Exeter Advocate, 1908-05-28, Page 7(FARMS FOR SALE.
"Arco:a Farina and Aloes: M..untaln
Ranches. Farms strong, p rtnanent .end
(ilei( located. Ternia ;o su.l any pructi.
tea. tr;r:t:er. Improved farms $15 to 825
per acre. Ranches $3.40 t) $6 par a -re.
Mortgages and Lan.l Agncmutts for
sale. The Cook Brothers, Arcola. Sask.
Write to -day.
Improved Fant(, COO acres of Wen-
' did wheat land, a rich cnocolato loam
lee a sleet Sixteen mile, from
Warmer, a thriving town on the A. H. A
1. Ca.s road foity•cig.t miles sr:uth Of
l.ethbr:dge, fifty acre. cult v.itect, Nato:
of !even r. Dins, stalee for rawer, toi•st•s,
a'1 Owe! hod cross -fenced. Price $17
,per acre. Terms e:ght dollars cash and
balance easy. Als, unimpr,ved land on
tx4.Ced districts at from eight to fifteen
dolars ver acre. If Interested !ot me
(tarnish you w.th full particulars. Av-
erage yield last year. 35 bushels wheat
pe- acre. Not one bush 14 1 frozen grain
raised in lie ietle•ralre District.
jt T. E. PAVE/SON. ILcthbridgea Alta.
AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man kin every
*Hy and town in Canada with waterwotk4 t • yell
*patent article needed In every Irou.e. b• tel :.ti t
public building. Sells at sight. Hustler• c.ii
kind are making $5.W a day. Write at •e 1 .r+
'particulars. (leu. T. Cote, Owen Suuud, Ontario.;
to bear Iron+ owner havin,4
Ger sale Yet pi tirular about 1".- /mot -
Please sive price end description, and rea-
son (or .4::134. :•(.ire whdn poa•e.lioa eau
be had. wilt deal with owners only.
i.. Darbyshire, Hoz teas, Rochester, N. Y -
V1410130 RO
40RO c;.,
r faecessog4_ ro dvntruo CAsor Co
The Beat en3 Cheapest
PR10E5 B£F)PE B'JVI'. i
Trots hew a young non saved
the bank by a wise investment.
Every stuck buyer and nives1or
stioukl read this book. Not for
sale. Sant. free on request. Your
name on a foetal will bring it.
Write to -day
351 Railway Exchange Bldg., Denver, tele.
3111.i Rare and Preeisps r.1 first, Nu Now the
Common Thimble.
` The thimble was originally collect a
thumb bell by the English, because worn
len the thumb. Then a Ih.nlbte, and fin-
ally its present name. It wns n Dutch
Iinvention and was first glass and pearl.
Ie China beautiful carved pearl thimbles
are seen, brought to England in 1695.
, Thimbles were formerly made only of
iron and br.'E, hut in comparatively late
years they have been made et gold. sil-
ver, steel, horn. ivory, and even glass
land peer! thimbles are seen, bound with
cold and with Iltc end of gold.
tw I Tho first tumble introduced into Siam
Iwas n bridal gift from the King to the
Queen: it is shaped like a lotus bud, made
int geld and Thickly sludd(vl with dia.
ln;(.nds arranged to spell the Qucen'a
Weekl) Markel Letter.
A. J. Palhv.n dl• Co. in their weekly
new+ letter to clients. rel ort is fellows:
Th, n.u.uct; al D..nd market has leen
nwrr nett(' during the week than for
some lime past. Large blocks of muni-
cipal Donets have tarn taken up for tn.
V(sltnent k. )old from 5to5;e ler cent.
