Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-11, Page 31
Great Typhoon Struck the West Australian
Pearling Fleet.
A d•spntch from Vet nee, B. C., ee s.
Ur:egiug n•w3 of an unprecekntd
ester 44 Ih pear! ng Pe't eif West Au-
bira:4e inv.,:ving the erste of 40 Tuggers
and 270 eves in a typhoon, the Caen-
dial-Aus ra son Liner Manlike urr.ved
0:1 We duo d:iy nfkrn on. '1'' o disaster
t.: tale Iket of the pearling tuggers oC-
currd Fete Thursday Oland, a typ'oon
striking the floe jive Hs it w•av start
L mg for 11e Ferri ng g ounds, `Salt ring
Ilii v,s; h, Soleil l••:eiy wrecking Sime
and drama others asho t. About
teeety .. u,tral.a1 ',carters were lost.
Th' otter victims were Malays, Manila
men. Julian se ani Kanakas. The sur
v,vuts repel 1. 1 hareew ng ext ar enas,
n: ine htv.l1! b en picket up in the Inst
slae;oa et cel:atseen, lifter hnv ng cut
away their ureal; and hnv.ng bee i c,ing-
ing to the wrecked hull, eh:L-t sharks
followed, waiting for tee , xhatulee nen
(1 drop from Ito w.o:ka.e, Many
wire. rettcued by the steamer Prroo,sent
fe in Broome -lits a relief steamer. The
Izd's of wino of th.' v e• ewe wive cut
4'n by sharks. The b a sh rear tar, on ie
pros. el.., a terrible s ght, c.:vercd wah
woe -liege a►.d lodes.
Toronto Nurse Weds a Wealthy Phila-
A despatch from New York says:
'roucthd by the sympathy and sulicitot,o
cure shown by Miss Mabel Ireland, kr-
r1.1y of Toronto, C:anada, assistant su-
ruiten.lent in Dr. Bull's Sanitarium, 33
fust 33rd street, to hie wife, who was
operated on in that institution four years
age, Charles Burgh of Philadelphia culti-
vated an acquaintance with the pretty
nurse, which ripened into love and re-
sulted on Wednesday in their marriage
in "The Little Church Around the Cor-
ner." Alps Ireland, at the time they met,
was a new nurse on the hospital staff.
.She cured for Mrs. 13urgh until her death,
winning rho respect of the husband by
ler cheerfulness and kindness. Tho nc-
gt.nfulanco began at the bedside was re-
newed later, and at Christmas time Mr.
Burgh won the consent of the young
mese to become his wife. They were
married on Wednesday by Rev. Mr.
liouglten. 'There was a wedding break-
fast at the Park Avenue ilotet, and Mr.
end Mrs. Burgh went to the ilotel Del-
mont until their sailing on Thursday on
the Ilantburg-American Liner Amerika.
Their honeymoon will extend over nearly
all Europe, inch.ding a lengthy stay in
Sweden. On their return in the fall they
wilt live in Philadelphia, where Mr.
A. Burgh is ('resident of the Commercial
T Coal Company.
Terrible Destitution in New York's
. Lower East Side.
A les; atch from New l'oo'k say=: The
ioporls that hundre.'s of pupils in the
pole c schools of the city are suffering
time lack of proper nourishment as n
result of ea twiny 1 o'sole to tee poorer
.seclions of the city toeing cut of ein eloy-
l ane�nt were g;ven oltle al eonele'eration
l by the .\ssociaton for the Improving
of (he Condin of the Poor on \Ved-
nesday. To ,'ry school Principal in
. p
r n sent
' . rork the ns. oc
'Greater te
lettere rcquuest ng thein to immediately
ii' t fy th i rssi;ciaiion ef Sass of .losti-
tutoon. As a result it is expected that
rel ef full be : ent to l:u dr di • 1 1h nes
within Ibo next few days. The osw,-
c.atio:n is be.ng ns-•ist`'i in tilts work
toy lire Uni'ed Hebrew Cho* ties S ciaty.
More than five hundred children of Iho
ached districts on the kw, r I 'st Sieh*
are in need of fo ti, according to a re-
port made on \VMne'►lay by District
Sup.'r.nt•eretent Jul a It chrnan. le many
I cases it has been fnuntt th it children Ito
without fo d en an average of two days
r8 week. Many of Ito s • children have
fainkd in sch ail fern lock of nourish.
