'm
sire 1 wish 1 was, too."
"Of course. but she wishes it out loud,
re the boys can hear her."
MU NO. w4—IS,
Dried Beef
Unlike the ordinary dried
beef—that sold in bulk—
Libby's Peerless Dried Deet
comes in a sealed glass jar
in which it is packed the
moment it is sliced into those
delicious thin wafers.
None of the rich natural
flavor or goodness escapes
or dries out. it reaches you
fresh and with all the nutri-
ment retained.
Libby's Peerless Dried
Beef is only one of a Great
number of high-grade, ready
to serve, pure food products
that are prepared in Libby's
Great While Kitchen.
Just try a package of any
of these, such as Ox Tongue,
Vienna Sausage, Pickles,
Olives, etc., and see how
delightfully dif-
ferent they are
from others
you haveeaten.
Libby, McNeill.&
Libby, Chicago
Mrs. Slimmer—"Does your husband
drink regularly?"
Mrs. Mogan—"No, stunt; my wages
isn't steady."
Have you tried a package of "TAE
NEW FOOD"? It is made of the Choic-
est \\'hi:e Wheat, then steam -cooked and
flakeJ. No kitchen can produce a bet-
ter made or cleaAlr article for human
consumption. in order to introduce
et prize has been placed in every pack-
age. Already THiRTY- IX Blue Cards
ceiling for LADIES' GOLD \VA'i'GIIFS,
have been redeemed, and SEVaNTY-
FIVE Red Cards. Each one el these
tants has been found In a package of
The Red Cards give the finder the
Choice of the following art c'es:
Boys' Nickle Watch.
"Our Pride" Gold Nib Fountain Pen.
Bureau Cover, Duchess I'atkrn, Foul
Table Cover, One Yee] Square, Ds.
Baby Ring, Sold (',old.
Sideboard Covers, Two Yards Lcng.
Open Salt Cellars, Cut Grass, Sterling
Silver Te•p.
Cold Meat Fork, Silver -prated, Rogers
Best Make.
Neck Chains, 14k Goll -filled, Place far
Ladie+ Rae)lc Comb, Tortoise Shell, Sel
With BriUlsnts.
8 gnet Ring, 10k Gold, Place for Two
taigas. -
A new lot of prime have been plsoed
in the packages.
Ask your grocer for a package el
'There are many ups and downs in
Bits dizzy w"rld. Some people are blown
up by heaths and some others aro run
down by eutontobiles.
The change of dietary that cornea with
spring and summer has the ettivt In
weak stomachs of setting up inflamma-
tion, resulting in dysentery and cholera
morbus. The abnormal condition will
continuo if not attended to and will
cause an exhaustive drain on the syse
tem. The best nvnilable medicine 1.9 Dr.
J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It
clears the stomach and bowels of lrrt-
lento, counteracts the inflammation and
restores tho organs 10 healthy action.
One-fifth of the globe's surface Ls ren-
dered dangerous to white men by ma-
Money pakl will be refunded where
Pango tails, when applied as diree:ted,
to relieve pain. Specially re(onimen•ted
for Neuralgia, ileadache, Rheumatism.
Gout, Cntarrhal (olds, etc. For sole 50
cent, at all druggists or Lyman. Knox
& Clarkson, wholesale druggists, To-
Effect of a Telegraphic Error About a
1 hood in China.
fte-tw a telegraphic error was reopen -
ruble fcr the loos of thousands of lives
U t -td by a Shanghai correspondent.
The disaster oocurred during a freshet
on tht Ilan River in the beginning of
Owing to heavy rantalls ig the moun-
taals in northwest Horeb it frePO'o"!v
Iv harpers that a torrent of water rush-
es .sown the mountalnsoles into the Han,
a tr Puler}}' of tor: rent Yang -tee. Hith-
erto watrttrt of the freshets h&+ been
to:eg-a. his rom S'ang-yang, Ko miles
away seen m;uth of US Ilan, anti
011 moo !ace jive been
hurredly sent, out, equipped with g,ngsi
to wain the bunts at the mouth of the
titer to find a safe anchorage.
On the evening of Apt il 6 mrssetigers
were sent aroun] wl'h the news that a
i,oshet, six feet high, was on its tray
down. The inhabitants and the boat-
ing Ceapulat:on considered a six toot
fr. .h- t to be of httkt cc,nscquence, and
t ear no prccautons whatever, believing
eat, as in former years, its arrival nerd
not be expected for another twenty -tour
lt• u.ts.
