Exeter Advocate, 1908-06-04, Page 155c to JAN. '09
NO\\' IS '1'111'. 'TIMI•:
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get it bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
I u \ < .t es; 'Types
On Best Papers
The Finest Work
And Right Pikes
The Advocate Office, Exeter
The Old Reliable
To the London Methodist Confernnce
assembled in Exeter:
We extend to you a hearty welcome to our
village, and trust that your short stay with
us may be of the most pleasant nature. In
the meantime, should you require hats, shirts,
ties, gloves, braces, handkerchiefs, shoes,. etc.
wou.(t be pleased to have you call. If you do,
we will make it north your while. We car-
ry a full assortment in all the above lines.
Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs, Butter 23c, Eggs 1Gc
Special Bargains in Seasonable Goods
In every department of the store we are giving Special Offerings.
LADIES' COTTON VESTS, flne quality. with or without sleeves.
Regular Price 18 cts. Special Offering at 12i cts
4 LADIES' DRAWERS. nicely finished and well made.
Extra good value. Special Offering at .a cts
LADIES' SLIP WAISTS, fine rib, quality worth 35 cts.
A Genuine Barggain. Special Offering at 23 cts
LADIES' CASH11MEl3E RIB VESTS, warranted all pure wool.
Guaranteed not to Shrink. Short sleeves. Special Offering at 45 cts
1 Ladies' Black Sateen Underskirts,
5 Frills. Special Offering at
White Lawn Waists
$2.50 Waist for $1.08
$2.25 Waist for 81.88
82.00 Waist fur. $1.75
81.50 Waist for 81.2.3
-1.2.5 Waist fkr 81.00
75c ' aist for 48c
Made of good washing Batiste, white
with black polka clot, lace insertion
trimmed, i Meows, Special at 48c
Fancy Muslins
A most dainty collection of flne
Mulls, floral and fancy stripes, in white
and colors. The prettiest 1 r(i��
goods that we have ever G
shown. Special Prices . 1
Women's and Children's Hosiery
Spe.: 1l Show iud of t'ancy Tan and MA-. (� r
Stockings In Plain and Fanoy styles. W. '/ /�
sr. now showing a very pretty range (t (� V
t('E GOODS In all sizes, at
An immense stock of LACE CURTAINS
to be cleared out Quickly.
! PRP 'ES.
Profewelonnl Cards..
DB. O. F. ROULSTON. L. D. 8., D. D. 9.
Mentor of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto Unitersity.
orrice. Over Dickson t ('arling • taw (rri e, In
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
DB. A. a. KINSMAN, r. D. 8., D. D. 8.,
Honor graduate of Toronto Unh eriety.
:we extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Ogee of er madman R Stai,bury's office, (lain street
CAIRN., 1 I.:TERINARY ..I I...I. \.
9u'ct..or 10 I,R RAMnA,,
Special Attention to Dentistry.
Night calls lett at the home of lir. Peter Rawden
Main street, (opp. Trhilt Memorial Church). will It
promptly attended to.
Office -- Drll$ni a s old stand, corner of Marc
North streets, (opp. Pym'. Ilia• kemith Shop'.
Your patronage solicited.
Brick and Tile for Sale
The undeni nett has a large quantity of flrst•clu•
■aegr. , brick and tile for ale on his yards,.ituated oppo.ile
- ' the grist milt at Crediton East. Satisfaction guar-
Msdleat anteed. It will t*toy our Interest to call and n:ake
an inepeclicn before Farting elsewhere.
JOSEPH IIA1bT, Crediton East
iias resumed practice after spending a year (Col.
lege) at British and ContinentalHospitals. General
practice with special attention to Eye, (with refrae•
Gen) Ear, Now and Throat.
Offiee: Dashwood, Ont.
-- Legal.
DICKSON A cARr.IN 1. i aRRISTER-s. 801.11 1.
tors, Notar c•. •'• n.. to ere, Commissioners
solicitors for M -'epi.. Itar.k. et• .
