Exeter Advocate, 1908-05-28, Page 34
Desperate Attack With Club Iuterrupted
By a Neighbor.
A despacth from Brockville says: A
!t urdercous assault writs laude un \\'..vincs-
.(lay upon Ikol,•rt Stewart, a 70.yearold
lamer, living on the second clicesion
Eliznbethlott n, near Brockville, by a
ye.ung roan gibing the 1111/110 of McCor-
ntick, who had been in Stewart's employ
'a.4 a tarot lined for tho past weak. The
t\w, ni.•n started for the fields, and, nc-
•cerdulg,' to the .tory told by Stewart,
there tin., no provocation for the crime.
They were \Vorking atony. when Mcl;or-
nt,ick ,I.ddeuly approached from behind
with a club, striking Stowers over the
Tend as he stooped to ndjILst a sender.
The blow somewhat dazed him, but he
turned and faced his assailant, who dealt
blew after blow, Slewnrt protecting hirn-
.a(1( ns Lest he could with his hands and
arm,. which show ct'iehm:te of the com-
bat. for they are battered and bruised.
Minder would have undoubtedly been
-committed had not the assnull been wit-
trle'sed by a neighboring fanner named
bIngelone. On seeing hire approach Mee
•flermick brat a hasty retreat tiro the
„Ike - gels.
Stewart was covered with blood from
le ad to foot, but never lost oonsclous-
tte ss. Ile was removed to rho hospital
1:(•re, them he lies in a critical oondi-
tioe with four :scalp wounds. four cut
into the lone and some fully three inches
k.rig, it is feared Otero Ls also a fracture
of the skull.
Stewart says the Inns carried the club
under his coal and that it was bandaged
with a cloth. When he tied he kook the
club, but in the struggle the cloth male
ell and it wa., found close by saturated
with bleed. The (teal was evidently
planned, as the man had taken the pre-
cr.ulknl le lie the farmers faithful collie
to the fence. It is thought that \tct:or-
mick had robbery as his chief object, as
tie was aware that the day before Stew-
art had received considerable money on
a big sale of hogs.
turns out that McCormick's real
mune is Jane's Young. anti is the son of
a former resident of Breekville now liv-
ing in Oswego. N.Y. Ile recently re-
turned lore after serving several years
in the Elmira Refortnalnry for train
wrecking near Ogdensburg and was ret
Ica, eel on parole.
Wester,' Alan's Adventures Near
(.nor.. Saskatchewan.
A despatch from Canova, Cask., says:
Jelin Goodrich huts returned from an ex-
ploring trip to his ran^h conte 75 noes
nosh, during( which he had nn un.usu-
•ally trying experience. About a month
.:ago Mr. Go•'drich lett le're for his ranch
with sixty head of cattle. During a
•arow'slorm that intervened tho cattle
-scattered :round the country in bunches
of from five fo ten. To make things
'worse lie lost his te'ain vhito crossing a
bog about fifty miles north, IJ:e ani -
teals suddenly (lropp:lig out of sight and
he twos unable to rescue theni. During
(le( senreh for his stock he W84 one
Mehl attacked by n largo pack of wolves
and forced to spend the night in a tree
Lits clothing was wet and froze to his
body, and he was in an exhaus'el con•
edition by' the limo the wolves dispersed
in the morning.
.insurance Cnnlpnntea Will Still Cher
KinOsi►n Disaster.
A despatch from London says: The
•qucnst.on wee•tdle'r the flee which parti•
alit slro).,1 tho city eif Kingston, Ja-
maica, in January of 1907 i:roke out Le•
fore or atter the earthquake was ded el -
•ed in the King's Renck dirt -lett cn \\ e-I-
ncs•Iny night in favor of the insurance
C4;II re's inter rstal in the kisses in-
-Curse I. The insurance companies
claimed Ilunt.111.' enrihqunhce caused the
fires. and !hell ceneequently they were
prolo•te1 freffl the claim.; for damages
melee that .wrtliquake exempl'on chase
in the r poli. Les. The preen' ent list ens.'
was brought by a \tnnrl:e,ter firm
.against the London it. Lanchester Fre'
insurance (.•. 11 had ecrip c t the at -
teeth .n of fi:e .'iters fir iter hest part of
•a Metall. Many witnkecsess were brought
teem Jamaica. and lead ng cuun-el were
-engaged by both sides.
(.11411) (:111)1' PROSPECTS.
