HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-28, Page 5xeter Abli•i1, tits
f:>.i.I s, -- -- OSTAHIu
•I 00 :f paid in whence.
•I so sr data so paid.
10 United States Subscribers $1.60
s Year Strl%;tly is Advance.
£ANDEL. a C REEe'IH, Puhliahera.
_LY - OF OUR Bby Carriages
or Go -Carts
and let the Baby grow.
Large and Beautiful.
The price is not large and
the terms are easy.
2 u octave Organs cheap.
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
Great Reduction.
..�.. -- -
Sewing Machines, Bicycles,
Children's Wagons, at prices
that will make you smile.
Fine Stationery.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Tho great Uterine Tonle, and
only i,ifo effectual Monthly
Regulator on M hick women oan
depend. sold in three deeroe.t
o1 strength -No. 1. It ; No. Z.
10 degrees stronger ; No. 3.
for special cteeAr, per box.
Bold by all dru ate, or sent
prepaid on roc° ppt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address 1St
CCM ME0N1111C ..TOuuNTO.MIT. (formerly Windsorl
T1e ll1I
0011ipaitij Of C8o8I1a
is about to publish a new issue
of the Official Telephone Di-
rectory for the District of Wes-
tern Ontario, including the
Town of Exeter. Changes of
firm names, changes of street
addresses. or orders for dupli-
cate entries should be banded
in at. once to
For Stock Improvement
\\'I11:EL OF FORTUNE, 127s1, is a
premium imported Clydesdale stallion
of excellent pedigree and noted con.
Mon(la)^leaves stable Lot 21, Con. 13,
London Tp. to T. 1). Hodgins', to E.
Tuesday to i,eo 11 tr r ig:un's, to (leo.
[nattield's, Blanshard.
%Vednesd;ay to Tuckeys Hotel, Gran -
Thou• -•day to Geo. McI1obert'l. to
('has. Frost's.
Friday to Hire Hotel, to home.
Roberts At i)uffield, Proprietors.
GOLi)EN ('ASE, a beautiful trot-
ting stallion of excellent pedigree and
fine individuality, will stand at his
own st able I, ,t fi, 'I'hatnes Road, ex-
cept on Thnrsd ty and Friday when he
stands as follow.:
'rhotstLtw to \Vinellelse:t, to Silas
italkwill's, Illanshard.
Friday to i)►vid ('hristies, Hibben,
t" hone.
H:il11•' grown, Proprietor.
LORI) SHARI', 11,113, a fine. int•
ported, pure-bred, Clydesdale Stallion.
of excellent parts and pedigree: will
stand as follows:
Monday. leaves horns. Lot 1(l, Con. R,
1%aims. to Sidney Andrews, to 11of-
f.tt's Hotel, Centralia.
Tuesday. to %Valter Lewis,' liid-
dnlph: to Thos. Hennessey's Hotel.
Wednesday, to Qnleen's Hotel, Lu -
ran; to John Mrl,ntighlin's, Roman i
Linc. '
Thursday, to i). Hen:ur's. Riddulph:
to "Thos. \fl aky's, \Virden.
I'rid.ry. to home moil Monday.
GEORGE (i)%VA11D, Prop, j
AM EV. the well-bred. roadster
Stallion. of fine nit to. good pedigree
and eactdle style; will stand ns fol
Monday, ,se, r- horse. Grand fiend,
to St. Joseph, to his home.
Tuesday. home all day.
r Wednesday, to Shipket and home.
'rhorsd,ay, tonne all do y.
Ft ;day. to Geo. R,unp's. Busaneeiet,
t. J,unry Poster's+, McGillivray.
s %told iy, to Theo. !levee 's to home.
WM. 1)i':VINE:. Prop.
Nlrs. Ernest I'.ei-kingots of Bryanston
is visiting with friends here. -John
Tale ai e1 son -,,evisitiati with MIS.