Mosey to Loan at lowest rates of interest
Ofn e.. Man 1'5551, Eteter,
�. >L Oaausa, It A , 1. H. Dickson
We bate a large amount of private funds to loan
• farm and village properties at low rate. Of Inter
Barristers, Solicitors,Maln et.. Eseter On
Licet Ildd Aactlonear.
Sales attended in all parts. Satisfaction guaran•
teed el no pay. Terms reasonable. All orders left
at Advocate Oflice will be promptly attended to.
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal Incorporated Society of
Yu.Icians, England. Organist of TrisItt Memorial
Cbnrcb,Eceter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory
Of Music, Terme on application. Ratter. Ont,
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company. also Fire Insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and ilritish Companies.
Main -St., Exeter.
House For Sale.
In the Village o1 Exeter. situated on Simcos street,
a frame dwelling, 2 stories. kik hen and woodshed.
!tams,r n1 yell, one fifth a•reof land. All in rood
,osdainn M":It t.r sold reasonable. Apply at this
Cottage to Rent
A frame cottage, in good lei, 111. 15111
vt reasonal,1e rental. Apply .r? this
(n.5 mana,emrnt trains more young
ogle than any other in Ontario I
sa,. re must be a reason, trite kr it.
avec tat Cour.. for Teacher's -
Mail Coarses.
Geo. Spntton. Principal
++++++++++++++44'++++++++ F+
Stray Calf.
Therestrayedfrom the premises of the undersign-
ed, on or stout May 1!th, ared calf, .even months
ol. Rind'v send information as to wbereabonte to
London Road South.
House and Land for Sale.
The unde-•ignrd is offering for rale ha hense and
land on Huron Street East. The house Is of frame
and Is In good repair. The land consists of►etre
In good condition. Gory) water-- hard and soft.
(rood stableftome good fruit trees, etc. POW"
"don given now or in the fall. Apply at the home
of Abraham bearing, Jr., Simcoe Street.
Notice to Drain Contractors,
Tenders kr the +vnrtru. tion of the I'VM DRAiN
and the ANLERSnN DRAIN, will be opened by the
t'shome Council at the Township Hall, Elimtille, on
9ATeRDAY, JUNE 6th, at 2 o'clock.
Plans, specifications and proele, may be seen at
!he Counul Rooms on above date atter 10 o'clock, or
at the Clerk's OSP* at any time previously.
F. MORI.ET, Clerk.
Whalen, May 21st, ltroe.
Farts for Sale.
That chci a farm, being composed of Lot 11. in
('on. 2, l'etorne, in the County of Huron, containing
1M acres. 90 cleared and 10 hardwood bush. Gond
spick dwelling, lame, commodious hank tam; dri.e
hoax, pig house. gondorchard, tern neer-failing
wells of water, Thi. t. a choice, clean farm in a hips
Kate M •-ult.ation. Convenient to church and
school, and w:thin 24 miles of Pieter 11 not sold
privately on of before the 1 nth day of tune, it will
be sold by pub1e auction on the premises on the
I th DAT OF J('NE, tall., at 2 o'. la k p. m.
No reser,.. as family tie. compel the propriet:.r to
hay elsewhere For terms and particular. apply on
premises cr to
Auctioneer, ray, :far.
To the Electors of South Huron
The Liberal -Conservative ('urlven•
lion recently assembled at Hensall,
has again done me the honor of select-
ing me as the standard-bearer of the
party in the cooling Provincial con-
test. After years of faithful and con-
scientious service as your representa-
tive, I think that I can with no small
degree of confidence again solicit your
support. wring my first terns in the
Legislature, I, with a faithful opposi-
tion, fought against fearful odds to ob.
tain honesty and fair play as well as ju-
dicious and righteous management of
the affairs of this Province. I nowam
supporting a Government formed to
carry out the principles for which we
struggled, and am convinced that a
close comparison of the conduct of af-
fairs with that of the previous Gov-
ernment, will cause every right think -
Ing man, I care not what his politics,
to give it and its acts a hearty endor-
I do not in this address intend to
give an extended review of all the leg-
islation of the past four years, as the
platform is the proper place for such
discussion. Nor do I suppose that
what are known as hide -bound or
strong party uien among my oppon-
ents, will endorse me, no matter how
strong a case 1 may make out for the
Government, but I appeal to the hon-
esty of the great independent elector-
ate which does its own thinking, and
makes and unmakes Governments ac-
cording as they come up to its ideals.