•elenefici.1 Itnins (lave (tern Ialline in
:1 despatch from \Vinnip„'g says: II, -
p( vis (root all parts of the grain (iLs-
Irict of the Canadian Northwest :flow
timely rains for the !,:et Niers
While it wens a cold r•:1 n s, • (lig
tril'l's. ngr'cullural 11; • .• • - ,'.1 the
A Walton generally n., t.:. : t I ry
Seeding Le complete) and 11 •
tut. Lief evenly distributed lin' it. h 'h '
.senson. ('n)p pros;:eels 111 \\ .. .
Canada were never note flattering. tt !,.
a largely un leased at:n ege
11111 I\ 111\I1•I)lt A 11)11 N.
flail a Block of Alain street of Ituss.'ll
11 -as Wiped Out.
\ d.' -.pa :•tt !tet,., Inn- e'1. \1. n., eay,.
epi.' woe -,•1 • • ! Minn "r',. '. fur Utt•r
hall n I.i•n1:;, tin. ttii'.'.) .,':I IN fire . n
1'11.'.+ fay eget. 1'I:e !. s. apprnv-
nialely .1(11.0(10, Red n..t sniff e..ver. d I y
in,urcn.'e. :%tng the leases bnrm'.i
cr's -1• . I: 11. It •g-•e•rs' t:fli e. Ih (Me
11 J. W. Fra.-er's -t r••.
A despatch from Smith Norfolk, Conn..
ly Identified.
A despatch from l.aporte, ind., says:
The upper and lower plains of nrlilicial
teeth hoot the mouth ..f \Ire. Belle Guin-
ness were found on Tuesday to the ashes
e' Itw Guioneoe' home. "111e proves
I'eyeind the shadow of a doubt," said
Sheriff Smelzer. "That \irs. Guinness
\tots burned to dtnth in Ile. lire." Dr. 1.
1'. Nanton. who made the lower plate.
positively identifier( it. Ila also identified
1ht lower pinks. hawing frequently seen
il. although it weal made le.fore he be-
came \Irs. (;uitme s' dentist. The is;t.ing
et :t certificate of death of Jennie Olsen
and the loaning over of the body by Cor-
oner \lack to her relatives m L.rleago
puts the official slump of identification
upon ohne of the bodies found at the
Guinness faun eeganlulg which there has
Leen much controversy.
Ill'&SI t NEEDS 8400,000,000.
Finance Minister :Announces Foreign and
Done•stit• Loans for 11;0 Sous.
A ilesiurtch from SI. Petersburg says:
During a speech on n 1)111 teen Ming for
the oomslruction of the. .Miner Railroad
an Tueselny. Finance Minister Kokm_soff
matte the lied Renouncement of foreign
and iku,c-tlir"kean.: 1.1 raise 1t10t1.(Ms0.1X10
the sum rnplired for the construction of
We Ancor line', the double -tracking of the
Siberian road. and the certain reforms
ire the array which are necessary for the
defence of Rt. -scan interests in the
Orient. 'these jean: wells be fleeted part -
I; at home and partly abroad.
Connecticut Wonsan Is Suing for a Di-
:1 eb0-1•atch from l;•tu!h U ,rwalk, Conn.,
•.;i) s: \\sten \\ nl. ICri.s ck and Miss,elex-
atuiri:, leirezika. two Polls, applied for
liceitei font 'Town Clerk Herbert 1t.
Smith err Selntd;t)• they },got 0 marriage
hcenee. and helm I:ut'nott'. Justice of the
1'I -ace. married them. The bride has
¶'AV ins'tlttf.•.I pm/Vol:11gs- Ger divorce,
ret threat( tie the efliciuls. She says all
I,.,, 11,.•y ttae,Ie,) oras a dog license.
he- • clog was mined IAmlise, and
it: h broken English all Ile otnlld say
e- 4,, 11 he wanted n Uretoe for i.ouise.
' . 'I, arcmnlle,l for the mistake. The
i•r,.l.' is a cuu,in of the leolegr'oenn.
----4.. .- --
\111\1 1:111N1.11E\ I'\\.
11011 ••1 Near:) 8700,000 Gar, In Prot ince
01 Itrili,h (:t►luntbia.
-i•1):•'h frons l)tlawa s1)... The
. i,....1 seems en each Chin..-•'
giant in a anndit bought the Federal
'i i easur) , .I c, •u uu It s4 et sum than
mittnesto. I .' ei arrit71ls of Chinese
tt, r • 1 ' - • .d i, ',eying 8500 on entry.