Trent. The is whet has ted to the du-
auvery el thi depl.1ablo poverty.
WHOLE F 1NILY ASl'lllekleTi:D.
1lfolher and Three Children Dead In
A despatch Lem Chicago says: Mrs.
Mary li.tcrment and her Three children
•'.ere found dead early on Wednesday at
their tenth!, 69 'fell Court, tinting been
asphyxiated by gas escaping than a
stove. Mrs. Ikoermnn on Tuesday night
ent'rtninnl the children of the neigttaii-
hxxod at a party in lamer of rho birtteley
or her eldest daughter. The Company
'broke tip at nitwit 10 o'clock, and from
that lime until \V dneedny, when the
1.ccl10, were found by nduhb,rs, nothing
ons sten or heard of them. A rubber
tribe utile!' conveyed gas to a small ceok-
Ing stove tuns found detached. and it is
supposed that It slipp.d off during the
night. the house Miele with gas.
Cut Ills Throat Exactly at the Wedding
A d.sentch from Winnipeg says: M-
exarxler Scott. a young foreman of the
Winnpeg Paint ail Glass Company.
conmfit:tied suialtie in hie room on \Wtd-
n:eley night by cutting his throat.
Se et was 10 have been married to an
e.tinvtble young lady in this city, and
the wedding was to have taken place
at eig'it (eel() k \Vednes lay evening.
The geese. had assembled at (shoo house
of Ih' bride, but as Scott del net put in
nn aPpearnnce et the appointed hour,
the bride's brother and ono of 11:e gireals
alerted for his lodging -house to born
what w•ae keeping the brdegr•om. Th. y
found Scott lying on the bed dead. Be
had done the dead at the exact tour the
wcdd ng was le have taken place. The
only motive that can be suggested fs
financial straits and mental derange-
'lig Abattoir Gutted and Quarter of Con-
tents Destroyed.
A despatch from Winnipeg says: A
s3.eetacular lire swept the great abattoir
/•( Gord:n, rot is and hags, hiente.f
at th' corner of Logan and Tt''n'h•. on
'1'hursdny. Tit, hes is said t, ba at Ikasl
$5i1.0ou, cotc e'I by insurance. Th' in-
ter' or wee complck'ly eeetroyed. Con-
ine ed in the ruined i.0 Wing were ?CO. -
Me carcases of perk and 5.000 carcnsea
of beef. Of this number probably one-
quait'r were deelmyed.
iloat At Whirl, They Were Returning
%Went to Pkces.
A despat'h from Fie der:cion. N. II.,
sans: Eight nen employed .11 \V. J.
N,,b'•'• drive for th' Cush ng Company
we:,' do son d by the breaking o! is but
can w i 1 • they w•• re shoot!ng th.' r•ripds
to the fir nth, of the R'g Ula'k River
on 'rue dray. The v:ctitlty WareI'e.s dents
oI 1h • .tet. lin.il 3)sleet. in eladatva'kn.
'They hitt so used an old bateau, and
weir < n the r may hone after the drive.
'f11E DEADLY OII. C..%N.
Farmer's Wife Was Fatally Burned by
Kerosene Eeptos'on.
A despatch front Medicine Ilat says:
The wife of A. J. Olsen. n farmer living
nt *env lelmid. was burned to death on
leieselat' evcnieg while preeparing supper.
The cause of the nc •idem was the ex-
plosion of n opal oil Stn which Mrs. Ol-
sen had used to shirt the lire.
-- s
Saskalncct an Farmer Com)cled and
*Sentenced 10 heath.
despnlch (rem Prince Albert, Sask.,
. i vs: I1. 11. I3nrmll was knead guilty of
murdering his btrps.nl on his farm near
Egg Ink... nail was en Wednesday sen.
leered t:y Judge Johnston to be hanged
on July 17. The crime took place laid
Itt - 111\G 'fI:IJ:I'lIi)N3 %YORK.
Maniloha Gotrrnmenl %wards Contracts
for supplies.
A despnlch from Winnipeg says: Con-
tracts have been awarded by the Govern-
ment Telephone Department for poles,
linen, supplies and construction works fo
1" curried en h1 the province this year.
The t../n! amount set 11-idc for this work
is $,4e.'41,1,
Everything Points to Increased Returns
for the Western Farmer.
A despatch from \Virinireg says: Mr.
