Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-18, Page 2i 0+10+10+010+1:+0+ 0 444+0+0+iONfOI+0+040+i0f+,0140+0+0 A douse of Mystery OR. THE GIRL IN BLUE 0+0+10I+0+b40+O+ O +O+O+3 ++10i+o+3 +1)+0+0+0+42+0+0+0 +0+ + C.IL\PTEI1 XV. " How you men goeeip!" Mabel ex- ola:med, turning upon the piano -stool, and 'augh.ng merrily. "1 wasn't aware that we had been very long," 1 ttnsw'eroi, sinking into a low armchair near her. "If su, I'm sure 1 ►pobalze. The feet Li, that Mr. Ili^k- plan was explaining a new system of bow to break the bank at Monte Carle." "Oh, Mr. Hickman!' she cried, turn- ing at once to troll, "Do explain it, and IT try it wl:en ee go to the lUvee:a.' "j\1ob' I, my door," exclaimed her mo- tner, scandalized, "you'll Jo nothing 01 Wee kind. You knew I dun't approve of gambling,' "Oh. 1 think it's awfully good fun," her daughter debiared, "If you wen, ' 1 added. •O! e3ourse•,' she addtd; then. turning again to Hickman. she induced him W eapinin hie new and lnfal!it)te system just as he hnd explained it to in.. The trend of the conveisation u•as, however. lost to ere. My ears, c'osed• to 6'1 sound, and now that 1 reflect I am Surprised that 1 succeeded in retaining ply self-poesees'•M. I know 1 sat there p!gi1, as o to held motlundcsa in terror; I only replied in monosyllable -s Lo any it.mark nddremod to ale, and i knew tenetively that the outer had left my un;camance. The discovery was us be_ My eyes fixed themselves upon the Wildering as It was unexpected. couch. It was the very slot w•hrto I had Every detail of that handsome room rested, sielitlees nncl heipl. ss, while woxa•;tlyy as 1 teamed it. Tho bl nd, ILose strange events had taker place Wit>3 their keen sense of touch, are quirk Mind. . me. Was it any wonder that I to k,mn mental Impressions. of places leca.nle filled with apprehensions. or and things, and the genual character that 1 at there petrified as ono turned cf tier;) apa•tmeot I lead 1'ivetcd upon to stone? my rnind with the fidelity of a photo- graph. Tho turn`.ture was of gill, just es 1 had detected front 11.9 smoothness, and oov- mei well a ri_h bad in wide s'ripets cf art green and dull rad -brown -an exltesnely ttandseae pattern; the oarpet teas dark, with u pile ao thick that one's seer noiselessly; the twee long win. we. covered by henvy curtains of bro. sea to match the furniture, reached from -the hi h -painted ceiling to the ground exactly e�s,s 1 had found them in my blind Qropings. About lire ro m were two or throe tables with glass tests, in trays beneath which wae co'kcliona of cho'co bric-a-brac, Including some wologerful Chinese carvings In ivory, while before the fineplaco was spread the great tiger -skin, with pnw.9 and heal prcesrvoJ, which 1 iso well 1'e1r1eJ11. bere . 1 sat there speechless, brenthtess. Not a angle detail was there wanting. Nair es:ere. in nil my (1te, had aninzer»ent held me so absolutely dumfounded. CI 00 to where i sat was a spacious ccer.h, over the centre of which wars thrown an antlmnoassar of silken cro- ch..:tw•ork. It was covered with the same brocado as We rest of the furni- ture, and 1 stretched forth my hand with feigned carelessness and touched it. Its cent -eel was the early. is shape exact; its position in the room identical. Upon that very couch t had reclined while tho foul lragody had bean enact- ed in that room. My head swath; 1 closed my eyes. The great gilt clock, wail its rondulum representing the figure et a girl swinging beneath the trees, Mantling on the manteLshult. ticked out low and musically, just as it had done on Ilvit fateful night. In an instant, as I at with head turned from my coin - pinions and sty eyes shut, the whole of that tragic scene was re-enacted. 