HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-21, Page 4ezeter Abtiocate, Sanders & c,r.t::.n, i'ropa. THU1t4I).11, Mai '.;1, 1OOS NNW Thi Facts Concerning i112 Scttle- lltOut iiith Lit Rose dining Co. The facts with regard to the Agree- ment fur the payment to the L t !Cosa Mining Company of $30,000 for moneys disbursed by thew, and of 10 per cent. of the amount whirl may be received in the future by the Goverument from the O'Brien Mine up to $100,000 are. roughly speaking, as follows: - Before this Government took office a great struggle took place between the Li 1{ose alining Company and the O'Brien Syndicate or combination. for certain mining properties. '1'he strag- gle was a very bitter one, and was fin- ally decided by the Department in fav- or of the 4 )'Brien people. When the present Government Came into office it was strongly urget upon theta by the La Rose people that the O'Brien people had procured their tit- les by fraud, and the fornier asserted their ability to prove this in the Courts, and to show beyond a doubt that the O'Brien leases were based on fraud. They declared that they had already a large amount of evidence in support of their contentions, and wish- ed the Government to grant them a flat in order that they might open up a new fight with the O'Briens in the Courts. In the end, the Government decided to set the matter at rest by taking legal proceedings, claiming the land for the Crown. The evidence collected by the La Rose people was placed at the disposal of the Government. The case ofp the Government was practically carried on by the La Rose people. The end of it all was, that an offer was made by the O'Brien people to the Government to pay the latter 25 per cent. of the proceeds of the twine at the pit's mouth in perpetuity in full settlement. After careful consideration by the solicitors for the Government, and by others called in for that purpose. it was decided to accept this offer. The question then arose, what were the Ia Rose people to receive for the part they had taken and the evidence furnished by them iu the litigation? The Government always admitted that it would deal fairly with the La Rose people on this point, and, after consid- eration, it decided to pay them the $30,000 which they bad disbursed and to pay them also 10 per cent. of what they might receive in the future from the mine, up to the sum of $100,000. This was a very favorable settle- ment on the part of the Government, the La hose people claiming that they should be paid at. least $1350,004) and be- ing .luite dissatisfied with the settle- ment. tin far, the Government has receiv- ed as royalty front the O'Brien urine about $210,000, not one dollar of which would have been received had not the Government taken the bold stand in defence of the rights of the Province. And no good citizen will suggest that proper remuneration should not be given for the evidence and assistance received by the Govern- ment in this very remarkable litiga- tion without which evidence and assis- tance there would have been no chance of success. The electors will not forget that un- der the Whitney Government a set of reading books for schools was reduced in price from $130 to 1(k. 1 For the Children NEURON*. APEMEN To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. flow is it with the chiidren? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Aycr's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. T1.r 5I1Crro r annnt r,„' 1'' a �.,,.l health nr.'-t•tt$M,.,elaatesn;-- ,.r.' niSttnn 1'ot- r., •.•? enn.,tr.atlnn t . • Man i.tatIve 1, s of A,er•a Pilo ,,'esugar coaled. A Made by/. O Ay.? ss. ma Alia mar.u0,r1 .ren of dew P 11418 1'1008. al Atli 1 CtRE. CURRY PECTORAL. We bays no secrets! lye publish the termulae of a:1 cur eaadrrtn.s. NIIIIMMMINIMIa 231 Shoe Polish A wise dealer will always show his honest desire to serve you by giving what you ask for. • lilt i .el .t .:l de.'