HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-21, Page 7QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE -RU -NA. Endorsement Oft Great Remedy Pe-ru-nuc. IDo So Most Heartily." NT remedy that benedigestion benefitsbenefits.trengtbens the nerves. The nerve °enters require nutrition. I1 the digestion Is impaired, the nerve centers become anomie, and indigestion is the result. Pentair is net a nerrine nor e sUatla1set, it benefits the nerves by benefiting digestion. Peruna frees the stomach of catarrhal congestion, and normal digestion is the ream%. In other words, Perna goes to the bottom of the whole difficulty, when file disagreeable symptoms disappear. Mrs. J.O. Jamison, 61 Marchant street, Watsonville, CaL, wrIees: "I was troubled with my stomach fop six years. I tried many kited, of medi- cine, also was treated by three doctors, "They said that I had nervous dys- pepsia. 1 put on • liquid diet for three months. "I improved under the treatment,bnl se soon as I stopped taking the medi- cine,/ got bad again. "I took the medlelne for two years, then I got aiek again and gave up all hopes of getting cured. "I saw a testimonial of a man whop ease was similar to mine being cured by Perans, so I thought I would give it a trial. "I procured a bottle at *ewe and com- menced taking D. /have taken several bottles and am entirely cared. 1 •,/ Mrs gabled ks strength and lee! blure a different person. I be- lieve Peruse is all Vaal 'sambaed far h." leers -Ines, such as coal tar prepara- tion., are doing a great deal of harm. Sleep medicine* and headache powders are all alike, -heart depressants, and should not be used. The nerves would bo all right, if tho d{ eatlon were goad. Peruna oorrecta the digestion. 1 D FORSYFaRSTACEANoSCALp ERUPTIONS EMI SPRING TROUBLED THIS LADY TILL ZAM-BUK CURED. Miss Mary Levesque, 3I Stadacina St , Heebelaga, Mon- treal writes :--"I have forsdZain-link at) excellest remedy for akte eruptions. Up to this Spring 1 was bothered for almost fire years s►ub a iid fast:. small riml.les and sous en rn) lace and cn the scalp Otto' the hair. Nothing, I .ae(' would clear ihu ra.h from the akin until 1 began using /./m-Huk. 1 his salve has effectually and 1 bttie(e permanently taken off those (insight]) ; ,milte and sorts frombeth scalp and face. 1 shall recommend lam- flak t, all my blends." Fur Iwi.eg .csse.a and all skit disease Za i Del is wittiest equal. 1t is go,si for •b...:ua.uu. •r►ee.elirelbedin. i'1:e.ale)yialdtoZan-Ito. All .caret and druggists, yes. ur Zara Toronto Send 23 cents Ere reo8 eil:Ion of 5,000 Facts About Canada Frank Yeitl's a onderfut comldtat1,1% r•f •vor)tl.ing at•out rtwaada in a not -hell. 20.tru., a .... le 190:. Again■ w total. Liber- al terms. QANADIAM reeve IUsidsri NO CO-, 6d. repapiva Ave., Toronto. FGOODFARM rJIfh WANTEDom: to hear from owner haing ale. Not rticnlar •boot locatl.n- se ire rico ar.d descrition, an teaur sellin Rtate when pussessla cad. Wi deal wit owners ony. Darbysblre, mos Bet, itocbester, N. T. i;�ig• ROVG' L/J 4 CANOE Co f ..(- S,eaR.y,• r0 4vra,. o cANOL eb PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Best O Cheapest Ctanoes,BXif ,Launched Eta SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO rHONe M 1311 Sleeks bought and sold on New York, Hasten, \ic n;ieal and Toronto Stock Exchanges 'or cash or margin. Orders for Cobalt Storks execut- ed .00 Tet'one, Mining Ex- change or .ftoston and New York curb for cash. PRIVATE 11'Ii4ES. 1 Ccrrespnnder is - Chas. Head & Co., members (f tee New York and Boston Stock Exchange. FROM TEA TO COFFEE. The Mate of Sao Paulo, in Brazil, 1touteed by an overproduction of cof- fee. has had a company organize,( to induct n propaganda on behalf of cof- fer drinking in Europe. 