Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-11, Page 7Another Modern Miracle Paralysis Permanently Cured The Sufferer Paralysed From Waist to Feet—Encased in Plaster of Fula for rine Months— Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cure After lour Doctors Had Failed—Tho Cure Vouched for by a Well known Clergyman. Paralysis. no matter how 'slight, is a terrible aflli; t:on, but to Lo paralyzed from waist to the feel, to bo a helpless cripple, totally dependent upon what others do for you, is a condition as wretched as man could possibly bear. Such was 11:e state of Mr. Allan J. ,e.c- ` rionald, of Inco Point, P.E.I. For over a year ho was a helpless invalkl. Ile was paralyzed from his waist to his feet and for nine months lay in bed enca_;.d in a plaster or Auris cast. Four el lee hest doctors in Prince Edward Island were unab:e to help him and Ito veined doomed to a life of misery and de -pair. But, topo came to hire when he read of what Dr. \Vill•ams' Pink I'i1Ls had done for other sufferers from paralysis. ile procured a supply o! the Pills and Bogan laking them. Gradually they broke the chuins of dis- ease that bound him, and filled his whole betty with new blood, life and vigor. Mr. McDonald says:—'1 am a farmer and in consequence have a great deal o4 hard work to do. One day while about my work I injured my tack, but at the time I paid little at- tcnt.olt to the injury and continued my work. As time went on, though, the pain tecame more severe and I coon found rnyself unable to lift any- thing no matter how light. r It was not long before I had to top work al- together and consult a doctor. Ile treated me Lut his treatment did not !Delp me and 1 rapidly grew worse. 1 had to take to my ted, and in the hope that my spine might receive strength 1 was encascrl in plaster el auris cast. This did not help me and could feel the paralysis slowly creep - Ing over me till 1 was totally paralys- ed from my waist to my feel. 1 lost all control over any bowels and bled - der and my legs had no more feeling then if they were made of woou. Three other doctors strived to cure me, but their ireatment akso was a failure, end for over eleven month 1 lay in bed unable to move. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were then advised and I was sheen testimonials of others who had been curet of paralysis through them. I bought a supply and In ksy than three months they made a remarkable change in mc. 1 was oblo to get out of led and crawl along the floor on my Mande and knees. Gradually my limbs bc"ame stronger. Soon 1 could walk with the aid of a cane and inside i f nine months after I had begun the use of the Pills I loss totally cu►cd, and once more able to do light work. Noe, 1 am as strong as ever 1 was and can do my work about the farm without the least trouble. 1 think Dr. W(l- lioms' Pink Pills are without an equal, for, besides Iny own case, 1 know of two other cases of paralysis cured by thein. Two young gins who had teen cripples and whom I advised to try the fills." In corroboration of what Mr. Mc- Donald says, the Rev. D. \tacl.aren f Charlottetown, P. E. 1., ivr•'ns:--"I vis- ited Tlr. M.:Donald many tines during has illness. Ile was attended by three or more doctors and put in pluster parts, and everything imaginable which might Le of benefit was dons for liim without success. Ile had lost all rower of his body from his waist down, and I think he was neatly a year un- der treatment tefere he began to use 1)r Williams' Pink Pills. 