HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-21, Page 3TO SAVE TIIE
- _~ -- ----
1111'01;1S 111011 1111: !EWING
111 tub (111ES.
HAITI:Mat:; t fent' tier. U\. ; Illy.
L Lour:.
.Surgeon Advocates Cutting Open the Chest ,e,tUrnpt,
and Working the Heart by Hand,
W. despatch foam Hertford, Conn.,
:rays: It is believed by Dr. D. F. Suite
van, w n.., whilo operating on Nuncio
C Chat at .4f. Franc.;' hospital on Sun•
•day. Iw:e• .saved his patient from death
by gently graip!ng the heart and squeez-
ing it in time stint iLs normal pulsa-
tion.; until it boat again of its own ac-
cent, that many lives might be saved
t• this method of artificial respiration.
all appearances the man was dead
twice, and yet he lived again whet the
heart was ego • eel, sending the blood
coursing through Use arteries.
Dr. Sullivan fibulas that if a person
cc.uld be operated upon immediately
after being taken from the water in
many drowning cases life alight be con-
served. Ila nJvo ates opening the body
and rcntot•ing the ribs until the heart is
visible and is accessible, in order that
the figures may be inserted to handle
it in many accidents- life still linger:'
long after the person seeans to have
cep a (I to breathe.
STOP I11:11) SLtI'1:11TElt.
'Mill In (louse of Lords to Prevent Fea-
ther Importation.
A despatch from London says: With
The object of checking the wanton
.slaughter of birds, Lord Avebury (Sir
-John I.ubboc!O introduced a bill in the
'!four, of Lords on 'Tuesday prohibiting
lhoor:q►artation of plumage, except that
•of k r•tarrt spoc•t s of binds set forth in
etre' bill. Lord Avebury t:oinkel out That
-ihLs pleasure was framed on the same
linos) as the New. York State law on the
-'subject. It enacts heavy penalties for
-contravention of tho law. In a mentor-
-el:dun' ullached to the bill. Lord Ave -
bury siy.s That unless the British Par-
diani• itt pillows the example of the New
sYe,rk I.eg".nature lie extinction of the
meet beautiful species of bird life Ls only
.a question of time.
Would Ilold flim Liable for Losses
Caused by Drunken Boys.
A despatch from Delro t, \tech., says:
'A novel suit has keen begun here by
tee Pero Marquette Railroad against An-
(lrew Henley. who runs a saloon on
"Third ..tr et near the? Uut•n deeot Its(d
by the 1'. M. li.. claiming $7.500 dam-
ages. Last July a 1'. M. freight (rain
was derailed at \Webberville, causing a
heavy los: to the company. InvesUga-
t'on slowed that a swath had h --'en tate-
recd with by two boys who were in-
•xicalea. It was since learned the
l nye Ix'c,une intoxicated in Detroit on
liquor -+.'d them by freaky. Tho ae-
tsun is (winded on a statute which makes
.er,'onnkeepers liable for damage's re-
sulting (mini (heir sale of liquor to min-
'The Railways Could Not Stilts 30,000 Men
lo Quebec.
A despatch from Ottawa says: The
.mild., y (Feeley for the tercentenary at
Quebec w.II he curtailed from 30,000
�• 5.000 men bes•Cauee of the problems
transptrtatiom% Of these 5.00..) Wren
the l erni►nent .14%.e.t will furnish 1,200
and lto> city corps will make up the
balance. To make the military wend..
loge a .)access jt vies Iheught necessary
to mass ll.e men at Quelx'c within tee
days. and lu ielurn them t.1 their hos:.•,
11.4 promptly. Itailrond asuthert,c.; have
agnve.l to do their best but would not
undertake to deIv.'r 30,110o men in Que.
tee in Tess than nine •)r four day's.
Till: C1\AD11N Li1.11'.
'Why 11 is Larger Than leaf Abide From
Emilie!' Wheal.
A despatch fr.ern I nu. len -ivs; At the
grin ite of lite IF )' :; `,,.':.•'> .. n \\.11,11'--
e'as. ['turf. T. It. tte„ l .Lower! h nv e
of made from English tvhent was small
c.,niparnl svah .,u.• made trent Canadian
wheat. because tee yeast "grows" bet.
le: anti li14' pilula:• r ! r • d'ot'e in the
Canada,'" prortu.•'. \! .) t lu riche i vea-t
emitted carbon .1 ',\ .I.• at let •'e tee rule
English yeast tl 1.