'I ha fila. k market, both In Terratto
and New 1'r.:k. has shown unu-IlHI ac -
!t . Iv Anil ndvan(e% in prices for the
' t.+F•h.'r etas; of divuk nl Anvers was in
o itunotee of (as•8 ellbstanl.1d. Some of
Ihe changes were kern 5 le $ teen's. Tette
►vlden•.e .1 returning c' nfidencc in gen-
ital coud.t ons end the unprectdcnted
Accumulation (.f money al financial ten -
Rh)x-"A scentist chi ins that mental
l+:b r is one of the chief causes of a
still w o.tmplcxion and wriukt s"
Kn ex -"That may explain why ()Cr
Ir g.slat,r•s proem) their good looks."
seem HEAD is a ding -flag aed obstinate
di.ea.a, l-alueut iu children. 'L rent men(: Per-
fect c.eauu..ees and a geuur•.us appi•e.atiou of
tru.yer• ('orate. M..thets will be s.ad to Iwo
Vol gon that doesn't abkie with a
man tw.•i+ly-lour hours a day, and acv-
• n days a week isn't worth 'having.
Cucumbers and melons ore "forbidden
fruit' to many persons so constituted
1.-tt the :east Indulgence is followed by
a: ticks of cholera, dysentery, griping.
err•. These persons ate not aware That
tt.'y can indulge to their heart's content
I they hate on hand a bottle of 1)r. J.
P. kcllocg'- Dysentery Cordial, a medi-
.nc that will give i►nnicdiute relief, and
.s a sure cure for all summer conl-
mer complaints.
The ularniing t p'demia of cerebro -
!nal men mils of 190i-1907 was pr•.-
of ole goad result -it proved Ihnt
bacir'us, Dipl ere. us intracellu'aria
• v, ret Tv \\'eicti eibau►n in 1887,
A Cure for Anomia That is Shov-
ing Remarkable Proofs of Curas
in Stubborn Cases.
When the body becomes weak and
run down. either from overwoi . \tarry
or severe illness. an examination of the
blood would show it to be weak and
watery. This condit:o:i is called tuute-
neia, which is tttc tuadlieal tern( for
"blood (•...alas." The cowmen symptoms
ore 1.41:4:1.•ss it the lips, guilts and
cheeks, shortness o1 breath and palpi-
tation of the heart after the sligh!eet
exertion, dull eyts void loss of a1N'i1tt'•
Anaemia itself is a dangerous disease
and may gradually puss into consimee
tion. It can only Le cured by treating
its cuuse-which is the JOOr condition
of the blood. 'rho bleed must be made
rich and rcd, tier 1eby entibling it to car-
ry the necessary nourishment to every
part of the body.
Dr. WV .1'.ani.' Pink Pills are the great-
est uletdi•_ine in the world kir making
new, rich t::e..d and they have been
- lh :0' 1,-e of the dis-ase. A coin-, curing anaeui.a and other blood d senses
on w:: ,,ppoinkd by the board of for nearly a generation, and are n otv re-
t ! !. s'y of New Yolk to study
.• \\ Oh a view of discovering
:.-(rift v, and curative remedies. The
fat . i; rt of this commission trader
lir Sou Flexner of the Bo.kfeller In-
t :1 • : \t--•I'cal Rester:1i, was to se-
.. t-eliplococcus serum tor in -
•,loan victims of the dig
nUrt Infections were in-
Ou• -, r• r.0 n aninl.1a for the purpose
of :. , , :wing such a "curative' serum
once .t tt• s 't:own it c b: effective
1.1 ... cr-mental infectious.
Cote. io-spinal Melting lis is an in-
fh i nat•iry Ji=ease of Ike cerebral men -a-
bout e and :;sinal cord. It occurs most
fen- ..I:y in w neer and spring. It is
c 41.1111e. but not tlitecuy contagious
fr an i a -i to man. It appear.; oftenest
;1: •te le is of low vitality and among
t .e scantily nourished dwellers of trnc-
ntents and sttnis. It may prove fatal taken three boxes there was an impmve-
,n its fulminant fcrm w.thln a few hours ment, and a little later she was able to
and is therefore a dreaded scourge. the return to school. From that on she
plop,rli,n of receveries by the old Inc- grew stronger, had an excellent appe-
ih ids of treatment was about twenty lite. slept well at night, and is now as
p r cent. In the several cities where
t -e caves under site new treatment were
•1., the results indicate that in forty -
4,. n caacs thirty-four recovered and
t i•' i Four of the latter were
I.i Mn (heti Fu
of 1':e fulmutant type and there:ore past
c. nlrol. Elintinaling t!:cs front the cal-
rtilatl n. this changes the percentage
,le.:ever:es to 79.'J and of dentlis to
10,1- jii.st reversing the former figures.