W. G. elalthews, General Manager ef
It G. Den & Company, leached Worm: -
peg on Wedne'edny, returning from hie
anneal lip of inspection through the
west, and gives a most encouraging
statement concerning ha obecrvatti en,.
He says: "In the coast c+tics 1 found
weolesnle trade very geed; in fact, n,. st
of the d. leers there said their sales w'ero
up le lost yoar'+, but the relatlers are
onrnplain.ng of duller tome's, and the
lcmler interests are very melt depiese-
el Many of the large mills are shut
down entirely. while some of them pre
running en short time. They are all
looping forwar.' wah a great deal of m-
&eget to the crop iv the three western
rr' vine•:+ here, and They are very Mipr-
fu' in ce.nseque'ne.' of leo excellent cen-
t! 1••11. at preeent.
'1'iu4'C is IJ the fruit emit there are
goo I. Tete IS tenm ng a very import-
ant p; rt .4 the Lusine 44 situation.
'In Cnlg ry and Felm"neon trade wa.,
betel' than 1 czl cctcd to find it. The
erns all through the territory I have
been over are kroking s1'lended. Con-
d:tions have leen very favorable for
g. -'ting in the seed; rains in the west-
ern Pretences have conte earlier than
11-1111 this tear, and all they want is
aerie wenn er now to produce what
R.ry ill think w 11 be a bumper crop.
The arvcage Is largely inereased, and
everything points 1, increased returns
for the tartrate"
PCNI\(;S hlto\I ALL 01_.1 TL18
Telegraph tiilels From Our Orn and
Other Countries of Recent
Civic salaries in Lethbridge for May
tulall. 1 $8.000.
Regina will have a new tiro hall on
1)e w.lr:ey street.
It gain (ler nlirt: are organizing for a
PI ev meal sang. n f •st.
.1 new flre hull will be built on Sev-
enteenth avenee, Calgary.
The bounty on 4 al extent; this year,
but is to le renewed for fiveayears.
Canada's Fart deposits aro to bo re-
port d upon by a Swedish expert.
A Hamilton hath: was swindled out of
ab wt $2+k) by means e t hogu. cheeks.
The t_•ta1 rainfall ( r May in Toronto
was 4.36 inches, the great s..n fou'•ken
For the first five months of the year
building permit., in Toronto &hewed a
falling CH of $3.616.825.
Thee) is a merement on foot to inkr-
eel Canadians In contributaig towards
the British Navy.
Ikeu1{all McNeill, C. P. it. section fore-
man. was found dead at Winnipeg. It
is a crse of suicide.
Shorey Hayden, a contractor of Co -
bat. 1:a t his 1:ead blown 4;11 by the pre -
'lettere axle/Piton of a blast.
Plans for the new SI(XI,(Nt0 Collegiate
Institute It Regina, the first in Sas
kat hewan, have teen accep'ed.
'I'l:e.re is a complaint film Carlyle,
Sask., That seed gran sent there by the
Geyer nnlent Comm s,lonor has failed to
It is i um.ored at •,Ningaen Fall; that the
C. N. R. will secure an entrance to Unit-
e.: States territory over th_' Niagara
River using the Electric Ikvelopment
Company's holdings for tho purpose.
GKNI .li.\i..
Four severe earthquake shocks were
bit at Yalta, in tho Crimea.
The peee•rs terve informed the Porte
that Tu.k"sh troops must be withdrawn
from Seines as soun as order has begin
r. sto ed.
5 •h ware. a Legisio brewer, was <en•
icn:.•.i to 12 pates hard labor an 1 3 er-
pettudl loss of c.vil rights for selling
military secrets M France.
An attin .t was nettle to assassinate
Major D:eytus der ng the c'renron of 111
comiecUon with the renewal of %•►la's
bt dy to the Pantheon, on Thursday.
A large mutter of bombs found in
Ca Itinjc, Montenegro, are said t, have
been made on the direct order of Oxeye
Prince George et Servla, who was pL•til-
ning the oveitli ow of the princpuaty.
Prince Arthur of Connaught is reported
helrothed to the daughter of an English
The Earl of Crewe, Colonial Secretary,
was banqueted by the Canada Club In
London, on 'fhunsafay.
A seven -yens -old boy al Pittsburg MIS
struck by n baseball and killed.
Mire. \Villimn B. Leeds must pay $:04,-
Ofie duly at New York on a pearl neck-
Capt. Joshua Slocum has brought to
Nett *leek u piece of coral weighing two
Tito Steel 'frust is negotiating for a
tee.(41031(X1 order for steel rails for the
Siberian Hallway.
