HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-14, Page 4in-law Thomas Trevethick. - Our
School Trustees have had spruce and
hedges planted on the school grounds
and had the fence painted, thus giving
it a very neat appearance. -Miss Estel-
la Andrews has returned home froth
Rnsseldale, where she has been attend-
ing her mother. who recently met with
au unfortunate accident. 1Ve are
pleased to learn that Mrs. Andrews is
progressing nicely. -Miss Lillian Rob-
inson of Exeter was the guest of Chas.
Zwicker on Sunday. -The Tile and
Brick yards commenced the season's
work last Thursday. --Miss Kate 11111
of Zurich is visiting her brother, Aug-
ust of the Central Hotel. -The staff of
The Canadian Bank of Commerce, at-
tended the funeral of the late Joseph
Snell in Exeter, on Tuesday afternoon.
-Considerable work has been done to
the bowling green. It is expected
that the bowlers can get to work some
time during July. The members of
the club are very enthusiastic and no
doubt, keen contests will take place
with neighboring clubs before the sea-
son ends. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills
of Centralia visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Sambrook on Monday. -Rev. C. S.
Fiukbeiner of Cautpden and Rev. Geo
Brown of Walkerton, occupied the
pulpit in the Evangelical church last
Sunday morning and evening jrespec-
tively. Both preached excellent ser-
mons to large audiences. Rev Fink-
beiner leaves in a few days for Dids-
dury, Alta„ to which he was drafted
at the last session of the Conference.
We wish Mr. Fiukbeiner every success
in his new field of labor. -George Eit-
her and Elmer Lawson left for North
Bay on Thursday morning to report
for duty, as Fire Rangers for the com-
ing season. -The Cantata, "Priest and
King" which was given in the Evan-
gelical church last month, will be re-
peated in the church on Sunday even-
ing, the 2.1th inst. It is expected that
Mr. Pink, tenor soloist of London, will
be present and sing several selections.
The Cantata made such a favorable
impression before, that it is being re-
peated by special request. A silver
collection will be taken to defray ex-
penses. -Word has been received from
China, that Mrs. (Rev) Kelhofer, (nee
Brown), bas given birth to ason. We
extend our congratulations.
DeATit-The grim reaper bas again
removed from our midst one of our
olde,4t residents and pioneers in the
person of George Brown, who depart-
ed this life, last Wednesday, at the
ripe old age of 80 years, 7 months.
The deceased had been ailing for some
time and considering his advanced
age, poor hopes were entertained for
his recovery. His retrains were inter-
red in the Evangelical cemetery, Cred-
iton, on Saturday afternoon, after
which service was held in the church.
The burial service was conducted by
Revs. Bean, Wittich and Brown. 11e
leaves to mourn his loss three daugh-
ters and six sons. who are: Mrs. (Rev)
Wittich of Mildmay; Mrs. John Faust
of Kilntanagh and Mrs Lydia Hoffman
of Toronto; Bernard of Crediton: Wil-
liam of Dashwood: Jacob of Zurich;
John of Harriston, Mich., Christian of
Kiltnatingh. Mich., and Hee George of
Walkerton, besides a large number of
friends and acquaintances who join in
extending to the bereaved family
their heartfelt svutpatby.
' hool Board Minutes.
Minutes of Board meeting held in
the Town Ball, on Monday. May 11th,
Pitt%, with all members present. The
t.'llowing is the teeter of 'rosiness duly
- thtnitted end apptowed: Per Chair-
linutes of previous meeting Report
ef Committee on Teachers' Supplies -
'nett the expected supply for the Prin-
cipal's room would not he able to
assume her duties until Monday, June
,1 1st. Martin -Wood -That full power
be given the Teachers' Committee to
deist with the spatter of supply in the
Principal's dept. until the end of the
cat rent year. Martin - Rowe -- 'Tat
the United Typewriter account be left
in the !tends of F. W. (Redman for set-
tlement. Rowe - Martin - That the
iollowing payments be approved: -S.
Baskerville. Labour, $1.37: O. J. i)ow,
stone. $3: %V. Gould, posts and drain-
, age. $0; J. A. Sundries. Olk: Arthur
Davis. painting flag pole. $10: James
' Brintnell, flag pole, $43 eel: J. Grigg,
telephone. livery. etr., $e.e2: T. Hawk.
ins & Son. rope, `sic: S. Ranson, $7 :t0.
Wood-Hueston-That the Secretary
award the sum of two ($2.000 to Thos.
