HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-14, Page 74
Estimated Revenue for 1908-9, $788,850,000 ---
Estimated Expenditure, $764,345,000.
A des'•;i+ 1, from 1.1r.ion says: Tne
budget ea, presented its the llou-e
C01111110113 .Oct Thursday ley \1r. 11. 11.
Aeluith, the Mender, instead of )iy the
Chancellor of the Exchequer. This de-
parture from precedent is a result c(
the recent chnnge'ti i11 the Cabinet.
\tr. Asquith, u(lcr commenting brief-
ly on the present slackening of trade
throughout the tt•or!d, 1011ow•ing the
Ikon] of L907, announced that Great
Britain's realized surplus for the year
J907-1908 amounted to $23,6.10,000. t'1'his
he said, would be largely applied to the
reduction of the nate/nal debt, which
had already been reduced by Ilppruxi-
Il,•ttely $90.+0),000 during Me ea -t year.
\ir. \squish estimated the total ex-
penditure for 1906-11)09 at $764,345,000,
and the revenue on lite ex sting busts
of t:lx>,tion at $788,850,000.
The new hthdgel re leees the duty on
tigsr from 4s 2.1 to Is IOd per tnhn-
dr, dwe.ght, 'l'I:e relucl:on will b• coma
cfkctive on May 18 oa raw and relined
sugar saki 011 July 1 on attic.G; tnantt-
fa.turcd with sugar.
'lite budget provides' for pensions o'
81.23 per week for rill hcrsons over 70,
excepting ceminuls, lunatics and pau-
pers. It is estimated that the maxi-
niun, number of pensioners is not l:ke-
lr to excel 51A).0I)0, and the cost must
iwit exceed $:10,000,000 any One year.
\tarred couple are to have $1.80 week-
! Lettvecn then'. The charge for pen-
sset, is to ho n national, not a local,
loo den. Tho scheme is not to be o}er'11-
t:t.• until January, 1909. No one in re-
ceipt of more than 2250 u week in-
come will be admissible.
• 1.7.ED 7'111: MT PINS.
Pittsburg Burglar Routed by Thirty
Young Women.
.\ despatch front Pittsburg says: :1
burglar who got into the clans of the
Young \Vanier s Christian Association,
on Collins avenue, early on Thursday
morning is .probably thanking his lucky
star that he escaped with his life.
Thirty young women live in the rooms.
Mrs. Garrison, lite matron, ens awaken-
-0 early 'Thursday morning by ttntisual
noises. Iler cries of alarm brought
thirty women, arnvd with bro_ims, cur-
ling irons, hat. pins and similar wea-
pons, to her assiehnce. The burglar
'was doing the best he cot:•l.1 to got out,
and one glance at the attacking party
-was sulltcient. Ile willingly took n
chance on jumping out of the seconel-
stcry window. In his haste to get away
the cracksman left behind his hat and
.his kit of burglars task.
.Outbreak Against Operattir•s of Timber
A de polch from Tokio says: An of-
ficial report from Miyazaki prefecture
.slates That a mob of eighty persons at-
tacked a timber factory, owned by
Frenchmen, in the Village of Llino,
May 5, doing considerable damage 10
the facla•y and the residences of the
Frenchmen, who either io'.dk refuge fn
lite mountains or lett for Kobe. No
person was injured. Forty arrests have
been mode in connection w•,111 the af-
fair. The motive for the attack hos not
yel been reported. 'fee damage. done
ts est mated at about $:10.000.
Outbreak titan/read Dtsmsi' Ttto :Aut-
o orals Were Shot.
.\ e!ej)ntch Ilona ltr 'ckv-ife says:
Glanders has brokcvl out among the
heor1's ..t Granville County. Two ani-
mals belonging to a man named Jo.'..
Whitley. were ordered to be shut finite
wills. The remaking Ihor.'ns of the farm
Were placed under quarantine. 1t is
thought the epidemic has been nipped
In the: bud
Grand Trunk tlanagcmc'at CAI? (►mist
lu Ileporl.
A eletapatte:1i from \k)nlreal says: The
Grand 'Trunk management emounce:d
•on \Vrdreelay that their ens no truth
111 a r1'ort to the effect that a general
c:'Crease: of 10 per cent. hail Neel de-
eded upon in the wages of employes
larder lee rank of su)er.ntendeut mutt
the higher officers, to come into effect
on June Isl,
They Struck Down Their Guards al
Alesautdrlvsk, Russia.
