Exeter Advocate, 1908-05-21, Page 5(xetei. THE COME AND SEE SIGN
t..\1:TEa — — oN=.1Itlu
SI 00 .t paid In adc1L e,
$I ae-;ear ,tnot , {..i.
To United States Sabscrlbersit•eo
a Icor Strictly iu Adtsace.
SANDERS & cin: cH,
Baby Carriages
or Go -Carts
and let the Baby grow.
Large and Beautiful.
The price is not Targe and
the terms are easy.
2 6 octave Organs cheap.
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines.icycles,
Children's Wagons, at prices
that will make you smile.
Fine Stationery.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonle. and
only a:tro effectual monthly
nes-aileron which women can
depend. Sohl in three degrees
of strength—No. 1, 1 ; No. $
10 degrees stronger n3: No. A
for special cases, per box.
Sold by all dr tet, or sent
prepaid on pt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address • T
fitrNtlrmMalauCs.ToseaTO.Oar. (forewrlvH'indsor)
. T1e IN Te1cjoQ8
Ooaiiij Of Cada
is about to publish a new issue
of the Official Telephone Di-
rectory for the District of Wes-
tern Ontario, including the
Town of Exeter. Changes of
firm names, changes of street
addresses. or orders for dupli-
cate entries should be handed
in at once to
For Stock Improvement
SEVERN IiA EBCItN, 191:'), dare
brown pure -bed iniported shire stal-
lion of excellent pedigree. -
Monday leaves home to Lyman
(ilanville's, to Mount Carmel.
Tuesday to B. Cunningham's and
1Vednesday to J. Cornish's, to Frank t
Thursday to Wm. CaIIfas' to WVfu.
Friday to Sam. Stanlake's to home.
S. I'reszcator, Lot 21. con. 11, Stephen.
This sign is permanently attached
to the front of the main building of
the Lydia E. I'inkhanl Medicine
Company, Lynn, Mass.
What Does This Sign Mean ?
It means that public inspection of
t he Laboratory and methods of doing
business is honestly desired. It means
that there is nothing about the bus-
iness which is not "open and above-
It means that a permanent invita-
tion is extended to anyone to come
and verify any and all statements
male in the advertisements of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Is it a purely vegetable compound
trade from roots and kerbs — with-
out drugs ?
Come and See.
Do the women of America continu-
ally use as much of it as we are told ?
Come and See.
Was there ever such a person as
Lydia E. Pinkham, and is there any
Mrs. Pinkham now to whom sick
woman are asked to write ?
Come and See.
Is the vast private correspondence
with sick women conducted by
women only, and are the letters kept
strictly confidential?
Conte and See. •
Have they really got letters from
over one million, one hundred
thousand women oorrespondenta?
Come and See.
Have they proof that Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
t:nred thousands of these women ?
Come and See.
This advertisement is only for
doubters. The great army of women
who know from their ma personal
experience that no medierne in the
world equals Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound for female ills
will still go on using and being ben-
efited by it; but the poor doubting,
suffering woman must, for her own
sake,be taught confidence forshealso
might just as well regain her health,
Miss Matheson of Clinton is the
guest of Mrs. Smallacombe, Sr.—Miss
McFalls of Lucan has been spending a
few days with relatives here.—Mrs.
Robert Luker and children have mov-
ed to town and have taken up reei-
dence in the house owned by A. `Vhite-
side on Oxford St.—There is consider-
able talk of the purchase of a tine pipe
organ for Carmel church.—Mrs. Kemp
and daughters leave this week to join
Mr. Kemp who has purchased a new
farm in Michigan, which he is clearing
and erecting a residence on. The fam-
ily have resided here for years and are
highly respected.
K1I'PEN Cimill. —The Official Quar-
terly Board of the Kippen Circuit met
on Monday night at the parsonage
here. A very prosperous year was re-
ported the minister's salary being paid
n full, and the other foods of the
church were found to be in float ishing
condition. The pastor, Rev. J. Hart
has been invited for a tbird year.
Di.►Trt—The departure of Thomas
Robertson of 'l'uckersntith, who died
on May 1 1th, removed one of the old-
est of the townships residents. He
had intended moving to Henson and
purchased a residence but changed his
mind and remained on the farm on
which he resided so many years. All
who knew hint loves and esteemed
hire for his many good qualities. A
widow and grown-up family survives.
The interment took place hem on Fri -
last and was largely attended.