Fon IImimics 11:1.1 t'll(►\1:�.
l\nrlhrr•n Electric Co. Geis r .,ntr:i.1 for
el eared for ;on 11.1••_.
• :• .11
• •pert -
N • I .
I \\ r'1 •, I 1'ulI r•
• !slue, 1ri,.'J tw•o
for :r.• ere• -lien .,f
eschat'ge 11:' !reg. l:
I f 5l10i11l1, '1 • pre,.
• issues Seto; soil.
Number of Persons are Reported Kited
in Louislasia.
A de.pak'It from Atlanta, Georgia,
says: AcoorJing b information receiv-
ed in this city a turned) .;buck parts
of limestone on \V dn.-lay, causing
lav of l:fo in Gillam, Oil City and Bal-
i -tiger. Tolegraphtc communication is
interrupted, but reports say that the
storm stalrkd north of Shreveport, swept
along to tits:e flock, Texas, and is cen-
tral over'fexas. It Ls reported that. Gil-
lian', Louisiana, a town of 200 inhabl-
ton's. is wll:ed out and that a number
of lives have been lost. Oil City is also
reported destroyed with a lose of life,
rind a nunIt•er of tenons injured. Bel-
linger, La., is reported seriously danmag-
ed, with three pereons killed and ten in-
1' tilt! ileNDS AND DON1EST1(S.
Immigration Department Issues Notice
Specifying Classes Wanted.
A despatch from Ottawa says: The su-
perintendent of immigration isst.ed a no-
tice on Thursday that the only clotses
of immigrants wanted in Cnr>ade at the
present time are experienced farm labor-
ers, farmers financially able to take home-
steads or purchase lands, and female
domestic servants. The demand for rail-
way labor is filled for 1111.3 season. All
ecncerned are requested to note that the
regulation now in operation in Canada
requiring every immigrant 18 )•ears of
age or over, to have in his possession
at least 825 cash at Use time of landing,
besides ticket to destination, will bo en-
forced estricUy and impartially in the
case of all irnnligrants outside of the
classes above mentioned.
A 1:1II'R(II Ituutuu-:R KIL1.1:I).
eyrie Slabbed to Death by Foraged Bel
theta t illn!p•r..
!: from 1 • re. .., Belgium,
says 1.! , 1.• :illy I!:•• .• 1. tapulatien
(.1 tree ;,qe of I'•• t• .' • . short dis-
tal, r 4.ntrlrai, /Intl.'! With cltll>s
1.111 -'• . e „n und ki!: •1 a man who
tt •e, '; 0 act of burglarizing
the ' . , 1,. 1 of lite Virgin on
1 . • ' I .ger., had leen highly
• • I t ; , • , ''i; church robberies.
I,,tr.i,ly that , f " •• Church of Notre
Dani' :n 'hie . .. -! lee -ember, when
Van 11 s r. . • .•. "The Eleva-
tion ••! • •• r r•,... w•'s stolen. Seven
of !i, : ,•. ! n 'I: • killing e,f the
but ger; ur!,r v!•••' •1. 1►clots uvho
mode an examiner, r: • ! 1;,, b,dy found
Itt••nty-s yc•t kn7.' e.
1'1 els1l111:NTS TIIitE 111:N1:D.
Penalties Derrerd by eineer of tI JIsnnis-
u111 for lull -British .tetieh.
.\ d.'. abet from Menlo, Indio.. says:
1: is Iopurl.•41 fr Kabul that the
:+. ,seer of Afghanistan is now trying lc
cl e'k Ihr anti-British movement in his
e:.•min'ons. tic I►a, issued a demo or -
<k -ring the( anyl..l,ly wise, preaches a
jehad, or Iloly war, will have Itis
Icmgire torn eel. and anybody who
!caves Kabul for the purpes, of light-
ing. the I)r lixh w.11 have his fart cut off.
I'1:\111.,: S1'Fiit 1(:1: 1SKI:D.
Arne Delegation of 11 omen Walls on
Neu% Brmi'nirk (internment.