:t despatch from Alexandrovsk, say:;:
A grotto of :n►1errant poet cel prisoner,
mode an attempt -to tegain Jib.'rly hero
on Wednesday. Somo of Them were
killed, and, in turn, they succeeded in
striking down tame of the prison
guards. but len got away. The pris-
e.rA•rs wore led by Minsky, the roan who
nssassinuled General Grunt Alexsis P.
Igualic•if at Tver, i)ecember 22, 1906.
'1'h •y attacked and disarmed the prison
guards white al exercise in the prison.
Throe of the guards were killed and
s:\ aere' wounded with their own wee-
pen-. 'I'hc prisoncry then made a dash
tot liberty. The guar.!; summoned hap
and a pursuit was begun, during which
Iwo of the (*caping men wcrc kiticd
and four were wounded. Three others
m 'a ling It insky, were recaptured.
Il: n.ky was serving n etrtemie of elev-
en year..' imprisonment for tho murder
of lgnafef.
Severs Thousand Imported to Rid Resort
of Nuisance.
A deepat h from Merlin, Germany,
says: Seven thousand frog, have been
tv,ught from a breeder near 1litdeshenn
and placed in the ditchaa and pools and
small lakes at Finkenbnrg, a small place
hu the woods to the west of Ilerlin, to
w•h ch thersands of detainers and their
fated es ito it on Sul:eiis.. This experi-
ment is being made in lite tope of re-
ducing the plague of mus1trito•iike
gnats, which breed in millions and make
lite in the w0oe16 or wherever there to
marshy ground unbearable. Frogs are
particularly fond of the larvae of the
gnats. and it is holed that 111 this mall•
tier the plague will b: rtduce'd.
JUVENILE 1\1AiM(:It.1'1'ION.
Nesu1y forty Thenlutltd Children Pante
Ilcrc Iasi Yale.
A de)4 ittch from Ottawa .:.y.: Dhn•,nt;
the last fiscal year, of it let;tl of 204.157
immigrants arriving ut Canada via
ocean ,;.»rise 122.213 were reale; over
1tvcIve years of age, 13,511 were kmale.s
nod x!1.323 wcrc children under twelve.
Largest tlanulacttt►ters in the World
One 820.000,000.
despatch from Odessa says: 'Ile
failure is mummies' elf Iwo of the Inrg-
eet sugar manufacturing and relining
works in the world. 1 baritone -4m and
Sen:. and the Clk•rkas,ky Refining Co.
The link lilies of tin' former (mount 1.,
816,300,000 mitt of IIIc tetter to $3.750. -
More Bodies Found in House of the
Indiana Assassin.
A despatch from Laporte, Indiana.
says: '1 he horrors of the minter mill
it %be hate home of Mrs. itelle Gnnnc'e+
ate in• r. nsing with the lining of addi-
tional totes, and there Ls bilk doubt
Cut tine nu,nb-'r of niiw'nie :1 may be
beetle,' 1u a 'sere or Here when all the
inset+ a:0 krvhwn. Ore Indy. the sitlh.
ens Deem' In lite 1:•1 en \\'cvine...lay,
when dig' un•arlhel the' trnlairts of
a malt. al `t Ilan an hour Ib' delnch•
all t,•ettee of two etre r victim., were
Petrel. 'the work of digging gees on
slowly. bet lea sherifl f. arranging 1,1
hate 11'.' remind o1 lee entire farmyard
t'ctt tis',! lel a 4l'{'lh of flee or sit tee!.
opera• nee% on \We•dn. *lay sii owing
tied it •.s net only the "sett soots' mil
It d•' 11.' i' nes tet human brings. for
scene' 1 t the murders were canunllt:'d
bra long age Itint the ground has set.
Ual two clary); ctly that it is as hart ns
that which surrotnhls the victims'
grave :Uhl Ihnt was never diahrrb(d.
The tn,ety (emu" nn \Vc,lrh:wlny
%vas un•',ewered about flue feet from
whom four of the 1)11:e` were
teund on 1h11eiay and apparently
occupied n wtr ,len 1e.x stout five keel
long. 'fhe bot was thane nn.1 had rel-
ied away in the s•dt ground. The rke':e-
len wn+ lying nee dote nward, end had
eeparrntly been car•ckeely dumped ttt-
je. toe 1•.1x, then cot-, rel.
► i ash d bottee were oleo ream) on
t.irnyard this afternoon revealed two
snore to cli'.s, making four lir the day,
aunt n 1o111 of nine.
'the tele( is grc.w ng that \irs. (;un.
70.5 was not burned in the lire rat ier
1"•m'', bill Itntl the bsly supple d to
I c hers is rt al.y Ilhat of on .111 r ty 'tear.