'I t:c successful casco reported, loo, made
-.:tele and rap:d recoveries. -Juno
i hr:i:al
cognized the world over as an invalu-
able household remedy.
Mrs. D. Eetabrook, Brooklyn Bond,
N. B., says: -"My daughter Gertrude,
who is now in her sixteenth year, was
sickly from early childhood, we were
constantly doctoring for her, but it dirt
not seen( to help her 1n the least. In
fact as site grew older she semed to
grow weaker. She was always pale
and listless, suffered from headaches,
d.zziness and palpitation of the heart.
She did not rest at night, and
often toss and moan the wholo night.
Finally she had to discontinue going to
school, and as she was continually tak-
ing doctors' medicine withc%it benefit 1
grew discouraged, and feared we would
nese her. Friends urged us to give her
Dr. Williams' Pink rills, and 1 finally
decided to do so. By the time she had
The ills of babyhood and childhood
..re ninny and may {trove serious it not
irolnplly cured. In loonies where Baby's
Own Tablets ere kept there Is a prompt
cure at hand for such troubles as indi-
gestion. sour stomach, colic. constipa-
Ilten, d arrhoea, wo m<, tecli.ing l.ou'tles
and other minor ailments and the Tab-
lets can be administered as safely to a
reeve torn baby as to the well grown
child. Mrs. Octave Paulin, Caraquel, N.
IL, says: "I have used Baby's Own Tab-
lets for loth my little boy and girl for
the various ailments of childhood and
have found then always a splendid me-
dicine. No mother ehould le without
the Tablets in the home." Sold by mcdi
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
lox from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
The mole has little slaying power,
dying it deprived of suskuance for a
single day.
How to Cleanse the Sy'tem.--Parme-
ke's Vegetable fills are the result of
scientific study of the effects (,t extracts
et certain roots and herbs upon the di-
gestive organs. Their use has demon-
strated in many instances that they re -
plate the action of the Ilter and the
kkineys. purify the blood, and carry oft
all morbid accumulations from the sys-
tern. They are easy to take, and their
action is mild and beneficial.
11AS TIIAT IN Pi.I:N'i'?'.
"A prophet ,8 without honer in his
Own country." remarked the moralizer.
"'True," rejoined the defn(,ralizer,
"but Ile is never without competition.'
A Wide Fspherc of Usefulness. -The
('( itsumption of Dr. ' herons Ecicctrle
0'1 Ions Fermin to great proportions. Not
withstanding the fact that it has nett
tare vn the market for ever thirty -or..•
years. its prosperity is to great as e%,-1.
end the demand for it in flint period tao
lers are feelers in these iesuits. We tery greatly increased. It Ls beneficial
(c.ok fur temporary te•esate•ne. but feel ie all countries. anti whereter introduc-
Ihat put..hm s of the better close of el fresh supplies are c,nstanlly asked
reeks can 1 e partially made. Tile tor.
M n ter i•to k ninrk t hos exper:eneed
very markt d active). :n the developed
',motet ea. Tr. thew y. reseal-. S:lvcr
loaf an,l Crow:i Ile'erte advanced Rem
6 le 8 psants kin incntasng shipments or
Savant' c1 Me mast promirent mines
helve. forme l:nte b.. n toati ng Jorge
oral i r• 1' shipments and it is ex•
Is 4.1 t'+, ::nom 41 th c • Wilt be .lard
• 1
t o a d tilt mi loess wills n a shot( lone.
Tlctheeey and Fort r appear to le well
man tr, d and are making an esce•L'ent
eh t\ t;:.
Fr,l. \\.i;i: are tyle we. lily sh potents
from teebnll camp. rind those front Janu-
ary 1st to dn'c:
Mack cn.ting lay 9th since January
if;Jf rl , meat, t, 5113.810. Ceo i.,g.is 3S1 ..