To this section of the electors, tht+true
hope of our country, I can appeal as
an honest roan to honest, fair-minded
men and ask them to give the patriotic
and honest \Vhitney Government an-
other four years' extension of their
Thanking you all in advance for
what i believe will prove on election
day. a fulfillment of my request.
1 am,
Yours sincerely.
Where Ministers are Billeted
Godwin•'I' Handford. Going -James St
Parsonage, 11 A, \V 11 and \V (' Gra-
haot•Urs J J \Vhite, J 1V (:rahatu-
Janies St, Parsoii .ge. Griult-J Salter,
Green aud Griffith -Mrs G Fisher, Guu-
dy-!t I'ick„rd,
Revs. Hall...., Ilainilton•Cummet'-
cial Motel, Hannou•F 1\' Glatlntnn,
A G Barris•\V Eason, \V 11 II:u•ris,...
Hart -Mrs Jacohie, Haynes , Hay -
lock -11 Hooper, Hazen -R N Rowe,
Hazel woo] -'I Hazlewood, Henderson -
A Bissett, Hibbert -Mrs Homey, D
HicksA Dearing, It Hicks-Ur•u 5 hicks,
Hiles -Mr Bedford, E Holmes , J E
Holrnes-J (i Jones, J Holmes•alr• How-
ey, J W Holmes -T 13 Carling, Hosking
-Mrs Stancombe, Howson -Mr Blatch-
ford, Jno E Hunter...., Jas E Hunter -
II ilooper, Ilnsser•N Kestle, Hutton -
Win Elson.
Rey. R F Irwin with \Vin Carling
Revs. Geo and Thos Jackson with T
Fitton, James -J Salter, Jewett•D
Wynn. Jolliffe-Mrs Stancombe, 0 H
Johnson -11 Horney,J W Johnston....,
Jones -A Ford, Johnson -H Jones.
Revs. Kaiser with Mrs. T. Shapton,
Kaine•C Alswortb, Kellam -Met Hotel,
Kennedy Jas• , Kennedy Jno-
Mansion House, Kennedy J B -A Dear-
ing, Kennedy 11 F•C Luker, Kenner -
Mrs J Pickard, Kerr W -Mrs Harvey,
Kerr -N Kestle, Kershaw , Kettle-
well-THandford, K ilppatrick-JKerslake,
Kirkland -E Jory, Knight -M Salter,
Knowles -R Del bridge. Ire s -J Shapton.
Revs. Launceley with \V J Heaman,
Langford Alex- Langford A J &
F \V -T Bissett, Langford W-
, Livingstone -H Huston,
Lloyd•Dirs F Fisher, Locke -E Huston,
Logan-Ttiv Mem Rectory, Long-EJory,
Lawrence -Mrs J Pickard.
Revs. Madden with Mrs J Down,
Mahan -Mrs Bissett, Sr, Mallott- F W
Ghtdnlan, Manning -A J Ford. Martin -
Snell, Mason: • Matthews -Jas
Shapton, McAllister -A J Ford, Mc•Ca-
rnus-S Rowe, McCormick -Mrs J N Ho-
ward, McCullough -C Hooper, McCut-
cheon• , McDonagh -J Gill, Mc-
McKelvie-Wm Coultis,
, McKibbon-Mr Rich-
ardson, McMullen- MclRoberts-
.., McTavish -W Statham, McVit-
ty- . Medd-AN' Coultis, Middleton -
Mrs Sanders, Mulford -Miller, T
Kay, Mills , Millson•J Peart,
Millyard R -T Harton, Millyard.l-Mrs-J
Treble, Mit chell-E Snell. Moorehouse
CJ & A ES Fitton, Morrison -C B
Snell, Moss- , Moyer -Jos Peart,
Mux wuitlt y- 'V Statham. Mundy and
1 flyers -Mrs Sneere.