I.angfoni. Esq., Shelburn, Secretary
of the Continuation Class Section of
the Ontario Educational Association,
in support of the work of that section.
Gladrnan--Wood-That the communi-
cation from tbe Secretary of the
League of the Empire be filed. Martin
-Rowe-That the Secretary write for
prices for half and full bound editions
of Chambers' Complete Encyeloptedie.
Gladrnan-Martin-That the work of
H. Hueston as Committee fot the nth -
‘chase of the required supplies for the
11. S. Dept be approved and a proper
allowance for expenses in connection
Ipaid. Rowe -Martin -That the Books
required by Mies Johnson and Miss
IGregory be secured forthwith and that
the hslance of the expenditure rrgotr-
ed to complete the Library ns per Gov -
et nment standard, be deferred for for -
then consideration. Hueston- Martin
-That the resignation, necessitated
by ill health, of Mr. 1.. C. Fleming,
Principal of the School, be accepted,
and that the Itt'ard place on record
their appreciation of the full qualifica-
r ion shown by him in every need in
connection with the work of the
•eb'xpl, and further, their Appreciation
lot the play of the man in meeting the
greater strain that hes Pollen to the
I Ptineipal's lot &wing the Net five
veers ..f our High and I'uhlic School
' history. Per I1. Hueston - Adjourn•
nee•nt.-J. (letter, etecretat,r.
Oieter Advocate Crtdituu
v f . 1 et Se i.e.-Theundersignedisotfer-
Saneers ct ereech. Props.' 't' t.,realethetratnebaptise and twolute
..i! , ,breast t-ftht• eletbodistparsonage,
- in I ••dituu. The house ib thou storey,
Till.:ItS1).11•, May 1 1, 11:30:'1 t: , II►iog tooutt,, in gond trpair.
t, 1 y. -il of water. (loud cistern and
- — — trot"i :,ed. Apply to
el us. R. elcvtet Rev. Cv'editon.
John lunge is quite ill at present.
ss Predictions " are the order. nee I His many friends trust it isnot serious
Globe says !l..., Government is doomed; , and that les wilt soon recover. -Mases
The News says the majority will be Kestle, who bas been in the North -
retained; and the Mai and Empire west for komt' time, has returned
thinks an increase is to be expected. home. He spent a few day's in the
Of the toed immigration of 24)1,157 village this week, visiting his brother -
into (:utad:t in the fiscal year ending
March 31, the reports show that $122,-
203 were males, over 12 years of age;
43,541 were females, and 38,323 were
Mayor Joseph Oliver, as the first
man to sign his name to an agreement
to secure Niagara power, will be re-
membered in history. just as Adam
Beck will be for his work in pushing
the power agitation.
A few Liberals persist in stating that
Hon. Nelson Monteith will have a stitt
tight in South Perth. but W. R. Davis
of the Mitchell Advocate, one of the
(test informed hien in tbe tiding, says
that is only fool talk.
The Quebec Provincial election is to
be held June 8th, the sante day as the
Ontario election. Apparently they
consider Whitney as being worth fol-
lowing in something, even if it. is only
in naming a date for the election.
A temperance candidate has been
brought out. against Hon. Mr. Hanna,
in the face of the fact that he has done
more for temperance in Ontario than
any other one man. Truly, temper-
ance people in some cases fight. for
their cause in strange ways.
At the Liberal convention for Centre
Huron at Seafortb on Tuesday the
names of Mr. Proudfoot of Goderich,
Mr. McMillan of Constance, and Mr.
Kerr of Brussels, were voted upon for
standard bearer in the approaching
election. The first ballot resulted 05.
03, 50, respectively. Tho second 88
each for Proudfoot and McMillan.
The president cast his vote in favor of
Mr. Proudfoot.
Our contemporary, The Times, com-
menting on the ability of Mr. M. Y.
McLean to defeat Mr. H. Eilber in de-
bate, says that should they meet the
latter would emerge looking like the
proverbial "thirty cents." We ven-
ture to say that M. Y. would .year the
defeated appearance. as a man more
sure of his facts. or more able to state
them with telling effect than Mr. Ell-
ber, has seldom stepped on a political
platform in South Huron. A case bas
never been known where Mr. Either
avoided meeting Mr. McLean, but on
several occasions he has met and van-
quished his old titne opponent of Sea -
The Liberals of South Huron met, or
had a meeting celled, for the Oth in
Brucefield, the announced purpose of
which was the transaction of annual
business. Although repeated enquiries
have been made it is impossible to se-
cure a report of the proceedings. but
general and persistent rumor states
that the candidate, Mr. Jacob Keller -
mann, declines to run unless the asso-
ciation pays his expenses. It is also
stated that he wishes to approach the
electors on the independent ticket in-
stead of under the Liberal banner. If
these reports be correct it is not sur-
prising as the chances for a Liberal
winning are very elint under present
or previous conditions, as Mr, Either,
the Liberal -Conservative candidate,
has a firm hold of the hearts of the
people of the rifling. whether Liberal
or Conservative, and, moreover. the
government he supports has proved to
be the best the province has ever had.
My Hair is
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Ayer's Hair Vigor and have
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Save what you have. Ayer's
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makes weak hair strong.
The best kind of a testimonial -
"Sold for oyez sixty years."
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Shoe Polish
Don't be deceived by imita-
tions. It means long life
to your shoes to be sure
of 2 in I
Black and all colors,
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lDr se) ece
Al r. Wm. ('onsite, who has le sn ap•
Metnted Returning Officer for Soeth
oron• was in town tb's week making
srrenements for the coming election
' on June 8th,
Mr. %V. J. Sinn, of Crediton East,
vi.ited fii,'uds here over Sunday. -
Al WS l:ntuta ('ellfas left on Monday for
London, where she has secured em•
ttloyment --St-vet al young people from
here attended the funeral of our for -
user beloved townsman, the late Mr,
Joseph Snell, of Exeter, ou Tuesday
afternoon. -A good load of young peo-
ple attended the pretty elite'tainifeut,
•` Under the Palms," given at liensall
last Tuesday night. They report a good
time, -The last Sunday in June bas
been set as the day for the "Children's
Day Celebration " of this place. Al-
ready preparations are being made for
the event, which no doubt will be
quite its successful as any other of such
occasion previously held.
(Froth Another Source)
E. P. Paulin, our former townsman,
has gone into partne►ship in Goderich
with W. R. Pinder in the ptnmbing,
heating and tinsntithing business. -
Miss Rose E. Preeter spent Sunday at
her home on the 14th Con. -Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Deters of Hensel], Mr.
and Mrs. John Weido, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hess, Sr., of Zurich and Mr. and
:firs. Louis Preeter, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preeter Sunday. -
Miss Laura Preeter, who has been at
Zurich the past month, has returned
to her home.
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils of the Dashwood
Public School for April. Names in or-
der of merit. Div. 111.-V. Class -V
Graybeil, 1' Willert, B Graybiel, L
Kellermann, N Kellerntann. IV
Class. -C Schroeder, E Guenther. A
Hartlieb, L Goetz, C Geiser, M Ehlers,
H Snell, F Morenz, W Graybiel, M
Mcisaac,'tV Musser, H Gaiser, G Call-
fas, V Siebert. Class III. -L Guen-
ther, E Guenther, V Brokenshire, G
Goetz. W Pfaff, L Siebert, E Willert,
E Neeb, L Stire, M Ehlers, A Tiernan,
O Helt.
G. W. Shore, Teacher.
Div. IL -Jr. 111.-P. Tiernan, 0
Hoffman, L Schroeder, J Routledge
and E Mcisaac equal, H Schroeder.
Mid. I1. -L Musser, F Willett, 'tV Mil-
ler, I Wambold. Jr. 11-11 Schroe-
der, L Steinhagen, T .Mcisaac, M Hoff-
man. Sr. Pt. IL -F Vincon, A Schroe-
der, L V Merner. No. on roll 41, aver-
age 39.
M. V. Carling, Teacher.
Div. L -Sr. IL -K Stire, A Schroe-
der, K Guenther, 0 Weiberg, W Zim-
mer and M Vincent equal, L Edighoff-
er, C Kellerman. Jr. IL -E Guenther,
H Schroeder, G Davis, H Guenther, V
Godernan. E Schroeder, A Koch. Sr.
Pt. II. -L Schumacher, H Schumach-
er, T Zimmer, L Schroeder. Jr. Pt.
IL -G Gossman, H Willert, W Sie•
bert, M Rinker. A 2.-M Koch, K
Routledge. No. on roll 45, average 42.
W. R. Carling, Teacher.
Messrs. Wm. Kydd and John Hey-
eywood have been awarded the contract
for the erection of the new Canadian
Order Chosen Friends' hall here, the
same to be completed by August 1st.
The contract price was 390. The car-
penter work is sublet to Mr. Somer-
ville of Kirkton.