St, Marys: Fred Marshall by falling
on the granolithic sidewalk sustained
a broken knee alp. The injury was
done by the action of the muscles in
running and not by the (111.
WHHEEL of FORTUNE. 12741, is a
premium imported Clydesdale stallion
of excellent pedigree and noted con-
Monday leaves stable Lot 2-1. (',pn. I:1,
London Tp. to T. D. Hodgins . to E.
T ie,day to Len Harrigan's. to Geo.
[htfTield's, Blansbat•d.
Wednesday to Tuckeys Hotel, Gran-
Thursday to Geo. McRohert's, to
('has. Frost's.
f'r iday to Birr Hotel, to home.
Roberts & DuRield, Proprietors.
GOLi)F.N CASE. a beautiful trot.
ting stallion of excellent pedigree and
tine individuality, will stand at his
own at able hot 6. Thames Road. ex-
cept on Thursday and Friday when be
stands as follows:
Thursday to Winchelsea, to Silas
13alkwill'!, Blanshard.
Ft iday to David C'hristieO. Hibbert,
to home.
Hallie Brown, l'r.piietor.
Round•Trip Excursions
6Ol!1CI D %TE:S
Aped 11, 15 June t, tl Ass. 1, 11
Ray 12. ?I Jsty 1. 11 Sept. 1, 15, !1
Tlghor• good to rotors within 6Odara
VERY lOW RATES epa:;points
itans •a { "':nntpee .n 1 return $32 00
ier Ire, , i ire •nt„- .ad return $42 50
1 rkets ...0•1 :.. a;l V ,:eh-tvestpoints,
Till'RIST !ill:E.rr:Rs •'i 'trained
number of
Tr urist Sleeping Cu, •;': be run en each
eteursn n. fu::y equipped with bedding,
ere Berths ghoul 1 he .ec•irel at 1 pet 1 L,r
through keel agent at :east me days
hrf r• etrnrsion leaves
Rates and full inf rmat, m contained
in free Ilnrne.eekers' pam;hies Ask near
e.t C P R agent for a :•.py, or write to
C- 1. roma. District ►s.e. ap., C.►./.. tenets
Preacher's Opinions
Rev. P. K. McRae, Forks Ba.ldeck,
C. B.: "I always fount it a pleasure to
recommend the Dr. Slocum Remedios
to my parishioners. I believe there
is nothing better for throat and lung
troubles or weakness or rundown sys-
tem. For speaker's sore throat I bare
found Psychine very beneficial.”
Rev. W. H. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.:
"Psyching seemed just the stimulant my
system needed. I shall add my testimony
as to its efficacy at every opportunity."
Rev. R. M. Browne. Amherst (lead
N.o., "I have often recommended
Psychine since taking it myself, fax it
is a cure for the troubles you specify."
Rev. Chas. Stirling, I3ath, N.B.: "I
have used Psychine in my family; the
results were marvelons. •I have visited
people who state that they never used
its equal. I strongly recommend it.
Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Markdale, Oat.:
"I have taken two bottles of Psyckin•
and am pleased to say that I am greatly
improved is health. I was troubled
with my throat, bat now I find it about
restored to its normal condition. I
find my work very much less taxing.
f believe Psychine is all claimed for it."
These are earnest preachers of the
gospel of Psychine. They know where-
of they speak Psychine cures all
throat, rang and stomach troubles. It
is a great •: i:e strengthener, acting
directly on the vo-a1. respiratory and
digestive organs, this speeially adapted
to Tultic speak?. At all drtggists,
tone and 51.0). er Pr. T. A. S!ocam. Ltd.,
The small grove of Maple trees
planted on the _Agricultural grounds
by the directors will be an improve-
ment, as also will the grandstand they
intend to build.- Miss Mabel Gilfillan,
who dislocated her left shoulder by a
fall, is regaining the use of the arta
gradually.—It is proposed to extend
the telephone system by erecting a
branch line north.—The young lawyer
who visit:; this place Tue.days and
Thursdays is getting considerable busi-
ness—Robert Elliott's dwelling is un-
dergoing reconstruction.—The recent
rains are proving a boons to the rather
late seed sown. A bountful harvest
is anticipated. --W. I1. Marshall's re-
moval necessitated a change in the or-
ganization of the church. Samuel
Shier has been appointed treasurer
and J. J. Bellamy recording -steward,
which positions were held by Mr. Mar-
shall.—The Choral Society's concert
under the direction of F. C. Thomas
on Tuesday evening of last week was
an immense success. Those who took
part were Mrs. Wyatt of London, the
St. Marys Male Quartette, John Pool,
W. G. Kenny and Miss Seier, all of
whom were much appreciated.