Hundreds of families in Mksouri have
been driven faun their homes by floods
o't I3ic Mis,i.'.;ippl.
The ndvnnce bookings show that the
Allaili l•.t,t•isl trafilc (rem New fork for
June is normal.
The Long !eland Itnilneel's new M-
elee' komrnolive, mode a speed of 108
mills nn iuour.
Five hundred Ilnlinns stormed the
befitting of n !weeks honking concern
ie Cleveland which had closed its doors.
Hemming Menne while waiting for an
operation to reettore his sight. Jahn Crone.
a wealthy relived mal operator, leaped
from the window 111 a Philadelphia hos-
pital, and Was fatally injured.
4 -
the Poamasler 01 Ilardlsty, Alberin,
Shoots Itintself.
,\ despntch from Edmonton says: Poet -
master Walter Small of Hardisty shot
himself on Wednesday night at n elation
where he was waiting for the incoming
nail. As far as can be learned no one
witnessed the affair, but n large ntrmber
were on the spot almeet immediately
and found the deceased lying face down
with n revolver bele& him. It t•s not
kr►nwn whether or not it ons neclde'ntal.
The de.•'a.ed hod Just lately retired from
the firm of Erskine h Small in order to
give his whole allcnikut to the post-
A (135111% 5111 SHOOTING.
Fainter Fires a 'shotgun Into t neelconie
.A despatch trntn I'et.'rt■omugh my s:
A report has reached the city of it chart-
s art shooting affair al Raiillebnm' at mid-
night June 3. :\ son of Mr. Joules Byers
Lad rreently married and wan staying
ill his father's house, which wns invaded
by a roller strenuous serenading ;truly.
The elder I3y.'rs is said to have find a
leaded shotgun into the creed. the shot
piercing several pereons. and Welling -
tor. Rntemnn received a pallet in tine eye.
which has not yel Men extracted. There
Is no prosecution.
1)11. 51051: FIRED HOUSE.
i'rinre Edward l:.wnt'. Family Ilad lo
Leap trent \timet.',
\ desp:►t•h (runt I'ii tori says: The
hr.mc of Retort Breen. \'*lion%. uvea le•1-
fely destroyed on Wolnivelay by a fire
ehkh resulted from the explosion of a
mal oil stove. lit by Mr. prowl early in
the morning. The family awoke to find
the Mime in Ilnrnes. end had to punp
from upper windows.
ItEroleT9 shell 111E LEADING
1It.eliE CL\lltES.
{'rices of Callle, Grain. t ..tele mei
OtIer Dairy Produce at *Ionia
and Abroad.
Toronto, June 9.-Mank,b•t \\'haat.-
No 1 northern, $1.16%; No. 2. $1.13;
No. 3, $l.09; feed, pructicaliy n 11e of -
faring, mom:nii (u.tat.ons are 7u.:, No.
2 fond, 65c. Gorgian Bay ports.
Ontario Wheat -No. 8 whit', 90:; No -
2 rtod, 900 outside; Nee 2 mood, 00e; no
C rn-N o. 3 y Low, nominal at Mc to
62a, Turont, freight, but no bus nobs di-
sng. Price too high.
Flour - Mlun:tuba patents. special
brands, $6; so.:onds, $5.40; strong bak-
ers'. $5.30; winter wheat preente, dull
at 83.15. •
Barley -No. 2. 57e, outside.
Pees -No. 2, 92c to 93c. outside.
Rye --No. 2 scarce and wanted, t88c.
13uckweeal-No. 2, 64:4e to 65e -
Oats -No. 2 white, 47. to 48c outside;
No. 2 mixed, 45e to 46c outside.
Bran -$22 on truck, 'rerouto.
Shorts -$23 here.
\VI:ohsale quotation-) are: -
Eggs -New -laid, 17e to t7yc.
Butler -It looks ns if the bottom priers
had teen ria: hd for tire present, though
the market is sti t weak.
Creamery, prints 21c to 220
do solid; .... .... .... 19c to 20c
Dairy prints .... .... ISe to 190
do tub .... .... .... 17c to ISe
Inferior .... .... 1Gc to 17c
Haney-Slrainee etardy at Ile to 12c
per pound for 60 -pound pals, and 12c
to 13e for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Combs at
$1.75 to $2.50 per dozen.