Sucher hw.--J. Wright .Dent the boli•
days with friends ul str,.tford. - Unite
.a nuunhet tenni :e r. nod her. Ascended
the :imitate airy set vices et %Voodhant
Su id iv uu1 Mo,u 1; .-Rev. Keys will
pre.te h bete next Aundey. Our choir
intends preparing softie special se•I.et-
iuns f-•; the annieets41 on June .l .t.
This woman says that Lydia E.
l'inkhanl's Vegetable Compound
saved her life.
Mole. k;mina Chanel, Valleytield,
Belleriyer, Quebec, writes to Mrs.
1'inkhain :
•• I want to tell you that without
Lydia E. I'inkhaw's Vegetable Com-
peuud, I would not be alive. For
mouths I suffered with painful and
irregular periods and inflammation of
the feminine organs. Doctors could
do nothing for lne, and said I must sub-
unit to an operation as 1 had 1. tumor.
tine of my cousins advised me to
take Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable
Compouud as it had cured her.
•• I did so and now 1 have no pain
and am entirely cured. Your remedy
is deserving of great praise."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
hanl's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-
ing-dowvn feeling, fiat uleney,indiges-
ii,n,tlizziness ortic rvOtLi prostrat ion.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pltikhaai invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
she has guided thousairde to
health. Address, Lynn, Masa.
INTHHMBNT.-The remains of the
late Mrs. John Alexander, of Chisel•
burst, were interred in the cemetery
here on Saturday. -Miss Jennie Hor-
ton of London spent Sunday and Mon-
day at her home here. -Messrs. Bol-
ton Bros. have Purchased a manure
spreader. -Miss Ethel Hankin was the
guest of her cousin, Miss Maggie Hab•
kirk on the holiday. -Miss Margaret
McQueen was in London for the holi-
day. -Miss Emma Ford was calling on
friends here the first of the week, be-
fcre leaving for Dakota, where she has
a good position. -Mr. Stewart, piano
tenser, has again made his rounds. --
Miss Leddie Horton is visiting her
mother at Harpurhey.--Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Thompson, of Hensall, were
guests of Albert Neil and family 00
Sunday. -Mr. Valentine Stock, candi-
date for South Perth, called on some
of his Liberal friends here recently.
LUCAS Couity
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior
partner of t 0' 11 r, of F. J. Chem, a C'o..doing buei-
r a, in the Cit) of Toledo, County and State afore-
said, and that .aid firm will pay the tum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for cash aril every care of
Catarrh that eaunot l e curd 1.y. the use of flail's
Catarrh Cure. rItA1`K J. CIIENEY
Sworn to f»•tore we and auto -rill - t in my pres-
cnee, this fth day of 1k -•mIK-r, A.D.
(.ret) .1. W.0LEASON,
Hall's Catarrh Cure i• taken internally, and a• t+
dire'•tly on the blood and miwoue eurfa -e, of the
eastern. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY Sr CO., Toledo, 0.
:Told to all Dnncg{sts, ;i5e.
Take Hall's family Pills for constipation.
Mrs. F. A. O'Neil of Montreal is vis•
iting her mother, 11re. 1t. McLean. --
G. Talton of Brockville is the new en-
gineer• itt the Lucan Mlilling ('o. -Dr.
Fred. Fox arrived home from Toronto
Wednesday and left on Thursday for
New Turk, where he will take his post
graduate course at the Manhattan
Maternity Hospital. ---Miss Madeline
O'Neil of Montreal is visiting at Il. 5.
O'Neil':. -The Rev. IL II. Stevenson of
Harriston has accepted a call to the
Preshytet Ian Churches at I,ncan and
Frazer. The induction will take place
on Thursday afternoon, May 2a. at
Lucan. Rev. Mir. Nichol will pt•eat•b.
Rev. J. V. Cameron will address the
minister and iRev. ,las. Abrey, moder-
ator, will address the congregation.
In the evening a reception will be held
At Chester' 11th. Rrfreshnrt•nts will
be served followed by .t pi ogi amine of
local talent.
Th.• (). N. O. Club held
their lust hop of the season in the
Stanley Opera House nu Friday night.
There was a fair sized ct•o'ti, Pony
Vita's orchestra furnished the music.
