HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-14, Page 8Spring
Just received a number of—
New Browns
Wood Colors
Elephant Grey
comet Cling for the Spring
W. \ V~. TAMAN
M 4r Thant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
The ,nil'ix••ry trade is certainly 1.ourn-
111 at Stewart's. There's (1 reason car
he horn-- .rr.•'l and value bit the tale.
e 'VAPI iigihrMr. William Hoskin, Exeter Notth'
P4 who has been in poor health for suave
P LOCAL DOING s. time. bas taken a change for the worse
NI ' and is row very low aural the end is
h�! •>��,hhA A > 1 i hourly expected.
The marriage took place in Winni-
peg Saturday, May lith, of one of 1•:xe•
tee's fotttret• young ladies, in the per-
son of Miss Olive Hooper, daughter of
the late Nelson Hooper, and twice of
31r. and Mrs. \V. G. 13iesett, to Me.
Arthur J. Passmore, of Minneapolis,
Minn., son of Mr. W. H. Passmore,
Thames Road. Usborne. The cere-
mony was performed I,y Hey. H. Wig-
le, 13. A. The friends and relatives of
the young couple extend the heart-
iest congratulations anti best wishes.
Baseball Clut, Organircd_
A most enthusiastic meeting of those
interested in baseball was held Thurs-
day night. If the club's chances for a
successful season have any comparison
\piss Jennie Taylor very pleasantly with the initial meeting the chat:ces
entertained a 11uulber Of her friends are good. A lanes number were pre_
on Monday evening. sent and everybody was enthusiastic.
A number from here attended the UnifoimsitI't to he purchased end new
Cantata "Under the Palms" given in outfit secured. The election of ofl!-
}lensall on Friday night. cess resulted. Hon.1 acs., Geo. Ander-
Mr. Thos. Prior was confined to the son; Pres.. J. J. White;Vice,\\. W.
Taman; Manager, H. N. Creech; Sec'v,
house the latter part of last week W. R. Alger;Treas., R. A. Stewart;
through illness, He is now out again. Committee of Management, to consist
Mr. Chas. Wilson, Exeter North, is of president, manager, secretary, cap -
recovering from a two weeks' attack tain and Fred Hawkshaw and 'W. J.
of sciatica, and able to be around Heitman.
Souse to tteet.
On Wilt e ai street, brick story and
half dwtia.••_, in good state of repair.
Apply to el s. Perkins.
Dressy e •,vt „nen are wearing 1tiin:1
Ilat.s. e :art stile theme.
Marria>.. Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate otl►ee.
50c ler loref y Raw Silk, nahurr!
—St,11(1 .•r
Farm for sec.
ac; .1 in, situate west of the G.
T. 1{. arc• t th of the saltibloc'a, Exe-
ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. Bobier.
Buy yew •r.Irdcn and -yield seeds ,:t
Stewart's. a ',e kind that grows.
Pay Your Accoattts
Dr. A. C. Ramsay wishes toacknow-
ledge wills wanks the liberal patron -
lige that It.t, been extended to him
tiering his ,,ractice here and desires
teat the e .a.e be extended to his suc-
cessor. le also wishes those owing
hitt to settle the accounts ars soon as
It ....Ihle .vat to Mr. A. Pardon, Exeter.
Prisons **leen the doctor owes will
lender ac a tate to Mr. Pardon also.
$7.255 1 •r 1 lovely Austrian china
Tea Set, torr white body with small pink
ruse deco•« inns and gold traced. Stew-
Buggies Fcr Sate.
('.tr lo e'• t new buggies for sale,
Mel. Ingle. Canada Carriage, and
Barrie titre• -. Also good three drum
lend roller l..r $32.00. Wagons, plows,
wheel leo r., vs, scufllers all sold cheap.
t ail .wad ter them.
W. G. BtssErr.
laid rot any 31t,uney his:tlitr) luta,
yarn, but they are good. Stewart sella
(h.40 414.1 •r'•4,I rich cheese t.,o.
Por Sale.
A Hem: it in (;rand Piano—nearly
new. Apley to Mrs. A. Q. Bobier.