1'iwe ba.w_s for flus belief : • Ib it Ilk.
head of the h ►sly st1Pro,..! r . fe Miss.
thinness' Is missing. '1'1:•• 1... ,5 he'd
intnNinlely after ih'' lir. a,•t•.• •.1 that
twki'e 1h.• heed wens a;i►.lrcntlr :onnd
'11. lee real of the Inv!). wa.s irerly
seer, bed. Many ter -ons tit :.. Mess.
(; llI,1esa f, new nn b r way 1 • \ way.
The 1 a. stent and will, . 1 1.• t'mrn-
•t: (.Unnets.' hotel.` wr15' , 5.1111 11'41 en
\\"cin.• -dao , ttn.l Ike 1';p r,c .b+Clnvr.l
c vend ti oll. w pincc-. 511•:•'11 `;rnuln•r
lore It a -e dee n 1,1 hunt f r ..cher
Ails. (;armed -s welt .ete:a, ..I 1 , hat'•'
11(5',) hurne•1 1.1 11,911 55 1'1 her three
t hriln'rt in a Nle whist. a .nsn'ta.'11 ►r r
leave alt peril 2tc1', •a.', 0••.1 con 1 •.n
4.re, a C4114.01,1 . .. Neef. •• air sl •,:t
su+picien of !laving 1 lire 1•, too
11 was whbe n ro•.'r 1a a 1; 1.• n • male
1.,l remaain• Itt.,l 11,• .1. 5.
14,1:08 was fend,• a rt 1
`l11'iwcc..1 I b•
take n 5e t 1 ,'r •.' f n,
1% ill. .1i . t,.n; . 1 •n i• /vet
;wee, 9 5 1. .: • ..
11, !kir.... t. r i -- ,: ;,, ..
esdny among a pile of 51,11 ea (.rl .n Sept .i); rr. 1•', :• 1 . r e ,
Utt Gus:nems f•mm so,. A search ••1 tho louses were un.':cnt fl,d.
11.111'1:\1\l.s FI(O\t A11. O\• -•t THHU
llrlrgraph Inlets From Our Owen aaJ
Other Countries of Recent
alitiost completed. in (he
'Seeding is
Nurses at the Toronto General hos-
pital have asked fur an eight-hour day.
hurl Grey will unveil its' (WWII Vic
i ria statue et Hamilton on Slay 25.
Quebec Provincial eke lions will be
held on June 8, the sante day as the On-
tario elections.
Nelson (:aulk,n, who is wanted in
(:ulu,nbus, Ohio, fir pawing fronds, was'
arn:.tel ut ifa,u:t' ,n.
Saultvi••h Ihuv no police protection
and the Council refuse to pity a con-
stable 8150 per year.
Two Japanese were acquitted at Van-
couver on a charge of stabbing three
fienhen on New Years morning.
Police still guard the lk,ukhobors nl
\'orklon, and the unweloutno guests are
eating peanuts and apples.
lion Frank Latchford has been ap-
pointed Judge in the Ontario high Court
in sucocscsion to \Ir. Justice Mabee.
Hon 11. W. Scott announced in the
Senate That the Itoss Rifle Company turd
been awarded a contract for 52,000 bay-
The Dominion Government has en-
gaged two French experts to Instruct
Ib:t tobacco-gruw•ers and curers in im-
proved methods.
•Murdock McLennan, the only surviy-
o: of VT expedition of 1853 to search
foe• Sir John Franklin, Ls in 'Winnipeg,
and is 82 years old.
The Government steamer Montealm
was rammed by the C. P. R. steamer
Milwaukee at Quebee on 'Thursday, rind
the Government boat easy badly dam-
John \forleys new litho is Viscount
Morley of Blackburn.
(;reenw:ch observatory reports the
discovery of the 8ttt satellite of Jupi-
Owing to the slump in business 200
members are not seeking re-election ►
the London Stock Exchange.
Five hundred s?•hool leachers from
Canada oaf an equal Hornier from the
bailed Stakes will visit England next
A tornado has done great damage in
5\ticse►uri and southern Illinois.
J. Edward Ik,cck has pleaded guilty at
New York to a charge of cleating jew-
els valued at $200,000.
Charles Kuppe, n(,(od 1)0, a music
leacher, of Cleveland, killed his invalid
dauglihr end hanged himself.
Hight Rev, Charles 11. Brent, n grad-
uate of Trinity University, Toronto, has
been eke al Bishop of Washington.