. 1 ;hr act half 11,.• fax gee;
," to. leeetitou and hall to Itillsh
munbiel. where nearly all the (:c'Icstirlls
1 ( main. (In 1'11e..41ity the Finance Deport.
(1,,tit provided a cheek to 1111. Provincial
1;41%d -smiled for 55.115.I$X). Lying! 11811 the
fetal manual tu'i.ivr,l. 'I'h.' entre, of
I bine.,.' in /1111.4- '1'‘,% 'nee, went• a; r.,1.
11 1. ,;, 11, °thee, and C. Mali)• sett',l \vr.- Onlar.o. I: sa.ska.el„ •w:m. 1; New
el, •c. 111 +.i:,ttic•h. 1; N.a;s Sea1':1.:3; (Mello., 71.
►i -- -
British Government Will Not Oppose Amendment
to Electoral Reform Bill
A d.' patch from londnn says: Prime
ilfnisler .\squuth, replying on \\'cdne:.s-
dee k) ,14I''gnti.,n fatoring we,111811 suf•
ftsge, sniel (tint the (ien.'1nntent intended
111 pe As a COenlprehen.tve nien;llre of
eke lora1 reform, and Ihet should nn
amendment faver,ng woman sntft•ssg.' 1„•
Introduce) the 1.,vrrntenl would not op -
pe se 111, prv)wedlvl the proposed change
Was upon den:(. emit !Mee. Ile pointed
nil flint no change of this kind could
leer effected unit=, the women of the coun-
try suprr,rlrerl it n1) fled n1) the electors.
The ['render was cheerfully neutral re-
We/ting annlan's st.ffrego. Ile admit.
til that he ha:I not "r- „d the slate
o1 grnee obeli ;'- :1,!, ,!.s cnjoyetl:'
lel hr
hail an op.: ,r i Ile tins aware
that about two-Uurde et Ice c llongtlas
favored il.
1'hi4 deelnl:.li.en mesas that the 1.,'.'-
4rnr:n•nt \vie not a:tempt 14) Iulleen•e
f, 110)trr-. bol will hate all 1.. wale :t.
11..'y pl.":s.•. '1111+ 4h;a0:11i.111 for a eienv.-
ei alit I,n4i. i+ held to mean that any pre -
Ix eat, in 'inter to at'ol'l the liov'ernnenl's
Ise etil ly, n'u-1 •'inform nppntximately
01111 Ili.' law eilvernulg the male Fran•
&L•lee. 11 it preelitte•l that meet n pm•
14'+n1 will certainly be carried try a largo
11.,11'E\1NGS FRO\I ALL Ob..t Tt16
lrleCrnph fillets From Our Owa
Other Countries of Recent
CA \:\ U.\.
Tho steamer Montrose ran into the
wharf at Quebec, on \\ tvintsday, doing
is 1L,itterub:u damage.
William OCounor was sen'cnced to
:even years at the II•uuilten As Isis for
nts:tutting and robbing u wvumtn.
F. 11. Deacon was acquitted at Start,
ford of a charge of stealing a note for
5.1.t$0, on the ground of till erlur III
bo ,kko.q,ing.
stun. A. B. Ay'cs\worth los given na-
tive of an antcndin eat to the criminal
(ode) to increases tea) penalty for selling
cigurelktw to minors.
Zar-u,si, the Italian banker, charged
wah swindling in Montreal, has been
tu're•ted in Maxie, City, aid steps will
be taken to extr'adle Lint.
Trio suspension of the Allegheny Na -
tonal Bank leave)( the C ty of f:tt,btu'g
I.1esificu1:y without funds.
Seton young peopto were drowned
while on a moonlight excursion at Clar-
endon, Arkansas, on Wednesday.
Itev. S. A. Coffman. et prom:rent
?tfethodist minister of Fairmount, W.
'.n. kilted his wife on Wednesday wh.lo
he was temporarily insane.
Goorgo Ster•ry, an ago:l millionaire
claspt exporter, was shot by his son at
New York h.:cnu:e he int• ndeil marrying
a young lititoklyn school teacher.
,ilal a
he 'lute 1i
of l b
)r O'Brien
\la Siton, Ohio. claim: to have dreover•
cal 1110 par(ss bacillus and to have been
successful In touting the dis-_a:e.
As a result of recent disasters night
malioevers will be discontinued in the
The British steamer Lalona collided off
The Lizard with the Japanic, on Wednes-
day, and went down.
1)r. Newton Friend, a reputable Suf-
folk physician, vouches fur a cure of
rheumatism by bee stings.
