Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-18, Page 11 5OctoJAN.'09 NOW iS THE T1\11: t• subscribe for the AL)Vu- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or Ilse take advantage of our Low Club Rates der hot Wedding Invitations I:a Nets, t t•e t) i Ile -t I' 1'he F• I \' ; k .1 oil The Advocate OIlice„Exeter TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JUN E 1s, 1908. SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable We are offering this week a ili Rediicliou ill ais1s Now is your time to select from the largest and best assortment we have shown for years. Prices as follows: Regular $1.00, now $ .90 u 1.25 ” 1.00 f it 1.50 " 1.25 11 1.75 " 1.50 Regular $2.00. now $1.50 " 2.25 " 1.75 2.75 2.25 " 3.00 " 2.50 Who will be the first to take advantage of these prices `r Don't forget we still carry the `a ASTORIA'r SHOE. No finer in town for style and quality. Highest price paid for produce. CARLINGir BROS. Clearing Sale of All Summer Goods Fancy Dress Muslins White Dress Muslins Black Dress Muslins White and Colored Dress Ducks Chambrays and Ginghams Embroideries (specials at 5c yard) White Underskirts ($1.50 skirt for $1.19) Corset Covers (50c quality for 38c) Lawn Waists ($1.25 waist for 98c) Summer Corsets (50c quality for 45e) SUMMER MILLINERY LADIES, Every Hat in our Show Room must be sold. Some of the Prettiest Hats of the Season to be disposed of at a Great Sacrifice. SNELL & ROWE Professtonal• Cards. /e Da. 0.1. BOULSTON, L. D. 8„ D. D. 8. DHNTIST Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: Over Dickson A ('arling' s Law• Dake, in Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. ablDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto Unlveristy. DENTIST, :Nth eatracted without any pain, or any bad aeon' Mei over Madman * Stanbury's office. Maln street beta. Medical DR. T. P. McLAI'(iIILIN FeCAIRNS, VETERINARY SrRGEON, 1 Sue.•eeeor to DR. Raws.ty, Spe-ial Attention to Dentistry. Night ralls left at the home of Mr. Peter Barden Main ,tree, (opp Triritt Memorial Church), will be promptly it:ended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Otfcc-Dr. Ramsay•a old stand, corner of Main and North street*, (opp. I'ym's Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited. Brick and Tile for Sale The undersigned has a large quantity of Arst•rlase rig: k and tile for sale on his yards, situated opposite the grtat mill at Crediton Eat. Satisfaction guar. anteed. It will be toyour Interest to call and make an inepe• t.cn before 1.11, Me elsewhere. JOSEPH IIAIST, C'rtditon East Has resumed practi,-e after !pending a year (Col. lege) at British and Continentahospitals. oeneral „L++++++++44+++++++++++++44 practice with special attention to Eye, (with refrac• tion) Ear, Nae end Throat. OtTi•e. Dashwpod. Ont. Leis!. DICKSON A /'ARLiNO, BARRISTERS. .SOLICI- ton, Notaries. ('onveyan -ens, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molscns Bank. et,. Money to Lose at lo•weet rates of Interest. Ofi1. es, Wan street, Exeter, I. a. Oasua•, a &., L, H. Dlcssoa MONEY TO LOAN. -_ we have a large amount of prh►te funds to lose s farm and village pr•per:Iµ, at low rates of Inter eat. OLAUMAN R STANBI'RY, Barri•trr•, S,.11. itcc,Main et.. F..oeter On - B. S. \HiLLiPS, ExETER. Licensed Auctioneer. Sales attended in a:1 par:•. Satisfy tion guaran teed or no pa Terms reasonable. All orders left at Ail, mate om-e will be promptly attended to. William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal in'erporated Society of Morn, lane, England; Organiet of Truitt Memorial Chile h.F.neter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory of Music. Terme on application. Exeter, Ont. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. House For Sale. in the Village of Exner. , t:rated on Rime:* street, a frame dwelling, t stories. kitchen and woodshed, stable, toot well, one fifth acre of land. All in good Will to *old reasonable. Apply at thia cmc Cottage to Rent. A frame cottage, in good repair, and at reasonable rental. Apply at this Mee. SUMMER SCHOOL.. Our rnsvacem, Ili 1r01. n nee out., Ttele than sur other in erntario' here must be a tca.cn: write for ,t Special Coarse for Teachers Mail Coarsen CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (;.o ipntton, Principal. 'a'i'• -1'44}4-+++++++4•)'44+4+{'f+-t+ 1 House and Land for Sale. The undersigned ie offering for sale hi. house and land on Huron Street East. The house lc of frame and U in good repair. Thr land consists of 1acres in good condition. Coo.) aatkr-hard Indsoft. Coal stable. Some good Irk trees, etc. Poaeee- •ion given row or in the fall. Apply at the home • Abraham Dearng, Jr.,'imcoe Street. WM. 8. itAKER. Ontario Liquor License Act Li r•. •r D'.etri. t of South Huron. Notice is here- by gr•ren that Thomas ('ook of the Village ci I:x(ter has made application for permiasion to transfer his Village tavern licen.e at Exeter to Reber% W. Pinney of Exeter. and that the said application will be considered at the meeting of the Mani of Lcen,e Commissioners, to he held at the Man*ion Route, In Village of Exeter, on the 26th day of June, 19(C, at the hone of 10 a.m. All person* interested will govern themselves a-- cordingly. John Torrance, Licenee inapt.. for Dated at Clinton. this 9th day of June, 1005. Farm Help Wanted, An experienced farm hand. Good water Apply :n person st the Advocate office. - For Sale. Good frsmr dwelling hong. and stable, tote Nos 1:.\), 121 and 1:2, en the seats W.le of the take Road, Eeettr, Ontario. the prop.arte elf the late R.,lian, Hoskin, For partirutare apply to RICHARD 11te.KIN Kirkton, MRS. Jo11N M• LAUGtll.lN, Exeter, MeatEft AMY, StephenTpt, Exe' utors, or to GLADIIAN h STANBI'RY, i ltarr•t.n, ratter County Council Doings. Ire netti.•ti of Messrs. I3obier and Taylor, that the engineer examine the Exeter bridge and have it put in re- pair. Re motion of Messrs. McDermiad and McKay, that the bridge built by Tuckersnlith and Stanley be assumed by the county hereafter. Re motion of Messrs. Petty and Hawkins for grant of $20 to Ilensall horse show, that no action be taken, as it has not yet complied with condi- tions of the Agricultural Act. The tr'easurer's estimate of receipts and expenditures for the year are as follows: EXPENDITURES. Administration of justice., $ 5,500.00 Jail account 2,200.00 Division Court jury fund 100.00 Schools 15,000.00 School management..... 2,800.00 Miscellaneous grants... .... 2,000.00 Municipal government 5,500.00 Stationery and printing, etc. 1,000.00 Lunatics and charities 600.00 Interest 500.00 County property 1,500.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Industrial home 0,000.00 Roads and bridges 30,762.17 Sterling debentures .... 5,500.00 Currency debentures2,000.00 RECEIPTS Registry office Licenses Surplus 1907 $81,002.17 $1,200.00 800.00 0,800.79 $8,809.70 Antt.to he raised by taxation $72,252.38 The house of refuge committee rec- ommended that proper fire protection be provided for the new addition, as there was none, and the rate of insur- ance would be increased by 50 per cent. unless this were done. The com- mittee found the buildings and prem- ises neatly kept, the inmates clean and contented and the crops of different kinds looking well and the general till- age of the farm good. Inspector Tom reported there were 132 teachers in West Huron at the close of 1907. Twelve held first-class certificates, forty-eight held seconds and seventy-one thirds. In 1897 there were three holding firsts, fifty-six holding seconds and seventy-four thirds. in 190; there wet e thirty-eight men teaching at an average salary of $500, and ninety-four women at no average salary cf $412. There were fifty-eight men, receiving nn average of $380,in 1907 and seventy•flye women, getting an average of $261. The twen- ty-four regular teachers in the urban schools at the close of 1907 were all re- tained for 1908, but thirty-six of the 107 rural divisions changed teachers. 