1 was with him the day he first moved his Lig too and from that time on he grcaually improved and for the Itist few years he fres burn perfectly well. 1 can vouch for the curt 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills effected in his case." 1f you are sF Ic anti the treatment you are now taking does not help you, give Dr. Williams' Pink ('ills a fair trial. They have cured thousands af- ter doctors and other medical treat- ment had hopelessly failed. These Pills actually nulke new, rich, ref blood, feed the starved nerves ana bring health and strength to every Pert of the Body. This is why Dr, Wile lime fink Pills curt such apparently hopeless cassis as Mr. elctonald's, and it is why they have cured thousands and thousands of sick, discouraged people; in every port of the world. `o by all medicine dealers or by mail at ,e,0 cents a box or six boxes for 82.53 frcm The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE PEWS BY MAIi. FROM IRi:1..\NU'S 811OIIES. Ilappenings In the Emerald Isla oI Interest to Irish- men. A furniture store on the premises of Peter Carrigan, Castleblayney, was gutt- ed by lire. A Cann at Senfin, near Newry, contain- 1ng six acres, held at a rental of $11.90, was sold for 8500. Robert McBrien, nged 76, who had lived alone al Ardces, County Ferman- agh, was found dead in his house. An inmate of the Belfast Union named Bernard Maguire was choked to death by a piece of nhent while rel dinner. Miss Allee Bice, postmfstresn of Bur- rin, Co. Clare. has been promoted to be 4se- postrnislress at Kinv'arn, ('nunly Galway. ellchncl i.ee, of Kilgnritf, Go. Galway, was struck by the shaft of n curl. break- ing his neck and killing hien Instantly. A new pipe organ, the gift of the lade Mr. Samuel Crosbie, of Bangor, mating 83.000 has been erected in lite First Ban- gor church. As a middle-aged man name() John Devlin, of I(ilsenan, (:cokstown, was en his way to mna.. he fill dead on the road from henrt disease. A budge of the Clones Yeoman Cnv- alry. which existed at the end of the 181h century. was pio,ighed up in a field at 1.1scgiterten, Co. 11Mnnghnn, II was lenrnerl that three cows found dead in it field in King's county had been Finned by eating leaves from palm trees, blown (hewn near there. A niol,nlnin ewe. the property of Fran- cfs Scnlinn, of )ootsh, County Tyrone, gave birth to five Iambs. All the little animals are living and doing well. James cement), Inwn pnshnan, Clnr- rrksn-Shannon, has just completed his twenty-fifth year of service. and has re- ceived the fifth stripe. denoting his long and faithful ltervice. By a fire which ens first discovered by the barking of n dog. all the oul- Ix.uses of les. Allen. a farmer, of Quig- kv's Point. (aunty Derry, were totally dtstmyel toy fire recently. In Kendv Co, Armagh. n mw being driven 1hreugh the street suddenly bolt- ed. and. entering the shop of a grocer, ran upstairs and mnde its way into the d:nenikrte m, from which 11 was finally e.. toy .1 (�i h(cre. late head masher of the Jetrllzpnrsa National sethnnl, County Di wn. was merle the re'ipient n K'vv night; aha 0f n putae el sovereigns and �atsstars. Wilson's FLY PADS direr hundred times het. to than ttl.ky paper. NO DEAD I LIES LUSO ABOUT BOLI ey all Pr eel.:c ar. l General Stores serol by TEV CENTS FIR PACKET FRU■ APO 1DALE: WILSON, HAMILTON, 'ANT. net address, on the occasion of his re- tirement from the position. A magnificent limestone monument, In the toren of a Celtic cross, is to he crect- 61 to the memory of Rev. James J. Flynn, C.C., whose early and lamented death In July, 1906, caused widespread grief in Co. Colway. - According to the last census. the pop- ulation of Dungannon was 3,691 persons; C'ookslown, 3.509; Omagh, 4,789; Stra- bane. 5.033. The statute area of Tyrone Is 778,913 acres, and the population In 11101 was slated to be 150,567. Tho 8500 in bank notes which disap- peared mysteriously frorn the tinllagh- derreen posloffice some months ago has been found by the postmistress. The missing notes were jammed between the drawer and the back of the safe. A presentation of n silver medal and illuminated address was made recently le William 1). Wall by his friends in Newry in recognition of his splendid work its head master of the Newry Model school. from which he retired after 38 years' service. "TI -i F NE\'V FOOD" Have you tried a pacicage of "T/I8 NEW 1'(x1)"? 