The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Com-
pr,ny has vetted to increase its capital to
£750,000 by lie i.sue of £250,000 prefer-
ence stock .
King Edward has withdrawn his exe-
gt.alur, granted in 1907 to John 11. Shir-
ley, United Slakes Consul at Charlotte-
town, P.E.l.
The Swiss Government is trying to ban -
1 -It absinthe.
Serpllinuff, a Russian gardener, grows
black rises.
Cholera is rempant among the British
fences nn the Indian frontier.
Five thousand gendarmes \will be scat-
tered Throughout (urea to prererwe or-
lite Chinese rebels in Yunnan province
have captured it railway and defeated
(� terument troops.
'I he Pope refuses to let French priests
lake pensions under the Church devolu-
tion law, and many millions of collars
will go in default to public charities.
I'of. Theodore Dat -ie announces the
discovery in Egypt of the :omit of 1foreni-
loeh. the last king of the 18Ih dynasty.
rifler culling through 3001 feet of rock and
finding That robl.elr had looted the tombs
rho years ngo.
II!• I:.\111ER'S PIPE.
Last night when I'a nn' ale went out
sneakers into the den,
:1n' get Pa's pike nn' lend n smoke
Just' Lk() IIB grown up men.
1 Lett his "batty' jar an' tilled
'I'I:e bowl an' •truck n l gilt;
\n' puffed away just like my pa,
ti I was brave all right.
1 les how clouds of smoke about,
An' Li en 1 rand,. Iwo rings;
Ute Ih.•n I underslo.al jus' why
\ ! r e su:'h comfon l brings.
I t
ea.! I had u bulky lime,
ovine dandy Is rat;
Coop' that somelli.ng made me .s:ck
That 1 had had to eel.
1 guess i must have cat loo notch
Of apple pie an' chee•re;
(:oz while 1 cal a sn) okin' there,
1 sorter (el say tear's
R; glia to shnke, en then the flange
nt round on' round un' r and;
The ce.1 n' got tense !r m the walls
.\n' tested on tete ground.
The nuul'el shelf jus' cleated a jig,
The morn was Reeving;
1 te,d 1 • lie (Leta there awhile,
11,:f cetil•In t catch the Ihing.
1n' he., my )1, ad began 10 swim.
'My e yi'.1 111 •y LaUu .-ol 1•lur'rerl;
1 Ir:ed to oil air hired girl,
Iful cot11 het say n w• ,rd.
\le lay upon the 11• or,
\\ `, h r ekc.i ju.' like n moat;
f.• 1 . • 1 teas leure ng up,
\I , ,i.• owe it my throat,
1 ,1 • , see: begot?,
1 4 r\j.' Irl j11a' why
1 steal \t ay. 111114 A... of (nurse,
was that apple p e.
\tr ma came tte•mle nn' f•,nsat me there.
\'c sick 114 I , ••'t'J I e
Thr s_ow. 1110 pi; •' uu' n '11 •
1n' ,n she r4I ,t t•e n e.
' Yeu'te rntuk,rl . our father'. pilot', you
"It's trail • V)ll
Sts, w.v .uhln't rev • nee w lee t 1 said
11 wits lite pie we had.
NCAA' TREATY \‘1111 hill T \I\.
prow:tire ter I:teleme• '.1 Pri•nnerc sell -
ItL OLI:3 I:11011 111E t.l:.tt)ING
Prices et Cattle. Grain, t.eeeM aa)
Usher Dairy Produce al Tome
aid Abroad.
B B E.\ Ds'TU FI :S.
Tur,nt), \lay 26. -Manitoba Wheat -
,No. 1 diol then', $1.16; N`,. 2, 81.13; No.
3, 11.08; feed, pro: ticaily none offering,
nominal quotations oro 70c, No. 2 fad
65e, Georgian Ray ports.
Ontario \\'heat -No. 2 white, '91c to
95c uuhhio; No. 2 red. 61c outs:de; No.
2 niixe 1, 93e to 94e; g:o)sr, 'JOe.
Corn -No. 3 yellow, nominal at 80e,
1'+•►onto fr.•igiil; No. 3 mixed, lc less.
Flour - Manitoba patents, special
brands. 116; ee.:onds, 55.40; strong brtk-
ei 85.30; winter \t heat patents, $J.50.
Barley --No. 2. 55c to (1UC ouLsdet.
Peae--No. 2, 92c to 91e, outside.
lipi -Na. 2 scarce and wonted, 88c.
Buekwheu4--No. 2, 64yc to 65'.
Oats -No. 2 white, 49.; t, 50c outside;
No 2 mixed. 47Xc outside.