Mrs. Loveridge of Detroit is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Frank Kocbene.—The
new bowling club will start with a
membership of nearly forty.—Mrs.
Paulin of Goderich is visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rannie.—Sam
Dietz is busy moving the dwelling from
the H. Well stand, near the corner to
its new location on Walnut street.—
Mrs. P. Sipple of Detroit was in town
for a few days last week.—Mrs. Dun-
can Taylor of the Parr Line, who for
some time has been laid up with ner-
vous trouble, has been taken to Lou-
don Hospital for treatment.—William
Becker has been appointed sales' agent
for the celebrated Geo. White etc Sons
threshing outfits, for Saskatchewan,
and intends going West some time in
July or August. --Mrs. William Klopp
has returned to her home in Stratford,
after a month's visit with friends.—
Frederick Schroeder of the Bronson
Line bought the Hill homestead in
town from Miss Catherine Hill for
$790.—Word was received here last
week announcing the death of Henry
Eicher, near Elkton, Mich. The de-
ceased was, up to a few years ago, a
resident of this township, and has a
host of personal friends in this vicinity
who sincerely regret bis death. —The
following officers were recently elected
in the Ladies Aid of the Evangelical
church: Pres., Mre. (Rev.) A. D. Gisch-
ler; Vice -Pres., Mrs. John Preeter;
Sec., Mrs. Chas. Welker; Cor. Sec.,
Mrs. Peter Bender; Organist, Mrs.
William Calfas.—The Zurich Baseball
Club has been organized. The follow-
ing officers were elected: Pres„ C.
Fritz; Sec-Treas., Andrew F. Hese;
Manager and Captain, M. R. Ronnie;
Field Committee, S. E. Faust, Geo.
Hess, Hurley Weber, Erwin Greb and
Robs, Williams.
DEATH —The death of Mrs. Peter
Rothermel of the Blind Line, on Sat-
urday morning, removed one of the
early residents of this section, a lady
who had the respect of everyone, and
was loved by all who knew her. She
had reached the age of nearly O3 years.
Her family consists of four children—
Peter Deichert, Mrs. Jacob Haberer,
Mrs. John Neuschwanger and Mrs.
Edward Daters, all living in this sec-
tion, She also leaves a sister, Mrs.
Peter Wooley. and two brothers,
Henry Bauer of Zurich and Edward
Bauer of Tavistock. Iter remains were
laid to rest in the Lutheran Cemetery,
on Monday afternoon, the services be-
ing conducted by the pastor of the
Lutheran church, Rev. C. C. J. Maass.
--one- —
STaTs Or Onto, CITY or Tot.rt-,,
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior
partner of the arm of F. J. Cheney- a Co., doing bust.
neer in the City of Toledo, County and State afore•
said, and that said arm will pay the sum of ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the nee of Hall's
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY
Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv pres-
ence, this 6th dry of December, A.D. into.
Hall's Catarrh emelt taken internally, and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Avery of Lon-
don visited friends here loot Sunday.—
Mr. and Mrs. Switzer of Kirkton were
the guests of Mise Bessie Morley re-
cently.—Daniel Hodgson was attend-
ing the District meeting at Ilensall
this week. —Hector Millson and Victor
Sanders Sundayed in Loran at Oscar
Gilbert':,. --Arrangements have been
made by the Sabbath School to held
their anniversary on Sunday and Tues-
day, June'2Ist, 23rd. --The W. M. S.
held their annual meeting last week
and elected the following officers for,
this year: Pres.. Mrs. John Hodgson;
vice Pres., Mrs. Wm. Brooks and Mrs.
Albert Gunning; Corres. Sec., Mrs.
John Hazelwood; Rec. Sec., Mra.Frunk',
(funning: Treas., Mrs. J. V. Millson.--
Jess. Jacques sports a very handsome
new buggy now.
3Ie(>tillivrat Council
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment: all members present. On mo-
tion of Poore and Mindy the utas) gra-
vel contracts were let anti commission-
ers appointed. Morgan—Clens—Ac-
connts amounting to Rey) -7$ were ord-
ered to be paid. UIens—Morgan—
that the tender of S. Pearson for the
building of concrete abutments to
bridge over Mud ('reek on Dankest
Side -Road for $5.00 per cubic yard Ire
accepted, providing the necessary
bonds he signed. oind that J. J. i'oore
he commissioner for same. --Carried.