.n. awl 1 Sr ea. 1St cr , .s=.7 \ r� Electors of South Huron! Ilan it paid you to vote fur Henry Either to t•eptesrnt you in the Legisla- tive Assembly of the Province of On- t u i Exauriue the following recipts of your respective Municipalities ai d see what It is beett done to assist you in redwing your Municipal Taxes by the 'Whitney Administration. lit the matter of receipts derived from Rail- ways, 10,; per day is deducted for every Insane destitute persou confined in any Provincial Asylum, who has been sent from the different Munici- palities, or about $30 per y, •t1. This method has been found to be a check on an unfortunate and undesirable class of people, who may be dumped into the ['ruviuer front othercountries. ilu}l:2 1 z z as o. :ea Taal _at >N°c off., S 9ya ~A SI ..3as y e N y O d x V v tnai:>Zff1Ca:aszF'ia 3 r: ISS INCREASE The equivalent to the Legislative grant for Equipment and Accommo- dation which is furnished by the County, viz: $1,598.57, is included in the above figures. NOTE AND COMMENTS Andrew Porter, son of the late Rob- ert Porter, a former M. P. for Nest Huron, was chosen in Clintcn on Thursday to contest Centre Huron in the Conservative interests. That Henry Eilber will win is a cer- tainty but it is the duty of the riding to roll up a handsome majority to show that they endorse fully the good work of the Government, Rev. Dr. Hossack-he of the letter writing fame -has been offered and accepted the nomination for the Liber- als in North Toronto. llossack must be some relation to the Irishman who said his politics could be expressed in three words: -"Against the Govern- ment. The lodges of the Independent Order of Forester's are vigorously kicking about the pi ospective increase in rates. The objection is not to increasing fu - (me payments, but to the plan ofcotu- pelling the payment of back does, in• terest, etc. If such a plan is ever car- ried out, it will mean n wholesale drop in the membership. it is also a ranch discussed question whether the law would allow any such action, as the members have always paid all that was required of them. The cowling provincial general elec- tion will he the first appeal to the peo- ple of 1ttr•, y a Conger vatiVe ad• ministration, and it will he the twelfth general election held since the pissing of the British North America ,'tett Following confederation, the S,tnfield I41 NRY EMBER, MEETINGS ILE WILL. ADDRESS: Mr. II. Eilber is this week holding public political meetings at the follow• ing places: - Bayfield, Wednesday, May 20th; Varna, Thursday, May 21st; Zurich, Friday, May 22nd; Dashwood, Saturday, May 2'.3rd; Grand Bend, Tuesday, May 26th; Goderich Tp. Ball, Wednesday, May 27th; Tuckersurith Tp., (Strong's Hall), Thursday, May 28th; Kirkton Hall, Friday, May 29th; Centralia, Saturday, May 30th. Mr. Hugh Montgomery, candidate for East Larnbton. is expected to attend the Grand Bend meeting, and Hon. Nel- son Monteith, c tndidate for South Perth, the Kirkton sleeting, Meet- ings commence in each case at eight o'clock. Mr. Kelterrnann is invited to be present. God save the King. Crediton FOR Santo -The undersigned is offer- ing for sale the frame house and two lots situate east of the Methodistparsonage, in Crediton. The house is two storey, has seven living rooms, in good repair. Good well of water. Good cistern and wood -shed. Apply to MRs. R. M-Mt•tutAY, Crediton. Messrs. Samuel G. Lamport and Walter W. Baxter last week sold their fine stallion, Nateby Prince, to Clou- tier Bros., of Ottawa and had the an- imal shipped there via Parkhill on Friday. This horse was one of the best that had been owned in this dis- trict and farmers will regret losing him. Mr. Lamport will manage Bar One V., owned by Messrs. Bawden & McDonell of Exeter, this year and will travel him over the route advertised for Nateby Prince. Victor Stanley and sister Pearl, and Fred LAnkin and sister Myrtle, of Granton spent last Sunday here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark. --Mrs. Andrews was moved from Russeldale last Friday and is now rest- ing easily at her home. Her many friends trust she will have a speedy recovery. -Miss Girwin spent last Sun- day in Zurich the guest of her friend Miss Koehler. -Our baseball team has purchased new snits. They appeared in their new uniforms last night in the that game of the season with Centra- lia. They certainly trade a fine ap- pearance. The suits were furnished by The harry Loye Co. of Toronto. - Miss Armstrong spent Sunday with her parents in Exeter. -Aaron Brown of Bright and Mr. Mauch of Zurich spent a few days het e last week visit• ing John Haugh, who has been very ill. We are pleased to state he is re- covering. -Out• school closed on Wed• nesday evening. The teachers will