Potatoes-Ontarios, 80; to 85c; Dela-
ware, 90: to 95e in car lots on track
Chase -Old, 13e for Inrge and 133 c
for twins, in Job tots here; new make,
13%c for large met 12c for twins.
Beans -$1.90 to $2 for primas, and
5_ to $2.10 kir hand-picked.
Baled Straw -$8 too $9 Ter• ton.
Baled Hay -Timothy to quoted al 814
to $15 per ton in car lots on track here.
Park-Shxtrt cut, $21 to $21.50 per bar-
rel; nest, $17.50 to 318.
Laid -Tierces, ileac; tubs, II%a; pails.
`:poked and Dry Salted Meats --Long
clear bacon, 10%c, tons and case's;
Irene, indium and light, 12e to 1334e;
'tams, large. 11%c to 12c; backs. IGS to
16%c; shouklers, 9%c to 10e; rolls, 1Oc
l0 10%c; breakfast bacon, 14c to i5c:
green Heals, out, of pickle, lc less titan
M ii seal. June 9.- Ft aur -Manitoba
spring patents, $6.10 to 86.20: second
pee nL.. $5.50 to $5.70; winter whorl pat-
atents. $5.•:5 to $5.75; straight rollers,
$Ir•4.a1.:,61.50 I., $1.50;to$1.7in 5.
bags, $2 to $2.15; ex -
Dolled Oat.: -$2.75 to 82.93 pet bag of
9'1 'rounds.
Oa Le -No. 2. 52c to 53c; No, 3, 49c to
5'k; No. 4. 48c to 4Re.,c; rejeclel, 4G3,c
to 47e; Melee Jot rejected, 48c to 4834e.
C entreat -8175 to $1 ('1 per bug.
\Lllfeexl-Ontario bran in bags. 821 to
822; elr,rts, $23 lo $24; Manitoba bran
In Lal:,, 8223; sho,rte, $21 to 825.
Pots' ons -Bit ere! ; short cut mess.
3.2.50; hall barrels, $11.50; clear fat
b.tck,, s.3; dry ruin long clear backs.
Ile. Larm1; plate beef. 815 59; half bar-
ites c'o., 39; compound lard, 8%,c to
9%c; pure lard. 12%c l0 13.; kelt' '-ren•
,tend. 13c to 1334c; barns. 12y,c to IV.
ace petite; to size; breakfast bacon. Its
Lo 15•; Windsor bncun, 13.' in IG_; fresh -
kited abattoir-dres:cd h•,ga, $9.25 to
$'1.50; live. 16.75.
Bole r -The kcal butter market is
easy, w L'r finest creamery minted at 22c
on round t ;ts and 22%c to grocers.
Cte'se•-Isocal receipts to -day were 5.-
636 1 nckoges. compared with 2.021 for
the (0 resfor Ilii', day of last yoar.
Eggs-S,';ect•4l. 18e; No. 1. 16%c to
17c, and No. 2. i lc J.er dozen.
UNFIT!) s I'.\'r1:5 \LSIlkE'rS.
florae,. Joe, 9. -\Wheat--Spring h:g:i-
er; No.01 N'.rthern, $1.11%. ea 'midi;
Winter stendy; No. 2 rel. !►,te. ( wit --
Stronger; No. 2 white, tk►': No. 2 yel-
l:ev. 11034e. Oat, Slendy: N e. 2 111 v!d,
52'; No. 2 whit'. 56 U. ',.;t; , \o. 2
01 zed. 52c. Barley -58 ti 65:. Bove. --
flee. No. 1 on track Canal freights -
Wheat, 5c lo N. w Yolk.
M nneapul s, Minn„ Jum' 9.- \\'hitt•
--No. t hard. $1.12% to $1.12%; N.,. 1
Ne,t•ther'n. $1.10% k, 81.1"'.: N-... 2 Nor-
th •rn. *t.OR% to $1.10';; Ne. 2 Not -tern.
41.$1.08%; N ,.:3 N irthern, $1.44
81. J, .(17 , 1!111: • �e ..
91.1,'{, to07: 92c.ulyFlour31--j17
t pate,nt:. 45f40.
to $5.41; 'e: and ;omenta, $'e:10 t. 85.(5;
flee deers. $1.25 Io 84.31: eeend (leers.
8.3.55 4, 33.65. Ilion -1n bulk. 1400.50
41 $20.75.