H. D. Johnston, 1. P. S., visited the
schools in this vicinity last week. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gill spent Sunday at
los. Foster's. -Miss N. Hotson arrived
borne from London last week, after
spending the winter there.- -Mrs. Vina
Young is having a foundation put un-
der her house.
The Buffalo Evening News had the
following announcement. Rev. A.
Goetz announces the engagement of
his daughter, FI"rence Berths to Mr.
Arthur Edmund MacPherson, wed-
ding to take place in June. Mr. Mac-
Pherson is a son of Mr. Edward Mac-
Pherson of Greenway.
?EI SON E. IHICK►S—Voice Produ<-tion and Sing.
111 Ing—Pupil of London Conservatory of Music,
11. Ruthren McDonald, Charles white, London Eng.
Ernest Eardley, London, Eng. A limited number of
pupils will be accepted
news of the death of Mrs. Ann Baker,
relict of the late William Baker, was
received here last week, she having
passed away on Tuesday, May 5th, at
her home in Coopersville, Mich. Pre-
vious to her removal to Michigan de-
ceased resided here for several years.
Mrs. Baker was twice married, her
first husband being John liuxtable.
Deceased was well and favorably
known in this neighborhood, and her
many friends will learn with regret of
her death. The funeral took place on
Thursday at Coopersville.
Richard Hicks. Chas. Fairhall, Mrs
T. Neil and others are suffering from
an epidemic of "Li Grippe" or some•
thing like it. -Large numbers of cattle
were brought into the village Monday
and Tuesday and sold to Gus Cough-
lin, one of our cattle dealers. -Per-
sons & Davis are shipping large quan-
tities of eggs and butter. -The Ladies'
Aid have carpeted the Methodist
church alter and procured new mat-
ting for the aisles. -The W. M. M. met
in the church on Tuesday afternoon
and report a gond year, hiving raised
for all ppurposes about eerie
Members of the Official Boanl, with
their wives. numbering over :$I in all,
stet et the Methodist parsonage on
Monday evening, and after the trans-
action of business were entertained by
.Mts. Butt, who served a dainty lunch
tn the delight and pleasure of the in-
vited guests. The financial results of
the year were gratifying to both pas-
tor and people. John Eseery was
elected delegate to the District Meet•
Mr. and Mrs. James O'itourke et
London were visiting friends at Khive
for a few days this week. -Frank
Glavin and wife of St. Mat ys ate v isit •
ing the forn►er't parents. -Miss .'hrie-
tina ('tirrie of .Mount Cermet visited
her sister at Khiva Hotel -We ate
sorry to lose John Midden, sr.. from
our midst. But our loss will he tee
llth con. gain. We think John will
soon get tired of bsching and take to
himself a wife. -Thos. McCann his se-
cured a noation in 1Vi-emen'. store,
Hensall. Tommy will make ,t goo•1
man for him boss.— We ate glsd to
hear of Mies Wetzel teeing eble to be
Around again after her sicknee..-Mr.
Bolt and wife of Perk hill celled on
Air. Cunningbam Sturdily.
The London Conference.
The twenty-fifth session of the l.on•
don Conference of tet' Methodist
Church will be held in the James
Street Church, Exeter, conuucncing
00 Thursday. June 4, 1908, at 2 p.m.
The Iter•. W. E. Million will have
charge of the singing during the Con-
Evangelist Walter Russel will bo in
chargo of the devotional morning ser-
vices throughout the sessions of the
Conference. -
Sunday, May 31.
James Street Church. -11 a. m.,
Rev. Joseph W. Holmes; 7 p. tit., rep-
resentative on the Stationing Com-
mittee front Windsor District.
Main Street Church. -11 a. in., Rev.
Jasper Wilson, M.A•; 7 p. m., Rev. 0,
13. Long.
Monday, June 1.
At 10:30 a. in. the Stationing Com-
mittee will convene in the basement
of the Main Street Church; 8 p. nt. the
Conference Statistician, Rev. F. J.
Oaten, will meet the Statistical Com-
mittee in the Committee Roost in
James Street Church.
Tuesday, June 2.
At 8 p. m., Epworth League and
Sunday School Anniversary. Ad-
dresses, Rev. S. J. Allan, John Kerr,
Wednesday, June 3.
At 8:15, 0:30 a. m., Devotional Ser-
vices; 9:30 a. m., Ministerial Session;
2 p. ne, Ministerial Session; 8 p. m„
Educational Anniversary, in Main
Street Church. Addresses, Rev. Chas.