Thirty-five miles of macadamized
highway aro to be built in Oklahoma,
Carter and Murray counties, by con-
'fhe treats' pr.vkeing for the more
Complete definition and demarcation • t
the boundary Is•tw•:en the United States
and Canada wits ratifled at Washing-
At Ins Angeles, after an unbroken
sleep for a period of 85 days, \1r.. Beu-
lah hawk:its, a patient at the county
hospital, r►w•ekentd and asked for a
drink of milk.
\fount Etna is pouring out Clouds of
slenee and asiwes on the village of
Ac r,•nfe.
1'icking buttercups is injurious lo
children's health. and in Ilolland pick-
ing there is forbidden.
A hundred and twenty fs'rsons w•et•e
drowneii by lite capsizing of a ferry.
!oat en the River Itneiper, near ltyk-
hofl. Hnssia.
Japanese Government bonds have fal-
len below Bel, so great is the (kpresgun
111 the country.
Ilu sia. expecting war wilt Turkey, .s
hurrying troops and stipplen Into tho
SIXTY 511:11iNs k11.1.1:14
Hese* of the Recent I i!Ihtinil let khy-
ts r testes,
\ cl•Altaic,' fr nn 1- INlln ',aye: Sixty
Afghan.% were k:I1,sI in the Ilghting
which t..ok plane b •twee •n as large Tome
(.I '\fghnns and lee Rrhtish triage, last
Sa'nr.lny of :o point in 11,•: Kh►?e r i'nss
near Land k stn!, neeerd rat,' to a d.si.nl.•h
rent in by a corm-iyaek'ttt wilt, the
Ilett"sh (vduntn. A nhcssnge Is publislh•
+d here ned+ty from Lahore giving the
Afghan dead of :Mil, but this cotnnroni-
(ollmn is /hisser' Bred.
Itrtth-h Chore.' d'\tt:i nes at s1.
Peteisburg hn.. sta'.••1 t•, :t jniirnnlist
Diet the iia+the c in \f1 +n ..tan are dee
to the feehlenees of t' .' \nicer, who
locks nulherity ever 1., subjects. and
that !hey are twit eau s I t:y 1110e Anglo-
Itta-s an ngr.er.n rot.
isi101 (11.4 RROTIIEn.
leer Wenner It•'ss Ilunlirg Gophers
I:laresh•►hn, Alberta.
\ •le • • 1. h from (:Iarr.,,holi i.
11 .un \I tl r, nosed 9. 55c re frying In kill
, g ed:ers. the rine w (!t . gun and the
;ether with a sing. Th • elder bey :doll
the te'tm►'er in the I• • C,r,:c ng a
It rr lee wound. leen ,, •la 110 dial on
1 u.• -slay n 1'!'
1111I1 1
the tea 4.• , 5• E -
a... (
tit .• roll'fen o I.
r, , 1 1, r•
.r.l. 55 • i•.• „t1 '. . • t r..
. ; `5 ; ' 1•„ • e 1' e ^ .. r i , r . ; •i . .
t... „ ,. • •,• 1,..
- 1..1 \ • , •- 5 rr.,, - . • . f
.•.1 . .1 .5 141."
1 .. . .f tee exiles:1n
1(.11 11
REVOLTS 1'11011 111E 1-I:.5UI\G
Prices of Cattle, Grain, (.sees* agar
Other Dairy Produce at posse
and Abroad.
1111EA['ltI :S.
Toronto, May 12.--\lanile'ba \\"teat ---
f .i. 1 Northern, $1.19% 5\o. 2. $1.15%:
No. 3. $1.103; feed wheal. 68; No. 2
feed, GOc, Georgian Buy ports.
Ontario \\'heal -No. 2 white, 94c to
95,•. out:ds; No. 2 red, 914 to 93c, out-
s:dc•: \u. 2 mixed, 93e; goose, 90c
Coat -No. 3 ytelcw, 7434e to 75c, Tu-
e.nlo freight; No. 3 „nixed, lc less.
F1our-..\laniloba patents. special
[Tants, $6; secotuts, 85.40; strong b:ik.
tee's $5.3+); winter wheat patents, 2:1.15
Barley- -No. 2, 55c; holders ask lith«
Peas -No. 2, OOc, outside.
lige--No. 2 seams:* nod wanted, 88e
Iluckwheal-No, 2, 0I%c to Glu;.
Oats -No, 2 white, 47%c outsido; 49c
o't track 'I'oronb.; No. 2 mixed, 46 .
Bran -$24.50 to 825 hem.
Smarts -$25 al the mills.