NUM alike... June 9.- \Vi•e,at - No. 1
Northern. 81.12 In $1.13; N ,. 2 N.,rlhe'rn.
$1.49 1.. 81.12: July. 91'; n•ked. Iee
No. I. 71 to 79340. Rax ley- 711.•; C11141
7477 to tier. Coen -No. 3. cash. e2% 1.)
73%•.; July, 70! Deiced.
Toronto. June 9. -Thi' motley Of the
offerings lately Iles been very gond come
(.nre.1 with what w•ni on the market a
few week.: Nee A number of 'cry chmre
export rnllle add et $(3.15 1.1 $6.3.;. Fair-
ly tion.) eepnrl.'rs brought Ism) $5.75 to
$6 The hest butcher• as a rule did not
silt fur more than *5.70. but in few
reties $5.'4 was paid. Grind loads of
bet•'hers' enough( $531 to $5.50.
5111,31 cows are n little off, ns the en.
gutty for thein is not duet.' so active.
Sheep and Inmos pre quo* .i 'ewerPo slriaeib'ra;' neral Meyer b- be•t e c
nga,n, but found fairly reek' sale at the; teat Ih.s re.neaion in the rat' of 3x31
reduced priee.s. calve., are also lower, I rig. :n tee I. need K`ngd.an t;llimnte••ry
or large offering.. 'flue hog rnirke' is! a L result m on Melees(' in receipt..,
still unchange.*. nlilemeeh the ser. .x'. { e• eau e• i3 has alea>s been f• end th .t
were very heavy. 'haring the hot weather a ',Aver 1 It r rate r-ste,lvl In :ne7.easing
fnrmera find It safer to sell their ho3;4 the reeenrc. Ile i, nl o ef the s!' nein
alive, rath,'r than dreM ed. soh ch fact as teat n 'ow, r 3• s'ae;e a ill tend to In-
nwp nnsible t ,r the light !recipe' of en a -td mercantile inle. wire•. (► r
dreme't1, Ind the heavy receipts of live tea „ (1, erasers are etre :eng Veer 'a es
bogs, 1:1 E.:gland, and natal ri' y t► a grca.l ex.
Serious Stabbing Affray at Reynold's Con-
struction Camp at Iroquois Falls.
A despatch from ilii . ; bury, Onl.,
says: Word hos reached he -re of a seri-
otu slabbing affray at lewieede' con-
struction camp at lrogtob Fell;, about
Lo miles north of here. on Saturday
n get. As a result Fritz. Young, it 1ga1-
n.:rn of Slanhppe, Quebec, is dead of
he w•owids, and '1'11ontas S. Wright, a
!toenail in the employ of the Ileyn•t.'s
Coe is under arrest, chargot w th mur-
der. Two other men front the camp.
M.chael Morris and James Qu'nn, are
also unser arrest. charged with aiding
and iilx(1ting Wright in tho murder of
Young. The three prisoners are now
awaiting trial. and are confined in the
jail at New Liskeard.
'fttt affair :s std ti have s'orleJ with
some words between Young ant Wright
over the fernier having left two bout.;
uo the river instead of bringing th.iii
down to the camp again with him.
Weight is said to have cornu out of
the tent In where the other Iwo hien.
Quinn and M,;r•ris, were silting and
told than he wouki knife Young with
a new knee he had per:level that
day. 'Fh:e item urge.' Wright t) tight
h rn with his as's 'risked. and they all
three returned 41 the lent, w•le:o the
fight, in which they alt tey;k pall, en-
sued. A cook, a Frin: hnan named
Brisson. was in lh' tent and managed
to sop:Tale the 111411. but when be went
to L11 Young to put him out of the tent
he found that the maul was bleeding
profusely from a knife wound in the
Young begged to be taken to Mc-
1S.tug'as Chutes;, whero hr eoukt be at -
sewed t) by a dela r. s, the gleet'Tap-
1111 hint up in a 1 1 eaket and shied in
a heavy raineloon in a boat for the
(:hu'es at about 9 o'clo:•k on Saturday
night. About five mules up the river
they deeded to camp fir the night.
Yi.ung was in too serious a condition
I1 be moved, ree they left hint in the
boat. \\'hell thy returned next morn-
ing they found the man was dead.
1'E It.4O N.11^POI NTEi1i4.
Notes of Interest About Sonic of the
World's Prominent People.