A ('.pat •h fie ns- S. Jelin. N. 0.. ears:
A lame, tie.. •.e h' enl 11:e r s-ently
etgen seed \\ • :,. , . . .' lfl! o _e Associ'-
1•u1 ntrp•'arr.t l f :•• 1 .. \.•rnmcnt et
I're kr c'•.n (n \\ !,!. -•! , 41 I asked
that the frameese le .1 •! '•, wu•
r!.• 11. •I 1:r Gvt.:nuicnl i tuuu-.,I con-
s derrsli .n.
Desperate✓ Attempt
to Break Out of a
Russian Jail Frustrated,
•1 •ie•apetch f vu. V.', .1.r r1 ,-1 .v, 111--
ei, _lyse 'I'114e attempt made alt F114`'.
eti, 1 y prixlen. r, In break 44111 of the
(. , ::,meat jail here after oinking; a
lae h in 'tho wall of the Kuar,lroen
vt le t bowl. t1,v33 a ae1111410e Iailure,
reit ' brought al..ut n 1',rrible seem,
n: aughter in and ariun•l the jail The . \1,i :-
Note. 1.!,, • r, :se:en.,l bu,ly of pri<nners
reshed ret•, ih., kiteben and seizing
knit.' an I . 1. 1 weapons nll'ntpLd to
ru1 It.. a tt ` lefty. '1-tr'y Wert'
eurr.e !• • • . ' rn a Alan by the 1%
ao'di. i •. •,t':, •• ip sumtrinn-i
bs Use pr! -en .. . t.• :• • -
fillets Front Our (hen end
Other Countries of Recent
\ ,trik,1 natural gas !:.d boon made
a' ! Isere !+, Ontario.
I • ,:stn •,•i Government is to 1)0
1., 'eat alt 'loi\.nto gees muttere.
J• i;n D.Ilon, w•h1 +tt 1 ai:d kl1:a1 1'o-
1.. ,: •1:! Shea al Ment vel, hes been sent
t r ! ,1 .
7 h tidal properly 1 .ss by ilro in the
ladled States in 1907 wa. just short of
•eFevcral employment agent, in Mont-
• ren! have beat al rrste•l 00 a charge of
defrauding appticasts f r volt.
In an lnvesbgeli..ii into an alleged
theft of mink skins el 'Permit, it was
Lund that rat; had takes U:e!n.
Contracts amounting to nearly 6130,000
have bon !ot 1 y the Teu►iskamasg &
Northern Ontario itailway Commis -seen.
A building 011 King street, Iiamilkt,
goo on 'Thursday. Two ur three sten
were hurt, but not seriously.
Tho Seattle flehing boat Francis Cut-
ting was seized by the: Doin2n on Bruiser
Kee rel and towed( into Vancouver, for
11,11:ng ill Canadian wavers.
was wrecked by an explosiun of nater
Pikes of ratite. Grain, (..t.'« am'
Other Dairy l'rodurr at Ilome
and Abroad.
lilt !•:.\ 1►5 PUFFS.
Toronto, Al)y .9. --Manitoba \Wheat -
No. 1 earthen', $1.19; No. 2, 81.1535;
No. 3, $1.10%, oeorgran play ports.
Ontario wheat :No. 2 wade, :tic, 0111e
s.d0; No. 2 red, late °tesiuu; No. 2 111A -
oil, 96e; 3;00••., telt.
l r,ru No. 3 yodels•, 78c tea 79.•, To-
e u'•) freight; NI. 3 mixer, lc less.
C:o!:r--Iltan tuba pelonts, a ectal
Ma:0.s, $6; eeoand=, $.5.40; strong bak-
eree', $7..30; wearer wheel patent;, $3.55.
I: tr ieto. 2 55c; holders ask 60e.
1•••.., 'r... 2, 92.: 4, etc. ouLside.
Ito• \,. 2 s<•aroa and wanted, 88c.
Ii:a•Lwheat--Yo. 2. 6i! c to ►''S':.
(east' --Nn, 2 white, 4e9e: to 4930 out-
side; No. 2 nex#d, 47e.
Bran --824.5e1 to $25 hero.
Shorts --$2,1 at Ute mi:L•t,
Lord Avebury has introduced a hill into
VI: House of Lords to prohibit the im-
portation of plumage.
A men claiming to bo an Irish barris-
ter Fought a warrant in Westminster Po-
lice Court, on Thursday, for Mr. Augus-
tine Birrell, who, lee said, had stolen the
Dubuc Castle jewels.
