Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-04, Page 7EIGHTEEN WERE BRO\ED°_N°ESGD ZEN'S ITEMS Fishing Schooner Run Down in the Bay of Fundy. A d.:spetch tram 11aI-IHx attys.: 01 the twenty Snell al o and the fish ng sch fen - t• Fame of (;:one et. r, \la -s., only two escaped w en Ih t : ch,s n r went d wet pro 7'e es.l+y r► gilt in too'I Sion with the J) inin•m► Arla•Itc llailwrees liner Iloi• toil in the Buy of Fundy. A thi:k !ui which enveloped the see). ae v , lights was th • mite of the d easter. John CI Sic of SI. J and Eihv.r.I Yetis of Boehm aro the stnvivors. Tho l.'.ead ar:-Captain Thomas Fay, Bete 'stares Daley. 'eh mas Sta1)1. ten, Mi 'incl Velvina, Thomas I'uw•:'rs, s •n., Tiosoea II ►avers, Jun., 'Thorne: Murphy, all of N.av:oun,11MA; William Fi:el•er and Jelin 11 y .,1 N .ea Seel a; Al Orel 1:o: - ter. \\ i,lir:ln ld1 ley, Ilan ey Cashlno •)f Bost n. and s.x men wiles-' names me 4inkti. ,t. 8. 71'c Boston was cre-p ng along nl had sp e 1 in the fig off Yaniwuth, w hen Iho lights of the Fame suddenly pierce' the darkness, two hcndr: d feet leen the blare') b .w. When Ih • hoarse e ut t1 "Sch oner dead ahead!' rang cul front the fere:astlo heel, Captain Mack' nzio sprang to the eugeteees tele- graph, and : ignallxi f Jr full seed a -tern, but it Wei 101 late. led :re the ung n •y hoed co,umen el to neve s', tho keit rel plu g,11 into tho kw -lying .r ul y.•ho:,ner, ju-L abaft the n►aal fggi g, ural cul her in tw i, L:feloa', were swung out from the steasnee but Uie wrack el the : cheoner Lad prone (:own w•ahin two minute.), and atilt •rgh Ib' R vst n erais.d around the leen. far over an It ue, vn:y Clark and Pitts were ress•te+t.l. teats rushed on des k, tut Ih' vessel sank uncle r hes hent instantly, and lie was carrel d .wn in Ilio vortex. Going (.oa•n h' rliech.d a piece <.4 wreckage end on Itis !Molly •:an►e to the surface. lie snw rrc•1 drngg.•ee down all around hint when the teasel stunk, but when coming to the surface there were only Icor teen 1.41. They were ull poor swimmers, and ('n:► by one they sat*. aft. r tett an hour from tho tame the s honee was bit, MISSING MAN TERNS EP. Long Lost Robert Orr Claims 86,000 Left By Ills Son. A deopalch from Cornwall says: Hobert •Orr and his wife separated when they lived in Cornwall some thirty years ago, and drifted apart, the wife keeping tiro •children, l.nst fall the son, Charlet; Orr, cited in Vancouver, i1..C.. leaving $41,000. 'This was claimed by the mother, Mrs. Alvira Orr. of 143 College avenue, ToI'all- ti, and on her altldavtt the husband was -declared legally dead. and a portion of 411c eon's estate was turned over to her. Iifr. Orr, however, is alive. Ile has Leen living at Ironton, Ohio, and is low in 'Cornwell le see his sister, Mrs. William "Tncknhcrry, and other old friends, who -easily identify him. ile claims to bo his .6.on'.3 legal their, incl is going, utter the money. lie called at his wife's Toronto eiddrees with a view to a selUement, but she declined to see him. WO11 %\'S COURAGE REW.\RDED ;Rank (:he. $500 to Woman Who Saved $53,800. A despatch from New Perk says: Mrs. ;Eva Jovernieka, the young I'olis!) we Irian who last Minutely frustrated Bet at- tempt of lhre., men t, rub me.s engfers of the Jefferson stank of $43.1100 on 'Thurs.ley receitec.t a reward of $500 been the oficere of th bank. She said -that she and her hesbaad will at once return to Poland. eh r.', with the $500 foe a nestegg, they %vi'I be in cowperil. tine rode;!