Colonel W. R. Robertson, who Ls to be-
come brigadier -general under the new
Aldershot chief, Sir IL Snrith-Doi'rien,
hat. had a remarkable career. Ile enlist-
ed as a private in the 16111 Lancers thirty
years ago, and spent over ten y'ear's in
the tanks before getting his first com-
mission in the 3rd Unaboot) Guards. Ile
was only a captain in the early days of
the Byer War, and in less than eight
years has risen from this rank to brig-
ee'hen King Edward desires to pay a
call on n personal friend a meesage ko
this elect is sent earlier in the day. This
rule is almost invariable, but 0110110 oc-
elision His Majesty neglected the precau-
tion, and on arriving at the house of his
friends found the hosts out of town and
the charwoman in charge. The King de-
sired to go in and write a message, but
was asked by the cautious caretaker for
he card, and as that was not forthcom-
ing she declined to let hien in. "Ile was
a very pleasant, civilislxot,11 gentleman,"
she told her employers on their return,
"but as he hadn't a card I left. hint out-
side." It was only some time afterwards
flint the roaster of the house discovered
lc Ids horror the identity of the visitor.
Seldom does one find such 9 curious
cembinatton of talenh in one men tai
that which gained name and fame for the
lute Mr. William Jacks, 1.1..1).. whose
will has just been proved at $502,541). Mr.
ii.cks, who was of humble parentage, be-
gan life in a Hartlepool shipyard, and
laid the foundation of his fortune by sav-
ing, a cargo of iron sold to it fraudulent
Italian. A keen shrewd bus ileac
he soon earned promotion after chang-
ing from the manual to the commercial
side of the works, and ultimately found -
el his pw'n successful business ns an
item and steel merchant. His leisure
*slue he devoted to self-improvement, and
d.%ekoed not only Ink) a notable man
of letters, but became one of the finest
Cermet' ecliolars in Et.rope. 11.' wrote
several valuable !evoke. the) hest known
of which. perhaps, are "Robert Burns In
Other "rumples" and "Life of I(isni;rck,"
the latter earning the praise of all .for-
eign critics. And yet \Ir. Jack's educe -
lion proper was limited to learning the
"three leis" in the village school of Swin-
ten, l.unarkahire, Scotland.
Mr. Comyns Carr. the dramalLst, has
meet many fatuous nein during his career,
end has n taro shire of anecdotes con-
cerning authors he has known. Two of
(hese concern the fondness of Tenny-
son and Browning for port. '''tie latter
once fled \Ir. care a story about the.
port's father. Mr. Browning. senior, see-
ing his son drinking a glass of water on
one occasion, turned to him ani said,
"Writer. Reber*, for washing purposes I
(t (leve is useful. For navigable canals,
1 ant told, It is indispensable. ilut for
drinking. Robert. God never 111lcn.hel it."
Tennyson alae love' his glass of port.
On one occasion, when henry teeing
pa114 him a visit. the pert sand, "Iry •,g,
you like a giros of port. <kin't you.
"Yes, I eta," baud the actor; whereupon
'I'ennyenn poured him out n glees of port,
end finished the bottle himeeelf. In later
years the same little ceremony was gun'
through up to a certain point, but on this
occasion th port was under the doctor's
restrictions. and Irving, m relating the
incident afterwards to Mr. Carr, said,
"Tennyson took the glass, and t finished
th' bottle."
The swetlish Royal Family has not
been without its love romances. Gustaf
\ ., who succeeds King Oscar, is a cult
tired man like his father, with an ex-
tremely well-balanc.'al mind. Ile has
practically held the rains of Government
for the last seven years, and has proved
himself a rote►• in whom the potpie can
place every relinnee. And yet in his
with he fell in love with the daughter
of a country clergyman, and offered to
renounce all his ikoyal rights if his father
wculd nlluw hint to n'a'ry her. King
Oscar, however, refused, and the Crown
Prince, as he then was, was obliged to
give up his love dream and marry Prin-
.•etis Victoria of Baden, in order that the
s..-eesston might be properly secured.