410. I - kilt 1 tike 11i).GI0, Crr,ttri Rc)ert,
10.081. t:.,t aft C*-ntrai 11,7.180, City , t
Coban 338.6(0. 1)rumnu-nd 92.310. Fester
Ct & , 2.1$.N Kerr ike 330.710, Kin i
King r'
IEiwarI 1:7.10. in 11.- 40.(10(1, 1,901,-'
652. McKinley 00j(1), 1.1$3.900. Nip:5-3E11g!
1111.249. 1.733 e7n. Nova S t tin 12n.O90,
Nancy Helen 140.120. 0 Boom 127.5(1), 1.- I
%left . R ght et ‘‘..ay G0.470. 120.6.''(0.1
Fax re.al 143.:: at ,r.dard 39.730, SO-'
ser t) ;,en 521 • ',. r Cliff 5:,000, Sit-
ter i.. 1 IJ:.So I • ;;site 35,100. Ten►ia-
l1_sn:rig t'37 2:o. It:1;dinning 11. A B.
K`?JJW. Tielhec., y 679,916, Waits 111;
The eld.st living Set -Osman is said to
be Arch Laid MacCruun.on, of Skye,
aged 109 years.
The bird el paradise is fund only on
the islan.l of New Guinea and the neigh -
tering coasts t f Au ati aha.
Aim h gh if y..0 would succeed --but
Ihrre la 1:0 ire in tak;ng nun unless
) our gun ,t loaded.
(1 lt.es may not make the man. but
pr.y.ng for his wiles clothes may break
rl O c. The latest
Vtitt16841 The big
black plug
hewing tobact o.
healthy a girl as yeti will see. 1 be-
lieve that Dr. Wili-ants' ('ink Pills saved
her life, and as a another i would re-
commend (hese pills to every family in
which theye
are young
Alt medicine dealers ell
these pills.
o: you can get them by mail nt 50 cents
a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
"The internal cond:t oa of Fair France
during that memorable Revolution." ex-
claimed the lecturer, in his peroration,
'quite Leggars description. To convey
1, the mind an adequate idea of the
chaos, the desolation, then prevailing
Is 1 submit, a physical impossibility.
There is hardly a poral:el that one can
point tri, for-"
"Oh, yes. there Is, mister; interrupt-
ed a voice tro►n the bock, near the door-
way, "and you can come and loo it for
esting to note the princely salaries which!
are now lc:tig paid to the idols of the
(le -a stage. The Ilrsl Emu. eon artste
'o Tour America wns Rachel, who was
persuaded t) forsake her native land ey
the offer of $2u,i(j0 for fifty J.crfo: ntanc-
cs This fee was consideivd enormous,
hal our leading "ser' artistes of to -
(110 would Fen le at such an offer. Mute.
Who, ler inetunte, never (tanks of •
s ieg nr i,i A111(1 14.11 fir loss than 111,600,
wle:l,t $3.000 a night is naaree her av-
e ab'.. \Ince. Patti .Stf.n v1 a cont:act for.
a six III' nibs' tour in Americo .n tt hich
she is to hecto a a5dt01 1,e f r each
1,rfor•n:au e, t.1111 t1111 Ill' ro:e:i.ts over
:1). It is c>1r•rtel that ih. engage-
r!), n: ukae w 11 !rug tel neatly $500,-
(N) :.
1'r.: icn Caruso easly maks $180.0)0 a
ye ea, which is 104414 tet kis :o"ow': 81(I0. -
tar f( r righty tare rrtnutces, $.10!03
more 1 r gramo.ehonc toy:.I iea. and an-
chor 810.((((1 1, r s:na•tg ct furl:.s or
we:I;lhy p. mons in the' Stotts --a total
8180,(1(,0 a y. ar. 1'. r the next four
!oars, hove:, r. he will surpass •illi.;
s nn, lie a go .1 a centrad last stunner
balding lana --:f to Mr. GonrLd, of the
New Yolk 1. It mit tern Opera House, al
tit.' rate of 5203.0:0 ler cnuum, or $800,-
000 foe tite four yew s!