\Vholeale quotations are: -
Eggs -The fresco is still thin and un-
ueutilly high for this limo of year. New -
laid, 17c.
Butter-Priocs arts firmer again on
email offerings.
Creamery. prints ,,,, .. 29cto3lc
do solids .... „ ...... ,.., 270to28c
Dairy -prints .... .... 26c to 27c
do large rolls .... 44e to 25c
cru solids .... .... 23e to 24c
Infer•:or .... .... .... 20c to 21c
l'utaties-Ontario, 850 10 90c; Dela-
ware, 115e to SI, in car lots on track
Beans ---81.70 to $1.75 for primes and
$i.80 to 21.\., fur hand -pieced.
honey -Strained steely at tic to 12c
per pound for 60 -pound pails, and 12c
to 13c for 5 to 10 pound ,pails. Uornbs
al 81.75 to $2.50 per dozen.
Cheese -Tho new „make is not offering
very freely, but sufficiently s•1 to rlleel
the demand; llc for large and 14%e for
twins, in job lots here; new make, lure
to. largo and 12%c for twins.
MI:Q,1e Syrup -SI to 81.10 .per gallon.
Baled Straw -S' t.. $9 per ton.
!faked llny-Tituoshy :s quoted. at $15
to $15.50 in car Iola on tracks here.
Pork -Short cut, 221 to 821.50 per bar-
rel; nee s, $17.50 la
1.anl-Tierces, 113c;218. tubs, 11%c; pails
Smoked and Dry Salt.td \tents -Long
clear bacon, 10%d, tons and case''
hares, medium and light, 12c to 13e;
Mutts, large, 11%c to 12c; backs, 1Gc to
iG%c; shoulder.;, 9%c to 10c; rolls, 10c
to 10%c; breakfast bacon, 14c to tale:
great meals slut of pickle, 1c less than
Montreal. allay 12. -An active local
business is being dorso in flour. Choice
spring wheat patents, $6.10; seconds,
$5.50; winter wheat patents, 85.50;
straight rollers, 25 to $5.25; do., in
bags, $2.35 to 22.50; .areas, $1.80 1(.
tMdltced-Mlan.loba bran, 822 to 82.1;
shorty, 823 to 8:21; Ontario gruin, shorts.
822 1► $22.5o: middlings, 824 to $25;
shorts, 825 to 827 per ton, including
(rags, and pure grain anouillo at 132 to
Oats -trolled oats, $3.12% per bag:
continent, $1.67%, to 81.75 per beg.
Butter -Hound kit; aro now selling act
28e and jobbing lots to grocers al 29•'
per pound.
Cheese --New make is :;ell ng at 11%c
le Ilyc, old make 13 111r91ed at 12i. to
I:ggo•-Freeh eggs in jebh'ng lots aro
:wiling at ill; to IRyc per dozen, single
cases al 18%c ho 19c.
il'r'uvisione--Barrels Masai cut mess.
$21; half barrels, $10.75; clear fat back,.
2;1 ter 823; long cut heavy. 830; hall
tweet.; tet., 810.541; dry salt long clear
l•n^ks, 10%e; barrels plate teat. $l:;:
to $15; half barrels do.. $7.25 to 87.75:
laurels (heavy tress beef, $10 le 811: half
Iariels cko., 85.50 to 80; ceanpoun•1 lard.
8%c to O ; purr ler.}, II%c 4. 11';'':
kettle t'endcrel, 11%c to 12c; hints, 12e
t. 13%c, according In site; hrrakfaasl
bacon, I to to 15c; Wind -or Iwe• m, 1 i \,,c
ll 15%'; fr.h killed eboUoir dee vc11
ti gi, 29.50 to 89.75`Ih c, $0.85 lo $7.
1:NI1E1) ST \TEAS \1.AiIK1 r9f
Rufi:do. May 12. - Weal -- Spring
throng; No. 1 Northern. $1.1u',;, cats
loads; Winter hrgh•'r; No. 2 rel. *I.n7.
(fele--(:ash higher; N•'. 2 yellow. 74e,
(hats---,`trong; NI. 2 mixed, 51%e: No.
2 white, 5thee. Carley -70 to 85e. lite
--N ►. 1 Irn:•k.
Nfitlneatwili', \lay 12. --\Wit• at--N.t. 1
Lard. 81.11%.; Ni. 1 \•,rtliern, 410l%;
No. 2 tN.•rth.•rn. 81.1r73;;: N.,. ,t Nerlh-
ern, 99%c to *1.01%; May. 81.1.18%; July,
t1.07% 4, $1.07 %; Sept.. 111%e. 1•'lour-
Fihssl patents, 4145.45 lo 85.00; : e.•ond pa-
tent.. $5.35 to 8:1.50, Oral clears. 8425 to
$1.301; easeel clear-. *3.50 1. $3.60.