31r. Tom strongly advocated school libraries. For 1908 the Legislature voted a special grant of $0,000 ($1,000 more than last year) in aid of rural school libraries, as an additional per- centage on the value of all library books purchased between July 1st, 1907, and October 1st, 1908. There is also a grant on the total value of all hooks in the library. Before October 1st, 1908. every school section should have a library of at least $20 worth of books. - Cut flowers khould be unpacked and put in water to which a pinch of salt has been added. It is also very im- portant that the ends of the stems could be snipped off with a knife or a pair of scissors. Auction Sale Town Property and Household Effects There ' i:1 1 oAe red for *ale l r public auction on the premises part of l.ot 9 and lar, Sanders street, Exeter on Saturday June "-; th t 1.30 o'clock p. m. There is on the premixes a good frame house in grit. class repair, frame stable, hard and soft water and a number choice fruit trees. A number household ef- forts will also be sold at the tame time and place. JOHN GILL, Auct. ROi1T. PINNEY, Prop. To Justices of the Peace. The Ontario Statutes for 1008 bare been teethed by the undersigned for distribution and may be ob- tained by Justices and others entitled to the same upon application. (iodertch, 10th June, lits. C. BEARER, Clerk of the Peace, lluron. Farm For Sale or Rent. The ungi r•iined is offerin • fcr sale or rent that desirable farm in the township of McGillivray, be• ing Lot 4. Con. U. containing icer acres of Ant class land. There Is on the premixes good Leask house a batik ban, and other out building., 10 aces, good bush, all well drained and fenced. This is one of the beet farms in Maiillirray township and will be sold or rented on reasonable terms. For perticnlare ap ply to D STEWART, Mount Carmel. SILO WANTED. Mile/ ViniJJt?JVl)trtr'iC'> QUOt)4riZert? +iitecstieoasnakoreasEt cotaaav 1. 1{. Carling was in London Tues- day. Uiss Lulu 31artin is visiting in Dor- chester. - \\ . H. Alger was in St. Thomas over Sunday. \L'. L Atmstrong was in London SaUudny. Ur. and .Urs. W. S. Cole were in Lucas Sunday. Miss Annie Maud Davis visited with friends in Crediton on Sunday. Misses Neva Snell and Nora Nichol- son of London are visiting here. Mr. and \fes. Norman Patterson were in Wroxeter over Sunday. Mr. T. Cook of the Mansion House was in I ondon last week. Mr. Ed. Beaver, formerly of Jones & Clark, visited here part of the week. Mrs. Nesmith of Milverton is the geguestrtof her sister, Mrs. A. E. Hod - Mrs. Mark Mitchell of London is visiting her father, Mr. Philip Row- cliffe. Miss Ella McPherson of Hensall vis- ited her sister, Mrs. J. T. O'Brien over Sunday. Mr. Arthur Knox of Blyth is reliev- ing at thsdepot during Mr. S. Bob- ier's absence. Mrs. Chas. Lindenfelt and son Ed- ward have returned from a three weeks' visit at Godericb. Mrs. Simon Campbell and daughter, Miss Vera spent a few days last week with relatives at Motherwell. Miss Ida May Welsh of London spent a few days this week the guest of Mise Velma Easterbrook. Mr. Percy Parkinson, who has been attending tbe Bissell College at Effing- ham, Ill., bas returned home. Mr. F. W. Gladman attended the High Court of Canadian Order of For- esters at Niagara Falls last week. Mrs. J. . Stanbury and children are visiting Mrs. Stanbury'e parents, Dr. and Mrs. Eastwood of Whitby. Mrs. A. J. Snell and son, of Winni- peg, and Miss Vera Snell of Wood- stock are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Snell, Mrs. Ida Robjnson, who bas been the guest of Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook, returned to her home at Niagara Falls, N. Y.. Saturday. Mr. Robt. Willis of Chicago, is spending a