• iekeer. She fears that it ✓ ho rental/led in this eountry Ih' Week r Hand will get her fortune away Guo %._r, she says. N2 i DROWNED IN \WFT•L. Eight-year old Welland Comity Nerds Heath. A despatch front \Vellnnd snys: len- s rne, the eight-year-old son of Roland 'lodge. Steeliness, WAS deemed in a well at his father's burn on Wednesday. The Ind is cid to the barn in the afternoon and was nal missed Mall tea time. It is presumed he wits attempting to draw water. (;ir'r I! 1Iot ye 5 etepe e. Roy •hon:ale. e,000 Great enrlliern Shire% In king Edward Iloasplgag Fund. A despnleh from l..ut•lun says; Lord Mount Stephen, Ginn. riy the president '.1 Ili. Canadian l'a.,li. Hallway ('.nm parry, who had previously donated lit - 01000 2.• * '.5Mll) to the king Edward Hospital hind. has now further donated 5,000 *hares of the (:rent Northern ilailrond, of tyre United Stales, to the' same fend. A nano was n• aniitly being tried for murales left the )'vides*'.' ag,enin.t hint Iver.s rel wreak that the Judge directed the jury to find n verdict of "Not Guilty," and 'veined the tour' of his intentk.n to s$op the ease. But the youthful calf• e 1 1••r Iho dehnre'.nutcd the ONewturr- t beaming temente. Ile naked per. 1.. s"•or lee n.Lgr'ns.s the Court. "Certainly. Mr. Caidsgr.ut," r.'nu.rk.d the lodge 'We'll hear yon with filename; but Iirst, f..r eafely's sake, well acquit the pros - ADRIFT FIVE DAYS IN A DORY. Allan Lbier Carthaginian Brings Two Sailors to Ilalilux. A elerpat') from Ilal-tax says: The Alliin Peer Carthaginian, whioh arrived from liver; ono on Titurelay, )>f_eught in two Frail seems, Collet Victor and Obigol. August, ellen, she •pf •kol up at sett in un. Minuet .lying cond:t on. They blong.d to the delete.( tondo' Marie I.•.uise, of Sl. Me;11. They got L• eat 10 toy last F'rufuy meriting and Ind ben adr:tt in their dory, without too'i er water, for five days ar:d u h•i.f. When the Curtluigin?an picked Than up in Neeelnesday they wore lying Keno in the b:t4 en of ther doxy arc •nscious, and del not r. e...or their sen'O 1 11 they had been on b..sn'J for sons•. time. Their e almost •o sw e.bIt to a I n t • : and awls w re u deice • tit' n email size, aril tine .1 the m -•n was c• n•. r•• 1 with b ti's, w.uch had btok.'Ii out .Imine; Ilk$ days Ilr'y were eilr ft. 'They .,off. red terribly froin the cold. When eon.c-ousne t r. turned, de - twee iter suffering,, Ili' men wept with J.)% teat they w•: r.• served, for they had given up Ito, e. 15:111 an Lour alter the Carthaginian ;licked iv the dory the fog shut .4.w•n again. I lad Ih y not been :ee'n teen th y oared suety hav per she I. Th•' a. a wee very ruug`t wh. n the 1•o�eue. was auntie, and in affecting It the Corthng Mines b n'swein fel over- tlreird and was nearly drowned. Ile had a very c use call. -Ir A SII•LV TIHICK- 1'utnyf Woman Threw a ilox rat a Horse's Head. A despatch feint Montreal says: Two girls lie at the I*,int of dealt) and two young men '►re seriously inlnr.'d as the result of n (oldish Irick em Wednesday night. The four were nal driving, and the girls were ending letenhale. When the IMsx was empty Mia Moly lockerby threw the box at the tone's lead, and the animal was seared and ran away, tooling up against a telegraph bast and me:ening the buggy. Niles Lock/why and \{i -.s Lizzie' Ilaoll had their skulls frac- 11•re.l. and had to be operated on at oslee, but there Ls little chance of saving their liters. Tho+. lock. rhy wens .!riving and I.. not much hurl, hal Leslie Cameron oras badly cut lalemt the head. - e1i• IT %Mir, WILL Nor tit NG. Peel Cemitt Murderer Insane 11hen Ile Stew Engtlnye'r. A desiodch from 011nwa 5,ry., foto britt sentence 4/1 Juhn faun.. a $••ung 1 nglishutntt who timeliest! les entpl,tyer, a feel Cemitly fnr•ne•r nainefl Currie. hat winter, has teen committal to life hie prlsemment, Pore. wene to have been 1:angel rally in .lane•. Ili) s.'nlenee has la en 0/Minified on !he ground of In,aut• IIy, - TWO 111)1)1) '. IRA a11'I;REW Wit'111114 of 1.:► Sento. Landslide .