Seven miners were killed in an explo-
sion in a oolliery at Wyoming, 1'a., on
Seven towns in Oklahoma were swept
by a series of tornadoes, on \\'ednosday,
and four of them badly wrecked.
James Kennedy, a colored citizen of
Montgomery, Ala, burned five of his
children to death.
The International Paper Company int-
portd 170,000 tons of wood pulp from
Canada last year.
Bev. Dr. Kaye, formerly of \Woodsbck.
Ont., convicted of oounterfeiting at
Wheaton, 11., has been granted a new
Three theusan 1 Chinese r.'b et, ;n two
eel arms are marching on the treaty port
of .\l•ngtsze.
'rheic is an unconfirnt'd rumor at St.
Pcter•burg That the An►eor of Afghani -
elan has been lues-a=stnaked.
Mire than len prisoners were etat as
they tt•ero attempting to escape fiver the
j:,°t at Yckatorinostav, Russia.
The propoeal to hold a convention
1 •,!ling to the unification of the South
frican colonies is mixing with a mixed
After eleven years' occupation, Britain,
Hussein, France and Italy have derided
1.1 withdraw U air Troops from the island
of (:rete.
Tisa committee of members of the Dan-
i h nn:i leelaIdic fart:omlents having the
twitter itt charge recommend:: Ilse federal
union of tho two c,untreo
'fide Alohnland IrILc;men, against
whom a Briltsh punitive force is advanc-
ing. hove sent their woven and children
away and are' preparing to fight.
:1 DE(:i:F: tsl l01' 510,000.000.
Canada's Treace Figures for AprU Show
it Failing Off.
A despatch frau Ottawa says: Cana -
(Ilan trade filmes for epril show n o in-
tineed falling off in import;, consequcnl
upon the restrict'ort during the early
rr:onths of the year of oral. r, by whole-
selere for imported goads for the Sum -
nee trade. 11 1, expected, 1.•nwev.r, tnut
with the present bright oulleok for the
revival of trade next Autumn lite im-
pede will again pick up In the course
•.t' a month or so, and tho figure., for
the last halt of the year will show a
very constrict al.!o improvement over
those of thet first half. Total imports for
last month were $20.2o1.409, a decrease
of $8.133.878, as con:parod with April
01 last year. Exports of domestic pro.
acts on the other hand strew a slight
ine-e:sse. totalling 310.291,828, as con•
l•ared with 89.751.819 for April last year.
'1te grand total (.f (:n,indian trade for
the mouth was $30.970.387, as compared
with $40.725.969 for April, 1907.
-41, --
KING I:11\1' 1111► \1 il,l. ,1TTEND
Ward -acid Wedding to be 11.1(1 in the
1:hap,•1 llnyal.
A despatch frons London s'lu'e: Nikes
t. an nett!. (laughter of the 1'nild Slntos
1 .ssadnr s-0 Great Britain. Whitelaw
and Mr. John Hubert Want, brother
• ` feed of Dudley and equerry -in
v ,4,1!1,y to King Edward, will bo mar-
ried 111 Ile Chapel Hoye! of SL Janes
Palace, June 23. King Edward will be
present at the ceremony, and Queen
Alexandra will also probably attend.
The wedding is being held In June to
allow the Earl of Dudley lo be present.
The Earl will leave London early In
Jame for Australia. wirer° he is t.> lako
t.l the duties of Geternor•General.
1+1: t'111 OF Allis. 11 t':\ 171 NI:.
l'uilding, 1 -only.eight of the prism int.) a oat.- •
ere went' shot lo 414•3111 by the guard. look t•s lei:
end analher of teem has ',ince died of Ito' n r+•1• a
, his w •.ands. 'I hit h others w re wound• s are. Th. y
tea, and it is expeet.sl that setera1 of la I, 1,1 r i
these will ttecunit'. i! ' e • .
Aa soon as the bomb was thrown one '1 ts•, ,
f.t •
Un' 41('laehn:ents 4•1 prese.rere charij- anomie ra, '•
nl Use guards in the court loon 415141 time I ri !.e, ng
ellienet.'J to c::rob the wall. 'ceche one :::.•.Fele
cf U.c.•' In•'n v.'i0 k!le.l instn ntly, Ch,c1 w, elm
pluio others weir W011114101. Al the wounded.