at- tend the annual Teachers' Convention to be held in Goderich on Thursday and Friday of this week. -Christian Z wicker of Londonis visiting s vt itmg his .nn Charles for a few days. -A shed has been erected in the township lumber yard, for storing the toad grader•, as wellwo • o as a work r oto for the w her t 1 who Ma •Donald adusinisttation, a coalition will construct concrete tile, Messrs. n1 111411 y,t•etnairied in power from July. Kuhn and Oestreichei have engaged 1417, to Dec. 19, 1871. Then carne the to construct the neceseat y tile requir• (flake (government, which held office ed for the township. -Next Sunday fr ons Dee. '2), tail, to Oct. 25, 1`472, fol. fright the cantata "Priest and King" lowing which Sir Oliver Mowat was will be repeated in the Evangelical in power from Oct. 25, 1872, to .1uly 19, church. A chorus of 60 voices will 1892. On July 25 the Handy Govern. give the program and a treat is in meal crime into power and continued store for those who attend. alc-sre. in office until Oct. 17, Ittt19. The Hon, Pink of London and N. E. Birks of Geo. W. .{ossN ato . office on Oct.OCLCr arilia will tstiIst in the t gr 21, iS:et, and his adnlinistrationcontin- tied until Feb. 7, I905, when the Con• servatives were returned under the leadership of the present premier. The Legislnture at present is yowls•s. tel of 98 members- 72 Conset vattives, 21 Liberals, one Independent Liberal and one Labor representative. The next House will contain 100 members, fern. additional representative's f )t• Northern Ontario in t he new tidings of Tentisksuuin,f, Sudbury. Fort Fran- ces and Sturgeon Mills, and four more for the city of Toronto. -Transcript. -- ('It11(14'1)0 ,)'', \Vedding bells will soon be ringing. Rev. Allen, of i'ar khill, occupied the Methodist church pulpit 11 re on Bun - day. ile gave a very interesting dis- c curse on 'The Bread of Life." -h. E. Kestle and wife gave Clandeboye a t'. ing visit last week. -Mr.. nerbert has returned from visiting her sister in Kinins•. --Harold faire has returned 11 em London.- - \liss Jean Bruce, of Londe -borough, is vis,tting her Aunt, Mrs. Ar d:•cw C'uuningham.--Victor Sanders visited with friends here this week. --The farmer and barefoot boy ate happy after the recent rains. -- Mrs. Dawning has returned from Exe- rt r. -Lewis Downing, M.D.. has gone to Albet ti, where he intends prectis- ing. -The convention of the %%omen's \llosionaty Society is to be held in Lu• sae, May 22'1. -Mb's Rose Torrents, .1 Ailsa Craig. and Miss Violet Doyley -pent a couple of days with Miss Ma- gill.; lest week.- -Miss Della Milton. •d London, op•'t t Monday ,meter the parental root --Mr. L'tmpott w•.ts call- ed to the bed_ ids of hie father, who its very low at present.-Evetatd Mallard of Parkhill and Hall !Anton of Iowan spent Monday in the 1 urg.-Norman Martin, Public School Tencher. of this place, is going to hold down the twirl. to'. 1 ,x at Crediton for the ('. tilralia torn Eli King t n 1 wife r f ('.editor) s 1.:ted friends here thin week: --Ward 11 , i,;ine is preparing for a 1n+r11.151e I:,(, look nut f.v a d knee.- We, ale g .. , tl,t :., Ecel% r fit the 2.1th of MAy. Permanent Results "I had been suffering for over two months with an obstinate cough, as had also my little girl. We tried several remedies common to any drug store without obtaining any apparent relief, in fact we were growing worse. I got a bottle of Coltsfoote Expectorant from my druggist and inside of two days the cough was stopped, and the results AG permanent and rapid that wo decided to keep it in our home continually. ROBERT P A LEIS. C. A. R. Station, Ottawa. Coltsfoote Expectorant is recognized the world ever as the best prescription ever used by the medical profession for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis and Tightness of the Chest. Children like it. To introduce it into every home we will send a free sample to every person sending their name and address to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Sold by all up-to-date druggists at 25c. Send for Fres Sample To•day. of several of the large American cities and were received with the greatest enthusiasts. Miss Elliott is favorably known far and near as an elocutionist of exceptionable nullity. The doors open at 7:15, Concert at 8 p.m. Re- served seats:33c, general admission 25c. Plan