S'.o:es of (Mar art sh s. n!t`:ough not
drawing such large fee, as Melba, Patti,
o: Carioca are paid extraordinary solar
4. s. Shaliap'n, the fash:onab a Russian
bass. is engage) by the some manage-
ment as Caruso for len pei,forntances, al
a tee of 84.000 each. For a lice months'
G•ur in Am•.•rica Mme. Calve received
$95.010; the brothels 1)e Iteszke were
paid 81,600 per night; Van Dyck and
Manic!. from $1.010 In 81.350; Alvarez
and Platoon, 8010; an Rouss'li(1••-.
$480. To get on id a of the vast amount
o! money .pent in this way, it is only
necessary to nlenCon that (.nc AineriCail
'vera company -the Metropohlan-has'
a salary list sold to amount to 850.000
a week, or 51,200,000 for the season.
Seine of the instrumentalists are no
less fortunate. Paderew-ski, the most
p'pular pianist in the world, took $ILO:.l
000 on one American tour; \taseagni and
Puccini, as e:•nductor were paid $1.600
a day; the violinist. Jacques Thibaud,
made 818.000 sr. four months; the pia-.
ntsls, liosrnthal and Harold Baur, gats
thirty concerts. for each of which they
were pad $1.600; while linbelik made
846.0000 during three months in New
A man walked Into a grocer's shop,
and handed ti the assistant a paper
containing somee (
bile powder.
"l sny," he asked, "what do you think
that is? Just taste it, and tell me your
The grocer smelled it, then touched it
with his tongue.
"Well, 1 should sny that wns soda."
"That's just what I say," was tie tri-
umphant ro,oly. "But my tt.fe. said t
was rat poison. You might try it ago:n
to make sure."
Mr. C. Johnson, of Poplar Hill Creek,
Athabasca Landing, Alla., says: "About
nine years ago a running sore com-
menced on my right leg caused by a
ruptured blood vessel. As time went
on it got worse and my sufferings were
yeuirself.'' Intense. I had a very sore kg indeed,
"My clear sir," remarked the leclur• end had very small bores of ever see-
er, "I'm afraid you are taking on n Ing it healed, in (act i was told by sev-
grcater resp-)nsib lily --a much (none eral who had known such sores that I
Si rious task -than you imagine in try- would suffer with s1 for life. When 1
Io find a parallet.to the French Re- was almost in despair 1 heard of %am-
volution." Buk and commenced using It. Other
"Not nt all, mister; not at a11. Come (salves 1 hnd used caused me much suf
and see 11 for yourself. W'e're spring tering, but T-om-Buk soothed the pain,
cleaning up at our house!" and as soon as the wound became clean
It was only a matter of three or four
Magistrate (lo wilnese)- \'ou say you days before it was healed."
hove known the prisoner all your life?" Zam•Buk cures cuts, burns. pimples,
Witness -"Yes, sir." Magistral'--"No\v ulcer;, ringworm, and all skin ells -
in )our opinion, do you think ha could.eases. Alt stores and druggists, 500
he guilty of stcnl:ng this money?" Wit - box, or from Latrt-Buk Co., Toronto.
Hess -"Now much was CM -
Not a Nauseating Pill, -The excipient
of a pill as the substance which enfolds
the Ingredients and makes up the pill
mass. That of Pnrmelees Cegetah'e
Pills is so compounded es to preserve
their moisture. and they can be carried
MO) any latitude without impairing their
strength. Many pills, in order to keep
Ilxrn from adhering, are rolled in pow-
ders, which prove nau'catuig to the
taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so
prepared that they are agreeable to the
tilost delicate.
fns (fearful of ri 'al) -"Robby, does n
yr ting Iran call here in the evening to
we your sisier?" Bobby= -"Well, not
exert y to see her, 'eeu,e ihi re's no light
in the roars when they're there."
Why not keep op rnr P -'me with a bright
tatters. Appearance. It mates e.erytwdy happy.
1t mile n. y i happy Itam.ay'a paint are happyr
paha. /bey make thhega clean and new and
gi•a Inger 10e to the home. 124 your dealer
eh.,w )••u the colors with suggestions hnw to do
it. N rite A Rama, t Son Cn , Montreal, to
pack of picture post cards of homes.