Revs. Nethercott with Mrs 5 Hicks,
Revs, Agnew with M Salter. Allen -J
Kerslake, Allin-Mrs Johns, Ander'son-
J Colwill, (i W Andrews -I1 Fuld. J
W Andrews -F Gill, Armstrong -Urs
Crews, Ashton -D Wynn, Ayearat.....
Revs. Baird .with K N Rowe, C Bak-
ers Coultis, (i Baker -\V Dauncey, R
S Baker -D Cobbledick, Ball=T Prior.
Barker -AV Coultis, Barltrop ., Barn-
by -Metropolitan Hotel, Bartlett -\\'m
Fletcher, Baugh -W Rivers, Beaton
Beer Birks-James St Par-
sonage, Blatchford -Mrs J Blatchford,
Bontl•T Il Carling, Bristol -Metropolit-
an Ilotel, Alf Brown -Main St. Pat son -
age, A H Brown -Wm Bagshaw, A i
'Revs. O$teis with J Wood, Olirant-
II Hemmer. Oliver -Mrs Fowell, Orate-
Oshorne- , Osterhout-Mrs
J Snell, Parsons- ...., Patterson -Mrs
J Eliutt, Pearson•Uain Street Parson-
age, Penhall-\V Taylor, Pentland -1)
Cobbledick, Peters- , Phillips -Mr
Phillips. Philip -F Wood, Pickard-
, Pumroy \\'•T Prior, Pommy .1-
. Powell -\it's lrorney, I'ring•It
Rev. Wm (mance-
itet•s. Mattoon(' with J Dignan, L
\V Reid• W Fletcher, J C Reid -A Hise-
REV. A. H. (;;GING,
Pastor of Jaynes Street Church, Exeter
Where the London Conference is being held, and whom the Exeter people
hope and expect will he made President of the Conference.
Brown•\\'n, Bagshaw, Buggin-Mrs T
('udniore, Bnrton•(i ('ridniore, Bur -
wash..... Butt .. .
Revs. (Clarke with Mr- [' Fisher.
('lenient -\V Snell, Clysdale...., Con-
way -Mrs. A. J. Munroe, J 8 Cooke -T
Harve/. J E Cooke- \V Hooper. Coop-
er -W Taylor, ('ozena -J Beverley. Coul-
ter.,.., Uonpland-H f)elbridge, Cour-
tice ., ('ouzens-airs Stancomhe,
Creighton ..., Chrichton ... , 11 E
Currie•Masion louse, R J Currie -Wm
Revs. Dewe with J Harvey, Daniel
-Commercial Hotel, Deacon.. ., Down
Mrs J Down, Doan.. , Dougall•Jantes
St Parsonage.
Revs. Edmunds with 0 Cudmore,
Edwards -Mansion House, Elford -Mr.
J Snell.
Revs. Fair... , Fansber Fear -
Main Rt Parsonage, Feesant•I1 Par-
sons, Findlay•Trivitt Mem. Hectorlt
Faber -Main St Par.ionage, J E and
J Ford•T 11 Mc('allnrn, Freeman -J
Pedlar, Fydell•Mrs J laiiott. Ferguo.-n
•P Frayne.