J.uuet O'Shea is the new weigh time -
ter :tt the village scales. %V. F. Hawk-
shaw h eying resigned.
The \Vontan's Mission:uy Conven•
tion whish WAS held in the llethoeli-t
church het,•. was one of the hest ere%
hill in the district. Rev. 1'. II. f, ens.
ley of 1, .I,doti aril Vis. Mr'I'uflin, re•
A Doctor's Statement
%Isis St. 1'.A t . flue.
March -t0. 19'17.
"Dr. T. A. Slocum. Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
oentl••reen: -
My many thanks for Psychine ami
Oxomnlsion. I have used them with
very great satisfaction both in my own
rase and in that of my friends. it af-
forris me tench p►ea.ure to r(,-, nue nd
a rene•.ly which is really gal in cases
for whish it is intended. 1 am. yours
very ttidy,"
P11. EitNEST A. ALL.tItD.
Pesters, recognise that Psychine is
one of the %era best rem.•dn i fur all
throat, lo'.ng and stomach troubles and
311 run down conditions. from whatever
cause it la Ilie prescription of one of
the %red.i a greatest 'aerialists in die
taw's of thr throat. lungs, and sternarb,
and all wasting diseases. Ask your
treggiat for it at She and 1.60, or
T. A Slocum, it,
turned missionary, from China, were
the speakets. lu the evening a duet
was tendered by Mrs. (Dr. Orme and
Mr. Babb, ;old it Sulo I,y lits, Smith -
Baker of Ailsa Craig,all of which %vete
much appreclated.-1leliday visitors
here %vere: Misses Della 11eu•lton, Alma
Stanley, S. Davis and wife. --Miss Jes-
sie Cameron spent the holidays at her
home in (Iranton.-Mrs. W. 1). Fer-
guson has gone on an extended visit
to Toronto --Many of our citizens at-
tended the social e•vettin); at Saints -
bury on the 25th, and report a good
time. 'Those who took part in the
program from town were: Miss Sproat,
Miss Simpson, Mr. C.C. Hodgins,
Nits John Fox and Mr. I(tbb.-Quite a
number of English families are taking
up their abode in this vicinity, and if
they are a fair sample of the immi-
grants who come from Englund to set•
tie here, we do not need to regret it,
as they seem to be a respectable, cheer-
ful and industrious class ot people. -
Part of the material needed for the
construction of the new Anglicnn
church has been brought and work
commenced this morning. -The For-
esters of this place have organized a
band, and, judging from the time spent
in practice, and the strains of music
which float through the air on pract-
ice night, we may expect it to be a
boon to our town during the Bummer
months. -Walter Gibson has recon-
sidered the offer made him by the In-
ternational League Baseball Team to
act as pitcher, and has decided to re-
tire from the baseball work and occu-
py his new dwellinghouse in town,
which is very near completion. -
Troupe of men are to be seen on every
corner -the topic -coming election. -
A number of them attended the "Gala
Day " at Parkhill, to hear the speak-
ers. -Hon, Adam Beek passed through
town yesterday in an auto, enroue to
London from Parkhill.
Mrs. Herb George and Miss Awanda
Hodgins spent Sunday here. -Quite a
number from here spent Monday in
Exeter. -Mrs. T. Hodgins has return-
ed from Clinton. -Mrs. Morgan and
daughter of Ripley are renewing old
acquaintances here. -Miss Lou. Hen-
nessey spent Monday in Parkhill. -
Our town can boast of fast horses.
Mr. Sidney Hodgins took away second
prize in Parkhill on Monday, while
Burley Bodging took second prize in
Exeter. -Mrs. Wesley Hodgins and
daughter. of St. Thomas, are visiting
with her father, Mr. Hennessey, -Mrs.
Yager and daughter, Tillie, were in
town this week. -Miss Edna Windsor
and Miss Lettie Friers spent the holi-
day here, -Miss Lottie Thompson of
London spent a few days here this
week, -James Carter was here a few
days this week, visiting kis mother. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith have gone
to Manitoba for a couple of months'
visit. -A severe thunder storm passed
over here yesterday, accompanied by
a severe wind, tearing limbs off trees
and leaves were blown in all directions.