Sailor 1 , .1411441 Ten 30e. .1/i.ea-
wat(a .11i.rid Tea an,! Black Ileauty
Mad: l•e4, still 30e at Stewart's. Theft
are e.a.rity ,. -Oh .35 and 40c.
Mr. A. 0. i►yer, Exeter's assessor,
has ...In :. ted bis round and places
the tote! •r-sessment of the village at
$3...o. t'e'. w .ich is divided as follows:—
Ltu•t ex• 1 a.ive of beildings, $129,e2:1;
1. eidetic-. $381,820: Business Assess-
ment *12 1:3.3; Taxable income $0,071.
Faxed es-n►ent $5,000; canning factory
aseessntete tier school tax only] $pal,•
Ip10 'rho p.,p•alation is leer'. No of
dogs lel, bitches I';.
Pay Your Accounts
111 a•.•o•an', die Dr. T. A. Autos
ate rettnest••It to be paid at once as he
leaves in 0 It•W days for the west, hav-
ing sold his practice.
Yeterlearc Practice Bought
Having pnr•hesed the Veterinary
practice t.f D.•. R titeety. i beg :to ren•
flounce th.tt I 11.1v.. taken possession
and solicit 1 1,,etl.•nage of Exeter
and surrounding country. Special at-
tention to Dentistry. Night calls left
at the beim. of Mr. I'eter Bawden will
Ie. promptly attended to.—F. ('.dress
ltE 1310 Husn
4,,, T for Spring and
ha. begun already.
LF.t IS i'iAF
Our (io ds are
the Beat. •
style. rt and
'. ,,r.tn;eed.
Merchnnt fir - leeetc- 1
++++++++f 44.44++44+♦44+fe
Nice. Mat -1..,;: i. tp4ite ill 01 her
h flat•.
\lr. Thos. h'ivnu, dill street, is re•
modelling his house.
An assembly is to Le given in Mc-
Donell's 11a11 Thur -da) night.
The band is putting in long hours
practising for the2Ith celebration.
\1r. Robert Luker is placing at found-
ation under his house on Marlbnrnugh
.1r. 'Phos. Bissett, sr., has been con-
fined to his bed for several days owing
to illness.
Ed. Barrows has taken a position
with Mr. R. N. itowe to learn the mer-
cantile business.
Mr. Win. ('onsitt of Hillsgreen has So T.ld Practice
been appointed returing officer for Dr. T. A. Amos on Tuesday sold out
South Huron for the Provincial elec• his medical practice to Dr. 11 It Bright
tion. of Drayton Ont together with his
house and lot on Andrew street. Pos-
Mr. \Valper, Exeter North, has re• session is given at once. Dr. Amos in -
signed as foreman of the Exeter Flax tends leaving in a few days for Ray -
Mill. He will devote his time to bis mond, Alberta, where he will enter in-
firm. to partnership with Dr. Rivers, for -
Mr. \Vtu. Snell has moved from Ex- merly of Crediton. During the twen-
eter North to William street, and is ty years' practice in this neighbor -
occupying a house owned by Mr. L. hood, two at Crediton and eighteen at
Hardy, Exeter, he has enjoyed a large and
The baseball boys made their first lucrative practice, and the community
appearance on the ground Monday will regret the departure of the doctor
and his fa
night. The same grounds have been family. Mrs. Amos and the
rented this year. children will retrain here until the
31r. Geo. Sanders of London has close of the school term. Dr. Bright
rented Mr. John Snell's residence on comes highly recommended, and he
Mill street and he and his sister, Mrs. will undoubtedly secure a fair share of
Hedden of Crediton, will occupy it the patronage of the people of Exeter
and vicinity.
I)r. A. C. Ramsay last week sold his When Nothing Happens.
veterinary practice to Dr. Cairns of Frequently you pick up a local `paper,
and atter glancing at the head -lines
Ilderton, who took possession this dlines
week. Dr. Ramsay leaves this week wearily thrust it aside, remarking,
for Ingersoll to commence his duties "Nothing in the paper to -day!" Did
as meat inspector. yell ever stop to think what the phrase
Mr. John Farmer is carrying a black —means: It means that in the week
eye, the result of his falling violently befaust llensani -one in o, that ur town;
that h that his rig last week, by the horses fire has wiped out a neighbor's worldly
pulling him from the wagon after a goods; that the grits angel of death
tug had broken, He was taking a has crossed no threshold of a friend;
ntamber of trees to his farm in McUilli- that no unfortunate accident has be-
vray at the time. fallen any citizen; that no one has
It is now understood that a change been forced by the pressure of circum -
has been made in the project of hold- stances into bankruptcy; that no one
ing the military review at Quebec, and has become so heart -broken and die -
that the rural corps will not attend couraged that they have committed
while the city corps go in full force. suicide; that nobody has entered into
The abandonment of the larger Plan
a matrimonial alliance, which they
is due to lack of railway facilities. may regret in the years to come; that
Judge }colt presided at a sittings of no little one has been born into this -
the Division Court on Tuesday morn- world of sin and sorrow, to suffer.
ing. Two cases of The Liberty Drug So if you pick up your local paper and
and National Oil Company against cit- and find no startling news, just give
izens were adjourned to the next thanks and quit grumbling because
court, judgment was given in an un- there's "nothing in it."
defended case for debt, and the usual
number of judgment summons were Hicks' Forecasts For May.
disposed of, A Reactionary Storm Period centres
son of Mr. A. Hooper of C'lin- on the 19th, 20th and 21st, the Moon
totyrtnd grandson of Mrs. Jane Atkin- being near last quarter, at extreme
declination south and in perigee. All
son, Exeter, was married in Hallett
township on Thursday of last week to cawa are familiar with the e our Enteline, daughter of Mr. N. causes upon which r thewe Kase our for-
of Hallett. The young casts, will i remember fact we have f
man will look after his father's inter- soten explained, that the "focus of
eats in South limon as representative solar energy," ii its annual swing
of the Manufacturers' Life insurance from south to north, lies along the
Co. }}e will reside in Hensel). during
It ofcentralstates from west to east,
uringg the month
th of May. This fact,
It takes a substantial reward to cap- beyond all other causes, accounts for
ture a man like Moir. the slayer of so many tornadoes, as a rile, dining
Sergeant Lloyd. !lie reward was this month. The period, 19th to 22nd,
authorized by the Dominion Govern- is not espe•r•ially threatening. but the
event on the eth and Moir was captur- presence of the Venus and mars per -
ed at i p. rn. on the 9th 00 a farm four lode, blended with those of Jupiter
miles north of Elora, where he had and Saturn, should incite cautious
been living for two weeks with a fam- watchfulness at this and all other eer-
ily named Robb. Constables Ferrell iods in May. From about the 21st to
and Coughlin of Arthur made the cap• the 23rd, higher barometer and change
:ore after a rough and tumble fight. to much cooler may be expected gen-
License Matters. erally. Of course it is understood
The last report of the Liquor License that fair to clear weather as a rule
Act shows the following fines collected comes with rising b irorneter and
from Huron County:—West Huron, change to cooler, not only in this
ltK►, 0, 8477; 1f►0(1 7, $100: South Huron,month, but at all seasons of the year.
1903-0, $213I: 11100-7, 8145; East Huron, "No Surrender".
1005-0. $10: 111013-7, nothing. Exeter's old and historic Orange
Sheep and Dogs. Lodge was reopened on Thursday
The Ontario Legislature has passed evening last, after matey months dor-
an act amending the Act for the pro.
mancy. There was a very good at-
of sheep, and imposing a tax tendance of the old members and some
on digs, by giving power to increase mow ones, County Master Fred Davis
such Lax to $2 for a dog, $:i for a hitch. corning in froth BidduPast
\inniripal council, ales given power to District Master •I'hon►as Palmer and a
appoint an inspector of sheep who will big load from Hensel!, including
make ere siry and re{{port on the killing Messrs. David Dew, John Lamour,
and Jst, Sr
of sheep be dogs. The owner of any and Joseph S1'aAtt(3tand+ ries ta't•ir�Roh r.
sheep or Iamb killed of injured by a Birmingham was the installing officer
dog rutty apply to the inspector and and the followingofficers were duly
the latter shall assess the amount of ce
damages incurred, which shall then he placed in charge of No. fr24 for the
payable by the municipality- in the balance of lft ee -\\'. H., .Inv, It. !hint-
event of the owner of the guilty dog nell: i). M., James Willis; ('hap.,
not being known. Charles Dew; Rec.•Sec., .1. A. Brint-
nell; Treas., James Sanders; D. of ('..
Death of Mrs salmon] E. M. Dignan; feet., H. W. Richard -
There passed away at the 110111e of son; Committee. J. A. Gillespie, Wm.
Mr. Win. Bagshaw on Saturday last Snell. Henry Lanlhrook, Jades Ache•
Sarah B;1gshaw, relir•t of chelate Din- son and 1):ayid I)ew. Exeter Lodge
tel Hansom, at the age of 82 years. will meet on the 1st Friday in the
I'he deceased has been in a very low month, and will go to Ender ick on
state of health and almost helpless the coming 13th .1 tile to the big dcm-
•ondition for several weeks. suffering onstra1ion with at least 25 good and
trate 111e11 01141 to ellilrcla feet l'1ee 111
!tense!! or. Sunday 3Illy 12th. haying
accepted their incitation Thursday)
night. Good sound Protestant ad-
dresses were meds at the opening of
the new lodge by i'. D. Master, Thos.
Palmer. County Master Davi., \\'. M.
Brintnell and i'. (i. S. Birmingham.
The lodge has fine proepects of a large
membership in Protestant l's1mrne
and Exeter.- -Cone
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 40
Butter 22'
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Timothy.. .
from an internal turner, and during
her eonfirement smtfered a great deal.
Born near l'annin ton, deceased for
many years resided in the township of
Stephen on the 2Ist concession, but
for over twenty years has been a re-
sident of Exeter. Deceased was a
thorough ('hristien and was Hauch res-
pected by her friends. She leaves to
mourn her demise two brothers, \Vit-
li ten of town and Samuel of Toronto.
The feller el took place on Monday last
to the Exeter cemetery.
The Satisfactory Fceter Bargain Store.
Another cheap sale at this Bargain
Store. This cracking cheep sale will
commence on Saturday, the pith day
of May, when there will be effer,d at
and a cough I had continually for nine
this 13,ttgain Sale almnt one hundred
paIF s of shops bought at a j ,h price. months disappeared. It is the beet
Every pair goes for one dollar per pair remedy for chronic coughs that I ever
and at this cheap Pale there will be "ed'"
offered fifty. paint of fine shoe. in sites Tbnu.and. of living witnesses pro
21 end :1. Every pair goce for exactly nonnce Psyychine the greatest medicine
half•peice. Ilrin�t at 'ng your emelt in the world. It is net a patent medi
feet. The stets will l o closed 4)0111 eine, but a prescription of a great pby•
.Matnrday, to arrange the stock for sell. eieian. Put it to the test in any
ing. This ('larking ('help Sale will eerie of throat, lung or stomach trouble
begin Set urday ►Horning at ten eeclork or any run down or weak condition. At
end nurture one tree k. all druggists, See and f1.00, or Dr. T.
—J. W. Ilnome:Hp e, Ex. ter. Ont , A. Secure, Limited, Toronto.
14 0(3
: 75
2 75
1 45
5 40
24 00
13 00
3 50
•CSO0 #1.8-80415/1401 SAflabWWI
Dr. V. Cowan, of London, was in
town Tuesday.
Mr. .Icahn II. Scott is
tives in Downie.
Percy Wood spent a
Toronto this week.
Mrs. Win. Dattncey is visiting rela-
tives in Crediton this week.
Mrs. Atkinson shows some signs of
improvement Ole last few days.
Mrs. E. W. Horne is the guest of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Farmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes of St. Marys
were guests of Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw.
Mr. Geo. Avery, of London, is visit-
ing friends here, and also in Stephen.
Mr. McTavish of Shakespeare was a
guest of friends in town over Sunday.
Mr. Wrn. Bowman left Monday for
Kingsyille to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mrs. H. A. Cranston, of Palmerston,
is the guest of her mother, Mrs. (Rev.)
W. M. Martin.
Mrs. J. Floyd and daughter Miss
Elsie, of Seaforth are visiting at Mr.