Bran -$24.50 to $25 here.
Shorts -$25 at the mils.
taste nn'1 Sr1'eha,g;•,
1 , .'.t.nt 'it fr.I \\. • • '1 . ,vc;
-1(1111!',en•Inry .'f .i- I: ! •, u•,i \nr
in -41341.T Reye•,•. tiff;r,-.t 141 1 ' • n \1"n.
ear .;i'! e t a Irene) wh:,ti lee\ .ee, r'
gi:ta$'oe1. ter Iho ,•' Minn Or. e.1 41 ..r.. rs
and for soilage and wrmkage.
Wholesale quotations are:--
Eg.'fj's--New-laid, 17c to 18c.
Rutter--1':i.ees aro lower, anis further
de hues aro exrecte(i.
C: ()emery, print .... .... .. 26c to 21c
do solid; .... .... .... ... 21:11)25e
Dairy prints .... .... .... .. 23e to ¥4c
do large rock .... .... .. 21c to 22c
Inferior .. 18c to 19e
Ilunt'y- St.rauie.l s'eady at 11c to 12i:
per pound. for 60 -pound pails, and 12c
to 13e for 5 to 10 -pound pools. Combs
at 81.75 to 52.50 per dozen.
l'ass'oes--Onitr:o, 93c; Delawal'', 11.
in car lit; on tra- k hire.
Cloves,' -Finn; lie for largo and 14'.c
for twins, in job lots here; new make,
12c for large and 12%e for twins.
11an:►--81.85 to 31.90 for loonies, and
81.95 to $2 for ha11J-picked.
aleph, Syrup-- $l to 81.10 per gallon.
Baled Straw --$8 to 89 per lou
Baled tiny -Tim )thy is quoted at 512
to 514, in car lots on Ira, ks here.
Pork -Short cul, 821 to $21.50 per bar-
rel; mese, 817.50 to $IS.
Lard-T:encs, 11 yc; tubs, 11%c; pals.
Smoked and Dry Salted Meats - Long
ckeir bac ,n, N)yc, tons and cas(s;
brines„ m daunt and light, 12c to 13yc;
haw, large. lfysc to 12c; backs, 164.: to
i6ysc; shou'eers, 9/c t) 10e; rolls, 10e
b' 10)1,c; breakfast bacon, Ile to 15c;
gr: en neat;, out of pickle, lc less than
Montreal. May 26. -Flour - Manitoba
spr.ng wilted. patents, 86.10 t) 86.20; sey-
ond potents, $3.50 to 15.70; winter wheat
patent=, 85.25 to 85.75; straight rollers,
81.50 to $5: in bags, $"2.15 to 12.25; extra,
*1.50 ki 81.90.
Rolle.! Oals--$2.75, in bags of 9f,
C)tbs-•No. 2. 51yc to 52%e; No. 3. 49c
'r. 50 e No. 4, 47e to 48e; rejected. 45c to
46,-; Manitoba rejecto-1, 501, North Bay.
C rnmeal-$1.60 t•) $1.70 per bag.
M Weed-4)ntar:o bran, in hags. $23
to *23.:d); shorts, 825 to $26; Manitoba
bran, in Lags, $23; shorts. 8223 to 826.
Chcesee--Itaxlpts of cheese to -day were
4.850 box, s, os compared with 1,585 bix-
et for the same dal„ last year.
Butter -local market is dull and weak,
with w.'s!ene quoted al 11yc and east.
erne at Ilyc.
Eggs --Fair trade is reported In sel'ct-
.'c! s'o •k at 19e; No. 1, 17,4c and No.
16e per dozen.
Provisioner-13nrrets sheet cut 11:0;s.
$22.50; half barrels. $11.91; clear t1);
be,ckt. $2:3; dry snit long chew backs
11e; bar els plate beef, $17.50; half bar
Iris do.. 89; compound laud, 8yc L, 9Xc:
pure laws. 12Xc to 13c; kettle rendered.
13 to 1334(:; I:ams, 12y.,c t) 11e, aco)r.t-
ing to s`ze; breakfa,l bacon, 11c. accord-
ing to size br.•ak'a•il bacon, bye 1) 157•
Windsor bacon, I5C to 16e; fresh -killed
:,t.ntto'rdressed hogs, $9.50; live, $6.6r.
1e) $6.75.