\r,. Mashed .\share. A deepaleh from Ottawa enys: The balite of Iwo wklims of the I.n SnIette land slide were Irmvercl on Thursday nl Co'ca Landing, on the l.levre River, ellen. they had been waahnl upon file 1 auks. One of them was a bey. named ih',jnniine. and the other the laxly of a little girl. wtet.e name is nett kieiwn. CAPITAL OF THS FAR NORTH Fort Churchill to Be Terminus of the Hudson's Bay Railway. A .1, ep•.Ich from Ottawa says: The first in •v.' in the direct o ► of es'ablis'l. Ing a n CW cullet fur western experts to the s.•nteaei via the propear.1 Ilud on s iltny route is now being made by the (leveinment. A survey party, tinder the titre -11 not Mr. Merrier, is lone fent out ty the fnterier i)•'g adult nt to la; 01:1 tee 1ownsite of F..rt Churchill, the future metisise s ref iloestree Bay arn.I Ib' term nus el the ere pee.sexd thee tson a Ray Iterlw•a', The future city WO IN' a .vied • n I:•e raalersl )select the feet'. ogoai!o the tains .f Old Fr rt Prince of \\'fl'.:s, and mer es Il:e civ •r frim the 1104114,n s 51,y 5..mpeny trad- ing 1 est. Plats) ant drawings of the. hatter are also Icing prepared udder the etre 54 n .•1 the de'p'artment. The pies• nt populat un of Fort Churchill a)nsest+ of four halfhreed fano a-, a nkeunted fol cervi n fuel one se til r navee.' William (leech. The lit- ter abler Le the only man wh est, Male Ls pitch tl nn Ile future 1 'wn. k'. Ile set- th. re w• th ht+ w to bet ao th.' area In quest on was r.'ser'.et for settlement. end i+. %herefore, entitled to clealm a free quarter section of 160 acres of city real eetele. It 'a expo"1.t tet the Government nw aoi,e pr %i.ine 1• r Ur c enetnlctinn of a ra41w,y 4e lS'u' .'n s tiny w411 be brought down In the Commons shortly. II.%15'ENINGS MOM ALL 01...1 TIII GUAM. telegraph briefs from Our Ono and Ulbgrr Countries of Reread Eseats. CAN.elt.\. Th' bricklayers ale ike: at Montreal is C.I tt.sng. Work on the Stratford one SIr 301 so;,h rud:al low will ):seen be . out. Montreal ciliz•etu incrasking their oily 1.. give $10.000 to Use (Subic llattls'tielde fund. A Chinese laundryman at .Austin, Ma., suffern,4 with etpro-y, has leen sent l.a.•k to Canton, Chute Tis C. 1'. R. crop report .1I the cen- tral it/vixen of the wee, shows pro.* peels to le unu,nally teethe \Vat-rlio cy)u'ty cnn'ent;)la4)y talking over t50 nares of eminti). roads, at a out of $20C,1100 or $:100,000. Becattet servant girls aro copying the Hamilton nurees' uniforms, the latter want a s;'ecaal we uvo of cloth for their uniforms. Th' Ontario 'leeway ane Municipal Beard may shako a ales that pa :t aig.'rs will not b•• allowed to °coley front )eittel on o: en cars. Nearly a scare of heavy. burglarioe have taken .pla,;e at Moncton. i11 the last two w.w'lcs, large amounts of money having 540. n stolon. The cons-truelion of the eastern bran% of the Grand Trvnk Pacific be- iw•e n feesolown and Heeler 110 •It has leen let to 11.0 'Toronto Construct:on taenpany. A rocket, whet n .mail Loy had fail - cd 10 N4,1 oft, exploded in a store at Ferries B. C., Seung fire In the whole steel: of fireworks and boning down the building. GREAT BRITAIN. The British Socialists are opposing the rropuse.l visit of Kung Edward to the Czar of Russia. A bill providing for home rule for Scot- land orae introduced m the (British Ilse of (',nnnons on \Vednes.iny. President Fallierc. of France has been profoundly impressed