few days with relatives and friends in town, having arrived Wednesday morning. Mr. G. H. Hughes, who spent the lattus-pc^t of last week the guest of Mi'. and Mrs. Thos. Fitton, returned to Montreal on Saturday. Mrs. Andrew Hicks of Riverside. California, arrived here Friday night and will visit with friends here for a few weeks. Mrs. Chas. Seawright returned last Friday from a visit in Westfield, N. 1'., accompanied by her mother and daughter, who will spend the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon are at- tending the marriage of the former's cousin, Miss Edna Seldon of Ingersoll to Mr. Kerr of the Merchants Bank, Ingersoll. Mrs. E. Birk, who has been residing with het' father, Mr. Thos. Dearing, left Monday evening for Petoska, Mich., where she intends remaining indefinitely. Mr. Shirley Bobier and Miss Norma Bobier are visiting in Buffalo, while Mrs. Bobier and two children are visit- ing Mrs. Bobier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Drmkwater, at London. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cobbledick, of Calgary. Alta., who have been visit- ing Ontario friends for the past few weeks, are now visiting Exeter friends and prior to returning to their home in the West. IJE1!`( N.% 1 . itev. W. M. Martin was in London hast week. While their he officiated at the marriage of Miss Irene Tait, daughter of Alex. Tait, who was a tor - mer resident of Exeter and associated with Mr. James Murray in the foun- dry business. The groom was T. E. Jackson of London. ADDITIONAL LOCAL$ Gerald Fitton is recovering nicely from his illness. Fred Bowden is under the doctor's care at his horse. Miss Jessie Brick*ood of Exeter north, was quite ill last week, but is improving. The event of the season will be the Garden Party on the Rectory lawn, Friday evening, June 20th. While assisting in raising a barn be- longing to James Brooks of the 5th concession of Vsborne Wm. J, Ford of ['shortie had one of his fingers sev- erely smashed, a They Went Fishing Several of the members of the isaak Walton Fishing Club of Exeter went to Grand Bend op Friday to enjoy their annual fish in the waters of old Lake Huron. With the Pastrnasters in the art of angling were several ap- ,licants for memherehip in the club, nd they were duly initiated into the mysteries of the organization at Grand Mend, before repairing to the lake shore. The day was tine and appar- antly the elements were in proper con- dition for the sport, as the catch from off the dock as well as from the boats at the stakes was very large, some of the boys gathering in as many as four dozen fine perch. Needless to say all enjoyed the day to the full, and nisch age advice was given the new mem- bers by the older fishermen, such as be President, N. D. Hurden, the Vice -President. A. G. Dyer, and the chief boatswain, Jame, sweet. Un the way home the three mentioned officers were re-elected and a notnber of new offlees ctt'eated for the newly initiated. RR it ie a rule of the club that each member most hold an tare. even if the office ha- to be created tot the man. WANTED -to minhese stare •rlo in goof repair. a Apply to L DAY, Exeter. COWS FOR SALE. Two new Milch cw• 1.00,1 grade ,ow. to F. CONLIN, Centra. a Farm for Sale. APO!, That chole, farm, being composed of Lot 15, in Con. 4. t•eborne, in the Countyof Huron, containing 8 100 acres, 95 cleared and 5 ardwood trash. 