1 Leurd the crashe the w'amal's scream, the awo-stricken exclamation that toe !c.wed in the inn r room. I heard, too, the low sw'sh • f a woman's skirls, the heavy bl .w stook by an assess n's hand and in horror felt the warm life -blood ret the unknown victim as it trickled up - en my hand. Mabel suddenly ran her white fingers over the keys, and the music brought no: buck to u realization of my true po- sition. 1 had at length discovered the actual house in which the mysterious tragedy had been enacted, and it bectuno impressed upon mo that by Iho exercise of greatest care 1 (night further be en- ebioi to prosecute secret invest gations to a successful issue, and at length solve tho enigma. The square, dark -groin antimacassar had been placed in the extreme centre of the couch, and sewed down in order to keep it in its place. Where i was sitting fortunately in the shadow, and when Mabel commenced playing 1 rare -unsteadily 1 think -and resealed my- self igen the couch, as being more com- fortable. Then. while the woman who held me entranced played a selection frost the 'Trovatoro," I, unnoticed by the others. succeeded in brealcing the atltches wh'.ch lacked the antimacassar to th' brocade. The feat was a difficult one, for one does not care to be deka' eel tearing the furniture of one's hos- tea. Ne•verthekts, after len minutes or ao 1 awe -ceded in Ifosening it, and ,lien, as if by the natural movement of my b: dy, a mmmcncil to work it aside. The music ceased, and even though all my attention was not centred upon any investigations. I congratulated Mabel upon her accurate oxocutem. li.ckman was standing beside her, and tcgother they began to s arch for :cane piece ho hand requested her to.piny, while Mist \\'ells, with her hearts and ele- phants jingling, turned to me and c-,m- menced to talk. By this 1 was, of course inter - MA; n •verthcless, some ten minutes ...ter. 1 rose, and naturally Turned beck to straighten tho rumpled An Uncapsizable Canoe You earl take your children, your sister or your lady friend for a paddle with absolute •ufely in a "Chestnut" Air Compartment Canoe 1t nlssolutely wnn't upset -won't sank. lie Irtgh grade in quality and is lig(lt to paddle as the extra weight I. .sLglet. We are ()Marie Agents. Write ft r • stat. etre and prices. Complete rnngo of styles. Canadian Gas rower & Launches, Limited, Toronto •undoes of Koslow" and Launchoo. SHRE Now for Strawberries and Shredded Wheat. Nature's rarest and best food, insuring a clear head and healthy body. Is Invigorating Without Being Heating, Try it. Bold by all graters WHEAT WIZ 7/3 0ozv230Y aA1RR=lt'#aA have) rroventia: repu:.te,.,n (nr style and d.•r.the'ity. Don't !Sur until yo+. see your nearest Carriage Agent .1rii Ker fit I particulars, or write for N. 49 catalogue, showing o,r new ani handsome designs for 1rn08. The Conboy Carriage Co., Limited, Toronto. antimacaasnr. In doing so 1 managed 4) lift it and glance beneath. In aft 'testate Iter truth way plain. (:on- cealod beneath that square et greret cn,chet-work was a largo (lurk -brews' stain upon the brocade. ll was (ho mark of (he life -blood of that thin, we ll - dressed, unknown victim, who had. in an instant. Leen struck to the bear!! Tie e.Lu -k of its dix.ovto), caused 1110 IG start, but next instant 11•Inootlkd out the aIlunucassar Into its former place w'Ilheut attracting any neenl'e.n. and passed aertss the room with the motive c.! inspecting 1111 object wlucl► 1 well ro- t,ioneered d soivering when 1 hat made my blind search. Upon a pedestal of block marbel stood an exquisite little slatuette of a Ncapolitlut dancing•wo- te en, undoubtedly tho work of some Italian maser. Without pausing to ex- amine it, 1 look in its every detail as I poised. IL w•ats exactly as 1 had felt .t, ani in the selfsame spot as on that fatal Besele the conch, as i turned agn'n to gook, i saw that a large skin rug had Leon thrown down. Without doubt it I:ad been placed there to ooncoat the ugly stain of bleed upon the carpet. Ard yet there, nn to scenno of one of the I .ulesat and most cowardly assa-sin- alious, we were uctually spending the eventing quietly, as becnnle a respectable household! The thing seemed i,bs,lutc' ly inerdib'e. A dozen l mhos 1 cn.leay..r- ed to persuade myself that the whale dis- covery was tut a chimera, oris ng from my daurdered Iniagination. Neverthe- less, it way Impossible to dlsguese from myself the fact that in every detail the truth was borne out. In that very roan the unknown men had been struck e'ead. The marks of his blood still re- mained as evidence of the truth. 