with the 'nngnitl- 1 ' cent reception accorded him in London. UNTTED .STATES. Carrie Nation was fined $25 and costs for disorderly conduct at 5'ittebuig. Prohibition has been carried in North Carolina by a majority of probably 40,- 1100. (:harles Lempke was strt,ck by n base- ball at 1'loughkecpslc, N.Y., and almost Instantly killed. Gen. Stephen D. Lee, w'iso directed the firing of the first shot In the civil war, is dead at Vicksburg, Miss. Frank Merritt, a middle-aged man in New York, has allowed doctors 1.1 helm - late him with tuberculosis germ in older le experiment with verious remedies, Six-yearold Anna Sheedy. of West 16111 Street. New York. fell from a fourth Morey window, but struck several -lines and was only slightly bruised. Claude 1. nay, of New York. is suing ene.ther-in-Inw. Mrs. 'Turner, for t1410,- en; 14 0,(4X; for alienating his wife's affections. Day says \Ira. '1'ur»cr Ile -night she was taw' young to be a grandmother, and so ol:jected to her daughter having children. GiiNNER:1L. Tire outer ale • J Ih' \to"maed tl ibes- 01 11 in India is .voila:..;ing. The inhabitants of the bland of Ste nl to ate in revolt egainsl.,lheir Prince.. 'rik' Russian war -hip leder the Great is et -t age a nil in the Gulf of Finland. O.''rlstrnnge, the Fse:u'h n.roellnsl, flew . ver six mit 3 with hie mach no et 11411114' on \V. dnee ey. • Tht Pars Tenet* sutteesls that the tines hem etre. t1 eubselut' an Ang et- Fnen h nllirnco for the rresent eel rat'. P'r cele:►+ ece'es Wield pint) and other tr mallei have loon stolon froin the Cath'.Iral of Sl. Etienne, f.einog.s, France. f ME(1IAN1(:•t WII�1. NOT RECEDE. C.P.R. Men resist In Demands for Con- ciliation Board. A despatch from Winnipeg say's: Tho n,enth"rs of the mechanical unk,ns here nr.' not alarmed by the d,'spnlch from \lnnlrrul nn \V0.lntwlny stating that the C.P'.11. may lock thorn out if they persist in their demand. for a "')malar tnv.'.stl- ghIssIl of conditions in the cast and west by a heard of Conciliation. They eve .lently anticipated such n move, fuel .Ie. Mare That they will not recede in the sltghteet front the ground tttey have taken. They are ready for trouble if It mull come. Ali in.liCatiens roint to n derision of the tympany to ignore the tx.ard entirely. 1)110MNED 1N fl\W Twat 'weeli,h Prnap..'rlurs Upset From a 1'nnue. A de patch hems Cobalt says; A .double drowning aMident took place last week en Rey Lake. when two Swedish pros- pectors for Mr. Archin Gullies were drowned while out fulling h1 a canoe. 7't.ey were Erie llelenjue, ag.'A twenty- eight, nn.l Olo I'yyllke, aged thirty - ono. They weero not long old when 0 smrnll s4Jd•'nly oras) and capsized their canoe. [loth Ixidies were recovered from 11n lake shortly afterwards, and were taken In charge by Mr. Charles ('.erup- t ell. undertaker, of Cobalt. Another Stealph prospector Is aliasing In the Anantn•Nipissing region. and it Le thought That he, too, has been drowned. 't 111-4 it \t'.K \W kS BROKEN. ort rhnr Man limped From n Mov- ing Train. A ders;)itch from Port Arthur say:s::\ man nanu.l 11.,n1.et. nnpk)yeel he;o a3 e teamster. wee fatally Injures on \\*ei- nesday night by teeing thrown heavily l.; the gr) unit while alighting freen a moving train, his back Ming broken. Ile had leased"! the train to 5441 some frauds good-bye, and wa:tod leo icing. flIE WORLD'S MARKETS REI'OIiTs FRO11 111E LEADING TRADE CEN'tRES. l'rkes of Cattle, Grain, (..eese anJ Other Dairy Produce at Ilowe and Abroad. I1111e1DST li FFS. Tornio, Jure 2. -Manitoba \VIs. at -- N••. 1 northern, 81.18; No. 2, $1.11; No. 3, $I.tuy; feed. practea:ly nee;o offer- ing, nominal quotaliv:u are 7,k, N',. '1 lei 65., Georgian Bay posts. Ontario WhaiL-No. 2 %thlt=. 