Eli Bice's barn was struck by light-
ning, hut fortunately not much harm
was done. -Miss Clara Collins and
Gertie Elliott are visiting in Shakes-
peare. -Quite a number from here at-
tended the W. M. 8. Convention in
Lucan on Friday last.
WEDDING. - A quiet but pretty wed-
ding took place here on Monday, May
25th, (Victoria Day), when Miss Min-
nie Cunningham and Mr. Ernie Pull-
man, the bride being a resident of
Clandeboye, while the groom is a nat-
ive of London, were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony. The bride dress-
ed in white. was attended by Miss Lil-
ian Legg, while the groom was attend-
ed by Charlie Cunningham, brother
of the bride. The groom's gift to the
bride wes ,► beautiful gold watch and
chain. They are leaving this week
for northern points. ('ongratulations
and It happy life.
Exeter Council
The Council of the Village of Exeter
met in the Clerk's Office on Saturday,
May 2:ird. The Members all present.
The object of the tweeting was to dis-
cuss the ('ow By -Law.
Fltke-Johns--That By -Law No. ti,
liar, 1► bylaw 119 pas.% allowing cotes
to roam at large bsetween the hours of
7 a. tn. and 7 ), m. of each and every
day, be repealed. And that the Clerk
is hereby instructed to prepare a new
cow by-law with the provisions insert-
ed that all cows roaming the streets
between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
roust he properly herded by a person
or persons, whose duty it shall be to
keep the sante from trespassing upon
any private property within the nni-
The by-law )repated and read. and
on motion of J. J. Knight, sec. by A.
I:. Fake, the sante be now read a se-
cond and third time, the Reeve and
('leek signing the same, and the Seal
of the Car poration he fixed thereto.
Reeve asked that the Council
attend the funeral of Ex -Councillor
%%'. Hoskins, the same to take place
from his late residence, Lake Road, on
Sund'y, at 2:30 p. ni.
Jo:+ta'It til•:Ntun, Clerk.
lir. and Miss Graham of London
wets visitors at the Methodist parson-
age fe-urn Eridey till Monday. --C. J.
Pink of London, the ever popular ten•
or. sang a beautiful solo in the Metho-
dist church ot, Sunday morning.-- Rev.
W. 11. Butt gave a pirtnre talk on ire -
Lind to the L,'agne on Tuesday even-
ing. --A number of ('entralia people
took in the Cantata at Crediton on
Sunday evening. --Miss Swann, our
teacher. spent Victoria Day with her
parents at Fullerton. -Arrangements
,ire being made for the Dominion Day
Festival here. which promises to he
11111. of the hest vet held. --Mies Kate
Elliott of London visited here parents
and took part in the entertainment at
Crediton Victoria 1)ay.---Miss Elsie
Handford of London, who has been
visiting her cousins here for a month,
returned home Tuesday evening. -
Miss Vieth Baker, for a time organist
of the Methodist church here, left
Tuesday on is trip to the North•weet•-
Et1K.tt linswrll, who has passed his
final exaq. for M. i)
.. is home fromn
Toronto. After spending a few days
with his parents, he leaves to take a
position as hr,nse sin -goon in one of
the hospitals in New York. We con•
gret elate i)r. Buswell in his well earn•
ed honor and wish him unbounded
success in his chosen profession. -Miss
Salton of London is visiting her sister
Mrs. Elijah ColwilL -Mrs. Fisher and
1 daughter of Forest are reuewis g ac-
yuait)tances in the village. -Nelson
Hicks. our successful and popular
choir leader, assisted in the entertaiu-
utent at Crediton un Monday evening.