(:iiriously enough, however, King Oscar
gave way when his second son, Prince
(*sane created a sensation. nearly twen-
ty years ago, by nnnuoncing his intention
-of marrying \ILSs Ebbe Munck, his
mother's favorite maid of honor. The
n:nrriage took place in i8R8, and in con-
sequence Prince Osrar renounced all
right; of succussion to the throne. The
ye•nngest of the late King's sons Ls Prince
Eugene, who Ls a painter by prnfetessfon;
end spends most of the year in Paris.
whore he has it studio. It i; sni.1 that
he clears quite $10,000 a year from his
Forte me, we are told, only knocks at a
man's door once in a lifetime, and i1 re-
fused admittance passes by, net•er to rc-
(t'rn again. The saying is belied, how.
ever, by the career of Mr. George Me-
Ct,lkich. n Glasgow bey. who arrived to
Auslrnli3 just under sixty yearn, n(p
with his. than $25 dollars in his pocket,
and who dial the other .lay a million-
aire. This is how Mr. McCulloch threw
away his first chance of nrquiring a
fortune. Ono night, silting in n tiny
shanty al the font of the Broken 11i11
niine. seen niter its dtscm•ery, he played
a game of euchre with n compnninn, his
stake !ring a fourteenth share of the
niine itself. Ile list. and the share which
111113 prised out of 1133 hands tuna. Six
years Inter. worth no lees than $6.250.000.
Tben Dame' Fortune gave him another
chance. in September, 1e83. \Ir. Nicene
bi ch was the manager of it smell 1xr•md-
r.ry sheep station not ninny mike from
i'.hoken dill. One (Horning n Iveindnry
rider rode into the station and excileilfy
ilformed \Ir. McCulloch of an.'ller dis-
covery o1 silver upon the hill. Straight
vt ay a small syndicate was formed, and
a claim. "pegged out•" All the. station
1 ands, including Mr. McCulloch, risked
$375 npiere In the venture. and work was
1,4 gun in earnest. In a few months the
shares of the Broken Hill Pmnrlelary
had n market value of $$0,000.000.
T5'•EN'I \s'GRi; DROWNEn.
5 Clnudhnrsl hi Mtexico Does Very Great
Mexico Crty, June 1.--\\'oret has just
rcach.s1 1111, rily 'het Iwcnly lives were
kst the, Meet... ate* nn.1 properly dam-
aged Io the rut. et of *!')')Y) ey a clothe
heed et Junnnnal'•,. It is seta one 411
Ih. n:•tin lune• I, h.i1 been fktndee,1.
Arrangements Have Been Completed Be-
tween Britain and the United States.
A , ,3 (1 M,,,1'. \'. n s,
,int... -1,11 -General \i• . 111i1C ,t • „
1\ e.lne..lay shat an u. r.• l Lail b e n
f.achd w•.th the U. t '.Lveelaael
pioveling for a 1.11••: 1.
mute an 4,110(4' b•ettoon U e l : t• 1
Stet 1.111 (treat lirxl,in trial Irelan I, t
be .itto ,,3 rativr O, 1, 1, Firs. Ib• ..3 '-
fuitirr that Ih^ Itr.tsit I',st•Ilaste•r•
(en rat, 4'dney Riaz*.n, w s n:nkng u
1 k.' rnnouil .'rnent to Ih! II u e . t
Commons on the sane day.
' fit on the, nettle for order., nn : t.er• roe
n Ir:;41 .
{ 'Further•'. 1e shied, "" " ; r.' e
e!, cat l ono to e.tir n.'e,•1 .3 1.e geet -
• • al: 11.f cilia fie one t o r ,•ono' ton
it el re feral ly ih '-c , 1 111 1 ,l 1te.• 3
w :t w•i 1 art lit' flet, t 6•e : , • ir-
re;•n.'•i:0' w•th Rei- 1,to .v s rur1
friends iti Us! (►d Celine), at .1, fraena
rat. s.'
I 1.V\6UNr RD IN (1111'11-13 Miel:.
A 4!"!) reels emit I. n.l• n saes: I' any
e. a p;.• 3 l.t4' n I'r teal n41,1 lh • 1'e e1
aloe:. ff s•t .'o on Weibel.. 14'. we, nn•
nervine' et I y ('''107 31 re; -fie al Burton
al Ili.' if 'i a of (:..mann, mel \Wednee-
4 ay. 11 • • v r.' s .1 his rani' !(!le.' • that
th .' n.1n' i n w tel gr. ally ercle,Sei
th • cmrtrn re al it I .ree,ur+' pmt 1 e 11.11•
lust gasp 1 feeling% ter aelt• es .3 ng err•
tw• en 'h • by o "emir . •. T'i' 410th leaf e
fit fit e 1 t:t' I't:Afet.•s er•(ktn til was
gr ofd w lh heerly t leer nit.