91e. is 96•: eutsde; N,. 2 held, 93%c to 94yye entitle; No. 2 ntix+xd, 93c to 9tc; rot. go x0. Cern---No. 3 yellow, fe mine at Bic tc 82c, Terme) freight, but no bee:- »e.' d ,Lag. l'rioe too high. F'our - Manitoba patents, specie! brunets, $6; seoonds, $5.40; sti'., halt- ers', $5.30; wetter what patents, dull at $3.50. Itat ley -No. 2, 5%c th 60c outside, P: as-e4e. 2. 9'c ba 93 , outs! !o, Rya -,No. 2 :carte and wanted, F$c. I)tsekeh'at.-Nee. 2, feljf,e to 65c. lea!s_etio. 2 white, 49': to 50c °usl.k; No. 2 mixed, 47%c outselo. Bran -$22 on tack, Toronto. St:orfs-425 bre. COU\TRY PRODUCE. Egg3---N' w -inlet, 17e to 18.'. rints Butter -Treses have decenxd anoth-W Creanneiy, erulL Cent all around.24c to 25c , BEST WAY TO CURE A GOLD .... de) said.) .... .... ... 22e; to 23c Dairy g Sluts DAPI AT PORT ARTIIIIR BURST Engine and Crew Plunged Into the Current River. A despatch from Port Arthur, Ont., segs: 'The worst disaster known in the history of this city occurred just before midnight Wednesday night, when u tidal save of water rushed down the Current sliver, sweeping everything lef.,re it, causing an enormous amnuut of damage. and creating ti wreckage which will antot.nt to hundreds of thousands of dol- lars. Five lives were lost by the wreck of a freight train which plunged into a %TOW out track at the Current River bridge. Another marl Ls missing. The disaster was caused by the break- ing of the dant on the Current River. used for the generation of power, owing to the atnorntal height of the river, caused by the heavy rains. All the buildings In the. City Part: were carried away, and the power house wns inundated. Two (:.P.R. bridges went out with the flood, and about three-quarters of a Milo of track was Washed out. Where the flood was fl its arrest a freight train from the haat carne slung end plunged into the swirl of waters from the bridge. The engine and several cars were engulfed, and live men went down lo Lath. The dead are: Joseph Seawall', engineer, of S<'hrelnier, inse- rted. James McBride, fireman, of Fort William. unmarried. Albert Inman, brakesulan, Fort William. Two u1t- known melt bating their way on the train. (:reductor 'lose was severely in- jured, but the other train hand. escaped. The accident has completely crippled the city power plant, destroyed much property, an.l cut off etc supply ter the car system, as well as Tight and water. Temporary power for the local plants ie being procured from the Canadian Northern, and it is expected asslstanco will be procured by connecting with the Kanitntstiquia lines at Vert William. The damage i3 estimated at about half n mil- lion dolinrs. Passengers are being transferred across the flooded track In gasoline launches. Passenger trains are held top, including a special with steamship pas- senger, 21054)2V de large roots In'e^ or .... .... 16' to 17e 1l..ney Strained steady at ltc to 12c per pound, tor feepound palls, and 12e lo 13: for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Combs at $1.75 to $2.50 }rete dozen. ['Mato s-ontar:o, 90•; Delaware, $1, in car 'Os on tuck h r', Cheese -The new make Li offering m-,ro freely; 14c 1.r largo and 14%e for twin,, in job tots here; clew nuke, 12. fo • targe and 12%e for twir•s. Bea»_ --$1.90 Vo 82 f:or priln-s, and $2 U. $2.10 ter hand;pi k'41. Malec Syrup -$1 to $1.10 per gallon. Bald Stiaw-S'1 to $9 p-er ton. [Med Ilay-7' ntothy is quoted et $15 car u track here. i lots on 6e o Ston n Oro PROVISIONS. Pork -Short cut. 821 t) 821.50 per barrel; rake=s, 817.50 to $18. Lard -Tierces, 1leeec; tubs, 11%c; pails, 12e. Smoked and Dry Salted Meals-f.ong clary bison, 10%c, ton, and cases; ,. nv:diunt acid i ght, 1_•. 