W. J. Bissett's.
Mrs. Berry after a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. R. G. Seldon, returned
to Ingersoll last week.
Mr. Alf. Bowie left Wednesday
morning for Winnipeg, where he will
spend the summer.
N. D. and G. D. Hurdon, sons of Mr.
N. D. Hurdon, have accepted positions
in Hoffa to and left for that place last
Miss Ethel Sweet and Miss Fairless,
of St. Marys, were guests at the for-
mer's mother's, Mrs. John Sweet's,
home on Sunday.
Messrs. John Charlton and 'Ed.
Beavers, Miss Minnie Purnpbrey, and
Mrs. \\'n1. Mitchell and family left
Tuesday for the west.
Rev. A. IL Going left Wednesday
morning for Toronto to attend the an-
nual meeting of the Board of Regents
of Victoria College on Thursday.
Mr. Case Howard, who has complet-
ed an apprenticeship at the Times
office, left Monday morning for St.
homes to accept a position in one of
e printing offices in that city.
Miss Eva Carling, after spending
several weeks at her home here, re-
turned to New York Monday morning
where she will resume her course as
nurse in that city. It is expected
she will graduate in the course of a
few weeks.
Main street League anniversary is to
be held next Sunday, Rev. Graham of
St. Marys taking charge of the service.
visiting relit -
few days in
Chronic Coughs Cured
Mrs. Joseph Eccles of Premnre, says:
"I took 4 or 5 bottles of PsycllIne,
In Handsome Boxes :;
Not cheap stationery in
gaudy styles.
if you get it here it is
right in every way.
25c, 50c and 73s.
Neat Tablets in cloth
textures with envelopes.
Visiting Cards to match.
t -r See our 24th May Post Cards.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician.
A Unanimous Verdict 4
Star Flour: 4
None Better
Few as Good.
You cannot afford to be wit h•
out it. Orders left at the mill
will he promptly attended to.
Ma earn tared by --
EXETER ()NT:►R1() 4
Nam stock is DEIN
Choice Clover and
Timothy Seed
For Sale
WE keep con-
stantly in
stock a full
line of furniture,
and it pays to
furnish your
home from our
stock • • •
Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
Easy Chairs Odd Chairs
Music Cabinets Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
Dining Chairs
and all Bedroom Furnitute
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
ress Goods oi Unalili.1
We are right into the midst of Our Dress Goods
Season, Now is the time for you to buy before the dif-
ferent lines are sold out. The Best will be found here
in all the New Things. This is headquarters for Dress
Goods. So you are sure to get what you want.
Panama Cloth
The very newest cloth for a
swell suit or separate skirt. The
colors are Black, Blue, Brown
and Creast.
50c to $ 1 per yard.
A very reliable and imitable
cloth tor Suits or Skirts. All
the colors that are worn—Black,
Blue, Brown, ('reztu, Green and
50c to $ 1 per yard.
Voiles and Eoliennes
in Stripes. Embroidered, Spots
or Plain. These goods are very
neat and are selling extra well.
50e to $1.50 per yard,
Lustres and Mohairs
In I3lack, Blue, Cream, Brown
and Green. Striped or Plain.
One of the best wearing fabrics
we have.
50c to 75e per yard.
rifle ALAI' likailc *LAIR ilk igla Aka& ilk
Black SILK. Underskirts
A real nice, PI'RE SILK. Black Underskirt.
Wear fully guaranteed by the maker.Lirwavir
Colored Underskirts
In Grey and Navy Blue, with
a large Plaid running through.
Made up from silk•finished Mo-
Price $4 and $5,
Silk Waists
We are offering some Very
Special Values in Silk \\'nista.
Regulor $4.0I and $5.48) Black or
('ream Waists ter
$3 ani $4.
Black Underskirts
\\e have a big lot of different
Styles to show you ---some jest as
nice as silk.
$1 to $3.
Belts and Collars
The styles change very .hick
in this line. But we always try
and keep pace with it. You will
find all the noveltiee in vomge on
oar counters.
White Wear and White Waists
Have you been through our White Wear
Department'.' If not. do not fail to (10 so
before you do your buying. We have a
beautiful display to show you.
Headquarters for the celebrated «•.1:. Sarif0r(l Clothing