Buffalo. \tny 26. - Wheat - Spring
h'gher: No. 1 North lel. $1.07;;; cnr-
lewds; No, 2 ted, $1.112; Winter easy.
rx:r n Iliglhe r: No. 2 whit.', 80e; No. :
yrlh,w, Nlyc. Outs-Ensier; N•). 2 rn-x-
.':I, :We: No. 2 while. Slyc. li;tr'ey--
;:, lo 85e. Rye -No. I on track. 90e.
Minneapolis, May 26.-\Vheut(---
$1.115X: July, $I.0fy to 81.01X; Sept..
eii3 ; No. 1 hard, $1.08, 10 41.05y•
\u. 1 N ,rlhern. $1.07X; No. 2 Norther,.
s I '!;'., 10 $I.05X; N ,. 3 Nei leen. 98 to
Fi en ----hist g aten's. $5.15 1
s., e/I; re(tmd patents. 515.3.) to $5.11; hest
,'I ars. 31.95 1,1 el.:l3:reseed cl :tis. 83.-
'., e . Bran --le btilk. $.21.7:: 1 )
'1 I, k \i tt 211 \\'fest -No. 1
1'101 11. SI 1 1 ' .:d1 11: \ 2 Norther.'
1.11 , , At •I91 1 : ,'t', e -',...I. Ih.
.. I 'il 1 • -1' 1:.1 .. ; •\., .!
;ne eor' die ' , , 1..:n \ ,. :1. (•n.<
.; 'et 't;' •.: 1,.'. ,,.,'' 1 .1.
l)-,lit'h \I t\ :t; -- 1\11 at--\,. 1 here
.; tel'.;; N l Neel Irl. *toed,; N•t. .
N. !tee. it. $I.I)I'; \l .y. 81.111X; .' !1'.
N: \v York. \leo 26. \1'h.•nt
r..y: I. '' 1 ,1. 4.J.•,, \ ,t„ ; \
red. Pt! ,-: 11).• in„et. .'. 1
1'nrl' e•:•,i hulullu, 31.1.4
•N I. 2 hi'r I w neer, 31.12,e (o.1,. ...g
T111111: (:01(:I1I.5 1.1:1T 11111.-x.
Two Monarchs Will Meet at Royal, in the
Gulf of Finland.
A despatch from London says: King
Edward tt1:1 :p 11(1 a wt\1( shurely "1 11
lite Empe.or aid Enrpr,st• of Itu.;,.u.
1t is cxpcct6J Not his \lujeety \v:Il em-
bark en pile room yacht at Portsul.:u h
en May 29. at the rune:usion of I're-a
emit Fall.ens' visit t., 1.o'ldon. The
ineeIng of the two Menne-lie will lake
place et It, v 1. ut the Gulf of Finland,
w o o Kale Eovard tr-11 arrives on June
9111 ().t )(gird 1)10 royu. yucht \':ckor.a
ani :\:b re and e-o••rted by two crui-
sers, 1).pl nudists tu•u gr. ally interested
In thea ince; ,: . which, It. Is expMled,
wit' (other sir ngth(•u the retattone ba -
I1\1. :•.-11 (imus Ilntaiu and 11usSia that
hat., been s.) much inlpnlwed by 111.
conclus:un o the hr t It n e
t h �\ t ossa a
i �
hent. '1'h:s will be the) first meet ng of
Kung Iehvurd and the Czar sineo the
'Ones ucceesion. It i; underskod, huw'
etcr. that 1041 11 not been fur the Russo-
., i
ustyJv a: .'s • war and the subsequent neer-
: nil tr'uub:es of Russia !Itis mooting be -
1 t
1 \e•trrt the iwo rulers would have been
I arranged much carats in lime;lime;Edward's)
Week End Skiing Parties That Spend
the (lours of Kest In huts Amid
the Wilds.
A \trite r lir a German paper who has
leen .steeping in Christiania gives a .sur-
pt•is.ng itcoetat 01 the liberty accorded
b, 111(1 young people of Norway, cspeci•
nay La girls. After receivingthe rite
of contirmntlon the girls r-'ce.ve what he
calls schlws• If.e hull, or key fmodoln,
their parents I.ttrally hand over to them
a nlgtt key and c.•mplete liberty to conte
and go as They please day and night.