10 13ye:; hams, large. 11%c to 12c; leeks. lac to 16y,c; shoulders, 9%c to 10c; rolls, 10c lc 10%e; brenk'net bacon. lie to 15c; green /heats, out of pickle, lo ins than sin ,ke4. • ,NEW Y0111( WHEAT MARKET. New York, June 2 - Wheat - Spot easy; No. 2 rod, $1.04. elevator; No. 2 n4. $1.01';;. f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 north- ern Duluth, $1.19 f.o.b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.12%, f.o.b. aflout. MON'Iltt:At. MARKETS. \h,ntr.'nl, June 2. ---Flour- Manitoba .geeing wheal patents. 16.11) to $6.20; see - end patents. $5.50 to 85.70; winter wheat Ingalls. ails. $5.25 to $5.75; straight rollers, e4.54 4o 55; 1n bags, $2.15 to *2.25; ex- tra, 81.50 1, $1.410. (tolled Outs -$2.75, in bags of 90 lbs. Oats -No. 2, 51% c l0 52%c; No. 3. 49c t•) 50c; No. 4, 47c to 48.:; rejecled, 15o ti 46c; Manitoba rejected. 50c, North Roy. Gornnteal-$1.60 to 11.70 per bag. M illfee'd- Onturlo bran, to bags, $23 to 13:3.50; shorts, $25 to $26. Ps.) 1'. ons-I1arr. is slt)'t cut mese, 122.50; halt barrels, $11.50; clear fat bucks. *23; dry stilt long flair pocks, Ile; barrels plate beef. 117.50; half bar - sets do, $9; compounil lard. Seec to 9)0; pure lard, 12%c c t) 13e: kettle rendered. 'vc to 13%..; hams, 12y0 to oleo accord- ing to size; breakfast bacon, 14c to 15e; Windsor bacon, 15c to 16e; fresh killed nl.attoir dre'.acd hogs, $9.25; live, 10.60 to $6.75. (:horse -The market is quiet, with v'eslerns quelled at 11ye to 11 ' c and en sterns rat 11,0 to 11%c. Local re celpts tr..day were. 7.74e i3.xe.3, eonspnnul with (.513 for the corresponding day of last year. Ilutter--Th.' market is steady today at the recent decline. finest creamery being quokd at 22c In roared Holy and Uy,,: to grocers. local receipts today were 3. - Os:. paekngos, compared with 831 for the seine day last year, LIVE STOCK MAiRKE'I'. Terme). Jn.' 2. --One lead of very fancy she r, brought as high a pat a as $6.35. and several .ethers weld at over $6. f:he.tee butc•hetat' seers sold up 41 $ i.90. Tho prol'oi ('e'n eef row t, the rest of Thr offerings wns rather smite. and the price-. keep very strong. The lest ev,eciniens still demand 81.73 to $5. and the cemittlon ones all the way down (0 $3. Seel) and !atnl.a are lower, s.• Uw ..41•. A FAMILY PIIYS4ICIAN ALSO TELLS HOW TO AVOD ONE. Slight Attacks of Cold May be Treated • Succeaslully by Recourse 10 Fresh Air. The primary cause of a cold is want of pure, fiesh air. Badly ventilated living -rooms are necessarily full of im- pure air, need if artifk'lal light -especi- ally gas -light -is used in Went the air becomes vitiated. Two predisposing causes of a cold Either ' 1 c the. t to ) weal. fr body mustbecarefully is exposed when weakened by faiigueor cosestitutionally depres'od to a cold cur- rent of air, as on a draughty railway platform, le damp shee's or clothes, or evert to to devitalized atmosphere re- sulI n'g from letting a lire l.o'ore Mitch one has been carefully dozing get gra- dually low, or the pores of the skit are opened its a vitiated and warm utntas- phore, such as a crowded church, chap.' or ttaatre. '!'hese. muses may cwub:ne, and a cold then beoomes doubly severe. Frequently p rsons ascribe their colds to going from some warm place to the open air, when, as a n:at'er of tact, they kayo alrer,dy taken cold in a close, UNVENTILATED AT\IOSI'IICRE. Slight or partial attacks of cold may to treated successft(lly by imm0Ilate• te- course to fresh, pure. air, gently walk- ing the the best part