1t will be di- rected against England jecially. which Le given to tea ratter than coffee. In London the coffeo houses which so flourished in the eighteenth century have become tea houses, but it Ls pro- bably I:ot an impossible leek to turn theft) back to coffee again. 11•••••••.••••=i1P -- COULD NOT WAIT. "Ill sell you ten thouisend t.ol)nrs' worth of this alining stock for fifty cents," urges the promoter. "It's the chance of a lifetime. Within a month it will he meting at n dollar a share.' 'Then why don't you hold on to It?' meted the cranny man. "1 woul•I. but 1 need a hair -cut and a shay'.. Dow would I look if I waited a month?' BLEEPING DRAUGHTS SOOTHING MIXTURES. A Wis. ►rm,fher will never give her little one a Jumping draught, soothing rnlxlinr or opiate of any kind except %;teen the adyke of a competent dee- tor, who has even the child. Ali these things t•c mala deadly poison. \VI:cn you gate y..ur hahy or young child Hat.y'i (lit n Tablets you Wive the guar- antee of a get -eminent analyst that this medicine docs not contain one particle et opiate or narcotic, and therefore cannot po-ssibly do harrn-but always do good. Mrs. (ko. M. K(etnpt, Carle- ton Place. Ont., Fags: -'1 have given Holy Own Tabk'Is to my bnhy since to Iwo weeks old. 1I' was a very an all baby, L'ut thanks to the "Wets Ste is now it big. fat. healthy 1oy." Sold by medicine acuter+ cr by moil al 23 cents a Lex from The Dr. ee'itliarns' Mullein. Co., Broekvtlle, Ont. AIEACBE 1N1 (BtlA'TION. 1 hate to vest where• they have new "They are often :nexvete need ." • "Yes, and they haven't had time to learn the family bcaudals.' They are Carefully Prepared: •P: . which dissipate Ihetuselves in the s'•' - much cannot Lr Isle-ttd to have bolt 1. effect upon the intestines, and to at• Conte costiveness the medic!me ode. 1, islertd must influence the a.:t:on 4.1 !Mee canals. Pat'mele's Vegetable 9'ills are so made, under the supervis- ion of experts. that the substance in Ihern intended to operate .it the inles- luies is retarded in uclivu until they ,pass through the stomach to the bow- els At the age of 21 n young plan thinks he is smart. At the age of 4(1 tae knows that other people knew ire tin -11.1, r11.FS CURED IN $ TO IA DAY'S. PAZO OINTMaNr I. guarantee! r) cure any case of Itching, Blin 1. Bleedingor Mrotuding Pllee 1116 1, 14 Jaye or in,nney refnded- Otte. The wife of a prufessk.m i t sebalt payer doesn't stem to n1;111 the fact that he is a Lase deee ver. Let u Coat of paint turn your hoose into a tlonte.. 1 -et Hansay's faints do it for you. They ure made for purity of style, purity of cot.;, and wear and tear. Every can gueranle•ed. Your dealer has theta. \\'rile A. Itameay k Son Co., Montreal, for pack of sc,uten- ir Picture Pohl Cards of Ilumtes. • Mrs. llrldey-"Yes, 1 know my leis. tend plays cards, but he any.; he only dee; it for fun.' Mrs. WL -e --"Then he doesn't get what the plays kr. Cm told MI the other players have tlie'! fun." A small Pill. but Powerful.- They that judge of the powers of n pill by its sirs. would consider Parmelee's Ve- getable rills to be lacking. 11 is a Hi - lie wonder among pills. What it lacks in size it snakes up in potcney. The remedies which it carries are put up *r these small doss, because they are so powerful that only small doves rine required. The full strength of the ex- tracts is secured in this form and do their work Thoroughly. Mamma (sternly) -"Don 1 you know what the great King Se.lunwn sate(, 'Spare the rod and sg•oil ttie child' f•' !lobby -"Yen; but he didn't say that until he was grow'cd up!' A LITTLE QUIET le the beet of all 41st vet'.