B: nn -Its Iit'k. 821.75 In $22.
\I Iwaukee, '4115 12. --\\'h nl--•\'o. 1
North ern, *1.12 t•, R1.11: No. 2 North•
e en. 81.1(1 to $1.11,%; July. 983,': hid.
Bs e' N i. I. AI e. Ra11ey- •No. 2. 7.1e;
s:,nr,le, S8 to 71•', (urn --No. 3, Dash.
Gtr/ IA f/.k; Jul)'. 111%.!bad,
Non. Ymrk. may 12.--Wtx'al--..Sp.1 ire
relu ar: I. 2 red, 81.07!.4 In elevnl.r
81.1 91; i...t,. nflonl; Nu. I north.
('in 111:'u011. $1.16'; f.o.b. elv.nt; No. 2
hard win er, $1.13'% f.o.b. afloat.
T•itontm. Mat 12 -There was n •1 more
lien a came,. of Ionil+ of export cattle.
nn' of lb.-, eil.1 hap I.1 e0. and one
.s eros. :.1 sten mere Duni that, theirs,
he t t , 5I• it I r►1:. in :.e'reral ins':h e
-.if t ;,1 .:.. -there weo' a ter,
t: • e • s er suers n1 bltl•her•' sales.
w:'e••la .'' 1 e•• high as tel. loll +1►• ; r l
„el .r It .9 •'.I not be ela.e.lk' l :1, 1r!•
1e 5 111:.11 Mel 11111 gatal 11".
'Pe'e 14. :a rtmng ehinaivi $'r r•,54a
c• 11 I u s for huleh•r ng pure •• A. :1P..1
1!, • r..0 e'f s• •n a 5.f the lest .1 those
n Ire led 1:, wh 1.' gn511, nti Reit '1.141
ul k:a than ria w.hs of very poor qua -
A. New York Boy Cuts the Throats of
Five Persons.
.1 dr..patch from New 1"url::,ays: 'A
sixt,en-year-'okt boy known only as
(:urme'I.) and employed in a barlxrsh,p
Brooklyn, early on \Veei1nesday cut
the throats of his employer, Antonio
le roe°, Mrs. Tela -o and three barbers,
white they lay askopitt Perasos apnrl-
n,enL nl 107 Fulton street. The wounds
of Peraso and his wife are believed to
be aortal, while these of the barbers
r.io serious, but ;•robably not fatal. Tho
toy escaped.
The police have a theory that the bo;
tents an agent of a Bleck Hand gang
which had leen demanding money of
Pcrlaso under throat of doing hint in-
jury, and that the blaclauailers placed
lite boy in Ike shop in order to punish
Peraso for his refusal to satisfy their
Cat•:ime to used a pair of scissors and
a razor in his attack upon the barber
and his employes. Frank Stranno,
\t:chaet Rcbentr-o and Joseph Maceto,
the three barbers, were first attacked
by lite boy.
S1.1.111i119 N as awakened front his sleep
by it stab et the neck, and bekore ho
cs ukh io,ut the buy drew it razor across
hie ttnval, inalicling n severe wound.
Ile este still conscious and saw the boy
a, he crept to the beds:11e of ItcJi(ento
and Mitoero and cut their tlu•oats while
they slept.
Peraso, who with his wife was asleep
in an adjoining room. was awakened
by u slab wound In his neck and en-
gaged the boy in a de'perate struggle.
Ile was unarmed. and the boy, clutch-
ing a raz.ir in his hand, slashed his
employer eevoral times about the face.
iseck and hired;. The fight wens going
against the barber when his three as-
st'lanLs singgeeed into the note and at: -
locked the boy. Together they drove
hint from the rooms into tho street and
sunt►noncd assistance. It was then
te,und that Mrs. Perasos throat had
been cut and that she was lying in bed
only pnrlia:ly conscious while the fight
with the boy was in progress.
lily. Even cannel:; were higher at Sl.•
50 to 52.50.
Not many stockers were offered and
the demand continues steady, but prices
are not advanced.
The offerings of calves have been very
heavy of late and the market is becom-
ing loaded up with them. The prices
have eased off oonsiderably.
Sheep and Iambs are steady and quiet.
Spring Iambs are quoted unchanged.