Rev.. (iarbitt with Mra ,i N Hots -
aril. George,' J White. (i A Gifford,
\\' A Gifford. (i ('Gifford -i[ Jones,
est, [leyciaf•E Snell, Rigsby -\V Bi9s-
et1, Itivr•rs-A Ford, B 11 Robinson....,
J W Robinson -Mrs 11 Hooppeer, Rod-
gers -Mrs Fowell, A L Russe11•S Rowe,
J Russell -U McInnis, Rutledge -W 1)
Clarke, Ryan
Revs. Si Salton with J ('[twill, (i F
Salton•1' Frnyne, S.tnderson•Mrs San-
ders, Sawyer -T Hazlewood, E A Shaw-
(' Alewortb, %V H Shaw.,.., Sinclair
Sampson -1 Armstrong, F M
Smith...., 0 Smith ... \V A Smith -
Mrs Jones, 13 Snell -Mrs i' Fisher. J A
Snell -Jas Snell, Snowden•F Wood,
SpenseleySteadman•(' Birney,
Stewart...., `iitclifTe-(' Hooper. Swan
-\V Rivers.
Revs. Taylor with Mre Bissett, lhi-
Intde.tr,-F Gill, Thomas -Mrs Southcott,
(3 11 and A E M Thompson, A Timin•
Mansion House, 11 Thorn pson•Metro•
politan Hotel, Toll -Mrs J Tretie, Ty-
; ler-H itumohr.
Rev. !.'ren with J Wood.
RecA. Vance with Mr Richardson,
Veal..J Peltier, \'oliick•F
Itt'vs. Walden with Mr. So•ithcott.
1\'nlwin•.1 0 Jones, Warner -Mrs i)
Johns. Watson -Mrs l' Fisher. %Vells-
T Hai vey, Whaley -S Martin. White -
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ICE, TORONTO
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
1 ' 1 tULISILEA 1807
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the llnited States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current
rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more
persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the
number or by the survivor. 114
Branches at Exeter and Crediton
hall•I Armstrong, \Vickett-Mrs 1' Cud -
more, Winans...., Williams..... Will-
imott...., J Wilson -D A Ross, M J
Wilson -J Harvey, R L Wilson Met-
ropolitan Hotel, Wren -T Kay.
Rev. Yelland with 5 Marten.
The Nomination.
A large crowd attended the nourina
tion meeting at Hensall on Monday,
when Henry Eilber and Jacob Keller -
mann were nominated to contest South
Huron for the Legislature. Mr. Eil-
bet•'s nomination was moved and sec-
onded by John Sherritt o:Ttephen and
John Middleton of Goderich Tp.. and
Mr. Kellermann by Henry Smith of
Hax and Thomas Fraser of Manley.
A joint public meeting was held in
the rink after two o'clock, with Mr.
Hugh Spackman as chairman, when
Mr. Eilber spoke on behalf of tha
Whitney Government and himself.
and Mr. Blair of Goderich on behalf of
the Opposition and Mr. Kellermann.
Mr. Eilber gave a rapid review of the
work cf the Government, dwelling par-
ticularly on the planner of dealing
with the pine and mineral lands in
New Ontario, the electric and steam
railway taxation, the increased school
grants and cheaper bo..ks, the enforce-
ment of the liquor license laws, the re-
distribution, the good work done by
the Government in the interest of the
farmer, and the excellent sales made
of the mineral lands and lakes in the
North. The surplus has been a large
and increasing one under Whitney,
whereas previously it was a deficit.
Mr. Kellermann said he was 'young
in politics, but thought it his duty to
stand when macre the choice of the
patty. lie thought all school book
should be reduced in price, and claimed
that the rednction in readers was not
permanent. Ile argued that the inex-
perienced teacher should have the
same chance as the others. Ile claimed
he was not getting justice because of
the redistribution, but if he could not
get a fair start he would start anyway.
Mr. Blair did not expect to say any-
thing new. Ile said all prices of books
should be reduced, the model schools
should not be abolished, that the con-
tinuation schools were being shut out,
that Toronto University governors
were not responsible for money spent,
that Huron County had been hand-
picked in the redistribution. He also
criticised the Laltose Deal, the Railway
Guarantee, the three-fifths clause, the
license enforcement, the automobile
bill, and claimed thatthe present rev-
enue was derived front the work of
the Ross Government.