11 is made of the Choic- est \\'I1.'o Wheat, then abeam-coikcdand flake I. No kitchen can produce a bet- ter rr►ado or cleaner article for hwnan can sumpL.on. In order to Introduce "IDE NEW FOOD" a p:ize has been placed in every pack- age. Already TillirrY-SIX Blue Cards (461.ng fes: LADIES' GOLD \VATCi1 'S, have been redeemed, anti SEVENTY- lied EVE Y - Bed (lards. Each ono of these turtle has been found in a package of "NEW FOOD." The Red Cords g ve the finder the clot .e of the fnll:,w ng ai L c•cs: B -.y Sickle Watch. "Our Pale" Galt Nb Fountain Pen. Bureau Cover, Duels., I'aa rn, Four Pieces. Table Cover, One Yard Square, Dap Malde. Baby Ring, Sold Gold. S deboard Covers, Two Yards Leng, Lineal. (q, en Salt Cellars, Cut Gloss, Sleriing S Ivor Top. (Cold Melt Fork, Sliver -plated, Rogers' iN'•t cit:sate. N.ck C1,ain.s, 14k Gull -filled, ('lace far PhAns. l.adie. B -ick Comb, Torl)iso Shell, Sel ?,Vith Bri1'4tnte. 5 gnel ling, 10k Gold, Place for I'wA Initials. ' A new 1' l sf prize; have been placed in the Fncka,:e . Ask your aro-• r 1 r a package Of "Tell: NI;W FOOD." Belfast (',orperntion recently presented thf Earl n( `ihrrfteseury with the freedom of the city, in n golden casket, in recngni• tion of his services as lord Mayor. Alias Mcfaffrey, Irish lace Instructr• s. al Tempa, whole cycling down a steep hill. was seriously Injured by lite ma- chine dashing into a stone bridge. in consequence of the strike at the Artgna mines, the people of Carrick and ether towns In Leitrim are getting large e.,nsignments of Dual from other parts of Ireland. The employees at Murphy & Steven- scn's %caving factory, )remore, co. hewn, have struck work as a protest against the system of fines. About 400 wcrkens are involved, \\'iltiem Delaney, auctioneer, for Mrs. Burke. dlsposel of a farm of Mout IS Irish acres near Borrlsoleigh by puLllc suction for the F'.m of $3,000 and ave. fiancee's Ices. SACRIFICE 40100 13.1:PlIAA9'S. Each Year Ower 800 Tons of Ivory are Rroutlht to Loudon. Loudon is the ivory market of the world. Each year nem is brought to that city over 800 tons of ivory, which in, ane tato saeratce ca 40,000 elephants 'I h s, however, dais not swan that that number et animals was lolled the year lefure, for ivory has for years been the measure of 'etlth in many pates of Africa, and there exst hug stores of tusks, the eceumulatons of scores of years. '1'hso lu ks 1ho ehef- ello own Iwai ate gradually s hang t) traders, s., that a luso;. hr aig'.t to 1nn- don this year may have b.•to:lgod to an ele, h int that laved ce nturir'-s age At present the louden (kcks lr 1.1, it is estimated, ivory worth $750.W0. At a single en'e recently a third of this amount was disco -el el. \lo>t of th:, w -rd's supply of ivory comes fr m Atr:cu, with shall quanti- (es from Ceylon ant India. Teat from Afr:ea, however, is the moot valuable on aeount of its size and qualty. A rair of to-rs from Uganda were 10 feet long, ve-:ghed 140 pounds each a -d brought $1,51). The mord weight for a bus's Is 180 pounds. TIIE ELDER SISTER. Thera is no character in Iho home c r- cr.: ntoro use tit and• beautiful than a devoted elder sister who st ends siee by side with the Wiling mother, lightening a1! her cares and. burdens. !low beau- t.ful the hx,us'he ld macho:ery t:oves on with au:'h e1I1cicnl hel,/l Now she pre- sides at the thblo in her mothers ow- seno', always so neatly alt rod that it is welt pd ..