0004 brick dwelling. large,,ommodioue bank barn: drive house, pig house. good orchard, never-fallingR wells of water Thi. ie a choice,elean farm In ahigh state o1 cultivation ('on'enient to church and school, and within 2,S melee of Exeter. if not sold era Mery on or before the ":ted day of June, it will to *old by publi- auction on the premise, on the ch DAY OF JULY, 19 e.4, at .n o'cla k p. m. Easy teres of payment, hunt he sold owing to healtto h lltandproprietor, JOHN N. PERKINS. For particular. apply to Tlff((1iw. CAMERON, Auctioneer, Farquhar. • Mt', Thos, Bis-ett con -salted an eye specialist in Loudon on 'Wednesday. W. J. Bissett accompanied hint. Mies Anna Martin will take part in the program in cnmt)ection with the lawn social at Kipper* Friday evening. Mrs. E. Christie expects to leave the latter part of the week to visither daughter, \Ins. Rogers. Chicago, for a mouth. Mrs. Richard Davis, Jr., on Wednes- day afternoon entertained a few of the ladies of town to a quilting patty, in honor of her mother, Mrs. Lowe, the occasion being the tatter's birthday. That the ladies assembled were near the alloted period of life's span will be understood when it is known that the guest of honor has attained her 73rd year, but is happy, hale and hearty, and contemplates going on a visit to the Northwest in the near future. To believe that all enjoyed themselves is only to know Mrs. Davis and her mother. Oddfellows Fraternalize. On Tuesday afternoon the delegates of the different lodges of Oddfellows of this district met in convention in the Oddfellows' Hall, Exeter, for the pur- pose of transacting the usual district business. The chair was occupied by the D. D. G. M., Bro. J. G. Stanbuty. The retain duty of the afternoon was the electing of a new'D. D. G. M. and the choice fell upon a tried and true member of Clinton Lodge, Bro. Jacob Taylor. The occasion of the District Meeting was taken advantage of by the Exeter brethren to hold a lodge of instruction in degree work. And after the usual routine business of the evening meet- ing the work was commenced. About one hundred and twenty-five members of tbe order were present, many visitors coming from Seaforth, Hensall and Brucefleld, as well as the third degree team of Clinton lodge. The work of the second and third degrees was exemplified, the former by the Exeter lodge and the latter by Clinton lodge. Both teams did excel- lent work and they were highly com- plimented by the brethren who ad- dressed the sleeting at its close. After clotting the lodge the brethren repaired to the Town Hall, where Bro. W. J. Statham had prepared an excel- lent supper, to which all did ample justice. The roots had been nicely decorated by Bro. Statham with bunt- ing, etc., which added considerably to the enjoyment of the occasion. Thus ended one of the most pleasant and profitable evening that the mem- bers of the order had ever enjoyed in Exeter. A Happy Recognition. On Tuesday afternoon the home of Mr. and \IIs. A. Hastings was the scene of a gathering of a large number of friends for the purpose of express- ing their ['egret ou the occasion of the departure of one of their number, Mrs. (Dr.) Amos, and recognizing in a hap- py manner her worth and the true sentiment of regard entertained for her. An address of a very flattering character was read by Mrs. F. J. Knight, followed by appropriate ad- dresses from Hev. Martin and I)r. Bright. Refreshments were served and a pleasant time was spent, when all separated with feelings too deep for words to express of the personal loss each sustains in the removal from our midst of a friend whom to know is to highly esteem. Mrs. Amos leaves shortly to join her husband in Ray- mond, Alta. Following is the address: Exeter, June 15th, 1908 To Mrs. i Dr.1 Amos, Exeter, tint. Dear Madam: The Woman's institute having heard with great regret your idles- ment from the position of president of the society, and your contemplated re• tuoval from town, take this oppor- tunity of placing on record the deep sense of loss we sustain, and also an expression of our appreciation of the enduring work you have been able to accomplish'in the institute by your zeal, ability and faithfulness. During your Until of office you have always had the hest interests of the society at heart, your pleasant, affable manner has drawn the members closer to you, and hence closer to one anoth- er, while the skill