She ;after twelve o'clock} -"And would
yeti realty put yourself out for my
eakr?-' Ile-"Inihed 1 would!' She -
'Then do 11, please. I'm awfully
sleep) I'
1Tfli1. Mange Prairie Scratches and
every form of eentagleus Itch on human
ar animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel-
ford's Sanitary fallen. it never tails.
Sold by all druggists.
Moe Eecs Paid to lire:,) Salvo; and
The huge f.es which have been paid to
grand opera favorites during the past
two (r three years have produced an ex-
traotdulary situation In rho musical
t\\tell, Although Europe is produc!ng
the finest s!ngers in the world, it has no
eppertimity for retaining them, for di-
rectly the artists achieve fame they are
certan !o eucctimb to tee nllur ng satar-
•e; offend by American opera compan-
But even :\m.•ricl i4 Ice11 ng tired f
paying tueti ht.. • r'., . for vocal latent,
jedgrrg 1 > th • that an Intcrnatien-
+ t C..ai1 i ' ! •' al D r: ct:,rs has been
faint .1. *Ito aa „ ,et this unkin is to
t l an 411 i 1 re kern struggle .,t Am -
r• ay) ma near to se_ure the "scar" el
ttv ,meet.
1;, t:.c ►scant:me, t1ow•ever, it Ls inter.
Sl; IIE.
(lugging by another name would be
aalkez'ng; just the :ante.
Pale, sickly children should use Mo-
ther Graves• Worn Exlcrminntnr.
Worms are one of the principal Causes
of Auffer;ng in children and should be
expelled from the system.
The Queen of 1lulfand, who is very
fond of animals, dislikes and discour-
ages the killing of them tor sport.
WEAK tt'ATRn5 IBLOODcan•ee much tremble.
That tired /rating and many mere symptoms
follow in Its wake. Try "Perrovim.•' 11 is the
brat tonic to make ,ua strung sad well. AB
druggists sell IL
The avtra)e annual censumptken of
Whams) in England Is thirty ounces
per head of the population.
Holloway's Corn Cure is a specific for
Me removal of corns and warts. We
have never heard of itv failing to re-
wove even the worst kind.
"Pa, what is a wolf in stt.eps cloth -
in A took agent, usually.'
"Don't you 'onsdcr it honerahle t.
tell a man his faults in hit: face?"
d the youth. "Yes," replies! 1
guy, "but 1 con -I ler it safer to • there
to his ncighbro '
,t 1 -.•
ISaL ti NO. 21 -US.
A Special Sale
Did you ever decide that 1f you purchased an organ. you would like any cer-
tain make of instrument? It so. you will probably find it on this list.
Every organ is an exceptionally good one and is priced away below usual sell-
ing values. An early order is advisable to secure the organ of your choice. Better
send your second and third choices in case the drat should he sold before your
order ie received.
tercet. Organs over $51-$111 cash
under 152-a5 cash. and $3 per month without in.
and N per mouth without interest.
A discount of 10% for cash.
Every organ fully guaranteed..
Every organ chipped subject to approval.
We pay the return freight if not fully satisfactory.
A handsome stool accompanies each organ.
DELL -5 -octave organ, by W. Bell A Co., Guelph. In attractive walnut case
with music rack and lamp stands: has 10 stops, 2 seta of reeds in the 339
treble and one in the base, coupler and knee swell. Special dale Pricy
D OMINION -d -octave organ, by the Dominion Co., Bowmanville, in solid wal-
nut case with extended top; has 8 stops, 2 seta of reeds in the treble and E39
Duo in the base, lamp etauds, 2 knee swells, etc. Special Bale Price...... v
KARN-5-octave organ, by D. W. Earn b Co., Woodstock, in very haadrome wal-
nut ease attractively carved and pagelled; has lamp stands, music tack, 9
stops, 2 bets of reeds in the treble and one In the bass. couplers, 1 knee 845
p e ere
,wells. Special Sal Price.......................... .. ... .....