: ( . 1 • 11. :e prison
r.ttes who
s-1 • eattxetell in
' • t , the marl•
w• r• . 1.te• •.1 t•• draw
.•e•1, \sle'eP•.,..el the guar(Is
the (,pen window:s.
,••' s• t. t down while
u •' over the roof of
,r as is known. not
.1 ge.'Uing away. The
• 1 (ho prelim is among the
id•.w 01 011e 01010 I'ioneer Bottlers 01
W innif)rf•
e .1•..;,;s t. !, (rums Winnipeg ea'., Mrs
+ It. 1:: ,talyne. w•id et- of th.' moist
fannies of the lied Inver Iettler, and
( under. ..f Ih•' pt"senl oily of Winni-
r eg. died (,n Thursday after a brief W-
ives. s. She was torn in Fort Garry In
le3.1• tr ng a daughter of an o'd fur Imp
ie. Mr. McDer•tnelt. and \tee married to
Mr. Rannatyne ;n t$31. IMr hlrsband
nae n tie -miter ..f the l•ro%iaionsl Gov.
ernment, and for )ears their home was
the ••entre of life in and wound \Winni-
e\'ho'e.sale gullet ons are: -
I gge- Newv-Laid, 17e to 18c.
flutter--Althoatgh it is offering more
fr• a y, everything is taken up w.lhoul
Creamery, prints .... ... , .. 29.7 to 30c
do solidi .... 27c to 28c
Dairy prints .... .... . ... .. 26c to 27c
(1, largo 1o1Ls .... .... ... 2,4c to 25e
da s,1id' .... .... .... .... 23c to 21c
h, (•'r:or .... .... 20c to 21e
honey -Strained steady at Ile to 12c
l cr pound For 60 -pound polls, and 120
In 13c. for 5 to 10 pound pails. Combs
al 81.75 to $22.50 per dozen.
Potatoes-Ontar.o, 9Oc to 95r; Dela-
ware, 31 to $1.05. In car lots on track
1Stans-$L70 to 31.75 for primes and
61.80 to 31.85 for hand-picked.
Maple Syrup --$1 to 31.10 per galkm.
Ch.e•,c-14c for large and 14yc for
lwirs In job !cls here; new make, 12c
fur large and itge, for twins.
Baled Straw -$3 1', 89 per ton.
Baled flay -Timothy Le quo'ed at 315
to $15.50 in car lots on (reeks here.
Pork-Sher•t cul, $21 to tel.50 per bares
rel; 'tie. 317.50 to 318.
Smoked and Dry Sailed Moats - hong
c:enr bacon, 103c, tons and cases; hauls,
rte (1.uni and light, 12c to 13c; hams,
large. 113,e to 12c; backs, 1Go to 1Gge;
shoulders, 9yc to 10e; rolls, 10o to 10%c;
breakfast bacon, l4a to 15c; green moats,
out of pickle, 10 less than smoked.
Montreal, May 19. --Flour - Cho'ce
spr.ng wheat pat- nLs, $6.10 to 36.20; etre
onds, $3.50 to 85.70; winter wheat pat-
ents, 85.10; straight rollers, $4.51) to
$.75; do.. in Lags, 88.15 to $2.25; extra,
$1.85 t) 31.90.
Cheese --New mode quote.! at 11%c h
12e and old at 1234e to 123c.
Butter-Croamery finest quoted at
243,4' for round lots and 25340 to grocers.
Eggs --18c Fcr dozen for round Iota
and 183Se for single caves.
Provisions-ihurels vh',r•t cut mess,
321; half barrels, 810.75; clear fat barks,
822 to 323; long eut heavy mess, $20;
half barrels do.. 310.50; dry salt long
clear backs, 103c; barreLs plate beef,
813.50 to 815; half barrels dn.. $7.25 le
$7.75; barreLs heavy mess beef, 810 to
$11; half barrels do., 35.50 to 86; com-
pound lard, 83.c to 9r; pure lard, 11yc
to 114c; kettle rendered, 113,c to 12c;
tarns, I2o t) 133,c, according to size;
trealcfasl hno•)n, lie to 15c; Windsor ba-
con. 143,c t.0 1534s'; fresh k lied abattoir
<tressed hogs, 39.50 to 39.75; live, $6.85
to 67.
Buffalo. May 19. \\'hent --Spring. low-
er; No. 1 N•is'thern, 81 0934, carloads; No.