° the father introdtr•os her to hks guest as "our oldest daughter." Now site takes a little troop into the garde h wee her and amuses thein, :o !nether may riot Ix' dsturbed in her work or her rest. Now sho helps the lk ys with their hard Lessons or reads fathers paper aloud to rest his tired eyes. If mother can run, away for a few Gays' retreat► n she leaves home with- out any anx°ely, for Mary will guide her house wisely and happily in her ab- sentia. But in lite s a room her pres• en'_e Is an especial blessing. Her hand is next to mother's own in gentleness and .4511. Iler sweet music can charm any pain, and brighten the weariest hours. Theie tiro elder sisters whose presence is not such a bluing in the home. Their own selfish ends and aims are the main pursuits in life, and any- thing that stank in the way of these is regarded with great impatience. Suck daughters nee no comfort Le a mother's heart. \Vh ch kind of an elder sister are you in the household? FOUND HEALTH FOR ALL CHILDREN Disease attacks the little ones through the digestive organs. Baby's Own Tablets are the best thing in the wet rad for all stomach and bowel trou- hks of children. They act quickly anu ft r c bFxs'�ni :e: E$�.•��l' fie'ce eSal � �e;� Tablets can be crushed to a powder or dssolvcd in water. Mrs. Wni. F. Gay, St. Ekanois, P. E. 1., says:—"I know of nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets fu r the curd of stomn_h and towel troubles. I cannot speak too highly of this medicine and do not feel safe with- out a box of Tablets in the house." Sold by medicine (dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Irate, but Unmusical 1'allter—"For gracious sake, Mary, give us a rest!" Daughter (still playing) --"Can't do it pa. There's none In the music." PANGO. Is flighty recommended cs affording in- stant relief from pain—Neuralgia, Head- ache, Gout, 'Rhewnnhsm, Catarrhal Colds. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists cr Lyman Bros. dr Go., wholesale drug- gists, Toronto. A tramp applying for a job was naked whether he could do any gardening, " Ycs'n," replied the seedy one, "Then will you plant these shrubs?" "I don't think 1 could do that, Indy," '"Then, what can you (k)?" asked the mistress of the house. "We'll, ma'am. If you'll give me one of your husband's cigars 1'11 sit In the green -house and smoke ot.t the M- otels that's eating the leaves off them roses," Mother Graves' Worm Gxlerrninnlor has the largest sale of any similar pre- parat in reed lin Canaria. ll ahvays gives satls-faclie,n by etxtoring health to the little folks, "1 don't think It's very gond advice 10 give n boy to mint twenty before he gets angry and hits another boy for hitting him," said Archie, "I tried it to -(fay at school when Willie Anderson hit me, and before 1 got to three he'd hit me again. Then 1 began all over ngain, and just as 1 got to six he gave rno another meter the ear." "1'ou should count by tens, my boy," said Archle's father, Mabel—"And did your grandfather live to a green old age?" Jack —"Well. 1 should say so! Ile was swindled three lanes odor he was seventy." • The Judge (in the Court i eoml--"l ve lost my hat." The Lawyer --"Last your bat? That's nothing. Why, 1 lost a whole suit here yeslerdayr Many n man who claims to be eel?. made was made what he 1; by he wife. Black Watch Slack Plug The ChewingTobacco of jaty. 11!71 • fUSTOA BR 2y-• i3 MFt�V 1N+T M� J f3 GUREDt JJffjJIJ5 Mr. C. V. Mutant is a Customs Broker and Instlranc Agent at St. Catharines, Out. Ile writes the Zam-Fhk Co. as (oliews : " 1 have been a sufferer for years with itching piles. 1 hate shrnt many dollar, on advertised remedies ler files but got no relief. A friend of min• advised me to Iry Zanrlluk. 1 had but little faith in any remedy to cure me, but tried ene is x and 1 got relief at once. 1 have used fur hoses and am completely cured. 1 cannot thank you enough for such a wr.nderful curative salve. 1 have recommended ?.ant- Buk 11 in', friends and they too were cured." AIN -SUR Sold by all drug• gists and struts, «♦�. a the Zam• D.Il Cs..Toronto \VIIY \VE.&B IIA'rs? Away back in primitive times. there :s every reason to believe, monk red had a heal of thick and abundant hair. With the. passing of centuries, this hair has got thinner, until there seems a food proospeet of it, ultimately disappear:ng a.tcg_eher. But why? For the answer tea queston we must Knit to the mod( rn conditions of life. The alta'(• obvious cause is—the lint (1 c;vil:zation. The hat causes baldness by two d;l(er- ent methcds, First, .it creat s a fatally warm and moist atmosphere about the head. this steps therays of th t . necossery for the obi le:•al_ng of bac.