DOHERTY-A very hatidsa.ne 5 octave walnut organ, by W. Doherty i Co.,
Clinton: has 12 stops, 2 seta of reeds throughout. lamp stands, music rack, =4 r'
2 couplers and 2 kuee swells. Special Salo Price
DOMINION -A very handsome organ. by The Dominion ('o., Exhibition model
design of case, mirror, brackets and cupboard for music under the music
desk; has 10 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, coupler and 2 knee swells. sad
Special Sale Price .................................................................. C
SHERLOCK-MANNING-A very beautiful 5 -octave organ, by tho Sherlock -Han-
ning Co., London, with high back, attractively carved, with mirror; bas
13 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers. 2 knee swells. mouse -proof 858
pedalo. Used lees than ,ix months. Special Sale Price 9U
THOMAS-6-oetave walnut piano -care organ, by Tho Thomas Organ Co., Wood-
stock. with mirror. rail top and fret -carved panels: has 11 stops, 2 seta of 80
reeds throughout, 2 coupler,, 2 knee swells. Special sale Price
D OHERTV-6-octave piano -case organ, by The Doherty Co., Clinton, in ebon-
lzed case, with mirror top and lamp stands; has 11 stops. 2 sots of reeds gird)
throughout, couplers, 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price i
DELL-Soctave piano -case organ, by W. Bell & Co.. Guelph. In attractive wal-
nut case with mirror, rail top and fret -carved panels; has 11 stops. 2 seta 183
of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 kuce swells. Special Sale Price .... .. tI
DOMINION -6 -octave piano -case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co., Bowman-
villo in solid walnut case, with carved panels and mirror rail top; bas
full length music desk, lamp Mande, mouse -proof pedalo, etc.; has 11 stops,
2 sets of reeds throughout. 2 couplers. 2 knee swells. Cannot be told 888
from new. Special Sale Price.
HOMAS-6-octave piano -case organ, by Ttte Thomas Organ Co., Woodstock. in
handsome mahogany case with mirror• rail top and attractiWe marque-
try design in the panels: has 12 stops including couplers, vox humans.
etc., 2 complete sets of reeds, knee swells. mouse -proof pedals. etc. A 167
ellghtly ueod instrument. Special Hale Price
SHERLOCK-MANNING-A very beautiful Sherlock -Manning organ in mahogany
case. double veneered and piano finished throughout, with full length
plain panels and music desk: has 13 stops. 2 sets of reeds throughout.
2 couplers. 2 knee swells, mouse -proof pedals. etc. Used less than a year. 188
SpecialSalo Price ........................................................
D OMINION -Six octave piano ease organ, by The Dominion Organ Co.. ;n hand-
some solid walnut ease with mirror. rail top and full swing carved panel:
has 11 stops, including couplers. vox humans, etc., 2 complete sets of
reeds, mouse -proof pedals, special folding pedal cover. etc. Special Sale 894DY
E STEY-811 octave piano come organ, by the Eetey Organ Co.. Brattleboro. Vt.
This superb make of instrument.."the standard of the world in organ build-
ing," is in molid walnut case with carred panels, 11 stoop, 2 sets of reeds
throughout, 2 coupler,, 2 knee swells. Used less than a year. Special Sale 105
Price ...................
33 Scott St., Toronto. Phonc, Main 1311
Bonds yielding 4 to 6 1-2 always on hand in
amounts to suit investors requirements,
Stocks bought and sold for cash or margin on Now
York, Bosto:t, Montreal and Toronto stock exchanges.
Orders for Nipissing, Silver Queen, Foster and fill
other Cobalt stocky executed for cash in New York and
Correspondents ---Chas. Head k Co., Members of New York and
Boston stock exchanges.
Our readers to rw'te that the celebrated French frme•ty, 1'\NGO.
which has been and is sold under a guaranke--t.!. 1 in cases
where the outward appllention, as JirecteJ, fails to rc.iete pain,
moneys poll will be refunded -still stands. In no case, not-
wnth-landing the large ane. increasing ,ale, has a refund tccn
asked tor. Rccornmen4cd for netsralgn, hea.la:ho, nccunritsrn,
gout, catarrhal Colds, stiff lents, etc. Ask your druggst for a
sample and do not accept a sutttrtitute. You will be pleased w th
11. Price 25 end 50 cents.
The Pango Company, Toronto
er a ha female
Lyman, Knot & Clark Ice:, Limited, Fermis.
Lyn -an Oros. & Co., Molar -rah ?hronte.