1 saw that beside the high hmlpg at that moment in use, there) was a in gnifi• cent candelabra :,uspendcd froom the ceiling. and in Iles wrote e.'eelr c lamps. Then, at the door, i noticed the switch. and know Met it was the surae which 1 had beard turned off by the assassin be- fore leaving the house. At the end of the room, too, were the folding -doors, now concealed by cur- taine. It was through those very doors that Edna, ray mysterious protectress, had passel and repassed to that inner rerun whence had come the sound of champagne being uncorked and the wo- Inan's piercing scream. MaLe1 leaned over and spoke to me. 'whereupon i sank again into the chair 1 had previously occupied. She lagan to chat, Len although hrt 1i:outiful eyes thele' mo fixed, and her face seamed more handsome Than any 1 had ever seen, the diamonds in her hair crnzzkel no. eyes, and I fear that my responses were scarcely intelligible. "You aro not quite yourself to -night. I think," Flte remarked at lust, rasing freen the pinno, and taking the low chair that 1 drew up for her. "Are you un- well?" "Why?' i asked, laughing. "Because you look rather pale. What's Vie matter?' '+Nothing,' 1 answered, as carelessly as 1 could. "A slight. headuche. But it hat passed now." My eyes w•audered to those curtains of green plush. Dow I longed to enter that sown Ley-ondl At that moment she took out her handkerchief. Even Ibat action added tc the completion of the mental picture i had formed. liar tiny square of lawn awl lace exhaled it eve --et odor. 1t was that of peau d'Espngne, tee same subtle perfume used by the rnysterieou9 Edna! t: (pled my nostrils until 1 stunted in- texsated by its fragrance combined with her timely. Her dr, tie was dLscroet'y decollete, and 11s elle sat chatting to mo with Utat Lright vivaciousness which was so charming, hor white neck slowly heaved and fell. She had, it seemed. been striv- ing all Ile evening to get a tele -a -tete chat with ane. but the chatter of that e'reedful feritnli/1g Woman and the re- quest; made by Hickman bad prevented her. As she gossiped with one, now and Then waving her big feather fan, she conveyed to my mind an irn,',esson of extreme simplicity In the midst of the 'roost wonderful complexity. :the ,keem- ad to take the pole tsr Ira is frown many characters, and w mingle them Ilial; like the oornbinntk,n of hues in a sadn- benme the effect was as ono to the eye. I had studied pier carefully each time we hid mel, and had found that site had s•.inc thing of tee romantic enthusiasm e f a Juliet, of the truth and constancy of n Helen, of the dignified purely of an l' shel,c.f the lenderswcetneseof a Vole, if the self-possession and intellect of a Portia-cembinel together so cqunlly rend so harm oni ntsly That 1 .o ad anarce- ly say that one quality predominated over the other. leer dignity wa.s impov ing, and stood tether up«,n the defen- sive; her submitelon, ttwugh unbound. ed, was not passive, and Unlit she a'oeal Wholly dist ncl in her swcetne•a., from any %%entail 1 hail ever met. The t 11 .wing( day was . n•, on which she. was due to take her music-k'sron. and 1 •inquird whether 1 might, as wee ne meet her an 1 escort her across 11.