with whieh you have controlled and directed the affairs of the Institute in this town has gone a long way to placing it upon a secure and lasting foundation. Not only do We regret your depar- : are which will remove yon from our Society, but also r e feel the loss your absence will n, .u. lrp the social lite of our numerous friends, to whom yon have attached pill USI.,If most strongly. We hope and pray that your life u1 the great and bu.y West may be a happy one, and the feel sure you will find many channels of usafuluess in which you can engage the many tal- ents with which you have been richly endowed. Be assured you carry with you the truest and best tt'isbc of all the mem- bers of this Institute, and we trust your relationship has proven 80 pleas- ant to you that you will cherish in your heart the many occasions in which we met together under the au- spices of the Woman's Institute of dear old Exeter. Signed—Mrs. F. J. Knight, Mrs. A. Hastings. BIRTHS SANDERS -In Exeter, on June 15, to the wife of S. M. Sanders, a son. SIJIPsON-At Moorseville, on June 14, to Ab. Simpson and wife a daugh- ter. BRODERICK-At the Town Line, Hay, on June 8, to Mr and Mrs. Elgar Broderick, a son. GELiNAS-At the Bauble Line, Hay, on June 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gelinae, a daughter. MAGRIAMIS. WASS-TAYLOR-At Zion, on June 10, Mr. J. M. Wass of Granton, to Miss Bertha J., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor of Zion. Mafiosi-HEIDEMAN-At Clinton, on June 10th, by Rev. W.• J. Jolliffe, Mary J., daughter of Edward Heide- man, Exeter, to William A. Mason of Clinton. PUMFREY-HUNSICKEit-At Hanley, Sask., on June 10th, L. Gertrude, only daughter of Harry J. Hunsick- er, to Walter L. Pumfrey, formerly of Exeter. EoaN-GRAHAJI—In London, at St. Mary'.[ Ohurch, on June 15, Francis .4. Egan of Biddulph, to Agnes Ver- ona Graham, of London. McTAvistr -TAYLOR.-In Exeter. on June 17th, by Hev. A. H. Going, Joseph McTavish, of Shakespeare, to Mks Margaret Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, of Exeter, DEATHS HALT. -in Mitchell, on June 7, Thomas 0. Hall, in bis 21st year. TAYt.oR-in St. Marys, on Sunday, June 7, William Taylor, aged 82 years. Wicees-In Starr]. y, on June 7th, Charles Weeks, aged 71 years and 3 months. BANKS -In Crediton, on June 13th, Arthur Herbert Banes, son of Joseph Banes, aged 25 years, 6 months and 11 days. DotariteRTy-In Mitchell, on June (1, Elizabeth Laving, beloved daughter of Jars. Pattrick Dougherty, aged 26 years. Cool: -in Exeter, on June 13, William A. Cook, stepson of Mr. Wm. Han- ders, aged 29 years, 2 months and 8 days. Going on a Vacation ? 1f so, call at THE PURITY and get a supply of ENJOVME cosmetics and keep up the appearance. IIere are some of the seasonable articles: Enjoyme Quince and Almond Cream removes tan and cools the skin -25c. Enjoyme Medicinal Jelly feeds and builds up the worn out skin -25c. Enjoyme Tooth ('ream is soft cream whirl thoroly cleans the teeth-I'3c. Enjoyme Eau De Quinine Hair Tcnic hest for dandruff or hair growing. Enjoyme Foot }':ase, hest out for tired, tender feet :':r• Hose Shampoo, the best head wash, great for dan(11off ton. Taletlrlt Powders, Toilet Waters, Soaps and Perfumes in variety. Call and see for y.n1rnrl1 at THE PURITY Watch Window. Can. Exp.ltldg. For the Hot Weather • .• • I Coal Oil Stoves, small 75c to $1,35 " " one minute, wickless.. for $10.00 only Vapor Gasolene Stoves, from 95.00 up Gasolene Cans, hold 4 gale with Lamp (no evaporation) for $2.00 only Hammocks, (a swell lino) 92.50 to 94.75 Screen Doors $1.00 to 91.50 t/ Windows 20 ct.l to 40 cts Light Step Ladders; very latest . .81.00 to $1.50 Curtain Stretchers, complete81.40 per set Lawn Mowers $1 75 to $5.50 Semour's Floor Paint .15c per (jimi t " 100 per cent Pure Paint. . 25e and r,0c Fishing Tackle of every description. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE