HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-21, Page 2CURRENT TOPICS.
A German eeee,tst, Dr. Emil IWu:g,
has leaky undertaken to prove that in
highly civilized cxrunlrtcs man has
eLbucd his constilul onul strength and
consequently is wort seecepteile In the-
me than he was in ca1.1.( r Hanna. 'There
i• obviously son.enmng to be suid 1•,r
Mei averment, but colo derc'd as a
whole the facts tlo not Lear :t out. 11
it utlquestionabl) true that as civilize
anal. advances human life becomes
move complex, and ILe pits, ure upon a
mash's rhysicltl resources lend, to be-
come more intense. It is also true; Ihut
certain forms of disease, such, for ex-
ample, es cancer and heart weakness,
at)peor to be nsore prevalent Than they
were a century ago --we Fay "appear,'
iecau o only in u comparuletcly rre'Ist
period have the statistics of mortality
and its cameos been trot orthy and
exhaustive. Neither can it be denied
that by our sanitary improvements,
the nluatsplication of hospitals and sane
turia, tho demonstration of the germ
origin of disease, the discovery of ant:
k,x'ins and specifics and the development
of antiseptic surgery we have sestsIDly
checked the natural process of elimina-
tion which brings tbcut the survival of
the (latest ani the cxtinct'on of human
brings unable to transmit physical vig-
e• lo their offspring. Dr. Konig tike-
s,. i'e thinks that he discerns marked de-
kr•l(ratien in the human stomach, ow-
ing to what he alleges to to the present
aw.(1 decay and Toss of the teeth.
Much of this niny 1,o admitted, but
There is preponderant evidence on the
other side. If it were a fact that in
highly civilized countries man is de-
generating we should undoubtedly ob-
serve two things, namely. a diminish-
ing birth rate and a progressive short-
ec•ng of the nvcrage human life. 1f we
take a \=road view of the matter we find
the contrary to be the case. In Fennel
1! must be acknoweidged the birth rate
hu.s declined so notably that the popu-
lat'n remains almost stationary trorn
tate decade to another. Against this
J111erwmerron must be set the signally
rrtdllced death rate. the result being that
the nbilily to outlive the Scriptural three
score years and ten, and even to sur-
vive for a century, is much more fre-
quently exhibited in France to -day than
it was four generations age. Then,
again, Germany, where there is less 11 -
literacy and where culture is more
wdcly diffused than it is in the French
Republic, has at once a high birth rate
and a low death rate. As for the stlp-
Ircened injurious influence of the decoy
and loss of teeth on the stomach, it is
notorious that the extraordinary devet-
o: rnent of the art of dentistry in the last
1'ulf century and the studious care of
teeth now inculcated and almost uni-
versally practised by highly civilized
peoples have brought ebout an aston-
ilshing change. We scarcely evor see
MOW in men and women under age
mouths disfigured by the Toss or decay
of teeth, whereas this was a common
sight up to fifty years age.
The omcial records of Geneva, which
have been kept carefully for a long
period, prose !het the nserege duralie•n
of hwnan lite .s ►nater:ally greeter than
11 Was a hundred and fifty or a hundred
years ago. Not telly the average length
of human existence but the retention
of physical and intellectual vigor, or
what is called the prime of life, tend,
10 be prolonged. The age limit of use
flint' -s has in practice been pushed for-
went. The fruitful activity of men
river sixty and sten seventy years ,f
Lie s a Fhenemtvtun far more frequent-
!) e (served to-dos than It was a bun-
ched years ego. Napoleon's carter was
over at forty-s!x; Von Alolike's can
s.arcely be said to hate begun, so far
as 'neat achievcmente were coneerncd,
tel he was nearly seve►Ily'. \\ hat I,
True of war is true of diplomacy, of law,
of tncd.cine, of every field of work in
which mental and physical energy is
indispensable. When, in it word, we
exam n' impartially all the data, weigh-
ing accurately all the evsience pro and
ern. we stern justified in taking an op-
timistic rattier than hr. Konig's pearl•
mastic view of the effect of civilization
on the Lodi:y well bring and kngevity
cl man. As for the incrcnsed ability
nal highly civilized (man to sithstalNI the
attacks of disease, thee wit be evident
alien we recall Ilse deses:ot.on wrought
in modlirevat Euro; e by Ihe ping:ue; as,
let t: ample, by the Black Death, which
in the middle of the fourteenth century
is lcl.eved to hate destroyed in seve,a'
n un'res at !east a th7d of Ihc.r :nha•
bleeds. No eu^.h nppalhng neertahly
o uld now be caused by any Contng+cue
SI\111.:\n flUT DIFFERENT,
`I reckon you nin't mu; h like your
note' said the rad•fnshioned %%omen as
they nx•t on the street corner.
-oh. yes I am." prolcstetl the over.
dressed )lung Indy. "Ma's at hone
p gong a quill and I'm out making a
t}•: end."
\11s. a;r4•3,--"\'hal nook has leen Ihe
west helpful M y''i ' Mrs. \\ :mpie-
••\\/materDet fury.' Ihe hety sits
. • •:' !fse cable. and it waves the peke
4 1 a 11 _h , 1:a:i ,•
> > a •
btiltow n< -d, or, es ethers eugge:st, a
la\4lul, the p:u'poie• eel the loom) 'u
ther euae iris .unply Ie., (lesatc' the
af.nnger• autlirw u$Iy to administer the
toes atiug draeghl. rete) other conl-
l:oerrtalore, however. SI:l(g.4 that tie.
•• IM was a kind rt epee. added to
i lie 14 wake it u,ure },tangent.
••crate tip Ind, apir.t 1 -early a se! -
t cin llle );alt t1 Jena:,
1. ;:h they -el i1:• s:1Li:.ah of the
t ..� ,. le an I, therefore, a day of mute
than i rd,nary sate:lily.
1 .; r h death nus hast-
Ms( V. here
nom" \1. e7.
Contrast Others' Troubles and You Will
Feel Ashamed of Your Own -Complainings
\\'hy a.1 Ilion cast clown, all, my
soul; tinct t•. l:. Art thea tltat)tiiet ss it u
nus-?-1'bnlr:r, NI i. 16.
Perhaps a Dns J a despondcney a ILS Pn-
gencle:o.l by the ingrld:lude need rel• l -
leen 4.f tee son, dis•atisiu•:tu.n with hie
own Iifc, remorse 1••1• his sine. Ire Ilad
cause a -plenty for I'c;ug u: t demo.
And so with mese of es. if • to h.•n-
t31 ss th curses.- ler• , r. ."' , ! ue-
proesion of sp re eei ie 1 •:,,, 1 .0 c•ur
own eels.
\\'e have refused to live in harmony
with the lows of our physieal. mental
and moral well le'.ng. An exhausted
body, an otcroee•kedi 1•ra.n, a guilly
oc,ns_ience are the Limeade to the hours
of gloom that e -o senateslielably steel
upon us. And yet the een441rL5 of de-
jection Uul.t ecca:v,nally dotuinate the
bravest spiry ore not always a teen
HIM we base sinned (r displeased God.
They may spring out of the inevitable
circumstances of kre, Trying relation-
ships, tho narrow. monotonous otonous rota ne
of work, for which we are not rtspoit
sibte and from whiele we seek to escape
in vain. But whatever the cause we
cannot entertain or indulge gloomy
thoughts. •
Nothing is so bad for mare -holy,
mind, soul -us t'o-p;.ndenay. 11 clouds
the intellect, damsons tate ►u d•,r of lite,
saps the will power. It w:11 pal WI.-
ol'or'ed glasses on his eyes; es 4'rplhing
will bo Seen Ws/ailed. Muletrlls will
ha magnified into I,tcmultains. Man can
yield hlnl."clf to 11,oiels of depression
till the vitality, tlx: j4'y and beauty of
4'e are gono and he tailllled for tis
duliies. lie can live In shadow an 1
daricutse until he becomes unable to
see, the rainbow in the clouds and for-
gets ihnt the sun sf.11 shines above !hem.
"'sVhy art thou cast down?" We must
assort car inlelligenee and will t.:ower,
seek to forget our.eives; Think of the
condition of others. (10 on Ihe street
and sec the aged w•ashel•wennan bend.
Ing over her load, the cripple hobbling
1Iward the passer-by t.1 ask an aim,
the Thin. fear-hnunl d fares of half-
starved chileren; think of 11:4, l;unllre•ds
of incurable shut -iia. the hospitals • ter.
110a rag w• Ih their pick end maimed and
bit '. 9i. thousands who tree
ser .1 hug for work; read t!•4 1:
Later, • 1 Ute elisasters by tire nr.,i !' •• •.
•U10 a.. •.:• rat that blest home:, 1•,• •,:
harts t•. I ast tho.eianeis upon
11.4 1••5 ' 1„' ttwrtil, and peetinlis 111
• 111 the 4'erltht.0l1 if y4.u1'
re.hht, . yz•,,
will fee, tlslulu.cd of S our
own coutpla'nang•.
But wo rains► not only look mein the
woes of olheurc; the un►Jt beek actively
to lesoelt them. so far us hiit'Ih in ILS, if
we would r'rg•ape our own. If we can
du nothing else we van cultivate
'1'11E 11AB17. OF IIOI'F.Fl11.N1.S..
We can loliew the good example of Ilse
111811 w110, when assaulted by the blue
devil, sought occaeio► to speak cheer-
fully to mane one who looked as gloomy
a:• he fell. A pleasant face. a eympa-
thet'c word, a hopeful prophecy may ek
awls, gond than a hundred kennel's
about heaven. No higher compliment
can le tonal ono than ki speak of hien
a, good-hinno'ed and pi:eel-nature,' ,s 1• r
1114:'4, qua:aie+s usuab'y' miring leer• .,
healthy body, a healthy mind and a
healthy soul.
"1.nugb, 111141 Il:e world laughs with
you"; were). and you not only do not
weep alone. Lal you tenese others to
\Vere); so w4.. 1✓'}.'l5 wee jw-1 as j(Iy-
uus11es4 1x ge:.' .1.•(.4 mess. 11 Is nacre
d11f1eult 10 mhi;,l:i n a height spir.t 'nun
t•: say Lr'ghl 11.,nga, and newt more
(minim lid it e.
Then drive away gl'.o,n with gkadnrss.
Many 11 !•.nn }els laughed himself into
health. n,tn frit -ode. into suc,.•srs and
into l•eeten.
F yawl, . 'Here in God.' Rut it went
t 1 play and s'.a.1 v<•ur con►•
1 :.1 ; 1.. , . • ELCI Hill until yeti have
ei• e.• a5. er power to oter1011ac the
cause of '•. i,r despondency. 1f tee
"a` :, great `11 (X.s.
cause i• • ..: !• Piling. hl• k of pure :ter
I , ntc ";II"'" have agreed 1 . "Ip-
t•nel 4'a< i,.- ...ousted text). or rated. I ly , .;:r s.1 trade ►•croak of Ihrie
r4 mere, , ! reformation of Imbibe nu r• <_ tt.1h 11 i.h po•Is.
1111151 r1 1! 0 lore prayer. If w'e lee . , t}...e tailoring and making . f under-
s,Lerh, leer) a good r(anrLie'n• a enter.' Henry A. Blokes G. , . \I. ,;.. ' . t..th ng i •r the mockers at the labor
lake its fight, me will a•'•'•. •hurt'• as a magistrate, ter the e• nets ,
\t•'flal 'fc.w'u (:ounc•il 11(iakc•ibbr:ghl-
r...... 11.1.. Aie
1„,. I, Skin. . .. .t of
.::•. Neeeelena:ts- Like J4,.'e ph, it mein-
1--:- 4! the Sao 1,..5, n. !•} t}te action of some ploisenotLs sum
\f , 1 : !. end e . • a , stay Fpice,, reesla it1 orLs.
A l;:uradred 1•' recite hundred Tile serer.ty of the weather has killed Memo which alters the uonstitulion 2'l
01:1, •... cut a great enemy rats <n loons ulow►d the bike The first form, "ututruetitr
S•: :\s t' . f UIe Jctt t t., 1Iaddingt(,rrtlire. jaundice, is Ihe result of more or lees
lee . 451 • • . 1:,,:. , ,,,4\ 1;41.!• •t .'•.r A e.erpent 2'. fel long was kflied c inipk to closing of the channels lhn•ugh
: t• .. ' .. . •:;,e!.! I.• 11:4.5 1'.eeJU!y tett the farm clf Upper Achnacro- winch the bile escapes from the liver.
(•.i:..;:,; r ;: L. r a •;t;: •i. a'!I• Dua• 1, talc . f \lull. This obstruction may be duo to plug -
preparing 1 1.i .:1.... 1'eilokshaws town emote 1 are about t ng of the passages by gall stones, to
42. The J. 1.1• e at'.e;n Hip per 1 build toe. !cugc tenements of work- 'he presence of n tumor pressing upon
p11: • '.• n fur Il • 1':, >..Ir, w I:.: h was 111(11 5 hon c-, !„ cost $222.500. !:.e passages, or to inflammation and
11: 1.• e,1 : 11 (11 the tinning et the bailie Ardrossan may 11.1e1 artillery com- the resultant swelling of tho mucous
pally will Ie supplied with 15 -pounder membrane lining those passages.
-,I,.__� Innis, and each gun will be drawn by The outer form, celled "toxemic'
alt horses. ll.u:.d ee is an accompaniment of cer-
FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE `horn of a single battalion of infan- la:tt general diseases, such as malaria
try', the \'olunlecr (gaps in Edinburgh or yellow feser. or pol.on:ng by p ns-
I:eve brcn Irun,frrred 10 the Territorial 1•hmous and oU1cr chenl'cal stlbslau s,
Arany. Cr of acute atrophy of the liver.
'ff ere is no chant• in the Aye -hire Tho color of the skin varies, accord -
thee curtain trade. die 4lemen.l kr cur- ing to rho intensity of Use jaundice, that
Rains L*•ir.g bekw Ito normal for the is according to Il:e amount of til'(' 101-
scsaax,n of the year. oring-matter circulating in the blood,
The people of Mu.sceN'urgh are con- from a light -lemon to a br•ght saffron
Metering the ndvisabilily of smooch. hue, or even a dark ycllowesh green.
ing Mr. Andrew t:erncgo for a public "Into' eyes arc frcriuenlly hlc first 10
libralt har the learn. show Isle ye:low Dolor, and in nrld cas-
'1'ito burn through Loughend Mead- 4'r may be the only ports where the
(Joss n••ar Edinburgh. is lo be covered jaundice is visible. 1'he :oliva, perspir-
ia, al a cost of $11.0(10. The Earl or upon, and other secretions are usually
iI s i reonsed to Mart an agri:ullueal stained
e 1...e. ei north-east Ulster. Alertly to to pay the half. yellow.
During the past year hot ens s of There s generally on increase of per -
Harland to \\ u'ff, of Belfast, will build eon /mupt.on ba4 a brcn „slilfa d in hid. spiration, itching also Ls very common,
Into 1A(✓► feet steamers for the White .r,burgil, and 1i6i7 apartments and 7.836 and th s, like the perspiral`.on, may b
Star line. art:ck:s have leen dLs nfa'ieul. general. or limited to certain parts of
The animal c<,n"eel in aid of Ilio, net- a:anlpbel!ohn thieve-, g, .:a '•,1• pal- the body, and grows worse at night.
feet \Insonic , harilics, held re•_eiuhly, ionizing heal inchtstrie-. 1 ..1 '.d. rafale Sufferers front jaundice. unle-s fever
the! e • 1 \th'sl<' y a•eat kiei • e 1 :' •• rang is present, usually have a slow pulse -
het. t en cornet (nl res •a �. Pulse -Headache. and sometimes dizziness, is
11 :' proposed 1'1 ealubl sh a • rear. • alnat eernpla:ned of, and the patient is likely
v •'ri•.'ts.p' for holnrn se 1;.aspnw•, to be exceedingly irritable.
There is n'i treutmeut Ice the Jaun,
dice itself. An endeavor Insist be mock:
k, dL'o\'er the cause. and if this can
be removed, the ekin will speedlly re-
sume its natured color, and with this
will disappear the itching, the heaai.,
ache end the other symptoms so often
nee c :•14'41 t\'.lh the jaundice.-Yout.h'a
1:. inpanicn.
I1appcuInos 111 the Eutrrald Isle 111
Interest to Irish-
A Iamb that weighed 20 peuude was
le en lecent.y in Item ek-'are.
Leith I'a-rhou:e at S. a!i, Id is nen •-
1y completed. 11 ts.Il have cult $300,-
4;elf is one of the chief causes of the
•004/104PZt►•C 100{'o4A•'/
J:\l \Ute E.
Jauld:cc, or .. Cerus, is not a d.scasr,
but only a syulptoul, occurring 1s the
couree of other diseases•, -but it is so
striking a symptom, an ne so easily
re.'ognized, that it is oft. 11 e'fiardiel os•
a ens- use in itself, w hire the underlying.
a.ndition of which it is a F} ulploin is
h, ked upon as its cause..
11 consists in a staining of the chin.
the eyes, aixl indeed all the ruiner of
(lacune ut s1t of ng in lladdingfon'h:re. the 14dy, with the colering-nlatter of
Salt•:outs '1''-znl:eranee party rare agi- Ihe bile. which is not east nut, as •t
luting against renewing 1118 hotel I!.
C(' I LSes.
The cattle markets are again Lying
held in Edinburgh Ili sly bed w i.tlout
should be, but is taken up by the lilted
and carried to all parts of the body.
II is prodeieed in one of two ways_
by obstruction to the outlk,w of bale or
Ilapprnin0' in the Emerald Isle of
interest to Irish-
('lee! and man, the 'pint of g1- len tt 'I 1•('onial 4,0441111. r. has b. 5 -. n . - .
. n It nut be engaged in
while incl w4' will have c,,'• .•'1 tte Mr. Robert 11 Rutile. 1, t.4'. -!,:('•!I •ir1eM :� 4, hese. a double rote (11 lisle
kingdom of rtes', u e'sident of I.nrne. f• ': dont,. '.11.!•'..1 ..-
g g"�d Ir•• I. 11 L.. !`< 11 i.: at.rcd'I. which Is
GUY A. J \`JI!. .ie. ,caliIlkg Ir114•, . :1(11)
•ft u ; .111111;.. 1. • :1 • ...,• thoire:wirer4• `n
\ iII. Jesus' 11111111 :u,.1 11111 int.
Golden Te\l, 1. (ear. iS. :I.
(Based on the text • f 1!.•• I5e\::.,1
Sequence rat locals. The is•lrayul
and arrest of J.- is 1••• , pill. • ,! the
garden some 1 lee le 5••.. en 1 eta
and (lawn (\lata. ;1t 4; '.1; aura ;
passages). 7'Is i the ' di be-
fore the Jc•wtsh :,I :.•! 1 • \ , ' ni•
phos, and the San! ee , !, 1 ! - le -
27, Matt. 26. 57-27. to, mid 1
passages), will' the nc_saulpnn. 411
denls of Peter's denial end tip• et -
once and schedule of Judas. it l :n
early morning %ellen the e•
and the elders and scrip • .
W11014. council "bund Jesus. 111141 4''1
riled hint away. and dclitereel hint up
to Pilate" (\lark 15. 1). John does neer
record the Pact nail !Siete le.f•,1:• de-
livering Jesus to be crucified sent h nl
a prisoner to Herod Militias. whose jur-
isdiction extended over finlike and
Pence. where J. .is bed sllxvlt the
greater part of 11„ life. ire!."l was in
Jerusalem at Ilii t ;••• 1 \.as glad
of the opporhin is al _ Je.u,_ ret
whor n he had heard n•. ! . Ile was
disappointed. however. - n .' Je511.-4 aL-
selulelyl refused le• cons•'• s' ilh hire,
with the result that both II. 1• ei end his
atahordtnat s nlexkeet mo' 1 . ! • •.I h!tn
Ix fore sending hilt, ! • 1 • • I
141. 5 16). Arnlher uu .;• I,t • 5 • .
Johns narrative is the war; i':•
tales wife to bre-
II►:ng to do with Thal 1 •1 '
Atoll. 27. 19). le lb 4 f t' • . 1 1- ,•: ••-
(ede I'ilnles bine p'»-. ,.• if,(
Jetts, mud 11, , • .. • . •• . .;nit
scourging et Ihe .,n -
iteenau, soldiers tri•uIe !i•.
(John 19. 1-1; Melt. 27. I .s 51,
16-19). John. h et ever, ed41' .
able detail. lou- I, n;' Ib. • -
rf our 1.or•ds tree before I .
111 745). inchud:ng the n'' 1 ' • !'
fear that crime .•ser I' , t. u,
hearing of the (leen of J4:-. !.. I•'
i -'on of God. and 11.a(1 11.0 !1. • i1I ed
Jews In proclaim Pilate nn 4 ie Ins
It alone
parienn of the var'4•us narralis ea ate, (r r:Sun. 1'••r reference r., r,ttler yeomen The members • 1 Irv. Ferrera A^ad-
liter this was the first or the last part, 45 leo were a1 so pl/eenl •Ii 15,e emus ctrl} 4,t cr;enr4a none ly snti;ed leered -
4 f the v ay ••.vulpnre Malt. 27; \lark 15; 1 semi -4w \Intl. 27. 56; Mark 10. i••. and I+ when Dr. '4atury warned them t f
Luke 23). 1 2t'.1Se 23. i9' IIIc grave dangers )4r..sang from mime:-
The place of a skull -So celled from 211. \soman The Greek e.n!. tis
the oval shape of the till. 1 111te .d i�rs,cet, i e It 0:ale ra.ni:•.
itolgetha-ileterew•, oeigeklh, mean. 27. IIIc eon home -11 is 11ot neeeesar) 'lave Mrt:ntv'us bu'ine4. !Mall 1 be, is
fns,.! "a skull"; haul, ('n:sarin, whence to think ••f it hence Fe load}'o'.'. by called al an early hello and 1.,:Is from
M t
A total ' ". , ..•I s lett Ire• i'' i•h „ : •''•.':•1.
land !11.,1 y• 1 . n e~ tail. 4,103.01:, i1•. I;! •. ;1 1. a l• rr er lel ,:.ng 10
1p. \\'rule a1 line---lu U. w•1154' ,,1 Irisa 11:11 :•11.1 u,;.. leas.• '.dl the i5• 1;:. • :.,; ,• ,• . esee heeds was :Suck in
"caueeel 10 Le written," land. „ •. , 5, .. r,. • . e ,1,.,. obeli .1 man
Jesus 111 NaZntetll, 1114, ling •f t►,•' The Indy of Hugh eleAll'ti'r was : c•.! ' .''• e!.• .,'4'1. It ,een14d1_Ia.
JCw's--Aeeolthig to matthrw ':'7. :s;,. relied :11 •a quail), near (i;enarnr. where 1 • :1.. ,. „- !,... t.. Iv ng u41tenIure.
"Chis is Jens. the King rd 1h4• j4 %k : 1. L:Ill i:''ne :., get tines for faraui \i 1 ..14 t::. 1.•.•114 r-►;.:iur
ac s rding I; Mark t5. 2l ): "Tile li !ie, ! 1. •d tigie . • t;' . •. !1 11•. ' . e: 1.! •:1 ;1.111
t•1 the Jetts'• ne crd.ug 1(1 Luke ::1. i r0: r:- .1. 1).11.. Rohe. hoe been ape 111 .•LI:. : t.'o fhe.' el,'" 11-. :11 11-
;1$)• "'f}r;' •s the Is ung of the Jett,.' Joel t;'i t' 1 1151-14': .•1 l'nniskiilrn s'. rk-
hnving teen 11,1 eyewih,csi,. p►td,nb') IN,:L•o. Tlvre w4trc nine candidates
has preee•:•ted 1' 24 the 4.4i1n1 wordily 1..' Ihe' position.
ear the 1:1 tis the 4.1her evang.•Iiels gin- Dr. fierce Ilnyes. of 'Mines. ,lied
ing 4,111!' its euh5lallce. rtxklenh• during the night a1 colleen,
20. In It••bre5'. and in Latin. and in re I(ilkenny • Ile had recently inherit -
Greet, 11011(w. was the language of the ed $Ii0.0aJ.
1411;.,.,•. 1111.1 the Socrc'tl ecremonial of Ow•cn 1I'sg11ss. 41 Ki:lyneal. toes been
the J. s '1 religion, Latin was the appointed. on the reconumendali•Itt 411
To.prevent Ihe skin becoming discol-
ored eller u L1 tt•, make a paste of 'Jne-
Iy-powdered March and place it over
ILe spot. •this should be Bono imuleJl--
r•rs \:, !.u.: 'lumen. tt!, ! n'. !y.
I.• ply tl:un• calling on h• :11:11, •J''1.1!111:41. 11) m.xing Iwo tease o-•nluls of gly-
cerine with nnr tank -spoonful of lune
wulrr and enc leaspx.onful 4,1 paregoric:
you hive an cel;: hent gargle fur it aore-
CIIPIIN 4 i1I \I ' \\ I;E'l' Ae POeS1131.1•: threat. 1
For Burn-.- Saluraldtt wad 4.t colltlt/
1 hive 0(•ntc 111 OH. eom,1u5ion Ihnl wale mum -el :a rind pal,- Ihe burn with.
the *hurter the lisle elapses between ii. Kcep do:l:c the until the the is all.
line eit;k rig of the cowe and the iiianu• drawn .tilt. ‘,.1„t„‘.,11 le in hn u• lif4
1• 11-!'i.• . ' Ihe Homan conquerors, at Lord Itas,nv•'•e. a InagLilrato fee the f: Iur,' of butter, Itx' bill"' will be tale tree WI nuke. tele( w.11 Ise •line al in-
Itt '. n• ei Jrlssessi• 11 of Peileelinc, county A/0'naghas. quality of 11:e bultsr. V\ 1101 we Cali at st 4n1:11:0 las.
w 11i . 1 • • • • was the ltut)uuge (at the 111 It..cc;,mnton, ,5.1X) Hetes :f nn- h ii.en4.1 cream flavor of :he butter :' (►ave o 1 is ver!' good for weak en-
, : ' • hi -Lee iileralie. 4.1 Ihe 1 .:' • .I. ' ie.. hequirol taste. 'elle ti,i i :1114'4 11:,- pen-
, moiled mod are 1.4'ing nlle•rrd tor ...the
Neese.. . Iho remise :. '•e4 •h e:! 11,•• -, tel is Pint which is made' fl• ,' sur, !
I •, ,I' ,r;' a5 1,14' r•:cult of 1114, collie i; 1 f-
:•.i•i of hmu.. • . Mille • f cream, chu:ne.1 as Seo 1 as }-;'
ear . i:r , arra tee
Ulf"... ill 1. I'''7l' !,.a ,u•<'et114''i ter the milk Collies trent !he. '. ''.'..111.
.\tea, nal:c.w hell; Iltr'. '. •, ' l -•• •'''' 1' -1 hay, ow•fP 1 1y ing _ ..
!r• �' :orlon ur tic,-rn11et1 rimmed victim (tat.:•
41,: rIi at' si •.I eta" • I. 1 , •' . ! 5 H. County \\cxfur,l, w'.irc 1 , ;r e-
1 ; Ihhli; fur w 1ic.t we hate 1 .• ...,;� :.n
;'3. „.f1•• 1,' Via•' ', - \rt) '!w•'e11're:1. I '• Iccnlly'. '1'114' (1:\gin ural:;141,11 1:•418. had 1 1 :! .he
11 int., h (.I .. !,;, ;nku_•wll•
!,..“1.4. . L•/" 11•W414,1ng• a,,..
'1 n.:. 'L,. i.,, r! 5, : 5 }' '..r i 41t/t411 11)44 t,4('I) all, .. It i;r• cele'. ..1••1. :1!' 111., 1 `t 1,, •!, 1'
' ••. 'I; .111 • ,4 .:'• : . ••. :I 1 ,•n-SI,n1In<,II llgn:rl't f'e`•. el, . 1, i; •. 1 ' .. .
1. !.
1 ,... 111! ..O. •,. 5:i. •-1.1 . . .5 t. ,. I:+!,'n ,,,,1en„n',sI :a•:S •r i., , ,'1.• i - .1, 1;
re'achiu:g ft.,nr , ' h. 1.:\f,!,-'1
. 1, . - 511,1.4,,,1:,..1,...1:.1.,01,1i;1,1,,..11:,15: • ., . 1!! .:I:t.
4.r • b',''4 y. n.•.. I, IL,' 1 \L 1 ,\1‘;',1•:..115't It I 1 11 gr i. .. . ,
hnA4 •• lielfi+' I' .e .\ f'43
• 1 t' •.. it a ,l
21. �••eitilUre 4 • melee Pea. 251. IN: 5
!y rc:ebr:•le,l ha juf,: •,1, it n Iho•
Ile 1'8$/111 a• 1111 (1! ; • is ,1 the 5h l I' ..,-.11(1 Le
•'111. t )•al•t my i • ' • , • tlnlnng 111011). ref e'ctcu, a n oat .! t' I!s an•r.
\nJ spun n.) .lu they cnsl The Nni-rovrnlenl :end deed$ lig . ' • .• r n;: 111,11 ceiling.
inti." �a why hrarlor, hi c•rtict f.'a }wrnul • . ' r'• r. '''` •nit that we hate
1114 e : ":IItsse (.t AIlnnhici lu,ers, iS ❑n.l.'r . 1'. ie • e. Inc!!) 21
:1 II,.' .• • •i . .•, • t
',• un. The prupoce(I (stili ire is
t. • \Irl• ,h ,. 4! .;: \I:,, :
It• 1a;k.. ee , iu111 • . 1, ;. ;. t
u;..th'•'; f, • f ,• 1 Leinetr has lertsonle ; t\ Il b.•. i el !'
ens mid 51..'• to.. 5 . e.' . , r • \', r• \ • ! 1 me eontr belt one Ie. the ,,,.
i,. •. .:. , - •, ' \•• , for distribution amnngsf; c•nnt tl.ai :.: s r..; rig it t 5 ug
! • 1 15 .. reeineral'.oei of Ifo t• }• r. c:,w'n,ui' I' IML'1►,
• c•:ln•
'1; a ul 1••••••
ladle •Ie, .Ira the .. •
lied; and that in rhe
Il•r're are 110 rntarka .