of a day. taking a warm bath at night, soak ng the lege 111 het mustard and water 10 re1110t'0 Iiic head (ongestvn, a►:d drinking a warm. thin gruel before sleeping to i11 theca na- tural per -iteration. The w:ndotts should be parllul'y open if the w.'ather is dry. To tclteve the "stuffy" s. nsat on about the nose there is nothing !eater than the application of toe tallow candlo of our grandmothers. As, I:ow•ever, mod- ern tal'ow candles frequently contain arsenic, plain unsalted land, nr almost any kind of thick grease, may be sub- stilstl.d. For the tickling Fellanlloll In the throat there Ls no remedy snp.'rlor t . 1 nee 41 tot, made by pouring bo t ng water on fresh 8ceel. then slightly sweat - oiled. acidulated with Ictnuis juice, and the teual liquorice left out. The tightness of the chest Ls best re- lieved by u warm bath at bed -time. fol• Estee' by rubbing into the cheat a spoon- ful of hot olive oil or lanolin, either of which will effect the pur,x.se, though the Snell of the latter is against its w•despreetd use. If th's lat'er symptom of t'ghtne ss, cr lento in the el.est, is at fel severe the patient must he put In Lod in on stiry nom, a fire burning, and the win.4oty a few inches open IN (2.EAR \\'liATIII:It. There must be only haat enough bd- c.tvering to be comfortable. \Vllen u warns balh is given it th•mld be in the bedroeuu, the windows Mattel be shut. and the iinm(rson must to all over ex- cept rho bead, and net usie part of n tine. For the foe tw•enly•four irons. nr even longer. recording t. , the severity •el the symptnmy, nothing but a bleak• fast-eug.t+tl of barley water and nl tie, in 4555 81 pIoporliosl', every• l ilir hours ane a tittle fruit must be given. The !)ends an I fate shield be seen:eel w th tepid water night and ►teeming. \\ to n the severely tf the symet ens dint n she), prem) and milk, macaroni or rice pud- dle: sent. or ether light 4i• 1 should !e - arena(.I cnt5' the II p,..1 o' r. tura+ rend Ilio ordinary Jlct can be taken, but the patient had hotter Eeiza the brat fav- orable avorahle opportunity to get gentle outdoor exerc.ss. 7'itb treatment is for the se- vere ferns of colds. Drugs, h entoeopathic or allo,e'hic, are )really melees, and poultices are not reeled if the above directions are car- r ed out. The thirst is led relieved by grapes, fresh lemonade. or tamarind water. To avoid recurrent° of tho com- plaint, n:oelcratc living. 1.1'I- LK 011 NO ALC011OI., which opens lila ror '. of the sk'n, gen- tle exercise, moderate clothing. and abundant trash air are ohs essential ro- qu site'. . fleselee these general rules /t will be well if pear. -ens very llahlo to colds wl l take care that no ingress be given to the malady. Thus. if a cold usual:y com- mences in the te.'th. these sh ted le at- tended lo. and decayed or unhealthy slumps trmotol. If the eyes are first attiuleed, they tuust treat Le unduly triad, exposed to dust, strangartificial light, or bad air. If the symptoms commonly comnleneo In the throat, torn a daily gargle with oak' water should bo had, the teroat sluiced every morning wah cold water, and nether unduly exposed nor muffled ug• with handkerchiefs, mufflers, boas, o^ high fur collars. Should the chest or bronchial when h. ch elly aUcctol, the same precnutents es to clothin must le (.kserved; porous end toktoo hoary flannel or <.t5er voles ehenrld be worn, and nilsnnnfed chest eipiotect.rs'' thrown aside.