• Park. "You ale really very kind," bile re• si on(Md; "lout 1 fear 1 take up far too riloh of y-enlr Lnm." ',Net re all, 'I hastened 10 nmen% her. •'i always enJ ,y our walks I' gether." She smiled. but a moment later said- "! fear That 1 shall be prevented from • o ng to Hanover Square to -morrow, as 1 stall be making calls with mother. We've been neglecting to call of Into, and have such a host to make.' 'Then I shan't 5n' you ret all t) -mor. row.'" 1 sold in deep deeup1ointment. "No. I fear nal," she answered. "As a matter of fuel, my tnnvernente for the next few days are rather uncertain." "nut you 11 write and . tell me when you are free?" i urged earee,ey. "if you wi-h." she tespreeled, axil ng Ree' ily. Appttcnlly she wee in no w160 eve::"e to my C. 'M,nni.,nship, a fact wh•ch had leconm' to Incunoire epi stent new that she haft Induced fur tomer to invite ens to their table. 14 nd'avmof to exit ea from her seine al.po lament. but she only tt h spend-- ' le lit. mbar that our rr e, l ngs are e land•'shile. Doti t lel th 111 o%erherotr LA. foes cheep. Pim subject." And Den >hbegan to resume setcrnl .•f the lal•s1 !Noels. Sh • had apparently it wide knowledge of Fi.'nch ficti•,n, for see explained Low' e. fraud of here. an (,Id 1 tr r,)tel'nw. evhe had marr ell n Frew!' harm and T heed in Palls, sett her r peaty al the ken notable novels. Of Engl'ah net on, 10.). site wua evrteetlly a (violent wetter, ter :.he told nsv much about recarmt novas that I was unaware uf, and ereeez•d the style to a mummer which betrayed a deep knowledge of her subject. "One would ulnad think vu w -e a lady novelist, 04' u b uk-rev ew-r," 1 to - nailed, in response to a Sweep ng con- demnation which she made rc•garditig the stylet of a nturlt-tx•luu•1oi writer. \1'efl, {xrsimally, 1 Like ►)x.ks with rcnno grit iu thew•" alto disc:ar,nl. "1 cent eland c;tiler the so -oiled 1)t%blemn novel, or a story inte•rlurdoi w.th dia- lect. U any one wants nasty prt,blems, let them spend a few shillings ut the works of a r:aim French writers, who turn out books on the most unwhole- e ane themes they can imagine, and feedly b lieto themselves realists. We don't wtu)t these queue -dc -stele works in England. Let ue sheer to the old- fashiomei story of love, adventure, or romance. English writers are new rte.. g tuning to so.' lila mistake they once made In trying to follow the Fresn'h style, and ate returning to the real le- gitimate novel of action- 1hu ono that interests and grips from the first ,page t" the lust." See &poke sensibly, and 1 expresso' my entre acoord with ler opinion. But Itis dtscuasa,n was only ill order to hide our exchange of confldencee utter- ed in an undertone wit le Dickman and the two ladies were chatting at the fur- Bier urTher end of the room. Alt the time I wes longing to get a sight of the interior of the adjoining ep•artntent, tho room whence had boat forth that woman's agonized cry in lee stillness of the night. i racked my brain te find serene means of entering there, but ooukl c'ovtse notes. A guest can hardly wander over hes hostess's house on the first occasion he receives an invitation. Besides. 4) b'tray any in - knelt, in the houao Might, I rollect•d, •unuso some ansp'cen. To be success- ful in these inquiries would nese-s:tuto the most extreme caution. The fragrant odor of pent! d'Fsp egno exhaled by her chiffons seemed to hold ere powerless. Tho gilt clock with its swinging girl had already struck eleven on its silvdl• bell, and lin re-echoed by another clock in the hall playing too Westmin- ster chimes,, w'h• n suddenly Mrs. Anson, with a boil( in her hand, toAkoi across to her d,iuglect', saying - "Mabel, dear, I've left my glnsses on the table in the library. Will you kind- ly fetch thein for ane?" In an nistant 1 saw my chanoe, ani, jurnping to my feel, offered to obtain Mem. At first she objecieJ, but finding zee detcrmned, snit, -- 'Tho library is the next room, there. You'll find them on the writing -table. Mother always leaves teem there. It's really too bad to thug slake a servant of you. 1'11 rang for Arno:d." ".