of hall at H, Eiiher's office. Two years ago Crediton gave a celebration and all were well pleased with the day's proceedings. This year, we can promise a similar treat for those who will spend the day here. Come and be one of us. Dashwood Miss Adeline Rader, of Detroit, is visiting her parents here at present. - Mr. R. T. Dunlop, manager of the Farmers' Bank of Canada, while iu Middlesex Co. this week, purchased a valuable 3•year-old Texas Jack driver. -The ratepayers of the village assemb- led in Zimmer's Hall last Thursday night to discuss the question of fire protection for the village. No conclu- sion was arrived at, so it was decided to allow the question to stand for an indefinite time. -Dr. McLaughlin was in London on professional business Wednesday. -Jonas Hartleib lost a valuable driver last. week. -Mr. Tom- hyll, sec'y-treas. of the Canada Flax Fibre Co., of Montreal; visited the company's mills here on Monday last. -Drs. McLaughlin and Jack visited Cantin's city on Sunday afternoon. - J, Preeter, of Zurich, and S. Brown, of Crediton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert on Sunday last. - Mr. M. Eilber, candidate for South Huron, will speak in Zimmer's Hall on Saturday night, the :..'3rd inst. Meet- ing opens at 8 o'clock. -Mr. McLeod, Principal of the Zurich Public School, was the guest of Mr. Shore, the Prin- cipal of our Public School, on Satur- day last. -A new awning now decor- ates the front of Peter Mclsaac's flir•n• iture store and adds greatly to the ftp- pearance of the building. -The annual business meeting of the Tennis Club was held in the school house on Mon- day night for the purpose of re•organ• izing for the present season. The fol. Bowing officers were elected: -Pres., Miss Ada Siebert: Vice -Pres., \Vestey Miller: Secy -Tress., O. W. Grayhiel; Managing Com., Pres., Viee•Pres., Mise W. Carling, Ed. Siebert and R. 'r. Dun- lop. Mc011lil rad' Mrs. Forbes, of the 7th con., lost it valuable cow un Sunday. It fell into the creek on its back, and when found it was dead. -Mr. A. G. McLeish, of ‘Vest 31c(iillit'ray, one of the pupils of the Toronto 1'niversity of S. 1'. `;, has been holidaying at home for the past few weeks. he has accepted a posi- tion as Electrical Engineer in a large manufartory at Glasgow. Lumley Miss Gertrude Short of Crediton spent a short time here with her grandmother, Mrs. McTaggart. -John Mcl,l•teen is having the interior Of his residence remodeled. -Mrs. McLinchey and daughter May, accompanied by Miss (Sand, of Seaforth, visited their stunt, Mrs. John Glenn, Saturday and Sunday. - -Miss Govenlock was the guest of Miss Annie Horton on Sim - day. -David Gibb bas the foundation for his new house completed.- Mr. and Mts. J, 1), 1Vilson of near 'Zurich was the guest of Johnl(ilenn and family on Sabbath. -The patrons of the beef ring complain of the tea tarty of the \'tcrssltl.v Das- CEi.t•:lln'. rIoN Come { standard totality of beefs in the coup• to ('rediton Victoria 1).iv, the 25111 of I try to supply the demand, -- 11. G. Bol - May, if you want to have a good time. 1 ton is preparing to build au addition to bis house, which will be a convenience as well its add to the appearance. -Mr. Davidson and sister of Walton spent a few days with their cousin, Mists Til• lie Simmons. At 9:3t) p. nl. a grand procession will Assemble, including Trades, schools and calithutnpi,tns and will march through town headed by the Brass Band. Two games of baseball will take place between the Stars and 1)un- crief at 1034) i.ni. and 2;30 p.m. Titese (rattle are ntnong the fastest plying in We -tern Ontario and a treat will be in store for the fanr. A series of sports have been decided upon by the Committee for which liberal prizes are offered. In the evening n grand con- cert will be given in the rnwn il,tll. The Imperial \gale Qum tette and Miss Kate Elliott of London have been en- gaged to give the evening's concert. sae Etiiii lI1e The congregations of the Methodist churches in this circuit are well pleas- ed with the prospect of retaining Rev. 11. J. Fair and Mr. J. 51. Keys for an- other year. the quarterly hoard hav• ing invited (bent back. Their return is subject to the action of the station- ing committee of the conference. Thio would mean a fourth year for Mr. The Qn.rrt 1.i' 1ecentll math. a tour 1. am who is well liked by all his people, The Farmers Bank of Canada 1n ••.rpootte;l by Spell tl .