- feria. In short, the hat forms a very sueceseful inicr•be-forcing frame, and these microbes it Is which deplete our hair. The but also retains its pos:tion on the head solely by pressure, and thus compresses the nrttres and veins. The blood cannot flow freely, and the organs whcli produce the hair lack nourishment. So the hat Is fa'nl to the pusseesion of good hair. On the other hand, it isn't really a necessity. Men would soon get used to going barehead- ed if they mads the att(xnpl—in fact, they would, in nest cases, Le very much healihier. It is only neces=nry to read the tesU- moniais to be convinced that Hollo- way's Corn Cure is unequalled for the removal of corns, warts, etc. It is a oom,pleto extin gufsher. Mistress (midnight)—"I don't Intend to cone down -stairs to let you in at this time of night again." New Girl (rens- suringly)—"You won't have to, mum. One of my friends took an impression of your lock and he's making a nice key for Inc." PANGO. nnld will be refunded where Fango fails, wh - a^lied ns directed, to telievo pain. Specially "'^enticd kr Neuralgia, headache, Rheumatism, Gout, Catarrhal Colds, etc, For rale 50 cents at all druggists or Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, wholesale druggists, . p- ronto. - "i never saw such a woman in all my life," said Ian- s; "you are never sat- isfied with anything." "People who know tl.c man 1 to.,k for a husband,' repLed Mrs. B,, "think, on the con- trary, that I am easily satisfied," WirAT DN) PPoPi.R NEED who are rue (Irma ann•mir, pals, ii,tle+t Ferrnrlm." the be*, tonic. it build*, maker strong it ghee new Ills. Sbe:e are many toric* but only outs '• Fnrwla A public -school magazine contains ails courteous announoilmen t: "l'he edi- tor will be very pleased to hear of the death.; of any of the old boys." No doubt the old boys will oblige the edi- tor from time to t no. It ler a well known tact that Ramsays Paints beautify and give life to every- thing They touch. Their brilliancy, pur- ity of color and power for cowering gives them unchallenged leadership. Your dealer sells thorn at a price that will please you, and guarantees every can. Write A. Ilainsay & Son Co., Montreal, ler pack of Souvenir Picture Poet (:arils of Boars. Ten^her (hutructing class on manners) --"Now, Willie newt', for example, If you were silting In :t ear, every seat occupied, and an oke laxly entered, what would you do?" Tommy--"1'lense, sir, I would pretend I was slcepin'." in the treatment of summer com- plaints, the meat effective remedy that can lie used is Dr. J. I). Kell•rg.K;s 1)y- schntcry Cordial. 1l 19 a standard pre- paration, and many people ecnploy it in p•eferenoo to other preparations. it Is a highly concentrated medicine and Its sedative and curative (pantos are 1*. gond question. It has Leen a I•opuler medicine for many years and thousands can attest its superior qualities in overcoming dysenkry and kindred cone pluinls. A GENUI::E COMFORTER. "My Loy Jimmy," said a farmer's wife io nn aequnlnlnnce, "is such a Irina. Iles that slow That molnsses'd run up hill fus- tern he'd auto down." "Iiellcr'n bcin' fast like my Joe," said the cyrniferter. "Yore can put your hind on a Flaw one." "Will Jimmy's se homely it downright nnnnye roe!" "Well stoat's better than my Jne wheel sr, good-es,king that the uny the girls run after hien keeps my heart in my month all the time, so it (lors." "Rid Jimmy's enrs nr' el big, that 'tie an nnneynneo le leek nt ihlm," "Alt," said the coniforter. "sure he cnn arae them to brash the files off the lop of his head with." IMMO MEMO Judge. -"lou are charged with breaking n chair over your wife's head.