2 red, $1.04; Winter steady. (:oro -
Slrong; No. 2 whet-. 773e; No. 2 ycl-
h w, 773;. Oat; --Easy, No. 2 mixed,
52%c; No. 2 whit(', 573,c. Barley -70 to
80c. i(yo-- \o. I track. Carol. freights
5c to New York.
\linneapolis, May 19. --Wheat--- May,
81.06 to 31.0636. July, 31.06; S('pt.,91 to
913te; N s. 1 hard, $1.0934; No. 1 North•
ern. $1.073;; No. 2 Northern, 31.01% to
61.111X; No. 3 Northern, 97e by $I.023a.
Flour -First palenle. 33.45 10 85.60; sec-
ond patents, 85.30 to 85.45; Ilisl clears,
$t.25 In $4.35; socond clears, $3.50 to
$3.65. Bron -in bulk, 321.75 to 3.22.00.
Milwaukee, \lay 19. --Wheal- -No. 1
Northern. 91c to 81.11; No. 2 Nei -Merit,
31.06 In $L00; July, 93'6ee fhe-Na. t,
81 to 83c. Barley --No. 2. 72r; sample.
6) to 71e. Corn -Nn. 2, cash, 71 la 72e;
July. 64i,c bid.
New 1' ark, May 19.---\VI►eat-Sj'.t,
eaoy-; N. 2 red, 31.4'3. elevator; No. 2 1.••1
$1.07. f.o.b.. afloat; No. I northern. De-
lulh. $I.I6' . 1.0.b.. nf.'at; N. 2 hard
w.nter, $1.11X, f.o.b.. afloat.
i.IVI. STOCK \1Ut1071'.
Tomnlo, !Vey 19. -No material change
was notfrewhle in the lite stork situation
at the laity (rattle Merkel. The trail., In
Pe, commoner grades was, if anything.
;. !rifle lower. rw a large pmp.ttii..n of
the offering.+ were of this class. Only
r few e-nllk suitable for export were on
sale. and (heap were not of any very
fancy quality. The highest price pail
was around 36. Expert bulls ',might
front 84.30 to $5, Good cattle for botch•
erinc( are most in demand, and bring n.'
gr'e'et prices es eepirt cattle. Cows and
11111s are steady.
Very few eloekers and Pedere ere be -
!ng; marketeer now, as most of the fann-
er-; are able Io put them on the groes. A
10041 of short -keep feeders to go to pee•
lure for finishing up soil as high a;
There is a steady demand for good
milk ^ow ., ts•hMtt will fetch from 310 to
The heavy run of calyxs iime ealwe.I a
heeds of half a cent in the prie.. and
Pe. market for Diem wet very .+nw,
Sleep end lamitc are firm, and the lest
are bringing slightly higher Were,. .V-
ILo,igh not many batt.., are efferent!. They
ere ►N'1 wanted. and the nee ket for them
is w'e'ak n1 8(t., ked and wab•red, off ears.
Were Swept to Death By a Tidal Bora
at Hankow, Chita.
A despatch from Victoria, it. C., says:
N••w•+ of one of the greatest (IL,ost•rs
that China hos known, a sudden tidal
bore, in nil YaIglsckiang, which in-
tcivos the lois of nearly 10,000 live; at
Ilunkow, was bi'ought by the steamer
Titan, which arrived en Tuesday night
A b.ro twenty-six feet in height floored
without wanting down the river, over -
who m ng thouwadi of junks, sampan;
and small boats, and wrecking some
largo river steamers.
Mr. Bel, agent of Butterfield & Swire
at Yokohama, eho arrived by the Blue
Funnel len: r. steeled that the disaster
has reused tremendous loss of life, far
greater, it was ostlmatod, than the
gloat typhoon al !long Kong of eight,
era Mouths ago, when Wit lhowaud
by. s were snuffed out.
It is usual, sad Mr. Bell, to send a
tee ,,rain d:,wn the river when such a
freshet occur.,. The telegram was do -
toyed, tinal!y 01nivieg about the same
time as rho wall of anter, which swept
down on the sleeping river teople in
t1w early morning, overturning thou-
sands of craft, and seeping away (hou•
sands of Chinesis in the torrent that
sttept seaward. The scenes for many
days after the distutor were Horrible
lie river side being strewn with dead
and debris of wrecked craft for many
141on)agela A. A. Smith, Ends His Life
With a Pistol.