Unfoi iinctIely the teem am announc-
ing the oncoming lorn•nt was delayed
for twenty-four hours and by an error
la Ih t wording the height was reduced
from twenty-six feet to six feet. The
ha sant .reheat at l ghtning speed at
nlidlbght on April G. The night was
pitch dark, the inhabitant, were asleep.
Suddenly thousands of boats in the
Ilan River were torn from ther rnoor-
.ngs and hurled together in a confused
mass on Ih' brenst • 1 a raging torrent.
Ikr•p laden boats were sunk immedl-
ateJy, others were pounded to pieces and
s •fne cats ping fire lit up a sero of ap-
palling destruction.
Tho people on shore were powerless
to assist and the cries of the perishing
"rent the heavens and were very pain -
fu' to hear," as a native newspaper (le -
scribed il. Those boats that eeoaped
the initial onset of the torrent were
swept out lino the Yang -Ise, where n
strong northeast gala completed the
work of destruction.
Life 4r els veers sent out ti Ilio n scue,
but toted render little rerv:ce. The ter-
ror of the night wens increas<d by three
I.uge junks which took flier and drift-
ing toward the foreshore of the British
settlement endangered the hulks moored
a:ong t'S t:•ont.
The native papers state that a small
steamer, 700 large junks and innumer-
able smal craft were destroyed. 'rho
he of life, at first estimated et 2,000,
probably exceeded double that number.
Elgh'een hundred bodice; were picked up
at 0110 bend of the Yang -Ise alone. A
number of women and children are
among the dead. Thirteen hundred
masts were rotwvered at the same spot.
For Rheumatism, and all Kidney, Liver.
Bladder and Urinary Affections.
An eminent physician Informs us that
ho has used the following prescription
in his practice for a number of years
and found it very successful in the
treatment of kidney, liver, bladder and
all urinary affections, and is unsurpass-
ed for the euro of rheumatism, driving
the uric acid entirely from the system.
Ile claims that a very few doses will
relieve Iho most severe pains in the
beck arising from disordered kidneys
and impure blood.
7'Ito prescription is one ounce of
sweet spirits of nitre, one ounce of com-
pound vimosa and four ounces of syrne
of rhubarb, taken in dosserb-spoonful
doses in water, after meals and at bed•
titre. These ingredients are harmless
and inexpensive and cern be obtained at
any reliable drug store and mixed to-
gether at home.
A magic Pill.—Dyspepsia is a foe with
which men are constantly, grappling
hut cannot exterminate. SuLs1ue 1, and
to all apparances vanquished in one, it
makes its appearance in another direc-
tion. In many the digestive apparatus
is as delicate as the mechanism of a
watch or scientific instrument in which
even a breath of air wilt make a vnria-
ticn. With such persons disorders of
the stomach ensue from the most trivi-
al causes and cause much suffering. To
these i'armelee's Vegetable ('ills are re-
cemmendod as mild and sure.
Whales of a reputed ngc of 300 to 400
years. judging from certain signs. have
been found.
i.A7V 01.1) M1RA9, painful and dlsSRnrta '
will not linter long after treatment with weaver.
Cerate trete been begun: Al.u, cleanse the blood
with wearer's Syrup.
The more justice some men get the
less they want to talk about it.
afford in.taet relief from polo
causal by Neuralgia, Headaches, Gout,
Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. `ample
50 cents. All .Iruggisls or National
Drug Co., London__
ninny n hank confronted by n run
has saved itself from ruin by nrbfice.
One American 1 ank, just 0.4 a run was
starting, hired half n dozen men to draw
out large s11111.S In cosh. 'These men,
with great bundles of greenbacks and
with huge bogs of gold, would run
round to the mar of the bu ld:ng, hand
in all that money, and then conte and
draw it out again. Atter half a dozen
such draw.ng*s ibe run .eased. One
banker. on the verge of ruin, got a sack
of metal, spread a layer of gold oolns
cn the ,.•p, and nailed the sack to the
paying -leer's counter. The sack was
&;awn to the multitude that had gather -
at ler a run, and a blacksmith was bid-
den to lift the sack. if he could. Of
.curse, ire couldn't. and the crow.1 die-
pereeel, saLsfled that, with so much
gold. the hank was safe. Another dodge
Ls to paint. on the morning of a run,
f!! the woodwork. Wet paint shows
the crowd up cons'derably. Nobody
wants to get itls clothing smeared.
To lay carpels without pounding
thumbs, squashing fingers, trsing profane
Innp inge, skinning your knees and gett-
ing, rheumatism anti lame back and that
tired feeling—hire the Job done.