-London'T.I- Le la. FORTY MONTHS ON DESERT ISI -E. W rrcked on Duel. Island, In the South Pacific. Few more st,r:ng stories ale word- ed in the annals eif the sea 4lwtr1 that Sternly rnudo public by tho fifteen sur- vivors of the British barque Dun horrid, who were met away on I) sn••1 o ntnenl bland. ihs 1 olaed fr•agnk•::t e.1 ;eat- covered r0 k is eituated right • ut .1 the truck et shipping near the clgo of the Antarctic ice. an•I is barren and deso- late to an tris :st int'on'e rattle e'.ngre'e let the men manage./ to rulsisl there - or for eight months. living en penguin ilesh and Neal meal, varied by an fee cestonal dash of sea-b:nisi eggs). The/ lead, however, all but given tsp hope when they were re cried. on November 161h, by the exploring slop, 1Ltwrne.a, which brought them in due course: 10 New %eulund. (:ons'derM supply res a feat e•f en. durance, their explo 1 is 1egardal by elil nuvJg;nlois in these waters as little short of mur'elkous. Four to live inmate is generally considered as about the limit during which rrstaways can ex- ist ender such ctrcw uistam'e's in these ielltskles. Indeed, the crew of eleven nein bclongtng to the Norwegian at►p, Karl. ahi:h teas wkcsl .'ry seen.'. g rot,p I.n Aprilree, 18)47,nn This wentvall fotmd dead of stnrvaten end expo sure within hiss than nines weeks afterwards. Sailor cast away ern uninhabited ie - lands In more tomp•rrale r•egt•)ns, how- ever. have managed to subs st her inuch longer ported.. Thu,, 11►,' crew of rho Carotene. wrecked on Ducie island, in th S ut't 'Wills In July. 1!ty1, llwrl there rp►t) aenforlahIy fund taken off in May. 1855; while Iw . u•v v reef the wha'er L -sex were throe years awl fever months on the ,v-lgnlx.ring Ilende•ssoel Leland, era l.eng found env rescued. Come men marry ni leisure, then bus- tle for the dpure. enllrl. f.'rings wire I::rg c, and the eentan 1 i+ - net so strong. Spring lamb• rue ane er en larger offerings. but 11)•' rriee's :Ir' sttli high, ns the grittily of oho. woe $'- ivy of them is not up l0 ih" mat . .\ 11.rge 1 reeertion of what arc offering have not leen Ilnishei cep p:r.,er:y. Ns) !• rss than 1.710 heli w. r•' rocs' •. ; I and in s;rite of lite large number. ti snarket rvnab•e.l s!r'nde at 86 p r• c,o 5. 441 and wale: • 'I ,• 1.11'1: 11 \.r' 411 %TIERED. Palal I:'ple,ion nl n soda water der. Cylln- :\ eb'spatch term Halifax says: Mrs. Philip Rin, wife of a well-known con- fr'ctk ner of (lace Ray, was instantly killed on Thtersday evening by the ex. plosion of a soda water cylinder. Mrs. Fein wits aged about 24 years, and lcnvee two small children. The aced. nt ne- smisggl d tn'o th s e•• entry ever the ei,rrd an Mrs. Eln .vas moving the cylin• Mkxrcan 'eider nailed ( telly t a h xes d fromF:1 I si and h tieing 0 1 n , derthe store while l un . 1 t s r to the floor n K ' Tees,. to ,soma cleaning up. The cylinder Ls said N •w Yak, meet Qua I neon Ih y ie if h - :e. have been everehargcel as wegl as de. ed thi+ city. Rumors eoiree'r:I iia the (w•ttve. Her face wa.,l completely she!. .otlh •d !ho (:A•tt••s.• were a tele el In tro.b. Stet lees). *hese Lung Wing, the inter - 5 4 a e 5 a eI 1 4 41 1 1 1 AILED TIGHTLY IN BOXES Rumor That Twelve, Chinamen Were Suffocated. A despatch from New Yore says: tin- der •beers from Immegrnli.,n (o,nnlls- e over Sergent. agents . f the lnitulg a - tion R•sr.:au on Wednesday limeet gated a reseirt I: at twelve Chu:ar►wel wh 1 %vete prel r fo:' the imnl al i' tar. heard n sI : y flint :1 , - . ! , 5. e:t nail. -1.1 : 1 . ,t twee.•• t ‘.• et:an- Ing I' • e 1 • • Pud I r. . . , I, but that t • ut 4. -• c .'. ; 41. A't.o:eh C; mesal, -on r Si:g' 1 hit t e that 1' .1 1 e Yli 1 n i _ { I rd r u 1.e d e; ►.el a• n.1 15M �1er, term - !:. I. 1 •'tela!( r e: • r thel life 1:,L• tins Leen gut ail, c:, u; .ten ba ahname ll in order 1. Genie a •':rete' A.