'a • ,
, 1.
_ • f
5',,: n;. the 1 • nefelnl•ies of lord Itch- E\ I I:111'tll.1,E.
I 011;e1
Plater so.-i.er e
1 . r n• IIIe Crimea or In- Il:adeeslurg 1114 101.1111 tta'. Eles:ng
hnv' ages len li..,n in 1!s store ,,ne day when a Halle gill
with n pilcher eipswerwl In thle doer -
wily find mke.1 141 0 metre of 111.Jasees.
'171e akurkeeper )11W1101.:l:elelhed 141111•
felt. half ul•eoal lilac (yes. and then.
in an injured time rine). "Ain't Ihe:e
1v,llr,41 in Iliad n"burg Ilial e. tie aloe
lapse., but ries?"
unto n!.n mal no • ' ,' \I t ,
between the plr'a•.. '•4 ',y.,!,. . et' In s?.
Irl . ' arid the 1, , 1 'Ina. 51:,1,3.' 1 In nr:,y :.:i•• n e .+,nl) 1\ evil rw.
..1, h 44 eel 0 :.u, ale li,at the; Int.• iseens .^nehee.'. 'left 51:4 Is51le
eel, ,• . '1. 41. Thud nluki,l;:! . ha ee i 1.11)1 \ e:haat. 5,4e. Ian d4 pin
•. . • 4.1 • ' men rn•'ntinne i ! . - n • ng H. . wad •' 1 :d s ,unngied
. , 4 !! • :. , : ori:. . . a, rime "on;-
• r, ! 1,• „'.,' 001V.4. It s 11'.11 pe seibie
ei,.•; :l.,,t •• her et..•ei. las "dnught•'r:
h:- mny hat.' leen attend -
I1.. ... 1 . • ;he ;,'.rd "\\ 'Ie.' SII1.'e any
Ihe ' 1 • t'', ••• .1r w..ut.1 hose been
,,f (• 51 . r- 55e . :1• a :! ►' t., lenge:-
it Ile ah4nuld ream'.' Jesus. 41:14.•
t 1' • , :v !,• . • , 1 54.•1,1.
114:..rt• r• ;.,• a.. r.,1, ..i. -.r.r'• it 1'
Verso 17. They Irak Jesus it(i 'f •r.• !!•• shn.e r. • . ! i',. . . •.1 Ira►Is.
he ilo,nnn rotdicls de!.'g:,l.el 14, e5.. • n-. • . : . ! . 's- iu-.1. rpul-1
at the M1114'n•es .J death. tohos.•I, a- . ,1 i•• • .. Is ,',e,.i rens !Ii I en}:r... teen_
like expin;ns. by a promiscuous (1;u:- 1 ti.'neel •11 Lute 21. Is. F', nen Mot. tee
lode (Luke 23. 27). t. nod Luke 21, 10, we infer this,, (.;•t• hek4:e Belt ng up.
Nimse'f-Froin the eylwplic anon_ Inas :.• 1.I Ie 111111111144J with A101111"•'1111, );rent truth hat lung 1.0(11 1•e
res we learn Ihnl one Simon .,f fly. either '.1 Jews the 1/Na ;a-tnpnre 111.4, ,., gn,r4d by Ihusnn.lr of people. 1 51
Ix' was compclllkl In cnrry Ihe elf's...\Ire k 1. 15; Luke 3. 111: Acts 1. 111. .1I.. it r•sna.ns 1,r Dr. �atnry. 1hr 1'n► ...,h
r Jesus part of the w(lo
ay b. lgothe. I•heeme teens/ the Greek and (:lupus the . ,.. 4a glee is �c:eat:fie corruhor•
is not clear, however. from n ce,u- ilehre'sc or 4,t a n.: none fir the ranee ,► :en1ns
1 \111.1 Itteree. 1. 1 \1.}.11'4.
Is I'1••11• Medical Il,v
Ilan ,1t' it I 't uhS 10
11 tt el le ee miming 1e many inzy
f.,.,pl" 10 know Ilett 11v: '-!sack of 'm-
elee! ale r;'9n;; in Ihe morning 11111y
pe 'dote u,entily. and that the wakeful
,est el bed 5 11e;e•'sary for one.- Ir'nl!h
our Home "(.,alcnry.' Ihe exact tae .)t ;John. 7 he nu'nntng Id a n►p:3 th)4t 108 1 1a 105 'nth as awn ns ivy open,
his eyee. renders himself liable to 't
numlx'r of ailment', inclu•J'ng mn•lnv-s'.
Aeeordillg kn Dr. Fayary, it is )4b.'lo•
lrker necessary for every ',Le ft, reel
In bed et !catl leenh' minutes after Le -
Ing can.'•I 1xf1, a gelling lip.
Calvary is sill a matter of dispute. i "rr',,i that hoer' \101. loearun' a mens.