The G. T. 11. officials have decided
to build a new station here this sum-
mer, similar to the one at Exeter. It
will be erected nearer King street than
the present building. ---General regret
is felt bete at the death of Thomas
Brownlee of Bayfield. When teach-
ing near here several years ago he wits
0 valued member of the band and also
of the football teazel, --Alex. MlcMor•ran
of l.ucknow, aged SI years, uncle
of Mrs. It. Bunthrou, died un May ly,
Ile lived here some time with his
sister, the late Mrs. W. %Vhite, and
was highly respected. -The Council
has decided to dig a drain along Mill
and Wellington streets. - About 25
Methodist clergymen and laymen met
here Last week at the Exeter District
Meeting. The statistics for the ap-
proaching Conference were completed.
The delegates were entertained to a
dinner by the ladies of the church. -
Miss Margaret Bonthron is on a visit
to Detroit. -Miss Etta Davis is visit-
ing here from Toronto University. -
Rifle shooting within the village has
become a nuisance and danger to the
citizens, and the Council has asked the
Constable to enforce the law prohibit-
ing it. -The Bachelors of Hensall will
give an assembly on the 29th. -Mrs.
Barnett of Chatham is visiting her
mother. Mrs. Thornson.-Mrs. Kend-
rich of Port Huron is home.
DsATIf-On Thursday of last week
the death occurred of Peter Moir, an
aged resident of this village, in his
77th year. He was a highly respected
citizen and had resided here about one
year. The funeral took place
from Carmel Church, where service
was conducted, to the Union cemetery
on Monday. Much sympathy is felt
for the bereaved ones.
Miss Bertha Hay of St. Thomas is at
her home on the Iabylon Line, for a
few months' holidays. - Mr. Louis
Webber's gang of masons has started
the stone -work on Merner's store. -
Mr. J. Preeter will elect a dwelling
this summer, on the site of the old tin
shop, -Mr. George Campbell of Stan-
ley, bas purchased Mr. John Preeter's
dwelling and will take possession at
once. -Miss Jessie Green of Exeter is
visiting at the home of Mr. Fred Wit-
wer.-Grandmother Ilse, who is at the
House of Refuge, Clinton, recently
passed the century mark of her age.
She is said to be still quite smart. -C.
L. Moser returned on Monday evening
from a week's visit to Berlin. Ile may
move to that place before long.
Rey. Veale attended the District
Meeting in Hensall last week. -E. N.
Shier has Arnold Wiseman assisting
him in the store. -Geo. Anderson left
for the west last week. -John Moore,
who recently returned from the %Vest,
is now working with his brother Wil-
liam. -A flag pole was erected on the
School grounds last week. -Roy Shier,
medical student of Toronto, is home
on a vacation. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc-
Curdy left last week on an extended
trip to the West.
On Sunday and Monday last the
Methodist Sabbath School held their
anniversary. Rev. Warnir, principal
of Alma College, St. Thomas, preach-
ed morning and evening, and he and
others addressed the .Sunday School,
A well attended picnic rrtla held on
Monday afternoon and is concert in
the evening. Those;assembled heard
excellent addresses by a number of
ministers, and a good program of nu)s•
ic, etc.
Grand Bend
%Ven. Farrell, who has been in the
London Hospital, arrived home much
improved. -Mr. Richard Hamilton has
gone to London to undergo an opetta-
tion for appendicitis.-- Mr. lfeanan of
London arrived here Saturday. -Mrs.
Joe Itevelle and Mrs. Maurice Brenner
are on the sick list. -Mr. and Mrs.
Asaph (iravelle spent the'25th in Part
Frank.- --Arthur Baker is all smiles -a
daughter Friday, the '22n1. --Quite it
number from here went to Parkhill
the 25th. -Mr. Robert Sanders, of Ex-
eter, and May. of Mitchell, were call -
callers here Wednesday. --Mr. Charles
Sanders, of Exeter, spent Sunday in
our burg. --Miss Emma Geake, of )Tor-
onto, visited het sister, of this place,
Sunday and Monday. -Mr. Ward. of
London, arrived here Sunday in his
auto. Ile returned Monday.
teaAIL ',kik Ala 4441LAILAla ALI
Clinton: Death came with startling
suddenness to Henry Stevens of town,
on Wednesday, he expiring withor11
a moment's warning. Ile has been in
more or less enfeebled health for some
time. but his death was entirely tin
looked for. He was one of the oldest
residents of to an, and one who has
done as touch, perhaps, in the building
up of the town as any ratan who (tits
lived here. He %was in his 75 year, and
was twice married, and leaves a widow
and town son'. Robert at home, And
Louis %V., who is a Methodist minister
in Michigan.