Blick Refko.
Watch neds
•liavor. The
"I Suffered With for Years--Pe-ru-na Cured -
Me Entirely."
Miss Albin& Chauvin, No. 50 Rue Agnea, St. Henri, Montreal, Can., writes r
"I consider Pernna better than any other remedy, as it cured ms when
nothing elite could. 1 suffered for yeah and years with heart trouble,
headache and weakness. I never espeetod to find anything to cure me. I
saw one day, In "La Presse," that Peruua was excellent and I tried it. Ona
bottle produced a change in mo and it the prior had been 5100 a bottle I
would have paid 1t gladly. I have taken els bottles and am entirely cured.
Please accept my thanks and boat wishes for your Poruna."
'Please Accept My
Thanks and Best
Wishes For Your
P13 -ICU -NA."
Many cases of heart trouble are caused
by reflex disturbances.
Derangements of the stomach and
1/ver produce ay mptorns of heart trouble.
Catarrh of the stomach is a very fre-
quent cause of sympathetic heart dis-
Palpitation, shortness of breath and
bloating after meals are the most prom-
inent syziatwath
Manufactured b) Pernna Drug NIanufa('
Such a condition of the acemach t•
also liable to produce headaches of the
worst sort.
Medicines that palliate the symptom'
will never lead to scum
Itis the effeet which Pernns has upon
tho stomach, healing the mucous mem.
brsnes and restoring the natural tune..
tion of tho stomach, that causes Moran&
10 bring such proulyt reticle
tut{nn Cunspany 1 , lumbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
The nwcrage woman, it is estimated,
carries ,refit fifty toile, of hair on her
Is Highly recommended as affording in-
stant relief from pain—Neuralgia, Head-
ache, Gout, Rheumatism, Catarrhal
Cclds. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists
oe Lyinan Bros. & Co., wholesale drug-
gsts, 'Toronto.
She—"He has a most extraordinary fig-
ure, hasn't tie?" Ile—"That's so. 1 be-
lieve an umbrella is about the only thing
he can buy ready made."
it La the Farmer's Friend.—The farm-
er will find in Dr. Thomas' P•clectrlc
(til a potent remedy for wounds nr
pains In the body or for affecUons of
the respiratory organs and for hotcse-
hoW use generally. Ile will also find
it a convenient friend in treating injured
horses, cattle, etc., or relieving thorn
when attacked by colds, coughs cr any
kindred ailments to which they are sub-
"What do you do when your olio at
borne raises the storm signal "
"Steer for the sideboard and put in
Rabbits cnn see behind ns hell as in
trent of themselves.
0 -
Mies With skeins McCbarles of Pow
sawn, Ont , wrltet : " I have proved
Zato-Bak s healing balm for eczema.
Ny father heel it very bad as his hands sad
they were ...Quin vary ranch. One night
be decided to try Zara Bak. 1 had previ-
ously used it for Ringworms which i crsld
sot remn.e until 1 tried Zam•ltak. This
tettove'l he ktagwpres In a very elmet,tifaa.
In tbe father's hapda wore very
much improver). ile therefote cordwood
wring Zem•Bakj and the emu*. le now all
gone. 1 hold .m Butt in high esteem as
a healing bale!." h Heali• t. co„yee,
Antteet•a refaliohos.
ow sed ..u., pe. or
(eats rtseiem
sb. T�rneto.
A brick will absorb on an average six•
teen ounces of water.
The slrperiorily of Mother Graves
Worm F.xt.•rminator is shown by itt!
good effects on the children. Purchase
a bottle and give it a trial.
Wilson s
Bold by all Druggists and General Stott.*
and by mail.
/VIEWS WANTED. A reliable man to eveQ
elty and town in l'anada with waterw.•rkt t.. ,telt
e patent article needed in every 1" me. 11.,101 sa
public building Sells at eight Hustle" e
and are making 15 0 a day. Tits at ones fel
partloulars. tie.. 1. Cute, Owen Sound, Ontsrles
A responsible agent In every city in
Canada tet represent
Ms Larder City Cold Mining Co., Limited
For full particulars apply
Ilcnry R. Darrell,
8 Colborne 151., Toronto.
4 __CANOE Co Ge,
�ItYc LeloM Per cis rAAre resp[ CO
The Beat ,e 8 Cheapest
. Canoes. Jit . Launches Etc
33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311
Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges
for cash or margin.
Cobalt orders executed for ca9h.