From the New Testament narrative w.• ' ler t f the hs:u'rh•'.I • f lee tee,5,'i '1 •-
know positively only Hint the place wee ' ciplP.
.,inside the city gal (lfeb. 13. 12). near 1 29. \ 11teeen- - \ >< ,lit tt u;4' meds filen
the city (John i0. 2e). and near a pub. Fenlfr•,m w 11.'11 Ihe fleet juice had
tic h!ghway (Matt. 27. 3911. and near to already leen e\hn•ale•l, 11 was. thetas
sepulchersand gnrelene •John 19. 3.6). ( hire, a les. ex? eticlte emit inferior le -v-
18. Wall him Iwo 1114 r,an dt , ernes user) h) 'h•' enn,hw•n 14'.5'4' anal
er:initials, as Ile synoptic narratives remedied to the icedelicrs.
RIM 41•maminumel MUD 4.1.444nim
\• st(tick r leve 1•ilnel 54lien the
leap.. n hysr. op -Pallier. 14. ,leave infer, gel Cas more dollars than tense.
I \"I 1' RE's I 1:I ►.
"1 ,nnp1.4111:01.4•• you, ens! elle-, 1•al'•
Fray. "1 melee •land yell re en)taked Io
b. tnarr;ee."
"\\ to . y',s:r
4.45•5, tl • r,•':''
I11'\Il1 1(5 ACT,
! '•I I. 41 "And LOW, Professor.
, . • 5 5, 1.k . 1 in) daughters exe-
\! 1- •n --"I thlink .1 would Le
111-a-' • . I. i id' a."
\l o171: •hIIAN I.IKF'.Y.
et e. r.', r hest .11,.1 "It's better
1.. 1•e 1• : . • t than tech?' queried
old fool wh(•se young wife
it 4. . • , !I'm for his nlcney, 1 imagine,'
1• , n •1 the %vs. bachelor.
etr. ityl••y- "Why are yez deooralin•,
etre. eturpdty'' \Ire. Murphy -"Me b'y
Denny is tom n' home the day." Mr.
Its icy -='I 1 ought i1 w•ur. k r foive years
1.e tt nz sent lip?' Mrs. Murphy -"ifs
w;u: 1 et he put n year off for good be.
hnyv:n4,." Mr. Rykis'-"An' sure, d
tenet I, n great comfort to ye to have
a won L y )(Ake \half
I b ..r alone W110 sutler 11'<10 ind ges1•011.
it Fho•ild be taken with the lend ale 11-
e\(r possible, rind a IablespoOnful taken
before going to 14`.1 w111 flu wunlkr,
n► ke p ng the digestive organs In work-
, ing melee'.
1'o Remove Warts.--l'o destroy warts
dies•,I'•e us much common washing su-
.11r, as Ihe water will lake up; wet the
warts with this for a minute or two. 1.1.1,1E
'e1 Ih•m .11y w thnul teeing. Kee:, thee
walei• in a !ent'e and r. peel► the wash-
' :u;; • item. ansi tl will. it is said, lake
a,tn, the ia!•gesl wart'.
I i e;e are two kinds of croup. the
L 14' • r membraneous nuc) the lapse. rho
test generally proves fatal. It is not
u nosy kind, like lease croup, and Illeee
isn't That crowing sound as in the lat-
ter False croup, the (1114' ran colnnlon,
It• t a dee aro 'hut need excle alarm,
.1 easily )leads to simple remedies.
11 the entree of your headache is a
1:! 1edl stomach. give that organ et
ere) - rest by adopt ng n s ithe d.el and
Iak.ng a little soda in n glass of brit
water. Sip n cup of hal water br•inre
every meal. even niter the day 111 nest
Le ever, and keep up This treatment un -
11' n11 trace of indigestion has d.sap-
pe aced.
1•11 VI' SETTLES 11.
\Ira. Steles --"I think we ought to send
I:711:13- 1•, colege.'
"No, !Is not nonsense. I want her
I) be nn aecemphsh.tl wv 1111 11,'
"I).,n'I be i-'liy; Ilial en.. 41abb next
doge. le a coleee re edit:0e.
'1 know it. end j• rl 11. ' k boo beau-
lillllly she can trek.'
"She rent talk any longer nor tiny
leveler titan you cunt'
\\'niter- "11ovy w 111
jell, have your
steak, sir?"
Guest- "Iinve you the mine sleek
you hail last w4ek1"
\'niter -"lira, sir."
Coest-"then. 111 probably have 11
\ lazy man will not work hien,'!f
s' long os 114 con work others.
"1 never deny my write a wish." "In-
deed?' "No; I let her wish. It doesn't
(est anything."
Ho -"If you loved me, why did you
al Drat. refu"e me'" She -"I wanted
to see how you would act." "Rut 1
might have rushed elf without waiting
for an explanation.' "1'd locked the
Ilouaekeeper--"You're a big. healthy
man: why don't you pile to w.-rk7'
'Ilam{, -"Lady. 1.11 tell yer me Octane,
In. en 'unhappy medium.• "\\Dat da
301, rncan by That?' "Well, yer we,
skirt leo heavy for light work, an' too
'Lght kr he aerie.'