A de epalet► (nen Forest, OM., s 21ys:
Montague A. A. Smith, of the private
l:unkiig firm of 1. A. Smith and Corn-
pany, of Forest, ex -chairman of lbw On-
tario Fish and Game Commission, and
widely known in weet•rn Ontario, com-
mitted .suicide in the near of Isis ofliee
about 8.30 on Thursday morning, in a
Ill of temporary aberration, which, in
n !eller, he attributed to the worrier, o'
Iii; election campaign as Liberal candi-
date for East Limatoe There is an en-
tire absenot of any rumors affecting the
standing of the deceased, socially and
financially, and no man stool higher.
Ile was admittedly the wealUtie.st reei-
dent of th) vicinity, and his not wan due
to nervous breakdown. Profound regret
13 1410 expree-eon of all.
New Regulation by One of Suit Trust's
Subsidiary Companies.
A do;patch from Pittsburg, Pa., says:
The 11. B. Frick Coke Company, a sub-
sidiary of the United Staters Steol Cor-
porateon, has ordered into effect a new
code of rules goveniing Its minas and
miners, the mast remarkable provision
of which a the prohibiting of the com-
pany's miners from drinking, whether
on duty or off.
Mre. Cook, Elm I:reek, Manitoba, Lett
Ilouse for a Moment.
A despatch from Elm Creek, Man.,
say;: The infant daugh'er of Thomas
Cook was burned to death on Wednes-
day evening in a tiro which caught from
the cook stove during the absence of its
neither, who stepped outside for a min-
ute or two.
Kennra Alan Rescued Wife and Child-
ren From Burning Home.
A despatch from Kenora says: About
s:'• o'clock on 'Phar:;(Jay morning firo
started from an unknown cameo in the
114,1110 of Joseph i'ortier, an old resident.
Before help arrived Fortier succeeded 111
getting his wife and four children from
the burning building, but in so doing loot
his own life.
Newf•,undlamd is, hum n temperance
print of v.ew, a modern Utepia. Only
within a radii: of sixty mile.. nom St.
John:', 11)01 capitol, ore intoxicants to
he pro u.,'d. To sell Hutu* in a pro -
district means the inllicting of
a heavy line. No liquor is s•,Id on Sun-
days. 11 :4e:s never Have licences, and
(et ester Ai trans only passengers Irav-
ell'ng fi'ty or ie re mile' n,ay quench
tiler t'i ret e; !u tetux cit ng drinks,
'!'hat 11... • ..1r• a reg-ritui ns have o
go d . (1, 1 ., el in 1h • fart that the
(elan 1. toils e. ! o .11lall•.n of over 200,-
(ieti pewee ..; 1:• pt in hood 1.y 100 t>o-
Iire. Tip r.• has a,'so only be. 0 one mur-
der n the last fifteen years.
Tapson-- "flow is your youngeet
daughter gelling along welt her music:''
"splendidly," nnswered Mr, ('user
"Iter metra l •r says }hut '.h•• r+!ai
\I out t•t ,, way lir :' +
w..ulJ n v r hive dr •
What is Going On In the IlIghlande
and Lowlands of Auld
At present there are 1,616 unoccur
pied house's in Govan.
Three of the Dundee whaling fleet
have left for Ilse Arctic.
Patrick is agitating for a wharf on
the river willtin the burgh area.
In Govan last month 17 persc.ns died
whose ages aggregatod 1,307 years.
AL Greenock two woolen were fined
$2.10 each for failing to attend as wit-
According to the sanitary inspector
lire population of Govan in Juno was
Duren); the six months ending March
2 the shipments of coal from Greenock
showed rt decrease of 7,100 tons.
Mr. John Bruce 'Walker, Canadian
cominisyioner of immigration, with
bead office at Winnipeg, Le a native or
The new Terra -Ira! Army scheme. will
result in the volunker forst in FalTit
rained, being diminished by over Sus
Tho Ceelen Education Department
has issued a memorandum on nature
study -and the teaching of science in
Sc itch schools.
ExaSergeant-Major J. B. i(ur:ford,
.,hose death is announced, was connect.
eel with the Queen's Brigade, Edinburgh,
for 20 years.
Between GO and 70 members of A and
B Colnpaniose Sl:rl'ng I(ifle Volunteers,
have agreed to join the new Territor-
ial Force for a year.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. of Bellanoch,
here enjoyed 71 years of rnarr.ol life.