% will not [Hake load and mu-(•:, but " Fen -..elm will. Try it. All drug auJ general •%:•res. 61 hutt1N. i.ots of marries( ,nen w•• a;J much ra- tter go to the other place .1 there ttos any marrying in heaven. • ITCiI. Meng- r•ralrle c"ratchee and every lc rat of cen'aglous Itch on human .-r anilines cured :n 30 minutes by VicI- lord a Sanitary 1.r l 4.rr. 1l never rails. Sold by all druggists. After staking n kat o1 geed friends many a roan ties into politics and las- es them. We have no in cat air that Dr. J. D. Kellogg'., Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the hest medicine ever inlredticed for dt.entery, dint rheea, cholera and all funtlner e•nntpdainle, pen sickness, etc. 11 promptly gives retie! and never fails to effect a i)f.:ifitecure. Mothers should iic.. r be wilt,..ut n hut. Ile when their cli deet are teething. JAPANESE Wolf \e 11111 1 . Captain M n Band 1.1 Female 11-I.her. Thal Ilud Stolen Crime 11111 Il•ntse., A Jaiente-e w omen name.; I. titer), who had O'4)le to Lr lot ',t a e Ibe robber class That she 1.0(1 joined a - "Tera. the Serpent.' has nisi leen n:•- i('tte 1 by the K.'J:maehl pre'ice in tae grounds of Il-tchin►nn Temple_', Fukaga• writ, says the Japan 'Times, in her eeriy years -she is now 13 --- see was tery beautiful, and ield teeny siluOCons as a nurse. always with a good name for infill -try and faithful- ness. it was her g.'o•sI looks and an admirer that brought her dismissal t.y her mae'er, and from that time she turner( 00 snake her living by prey. At the age of 3n she was cnpeen of a gang of female thieves. Al hamar kora ray. NIW an cid gentleman and pretended to be .n a fit. Ib' tendevl her k n.11y. but while ile woe 1racy she ale steeled £IG from h:s bag. With !hit in'n••y she travelled to the capital, where the continued her depredation.:. She Wee at 111e lemse c1 Cunt 31at- sttdaira and. representing herself es a poor woman d(tc• ole t in her hitsl•and, werke.l up.n the sy'rrtpalhy of lite (eine lees, who engaged her as handmaid rime* iia Oniy Ona ""Bronmo QuInIn." That /a - -.,,,, Laxative Bromo Quinine 4WD TM WORLD OWN TO CORD A COLO IN Olt RAY. Always remember the nm:: carve. %,mute for I&is rig/utters on .Very PO. !sic .nn •4 the esteem . ! tt f;,• . who Ir•• t.k.l her almost u.' 4. Atter it few months. the tt ho:o lA)-s.- h.kI %tent on a flutter vie•tt:ng excur- son, tearing T;;rn alone at huate. She f•i4,Co".1'il to ((heat all the va!wjt!.•.; st:.- cctltd ley hands on, leaded them tit three 1, ger tt l.y;uns, and mudo off. A ee•nl( mcc .•l imprisonment did not alter her. and before her fast arrest she had loll, 11 rM n:•:y it hundred houses and stolen money and ge.cids amounting it, throb•::11.0., r;f to;nr.ls. She now e\- pr4 , „ r,• . re to Marry a certain hum - 1 1. i..,• ,t . itzen. SKIN ERUPTIONS AND PIMPLES Disappear Under a TreatnioIJt r,ith Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, Thera cart bo health and vigor only when the blood is rich and r •4I. '1 ere are thousands of young turn 11.-1 ap- proaching manhood who revd the rich. red bkCtl that only Dr. \\ .:1:0111,' I':nk ('ills can Blake. 'they have no energy; lire out at the least exertion, and who feel by rho time (hey hive done their day's work, as tliviigh the day teas a week long. In sonic castes there is u further sign of danger in the pimples and disfiguring eruptions which break cut on rho face. These are certain signs that blue', is out of order and that a complete breakdown may result. le this emergency Dr. \\ Haws' Pink Pills Ls the medicine these young nen should lake. 'These pills actually lDllke rich, red blood. They clear the skin c.