The hog market. is weak. The dc.
mend Ls rather quiet, as 11e provision
trade is dull at this season,
TIIE not'G\VII-I: 11l'N(: 81.111'RI:Ss
Ot,i OF 'nu: \\'l\DON.
The Savings of Years Dropped Into the
fllhlds ot a Dishonest
Although the ordinary savings bank
has ins drawbacks, it is also true that
it has its advantages over some hiding
places favored by frugal wives. This
truth has been rather rudely brought
home to Ahnc. Marguerite Schenk, who
livers in a modest apartment in rho itue
Leibnitz, Paris, France.
l.iko the majority of French women,
Mine. Schenk Ls the economist of her
household. Iler Ehusband is all very
well when it comas to earning the
money, but It was his wife who held
the purse strings and out of his small
salary had managed to accumulate n
surpr:siugly Targe bag of savings. Not
having an overgrc'at belief in the hon-
esty 01 others, and having a very sat -
is -factory faith in her own car.' and
uatchfulne s, she kept her say.ngs dur-
ing all the years of her married life in
at constant'y growing pouch hidden
Of days she could keep her eyes almost
niw•ays arson 11 and al night her slum-
Icrs weee more pi'iieiful, knowing, 1h3
she did, that her fortune reposed safely
beneath her.
A couple of weeks ago Mine. Schenk
tvid on oltnpk of spring•c:caning fever.
Every husband kn'•w•.s whet that moms.
Niue. Scheme had it in its most violent
fortn. is'erything in the little nparl-
nncul ens literally pullet up by the
eras and submitted to no end of dust-
ing. 1 eating. wiping and washing.
timing the articles Thus healed was
Ile• mattress in ettieh Iny the family
Ir.ord, amount. ng to $12,000 in ltusstnn
lends and $750 in Frew h bank notes.
Now, \Ime. Schenk hind no court be-
l'w in which le teat it. so forgetting
h," the moment lite l.oncls and the bank
note's. she hong the mattress out of her
window and belabored it with all the
rigor and ent(rtl$iasnl tt belt the spring•
cieaning fever always develop» in a
healthy w•onhnn.
Next door to Ilse Schenk» lived a
s'cnecultet', August 'fortune! by name.
oat his piety young wde. Now, it so
happened that while '41►ne. Schenk wens
walloping her rnatlr.ss, Hommel was
standing directly beneath, dnyelream-
ing el the Irate when he w•oukl be rich
and Lye in insh!onnble apartments.
Si,eklenly there dropped down in frnut
41 hint. sevnittgly front the heavens, ft
fat brig. When he Monied and picked
11 ma(.. upend It and gored 'wen its cert.
tents. 1:e was sure (lint it
C.V\IC Flu►\I IIF.A\'I:N.
For h .s eyes fell men i'rench !intik
role''. le Its. y.thie of 87:.+1 mei a pile
ear Rus,ten b and'. The latter were much
the richer prize. Le•ir►g wort!' *12(1(1,
tut 1, Il••nunet, who knew nothing of
G reign inteslnlcnl;, they were merely
i•ape•r c'. erect .sill irhnted hk'rogiy-
{ h l;. O1 the ll" of (' bnnk
h .t•veverr, M' wote:rilolly ns%titerire and wist-
('.1 tie tette hi;i itg their s •urce to any
please IN nr. r terra fir aha. Ile hurri.dly
returned w,th 'his Iln.l to his odyn apart•
merits nal In1.1 h s w.fce of the nhira-
cu1otte gift he had received. They tut-
ntohnlely paekeul up their felt tee:ong-
ings and meted to belt. r (violen'r+ in
the Bee (:hainpionn»t.
In Ih.- ne xl lea Java Il•em.n►0t gave
den a lhnl t..v. rly ha'1 robl.r 1 11M
55 orf l ..1 n entice o1 siterlel.'i a. Ile spent
fur R75(1 in 1 ark mote. 51 .111 1 (hlrhl an
1 t i.lh that 11 would hoe.. m:vl• \(•erste
1.: st . himself turn gr.s•n 1.111111!/1i;11111"..
, , nvy. A
s'( -C' e l One 53:114" w:5. 5,1,I'!hI r,.1 and
1' a -1 n••^ul'er anJ 11% f • d.e► lei 14.10
out►pbe invited all their relatives who
lived near enough to a grand least.