They are both over 90 years of age, but
still have cxcelknt health.
The (Leh lan(eil on the Scc,tU.h o os-tIs
last month Ls returned as lasing wailed
at 8736,160. making a total for three
months of 62.401,760.
A Dundee linoleum rompnny cont'.,
to having rel their factory last year
a! n lois of X10,000. The high pr.c.' of
raw mater:ohs teas the cause.
At the Lieenshlg (hurt held in Edin-
burgh recently the grocers lie•'nse3 were
reduced by ten. It was re.;oive 1 to con-
tinue Hui ten o'clock Ceasing hour.
At Germinrtl.' recently several proper -
lies. including live cottages. n dwelling
hnu'e. and over 36 acre:; of land, were
told to Captain Itil.hie, Kingston, for
Dennis, Fox. n chimney swrep, who
traveled through Perthshire and For-
far,hli'.•, w•ns drowned in the Tummel
the other day while trying to rescue a
sl.o'p that hnd (ulnen in.
The (enroll of Whet 1 Burns, for
which the poet gave three siltings in
I7iiG to I'eter ,or Patrick) Taylor, hos,
it is said. leen unearthed in the shop
of an Edinburgh dealer in sporl'ng p c -
tures and point,.
'Pros' ' ece.esi.,n church in lite village
0! \tidlem is 1114' olleel Sere -.Sion build-
ing in Scot!aid. For upward-. of 1611
years there tins twee n S4ceseion cnn-
g;regaton Ihes•e, and the ea1110 ten -
mel church 111'11 w•as erected In
17411. end the manse built to P103, oro
still in use.
in Kashgnr. (antral :Isla, a .1 , r n
any bo obtained for the <
Work Is Continuing on the Laporto
Murder Farm.
A despatch (nun i.aporte; Indiana,
says: Tho Guinn...., d..ath form on'Thure-
dr►y gave up more cxsrniburaliv.• evidence
r:, b► Ih" extent of the tragedies thele.
Two more o:M Millie were found 10 the de -
1 ris of the ruined Boase, and thew... taken
in cornea -lion with nine prevlot:r,ly dei•
covered. show that ri least one more per -
For mel death on the pare. The bodies
of nine mole vilifies hate been Ira•
enrlhe(l. but len men', w•al•he' have Imo'n
ds^nvenvl, She riff $rmtlz.r nnnnunced
niter the finding of 'Thursday that hr will
rea•ume digging operation,' with the hope
se! uncovering additional skeletons.
A number ..f 0.frufes (.f m•'i1)1 1e•lm,l
is. the mining operations are being e(•
.,mined by expert" In A00 whether Chet -
ore lilts of OH 11-041 i.v dentists for 1111-
ing.s er crowns 01 tooth.
The .Iiao.veryy of t.`te
Ing left heed of the I•.ely 4.1 Mrs. G,.in-
f►(a.s, wt. h two ring, that misk•' t'A'dank•
f; .lion s1111 mon, (v►nrlustve, leaves !MIA
r- et for doubt Ilial the propri'tr,:.- e►f
be murder farm paid for her crime In her
own lou. ••f death. Th.' initial, en•
graved tn,i.l.• the 1.111`" shins e.er.e :ale's e
Ir that they la lo, go sI In eke. Guinness.
1'h' attorney, for IAn►pher'•• 1110 said
In 1„' 4►oleng fear Dns' l Ilns en•, tt tto,
it is re/e,rt.,I. n!Jevl in uncovering the
halt.•% of !Ise per. -ons whom Lamphere
is aniseed of murdering.
The altern.y's cl•tinl That Iinyena line
elresi el (het when the LMliee were tenet
in the 'Y•t!ar ,.f (lir Gninniwgzi 14 rt,..' on
li•ri! 24 !bey were lying on Ih.• trent,
alp 1 Ilydl there was m, debris under them.
11•, y n-aerl Ihnt testimony to Iha effect
al the Irbil will do mc011 to clear their
r•I:enl of the r:enrg.'s against hire. ergo.
in;t that Me ritelur.,:ane, e, stem. tied 11.0
1- dire had Ion en plowed hi the eviler
J.1,11,01* 10 1110 1;4191110g el the Ore ss ha h
Ile'strol d the fetratiouio.