- Prier over—"il was nn ncei(k•nt, %our hence. - Judge -" on-r."Judge---" \What! 1Ikin't you netts l le, hit her?" Prisoner -"Yes. bra I ditht't in- tend to break les ,shalt." USES OF \\'MTI: OAK. Wood Employed for Everything From Ties to Furniture. \Mute oak is one theost .va 4 sir butyl and cn.mnof:erciullymunportunslyl Lees of the Unitx1 States, Int :ts total unnual product of over 2,000.000.000 foil c! lumtcr is more than double that of any oilier hardwood. The wood is compact and close grain - el, lased, toug"I, slro.:g. heavy and dur- able in contact with the soil. Ivy a le - cellar nude of sawing by whet' the Lonrds ate cut nearly paruliet to Ue• cite rayls, the s.lver grain is shovel, hurnlelling the handsomely figured pan- els. ceiling, and mould ng of "quarter- saw.el'' oak. \\'hite oak is the favorite timber for railro•d c:oss-ties, and rf th, 90,OJ0.(xo0 I e; purchased each year nearly one - late are of oak, the greater part of which are white oak. It as also an ideal material for tight cooperage nianufae- lurc. Other uses tare for car shot:. tear is. plankng, teams, d m n i n stuff of all sizes, ship building. feel I.nndies, waggon spokes and furnauic and I asket veneer. Itel onk and black oak exceed white oak in rapid growth and early matur- ity, but ih' latter has a marked advant- age in its greater atelity to withstand shading, in its longevity, and in its in- t.erent tesistaneo to decay, insects and tongs MONEY SA\'ED IS MON..' EARNED. Just now when money is scarce, it is well for every one to look nround and ren; where they can obtain their home anti Personal needs at the lowest cost. The W. 11. Scroggie, Limited, Depart- ment \V„ Montreal, Que., are fast mak- ing an enviable reputation for them- selves as "Universal Providers," and the people of Canada are not slow to lake advantage of the splendid money sav- ing in• < tf rsh makes hs tient k . m s t o customers not residing in Montreal. This firm has just issued a ulendid large beau- tifully illustrated Catalogue which is mailed free to anyone who asks for it. Better send for one to -day. \\'e under- stand that n1iite these prices are excep- tionally low they also pay transporta- tion charges on the goods they sell, something which no other flan of Itis kind in Canada. does. They are a thor- oughly reliable house and readily ex change anything which dces not giv absolute satisfaction or you can ge ycur money bawl( if you prefer a. Fuzzard—"Why do cull Mr. Wyzhmn the undertaker, a wolf in sheep's cloth- ing?" Mlizznrd—"ale never drives the boys out of his green apple orchard." In Nature's Storehouse There are Cu e;.—\'ed cal experim :nt; haveshoe n cr.nclusively that there are medicinal virttle's in even ordinary plants growing up around us which give them a value that cannot be cstimukd. It is held by some that Nature provides a cure for every disease which neglect and ignor- ance have visited upon plan. However, this may be, it is well known that Par - melee's Vegetable Pills, distilled from roots and herbs, aro a sovereign rem- edy In curing all disorders of the di- gestion. quan —the present 1 out the cost. average woman gets n double ' 'n oyrnent out of a present 4-1•1 trying to find PANGO. Will afford instant relief from pain caused by Neuralgia, headaches, Gout. Rheumatism, Catarrhal (:olds. Sample 56 Dents. All druggists or National Drug Co., London. Dennis—"Goin' t' shpend th' wake -end et Callahan's, are ycz? Ate phwat do yez call th' wake -end?" 'I'erence— 'Nhure, thot's Sathurday nolghl frorn th toime ycz dhraw yuro pay till the saloons close." MARK VITA DISTINCTION; A purely local dbsass of the skinlike barber's Itch, fe cored by Weavers !