Hayfield: A deep gloom was slid- ,
denly cast over our little town. over -
the unexpected death of Mr. Brown-
lee, principal of the pnhlic school. Al-
though the late Mr. Brownlee was ail•
ing for Solite time yet none suspected
anything serious as he continued his
work up to May irl. when he dismissed
school with the intention to assume
work on the following Monday. Hut
the slight cold he had contracted deve-
loped rapidly inter pnneulonia. and el.
thnngh the doctor gave all medical aid,
vet death followed the fatal (iisease 11n
Saturday afternoon. Thr ('anadisn
Order of Foresters and the Orange
Order n)arrhad in respectivebothers n
the re;neterY, as did the school chil-
dren And the vast following showed
the popularity of the late Mr. Brown-
lee, who (eaves a young wife to mourn
his loss, being married only last Octo- ,
her. t
This $6.00
for $2.95.
It \-. r: taloire any furniture it will
pee- a, ti to purchase ftotu
We will save you money !
Here is a proof -and our store Is cram ned with hundreds of other immense furniture values.
Tb'.a rocker wears advertising to day is made of heavy, seterted, German (teed, The ••ntd favorite-
-the style is known to you all. The heigh of the ba•vk and the tilt of the rockers wake it simply
unl,eatable for restfuLcowfort. It is sold regularly. by furniture dealers. for $u.0o. eat to, buy mg
in huge quantities we are able to offer it to) ou at %.9i. This extraordinary low price is hound t.,
cause a great demand. If y ou want one or several you should send tit your order at once. An) fur-
ther particulars desired will be furnished on request.
-- Western Ontario's Largest Furniture House
228-230 Dundas St., - LONDON, ONTARIO
Clinton: A quiet wedding was per-
formed in town on May 21st, at the
home of the bride, when Mrs. M. Dow-
zer and James G. Chowen were united
in marriage. The bride and groom
were unattended, the immediate re-
latives only of both parties being pre-
Hibbert: While engaged cutting
wood on the farm of Henry Haltom.,
2nd concession of Hibbert. on Monday
of last week, Thos. Miller met with
a painful accident. The axe which he
was using slipped and cane down on
his instep, nearly severing the forepat t
of the foot.
Put By a Nest Egg for
7 Arse Hundred Dollars in a Loan Company an Unassailable Asset.
In the Statute respecting Loan
Companies there is a provision
which absolutely protects a deposit
of 3300 or under.
If you have a deposit of that
amount with this Company, it
cannot be taken from you by any
legal process or for any reason
whatever. 'the Company is speci-
fically forbidden to pay out that
money to any otber person except-
ing upon the depositor's order.
It would be a wise provision for
you to deposit S300 with this
Company. It would form a nest
egg for the future which could
never be secured by any one else
unless you so ordered.
This and many other interesting
points regarding banking by mail
and th'e purchase of Debentures
will be gladly explained to you
upon request.
Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.
Leap YF„ar-
A sure 'winner.
Bount; to catch
84. the pound.
Your dealer .% 1 supply
you. If nos write
direct to
D. S. Perrin & Co.,
One Cent
Brings It
Just writs
on a post-
card, "Bend
Booklet A,"
and mall
t e nearest
branch. The
rest we'll
gladly at-
tend to.
--Just how correct principles say it
should be constructed?
-Just why no other plan of con•
structeon will do?
-Just wherein lies its ability to be easy
on fuel, quick in action. simple in
The story is briefly told in a little booklet
called " Furnace Facts." It's not an adver-
tisement. No furnace name is mentioned,
and you cart read the whole story in 5 minutes.
To the party contemplating purchasing • furnace it points out the
snags and pitfalls. and shows exactly what to demand of an archi•
rete, contractor or dealer, in furnace construction and installation.
T. HAWKINS & SON, Local Agent.