( pintples end el'uplione and Lr:ng health, strength and energy. Ilere is ilio) experien' a of Adolphe Holland, of St. Jerome, Quo.. who say's: "For more than a year I suffered from general weakeees, and I gradually grew se weak that i ties forced to abandon my work as a clerk. My appetite Whet )ne. 1 lad occa,.onal violent headaches and 1 began to suffer from indigestion. 1 was failing so rapidly that I began to fear That consumption was fastening itself upon ntc. Our fam- ily doctor treated rue but 1 did not gain under his care. 1 wa.s in a very dis- couraging slate when a friend front Montreal tante to see ate. Ole sh'ong- Iy advised nit to try Dr. \\'itliams' Pink Pills. 1 dict so and inside of three weeks 1 began lo feel better. my ap- petite began to improve and i seemed to have a feeling of new courage. 1 continued the pills lin I had taken len t•oxets and 1 am now enjoying the best health I ever had. My cure surprised many of my friends who began to re- gard me as incurable, and 1 strong!y uayi-0 other young nen who are werik Io follow my example and give Dr. \Vtiiam Pink Pills a fair tial.' Bad %,texas% is lite cause of all cntllar,n (15 - cases like anaemia. heads^hes. neural {ria, rheumatism. sciatica, indigestion. rel nervous troubles. general weaLne(s rind the special ailments that only wo- men folk know. Dr. \Villianls' fink Pills nt•(i the one cure, because they go right to the root of the trouble in the bleod. They change the had blond in. tie geed blood, and thus' bring health. '•••nglh and energy. You can get three s from any nittdtcllle skitter, or by at 50e a box. nr six tows for $2.50 hem the Dr. Williams' '%telae ne Co., I1rocevi:le, Ont. iIIS 1'Fi\A1:1'Y. Nee -light is eunstaftly being threen . ►• MI, !cal Ii tiny, 1'lte latest exegete -••r;plural subjects *ems to be a small girl in Germany. the Ilelingnr- te t i:s the story "f her antinion of a prat em, -says Pas'cr llo,egger of Gratz. 1 visited a school one day where ihhe in,Iruc1P rn was n part of the daily course. and in order to lest the chi!. (hens knowledge, 1 asked roma flue;• talks. One class of little girls looked particularly Night, and I asked the tal- lest one: "eVhat sin did Adam centre:+?'' "fie ale forbidden frail.' "Hight. \\'ho teniteell Adam?" •' 'Fwe "Not tcal'y i;ve, 1)111 the serpent. And (tow was Adan) pttnis!atil?" Ile' girl 1lesitale.l and braked con. tu,.I. A little e.gtd-year-ut.l united her hared and said: .1'. I.a=ku, I know.' , • , ;41. us. IIvw was .ednln tem - "1 le em- •'11.e hhadh, marry IEwe.- !and the d•strict abutting on Tottenham 1 0:rt Hund. olid in the East -('ltd. The meg unperlant section is the Freedom (:►feint. II publishes a monthly paper casted the Freedom, which bus a cir- (ttiate.•n of ub;ut 2.000. Aieeed Soho there are the French It.)l nn, German and Spanish groups, alta in 11►e Bust -end there is u lung_ tie ny of Jewish Anarchists, who ros- es.. • lul'•o:uo and eublish two Jour - u Th. 1, s IIIer has a circulation '•1 al. ;.trvi i,td the latter elf 5.000. 11. 111 u..• t • , 1,11 in Y ddish. There is aha a 1::_''i', gr:,up in Ile Bast -era. The mirr•hip of the various I-orick:1r ••.. • - lc Mee n 3,0110 and 4.000. II 1,0 Leen estubt.shed In ;1. f, r..l.11 • al t was, il)CIUd•ng Lit- , r 1 ,..1., seeiii. Id. (lull, Norwell. I' ' :',. In. Manchester, Swansea, and I:du)bu:gh. , 1::ngeinents Made by the see - eh al Senlland Yard to sha- ,,• .\narchi.