I'. Wells, and Rev. W. Burwash, S.
T.D., LL. D., Chancellor Victoria Un-
Thursday, June 4.
From 8:45 to 9:30 a. in., Devotional
Service; 9:30 a. m., Ministerial Session;
2 p. m., General Session of Conference
convenes, Election of Officers and or-
ganization of Conference, Organiza-
tion of Committee, Resolutions from
Districts to he placed on the Secre-
tary's table; 8 p. rn., Missionary An-
niversary; Addresses, Rev. Geo. N.
Hazen, President Missionary Training
School; Rev. Alfred Brown; Rev. A.
Sutherland, D. D.. General Secretary
Foreign Missions, representative
W. M. S.
Friday, June 5.
8:15 to 9:30 a. m., Devotional Service;
9:30 a. m., General Session; 2-4 p.
hearing deputations; 8 p. m., Recep-
tion Service, the reception of candi-
dates for the ministry. Moved by
Rev. R. D. Hamilton, seconded by
Rev. James Livingstone.
Saturday, June 0.
8:45-9:30 a. m., Devotional Service;
9:30 a. m., General Business; 2:30 p.m.,
Historical Society will meet in the
school room of the James St. Church;
Addresses by Rev. F. E. Malott, B.A.,
13, D., Subject, "Methodism and Mis-
sions"; 2-5 p. m., Laymen's Associa-
tion will meet in the Main St. Church;
General Business; Address on "The
Laymen's Missionary Movement";
The Significance of the Movement,"
11. L. Rice. B.A., St. Marys; "My
share in the Movement," C. E. Ger-
man, Esq., London; Diescussion will
follow and other topics will he intro-
duced if time will permit; Election of
officers; 1:3l) p. tn., The Theological
Union will meet in the basement of
the Main St. Church; President, Rev.
E. F. Armstrong Secretary -Treasur-
er, Rev. W. E. Kerr, Lecture, "The
Necessity of the Atonement," Rev.
Jas. Hussar, 11.A., B.D., I'h. D.; Gen-
eral Business.
Sunday. June 7.
9.30-10.43 a. m„ Love Feast, led by
Rev. George Buggin; 11 a. nt., Ordin-
ation Sermon, by Rev. W. J. Ford,
LL.B. ex -President, followed by Or-
dination Service; :3 p. nt., Sabbath
School; Addresses, Rev. Fred W.
Langford, Rev. Joseph 11. Oliver
followed by the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper, in charge of Rev.
George Jackson.
Main Street Church -11 a. tie, Rey.
Geo. Daniel, M.A., Ph.D.; 3 p.
Sabbath School, Addresses, Rev It J
McCormick, Rev T Wesley Cosens;
7 p. tit., Rev E 13 Lanceley.
Presbyterian Church -11 a, nt., Rev
Jos, Cook, 13.1).. Ph. D.; 7 p. m., Rev
Jos Philip, B.D., Ph.D.
German Evangelical, Crediton -Rev
Harvey D Moyer.
Monday, June S.
8:45-9::30 a. tn., Devotional Set vice:
II:30-11:30 a. tn.. Minister's Pastoral
Conference, (1) Organization, (2) "The
Minister's Duty to Himself in View of
the Sacredness and Dignity of Hie
Office, Rev Thos Manning, ILA.; (.1)
"What we owe to one another as Am-
bassadors of Christ and Ministers of
the Methodist Church," Rev Stephen
Bond. Discussion of these two topics:
2 p. m., General Business: 8 p.m. Tem•
penance and Moral Reform Anniver-
sary: Reeding the Report of the Tern•
perance and Moral Reform Committee;
Addressee, Joseph Gilson. Ewe, Pres•
ident of Ontario Temperance Atli:tr,ce:
Rev 11 A Mager, Associate Secretary
Temperance and Moral Reform.
Tuesday, June 9.
8:45-9:30 a. m., Devotional Service:
9:30 a. m., General flussinesa.
All meetings to be held in the ('on•
ference Church unless otherwise indic•
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Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
Has It Ever Occurred 10 You
Watches, Jewellery. Silverware. Toilet
Sets, Etc., Etc..
We have undoubtedly the finest lines of
goods that have ever b9en shown in this
district. We can suit you in quality and
price every time.
Wedding Presents
Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big
season is now approaching. We are ready
for it with the finest rings & best presents.
Call and Examine Early
Exeter, Ont.