('orals alone. nut where the hind u loaded with impurity. such its Malt Rheum, Weaver's Syrup also should be used Mrs. Ruggs—"Why do you dislike Dr. Curern?" Mrs. Muggs--"ile cured my husband's rheumatism, so he can never tell when it is going to rnin. and Inst week 1 spotted a brand-new hat." A Cure for (oa(ivoness,-Cost v'cnese cemcs from the reforest of the excreter organs In ferl(n'n1 their dot's regular,) fiorn contributing causes, u•ualiy de - ordered digestion. Parnaeleees Vegetable Pals, prepared on scicntilie pr n:•Ipks, fire so compounded that certain Ingredi- ents in !Item pass throuith the stomach and act upon the bowels res as to re- move their torpor and amuse them to proper action. Many thousands are prepared to bear testimony to their pcwer in This resiect, "Yeeeum," said Sandy Pikes, as he de - mired the wedge el pumpkin pie, "I sternly object to the nefnrious practice o! clipping off de tails of dogs." "Ah 1 am glad you are so tenter -hearted 0v pent man." sympathize() the good house- wife. "Well. it ain't exactly dal, num. tut when a dog hasn't any tail 1 can't tell by de wag if the is in a good limner or not and it makes nie skeery about npproaching de house." -- Little \Vlllie"Pr,, what la n muse?" Pn—"That's the okl unsclent.fic name of the poetry microbe." TNU isst:. NO. 23-0S. INDtUEsTIoftIuPt:U Mr, Arthur Tennison, at London Street, Toronto, says : " For six or seven years 1 was troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia. Two much acidity of the stooaca, Ow donors said, originated the tronblea 1 tried mores of remedies without avail. Eventually 1 used NYC "r"a and this !roughs immediate relief and cur,." Ai druggists or stereo sm. Pre. pared only by Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd. Toronto. PnounouNCCD SI -KEEN Ye E mre-., _aa \VAS QUICK WORK. Chappie>--Ifnve a cigarette, old man? Sapleigh—No; 1 dorm smoke fool -kil- lers. Citapp!e—\Nell, I don't blame you for refusing to take chances. A Requisite for the Rancher.—On the cattle ranges of the West, where men and stock aro Inc from doctors and apothecaries, Dr. 'Phomas' Eckctric Ola is kept on hand by the ireeltigent as a ready mads medicine, not only for many human ills; but as a horseandBit cattle medicine of surpassing merit. A horse and cattle rancher will find matters gr<otly sinipl;tl, d by using this Oil. "Hello!" cried young Mr. New•liwed, en- tering the kitchen, "making some breed, chi Or is it cake?" "I don't know," re- plied the dear little bride, with a despair- ine frown. "I haven't finished yet." AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man in every olty and town in Canada with waterworks to sell a patent articie'needed in every horns, hotel and public baliding. Sells at sight. Hustlers can and are making 55.0u a day. `Trite at once for particulars. G•o. 1. Cole, Ow•n Hound, Ontario. FOR SALE. Lindsay upright piano all stool, $t15 ; 015 cash anti 54 per m ,nth. 7 1-3 octaves, three pedals handsome natural wood case, doable veneered, Ivory key., Sae tone and action. Only in use throe months. Fully guaranteed. A dna bargain. O. W. LINDSAY, Limited, 519 St. Catherine St. %Vest, Montreal. WANTEDme t•, hear from owner having A GOOD FARM for sale. Not particular about b,cation• Please give price and description, and rea- son for ser'ing. State whoa possession can be had. Will deal with owners only. L Darbyshlre, lloa 081, Rochest.r, N. Y. ( ( 4 4 4 4 4 ('/i'erz.1j e1. ru orAtto G(.%•u( 0 i-'1 ser— PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Beefs 8 Cheapest Canoed. Ski,J . Launches Eta SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR PRICES BEroRJl auv'NO A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGEN-i'S 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO PHONt M 1311 Stocks bought and sold on New York, Basten, Montreal and Toronto Sto^.k Exchanges 'or ta,h or ruarien. Orders kr Cobalt Storks elreut. ed .int itsootn Mipintt i:t- ch:titue or .f(nsitrn and dew York curb for utak, PlRI%.% i 1+\\ Iltls3. Correspondents -Chas. Ilend & Co., rnernbets of the New York and 11osk n S:o:k Exchange. QUEEN CITY WATER 0 1 WHITE Gives Perfect Light. fi FCC! SAI.t! BY DE1`.LERS EVERYWHERE