Meng —Mord y—that the clerk be. in-
structed to correspond with the bridge
companies and get tenders for iron
work for Dowker's Bridge, and that
the reeve and clerk are hereby author-
ized to open tenders and award ron•
tract for said bridge,—Carried.
Poore -['lens—that the Court of Re-
vision on the Aases.ment it p11 of 10(44
he held in the Town Hall, West Mc•
fiillivray. Sat.irdav, Mav :to, at two
o'clock r. tn., and that the clerk Ad-
vertise same in local papers.
The Council then adjourned to meet
in the Town Hall on Saturday. the
itnth day- of May. at one o'clock p. tn.
J. i). Drummond, Clerk,
Asses ads atka6aillssas ark Ai
Seafot'th: Last week their died at
his residence, Hugh J. MacCotutuond,
Deceased was in his filth year. Some
six weeks ago he was taken to his bed
with a very severe attack of grip and
pneumonia followed. lie leaves a
widow and two sons.
Clinton: Mise Heta Finch had a
narrow escape in the knitting factory
last Wednesday when her clothing
caught in the shaft of a machine.
Luckily the engines had just been
turned off as it was twelve o clock and
the machinery stopped before she
could be injured.
Clinton: Mr. Henry Cole, formerly
of Clinton, died in Rapid River, Mich.,
on the 3rd of this month. He was boru
in Tipperary, Ireland, nine -three years
ago and cause to Canada when a young
man. Over sixty years ago he located
in Hullett near Constance. Later he
moved to Goderich township and then
to Clinton. Six years ago he went to
Rapid River, where he lived with his
eons. Henry and Peter.
— - - - -- ---
Grand Bend
Willie Farrell was taken to the hos-
pital in London recently, where be
underwent an opperation for appendi-
citis. Last reports heard from him he
was doing well.—Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Miller of Thedford called on friends
here Monday.—E. Gill spent a few
days at Port Frank last week.—Wm.
Bapfe, who has returned from the
west, is visiting his parents here.—
Mrs.CharleyTiedernan has gone to join
her husband in Port Huron,—S.Pedler
of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with re-
latives here.—Alfred Tiedeman, who
has been in Detroit the last few weeks,
has returned home.—James Stubbs of
near Thedford was in our burg Mon-
Mr. F. E. Brown left Tuesday for
Croswell, Mich., where he has taken a
position in a creamery. He intends
moving his family shortly.—Miss Ger-
tie Miller spent Sunday on the Thames
Road.—Mrs. W. W. Kerr and Mies
Ella Robinson spent Monday in Credi-
ton.—Miss Wilda Banes of Crediton
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. W.
Kerr this week.—John Delbridge met
with a painful accident on Saturday
wnile stretching wire on a fence the
wire slipped and caught Mr. Delbridge,
throwing him forward on his face on
a block of wood. His face was cut and
bruised considerably.—Mr. and Mrs.
Bonin and daughter of St. Marys were
the guests of Mrs. Clements for a few
days last week.
Mr. Wm. Douglas, of Stratford, has
started lousiness in the black -smith
shop, and judging from present ap-
pearances we bespeak for him a good
business in our burgh.—The home of
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Rundle was bright-
ened by the arrival of a baby boy last
week.—Mrs. Hazlewood, who is at
present waiting on her brother-in-law.
Mr. Francis, in Michigan, is expected
home next week.—Mrs. Wm. Kay,
who bas been on a visit in Toronto
and was slightly indisposed while
there, is on the mend and is expected
home soon.—Arthur Hackney sports a
brand new buggy.—The farm of Mr.
Wm. Towers, Sr., has been sold to Mr.
Arch. McCurdy, of the 2nd, con., Us -
borne, who gets possession 1st Nov.
next and, we understand, is offering f
his own farm for sale. Mr. and Mrs. I
McCurdy resided near here formerly
and will be welcomed back to their old
neighborhood again.
t`o me little while ago a rather eccen•
:ric cotton manufacturer, owning large
nulls not a seen of inilee from Iial,tax,
England, and who was familiarly known
in the district round about as "toted
11 --;' overheard one of the lath in his
•:rp:•o' remark to somebody: "Aw wish
1 v; h, 41 'Owd H ---'s' brass, an' he wo,•
warklinasc." Quickly retiring,
'trwd 11--" sent for the offender into
,i • office, and asked hint what he would
:.. with the money, supposing his wit&
,reed to be fulfilled. The youngster was
suite equal to the occasion, promptly
replying: ''tVhoy, ti' Furst thing Aw'd do
void be to (melt yo rat (out), luaister."
(*lois clever reply so appeased the old gen-
denten that the boy was sent back to
'dB work with half a sovereign in his
The other afternoon, says the New
t ,.ik "Tribune! when President Rnoee-
t reached Dupont Circle, a ''seri
tla+hingtou" electric ear hove in sighs,
and the guide continu.'d his lecture
through a megaphone it this way: "On
the left we see the else nt residence of
`dr. George 1Vcstinghouse, the million•
tire inventor and electrician, formerly
the home of the late James 0. Blaine; a
little to the left of front we perceive the
!palatial mambo, of Mr. L. Z. Leiter, the
Chicago milliona e, and father of the fa-
mous beauty, Miss Mary Leiter, now
Lady Curzon, the wife of the Go ernor-
General of India; in the park in front
we are confronted by the statue of Ad-
miral Dupont, and also in front we see
the President of the United States on
horseback." The crowd looked, and ono
woman said, "Whose statue is it, Me-
Kinley'a1" "It's Roosevelt," the guide
responded. "He ain't a statue yet."
t .151CINATI„N
Sideboard and China Cabinet.
Hand polished. leaded glass
cabinet. Tined siker drawer, $21.50
newest design, just rt. eivel
Send the June
Bride to London
To Buy Furniture.
11 1 ' 1l r R.li. Fu r'e !
Wise, indeed, is the roan who sends his June bride
the Ontario Furniture Co.. London, to select the
furniture for the new home. Isere she is offered an
opportunity to choose front the largest and most
up-to-date stock in western Ontario.
Then, she will save you money by purchasing frctn
us. We buy in such tremendous quantities that the
makers allow us concessions impossible for the small
dealer to obtain. And, we in turn are able to. and
do, give you prices easily 25 per cent. lower than you
are accustomed to pay.
On all orders of 515.00 and Ol er we rotund the rail.
way fare and pay the freight. We don't leave you
with a semblance of an excuse for not sending your
bride to London or coming with her yourself. Cor-
respondence soheited and given prompt ettention.
— -- Western Ontario's Largest Furniture House
228-230 Dundas St., - LONDON, ONTARIO
Where is there an individual
who is as capable to act as the
executor of your will as this Com-
pany, which was organized and
developed especially for this pur-
This Company will carry out to
the last letter the terms of your
will. It will manage the estate
efficiently and economically, and
avoid legal entanglements.
It will not be tempted, as an
individual might, to speculate
with the fonds held in trust. It
is debarred by law from specu-
This Company cannot die, get
sick or take a holiday—always
ready to faithfully perform its
Charges are never greater, but
usually less than the remuneration
allowed individuals.
Services of Family Solicitor
always retained.
Correspondence receives prompt
and careful consideration.
Managed in connection with the
Huron & Erie Loan and Savings
Where Shaking
is Respectable
A Draft •• fumes doses, a'th ns over
assfstana, 1. "yodels 10 overcome the
dist natant* G sha.fap that. Osly surplus
dust rises of htss/f abase tits fire. 6rrat
bilk descends into ask -pit, and inters /19,1,
19 1 -
mate outlet to theta* prodded, dust welt!
satrap* tArwgk ask - door N; is and into
•porno'• foss.
In "Sunshine" Furnace the
legitimate dust outlet ie pro-
vided. It's a great big dust -
pipe running straight from
ash -pit to dome, thence to chimney. When big pipe damper
is opened, all dust in ash -pit ascends to dome; then, when
direct drafts are opened, all dust passes up chimney.
Always the clean and quick
dust route in "Sunshine"
Furnace — via grate, to pan,
to dust - pipe, to dome, to
chimney, to open air.
Write to us for
"Sunshine" testimonials
received from your own
T. HAWKINS & SON, Local Agent.
LYearBiscuit.unique ling. Made
only 6yi
t 64 to the Ib.
Your dealer will
supply you. if not,
write direct to
D S Pe•r,n & Co. Ltd
London Can ads