-t; nr • most clalcrale. li • '1 errhi-1 n:•rit:mg in England ; Int • nit identified al the seaport or at tl; 1 tuition termini. ••yhaust:ve are Ile precautionary .ret: that it may be sa'd ,t• Ih con - that there is nr-t n single Aner- t fi st gro':.p In Great Br'tla n which does rot number in its ranks one or more winters who are police informants. ey P\Fa•\IO\IA GERM LOCATED. (:hirt¢o Ih,ehlr Advances New Theory of Disease. The announcement of a new theory as t:) the cause of pneumonia and the discovery e f a remedy for the disease was made that other night at a meeting o! the (h • ago Medical society. Dr. II. Maiming Fish, tt'l:o trade the amloun, c:utnts. backed up his usser- lions with n detailed description of a case of acute pneumon a, which, 1:e de• ctnr•exi. had been cured in twenty-four flours by means of the simple method which he deer. bed. Dr. Fish first declared that the seat el trouble in pncum ;via case; was not. as is generally supposed, in the lungs, nut in the small cells in the bony framework al the top of the nose. The pneumecercus, c r disease germ, he as (1, efts not hnrtnfut, except when pent uo in a cell ef Ihis soil Then. he ex- plained, it acted like an explosive, be- gan to expand, and was absorbed by the blood, at:d became one of the nest dangerous ef diseuse germs. . "Frotn these cells the disease w•oris rapidly dcwn to the lunge, and to all appearances. these organs Immediate- ly became the seat of trouble." said the I,hysi.'ian. "However, the fuel which is fording the flames of disease still acing furltished from the cells at the lop of the nose. "The silnp'e remedy. consequently, s (:t draw this dangerous pus from these cells. That is what was done in the erase which 1 have described, and in twenly-four ):ours the disease had dis- appeared. The hmgs. of course. were sell affected. end it look day's before the patient linaly wns able to leave his led." Some meet couldn't Sceeep ttwir pro - mese; even in a cold storage plant. Abend the btls'est thing nn eurlh a an ld'e rumor. pays larger dividcn,is then a Mlle common s- nee. Peen the digs tied head welter oc- cnsienally puts ins fool in it. \Voter on the burn is seldom due to a Herat ter knowledge. The Ices n man has to say the more he is inclined to lack. 1 ilr 1' m (ltd 1)1141 Metro \..t 1 1 .e Dei-. '1 trite wee when Dr. 'Thome • FREE BOOK 1•1,•1,• 01 Ind but a small field of j distribution, hill now 1Is 1•rritory i.s widespread. These wbo first recogrt ((! its curative qualities still value it r a 3l.ecifi'•. rind oink 11 retains its c i friends it is ever snaking new-. 1t t. teener) that a ii Byer (flee este It vont not le %%:deet it It1.D? %RE %% % 1( 111:11. • oo ulktlwl lard iia• a Grip on (he An- nrrhi.ls in London. The demmeintion of Anarchy and An - arch sl by President Itoo!evcll and Ms recmnmendal.on that (here str,uld 'et tr,rlher repressive legislaL(•1) coaling with the problems presented by Alter. shy, will probably increase. the affec- t on with which these "enemies of man. lend' regard Eng:arid as a place c dunti. i1P. In Eiig:on•1. however. rt relent but keen battle. 111 elect ..n one side tip lance is never relaxed. is continually gong on between Scrt1'.and Ynrd and the jc•rcl n and Engl .�h .Anarchists who reside 1.01404) !.'.n4 and the ptot;nce!. The number of Anarchists in I ng'anit, (teeny est ing to immigration front (Ater counit•,ee. %theft mire slrinFont polee p et %ode prevail. s Scrluip y greater Today then wits The Me a few )tats ego: but elttte•lrgh They are vol actively Interfered welt. practically every men Meetly/ them. !heir Wen; and their movements are knottn to the delr,;l.ve Meer* w1M be1eng M shat 's known at Seel:and Yard as the special %ranch. In l.on•ior. there are strong Colonic*. divided ink. Glfferenl grout's, in Bobo HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED" leas hew' a •• r..ng nein paved