\o, no," 1 pr,k tat, and at once went eagerly in search of them. (To bo Continued,) THE IMPERIAI. BANK OF CANADA. A Creditable Annual Statement. The 3.314 annual statement of 'fho Imperial Bank of Canada, just issued, which will be found In another column, denotes successful management, and is one well calculated to increase public confidence in this institution. The net profits for the your ended April 30th amount lo 8721.175 and this, added lo the I.olanco of $4e6,ale; carried forward from last year, and 8191,809 premium reoelved on new et ek issued makes $I,- 3:14:,300, which has been disposed of its kllows: Four quarterly dividends at the rate of 11% per annum paid to share- holders. 8533,524; transferred to rest ac- count, 8191,809; written off bank promis- e::. $36.(1,2; special appropriation applied In writing down bank investments, $100.600, and the substantial balance of $475,914 carried forward to next year. The strong position of the imperial Bank may be judged from the amount et its inirnedlak7 available assets, 818,- 721,892; the total amount of deposits by the public reach the ;immense stun et 830.150.125, which are secured by the total assets of the bank amounting t) $13,804.195. Altogether the Mute/tient re- flects rfleck great credit on the nsanagc'rnent of the Borik and maintains the beet traditions of our Canadian (tanking system. CANADA'S GREAT (:F.i.ERR.ATION. There ere now subscriptions an. mewled to the extent of ntx,ut $600,000 for the great Tercentenary cekrbrat on ret Quebec. and nearly a million dollars will be forthcoming for 11. From an historical point of view it will be the greatest demonstration this G,ntinenl lies witnessed. From n spectacular standpoint it will le one of the most dazzling oernbinations if plcluresque events ever seen in any country. There will bo Ihotrsands of charackrs in the processions, all dre s- c.l to lett very life. Tho tableaux, on the Plains of Abraham, where the his - kale battle, were fought, will embrace al, the trnnscendenl epoch-making (-vent; of Canada's romanllc history, in- cluding Wolfos work up to his death. The shut pagcnnte will bo of wondrous beauty, the naval demonstration of an impressiveness not heretofore realized. Qcchee will be filled le repletion by Thousands from England and the United States, and tens of thousands nom Can- ada, but fully ten million of peoplew..1 wish to be present, and cannot find hotel aceomrnodntion. One of the greatest matters of anxi- ety to those organizing the celebration has been the question, how to provide the millions of people who cannot seri the celebration with Illttstrations and descriptions. Io ger the scenes of gran- d•ur to the world in their entirety. Arrangen,e'nle have been o inpletnl by The :standard of Montreal• now re- c,gnized as the National Illustrated pliper of Canada, 1•a ;.sante whet will be known as "file Standard Terrmtenary Number," published by George Murray Publishing Company, \konlreal. Wo Wive had the privilege of examining lee proofs of some of the gorgeous sup- jeement't to go with l'he Slenderd. They eclipse in interest, in fidelity of detail, in beauty .of color and eve -teen, any- thing ever ntieniptd in Canada. and will tiring the 'Tercentenary rel'brnfom right into the h(mtest of ttwse lucky et ongh 1'• procure n tepy, u e'mno!`seur; The S'an,lanl Terrexl- ary Number is ono that e..pert Imperial Bank of Canada Proceedings of tho Thirty-third Annual Conerat Meeting of the Shareholders, Held at the Banking Mouse of the Institution, In Toronto. on Wed- nesday, 27th May. 1808. '� The Thirty-third Annual General M.el.ng of the was held in pursuance of the term.