Mr. Eilber, in bis reply, made a mas-
terly address, answering the argu-
ments of Mr. Blair most successfully.
The Model schools would not be closed
until there was good reason for it, and
the continuation schools wero receiv-
ing greater assistance than ever. If
the license laws were not enforced in
Goderich it was Mr. Blair's fault, as
the municipalities should enforcethenr.
Other school books would be reduced
in price. Arrangements were being
made to have one set of readers for all
the provinces. He said that he was
handicapped when he started in the
race, having NO majority ngainst him,
in answer to the question : " Who
Does the Money Belong To, ?" he said
Mr. Ross thought it belonged to the
capitalists. but Mr. Whitney to the
people. He also explained the LaRoee
and Ryilway deals. He had no fear of
the result on the Rth if the peoplegave
a square deal for a square deal.
Itout.STON-In Exeter, on May 20, to
Dr. and Mrs. 1luuistun, x bun.
RAU-At'lurich, on May 27, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Rau, a son (still born)
MUNRO-In alcGillivray, 18th con., on
May 21, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Munro,
a son.
O'N8IL-In McGillivray. un May 20,
to Arthur O'Neil and wife a son.
Scary. -In Hensel!, on May 30th, to
J. Lorne Scott and wife a daughter.
Bisawrr-At Crediton East, May 23,
to Milt. Bissett and wife a daughter.
MortLoIK-In Stephen, on May 22, to
John Morlock and wife a daughter.
AnKRIIART-In Tuckersntith, on May
24, to Mr. and Mrs. George B. Aber -
hart, a daughter.
GAscllo-At the 11th ('on. Ilav, on
May 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Gascho, a daughter.
DUcIIAIME-At the SaubleLine, Hay.
on May 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Ducharme, a daughter.
DENOaIY-MosseAC-in St. Peter's
church. 'Zurich, on May 26th, Peter
Denomy of St. Joseph, to;MisstRach-
el Mosseau of Drysdale. .
KOSIILF-I1-WrrwifR-At the resid-
ence of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Witwer, Zurich, on May
27th, Daniel Koehler to:Miss Addie
DUnANn-Near Drysdale, on May 27,
Mrs. Joseph Durand, aged 57 years,
MOUNTCABTLE-IU Clinton, on May 21,
Clara Mountcastle, aged 70 years and
0 months.
JACK8°N-In"Clinton, on May '22,t1Ber-
tra m, youngest son of John Jackson,
aged 20 years.
ALEXANDKn-In Tuckersmith, on May
21, Charlotte Stewart, beloved wife
of John Alexander, in her 72nd year.
IIOLMIO -In Clinton, on May 27, Nel-
lie Leavenworth Holmes, third
daughter of Robert Ilolmes, aged 22
1.' 0 g1.11rIlir'iiR'w lir lir IF!
Something New!
Lemonade-- Lemon Pie
without lemons
made with 1'I'Ri7'Y non-alco•
Indic flavoring extracts.
Cheaper, cuts out the work
Just as Good as that made
with the Fruit.
Purity LEUONB, put up in
glass Java -
25 cents each.
Try a jar and prove what we say.
-Sold only at -
Watch Window. 4'an. Ex p. Bldg.
'o'v1v'if IF Nria
For the Hot Weather
. s
Coal Oil Stoves, small 75e to 51.35
" one minute, wi('kles .. for $10.00 only
Vapor Gasolene Stoves, from 8.5.00 up
Gasolene Cans, hold 4 gal,s with
Lamp (no evaporation) .. . for 82.00 only
Hammocks, (a swell line) 82.50 to 84.75
Screen Doors $1.00 to $1,50
'` Windows 2(1cts to 4f1cts
Light Step Ladders, very latet$1.00 to $1.50
Curtain Stretchers, complete $1,40 per set
Lawn Mowers $3 75 to $5.50
Scmonr's Floor Paint 45e per quart
1(P0per cent Pure Pit int ..25e and 50e
Fishing Tackle of every description.