\:•t of Palli,,m,'t; • Member of the TORONTO BANKERS' ASSO('iATiON and the T(si; INTO CLEARING ilOt-ME. HEAD OFFICE - - - TORONTO. W. N. •I'I;.\\'i IN, General Manager. DASH W OOD BRANCH. A hran,•l' ,f .hist B ink hie been opened in DA.hwnnd and • general hnnkr:g bu'•iness will be rt u,- • ted et tli.• branch. Interest triton ell its the Mat o . - It oils on ONE i)OLLAIt and upwards at the highest cut,' r,• . - .t:d paid 1 tinleso year. Special privileges extended to I. • - •,f Township., l-'ntror- ers and other.. Farmers' Sale Note. discounted. Do your banking business at home and keep your ae'i-ount in the Farmer; Bank of Canada. R. T. DUNLOP, Manager, Dash wi),•d, Ont (LONDON) India Pale Ale Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors miry sugirest others, but compare it any way you wilt -purity. freedom from acidity. palatableness—Labatt's Ale is surpass- ed by none. equalled by (ew-at about half the price of best imported brands. CENTRAL STBATiORD. CNT. is the leading business training school in Western Ontario. We give a thorough, practical training on Commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitman's Shorthand, Touch Ty-I,r,tritmi. and in Commercial and Railroad Operating. F.ach department is in the hands of eeperienced instructors. We assist students to positions. Our graduates always succeed• for our courses are the best. Get oar free catalo4ue Ind learn more about us. You may enter los Wooa'$ Phospholine; The G.^r,•l E'npti..45 Rrnudy. Tunes and inti -orates tbo %hole nett one 1,'o:• I, makes' newt- least ew lila sI in olid veins. Cures li rrv- oee !k•bililU Dlr,ttul and !train iVorry, Des. puneli wry/. Sexual Weakness Ea,iw.vions, Spa,- ,n•,(orrh,ra, and EtTects of Abuse or F:.reessee. NricOSI per box, six for es. one will ploamesix will cure. Sold by ell druggists or mailed In plain pkg. en receipt of price. New pomp/gee mailed free. This Wood M dlcins) 0o. • Verner! y Windsor) Toronto. Ont. Clubbing Rates We can equal any club- ELLIOTT tk McLACHLAN, bing rate offered. CO Principals and see. THE MOLSONS BANK (in:;rporate! by Act of Parliament 1555) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up Reserve Fuiid Assets Over IXTY-FOUR BRANCHES IN $3,372,500 3,372,500 33,000,000 THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE HOURS W a. m. to S p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. -, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interestallowed aving Bank Department'r t"nail farther notice interest on Sas Ingqss accounts w1ll t» Deposit quarterly haetead of half yearly as former) Deposits of $1 and upwards rrreh tzd. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Play. If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been removed from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but usw and then some symptom alarms you Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -they may ruin the system. 'Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bats � Our New l►1c effects on the system. O r thod Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen nut hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re- turn patient will e normal � 11 e h .urs c y a n rm 1 n trop and the feel and look like a different person. All cases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a cnm• pieta Cure if iostructior4 are followed. Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent (lectors who have no reputation or reliability. I)rs, K. & K. have been established over 20 years, WE CURE Nervous Debility. Varicocele. Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. 1f unable to call write for a Question List for Home Treatment. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan td! Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich. It Ever Occurred to You TO EXAMINE est 4; x1.11 'lts4 k 1si W.rtchc-, Jcvti1211cril, Silbcr%%arc. Toilet Sets, Etc.. Etc.. We have undoubtedly the finest liners of goods that have ever been shown in this district. We can suit you in quality and price every time. Wedding Presents Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big season is now approaching. We are ready for it with the flnE st rings & best presents. Call and Examine Earlg R. MARCHAND, Exeler, Ont. 1 1 J