the bank by a n se inve t•nont. livery eterk tuyer and 'meteor %chem.! read this M nk. Not 1 •r stir. Sent tree nn request. Yo ,r 1erne ern n 1.ets14l will bring ll. \Vote to dot N. W. IAILmY 361 aethear Weans* Oleg„ 9e11611r, 1110. QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE IL Gives Perfect 1:111t; 4 POR SAL,13 Dr DEALERS EVERYWHERE, 1 N U ISSUE NO. sb--11R. WANTED Our readies to note that the celebrated French remedy, l"i'GO, which httS been and is sold under a guarantee -that in cases where the outward application. as directed, fails to reliete pain, moneys paid will be refunded -still stands. In no case, not- withstanding the large an increasing sale, lies a refund Leen asked for. H. commended f.rr ncuralg:n, headache, rheumatsm, gout, catarrhal c•lds, stiff joints, etc. Ask your druggist for a ,.ample and dv net accept a substitute. You will bo pleased with it. lease 25 and 50 cents. The Pango Company, Toronto or who!reale 1.)1O.1n, Knot & •'lark min, Limited, Trrtnnto. Lyman Bros. A Co., \lot►tmat, Toronto. \\'int some people say is of less Ind• pat tauce than what They 1►ute left 11I1- sad- The n•sad, The never falling nt.'dbclne, Ilollo- way's fern (:ure. rernoves all kinds of ra its. warts. W.; even the nest cull to femme cannel withstand this wonderful rented). You can gel just as hard a fall from Ilw water wng.,n as yw1 can fit 111 an nutanob)le. O\ F OF INC HLsT old time remedies for all skin affections eu.•h ae Poems Mingw•rrn Mcabt• heed and .Imi:ar n4.Mi..n• 1. Wea•er'a Cerate. 1t Is at, ointment that has brought relief to thousands. 1! you are tired of the mune chi , : lit you m ght change it by invest - r; sew 1(1 of kette TO flit? A eot.n IN ANP. DAM Take I.AXAflyll Ha.rtltt (+.ruin. TableN. Dra`gIste refund money If it fail. to cure. a. vr. OkOVal signet ire le ea each bot. tie. ' b N1t•\Y I.%INtIl. (tank. •lank. • ee.k, What dr.leee etemes are these. Peking the el lin. ss e•f lb • Sunday nf- le ;moon' In liee'e. 1lrs. \fn• l+,r't leaves the fire -ole and wee. n e• .r h of the cause el IltO disturbance.. In 1144' garden she finds her hie -bend nailing a beard on the bottom of a tarrow. "Dema:. man.- she says. "ye'ye mnk- in i.n ow fie row. What 11 the neigh- 1o:s Ih.nk''' "Never mind 'he•m. K:%sty," snv• D. n• add "1 mann gel my born' 1114 n' 1." "Oh. hail Donal'." Boys K r ly. ti tern wrong to Volk on lite ': •t!tall. 1. c. , � h l 1 ae ewe 6r rew' !' Ford- ''1" lir mayor mad( 4.11ae y4 • • revere: cf stars nga.t13l the •i•!. ltd:.:• didn't he?' fin we- "Ye---e-re • it ought to see how 1a chart.•.1 :..c1" 'Toll: CO1,011 1)11) 'IfiE THi(K. First conductor -Do yen ever have Ip put any of your passengers oft? e Second conductor --I put rt man off the other day, but it didn't delay bun to y much. Ile was so mad that his free got red . nough to flag the next train. BRAT CA1'9Eq IIEADACIIIt, Prue O, tole► 1' tf ar 4',11.1, are the inset fr.. 4niletearns* of Hea.luM r.AX4Ttyg PIR•.tD) CINi, a removes effuse. R. W. Drove ea boa tie The rest of ihee fleet British inn (iI M at: ,f4(0I.OM, et about a quarter tht,t of Il.. latest type. Mother Grates' Worm Externi • r t• r dolts not require the help of are •r- gahte nr4(ircine le) complete the cure. (i:ve U n trial and ie convinced. "Now,' fold An Irtehman, afar a terl- ctls nccdeet lo a fellow -miner. "weal Lave tet .eel 50110 man to break the • •ys to llmin,l' s wife,' "Send Ilnit- e gen," suggested rine ed the gang. "1Igd/ie'` Just the man lo Greek the 114 W.4 gin fn -k.ok how he rtt,ikrs!' The story of the overage wYtnlnn'S life would made an Interesting matt -fon Fite thinks. ► -' Black Watch "Biggest and Best" Plug Chewing Tobacco aaa��