Meanwhile, in the Rue Leibnitz con-
sternation had had its reign and re-
morse and regret had followed. After
onn•pteting her cleaning, Mme. Schenk
had bethought herself of ler bonds and
her bank notes. With the pale face of
Inccand tato cold perspiration of appre-
hension, the good wife ropairod in a
hurry to the mattress, which new re-
posed once more ort the bed. Search as
she 'night in its folds, site could not
A trip to the street below was equally
fi tidiess, So she returned to her mums
in deepa:r to await the hones opting of
her hu -band. When that worthy nrrly-
c'd Ito hod n whole lot to say that is not
pr:ntal/le, and then deeded to call in a
lawyer. Accordingly, M. Hainan', a
well-known Parisian attorney. was rent
kr and lite situation explained to him.
Arming the other undoubted rashers,
M !laniard seems to possess a keen
scent for a trail 1•hat would make him
a serious rival of Sherlock Holmes. At
any rat, after a few preliminary in-
quiries in the neighborhood, he made
straight f•or the swagger new apart-
ments ot the departed stonecutter and
his clutrnling wife. With an eye for
the dramatic. be limed his nrrlval at
lite apartment in the Rt:o Chan►p ounet
well, for he reached Otero just when the
least to the relatives was at its he ght.
With the (klicacy and polilene'ss which
stakes arrest one elf the pleasures of
French life, he interrupted the gayeties
and look Hommel and his weoping wife
cf' to the inmost police station. 'There
they both aonfesscd and the former
handed over to his captor it 50-ccntima
ten -cent) piece. the surviving portion
of the 8750. Net consklering them of
any value, Ilnu,.et and his vests heel
amused themselves by lighting their
cigarette.: with the Russian fonds.
Kimmel has gone M be a guest et the
French Ceivornnient for a considerable
terns of years, while his wife, wlvso
youth and comeliness appealed to the
susceptible heart n1 the French judge,
has hien set at liberty. Mme. Schenk
has 1h' S onss,lat:on of knowing that, be -
mg prudent enough In keep lite num-
bers o1 her Itus+inn bonds. she will be
able to procure duplirales in Ove years.
Thus it is that her spring cleeeting Cost
her only $150.
AVII %I.E1OS 1' 88' 1111411S.
Anutri,•an% in Ilud.on Ray .trknimledge
Canadian Aulhurtly.
A de•hpatch teen Ottawa .says: Amen -
(ail whalers* operating in $hit Arctic
O: cans adjacent to the mouth of rho
\tackcnz a River end eastward along the
creiste of tlke islands as far as Iheauhert
Sea, hate for the first time on record
acknowaegged Canadian authority in
thoee remote regions by the payment of
Cost -erns duties. The amount colleetcd
las been e•'nrnralively small. but the
principle Is inhportent ov establishing
what has nlrr•ndy been rennet"' in Mid-
get ilay. tihe unck.uhhtcd otvnership
thee, ne.rth'rn lardy by the British
Ci own
+ ---
' flet eels r unto e•1 net la11111:a1 n,; the "It-• g 5e .1 1 r 111e,"
e eetel e • 1 old age in Itsei Iter. ►•ml l
drank of : 11 r.» '1/40/113 ns It ierrlvet. Fueli•r1.l.ly "11., ,tie fir n oli•er ever
11 lire n w cl fire= nml jc'v.0!ry s 4551.'chip y ti'' J'•: •„ "We a n'ha1 S:e
4,/ fu'l.,we.l, and. as a fit:ai eOart, the N9.slhe: Rey L.Cet'
Four Nntlleshlps and Two (:rui►•er'c h
A iil Lnrhor
A t14alale•11 front P rl.vnoulh, Eng-
land, says: 1t is elided that the battle-
ships Cantwell. Albenterle, Duncan and
Russell, and the et -Misers Venus ant
Arr4 ganl, under the cvotnrnnnd of Vice -
Admiral Curzon how... will precede the
('rine' of Wales to (Melee. Two war•
shire will els, escort Rte Prince. s' hot
will probably fail on the (nck,mitalee.
The retort That he. will fly an admiral's
flag F. ueceermbtitt led.
Record PrIre for Ninety Ounces M Lon-
don Audit'''.
A despots?. from 1erhllen say,.: 11
nn an lion vile et Christ c.; nl Rh•
March un i's-. of I ..y ngfiam"s Art
lion. %J5' mare arab dishes. we • 1,
t. geth'r !it .'one. s. a gift of (;.'org• 11' ,
Io an nteeOur• • 1 Ih • \IalCh'.,ress. saki
for ti1I,(TNft ethos is n re•or•'I price.
IIO\V 111: KNEW.
"\\ , n J rnn.y give ser G r 5enr Lirlh•
11111' .
' lit - her Seems ring."
' 11.,.e •. .er knew it nisei nethin' hitt