Though the period of sehlU selfreiheit
conies in the early teeies, the bene lc:ari-
e.e have no scruoplo about enjoying it
k• the fullest extent. With or without
male companions they go off waiter and
summer on long country trips, tteek
end pail es usually, which start on Sat-
urday efletn.on when t.e half day ses-
.i'sns of the set::eel; are over and the
offices close up and last until Monday
All through the country for the length
ri a day's journey about the capital
there inc set huts, in which the pleasure
parties take refuge over night. Mich
fanelies own their own ski huts, some -
Vanes several of them in VR110113 direc-
'ante; but tho greater number are own -
cd by furruers, who rent them out at lite
rate of from
81.60 TO $2.60 A MONTH.
Just outside of Christiania is the IMO
menkot. 1t is a great hill about 3.250
feet high. so mar to Christiania that as
abrupt cliffs seem to look down over the
houses in the suburbs.
Part es go out by day to get lh' glori-
• us v.ew of sea and sh.►re fttutn the sum -
,ht. They go out in the evening and
Spend all night there to watch the
'Northern Lights and the sunrise.
A trolk,y line runs to the top of the
tuounlain and the stunt of walking up
has become. so commonplace that 1143-
10':oily thinks of doing 0 any more. The
C•.111pa11y issues Inc one crown, about 27
!ink, a ticket good for all duty rides.
Tette cars aro equipped in winter with
means of carrying tk's and bobsleds; .m
nobody rides (town, at least in winter
lire. 'There are great sloping reaches
',i 511.AV on which the bob sledding ie
suss vie.
1'h•v • are dozens of slag parties and
:111111,1 an equal number made up .)1
girls only. But in a Targe number of
cases -perhaps a inaj'.r.ly--bays and
girl,, young amen and woolen, tramp tie
geth '1''
There is a total absence of attempts
of gallantry; the gibes ere as :ndepenel
cal as the men. They exl►ecl none •
the small assistance; o►• courtesies 11e,
cur girls would look for, and they ;'
In t.v nt'r time the tk's nre fnt'ariah
taken ;k):'g. Sunlellnl•'s bohsleJ:
'nken Ino. if III! country to lie too •
favors their ate.
!:'.Cit ttet victual has leo s.- it, f ,r a
'r two Lin.l s :ne'e:n's the lea make
apparatus is drt:et.•', • .- :''v as to wei.! '
Tho cn-.lume is I•. ' ' • , 11'. '.\
daps of gay coke:, g ant .lir
1,1 n en ee. lnmiscalo 4e. , ,• •h they a•.
o:.lbd, when t c)teJ f.u, 1 • .e 'are
1, :magi nt' clay. \\'arm e•"
dilly oh I.. 1):e t'' . ,• . n
1001 elle.. the ma „ii ,4.•• !
and l,geings; the guts . k is (01,1a1;
little I>,•I .w the keee, and !egg too
The shoes of loth sexes are built
ty for s leap .4
\Vhen t1usui"110 ho<ur e•1 ue„s. t
w•to a lowly 1 !;.•s lo t' e -k '•' '
sa,en in II e . , 17SLe�c ou . •- .
11 e:elleS. I't '11111101' Ili: • -
!t::•le Item r , ,t °gaol. 1:.
C N. R. flyer %Vreeked Near Winnipee
Fireman Inhered.
\ .1 s n'. h ern :n \Vinnieeg
I : tit!! in N ,rlh-en "Flyer" u', •i•
ter •o 'cit e-+! t, night f -;r \brin.clp
nr, l a poi . wn•ek.'.) of e;,rt • r
rl,t:• n. 11 tit 1.• 'WI, If h t . 111'+.
1 •1e •-f 'he e' t1 ne left tee- .-ni!- fir., I
I r tt n:; Ih • engine on it, , .I • ?'1 :' !
r is he• '.'1 the rills. Ih• t •• , n
n•Ii burner 'n A. nn1 •'•' rot I'••
e r.I h. Eteel nn \I.•tir•ele \. • . tlj::n'!
ager 1 111e 'h touters ;1n.f lack. Tee 4')I -i-
'.4 ng,ere ds:aped with only a bad shak-
umg up.
the start is made hours Lefore dawn and
the objective point of the morning ,s of-
ten some height front which the coaling
light is hailed with song.
The clitnalo of southern Norway great -
I! favors tho outdoor win'er life. Early
in December the coun'ry I ecomes thb k-
ly covered with snow, which practically
remains until the spring. The thermome-
ter hardly ever riseee above freezing
eon,. and rho chances of rain arc reell•
gibie. Snow is not taken seriously by
the skiers and the cold is seldom so in -
It is on the lIolm•nkol that, the inter-
national ski contests take place every
year, bringing K
English, Gentian, Swl
and French competitors
in constanty
increasing numbers. 'There are events
fee men and woolen and boys and girls
of all ages, and young people come from
all parts of Nnrw•ay without chaperone
or guardian and spend several days on
the ground to take part In theni.