* of the chark'r ut Institut:on, 2711, May, 1908. The chat& was taken by the President, Mr. D. R. General Manager, Mr. E. Hay, was requested to act 1'l:o Assistant General Manager. at tlx) request of Iteporl of the Dirgtors and tow Statement ut Affair Imperial Rank of Canada the Banking Huuse of the Wek.e, and the Assistant as Seciteary. the Chairman, road the s. THE REPORT. The Directors have pleasure in subii il.ting to the Shareholders thein 17ttr'y-third Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Affairs of the Bank es or. 30at April, 1908, together with the result of the operations of the Hardt, for the year which ended on that day. The net profits of the year, after staking full provision for all had and', dcublful debts, for interest on immature,' bins under discount. for the usuel� contributions to the Potato!) and Guarantee Funds, and afro for the special contribution to the Pension Fund of 825,000, authorized under by-law No. 28, and for the payment of all Provincial and other taxes, amounted to $721, 175.07, which has been applied as foltows: (a) Dividends havo been paid at tate rate of 11 per cent. per an- num, amounting to $535.524 21 (b) Batik Premiset and Furniture Account has bean credited with ...... .... .... .... .......... .... .... ... . 36,052 55' (c) A special fund has been set aside and applied in wrtUngdown the Bank's investments..100.000 00' (d) Profit and Lees Account has been increased by ...... 49,596 11 The Premium, amounting to $1:11.809.06, received on an equal amount t New Copp.tal Sto..k has been credit d to lest Account, which now amounts 1 $4.965,757.50, Branches of the Rank havo been o; onod during the year at the ocrrer oli Moor Street and Lansdowne Avenue (Toronto), at this corner of King Streets and Sherb',urne Street (Toronto), and also at Port Arthur, Marshville, Port; Robinson, Cotham, Aruherstburg, South \Voodslee, Harrow, Niagara-on-tho-lake,' St Davide and Tlkessalon, all in the Province of Ontario. Tho Head OiRce and Branches of the Bank have all been carefully ine spected during the year, and your Directors have again much ploasuro ire bearing testimony to the faithful and efficient manner in which the Staff havo; performed tho:r duties. The whole resfoctfully submitted. 30111 April. 1908. PROFIT AND Dividends Nos. 68, 69, 70and 71. paid quar'erly, fo: year endel 30th April, 1908, al 11% per annum . .. $535,524 Transferred to Rest Account 191,809 Written off Bank Presn s's 36 052 and Furniture Account .. Sp.co al appropr:atlon applied in writing down Bank's in- vestments .. , 100,000 Balance of aeoeunt carried to; ward .... .... .... .... 475,914 D. R. W I1.KIE, i'resitlent. LOSS ACCOUNT. Balance at credit- of acoount 30th April, 1907, brought forward... .... .... .. 5426,316 31. 21Prof!s for thotwelvemonths 06 ended 30th April, 1908, af- ter ci ducteig charges of 55 management and intermit dues de; os.tors, and after slaking full pmvison for 00 all bad and doubtful debts, and for rebate on bat, un - 02 der discount .... .... .... 721,175 0't Premium received on new Capital Stock .... .... ... 191,809 00' $1,339,300 14 $1,339,300 44 IIEST ACCOUNT. Balance at Credit of Account 30th April, 1907 .... .... ........81.773.918 44' Premium teepee. on new Capital Stock 191,809 06 $4.965,757 50 301h :tprii, 1903. LIABILITIES. S. Nc t•'a of the Bank in circitlat!on ..............................$ 2,907,042 00 Deposes not bearing Interest ....$ 5.953.14i7 43 Deposits bearing interest (including interest accrued to date) ,.•, ..,. 24,191.4 1t 30,1511.125 57 Deposits by other Banks in Canada ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, 123,611 32 Total liabilites to pilo public .... .......... .... . Cop:tal Stock pakl-up) ........ .... .... ... Rest Acoounl Dividend No. 71 (payable 1st May, 1903, for 1 r. o months, at the rate of 11% per annum .... ..... Rebate on bills discounted .... .. ..... Balance of Profit and Lose Account ca: r ieJ forwar.l . AeS I:Te. Gold and Siler Co'n .... .... ........ .... ..... $1.111.573 27 Dominion Gevernimmnt Notes .... .......... .... ..... 5,999.58 00 $ 7.111.161 27 Depos(t with Dominion Government for security of note circ:1laCon le9,621 89 Niles of and Cheques on other Danks 1.368,555 38 Loans to other Banka in Canada, u>.ei'urcif, including B 1's ret-dta- counted .... ...... 71 Balance due from other Brinks In Canada ............• 433:105, 82 Balance due from Agents m the tinted Kingdom ... . 317,387 13 Balance duo from Agents in Foreign Countr:a9 .... .... 1,515.371 24 ... ........833,130,8113 89 4,965,'x,)7 30 4.965,757 el 135.460 98 80.496 13 475.914 62 5.657,629 4' $13.804.195 62 ousasieese $11,037.183 71 D.'min:on and Provinc'al Government Securities ,. . $ 531.618 07 Ie ams t1 Prov meal (',overntno,ts .. ...... .... ..... 915.843 73 Canadian Municipal Securtes and British or Foreign cr Colonial Publ c Secure es other than Camel an 1,6114,558 89 iiailway and .ether Bonds, Debentures rind Stocks .. 073,074 83 3.728.095 52 Call and Sheri Loans on Stocks and Bonds In Canada .... 3356.607 90 818.721.892 19 0111�r Curren) Loans. Discount, and Advance's .... .... ...... 23,863.812 M) Overdue defile (loss provided fort ...... .... ... 24.161 27 Real Estate (other than flank premises).. .. .... .... ........ 26 845 19 Mortgages, on Real Estate soke by the Rink .. 4:1,81'9 76' Bank eternized, including Sites, Vault( and ()Moe Furniture, at 11. ad Offer and Rran 'h.a 1,100.010 Oil Other Aeaets, not include; udder fotep mg heads ,.,, 18,671 31 643,1404.195 62 sameasameasasei E. HAY. D. R. \\ I; ICI&:. Ass dent General Manager. general Manager. The 'usual moll ins were presented and carr ed unanimously. The scntlineers apl•o:n'ed at Pre meeting reported the folinving genii -wen duly elected Dire cb)rs fur the ensuing year :--.\faits;;;. D. i1. 1Vilkie, Ilan. holed. Jaffrey ; \\'m. Ramsay of Itmvlamr, Stew, S"ot!nnd ; Elias hewers. J Kerr ()Aherne, Charles Cock -hen, I'eleg Ilowlenil. Win. Whyte (Winnipeg;, Cewthri Mit' ck, Han. Retard Turner (Owleq, \Vel. llanellun 11fg+ritl, M.D (SI. Catharines). At a .stsseenent meeting of the Dir.t'foril Mr. 1). R. \\'ilk •' was elected i'reai lent and the lion. Robert Jeff•ni \'ice-i're4lfent for Il:e en;'ling year. judges would think Could not he 4)id under $2.50. and yet it is fo be pnblsh- ed at 50 cents. It will be practically the only Tercentenary Souvenir. The publishers announce that orders are be- ing new Looker!, and nil orders mailed er or before June 20th 10 June 251e will be certain to Is (Med. After that date the public must take their chance, first oorne. first served. \There orders remitted for cannot he filled. remittance will be refunt a d. The Publishers of The Slandnni. 171 Sl lame% street, Montreal. have gain- ot a continental reputation for their pith- licali)n. The coming Issue. In illustrate the Tereentennry (:olehraeon, will cer- tainly be the most interesting thing of the kind ever preelticeal on this rnntin- ent. We predict that in one neetnth after the celebration It will be in demand nl even len drillers a ropy. - They cannot leges 1.1 ;Mile .'neugh to rnc:t a demand that w111 be phe'none'n- cl. It is n pleasure to testify to the vnlum of a thing of aurpassiug merit. - Exchange. .,.somp.— 41 In future every Russian soldier will rrceive a procketeompas.s with a hnnn• ons needle. Tho nnttves of Neternde, in Cnerntnn Fest Africa. extend the length of the ear, from half an Inch to two inches by at-' taching heavy weights thereto. Fred -"My deer iters, let this thought' console you her your lover's death. lie. n:ember that other nee Letter men than Ile have gone the same way." Bereave,' One --'1'11,y haven't all gene, hove they'" !.niers-"i don't know, George. it seem such n .sotemn thing to marry. Have you, rormle.l the mat?" George --"The code Laura' The cost? Bless yeti! Eve get a cle,gy'rnan cousin that'll nterry us lot nulhusgr G`