The German observer of these condi-
tions says tint the freedom allowed to
the young people appears to have the
best possible effects, e;pec•ally in the de-
velopment of character among the wo-
inout. In particular, he says, it seems
to fit them for public life.
Almost every city in Norway hos et
present. a number of women in the mu-
nicipal governing Undies, and in the
next election the women ate to exercise
the full franchise to the choice of ntem-
bcrs for 11:c Storthing or national legis-
Direct Their Itays in Any Direction like
a Searchlight.
The inhabitants of II:e ocean vary fit
many respects according to the depths at
which they live, but most of all in their
towers of vision. Fish that live at Very
great depths hn\•e either no eyes at all
or enormously big ones. There are two
nethods of getting about in the gloomiest
abysses -by delicate orgnns of touch, or
tie sight, that colktc14 the few rays of
Tight due to plueephorescense or other ac-
cidental sources.
Tho fish which live near the top of tho
ocean have smaller eyes than those. say,
eighty fathoms down. One hundred and
twenty fathoms deeper, where daylight
disappears. the eyes are bigger still. Be-
yond the depth of 200 fathtonle, small eyes
prevail, with long feelers to supplement
At This depth, in incl. sight is prac-
tically tucks. In lir g;real('sl abysses
I11e 11sh are usually blind. te'clingl their
way Mout s' I ly by ilteans et their sensi-
tive boding. Some, inched, show• signs
internally of havtr.g once possessed eyes,
but that is nil.
In other;--Ihcolblcs! and most conlirm-
...1 nhysmnl specie; --the eye has disnp-
t.rared olte•g,.11ler eternally, Though
Ira.•c's of it no, still In Lr recognized. em-
bedded deeply in the ti'tsues of the head.
Many deep -sen fish have a curious sys-
l.'m o1 hallows to the skull or about the
!x)d-V vhieh !sold a 1111111 of phosphnres-
nl slime. Other, neve mend or oval,
:,ling opalescent epees. placed on the
r.1 or along the 1, .ly nt• ha,
\:1 of 1h• m are' ablindnntilly supplied
nervi -A. end they are apparently or -
:one int the production of phosptiores-
...la liehl. If se. surlt n (1411 n►11s1 sarins
snrrotindal by a Wins gkov. r• me -
.,t like that thrown oft h)• luminous
One o'i•",scot even suggests that thee°
the rower of dile Ming bli.lr
in; . ':i ,,: \ !:rection. like it searchlight.
r,\ 111' 1 14 ' ii fl.
.•; . I , , 1- '1 .I• I, 1 s.'' metal *114
t:.nle.l '•. Inco, . Ion fon': he has o cork
.,g. ti, 1),•11 ,se l.v
\Iris. Smith '" \` • 11. m)' dear. yon know
' w.anan ala.ly5 did hove t► hanker.
:inhere Is Cancer In It, Says a Philadelphia
1 -1 •klatch iriunl Philndelplun 'ay.• I s -
\\ \\ 1:hnllant, wlre►s, (l,rb)ralam that
n. ern .'I1Me's of r1p•rlsle. ;ire due to n
1' teen contain rl in iii,' common Hell but-
tercups itlrnet..1 e..n,i.eenhle nllrntx,11,
. e•tt w dh nnether stn 0111e Ill in urraigll-
i• ,"•, . f the flower.
I!.• ,•.1.t :writes it of bring Ile. enu,c
• ''The n, live tewe is 11) the
! . ,nes I)r. (ainl(.tnt. "Jr.. out•
�•.i••• •:, pnslt,r.• illllaltllnrll. 11 :.
.,. .In.l \.L•en Inion interne:It me,
cause inflammation of tho stomach and
onnvulsinns. an41 iregliently death. The
pcue.tn is irnitskrr.•d ;,:., its milk and
e,►l.'he' (nt1uli.ur 1111,1 14) 41.. \ ! • , -.,ns (1111-
' r,rnl,l•• srnrll ••f sums, n -.cele,
'SI•luto•1.) enne•'e),u, • II•' _InteA
1)1:11 1s• hen, pr.''''id !',•uta:
!•• 111':-r' of r:ln.'••r by vii h...11lsy
I'.'sls with t,uIterretps. 1.1 d.•ctaiee Ihnl
-n all pr•ha1010v the die toe ha, its ori•
.91 111 the moot or milk .,f ;mantle obeli
•,1 role flee one, Ile urges the deatrucleon
of the bleum.